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The study assessed the management practices of multipurpose cooperatives in the Philippines using dimensions such as strategy, execution, culture, structure, talent, leadership, innovation and strategic linkages/partnerships.

The purpose of the study was to assess the management practices of multipurpose cooperatives operating in a Philippine province using various management dimensions.

The study assessed cooperatives using these dimensions: strategy, execution, culture, structure, talent, leadership, innovation and strategic linkages and partnerships.

Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Volume 8, No.

1, February 2020
Asia Pacific Journal of
Management Practices of Multipurpose Multidisciplinary Research
Cooperatives Operating in a Philippine Vol. 8 No.1, 16-26
February 2020
Province P-ISSN 2350-7756
E-ISSN 2350-8442
Melvin S. Sarsale1, Dennis Anthony A. Kilongkilong2
Southern Leyte State University, Philippines ASEAN Citation Index
University of San Jose-Recoletos, Philippines
[email protected], [email protected]

Date Received: May 15, 2019; Date Revised: February 5, 2020

Abstract – Cooperatives had created business activities that contributed to the economic well-being of
rural communities, however, only few continue to remain active and operating as some cooperatives were
being closed or dissolved. In this paper, management practices of multipurpose cooperatives operating in
a Philippine province using these dimensions, strategy, execution, culture, structure, talent, leadership,
innovation and strategic linkages and partnerships were assessed. Descriptive research design was used.
Only 6 out of 42 multipurpose cooperatives were chosen using clustered sampling. A total of 157 out of 184
(85%) respondents had participated in this study using a validated researched-made questionnaire.
Findings revealed that small cooperatives had better manifestation of strategy, culture and structure in
their practices than medium and large cooperatives. Strategy and execution and talent and innovation
showed a very high relationship which clearly depicts that good execution requires good strategy and
innovation needs great talent. Generally, small cooperatives had greater manifestation of all management
dimensions in their practices than the rest of the cooperatives which may imply that small cooperatives had
manifested the essential management practices in order to sustain business success. It is recommended that
medium and large cooperatives should reexamine their existing practices particularly in managing talent,
innovation and strategic linkages and partnerships so as to improve their business performance.
Keywords – execution, innovation, strategic linkages and partnerships, strategy, talent

