Perspective: New England Journal Medicine
Perspective: New England Journal Medicine
Perspective: New England Journal Medicine
Health care delivery involves cused factories” concentrating on structure also helps explain why
numerous organizational units, narrow groups of interventions, physicians fail to accept joint re-
ranging from hospitals to physi- we need integrated practice units sponsibility for outcomes, blam-
cians’ practices to units provid- that are accountable for the to- ing lack of control over “out-
ing single services, but none of tal care for a medical condition side” actors involved in care (even
these reflect the boundaries with- and its complications. those in the same hospital) and
in which value is truly created. Because care activities are in- patients’ compliance.
The proper unit for measuring terdependent, value for patients The concept of quality has it-
value should encompass all ser- is often revealed only over time self become a source of confu-
vices or activities that jointly de- and is manifested in longer-term sion. In practice, quality usually
termine success in meeting a set outcomes such as sustainable means adherence to evidence-
of patient needs. These needs recovery, need for ongoing in- based guidelines, and quality
are determined by the patient’s terventions, or occurrences of measurement focuses overwhelm-
medical condition, defined as an treatment-induced illnesses.2 The ingly on care processes. For ex-
interrelated set of medical circum- only way to accurately measure ample, of the 78 Healthcare Ef-
stances that are best addressed value, then, is to track patient out- fectiveness Data and Information
in an integrated way. The defini- comes and costs longitudinally. Set (HEDIS) measures for 2010,
tion of a medical condition in- For patients with multiple the most widely used quality-
cludes the most common associ- medical conditions, value should measurement system, all but 5 are
ated conditions — meaning that be measured for each condition, clearly process measures, and
care for diabetes, for example, with the presence of the other none are true outcomes.3 Process
must integrate care for condi- conditions used for risk adjust- measurement, though a useful
tions such as hypertension, renal ment. This approach allows for internal strategy for health care
disease, retinal disease, and vas- relevant comparisons among pa- institutions, is not a substitute
cular disease and that value should tients’ results, including compar- for measuring outcomes. In any
be measured for everything in- isons of providers’ ability to care complex system, attempting to
cluded in that care.1 for patients with complex condi- control behavior without measur-
For primary and preventive tions. ing results will limit progress to
care, value should be measured The current organizational incremental improvement. There
for defined patient groups with structure and information sys- is no substitute for measuring ac-
similar needs. Patient populations tems of health care delivery tual outcomes, whose principal
requiring different bundles of pri- make it challenging to measure purpose is not comparing pro-
mary and preventive care services (and deliver) value. Thus, most viders but enabling innovations
might include, for example, providers fail to do so. Providers in care. Without such a feedback
healthy children, healthy adults, tend to measure only what they loop, providers lack the requisite
patients with a single chronic dis- directly control in a particular information for learning and im-
ease, frail elderly people, and pa- intervention and what is easily proving. (Further details about
tients with multiple chronic con- measured, rather than what mat- measuring value are contained
ditions. ters for outcomes. For example, in a framework paper, “Value in
Care for a medical condition current measures cover a single Health Care,” in Supplementary
(or a patient population) usually department (too narrow to be Appendix 1, available with the full
involves multiple specialties and relevant to patients) or outcomes text of this article at
numerous interventions. Value for for a whole hospital, such as in- Measuring, reporting, and com-
the patient is created by provid- fection rates (too broad to be paring outcomes are perhaps the
ers’ combined efforts over the relevant to patients). Or they most important steps toward rap-
full cycle of care. The benefits of measure what is billed, even idly improving outcomes and mak-
any one intervention for ultimate though current reimbursement ing good choices about reducing
outcomes will depend on the ef- practices are misaligned with costs.4 Systematic, rigorous out-
fectiveness of other interventions value. Similarly, costs are mea- come measurement remains rare,
throughout the care cycle. sured for departments or billing but a growing number of exam-
Accountability for value should units rather than for the full ples of comprehensive outcome
be shared among the providers care cycle over which value is measurement provide evidence of
involved. Thus, rather than “fo- determined. Faulty organizational its feasibility and impact.
