LM-1st Quarter - Stage 3

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Self- Introduction:
1. Pair the students and give the following instructions:
 Interview your partner with respect to one’s name, nickname, and expectations to Mathematics 8 (as a subject,
how will this be taught and the teacher).
 Introduce your partner in a creative way. (But before doing so, the teacher must formally introduce his self first.)
2. Make sure to recall or memorize names from time to time.

Subject Orientation:
Conduct an orientation of the subject with the following goals:
1. Behaviour (as a Lasallian student)
 Commitment
 Diligence
 Service-oriented
2. Rules
 Always bring your books.
 No going out of the room during the whole period
 Using of gadgets should be permitted.
Session 1  Participate in the class activities.
 Respect yourself, others and properties.
 Be silent, just listen.
3. Grading System
 Written work (25%)-essays, written reports, etc.
 Performance Task (50%) –group presentation, oral work, research projects ,etc.
 Quarterly Exam ( 25%) – objective type
4. Requirements
 Portfolio
 It will be checked every quarter.
 The first 2 contents My First Quarter Competency Checklist and Module Map.
 The clear book must have the following pieces of information: Page 1 contains your picture of what do you
want to be 8 or 9 years from now and below is your name with the title in it ( e.g. Engr. ______, Dr.______LPT,
major in Math) and your personal motto/principle in life.
 Notebook in Math 9: This is optional since you may use your portfolio notebook in taking down important terms
and formulas.
 Book: It will be checked every meeting, specifically before class starts.
Pre-test for the First Quarter:
1. Prepare the students for the pre-test.
2. Remind the do’s and don’ts in taking a test to them.
3. Distribute the questionnaire (see the previous pages for the sample PRE-TEST).
4. Update the remaining time to them constantly.
Presentation of the Competency Checklist:
So, how do you find the test? Well, the test summarizes your competencies for the whole quarter. Each item represents a
single competency. And so, for you to know your target competencies for the first quarter here’s your first quarter
competency checklist.
1. Distribute the competency checklist.
At the end of the unit content, I am is expected to:
 Illustrate quadratic equations.
 Solve quadratic equations: By (a)extracting square roots; (b) factoring; (c) completing the square; and (d) using
the quadratic formula.
 Characterize the roots of a quadratic equation using the discriminant.
 Describe the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a quadratic equation.
 Solve equations transformable to quadratic equations (including rational algebraic equations).
 Solve problems involving quadratic equations and rational algebraic equations.
 Illustrate quadratic inequalities.
 Solve quadratic inequalities.
 Solve problems involving quadratic inequalities.
 Model real-life situations using quadratic functions.
 Represent a quadratic function using: (a) table of values; (b) graph; and (c) equation.
 Transform the quadratic function defined by y=ax 2 + bx+ c to the form y= a(x-h)2 + k.
 Graph a quadratic function: (a) domain; (b) range; (c) intercepts; (d) axis of symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) direction of
the opening of the parabola.
 Analyze the effects of changing the values of a, h and k in the equation y= a( x-h) 2 + k of a quadratic function on
its graph.
 Determine the equation of a quadratic function given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros.
 Solve problems involving quadratic functions

GRADE 9 – BR. _____________________________
2. Discuss the importance of having a competency checklist.
 Guide a student on the competency.
 Allow a student to be advance in studying.
 Let a student assess himself.
 Give a specific ‘To Do’ for studying.
 Serve as an outline for review purposes.
3. Tell them to include the checklist in their portfolio.

