Law 200 Course Outline Fall 2015 AHK
Law 200 Course Outline Fall 2015 AHK
Law 200 Course Outline Fall 2015 AHK
Course Code
Law 200, Sections 3 & 4.
& Section No:
Semester: Fall’ 2015
Course Examine the nature, formation and application of legal principles in business. Topics
Short Faculty Bio: Arafat Hosen Khan is an Advocate at the Supreme Court of 1
Bangladesh, pursued a post-graduate degree in Human Rights Law (MA in Global Ethics
and Human Values) at the King’s College London, UK with Chevening Scholarship awarded
and funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in 2012-13. He is a member
of the Honb’le Lincoln’s Inn, Supreme Court Bar Association, Dhaka Bar Association,
Bangladesh Bar Council, and Barisal Bar Association. He is now partner at Apex Court
Chambers. Prior to that he was an Associate at Dr. Kamal Hossain and Associates, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, a Legal Consultant at Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST), and
a Legal Expert at the Institute of Law and Economic Development (ILED, Dhaka. He has
also worked as a National Consultant in various UNDP projects in Bangladesh. He writes
frequently for Bangladeshi newspapers advocating against extrajudicial police action.
Some of his publications include Ban on Corporal Punishment in Upholding Rule of Law,
Ensuring Effective Policing: Bangladesh High Court’s Guidelines on Arrest Without
Warrant, Asylum Seekers: Duty of the First World, and Women's Rights and the Fourth
.Estate, etc
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Description include the roles of law in society; the legal environment in which business operates,
particularly government taxation; the regulation of commerce, competition and labour
management relations and the concepts of property; its creation, transfer and
importance to business society.
Course Objectives Understand the basic concepts & theories of law associated with
business arena in relation to practical life.
Demonstrate acknowledge and understanding of the principles
involved in the formation of a contract.
Understand the remedies for actions of breach of contract and
misrepresentation, the effects and remedies where contracts are
void and terminated for other reasons.
Describe the legal issues surrounding Sale of Goods.
Learn different types of carriers and their duties, rights and
Evaluate Companies Act 1994 and Partnership Act 1932.
Recognize documentary credit as well as Promissory Note, Bill
of Exchange and Cheques.
Evaluate dishonor of Cheques under the amended Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881.
Evaluate labour laws in Bangladesh.
Identify issues in a problem and extract, and then apply the
relevant legal principles to them.
Recognize where principles are unclear and suggest possible
Text Book(s)
Author Edition & Year Publisher ISBN
Arun Kumar SEN Commercial Law
&Jitendra including company law and 25th Edition World Press 81-87567-31-7
Several approaches will be used in class during teaching, such as video presentation, case study,
group discussion, guest lecture and student presentation. Students will use the text, case studies,
journals, articles, research material, and handouts to apply the lesson learned to business situations.
You are encouraged to actively participate in all aspects of the class make contributions. I see my
role as to facilitate learning through a varied and collaborative experience, not simply by lecturing.
Grading tool
Mid 35%
Final 35%
Project & Group Presentation 10%
Quiz 10%
Class Participation 5%
Class Attendance 5%
The final grade will be a percentage of the accumulation of all points received over the course as follow (eg:
your earned points/total points) 100
100%-93%=A 79%-77%=C+ 60%-66%=D
92%-90%=A- 76%-73%=C 60% or less =F
89%-87%=B+ 72%-70%=C-
86%-83%=B 69%-67%=D+
Note: This assigned percentage letter grade may be altered at the instructor’s discretion
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There will be seven quizzes on the core text materials, which are worth 10%. Quiz may not be made up for
any reason. There will be two exams. Each exam carries 20% weight of the course works. . All exams will
be given over the designated class period. Exams will be a combination of true/false, matching and short
answer questions related to assign reading material. The exams must be taken at the scheduled times. Exams
may not be made up unless arrangements are made prior to the class period for which they are
Cell phones are prohibited in exam sessions.
Your project will be divided into 3 parts and their due dates and details will be announced in the class. You have to
submit your project’s parts on the announced due dates. In addition, end of the semester you have to compile your
project’s parts and present it for final grade. Moreover, you are also required to submit a confidential peer evaluation for
your project’s parts, case analysis, articles’ presentation and project’s presentation.
Time is money. In the professional world, every project/work is deadline oriented. Missing deadline means your
business is going to be face out from the professional world soon. Hence, to be a future business leader you have to
learn the value of deadline. You have to submit your assigned work(s) on due date(s). However, late submission of your
wok(s) will be penalized. Assignment submitted late within 24 hours of due date will be penalized 10%, within 48
hours will be penalized25%, within72 hours will be penalized40%. After 72 hours no late assignment will be accepted.
In order to foster a collaborative learning experience where shared student participation is important, attendance is
critical. We recognize situations may develop where you may miss class due to illness, unique family considerations. In
such a case, you are still responsible to ensure your assignments are submitted on time and that you know the
information covered in that session. Arriving late for class is rude, unprofessional, and detracts from the learning
experience of your fellow students. Consistent tardiness has the following consequences. First late arrival - no penalty,
second late arrival and thereafter - ½ %off final course grade. North South University mandates to fail students who are
absent 25% or more from their classes, even if such absences are excusable.
I reserve the right to make adjustments in the course requirements consistent with the course’s overall
objectives. Total course workload and available time will be considered in any such adjustments. You will be
notified at the earliest possible time if changes are to be made.
Communication Policy
Instructor will use his email to communicate students. Students are responsible to check their emails regularly.
All members of the North South University community must use electronic communications in a responsible manner. The University
may restrict the use of its computers and network systems for electronic communications subject to violations of university
policies/codes or local laws or national laws. Also, the university reserves the right to limit access to its networks through university-
owned or other computers, and to remove or limit access to material posted on university-owned computers.
North South University will provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate and reasonable accommodation to
students who have disabilities/special needs that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or meet course
requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their instructors to ensure that their needs are met. The University
through its Special Need section will exert all efforts to accommodate special needs.
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Students at North South University have the right to pursue complaints related to faculty, staff, and other students. The nature of the
complaints may be either academic or non-academic. For more information about the policy and processes related to this policy, you
may refer to the students’ handbook.
7 Law of Contract
Offer, Acceptance, Consideration & Communication
Free consent
Void, voidable & valid contract
Performance of contract
Remedies for breach of contract
Indemnity & guarantee
Law of agency
2 Sale of Goods
Rights & Liabilities
Delivery & Documents of title to goods
Conditions & Warranties
1 Carriage of Goods
Kinds of carries
Common carries
Duties, Rights & Liabilities
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6 Company & Partnership
Formation & Incorporation of company
Types of Company
Memorandum & Articles of Association
Meetings & Resolutions
Winding up
Types of Partnership
Relation of partners to third parties
Registration & Dissolution of a firm
Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus if necessary.
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