INTRODUCTION significant few survived and have proven their resilience

Cooperative’s diversified activities covering almost to crisis over time [3].
all sectors had generated huge employment and A number of literature highlighted some problems
contribution to world economy [1]. The presence of such as lack of education and training, insufficiency and
cooperatives increases business activities in some rural mismanagement of resources, inadequate volume of
communities. However, the business environment that business and limited market due to stiff competition,
most of cooperatives established is far way different members’ inactive participation and delinquency, lack of
from of today. With significant changes in the business government support, inadequate strategies, weak service
climate, some thrive while others fail. Some delivery, organizational program sustainability and
cooperatives cope with while there are some find closure external relations as the reasons behind cooperative
as the best option. dissolution [2]-[8]. In summary, there were problems on
According to the 2009 report of Cooperative management practices that led cooperative’s
Development Authority (CDA) and Department of performance in jeopardy. Studies evaluating
Finance, only 23,836 of the 78,611 total registered performance of cooperatives in the Philippines had been
cooperatives are operating which means a large number conducted including their successes and failures as well
of cooperatives or equivalent to 70% remain unviable as the reasons behind. However, only few studies
[2]. This also happens in Eastern Visayas where 347 out focused on management practices and centered mostly
809 or 43% were delisted and not operating as of on private companies.
September, 2016. In Southern Leyte, CDA reported that Meanwhile, this study was anchored on the concept
from almost 200 cooperatives listed in 1990 to 2015, advanced by Nohria, Joyce and Roberson [9] that
only 96 remained active of which 28 were non- identifies essential management practices in order to
operational and 8 were dissolved. In this context, only sustain business performance. High-performing
companies ought to master good management practices
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Sarsale & Kilongkilong., Management Practices of Multipurpose Cooperatives Operating…
in order to sustain profitable growth [10]. Stadler and responsibilities are clearly laid-out [19]. Winning
Waltermann [11] suggested that there were certain companies have simple structures and processes that
factors that successful firms typically manifested such as avoid unnecessary bureaucracy. Organizational structure
efficient management of resources and learning is based on processes that create most important value to
processes, product diversification and effective risk and customers [11]. Best people are in placed closest to the
change management and financial policies. action. A good structure promotes cooperation and
As forwarded by Nohria, Joyce and Roberson [9], exchange of information throughout the organization.
exemplary performance can be achieved and sustained if Talent. Companies need great talents in realizing its
firms can excel four essential management practices, vision [20]. These companies may have high rate of
namely: 1.) strategy, 2.) execution, 3.) culture and 4.) employee retention if they provide appealing
structure, and also must exhibit excellence at least two of compensation packages and challenging roles [21].
the four secondary dimensions which include: 5.) talent, Firms must put importance in establishing training
6.) leadership, 7.) innovation and 8.) mergers and programs that will attract, keep and develop potential
partnerships. However, strategic linkages and employees at all levels [11]. Moreover, keeping talents is
partnerships, instead of mergers and partnerships will be crucially vital in all organizations mainly because
used as this fits more to cooperatives. employee turnover is costly and usually performing
Strategy. A well-defined strategy will thrive if it is personnel fuel positive business results [22].
clearly conversed and understood by the stakeholders Leadership. A leader must foster a culture that
[9]. It is anchored with a deep awareness of its clients and stimulates innovation and individual creativity [23]. An
its capacity so as to be responsive to disruptions in the effective leader provides guidance and shares knowledge
marketplace. A bold but doable strategy helps leaders to to employees leading towards better performance [24].
master both strategy and execution [12]. It describes how Effective, conscious and authentic leadership is directly
resources will be allocated to each planned activities for related to corporate performance and employees’
the realization of companies’ goals and objectives [13]. commitment [25]. Leadership has an important
It contains a distinct set of options that describe firm’s contribution to cooperative sustainability [26].
actions [14]. Innovation. Innovativeness is not only limited to
Execution. Successful firms involve everyone in value creation but also include adoption of new means of
executing business strategies regardless of their roles doing business, strengthening organizational relations,
along the process [15]. Leader’s actions must be aligned and responsiveness to changing business climate [27]. To
with company’s strategy with proper coordination to be competitive is to be innovative [28]. Moreover,
other employees at different organizational levels [16]. innovation is essential in exploiting new opportunities
Consistently meeting customer’s demand, streamlining and gaining competitive advantage [29].
processes to eliminate non-value adding activities Strategic Linkages & Partnerships. Successful
thereby improving productivity, and empowering cooperatives adopt a network and systems approach in
frontline services are very essential in attaining and advancing good governance and in seeking training
keeping smooth execution. opportunities [30]. Establishing strategic coalitions is not
Culture. Daft [13] wrote in his book that underlying anymore, an option but a necessary in various industries
beliefs, common understandings, core values and norms [31]. Firms must constantly assess numerous prospects
shared among employees constitute organization’s for strategic alliances to advance its business interests
culture that holds people in the organization together. and to enhance its productivity and profitability [32].
High performance culture simply depicts how things A literature review on the application of these
should be excellently done in companies [17]. A essential management practices among cooperatives was
customer and result oriented business culture stimulate very limited. In fact, several authors used different
every employee to always act at their best and errors and dimensions of management practices in their studies as
mistakes are used as source for learning and there is no overarching set of management practices that
improvement purposes [10]. fits all firms [33] as these are more firm-specific as
Structure. Organizational success is closely linked to influenced by its existing situation [34]. A related study
its structure along with the efficient and effective on cooperative’s management practices made by Barad
distribution of responsibilities among its people [18]. [35] revealed that some approaches were found to be
Companies having defined structure encourage total traditional compared to private companies. Profit firms
productivity as employees will work well as
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 2020
Sarsale & Kilongkilong., Management Practices of Multipurpose Cooperatives Operating…
regarded the importance of management practices in Extent (GE), 2= Moderate Extent (ME), 1= Not Practiced
attaining success [36]. (NP).