Introduction of the Performance Task:

Present a video clip that shows the overview of the performance task. Read with them the situation of their performance
In a certain publishing company, you are part of a team that is composed of a photographer, model, concept maker, layout
artists team (includes the designer of the cover page and the one who works on the color harmony), document staff, equation
writers who are given a task to present a proposal of a cover page design of a book written by the writers on the other
department. The stories in the book involve the lives of basketball, volleyball, and football players. Thus, the design should
include the projectile motions of the balls thrown/ hit/ kicked by the players. In addition, your team should write an equation
formed by the ball’s projectile motion. This design should be presented through a PowerPoint to the editorial staff and you r
work will be evaluated based on your output, computations and presentation.
Sessions 3-4 Lesson 1: Defining Quadratic Equations
I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. illustrate quadratic equation.
2. classify an equation whether quadratic or non- quadratic.
3. determine the numerical coefficients of each term of the quadratic equation.
4. discuss the importance of wise decision-making.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Ask the following questions:
 When you were in grade 8, were you able to talk about Linear Equations and Functions?
 Did you find out how these concepts could be used to model and solve real-life problems?
Say: In your topics now, you will be able to discover a new equation that could also solve more real-life problems
and you will also be assessed on your initial ideas regarding the topic. You are reminded to take each activity
seriously and highlight the new concepts that you will be encountering.
2. Motivation
Activity 1: Math Captures
Show pictures of any objects/ scenery that contain curved paths. Ask the following questions:
 How many of the pictures shown are familiar to you?
 What are the similarities that you notice among the pictures?
 What kind of paths is shown in each object/scenery?
 If you were to draw the curved paths on a graphing paper, what characteristics could you name? Contrast
this with a linear path.
(This leads to the introduction of the lesson.)
3. Statement of the Aim
Tell the objectives to be achieved in two sessions.

B. Firm Up
Activity 2: Concept Formation (Classifying)
 Task the students to read the items on pages 5-6 in book.
 Call some students to define quadratic equations based on their words or in the book.
 Present examples of quadratic and non- quadratic equations and instruct the students to classify each
 Call students to explain why a certain equation is quadratic or non-quadratic.
(Format of the Table)
Given Equation Quadratic? Non-Quadratic? Explanation

Guide Questions:
 What is a quadratic equation?
 What are the characteristics of a quadratic equation?
 How did you identify examples and non-examples of quadratic equations?
 How is it different from other kinds of equations?

Activity 3: Concept Formation (Form and Coefficient)

 Discuss about the main concept of a quadratic equation including the identification of the coefficients in the
transformed equations.
Definition: An equation of the type ax  bx  c  0 , where a, b and c are constants and a  0, is called the

standard form of a quadratic equation.

Take note that:
ax 2  quadratic term or the squared term
bx  linear term
c  constant term
a  numerical coefficient of the quadratic term
b  numerical coefficient of the linear term

 Give examples that show how quadratic equations are written in standard form and how the real numbers a, b, and c
are identified.
Guide Questions:
 When is quadratic equation written in standard form?
 What are the things that you need to remember when identifying a, b and c?
 Going back to the exercise that you did, do all examples have values for all a, b, and c?
 How do you classify quadratic equations with complete set of coefficients? How about equations with
incomplete coefficients?

C. Deepen
1. Closure
Activity 4: Mind Map
Say: After finding out the different concepts which are important in understanding quadratic equations, let us now put
together the concepts you learned by completing the mind map.

2. Assessment
Activity 5: Worksheet No. 1 (Graded)
 Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 1).
*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 What helps you decide whether the given equation is quadratic or not?
 Was there any moment in your life that the you were asked to choose between two big options?
 What helped you in choosing the right decision?
 Is decision making important? Why?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., page 13.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 8-15.

