Tre Atm Ent of Gingiva L Re Cession: Moawia M. Kassab,, Hala Badawi,, Andrew R. Dentino
Tre Atm Ent of Gingiva L Re Cession: Moawia M. Kassab,, Hala Badawi,, Andrew R. Dentino
Tre Atm Ent of Gingiva L Re Cession: Moawia M. Kassab,, Hala Badawi,, Andrew R. Dentino
Re cession
Moawia M. Kassab, DDS, MSa,*, Hala Badawi, DDSb,
Andrew R. Dentino, DDS, PhDa
Gingival recession Gingival grafting
Connective tissue grafting Guided tissue regeneration
Coronally positioned flap
Recession can be defined as the displacement of the gingival margin apically from the
cementoenamel junction (CEJ), or from the former location of the CEJ where restora-
tions have distorted the location or appearance of the CEJ. Gingival recession can be
localized or generalized, and be associated with one or more surfaces.1
Many people exhibit generalized gingival recession without any awareness of the
condition and without symptoms. However, patients are often anxious about gingival
recession for one or several reasons, including fear of tooth loss, dentinal hypersensi-
tivity, or poor esthetics. Because many possible contributing factors interact to
contribute to gingival recession, it is difficult to predict whether further changes in
gingival recession may occur at a given site.
Albandar and Kingman2 studied the prevalence of gingival recession among
subjects 30 to 90 years old. Using a sample of 9689 subjects, they projected that
23.8 million persons in the United States have one or more tooth surfaces with 3
mm or more gingival recession. Those investigators also found that the prevalence
of 1 mm or more recession in persons 30 years and older was 58%, and increased
with age. Males had significantly more gingival recession than females, and African
Department of Surgical Sciences, Marquette University, School of Dentistry, PO Box 1881, Mil-
waukee, WI 53201-1881, USA
Marquette University, School of Dentistry, PO Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. Kassab).
Americans had significantly more gingival recession than members of other racial/
ethnic groups. Recession also was more prevalent and severe at buccal than at inter-
proximal surfaces of teeth.2 Similarly, Gorman3 found that the frequency of gingival
recession increased with age, and was greater in males than females of the same
age. Malpositioned teeth and toothbrush trauma were found to be the most frequent
etiologic factors associated with gingival recession.3 Recession associated with labi-
ally positioned teeth occurred in 40% of patients 16 to 25 years old, and increased to
80% of patients in the 36- to 86-year-old group.3 Those findings were corroborated by
Gorman,4 who examined 4000 subjects and found that the incidence of gingival reces-
sion increased with age.
The indications for surgical treatment of gingival recession include reducing root
sensitivity, minimizing cervical root caries, increasing the zone of attached gingiva,
and improving esthetics.
One goal of soft tissue grafting is root coverage. To accomplish that goal, many tech-
niques and flap designs have been used, some of which do not require a donor site
(pedicle grafts), while others do (free autogenous grafts). The success rates of root
coverage procedures vary because coverage depends on several factors, including
location and classification of the gingival recession and the technique used. The
gingival dimension most commonly assessed is the height (distance between the
soft tissue margin and the mucogingival line measured in millimeters). An increase
in gingival height independent of the number of millimeters is considered a successful
outcome of gingival augmentation procedures.5
Pedicle grafts differ from free autogenous soft tissue grafts in that the base of the
pedicle flap contains its own blood supply, which nourishes the graft and facilitates
the reestablishment of vascular union with the recipient site. Pedicle grafts may be
partial or full thickness.6,7 In a clinical human study, Wood and colleagues8 used
reentry procedures to compare crestal radicular bone responses to full- and partial-
thickness flaps. He concluded that regardless of the flap procedure, loss of crestal
bone depended on thickness, with the thinnest radicular bone associated with greater
postoperative bone loss. The mean bone loss for full- and partial-thickness flaps was
0.62 mm and 0.98 mm, respectively.