This study was conducted to assess the extent of In order to determine the functionality of the
manifestation of management practices of multipurpose questionnaire as the main instrument of data collection,
cooperatives using these dimensions, namely, strategy, the researcher conducted a dry-run among employees in
execution, culture, structure, talent, leadership, a cooperative that was not included in the actual study.
innovation and strategic linkages and partnerships. It The data gathered were tested for reliability and internal
aimed to describe the difference on the perception consistency using Cronbach’s Alpha [37]-[38] with a
between management and staff on these management result of 0.962 which shows high level of internal
dimensions. It also aimed to establish the relations consistency of the indicators for a given factor and
between and among these dimensions. consequently, the instrument was refined for
Research Environment Data Collection Technique
This study was conducted among 42 active and With permission from the cooperative managers, the
operational multipurpose cooperatives in Southern questionnaire attached with a letter explaining the nature
Leyte, Philippines clustered based on its asset size into and purpose of each set of questions was administered to
large cooperatives (above ₱15 million), medium the respondents. The researcher was present throughout
cooperatives (₱2 million up to ₱15 million) and small the duration of accomplishment of the questionnaire by
cooperatives (below ₱2 million). To get the required the respondents to answer whatever queries they may
estimates at the desired level of accuracy with the given raise and to clarify some terms in the instruments
resources, only top 2 per cluster were selected. whenever the need arises.
Research Respondents
There were two groups of respondents for this study: Data Analyses
the management and staff. There were a total of 157 out Data from questionnaire were analyzed using
of 184 respondents who actually participated in the weighted means to measure perceived scores of
survey which was equivalent to 85.33% of the total respondents’ ratings on the extent of management
population of which 76 respondents came from the practices along the enumerated dimensions. Mean rating
management and 81 from the staff. The management was for each indicator was obtained and interpreted as
composed of the board of directors (BOD), committee practiced to a very great extent (µ=3.26-4.00), great
chairs, and managers while the staff were the rank and extent (µ=2.51-3.25), moderate extent (µ=1.76-2.50) and
file employees excluding those whose functions were not practiced (µ=1.00-1.75). T-test was used to
janitorial and general services in nature. determine whether there exists a significant difference on
the assessments made between two groups of
Research Instrument respondents on the manifestation of management
The management survey research instrument, a practices among cooperatives. Meanwhile, Pearson
validated researcher-made questionnaire, was utilized Correlation was used to determine the relationship
coupled with unstructured interviews among some of the between and among these dimensions.
respondents for the purpose of clarifying their responses
or answering their queries regarding certain aspects of Ethical Considerations
the questionnaire. This instrument which has eight Ethical issues were properly considered in doing this
dimensions, namely: strategy, execution, culture, research. Prior written permissions were sought from the
structure, leadership, innovation, talent and strategic regional director of the Cooperative Development
linkages and partnerships, was formulated to assess the Authority and the managers of the chosen cooperatives.
extent of management practices employed by the Each questionnaire contains a letter enjoining for the
cooperatives. Each dimension was composed of 8 active participation of the respondents at their own
indicators. Corresponding to each indicator were discretion. Anonymity, confidentiality and neutrality
qualitative scales which corresponded to the following were always observed. Proper citations were done for all
interpretations: 4= Very Great Extent (VGE), 3= Great information and previous researches used in this study.
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 2020
Sarsale & Kilongkilong., Management Practices of Multipurpose Cooperatives Operating…