Session 5-9 Lesson 2: Solving Quadratic Equations

I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. give the steps in each method of solving quadratic equations.
2. solve quadratic equations through extracting the roots, factoring, completing the square, and the quadratic formula.
3. discuss the importance of being resourceful.
II. Learning Processes (Imperative form)
A. Explore
1. Review
Call some students to recall the lesson on the previous session.
2. Motivation
Activity 6: Finding the Roots (Introduction of Methods)
 Show videos about the methods in solving quadratic equations.
 Extracting the Roots : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0dQ6yRXl38
 Factoring: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDe-1lGeS0U
 Completing the Square: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGOQYTo9AKY
 Quadratic Formula: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ayhvAl3leYU
 Remind the students to do the following:
 List down the steps involved in each method.
 Highlight differences in the various methods.
 List down the algebraic skills that are needed in each method.
 Give the following guide questions for the students to think the whole session.
 What is involved in each method?
 What are the algebraic skills needed in each method?
 Does each method have limitations?
 Why are there numerous methods needed to solve quadratic equations?
3. Statement of the Lesson/objectives
Tell your students the objectives for five sessions.
B. Firm Up
Activity 7: Anticipation/ Reaction Guide
Present this anticipation/ reaction guide to your students. Remind them to write A if they agree with the statement and D
if they disagree.
Anticipation Statement Reaction
All quadratic equations can be solved through factoring.
In solving quadratic equations using completing the square method, there
is a need to write the equation in standard form.
The completing the square method and the quadratic formula are used to
solve quadratic equations which are not factorable.
The roots of a quadratic equation will always be real numbers.
The discriminant tells us the nature of the roots of a certain quadratic
In solving problems involving quadratic equations, it is considered to have
one of the roots to be considered as extraneous.

Note: This anticipation/ reaction guide is used until the discussion of the applications of quadratic equations.

Activity 8: Extracting the Roots

 Give illustrative examples of quadratic equations that can be solved through extracting the square method.
 Ask the following guide questions afterwards.
 What is your definition of Square Root Principle?
 How will you describe the kinds of roots that were derived?
Looking at the possibilities as you consider the equation x  c , what can you say about c if the equation has

no real roots? has exactly one solution? Has two solutions?
 If c is a prime number, what type of solutions does the equation have?
 If a is a positive perfect square, what type of solutions does the equation have?

Activity 9: Skill Booster (NG)

Give another set of examples for the students to solve. Note: You may used the examples in the textbook as reference.

Activity 10: Factoring

 Give illustrative examples of quadratic equations that can be solved through factoring.
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 How different is the new method from the previous one?
 Why call the method solving quadratic equations by factoring?
 List down the factoring techniques with each corresponding steps that you used for solving.

Activity 11: Skill Booster (NG)

Use the worksheet no. 1 on page 18 in the textbook as your reference for this activity. Make sure to do this activity by

Activity 12: Completing the Square

 Review about the concept of factoring perfect square trinomials.
 Divide the class into six groups and give each group sample quadratic equation that can be solved through
completing the square method.
 Ask each group to discuss among each member the example assign to them.
 Ask the following guide questions afterwards.
 Why is completing the square necessary in solving for the roots of a quadratic equation?
 Compare the new method that you learned with the previous one.
 List down the steps involved in the method.
 Why is it important to follow the steps carefully?

Activity 13: Skill Booster (NG)

Use the worksheet no. 2 on page 34 in the textbook as your reference for this activity. Make sure to do this activity by trio.

Activity 14: Quadratic Formula

 Derive the quadratic formula using the table below.
Write the quadratic equation in general form.
Divide both sides by a.
Isolate the terms containing the variable.
 b 
 
Complete the square by adding  2a  to both sides.
Write the left side as a perfect square trinomial.
Apply the square root property.
Simplify. Isolate x on one side of the equation.

 Ask the guide questions afterwards.

 When deriving the quadratic formula, what other methods were done?
 Describe the process of solving quadratic equations using quadratic formula.
 Compare quadratic formula from factoring and completing the square.
 Why is it important to learn this method?
Activity 15: Skill Booster (NG)
Use the worksheet no. 3 on page 47 in the textbook as your reference for this activity. Make sure to do this activity by trio.