The term lateral sliding flap was first introduced by Grupe and Warren.9 Miller and
Allen10 have noted that that term now generally refers to the laterally positioned
pedicle graft (LPPG). An LPPG cannot be performed unless there is significant gingiva
lateral to the site of recession. A shallow vestibule also may jeopardize outcomes.
Although the use of the LPPG provides an ideal color match, it often is inadequate
for the treatment of multiple recessions.
Pedicle grafts using an edentulous area as a donor site also have been proposed to
correct gingival recession.11 The procedure is particularly useful in cases where the
attached gingiva on facial surfaces of two or three consecutive teeth is inadequate.
That technique involves the development of partial-thickness flaps around the
involved teeth, sliding the entire flap the width of half a tooth, and placing the inter-
dental papillary tissues over the buccal surfaces of the affected teeth.12
Cohen and Ross13 proposed a double-papilla repositioned flap to cover defects
where an insufficient amount of gingiva was present, or where there was an inade-
quate amount of gingiva in an adjacent area for a lateral sliding flap. The papillae
Treatment of Gingival Recession 131
from each side of the tooth are reflected and rotated over the midfacial aspect of the
recipient tooth and sutured. The only advantage of this technique is the dual blood
supply and denudation only of interdental bone. The disadvantages may include pull-
ing of the sutures and tearing of the gingival papilla.13–15
Both the epithelialized palatal graft and the subepithelial connective tissue graft offer
a more versatile solution for root coverage than does the laterally positioned or coro-
nally positioned pedicle flaps. There is adequate donor tissue, a shallow vestibule
132 Kassab et al
does not compromise the procedure, and multiple recessions can be treated. Two
kinds of autogenous grafts can be used for root coverage. One consists of an epithe-
lialized layer, while the other does not (or contains a small epithelialized collar).
To increase the success rate of root coverage, many clinicians have attempted to
combine different procedures (Figs. 1–5). Nelson38 used connective tissue grafting
with a double pedicle graft. A free connective tissue graft first was placed over the
denuded root surface, followed by a double pedicle graft to partially cover the connec-
tive tissue graft. Twenty-nine defects were treated with that technique and monitored
for 4 years. The mean root coverage was 88% (7–10 mm of recession), 92% (4–6 mm
of recession), and 100% (%3 mm of recession). Harris14 modified Nelson’s technique
with a split-thickness pedicle graft to cover the connective tissue graft. Thirty Miller
class I and II defects were selected and the mean root coverage was 97%.
Wennström and Zucchelli5 compared a coronally positioned flap to a combination of
a coronally positioned and connective tissue graft procedure. The treatment of 103
(Miller class I and II) defects was performed. The success rate for the combination
group was 98.9%, while 97% was accomplished for the control group after a 2-year
postoperative evaluation. The investigators concluded that the previous combination
of coronally positioned flap and connective tissue graft was the treatment of choice to
achieve root coverage.
Recent studies report that the addition of platelet-rich plasma to the combination of
connective tissue grafting and coronally positioned grafts revealed no additional clin-
ical benefits.39,40 Allografts have also been tested to treat gingival recession and to
Fig. 3. Combination of connective tissue graft and coronally positioned flap with sutures at
tooth #6.
Treatment of Gingival Recession 135
eliminate the donor site. Results appear to be contradictory, possibly because the
procedure is technique sensitive, especially when aimed at root coverage.41,42
Various tissue engineering techniques, including those involving the use of enamel
matrix derivative, have been used to enhance root coverage. However, minimal clin-
ical significance has been reported in terms of root coverage.43–45
Different space-making solutions also have been used in combination with nonre-
sorbable membranes (eg, titanium-reinforced, gold bar–reinforced, and gold frame–
reinforced membranes) to increase the percentage of root coverage with GTR. In
a human histologic study using titanium-reinforced membranes, there was evidence
of new connective tissue attachment and new bone growth after 9 months.48 The
different membrane designs have resulted in 77% root coverage.49
Roccuzzo and colleagues50 used ePTFE membranes in combination with minis-
crews for space-making and stabilization, reporting a mean root coverage of 84%
in 12 cases. Jepsen and colleagues51 compared titanium-reinforced membranes
and connective tissue grafts using the envelope technique. There was no statistically
significant difference in the two treatment modalities (the mean root coverage was
87% for the GTR group and 86% for the connective tissue graft group). Wang and
colleagues52 also compared GTR to subepithelial connective tissue grafting. Using
16 patients with bilateral Miller class I and II recession, they concluded that both treat-
ments presented with statistically significant improvement from preoperative to post-
operative measurements. The mean root coverage for the GTR group was 73%, and
84% for the subepithelial connective tissue graft.
