Arising Chickenpox: Cell Carcinoma Scar
Arising Chickenpox: Cell Carcinoma Scar
Arising Chickenpox: Cell Carcinoma Scar
According matory, eroded dermatitis between the isolated from society and mutually
to the patient the scar had developed after toes, probably resulting from the applica¬ self-supporting, with an intensified
he had had chickenpox as a small boy. Over tion of caustic chemicals. need for intimacy. A unitary delusion
the past several months the area began to Psychiatric consultation was recom¬ was ensured by one partner assuming
sting and burn and had not healed after he mended but was immediately rejected by the dominant role and the submissive
had nicked it with a razor. the dominant sister. In both patients,
The patient had had a smallpox vaccina- chlorpromazine (Thorazine) therapy was partner accepting the delusional sys¬
tion as a child, but had noticed no changes started on a trial basis and seemed to help, tem, rather than threatening their
in the vaccination scar. He had had no but the problem did not resolve entirely. interdependent relationship.
exposure to radiation and no previous skin
After two years of outpatient therapy the More than two persons may share a
cancers despite a history of frequent sun patients were unavailable for follow-up unitary delusion (folie à trois; folie à
exposure over the years. There was no examinations. quatre); even large groups in isolated
family history of skin cancer. In 1979, a final history was obtained. The conditions such as mental institutions
On physical examination, there was an evolving ulcers had continued until the or communes may accept the delusions
dominant sister had died in 1976. The
ulcers then spontaneously and rapidly of a single individual. Folie à deux is
healed in the surviving sibling. Her mental clearly a psychotic phenomenon. How¬
status seemed to return to a normal state ever, shared pruritus or pain is a com¬
for her age. mon condition in intimate individuals
and this empathie symptomatology
may be a sign of a similar but less
The cases reported here demon¬ intense interpersonal disorder.
strate the interrelationships of psy¬ Folie à deux usually resolves with
chotic disorders and cutaneous dis¬ the physical separation of the two
Fig 2.—Ulcerated lesions on distal extrem¬ ease. The dominant twin had a classic individuals. In our patients, the ulcer-
ity of submissive sister. delusional psychosis and came to med¬ ative dermatitis cleared totally in the
ical attention through the develop¬ submissive individual after the death
ment of factitious ulcérations of the of the primary dominant person of the
distal extremities. The secondary, pair.
Antibiotics given for systemic effect submissive person assimilated the
were initiated to treat secondary infection aggressive psychotic disorder of her
present in the ulcers, and chlorothiazide sister, as reflected in the development References
diuretics were prescribed to treat the pedal of factitious ulcérations on her own
edema. An occlusive dressing was applied extremities. 1. Laseque C, Falret J: Folie \l=a`\deux ou Folie
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obvious that she was disturbing the dress¬ support, and understanding became reversal. J Am Geriatr Soc 20:316-323, 1972.
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A basal cell carcinoma developed in a scar on the right side of his chin. According indurated nodule measuring 8 x 10 mm on
chickenpox scar on the chin of a to the patient the scar had developed after the right side of the lower part of the chin
71-year-old man. A review of the per- he had had chickenpox as a small boy. Over (Figure). The lesion had a central crust and
tinent literature is presented. the past several months the area began to peripheral telangiectasia. The surrounding
sting and burn and had not healed after he skin was slightly erythematous and atroph¬
Report of a Case had nicked it with a razor. ie.
The patient had had a smallpox vaccina- The clinical diagnosis was a basal cell
A 71-year-old man was seen for a recent- tion as a child, but had noticed no changes carcinoma arising in a chickenpox scar.
ly developed nonhealing lesion in an old in the vaccination scar. He had had no Under local anesthesia a shave biopsy was
exposure to radiation and no previous skin performed. Curettage of the base of the
cancers despite a history of frequent sun lesion left a small round depression about
exposure over the years. There was no the size of a pea. The biopsy revealed a
From the Asheboro (NC) Dermatology Clinic. family history of skin cancer. basal cell carcinoma, and the lesion was
Reprints not available. On physical examination, there was an subsequently excised.
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