C. Deepen
1. Assessment
Activity 16: Worksheet No. 2 (Graded)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 2).
2. Closure
Activity 17: In Tabular Form
Present this form for the students to write their insights regarding the lessons being discussed.
Methods Advantages Disadvantages
Square Root Property


Completing the Square

Quadratic Formula

3. Assignment
Answer the items 25-29 on page 24 in their textbook.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 Is there only one method in solving quadratic equations?
 If you cannot solve an equation through that method, what do you do?
 Is there any time that you were asked to look for alternatives in solving problems?
 What do you think is the value that you develop?
 How is being resourceful important in your daily living?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 19-35.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 8-15.
Lesson 3: The Discriminant
I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. determine the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation using the discriminant.
2. solve for the discriminant of quadratic equation.
3. discuss the importance of promoting individual differences.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Give sample quadratic equations and call some students to solve each equation on the board.
2. Motivation
Activity 18: Root Investigation
 Provide the table below to fill out with the needed information.
1. x  4 x  21  0

2. x  3 x  18  0

3. x  4 x  4  0

Session 10-11
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 How do you describe the values that you got under the column b  4ac ?

 For each kind of number you got under the second column, observe the roots. What generalizations can you
(This leads to the introduction of the lesson.)
3. Statement of the Aim
Present the objectives of the day. Allow the students to read the objectives.

B. Firm Up
Activity 19: Showcase your Skills
 Present a video about the discriminant using the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkUATohNR78
 Ask the following questions:
 What is a discriminant?
 Why is getting the discriminant important?
 What are the different values that the discriminant could have?
 Ask the students to answer the items 31-40 on page 45 in the textbook.
C. Deepen

1. Closure
Activity 20: Soul mates (Roots and Coefficients)
Instruct the students to write a one paragraph essay on their progress in this quarter and what other things that they
need more assistance.
2. Assessment
Activity 21: Worksheet No. 3 (Graded)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 3).

Activity 22: Worksheet No. 4 (Graded)

Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 4).

3. Assignment
Answer Try This a-c on page 41 in their textbook.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 How can we determine the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation?
 How about you? What are the special features that you have that others don’t have?
 Is determining one self important? Why?
 How will you promote individual difference? Is it important? Why?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 40-41.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 16-27.
Session 12-13 Lesson 4: Solving Rational Algebraic Equations
I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. solve rational algebraic equations using different methods related to quadratic equations
2. discuss the importance of being rational.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Call the students to review the activity that was done on the previous meeting. Allow them to ask the importance of
doing such activity and how it is related to the topics for the quarter.
2. Motivation
Activity 23: Memory Lane
 Visit the website: http:/www.virtualnerd.com/algebra-1/rational-expressions-functions/solve/exampla-
solutions/equation-definition to watch the video rational algebraic equations.
 Answer the questions that follow.
 What is a rational equation?
 How is rational equation different from rational expression?
 How do you think will you solve a rational equation?
(This leads to the introduction of the lesson.)
3. Statement of the Aim
Tell the students about the objectives of the day.
B. Firm Up
Activity 24: Making Connections
 Say: Quadratic equations and rational algebraic equations are related to each other. Many rational algebraic
equations when solved will lead to quadratic equations.
 Show an example.
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 Describe the given equation. What kind of equation is it?
 How did the equation lead to a quadratic equation?
 What generalization can you make about the two?

Activity 25: Try it!

Give sample problems and this time, the students will answer.

