Vung Ang 1 Thermal Power Plant 2 X 600Mw: Chapter 5 Boiler Piping System Instruction

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A 28th Dec, 10 For approval Zhao YJ Wang ZC Pan T






Chapter 5 Boiler Piping System Instruction


DRWN Zhao Yujuan 28 Dec, 10


CHKD Wang Zhencong 28th Dec, 10
APPD Pan Ting 28th Dec, 10

DOCUMENT No. VA1-BWBC-00100-M-M1A-FSP-0005

锅 炉 说 明 书

B&WB-2028/17.43-M 锅炉

第五章 锅炉范围内管道及本体附件
Chapter 5 Boiler Piping System Instruction

北 京 巴 布 科 克·威 尔 科 克 斯 有 限 公 司


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Boiler Instruction Chapter 5 - Boiler Piping System Instruction 50-G14900-0

The feedwater is supplied to the Economizer inlet header from boiler left side by single
pipeline. The feedwater pipe from the control valve station to Economizer inlet header is
routed and designed by DEC. There are two different pipelines installed at the feedwater
control valve station, which size are DN500 and DN300, and will be used respectively for
100% load and 30% load. The main feedwater pipeline with size of DN500 are
Φ508×40mm, and the material is WB36. A ANSI 2500#, 20″, 20-55425-RJ1N-Z-1-XXX-NF
electrical-driven gate valve and a ANSI 2500#, 20”, 20-588825-SNNN-S-1-XXX-NNN check
valve are installed on the main feedwater pipeline. The feedwater bypass pipeline with size
of DN300 for 30% load located on the control valve station is Φ355.6×30mm, and the
material is WB36. Two ANSI 2500#, 10”, 10-55425-SJ1NZ-1-XXX-NF gate valves and one
6”,CL2500,WC6,SD electrical control valve are installed on this pipeline. In order to
achieve the Economizer inlet header pressure requirement, there is a throttle valve
450L965Y320-00 on the feedwater main pipeline before the control valve station to maintain
the spray water pressure at the emergency case. During the startup and low load operation,
the feedwater will flow through the bypass pipeline. The flow and pressure of feedwater
system will be adjusted by the electrical-driven control valve and electrical-driven variable
speed feedwater pump. When the boiler load is increased, the main feedwater flow control
will be achieved electrical-driven variable speed feedwater pump. The vent valve and drain
valve are also installed on the feedwater control valve station

Feedwater Control Valve Station Diagram

In accordance with the requirement of ASME, each boiler shall be equipped with at
least one set of glass water level gauge and two water level indicators with alarming and

DESIGN 赵玉娟 CHECK 王镇琮 AUDIT 王继红 APP. 潘挺

DATE 2010-12-20 DATE 2010.01.05 DATE 2010.01.12 DATE 2011.01.14

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Boiler Instruction Chapter 5 - Boiler Piping System Instruction 50-G14900-0

trip mark. The following devices shall also be installed on the drum, two local bi-color water
level gauges with the type of B69H-32/2-W, one at each end, four single chamber balanced
vessels and two electrode water level gauges for the water level automatic protection, level
adjustment, and so on. There is also a high level water indicator. The detail installation
sketch is shown as follows. The bi-color water level gauge is provided with the water level
TV monitoring system

There are two CL 2500# 4” B12-8076Z-02TS gate valves installed on the drum,
which will be used to empty the drum water in case of emergency. In addition, two pressure