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION might become unmanageable. On the other hand, medium
Manifestation of Management Practices cooperatives practiced only on a great extent most of the
Table 1 highlights the extent of manifestation of indicators under this dimension. This can be inferred that
management practices among cooperatives in Southern there were still areas under this dimension that were
Leyte using the eight dimensions. However, the discussion underexploited which means that the optimum result was
on each dimension incorporates results of each indicator so not yet attained. This can be gleaned on the idea that
as to facilitate more description about the manifestation of cooperatives under this cluster were still on its developing
each dimension among cooperatives. stage as manifested on their level of capitalization and
Strategy membership.
The overall mean of 3.19 as presented in Table 1 Small cooperatives highly manifested all indicators
obtained from the group average of 3.23 from large under this dimension except for its ability to conduct
cooperative’s respondents, 2.98 from medium business operations regardless of market situations. This
cooperative’s respondents and 3.37 from small indicated that not at all times they can cope up with changes
cooperative’s respondents indicated that strategy was in business environment especially when there were certain
manifested to a great extent among cooperatives. These factors that limited these cooperatives in adjusting to new
results corroborated to the conduct of annual strategic situation particularly if it required lots of resources. These
planning among the top level management ensuring that the cooperatives have limited capitalization as shown in their
cooperative’s actions were geared towards the achievement financial position which supports that lack of managerial
of its vision and mission and if they have really achieved capital hinders the cooperative growth [41].
their targets [39]. The regular meeting among and between Execution
management and staff of the cooperatives under studied The data on the extent to which primary cooperatives
served as a communication avenue for newly developed manifest execution as management practice as reflected in
strategies and policies. Also, cooperatives manifested Table 1 showed an overall mean of 3.15 derived from the
capabilities of doing business regardless of market group average of 3.16 from large cooperatives, 3.10 from
conditions which clearly supported their resilience over medium cooperatives and 3.20 from small cooperatives
time. interpreted as great extent.
Large cooperatives strategies were primarily focused on Business organizations thrived by always creating a
expanding its horizon as clearly manifested in its financial value to its customers. Without customers, businesses do
capacity. Their capability to explore opportunities in the not exist especially that cooperatives largely depends on
market was highly evident on its several satellite offices and active membership [42]. This philosophy is well understood
branches capturing vast memberships. However, as these by cooperatives as highly manifested in putting value on
cooperatives expanded, the communication effectiveness is things that can delight their customers and in making efforts
affected. This supports to the study of Hoffman, Hoek and not to fail their customers. In cooperative setting, members
Viscardi [40] which stated that as cooperative grows were the owners and mostly the customers. Therefore,
quickly, the distance between members and board rises and delighting the customers was same way as delighting the
Table 1. Summative Manifestation of Management Practices
Large Cooperatives Medium Cooperatives Small Cooperatives Item Standard
Dimensions Description
Mean Description Mean Description Mean Description Average Deviation
Strategy 3.23 GE 2.98 GE 3.37 GE 3.19 GE 0.68
Execution 3.16 GE 3.10 GE 3.20 GE 3.15 GE 0.69
Culture 3.11 GE 3.06 GE 3.35 VGE 3.17 GE 0.70
Structure 3.06 GE 3.17 GE 3.34 VGE 3.19 GE 0.59
Talent 2.85 GE 2.87 GE 3.09 GE 2.94 GE 0.71
Leadership 3.00 GE 3.04 GE 3.18 GE 3.07 GE 0.71
Innovation 2.93 GE 2.97 GE 3.09 GE 3.00 GE 0.68
Linkages & 2.95 GE 2.94 GE 3.14 GE 3.01 GE 0.68
Overall Mean
3.04 GE 3.02 GE 3.22 GE 3.09 GE
and Description
Legend: VGE – Very Great Extent; GE – Great Extent; ME – Moderate Extent; and NP – Not Practiced