C. Deepen
1. Closure
Ask students to share their confusions, reflections and realizations about the day’s discussion.
2. Assessment
Activity 26: Worksheet No. 5 (Graded)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 5).
3. Assignment
Answer the items 60-61 on page 47 in their textbook at home.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 What is the importance of discussing rational algebraic equations?
 Are you being rational when solving mathematical problems?
 Why is being rational important?
III. Resources (Websites/references)
Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 60-61.
Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 27-30.
Session 14-16 Lesson 5: Applications of Quadratic and Rational Algebraic Equations
I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. identify the steps in solving problems involving quadratic and rational algebraic equations.
2. solve real-life problems involving quadratic and rational algebraic equations with speed and accuracy.
3. discuss the importance of accuracy.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Call the students to review the activity that was done on the previous meeting. Ask the importance of doing such
activity and how it is related to the topics for the quarter.
1. Motivation
Activity 27: Algebra in Different Areas
 Present pictures that contain a real-life problem.
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 Name the real-life situations that are represented by each picture.
 What is common among the pictures?
 How does each picture show the use of quadratic and rational algebraic equations?
 Can you name other real-life experiences that use the concepts of quadratic and rational algebraic
equations like the ones shown in the pictures
 Introduced the topic.
2. Statement of the Aim
Tell the students about the objectives of the day.

B. Firm Up
Activity 28: Skill Booster Part 1 (NG)
 Use the situations shown in each picture.
 Ask questions regarding the steps in solving problems.
 Discuss with the class about the solution of the problem.

Activity 29: Mastery Check

 Divide the class into five.
 Give each group a problem to solve. (Note: Problems can be seen on pages 55-58in the textbook.
 Call some members of the group to discuss about their problem afterwards.
C. Deepen
1. Closure
Activity 30: Summing Everything Up
 Give this slip to answer the question: What are the common things that you notice among the various situations

From the vous real-life connections presented in the different activities, I noticed that the situations
have the following things in common:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
What generalization can you make?

 Recall to them the Activity 7: Anticipation/ Reaction Guide.

2. Assessment
Activity 31: Worksheet No. 6 (Graded)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 6).
3. Assignment
Answer the items 20-22 on page 57 in their textbook at home.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 What did you do in solving problems?
 Are you being accurate in solving those problems?
 Why is accuracy importance especially in solving math problems?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 49-58.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 33-45.
Lesson 6: Quadratic Functions
I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. illustrate quadratic functions through graphs, tables, and equations.
2. convert quadratic function from standard form to vertex form.
3. discuss the value of being responsible.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Call the students to review the activity that was done on the previous meeting. Ask the importance of doing such
activity and how it is related to the topics for the quarter.
2. Motivation
Activity 32: Through the Match
Present the activity shown on page 67 in the textbook.

3. Statement of the Aim

Tell the students about the objectives of the day.

B. Firm Up
Activity 33: Anticipation/ Reaction Guide (Part1)
Session 17-19  Present this guide before the discussion is done.
Before Lesson Statement After Lesson
Quadratic function is used to model situations which follow a parabolic
path or trend.
The quadratic model is the same as a linear model.
Models of quadratic functions such as graph, equations, and table of
values are used to analyze, solve, and predict different situations/
One of the applications of quadratic functions has something to do with
freely falling bodies.
If a maximum or minimum problem can be expressed as quadratic
function, it can be solved by finding the vertex of the corresponding
The x-intercepts of the parabola may imply break-even points where total
revenue equals total costs of production.
If the parabola opens upward, the vertex is the maximum point and if the
parabola opens downward, the vertex is the minimum point.
Different methods can be used to solve math problems.
Quadratic equation is a tool that you can use to find the roots to a
quadratic function.

(NOTE: Present this guide after discussing the application of quadratic function.)

Activity 34: Quadratic Function Representation

 Recall about the ways of illustrating a function.
 Present sample illustrations of quadratic function (graph, table of values, and equation) and discuss each example
with the students.

Activity 35: Skill Booster

 Give more examples and this time, students will solve on their own.
 Use the items a-d on page 70 in the textbook as your reference.

Activity 36: Quadratic Function in Standard Form

Show the derivation of the standard form to the vertex from using the table below.
Write the quadratic function in standard form.
Isolate the terms containing the variable (first group) from the constant term (second
Factor out a from the terms containing the variable (first group).
 b  b

  
Complete the square by adding  2a  to the first group and 4a to the second group.
Simplify each group.
Write the first group as a perfect square trinomial. (The resulting equation will be
 b  4ac  b 2
f  x  a  x   
 2a  4a
b 4ac  b 2
h k
Set 2a and 4a .
Rewrite the function.