To eliminate the need for a second surgical procedure to remove a nonresorbable
membrane, the use of various bioabsorbable materials has been proposed. In one
study, root coverage was obtained using a bioabsorbable polylactic acid membrane
softened with citric acid ester (PLACA membrane).53 In another study, the PLACA
membrane resulted in a mean root coverage of 64%.54 In comparing the use of a PLA-
CA membrane to a nonresorbable ePTFE membrane, investigators found no statisti-
cally significant differences in the mean root coverage obtained by either technique
(PLACA 82%; ePTFE 83%).50 Similarly, Zucchelli and colleagues55 showed similar
results when they compared bioabsorbable to nonabsorbable membranes.
The choice of GTR or gingival grafting to obtain root coverage has been a controver-
sial subject. For example, Pini Prato and colleagues56 compared the results obtained
with ePTFE membrane and a two-step mucogingival surgical procedure (involving
a free gingival graft and coronally positioned flap). They reported mean root coverage
for the GTR procedure of 72% versus mean root coverage for the two-step procedure
of 70% (the differences were not statistically significant). Harris57 also compared GTR
with a bioabsorbable membrane versus connective tissue with double pedicle graft,
and the difference was not statistically significant.
The combination of coronally positioned flap procedures and GTR was assessed in
a clinical investigation.58 The investigators found in their 6-month split-mouth random-
ized design that there was no statistically significant difference between GTR/coro-
nally positioned flaps versus coronally positioned flaps alone. The mean root
coverage was 56% and 69%, respectively. Another study reported similar results,
with no statistically significant differences observed between the two treatment
groups.59 However, the later study reported a slight increase in the width of keratinized
gingiva in the connective tissue group. Ricci and colleagues60 also showed similar
results after a 1-year postoperative evaluation, with no statistically significant differ-
ences between treatments (77% mean root coverage for the GTR group and 80%
for the connective tissue group). Harris61 combined a connective tissue graft with a co-
ronally positioned graft and compared it to GTR with a bioabsorbable membrane. No
differences were observed between groups (92% for the GTR group and 95% for the
connective tissue with coronally positioned graft). He also noticed a greater increase in
the amount of keratinized gingival tissue for the connective tissue graft group. Trom-
belli and colleagues62 showed a significant difference in mean root coverage when
comparing the GTR with a bioabsorbable membrane to a connective tissue graft
Treatment of Gingival Recession 137
procedure (48% root coverage for the GTR group and 81% root coverage for the
connective tissue graft), and reported a significant increase in the amount of kerati-
nized gingival tissue for the connective tissue graft when compared with the GTR
group. However, in a more recent study,63 when GTR was compared with connective
tissue grafting with coronally positioned flaps, the investigators concluded that, in
shallow recessions (1.5 to 3.5 mm), GTR techniques only provided 50% root coverage
obtained 12 months postoperatively, while the connective tissue grafting techniques
yielded 82% root coverage. Harris64 supported the previous conclusion by reporting
that 92% mean root coverage obtained 6 months postoperatively had been reduced
to a 58% after a mean of 25 months’ postoperative evaluation.
37. Harris RJ. A comparison of two techniques for obtaining a connective tissue graft
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38. Nelson S. The subpedicle connective tissue graft. A bilaminar reconstructive
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39. Petrungaro PS. Using platelet-rich plasma to accelerate soft tissue maturation in
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40. Huang LH, Neiva RE, Soehren SE, et al. The effect of platelet-rich plasma on the
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41. Harris RJ. A comparative study of root coverage obtained with an acellular
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140 Kassab et al