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 2020
Sarsale & Kilongkilong., Management Practices of Multipurpose Cooperatives Operating…
It was then expected that cooperative members were Organizations can be characterized by their culture,
well treated. the way it conducts their business, and the values shared
Most cooperatives under study offered lending among individuals across different organizational levels.
services to the members at a rate higher than other In other words, culture somewhat sets the organizational
lending institutions simply because of its higher standards. It is normal to every organization to get the
operating costs [43]. This made its lending services less best from their employees and to keep them enjoy at all
competitive that will eventually decrease for member’s times; however, the challenge remained on how effective
demand for loans [44]. The cooperatives’ effort of these diverse employees responded of such kind of
striving to increase productivity twice as industry’s working environment. Having a customer-oriented
average was not felt much as they were known to be culture was greatly manifested among the cooperatives
member-focused and not industry-focused as majority of as this is very much essential factor in achieving better
its annual budget focused more on its recurring performance [45]. It is common among cooperatives that
operations to meet the needs of its customers. Decision they lacked programs that recognize employee’s feats
making authorities among cooperatives were not within and even opportunities to use their talents. Furthermore,
reach at all times especially in reacting quickly to some of the cooperatives do not establish incentive
changes in market condition especially that the board of program for exemplary employees and there were only
directors and committees were not regularly around in rare occasions where employees can showcase their
the operations in which some of their functions talents.
demanded regular presence in the cooperative. Rewarding employees based on their performance is
Moreover, it can be inferred that frontline services were not always practiced among cooperatives. This
not totally empowered as there were some everyday rewarding mechanism could have positive influence on
decisions that needed to be sanctioned to the top employee’s job satisfaction and job performance [46],
management. Most of cooperative’s work systems were however, was largely constrained to be implemented due
still traditional and thus, eliminating all forms of excess to the availability of funds. Cooperatives have different
and wastes were not upheld at all times. Being customer- cultures depending on the way how the top level
oriented was common to all cooperatives. management has set the tone for the organization. One
Only small cooperatives consistently delivered thing common among them was their desires to have best
products and services that meet customer’s demand. This employees remain loyal and effective at all times.
clearly suggested that these cooperatives were However, winning companies have certain norms that
competitive in the kind of business they belong. It was will help the organization competitive in the business.
apparent in their high interest rates for savings deposits Medium cooperatives employees still received their
compared to established commercial banks and other additional incentives even if performance target was not
financial institutions. Although, their interest rates for realized. This was contrary to what a winning company
loans were not that very competitive compare to other should practice which was to align rewards with
institutions, but still considered to be lowest among the performances.
cooperatives and even some of the banks within the Among the cooperatives under studied, only medium
province. Meanwhile, medium cooperatives do not cooperatives do not uphold at all times a strong
upheld at all times their energy and resources in meeting customer-oriented corporate culture. This can be gleaned
the customer’s demand which indicates that these on the number of employees they had vis-à-vis
cooperatives either have other compelling priorities or its membership level in which some operational
resources could not warrant beyond their normal requirements are not met to have a very strong frontline
operating expenses. services. Although small cooperatives have small
number employees but they have also minimal daily
Culture customers and large cooperatives have huge number of
Table 1 also shows the data on the extent of employees to match to the number of daily customers. In
manifestation of culture among cooperatives. The factor other words, efficiency wise, both cooperatives have
mean of 3.17 derived from the clusters averages of 3.11, good support services in attending to the customer needs.
3.06 and 3.35 which indicated that culture as one of the However, due to economies of scale and large
management practices among cooperatives was membership base, large cooperatives tend to have lower
manifested with great extent. cost in delivering services to their members than smaller
cooperatives [47].
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 2020
Sarsale & Kilongkilong., Management Practices of Multipurpose Cooperatives Operating…
Structure Conversely, assigning supervisory and managerial
The extent of how structure is manifested among jobs to high performing employees, designing tasks that
cooperatives is also shown in Table 1. The factor average will arouse interest among best performers and putting
of 3.19 interpreted as great extent was derived from the high value on potential employees were manifested to a
cluster means of 3.06, 3.17 and 3.34. great extent among the cooperatives. These indicators
Structure served as the foundation for organizational show the cooperatives’ effort to retain employees who
processes creating values for customers. A good excelled in their respective jobs. These strategies valued
structure is simple, and it promotes cooperation among high performing employees by boosting their morale and
workers. This was true to small cooperatives whose self-worth in the organization. Senior management
structure was not complex especially that their active involvement in recruiting and developing talents
operations were not big enough requiring many units. and the provision of an effective reward system to high
Cooperation as well as sharing valuable information performing employees were not upheld most of the times
among employees is highly manifested among among the clustered cooperatives. This means that these
cooperatives which show good relationship among indicators were not totally practiced in some
individuals within the organization. Based on table, the cooperatives under studied. Mamuye [21] stressed of
respondents viewed with great extent that their proposing attractive benefits, giving exciting tasks and
cooperatives were structured with consideration to letting them to join in different areas of the company
processes that add customer values and according to the encourage employee retention. Moreover, aligning
main customer segments. This result substantiates to the employee’s values with the company values can also