Activity 37: Let’s Practice

 Give sample problems. Use the items 22-31 on page 84 in the textbook as your reference.
 Task the students to convert each function to vertex form.
 Remind to use the derived formula on the previous activity.

C. Deepen
1. Closure
Activity 38: Synthesis Journal
 Give this journal to your students.
 Provide the following questions to the journal.
 How did you find the previous activities?
 What are your strengths and weaknesses in learning the lesson?
 How did it help you to learn about quadratic functions?

2. Assessment
Activity 39: Worksheet No. 7 (Graded)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 7).

3. Assignment
Task them to answer the items 10-14 on page 97 in their textbook at home.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 What is the importance of discussing quadratic function?
 Speaking of function, what is your function/ responsibility at home, in school or in the community?
 Is being responsible important? Why?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 79-100.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 45-62.
Session 20-21 Lesson 7: Graphing Quadratic Functions
I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. determine the steps in graphing quadratic functions.
2. graph quadratic functions with speed and accuracy.
3. share the importance of maintaining good relationship with others.
II. Learning Processes (Imperative form)
A. Explore
1. Review
Conduct a drill. Give sample quadratic functions to be converted to vertex form. Provide time limit for the students to

2. Motivation
Activity 40: Data Analysis
 Present a graph that shows a parabolic path.

Revenue in selling ice pops

964 1000 952
800 810
10 15 20 25 30

 Ask the guide questions afterwards.

 What kind of model best fits the data above? Is it linear or quadratic? Why?
 Do these kinds of graph important in real-life scenario? Why?
 How will you draw the same kind of graph using an equation?

3. Statement of the Lesson/objectives

Tell your students the objectives of the days’ lesson.

B. Firm Up
Activity 41: Group Discussion (Graphing Quadratic Functions through Its Properties)
 Divide the class into five groups.
 Give each group a sheet that contains the steps in graphing the quadratic functions with its properties.
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 What are the properties of the parabola?
 What are the things you need to know and have in order for you to graph quadratic functions in vertex form?
Standard form? Intercept form?
 How are the maximum and minimum values related to the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of the
 Are there other ways of determining the y-coordinate of the vertex aside from computing a function of x or
f(x)? Discuss.

Activity 42: Skill Booster

Provide the format below to your students to help them graph the quadratic functions on their own.
(Right or Wrong)
In vertex form
f  x  a  x  h  k

Given Quadratic Function k
Axis of symmetry x  h
Shifting h/k
Total number of correct answers
(NOTE: Draw the graph on a graphing paper.)

C. Deepen
1. Closure
Activity 43: Concept Map
 Divide the class into 8 groups.
 Require each group to make a concept map to sum-up the things they learned in graphing quadratic functions and
its graphs.

2. Assessment
Activity 44: Worksheet No. 8 (Graded)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 8).

3. Assignment
Answer the item 9 a-d on page 97 in their textbook.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 What is the importance of each property of a quadratic function in graphing a parabola?
 Is their any good relationship among the properties? How about you, do you maintain good relationship with
 Is it important? Why?
III. Resources (Websites/references)
1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 67-100.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 69-100.

Session 22-24 Lesson 8: Writing Quadratic Functions through Models

I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. write quadratic functions given a graph, table of values, and zeros of a function.
2. share ways of becoming a good role model at home, in school, and in the community.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Ask your students regarding the lesson that was discussed on the previous meetings.
2. Motivation
Activity 45: Video Presentation
 Present a video that shows the slow motion of a ball being thrown by a basketball player.
 Ask questions regarding the video.
 What do you observe in the video?
 What kind of graph is formed when the ball is thrown in slow motion?
 Do you know how to write a function given that graph?
(This leads to the introduction of the lesson.)
3. Statement of the Aim
Present the objectives of the day. Read with the students the objectives of the sessions.