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Boiler Instruction Chapter 5 - Boiler Piping System Instruction 50-G14900-0

gauges, three connecting nozzle stubs for continuous blowdown, phosphate dosing and
saturated steam sample are also installed on the drum. The dosing tube size is DN20,
where H61Y-2000Lb, DN20 check valve ,1” B05-8076Z-02TS electrical driven stop valve
and J60Y-2000Lb DN20 stop valve are supplied. There are two valves installed on the
continuous blowdown pipeline, which are 2”B08-8076Z-02TS stop valve and CL1500,2”
WC6,BW,SD-ROTORK IQM 12 electric control valve.
Six 1749WB, 3″X6″type spring safety valves are installed on the drum heads, and
the total flow capacity is 83.1% BMCR, which meets the ASME code, B&W standard.
There are two valves installed on the drainage pipeline at the bottom of downcomers,
one 4”B12-8076Z-02TS stop valve and the other is 4”B12-8076Z-02TS electrical-driven
stop valve. Another two valves are also installed in series on the manifold of downcomers
for drainage, one is 4”B12-8076Z-02TS stop valve and the other is 4”B12-8076Z-02TS
electrical-driven stop valve. In addition, the Intermittent Blowdown pipeline is also induced
from the manifold. The details are shown below.

The Intermittent Blowdown system would not be in service as long as the feedwater
quality, boiler water and steam quality are strictly controlled and meet the standard
requirement during the actual operation. Otherwise, the Intermittent Blowdown system shall
be operated, which is preferred be running at low load (less than 50%~70%), and the drum
water level shall be monitored closely. The operation of Intermittent Blowdown system shall
not exceed 30 seconds every time, and it shall also try to avoid being operated at high load.
The auxiliary steam heating device from adjacent boiler is installed in the lower
headers of water wall. The steam is induced to the specific distribution headers on both of
left and right side via two pipes with size of Φ133×16mm. One J61Y-2000Lb,DN100 stop
vale and one J61Y-2000Lb,DN100 check valve are installed on the pipelines. The auxiliary
steam flows gets to the relevant lower headers of water wall after passing through 40
connection tubes with size of Φ42X6mm respectively, where one J61Y-2000Lb,DN32 stop
valve is installed on each tube. The auxiliary steam parameter is 0.98MPa and 350℃.

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Boiler Instruction Chapter 5 - Boiler Piping System Instruction 50-G14900-0

The stop valve and electrical-driven stop valve are installed on the lower header of
convection pass enclosure for drainage
There are two 1740WD, 3″X6″type of spring safety valves installed on the
Secondary Superheater outlet pipe. The total flow capacity of superheater safety valves and
drum safety valves is 100.7%BMCR, four power-actuated relieving valve in type of
3538W,2.5″X4″which total flow capacity is 30%BMCR are installed on the main steam
pipe, which can satisfy the user's FCB requirements with the 60%TMCR HP bypass
addition. The position of safety valve and power-actuated relieving valves on the secondary
superheater outlet pipe are shown on VA1-BWBC-01HAH-M-M1A-PID-0001, which one of
these could be used for steam exhaust during the boiler ignition period. Additionally, there
are also pressure gauges (one on each side), thermocouple connecting stubs and the
valves for pressure signals.
Two spring safety valves, in type of 1705RWD, 6″X8″, are installed on the Reheater
outlet header pipe, the total discharge capacity of these two safety valves accounts for
17.8% of reheater maximum steam flow, which meets the ASME code and B&W standard.
There are also pressure gauges, pressure signal connecting valve and thermocouple
connecting stubs.
Six spring safety valves, in type of 1705RRWB,6″X8”, are installed on the pipeline of
reheater inlet header, the total discharge capacity of these six safety valves accounts for
83.5% of maximum reheat steam flow, which meets the ASME code and B&W standard.
There are also pressure gauges pressure signal connecting valve and thermocouple
connecting stubs.
Venting and filling Nitrogen conservation stop valves with 11/2”B07-8076Z-06US are
respectively installed on the connecting pipe between the Primary Superheater outlet
header and the Platen Superheater inlet header, the pipe between the Economizer outlet
header and the boiler drum, Superheater outlet header, as well as the Platen Superheater
outlet header and the Reheater outlet header. It is recommended to use Nitrogen to empty
the boiler proper after hydraulic test. To prevent the heating surface from corrosion,
Nitrogen is recommended to be filled in the area where the boiler water could be drained
out while the boiler is shutdown for long period.
The sootblower steam will be sourced from a tube connection on the Platen
Superheater outlet header, where one electric stop valve, in type of 2”B08-9076Z-06TS, is
installed and connected to sootblowing pipe.
In order to adjust the superheater steam temperature, two-stage spray attemperators
are installed. The required steam temperature is gained from the mixture of the high
temperature steam and the low temperature water through adjusting spray water flow. The

