Acoustics: MUS 132 Unit 1

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MUS 132
Unit 1
Harmonic Spectrum
•  Has partials that integral multiples of a single, fundamental
frequency. Partials also called overtones. A harmonic (or a
harmonic partial) is any of a set of partials that are whole
number multiples of a common fundamental frequency.
•  This set includes the fundamental, which is a whole number
multiple of itself (1 times itself). Other pitched instruments,
especially certain percussion instruments, such as marimba,
vibraphone, tubular bells, and timpani, contain mostly
inharmonic partials, yet may give the ear a good sense of
pitch. Unpitched, or indefinite-pitched instruments, such as
cymbals, gongs, or tam-tams make sounds (produce spectra)
rich in inharmonic partials
Harmonic Spectrum – Musical/Physical
Inharmonic Spectrum
•  The description of the timbre of a complex
sound such as a gong. Its partials are not
integral multiples of a single fundamental.
Examples are cymbals, xylophone, and
•  The number of repetitions of a waveform in a
given unit of time. The number of cycles per
unit of time is called the frequency.
•  For convenience, frequency is most often
measured in cycles per second (cps) or the
interchangeable Hertz (Hz) (60 cps = 60 Hz),
named after the 19th C. physicist. 1000 Hz is
often referred to as 1 kHz (kilohertz) or simply
'1k' in studio parlance. The hertz is named after
the German physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857–
•  Unit for measuring frequency in cycles per
•  The objective measurement of the degree of change
(positive or negative) in atmospheric pressure (the
compression and rarefaction of air molecules) caused by
sound waves. Sounds with greater amplitude will produce
greater changes in atmospheric pressure from high pressure
to low pressure. Amplitude is almost always a comparative
measurement, since at the lowest-amplitude end (silence),
some air molecules are always in motion and at the highest
end, the amount of compression and rarefaction though
finite, is extreme. In electronic circuits, amplitude may be
increased by expanding the degree of change in an
oscillating electrical current. A woodwind player may
increase the amplitude of their sound by providing greater
force in the air column i.e. blowing harder.
•  The parameter of sound associated with
waveshape. In simple terms, timbre is what
makes a particular musical sound different
from another, even when they have the same
pitch and loudness. In psychoacoustics it is
referred to as tone color or tone quality. What
other words can be used to describe the sound
besides just the instrument. Play instruments
and ask for descriptions.

•  A commonly used unit of sound-level

measurement. The decibel (dB) is a
logarithmic unit used to express the ratio between
two values of a physical quantity, often power or
intensity. One of these quantities is often a
reference value, and in this case the decibel can be
used to express the absolute level of the physical
quantity. The number of decibels is ten times the
logarithm to base 10 of the ratio of the two power
quantities.[1] One decibel is one tenth of one bel.
The bel is named in honor of
Alexander Graham Bell, but is seldom used.
•  Cent: 1/100th of a semitone. The cent is a
logarithmic unit of measure used for musical
intervals. Twelve-tone equal temperament
divides the octave into 12 semitones of 100
cents each. Typically, cents are used to
measure extremely small finite intervals, or to
compare the sizes of comparable intervals in
different tuning systems, and in fact the
interval of one cent is much too small to be
heard between successive notes.
•  The interval described by two pitches with the
same fundamental. Unison or perfect unison (also
called a prime, or perfect prime[3]) may refer to
the (pseudo-)interval formed by a tone and its
duplication (in German, Unisono, Einklang, or
Prime), for example C–C, as differentiated from
the second, C–D, etc. In the unison the two
pitches have the ratio of 1:1 or 0 half steps and
zero cents. Although two tones in unison are
considered to be the same pitch, they are still
perceivable as coming from separate sources,
whether played on instruments of a different type
•  A pitch interval that can be represented with a
frequency ratio of 2:1. In physical terms, an interval is
the ratio between two sonic frequencies. For example,
any two notes an octave apart have a frequency ratio of
2:1. This means that successive increments of pitch by
the same interval result in an exponential increase of
frequency, even though the human ear perceives this as
a linear increase in pitch. For this reason, intervals are
often measured in cents, a unit derived from the
logarithm of the frequency ratio. The size of an interval
between two notes may be measured by the ratio of
their frequencies.
•  The relative displacement in time between the
starting points of two or more waveforms of the
same frequency. Phase denotes a particular point
in the cycle of a waveform, measured as an angle
in degrees. It is normally not an audible
characteristic of a single wave (but can be when
we use very low-frequency waves as controls in
synthesis). Phase is a very important factor in the
interaction of one wave with another, either
acoustically or electronically
Basic Waveform Spectra
Sine Wave
•  Most basic possible waveform. It
contains only one partial, the
fundamental. Characteristic is that of
en eerie tone.

Triangle Wave
•  It sounds (and looks) a bit like the sine wave but has
some hollow-sounding quiet overtones. It is made up of
only odd numbered harmonics : F, 3F, 5F, 7F 9F etc. The
amplitudes of the harmonic series decreases

Square Wave
•  It has very sharp corners, has a hollow sound with quite
strong overtones. It is made up of only odd numbered
harmonics : F, 3F, 5F, 7F, 9F etc. The amplitudes of
harmonic series decreases steadily.

Sawtooth Wave
•  is available as RampUp or RampDown (which sound the
same). It has a very bright and rich sound with strong
overtones. It is made up of all harmonics : F, 2F, 3F, 4F,
5F,6F etc. The ampitudes of harmonic series decreases
Noise Spectra
Noise: White Noise
•  Does not have a •  Does not have a harmonic
spectrum or distinct partials.
harmonic spectrum or
Equal energy among all
distinct partials frequencies (frequency bands).
100 Hz to 200 Hz… Pink Noise

•  Has equal energy per octave.
NoiseMachines/ Contains the same amount of
whiteNoiseGenerato energy per musical octave,
therefore the quality of a more
r.php bass heavy sound.
Human Hearing Range
The human hearing range is Octaves in the human hearing
between 20 Hz and 20,000 range.
•  20 – 40 Hz
Hz (20 KHz). This narrows
•  40 – 80 Hz
with time and amount of •  80 – 160 Hz
exposure to sound. There •  160 – 320 Hz
are 10 octaves in the •  320 – 640 Hz
human auditory range. •  640 – 1.28 KHz
•  1.28 – 2.56 KHz
•  2.56 – 5.12 KHz
•  5.12 – 10.54 KHz
•  10.24 KHz to top of range

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