B. Firm Up
Activity 46: Model Interpretation
 Divide the students into six groups.
 Give each group a representation of a quadratic function (graph, table of values, and zeros of a function).
 Show the steps of writing a quadratic function given those models/ representation.
 Give each group a time to discuss within their groups about the given task.
 Choose a member of the group to present their group’s work.

Activity 47: Writing Functions

 Give another set of models (graph, table of values, and zeros of a function).
 Task the students to write a quadratic function through those models.
 Do this task by pair.

 Ask the following questions afterwards.

 How did you write a function given a table of values?
 What specific property of a parabola that you used to write the quadratic function?
 How did you use the zeros in writing the quadratic function?

Activity 48: Let’s Practice

 Give another set of models.
 Task the students to write a quadratic function through those models.This time, it is done individually.

C. Deepen
1. Closure
Activity 49: Concept Map
 Use the concept map to determine the understanding of the students.
 Use the format below.

Quadratic Functions


2. Assessment
Activity 50: Worksheet No. 9 (GRADED)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 9).

3. Assignment
Answer the items 30-33 on page 98 in their textbook.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 How is each model/representation used in writing quadratic function?
 How can you become a good model for everyone?
 Is becoming a good role model important? Why?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 98-99.

Session 25-26 Lesson 9: Applications of Quadratic Functions

I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. solve problems involving quadratic functions with speed and accuracy.
2. use models from the real-world problems to write a quadratic function.
3. share the importance of being accurate in solving real-world problems.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Ask your students regarding the lesson that was discussed on the previous sessions.
2. Motivation
Activity 51: Challenge Problem
 Give a sample problem involving quadratic functions.
A farmer has 1000 feet of fencing and a very big field. She can enclose a rectangular area with dimensions x ft
and 500 – x ft. What is the largest rectangular area she can create?
 Ask the students about how this problem will be solved.
(This leads to the introduction of the lesson.)
4. Statement of the Aim
Present the objectives of the sessions.

B. Firm Up
Activity 52: Watch and Solve Me!
 Visit the websites below and use them to show sample problems involving quadratic functions.
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS3OplAAG6Y
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipBoVSMVzp0
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ShdbCN7iY
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssb0yxpNmil
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIGmg4yWRKE
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 How did the sites help you enhance your understanding of the concepts? Did they make sense?
 What is the essence of quadratic functions in relation to real-life experiences?
 Why do we use different methods to solve math problems?
 Why do we need to use appropriate method in solving math problems?
 What are the types of problems that require minimum and maximum values?
 How can the formulation of mathematical problems involving quadratic functions help solve outcomes
of certain real-life problems?

Activity 53: More Practice

 Give another set of problems to be solved by the students.
 Call some students to show their solution on the board.

C. Deepen
1. Assessment
Activity 54: Worksheet No. 10 (GRADED)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 10).

2. Application
Activity 55: Math e-Capture
 Capture/ research photos that show parabolas such as bridges, rainbows, etc. (Projectile motions of certain
objects may be used, too.)
 Write equations based on the parabolic paths shown in the photo.
(Note: The output of the students’ work will be posted during the Math Month Celebration.)

3. Closure
Activity 33: Anticipation/ Reaction Guide (Part2)
Use the Ancipation/ Reaction Guide on the Activity 33 and task the students to answer the reaction column.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 What did you do in solving problems?
 Are you being accurate in solving those problems?
 Why is accuracy importance especially in solving math problems?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 99-100.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 113-121.

