Protection of Life and Personal Liberty Under Indian Constitution (Article 21)
Protection of Life and Personal Liberty Under Indian Constitution (Article 21)
Protection of Life and Personal Liberty Under Indian Constitution (Article 21)
ISSN: 2455-2194
Volume 1; Issue 1; November 2015; Page No. 72-75
Protection of life and personal liberty under Indian constitution (article 21)
Vikasdeep Singh Kohli
School of Law, NIILM University, Kaithal, Haryana, India
In any organized society, right to live as a human being is not ensured by meeting only the animal needs of man. It is secured only
when he is assured of all facilities to develop himself and is freed from restrictions which inhibit his growth. All human rights are
designed to achieve this object. Right to live guarantee in any civilized society implies the right to food, water, decent environment,
education, medical care and shelter. The word ‘life’ as employed by Article 21 takes in its sweep not only the concept of mere
physical existence by also all finer values of life including the right to work and right to livelihood. This right is a fundamental right
guaranteed to all persons residing in India, citizens and non-citizens alike. right to life including right to livelihood and work as
guaranteed by Article 21 is not reduced to a mere paper platitude but is kept alive, vibrant and pulsating so that the country can
effectively march towards the avowed goal of establishment of an egalitarian society as envisaged by the founding fathers while
enacting the Constitution of India along with its Preamble.
Introduction not be of any avail to the State for depriving the person
According to constitutional settings of Article 21: This Article concerned of his life or personal liberty as guaranteed under
is couched in a negative form and enjoins the State not to deprive Article 21. Similarly under Article 19 (1) (g) all citizens of India
any person not necessarily only a citizen, of his life or personal amongst others have a right to practice any profession or carry
liberty except according to procedure established by law. It is on any occupation, trade or business. Of course, such a right is
axiomatic that the State can deprive any person of his life or subject to Sub-article (6) of Article 19 which lays down that
personal liberty only through the medium of operation of any nothing in the said sub-clause shall affect the operation of any
law which is a valid law. If any procedural law can validly existing law in so far as it imposes, or prevent the State from
deprive any person of his life or personal liberty it should making any law imposing, in the interest of general public,
comply with the requirements such: The procedure laid down by reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right conferred by
the said law should be as a result of valid exercise of legislative the said sub-clause, and in particular, nothing in the said sub-
power by the concerned law making authority. clause shall aggect the operation of any existing law in so far as
In other words only a competent legislature can enact such law. it related to, or prevent the State from making any law relating
If the procedure laid down by such law is found to be established to – the professional or technical qualifications necessary for
by an incompetent legislature such law would be a still-born one practicing any profession or carrying on any occupation, trade
or an incompetent one and ultra vires the powers of the or business, or the carrying on by the State, or by a corporation
concerned legislature. Result would be that such a procedure owned or controlled by the State, of any trade, business, industry
flowing grom such invalid law will have no effect on the life or or service, whether to the exclusion, complete or partial, of
personal liberty of any person governed by the sweep of Article citizens or otherwise. Similarly Article 22 lays down the
21; and Even though the procedure established by law is found procedure which should be followed before any arrest or
to have been laid down by a legislature which is competent to detention of any person is to be effected. If the procedure laid
enact such a law, if such law is found to conflict with any of the down by any law enacted by the competent legislature falls short
fundamental rights guaranteed by Part III of the Constitution of the requirements of Article 22 it will have no effect so far as
then such law would become void and in that eventuality such the deprivation of life and personal liberty of the person
law enacted by competent legislature would yet be invalid and concerned is on the anvil. In short in such a case the fundamental
would be treated as still-born having no impact on the right guaranteed under Article 21 will stand untouched so far as
deprivation of life and liberty of the deprivation of life and such person is concerned. Article 21 also will have to be read in
liberty of the concerned person and Article 21 would fully the light of relevant directive principles of State Policy found in
protect such life and personal liberty of that person. Part IV of the constitution of India. As laid down by Article 37
So far as this second type of infirmity is concerned the relevant the provisions contained in Part IV shall not be enforceable by
Articles which would govern such law as contemplated by any court, but the principles therein laid down are nevertheless
Article 21 and in whose light such law will have to be tested are fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the
Articles 14, 19 and 22 of the Constitution of India. Article 14 duty of the State to apply these principles are beckon lights for
guarantees equality before law or equal protection of law to the State both in its executive as well as legislative capacity to
every person in India. If the procedure laid down by the be guided by them and these functions of the State have to
concerned law does not stand the test of Article 14 such law will monitored in the light of these directive principles. The relevant
directive principles for our purpose are found in Articles 39(a) 12. Violation of the right by private individuals is not within the
and 41. Article 39(a) lays down that State shall, in particular, preview of Article 21.
