1.6 Firesides and Watersides
1.6 Firesides and Watersides
1.6 Firesides and Watersides
Firesides and Watersides
• Measure 1.8.1, water treatment to minimize
waterside deposits and erosion
• Measure 1.9.3, fuel oil additives that reduce
fireside fouling
SAVINGS POTENTIAL: 0.5 to 10 percent of fuel cost,
depending mainly on the type of fuel and how well the
air-fuel ratio is kept adjusted.
Goodway Tools Corporation COST: The cost of typical rotating brush cleaning
Fig. 1 Cleaning the firesides of a firetube boiler This job equipment for firetube boilers ranges from $1,500 to
is dirty, but not too difficult. The vacuum cleaner attachment, $4,000, depending on size and features. If you hire a
at right, is the largest part of the equipment. cleaning service, the cost is proportional to the size of
the boiler and to the difficulty of reaching all the fireside
How to Minimize Fireside Deposits surfaces. A medium-sized firetube boiler with moderate
Preventing deposits is better than removing them. sooting can be cleaned in one day.
The way to minimize fireside deposits is to keep the
PAYBACK PERIOD: Several months to several years.
air-fuel ratio adjusted properly, as recommended by
Measure 1.3.1. Make sure that the boiler’s air-fuel TRAPS & TRICKS
controls keep the ratio in the proper range at all times.
Even a brief period of operation with insufficient air DILIGENCE: Cleaning firesides is dirty, tedious, and
can deposit a significant amount of fouling. uncomfortable, which motivates people to quit the job
The condition of burners has a major effect on before it is finished. Inspect the work to make sure that
fireside deposits, especially with heavier liquid fuels and all fireside surfaces are cleaned. Deposits that are not
with solid fuels. A partially clogged burner may cause removed will cause maintenance problems later. Be
some of the fuel to burn incompletely, creating heavy careful to avoid damaging tubes and brickwork.
residues. For this reason, clean your burners regularly, SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT: If you buy your own
and without fail. Follow the procedures recommended cleaning equipment, select equipment that makes the
by Measure 1.4.1. job as easy and pleasant as possible. The tools should
not be so aggressive that they risk damaging the metal.
Get a vacuum cleaner attachment to collect the dust.
New Facilities Retrofit O&M
MEASURE1.6.2 Install soot blowers in boilers that
burn sooting fuels. A C
If you wait until shutting down the boiler to clean SUMMARY
firesides, the deposits will reduce the boiler’s efficiency Primarily for boilers that burn heavy oil and
for the entire time it is operating. Soot blowers allow coal. Retrofit is tricky, and is more likely to be
you to remove deposits while the boiler is operating, at
feasible in firetube boilers than in watertube
any interval you choose. With dirty fuels, soot blowers
cannot eliminate the need for mechanical cleaning, but boilers. Restrictions on soot discharge into
they may substantially reduce the drop in efficiency the environment may be an obstacle.
between cleanings. SELECTION SCORECARD
Savings Potential ...................
Whether to Install Soot Blowers
A certain amount of sooting is virtually impossible Rate of Return, New Facilities
to prevent. With gas and light oil, soot may deposit on Rate of Return, Retrofit .........
firesides so slowly that it burns off before it can
accumulate. With all the heavier grades of fuel oil and Reliability ...............................
with all grades of coal, soot accumulates as long as the Ease of Retrofit ......................
boiler is firing. Heavier grades of oil build up soot much
more quickly than do lighter oils. Soot accumulation in
coal-fired boilers depends on several factors, especially enough soot to accumulate to seriously reduce efficiency.
the grade of coal, the burner design, and the tube design. Fortunately, soot can be kept under control while the
With heavy oils and coal, significant soot boiler is in operation by using soot blowers. These are
accumulates within a few hours. A boiler may operate devices that blast soot loose with jets of steam or
without interruption for thousands of hours, allowing compressed air. Soot blowers are available for both
watertube and firetube boilers.
Cleaning Techniques
Goodway Tools Corporation
Mechanical and chemical methods are used to clean
Fig. 1 Mechanically cleaning the watersides of a large
watersides. Both methods involve a lot of dirty work
watertube boiler This is dirty, noisy, claustrophobic work,
but it is essential. The steam drum must be large enough to and both involve a risk of damaging the boiler. Unless
give a man and his tools access to the tubes. Otherwise, the the boiler plant operators have the skill and the
tubes must be cleaned chemically. equipment required, leave this activity to a specialist.