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Boiler Instruction Chapter 5 - Boiler Piping System Instruction 50-G14900-0

spray water is supplied from the boiler feedwater system, which is induced from the inlet of
HP heater, and then flows to the attemperator nozzle via the spray water pipeline. The
manifold of the spray water is Φ219×28mm. The detail design of spray water system shall
be coordinated by BWBC and DEC. The primary spray attemperators are installed on the
connecting pipe between the Primary Superheater outlet header and the Platen
Superheater inlet header, one on each side, which connecting pipe is Φ558.8×80mm. The
control valve installed on each of the two pipelines is electric in type of 3”
CL2500 , WCB,SD, and which adjustable function is equal percentage. The electrical-
driven stop valves, in type of 6”B14-4054P-02TS, are installed at both upstream and
downstream of the electric control valve. The electrical-driven check valve, in type of H64Y-
2000Lb,DN125, is installed at the front of attemperator. There are also four manual stop
valves and one common electrical control valve is installed on the Primary superheater
spray water piping as standby facility. The Primary Superheater attemperator is venturi type.
The secondary spray attemperators are installed on the connecting pipe between the Platen
Superheater outlet header and the Secondary Superheater inlet header, one on each side.
The size of the secondary spray water pipe is Φ133×18mm. The control valves installed on
each of the two pipelines are electric in type 2”, CL2500, WCB SD, and which adjustable
function is equal percentage. The electrical-driven stop valves, in type of 4 ”B12-9076Z-
02TS, are installed at both upstream and downstream of the electrical-driven control valve.
The electrical-driven check valve, in type of H64Y-2000Lb,DN100, is installed at the front
of attemperator. The secondary superheater attemperator is venturi type too. In accordance
with the design requirement, the primary spray water flow is restricted by the allowable
lowest steam temperature entering to the Platen Superheater header. While the primary
spray water flow fails to control the steam temperature and the fine adjustment is required,
the secondary spray attemperator shall be run into service.
The reheat steam temperature is mainly controlled by the gas damper located at the
bottom of the downpass.
The Reheater spray attemperators are installed on the Reheater inlet pipeline. There
will be no spray water flow required during the normal operation. In this case, the Reheater
spray attemperator is used only for transition and/or emergency condition. The pipingsize of
the Reheater spray is Φ133X12mm, 89x8mm. The position of spray water piping and
operation plat arrangement is shown on VA1-BWBC-00LAF-M-M1A-DID-0001~0007. The
control valve installed on the piping is electric in type of 1.5”, CL900, WCB, SD. The
electrical-driven stop valves, in type of 21/2”B09-8076Z-02TS,DN80, are installed at both
upstream and downstream of the electric control valve. The electrical-driven check valve, in
type of H64Y-900Lb, DN80, is installed at the front of attemperator the reheater

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Boiler Instruction Chapter 5 - Boiler Piping System Instruction 50-G14900-0

attemperator is straight sleeve type.

The Economizer re-circulating pipe, in size of Φ133×16mm is arranged between the
Downcomer and the Economizer inlet header, one electrical-driven stop valve in type of
4”B12-8076Z-02TS,DN100 and two stop valves in type of are installed.
In order to monitor the quality of feedwater, boiler water and steam, the samples
interfaces are installed on the feedwater pipeline, the drum, the roof suppliers, the
Secondary Superheater outlet header and the Reheater outlet header. The sample
condensers and double valves are also designed.
The name, specification and quantity of all valves and water level gauge, for more
details please refer to the related instrument lists; for the system flow process please refer
to the boiler proper relative PID drawings.
The working theories and O&M manual for the auxiliaries of boiler proper, such as
valves, water level gauges and so on please refer to the Technical Documentations supplied
by the relevant manufacturers.

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