direct its policy towards securing, (a) that the citizens, men or
women equally, have the right to an adequate means of Article 21 secures two rights:
livelihood; while Article 41 provides that the State shall, within Right to life
the limits of its economic capacity and development, make Right to personal liberty
effective provision for securing the right to work, to education
and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, Concept of ‘Right to Life’
sickness and disablement, and in other cases of undeserved want. ‘Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the security of
We have to cull our the correct connotation of the term ‘life’ as person.’ The right to life is undoubtedly the most fundamental
employed by Article 21 keeping in view the constitutional duty of all rights. All other rights add quality to the life in question
of the State as flowing from the aforesaid directive principles of and depend on the pre-existence of life itself for their operation.
State Policy under Articles 39(a) and 41. A conjoint reading of As human rights can only attach to living beings, one might
these provisions, therefore, clearly indicates that it is the expect the right to life itself to be in some sense primary, since
obligation of the State while enacting laws in connection with none of the other rights would have any value or utility without
deprivation of life of any person which is protected by Article it. There would have been no Fundamental Rights worth
21 to see to it that it does not falter in its constitutional obligation mentioning if Article 21 had been interpreted in its original
of making effective provisions for securing right to work and sense. This Section will examine the right to life as interpreted
also for providing adequate means of livelihood to its citizens. It and applied by the Supreme Court of India.
is in the background of the aforesaid constitutional scheme that Article 21 of the Constitution of India, 1950 provides that, “No
we now turn to tackle the moot question as to whether right to person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except
livelihood or work is covered by the sweep of Article 21 or not according to procedure established by law.” ‘Life’ in Article 21
of the Constitution is not merely the physical act of breathing. It
Historical Evolution does not connote mere animal existence or continued drudgery
The origin of the right to life enshrined under Article 21 can be through life. It has a much wider meaning which includes right
traced by the analysis of various international human right to live with human dignity, right to livelihood, right to health,
instruments and legal documents. The concept of life has right to pollution free air, etc. Right to life is fundamental to our
emerged from the times of Adam and Eve and has constantly very existence without which we cannot live as human being and
evolved since ages. The right of life is an inherent and includes all those aspects of life, which go to make a man’s life
inalienable right bestowed on very human being by all the meaningful, complete, and worth living. It is the only article in
powerful God himself. Similarly, various countries have the Constitution that has received the widest possible
incorporated this all powerful right in their legal documents to interpretation. Under the canopy of Article 21 so many rights
give it a legal force. have found shelter, growth and nourishment. Thus, the bare
necessities, minimum and basic requirements that is essential
Protection against arbitrary arrest and detention and unavoidable for a person is the core concept of right to life.
Article 21 provides the right to fair trial, speedy trial, right In the case of Kharak Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh, the
against handcuffing, right against inhuman treatment right Supreme Court quoted and held that: By the term “life” as here
against delayed execution and right against custodial used something more is meant than mere animal existence. The
harassment. All these rights works as a safeguard to the accused inhibition against its deprivation extends to all those limbs and
and these rights are available after giving wider interpretation to faculties by which life is enjoyed. The provision equally
Article 21 by the Supreme Court in number of cases. prohibits the mutilation of the body by amputation of an armour
leg or the pulling out of an eye, or the destruction of any other
Objective of the Research Paper organ of the body through which the soul communicates with
To analyses article 21 protection of life and personal liberty the outer world.
under Indian constitution In Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, the Supreme Court
To analyses right to life and right to personal liberty reiterated with the approval the above observations and held that
the “right to life” included the right to lead a healthy life so as to
Research Methodology enjoy all faculties of the human body in their prime conditions.
In the study the following research methodology is used: The It would even include the right to protection of a person’s
required secondary data will be collected through published tradition, culture, heritage and all that gives meaning to a man’s
material i.e. books, pamphlets, articles, newspapers and reports life. It includes the right to live in peace, to sleep in peace and
etc. the right to repose and health.
