Power Threshold of Hearing: Sine and

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Chapter 1T - Glossary 1T

Power Threshold of hearing

The total energy of an audio signa l, The weakest sound pressure t hat the
measured at the source. huma n ear can perceive.

Realtime synthesis and processing Threshold of pain

Synt hesis or processing that can be The maximum sound pressure t hat a
heard as it is being generated. human listener can bear.

Release Unipolar waves

The f inal portion of an envelope Waves w hose sample values are all
dur ing wh ich amp litude grad ually greater than or equal to 0, or w hose
decreases to zero. sample values are less than or equal
to 0.
Digita l recording of sound, character- Waveform
ized by certain predefi ned constants, A deta iled g raphic representation of
such as the sampling frequency , t he a signal's sound pressure levels over
number of bits, the number of chan- t ime.
nels, etc.

Sampling rate
The number of samples per second
in a dig ital waveform. For example,
the audio wavefo rm in an audio
CD is 44. 1 tho usand samples per
second .

Signal processing
The dig ital processing of a sound .

Sine and cosine waves

Sine and cosine waves are wav e-
fo rms t hat conta in a single fre -
quency . The shape of t he sine wave
is the graph ic rep resentat ion of t he
t rigonometr ic sine f unct ion, wh ile
t he cosine wave is based on t he
cosine fu nctio n. Bot h funct ions are
said to be sinusoida l; they diff er
o nly in phase.

Sound synthesis
The electron ic generatio n of sound .

The portion of an envelope during
w hich amp lit ude remains rough ly

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