Survival rate (1-yr, 3-yr, 5-yr, longer) Survival Mortality rate (inpatient)
rences of the original disease or more timely, reducing discomfort, Improving one outcome di-
longer-term complications. The and minimizing recurrence. mension can benefit others. For
second level captures new health Each medical condition (or example, more timely treatment
problems created as a consequence population of primary care pa- can improve recovery. However,
of treatment. When recurrences tients) will have its own outcome measurement can also make ex-
or new illnesses occur, all out- measures. Measurement efforts plicit the tradeoffs among out-
comes must be remeasured. should begin with at least one come dimensions. For example,
With some conditions, such as outcome dimension at each tier, achieving more complete recov-
metastatic cancers, providers may and ideally one at each level. As ery may require more arduous
have a limited effect on survival experience and available data in- treatment or confer a higher
or other Tier 1 outcomes, but they frastructure grow, the number of risk of complications. Mapping
can differentiate themselves in dimensions (and measures) can these tradeoffs, and seeking
Tiers 2 and 3 by making care be expanded. ways to reduce them, is an essen-
tial part of the care-innovation times even counterproductive. slowed innovation, led to ill-
process. Today, health care organizations advised cost containment, and
Figure 2 illustrates possible out- measure and accumulate costs encouraged micromanagement of
come dimensions for breast cancer around departments, physician physicians’ practices, which im-
and acute knee osteoarthritis re- specialties, discrete service areas, poses substantial costs of its
quiring knee replacement. Most and line items such as drugs and own. Measuring value will also
current measurement efforts fail supplies — a reflection of the permit reform of the reimburse-
to capture such comprehensive organization and financing of ment system so that it rewards
sets of outcomes, which are need- care. Costs, like outcomes, should value by providing bundled pay-
ed to fully describe patients’ re- instead be measured around the ments covering the full care cycle
sults. No organization I know of patient. Measuring the total costs or, for chronic conditions, cover-
systematically measures the en- over a patient’s entire care cycle ing periods of a year or more.
tire outcome hierarchy for the and weighing them against out- Aligning reimbursement with val-
medical conditions for which it comes will enable truly struc- ue in this way rewards providers
provides services, though some tural cost reduction, through steps for efficiency in achieving good
are making good progress. (Fur- such as reallocation of spending outcomes while creating account-
ther details, including risk adjust- among types of services, elimi- ability for substandard care.
ment, are addressed in a frame- nation of non–value-adding ser- Disclosure forms provided by the author
work paper, “Measuring Health vices, better use of capacity, are available with the full text of this arti-
cle at
Outcomes,” in Supplementary Ap- shortening of cycle time, provision
pendix 2, available at of services in the appropriate From Harvard Business School, Boston.
The most important users of settings, and so on.
This article (10.1056/NEJMp1011024) was
outcome measurement are pro- Much of the total cost of car- published on December 8, 2010, at NEJM
viders, for whom comprehensive ing for a patient involves shared .org.
measurement can lead to sub- resources, such as physicians,
1. Porter ME, Teisberg EO. Redefining health
stantial improvement.5 Outcomes staff, facilities, and equipment. care: creating value-based competition on
need not be reported publicly to To measure true costs, shared re- results. Boston: Harvard Business School
benefit patients and providers, and source costs must be attributed Press, 2006.
2. Institute of Medicine. Performance mea-
public reporting must be phased to individual patients on the basis surement: accelerating improvement. Wash-
in carefully enough to win pro- of actual resource use for their ington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006.
viders’ confidence. Progression to care, not averages. The large cost 3. National Committee for Quality Assurance
(NCQA). HEDIS and quality measurement:
public reporting, however, will ac- differences among medical con- technical resources. NCQA Web site. (http://
celerate innovation by motivating ditions, and among patients with
providers to improve relative to the same medical condition, reveal 4. Porter ME. Defining and introducing val-
ue in health care. In: Evidence-based medi-
their peers and permitting all additional opportunities for cost cine and the changing nature of health care:
stakeholders to benefit fully from reduction. (Further aspects of cost 2007 IOM annual meeting summary. Wash-
outcome information. measurement and reduction are ington, DC: Institute of Medicine, 2008:161-
Current cost-measurement ap- discussed in the framework pa- 5. Porter ME, Baron JF, Chacko JM, Tang RJ.
proaches have also obscured value per “Value in Health Care.”) The UCLA Medical Center: kidney transplan-
in health care and led to cost- The failure to prioritize value tation. Harvard Business School Case 711-
410. Boston: Harvard Business School Pub-
containment efforts that are in- improvement in health care de- lishing, 2010.
cremental, ineffective, and some- livery and to measure value has Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.