Lesson 10: Solving Quadratic Inequalities and Its Applications

Session 27-29 I. Objectives: At the end of the day/s, students can:
1. solve quadratic inequalities.
2. solve problems involving quadratic inequalities with speed and accuracy.
3. share ways in promoting equality instead of inequality.
II. Learning Processes
A. Explore
1. Review
Ask your students regarding the lesson that was discussed on the previous sessions.
2. Motivation
Activity 56: Challenge Problem
 Use the problem below to get the attention of your students.
Guinness Book of World Records reports that German shepherds can make vertical leaps of over 20 feet when
scaling walls. If the distance s (in feet) off the ground after t seconds is given by the equation s  16t  24t  1,

for how many seconds is the dog more than 9 feet off the round? Justify/explain your answer.
(Note: Highlight the given and the phrase which illustrates inequality.)
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 How do you find the activity?
 How did you come up with your decision?
 What supports you with your decision?
 How can we use equations and inequalities to solve real-life problems where certain quantities are unknown?
 How do quadratic inequalities help solve real-life problems?
 How can various real-life situations involving maximum and minimum values be solved and analyzed?
(This leads to the introduction of the lesson.)
5. Statement of the Aim
Read with the students the objectives of the sessions.

B. Firm Up
Activity 57: KWL Chart (Part 1)
 Present the chart below before discussing the lesson.
What I know about quadratic What I want to know about What I learn about quadratic
inequalities? quadratic inequalities? inequalities?

 Remind the students to only fill out the first two columns.

Activity 58: Solve to Graph

 Give a set of quadratic inequalities.
 Task the students to solve for the quadratic inequalities after reading the document below.
 http://www.teaching.martahidegkuti.com/shared/lnotes/4_collegealgebra/inequalities/inequality2.pdf
 http://www.regents.org/Regents/math/algtrig/ATE6/Quadinequal.htm
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 How are solutions of quadratic inequalities obtained?
 How do you know that an interval is a solution to the given inequalities?
 How are quadratic inequalities in two variables solved and graphed?

Activity 59: Watch and Solve Me!

 Show video that contains problems involving quadratic inequalities.
 Ask the following questions afterwards.
 How did you find the problem?
 How was the problem solved?
 How can quadratic inequality help us solve real life problems?
 How can various real-life situations involving maximum and minimum values be solved and analyzed?

C. Deepen
1. Assessment
Activity 60: Worksheet No. 11 (Graded)
Give the students 5 minutes to prepare for a quiz. Distribute the questionnaire (see attached worksheet no. 11).

2. Closure
Activity 57: KWL Chart (Part 2)
Use the KWL Chart on Activity 57 and task them to answer the last column.

3. Assignment
Remind the students for the Post-Test on the next session.

*Value Integration
Ask the following questions for the students to reflect.
 What value reminds you when we discuss the lesson about quadratic inequalities?
 Are you reminded with equality?
 How will promote equality instead of inequality?

III. Resources (Websites/references)

1. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.D., pages 59-66.
2. Grade 9 Learning Module- Mathematics 9: First Quarter of the Open High School Program, pages 47-62.
Review for the First Quarter Examination
 Review the Achieved Competencies
 List down the lessons being discussed for the first quarter.
 Check the competencies being achieved in the quarter using the First Quarter Competency Checklist.
Session 30  Post- Test
 Prepare the students for the post-test.
 Remind the dos and don’ts in taking a test to them.
 Distribute the questionnaire (see the attached document for POST-TEST).
 Update the remaining time to them constantly.

First Quarter Examination

October 4-5,
 Prepare the students for the first quarter exam.
 Remind them with the dos and don’ts in taking a test.
 Distribute the questionnaire (see the attached TQ for the first quarter exam).
 Constantly update them with the remaining time.

Performance Task Presentation

October 8-12,  Prepare the students for their presentation. Allow them to go to their respective groups to finalize everything regarding
2018 their presentation.
 During the presentation, remind the audience to just listen and keep quiet.
 Every after their presentation, give immediate feedback. Also, encourage the others to ask questions regarding their

Prepared: Checked: Approved:


Subject Teacher Academic Assistant, MATH Vice Principal for Academics

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