efforts of cooperatives of putting value on things that can enhance in keeping great talents in the organization [50].
delight their customers and not to fail them. There are
cooperatives that do not totally empower their employees Leadership
in making decisions although they are aware on the latest As revealed in Table 1, the factor average of 3.07
updates in the organization. This also validates to the based on the group averages of 3.00 from large
previous result that decision making heavily relies to top cooperatives, 3.04 from medium cooperatives and 3.18
level management but should interplay with other key from small cooperatives, the cooperatives manifested
stakeholders [48]. leadership indicators to a great extent.
A strong leadership inspires unity and teamwork
Talent among the members and officers. Without reliable
Table 1 also presents the data on the extent of how leaders, cooperatives will suffer leadership crisis that
talent as management dimension was manifested among will eventually lead to failures and closures. The
primary cooperatives which generated an overall average cooperatives have leaders who give room for self-
of 2.94 in this factor which means that management and management, who have a strong relationship with
staff perceived a great extent of manifestation of talent as employees at all levels, who can seize opportunities
one of the management practices among the cooperatives before they become troublesome nightmares, who have
under studied. good rapport with stakeholders and other agencies, who
Winning companies put premium in having best are devoted to the organization, who have the ability to
employees who will help in attaining its vision, mission build relationship with the people in the company and
and goals. Without this pool of talents, the organization who show themselves as colleagues rather than
will struggle. Firms must craft strategies to keep the managers. These indicators generally manifested to a
talents they need. However, some cooperatives did not great extent among the cooperatives. Without good
have upheld at all times a culture that attracts, keeps and leaders, survival of these cooperatives will be highly in
develops new talents which corroborates that there were questioned as leadership is one of the essential factors of
still areas of the human resource management system of cooperative’s sustainability [51] emphasizing on their
the cooperatives seem to be lacking [49]. Some roles, commitment and dedication [29]. Moreover, the
cooperatives experienced employee turnover especially management are placed with the responsibility of the
that compensation outside the organization were more maximizing the value of the cooperatives [52]. Small
competitive and attractive. This poses great threat to cooperatives showed a very great extent manifestation on
cooperatives in maintaining and keeping the talent they having leaders with good rapport with the stakeholders
needed in achieving the organizational goals and and other agencies and who presents themselves as
objectives. fellow employees rather than masters. This result can be
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 2020
Sarsale & Kilongkilong., Management Practices of Multipurpose Cooperatives Operating…
attributed to the small size of these cooperatives which medium cooperatives and 3.14 for small cooperatives
creates more opportunity to have a good rapport with which means that the strategic linkages and partnerships
other stakeholders as well as with its employees. was practiced in a great extent manner among the
Innovation Generally, findings from this dimension indicate that
As illustrated in Table 1, the results of the this was not yet fully maximized among the cooperatives.
manifestation of innovation as one of the management With the present trends especially among financial
practices among the chosen cooperatives which institutions where mergers were strategically pursued,
generated a factor mean of 3.00 computed from the this dimension must be taken advantage among
weighted averages of 2.93, 2.97 and 3.09 from large, cooperatives so as to advance the potential returns that
medium and small cooperatives respectively, the can be generated through partnerships and linkages.
respondents perceived innovation as manifested to a They should widen their social links, reinforce business
great extent among the cooperatives under study. dealings, and build a rigorous business atmosphere [55].
In this era of global integration, innovation is not Expansion platforms such as branching, collaboration,
anymore an option but a must in order to keep abreast partnership, and community involvement are considered
with the changing business climate. Cooperatives must to be key strategies for longevity [26]. However,
uphold proactive action to respond the changing needs of Centenaro and Laimer [56] found no relationship
the members as well as its playing field, more so, that between cooperative’s involvements in a network to their
innovation has a significant positive relationship with performance.
social performance [53]. The results from the indicators
of this dimension clearly portrayed that the cooperatives T-test on the Extent of Manifestation of Management
have already embraced the innovation process but not as Practices
well-established as to other firms. This can be attributed As presented in Table 2, there was no significant
to budgetary requirements of innovation especially in difference in the assessments made by management and
engaging technology advancements as well as on staff in terms of strategy, execution and culture. This
cooperative’s culture that focuses more on serving its implies that both respondents have the same perception
members than on innovating and risk-taking [54]. on the extent of employing these dimensions as
On the other hand, small cooperatives show a very management practice. However, in terms of structure,
great extent in implementing planned innovations and in there showed a significant difference on the assessments
encouraging at all levels to make innovation. This can be made by two groups of respondents as indicated by its p-
attributed to having a small organization where most of value of 0.023. This is because management rated the
the time an advantage especially in introducing changes indicators of structure higher than staff which connotes
as well as in monitoring those changes among the that the awareness level of both management and staff
employees. differed in terms of structure as they viewed the existing
practices differently.
Strategic Linkages and Partnerships Also, a significant difference was noted on the
Table 1 also portrays the result of the manifestation assessments made by both respondents on the indicators
of strategic linkages and partnerships as one of the under talent showing a p-value of 0.001 which means
dimensions of management practices among the selected highly significant. The management perceived talent as
cooperatives. The factor mean of 3.01 is derived from the practiced to a very great extent while the staff viewed as
computed means of 2.95 for large cooperatives, 2.94 for practiced to a great extent.