According to Bhagwati, J., Article 21 “embodies a constitutional No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except
value of supreme importance in a democratic society.” Iyer, J., according to procedure established by law.”
has characterized Article 21 as “the procedural magna carta Life and personal Liberty-Article 21, though couched in
protective of life and liberty. negative language confers on every person the fundamental right
This right has been held to be the heart of the Constitution, the to life and personal liberty. The foreigners are as much enticed
most organic and progressive provision in our living to these rights as the citizens. The two rights have been given
constitution, the foundation of our laws. paramount position by our Courts. The right to life which is the
Article 21 can only be claimed when a person is deprived of his most fundamental of all is also the most difficult to define.
“life” or “personal liberty” by the “State” as defined in Article Although most of the cases concerning the expansion of Article
21 in different directions have been given by art, yet there are
many more which have not received adequate attention under Concept of Personal Liberty
them. For the sake of convenience they may be mentioned under The next important ingredient of Article 21 is the expression
the following different subheads: ‘Personal Liberty’. When the Constitution was being framed, the
word used in the draft Constitution as prepared even up to the
Rights of Prisoners: The case of Prabhakar Pandurang, it has stage of Advisory Committee was “liberty” without being
held that the right of a detenu to send his book, written during qualified the word “liberty” by “personal” being of the view that
detention, for publication was recognised. A prisoner is entitled otherwise “liberty” might be construed very widely so as to
to all his fundamental rights unless his liberty has been include freedom already dealt under article 19. The result is that
constitutionally curtailed. Therefore, any imposition of a major article 21 as it finally found place in our Constitution protects
punishment within the prison system is conditional upon the “personal liberty”. Expansion of Article 21 has led to many of
observance of the procedural safeguards of fundamental rights the directive principles being enforced as fundamental rights. On
due to the very nature of the regime to which he is lawfully account of this expanded interpretation, now the right
committed. In Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, the solitary to pollution free water and air, right to food clothing,
confinement of a prisoner, who was awarded the capital sentence environment, protection of cultural heritage, Right to every child
for having committed the offence of murder under Section 30(2) to a full development, Right of persons residing in hilly areas to
of the Prisons Act, 1894, was held bad as it was imposed not as have access to roads and Right to education (Mohini Jain v. State
a consequence of the violation of the prison discipline but on the of Karnataka) have all found their way into Article 21
ground that the prisoner was one under sentence of death. Desai, The Article prohibits the deprivation of the above rights except
I. pointed out that the conviction of a person for a crime did not according to a procedure established by law. Article 21
reduce him to a non-person vulnerable to major punishment corresponds to the Magna Carta of 1215, the Fifth Amendment
imposed by the jail authorities without observance of procedural to the American Constitution, Article 40(4) of the Constitution
safeguards. It was also held that bar-fetters, to a very of Eire 1937, and Article XXXI of the Constitution of Japan,
considerable extent, imposed under Section 56 of the Prisons 1946.
Act, 1984, curtail, if not wholly deprive, locomotion which is Article 21 applies to natural persons. The right is available to
one of the facets of personal liberty and such action can only be every person, citizen or alien. Thus, even a foreigner can claim
justified in the circumstances relatable to the character of the this right. It, however, does not entitle a foreigner the right to
prisoner and his safe custody. However, prisoners have no reside and settle in India, as mentioned in Article 19 (1) (e).
fundamental right to escape from lawful custody, and hence, the
presence of armed police guards causes no interference with the Conclusions
right to personal liberty. So also, prisoners cannot complain of Now is the time to take stock of the situation for bringing down
the installation of the live wire mechanism with which they are the curtain. As seen above by a catena of decisions of the
likely to come in contact only if they attempt to escape from the Supreme Court spread over decades it is now well settled that
prison. Also, the denial of amenities or their poor maintenance the word ‘life’ as employed by Article 21 takes in its sweep not
do not necessarily constitute an encroachment on the right to only the concept of mere physical existence by also all finer
personal liberty. If a prisoner demands that he should have better values of life including the right to work and right to livelihood.
