SPL Finals Reviewer
SPL Finals Reviewer
SPL Finals Reviewer
1. Any person who, not being a relative Ammendment by R.A. 7658 to Sec 12
of a child, is found alone with the said
child inside the room or cubicle of a "Sec. 12. Employment of Children. — Children
house, an inn, hotel, motel, pension below fifteen (15) years of age shall not be
house, apartelle or other similar employed except:
establishments, vessel, vehicle or any
other hidden or secluded area under 1. When a child works directly under the
circumstances which would lead a sole responsibility of his parents or legal
reasonable person to believe that the child guardian and where only members of the
is about to be exploited in prostitution and employer's family are employed:
other sexual abuse. Provided, however, That his employment
2. Any person is receiving services from neither endangers his life, safety, health
a child in a sauna parlor or bath, and morals, nor impairs his normal
massage clinic, health club and other development; Provided, further, That the
similar establishments. parent or legal guardian shall provide the
said minor child with the prescribed
Child Trafficking- Any person who shall engage primary and/or secondary education; or
in trading and dealing with children including, but 2. Where a child's employment or
not limited to, the act of buying and selling of a participation in public entertainment or
child for money, or for any other consideration, information through cinema, theater,
or barter. radio or television is essential: Provided,
The employment contract is concluded by
Aggravated: If the victim is under 12 the child's parents or legal guardian, with
years of Age. the express agreement of the child
Attempt to Commit Child Trafficking. concerned, if possible, and the approval of
– There is an attempt to commit child the Department of Labor and
trafficking under Section 7 of this Act: Employment: and Provided, That the
following requirements in all instances are
strictly complied with:
a. When a child travels alone to a foreign
country without valid reason therefor
and without clearance issued by the The employer shall first secure, before engaging
Department of Social Welfare and such child, a work permit from the Department of
Development or written permit or Labor and Employment which shall ensure
Q. Who are the persons who may be liable for Q. What is meant by delivery?
importation of dangerous drugs and/or CPECs? It is the act of knowingly passing a dangerous
Any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall drug to another, personally or otherwise, and by
import or bring into the Philippines any any means, with or without consideration.
dangerous drug, regardless of the quantity and NOTE: If there is no evidence to show this
purity involved, including any and all species of knowledge, the accused will be acquitted. Want
opium poppy or any part thereof or substances of knowledge is a valid defense (People v.
derived therefrom even for floral, decorative and Jumao-as, G.R. No. 101334, February 14,
culinary purposes. 1994).
The Supreme Court held that, to be liable for
importation, it is necessary that the dangerous Q. Who are the persons liable for crimes related to
drugs were taken in a vessel that came from a drug dens, dives, or resorts?
foreign country, with the said dangerous drugs (1) Any person who maintains a den, dive, or resort
aboard that vessel. Therefore, it is necessary for the use of illegal drugs;
that the prosecution prove that the vessel that (2) Employees who are aware of the nature of the
came into the Philippine ports had with it the said den; and
illegal drugs. Otherwise, he can only be liable for (3) Visitors who knowingly visit the same despite
illegal possession of dangerous drugs (People v. knowledge of the nature of the place.
Chi Chan Liu, G.R. No. 189272, January 21,
2015). Q. What are the requisites for a property to be
escheated in favor of the government?
Q. How is sale of dangerous drugs defined? (1) The information must allege that the place is
It is the act of giving away of any dangerous intentionally being used in the furtherance of
drug and/or CPECs, whether for money or for illegal sale/use of dangerous drugs;
any other consideration. (2) Such intent must be proven by the prosecutor;
Q. What are the elements of sale of dangerous (3) The owner of the said house must be included
drugs? as an accused in the information or complaint.