Table 2. T-test on the Extent of Manifestation of Management Practices

Strategy Execution Culture Structure Talent Leadership Innovation Linkages &
T -0.010 0.421 1.778 2.305 3.406 3.368 2.691 4.012
p-value 0.992ns 0.675ns 0.077ns 0.023* 0.001** 0.001** 0.008** 0.000**
ns - not significant
* - significant
** - highly significant

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 2020
Sarsale & Kilongkilong., Management Practices of Multipurpose Cooperatives Operating…
Table 3. Relationship between and among Management Dimensions
Management Strategic Linkages
Strategy Execution Culture Structure Talent Leadership Innovation
Dimensions & Partnerships
Strategy .800** .648** .560** .554** .611** .603** .561**
Execution .800** .604** .554** .545** .595** .621** .563**
Culture .648** .604** .551** .655** .635** .588** .513**
Structure .560** .554** .551** .596** .647** .571** .585**
Talent .554** .545** .655** .596** .592** .757** .610**
Leadership .611** .595** .635** .647** .592** .631** .619**
Innovation .603** .621** .588** .571** .757** .631** .736**
Strategic Linkages &
.561** .563** .513** .585** .610** .619** .736**
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

This showed disparity on the existing practices of the execution can be associated to a well-crafted strategy.
cooperatives in terms of talent. This raised a question on Meanwhile, talent and innovation revealed a high
the level of satisfaction of staff in terms of talent relationship which clearly suggests that innovation
management of cooperatives. On the other hand, the requires great talent to be realized. Cooperative’s level of
management viewed leadership as practiced to a very innovation is highly dependent on the talent they had in
great extent compare to the staff’s view which only their organization. Conversely, highly-skilled employees
practiced to a great extent. In this situation, their are critical to the innovation function of the organization
assessments were highly significantly different as shown [57].
in its p-value of 0.001. This implied that the management
viewed the indicator as practiced higher than staff. In CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
other words, this finding signaled that the expectation The results of the study supported the concept
level of staff does not coincide with how management advanced by Nohria, Joyce and Roberson [9] that
viewed it. winning companies excel essential management
In terms of innovation, management responses were practices in order to sustain superior performance. This
highly significantly different from staff as revealed in its means that organizations that exhibit excellence in
p-value of 0.008. The management viewed it as practiced strategy, execution, culture, structure, talent, leadership,
to a very great extent while staff viewed it as practiced to innovation and strategic linkages and partnerships
a great extent. In other words, the management rated the perform better and have higher chances of success in its
indicators higher than staff. Lastly, both types of operations than those that do not.
respondents showed significant difference on their The study revealed that strategy, culture, and
assessments on the extent of employing strategic structure were manifested to a very great extent among
linkages and partnerships were practiced in the small cooperatives. When it comes to strategy, the
cooperatives as reflected in the generated p-value of findings can be attributed to limited scope of business
0.000 which means highly significant. Naturally, the operations among small cooperatives in which top level
management rated the indicators higher than staff as they management can religiously focus on these operations.
were more into this aspect. Similarly speaking, small cooperatives tend to have a
culture that upholds support among employees and
Relationship between and among Management clienteles. This was due to small organizational size in
Dimensions which mutual concerns and benefits were most likely
The relationship between and among management addressed immediately. Small organizations inclined to
dimensions are shown in Table 3. It can be gleaned on have a simple structure that can be easily understood
the table that strategy and execution showed a very high among its people. Furthermore, small operations require
relationship among all dimensions being analyzed. It simple structures with simple tasks. This will eventually
means that these two dimensions are interconnected to lead to immediate response to clients’ needs resulting to
each other significantly which sometimes called as the high satisfaction rate. In other words, small cooperatives
visionaries and the operators [12]. In other words, poor tend to be more efficient and effective in meeting
strategy can result to poor execution while a good member’s satisfaction. In summary, small cooperatives
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, February, 2020

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