companions in jail or should be removed to a ward with more This right is a fundamental right guaranteed to all persons
relaxation and resents keeping convict cooks or having wardens residing in India as contradistinguished with only citizens
as jail mates in his cell, the Superintendent of Jail may justifiably covered by the sweep of Article 19(1) (g). This right cannot be
turn down such requests in view of the prisoner’s record and interfered with by the State save and except by a procedure
potential. However a prisoner has the fundamental right to be emanating from a valid law which should be passed by a
protected from the co-prisoners. In case a prisoner to kill by his competent legislature and which should not come in conflict in
co-prisoner the State may be compelled to compensate the any of the other fundamental rights especially those guaranteed
dependants of the deceased. Similar rights of the arrestees and under Article 14 and 19(1) (g) in so far as they are available to
persons in police custody have also been recognised concerned person invoking such a fundamental right. Though
Moreover, in several cases courts have issued appropriate Article 19(1) (g) caters to the needs of only citizens, Article 14
directions to prison and police authorities for safeguarding the is available to all persons and not necessarily only to citizens.
rights of the prisoners and persons in police lock-up, particularly Therefore, Article 21 goes hand in hand with Article 14 and both
of women and children against sexual abuse and for their early of them serve the same class of humanity residing in India both
trials. Handcuffing of under trials without adequate reasons in citizens and non-citizens. It is of course true that Article 21 is
writing has also been found against Article 21 and the Court has couched in a negative form and cannot be enforced in absolute
directed the Union of India to issue appropriate guidelines in this terms by way of a substantive provision as is the case with the
regard. A right to be released on bail has not yet been recognised fundamental right under Article 19(1)(g) available to citizens of
under Article 21 and it has been held that insofar as the India. Still, however, the fact remains that the State is prohibited
Scheduled Caste (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 prohibits from tinkering with right to work or tight to livelihood
anticipatory bail for offences under that Act it is not violative of guaranteed under Article 21 to all residents of India, citizens and
Article 21 non-citizens alike save and except by enacting a procedural law
Provision in Section 32-A of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic which stands the test of Part III of the Constitution of India and
Substances Act, 1985, taking away right of Court to suspend the State has also a positive duty to be guided by the provisions
sentence awarded under the Act, pending an appeal, violates of Articles 39(a) and 41 for making the right to life as envisaged
Article 21, particularly when no mechanism is provided for early by Article 21 more effective and kicking. It has also to be kept
disposal of the appeal. in view that Article 21 is neither suspend able during emergency
nor capable of being abrogated or amended and, therefore, the
State being governed and guided by the provisions of Article 21
in Part III and the Directive Principles in Part IV in this
connection has to see to it that right to life including right to
livelihood and work as guaranteed by Article 21 is not reduced
to a mere paper platitude but is kept alive, vibrant and pulsating
so that the country can effectively march towards the avowed
goal of establishment of an egalitarian society as envisaged by
the founding fathers while enacting the Constitution of India
along with its Preamble.
1. Kharak Singh V. State of U.P. AIR SC 1295 para 17 Munn
V. Illinois, 1963-1876, 94:113-142.
2. Olga Tellis, others V. Bombay Municipal Corporation and
others AIR SC 180 para, 1986, 32-33.
3. Baksey 347 M.D. 442, 1954.
4. Delhi Transport Corporation D.T.C v. Mazdoor Congress
and Others AIR SC 101 para 223, 1991.
5. The Board of Trustees of the Port of Bombay V, Dilip
kumar R. Nadkaarni and ors. AIR SC 109 Para 13, 1963.
6. Smt. Maneka Gandhi V. Union of India & Anr. AIR SC
597, 1978.
7. LIC of India and another V. Consumer Education &
Research Centre and others 5 SCC 482, 1995.
8. Sivani MJ. Ors. V. State of Karnataka & Ors. 6 SCC 289,
9. Chameli Singh. Ors. V. State of U.P. and Anr. 2 SCC 549,
10. Dr. Haniraj J. Chulani V. Bar Council of Maharashtra &
Goa 3 SCC 342, 1996.
11. Narendra v State of Haryana AIR SC 519, 1995.
12. Right to Life and Liberty under the Constitution —Justice
B.L. Hansaria, Ed. published by N. M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd.,
Bombay, Bakishi PM, Constitution of India, 1993, 46.
13. Shukla VN. Constitution of India, 10th edn. (Reprinted),
2004, 164.
14. State of Maharashtra V. Prabhakar pandurang sanzgiri, AIR
1966, 424.
15. Shukla VN. Constitution of India, 10th edn. (Reprinted),
2004, 177.
16. This right is also ensured in criminal procedure code, 1973.
17. Shukla VN, Constitution of India, 10th edn. (Reprinted),
2004, 178.
18. 1 SCC 81: AIR SC 1360. Hussainara Khatoon (I) v. Home
Secretary, Bihar. 1979-1980.