TITLE OF THE PAPER (Uppercase, Centered, Times New Roman 14 PT, Single Spaced)
TITLE OF THE PAPER (Uppercase, Centered, Times New Roman 14 PT, Single Spaced)
TITLE OF THE PAPER (Uppercase, Centered, Times New Roman 14 PT, Single Spaced)
Topic eISSN
First Author1 (First name Last name), Second Author 2*, Third Author 3 (12 pt Normal)
(no titles)
University, address, City, Country
University, address, City, Country
University, address, City, Country
Abstract. The abstract has to be clear, concise and focused on the subject. Avoid presenting
general things. Think that on the quality of the abstract depends the international visibility of
your work, the willing to be read and cited by other scientists.
This is the abstract in font size: 12 pt with the heading in bold, Times New Roman font. The title
is in size 14 pt Bold (all capital letters), the names of the authors are in size 12 pt Normal and the
name of the organization and its address are in size 10 pt Italic. The rest of the text is in single-
space, typed in a one column layout and font size 12 pt, Times New Roman font.
Contributions should comprise an even number of pages. Types of contributions accepted
into the journal: Original scientific works (6 to 12 pages), short communications (2 to 4 pages),
reviews (16 to 20 pages), book reviews (1 – 2 pages), chronicles of scientific events (2 to 6
pages) are accepted. Authors are also kindly requested to adhere to the formatting instructions
for font size and layout. Use of this template is mandatory.
Original scientific works and short communications should have compulsory original
findings and enough elements allowing the reproducibility of the experiments. Review articles
should provide new insights and a unification of ideas concerning their subjects and should not
merely be summaries of previously published papers
All papers normally contains the Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, a brief
Introduction and formulation of the problem, an Experimental (or methodological part), Results
and discussion, Conclusions, followed by Acknowledgments and References.
In MS Word, under the File menu, choose Page setup and set the Top, Bottom, Left &
Right Margins as 2.15 cm, the Gutter as 0 cm, and the Header and Footer to 1.2 cm and choose
Apply to: Whole Document. Then select the "Paper Size" tab and set the Paper Size: A4 and
Orientation: Portrait.
Ensure that each new paragraph is clearly indicated, using TAB at 1.25 pts.
The title is in size 14 pt Bold, all capital letters. Title should be concise and informative.
Avoid the abbreviations where is possible.
Author list
Include all authors in a single list. The style for the names is: first name, last name (full
names, without initials). The names of the authors must be written in size 12 pt and separated by
a comma.
Use the 12-point Times New Roman font. Use the automatic page numbering function to
number the pages.
If you are using abbreviations, please define them at the first mention in the text and use
them consistently thereafter.
Before editing tables please consider the following requirements:
- Tables should be centered and they should occupy the full width of the page.
- Table must fit in a size of a page A4, Portrait.
- If your table transfers partially to the next page you should mention on the next page
that this is a continuation of the table and you must indicate the headings.
- All table columns should have a brief explanatory heading typed in bold and where
appropriate, units of measurement.
- Vertical lines should not be used.
- Use the punctuation at the end of the table title.
All tables should be cited in the text, and numbered in order of appearance with Arabic numerals.
Tables should be numbered sequentially—“Table 1”, “Table 2”, and should be cited in the text as
“Table 1”, “Table 2”.
Table 1
This is an example of table format
Time Result
(min) (MTE/100 g DW)
10 19.41 ± 0.11
20 41.09 ± 0.71
30 43.83 ± 0.93
Only black and white artwork will be accepted. Individual figures should normally be centered. It
is also more convenient for referees of your article if figures are placed as close as possible, and
ideally after, the point where they are first mentioned in the text. Figures should be numbered
sequentially—“Figure 1”, “Figure 2”, and should be cited in the text as “Figure 1”, “Figure 2”.
We recommend you to place figures and their captions in a table with no margins:
Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what figure depicts.
Figure captions begin with the term Figure in bold type, followed by figure number and
punctuation, also in bold type. Figures must be submitted in a very good resolution (but do not
submit graphics that are disproportionately large for the content).
Please use size 12 pt and Italic for symbols, bold face for vectors and normal fonts for standard
functions (i.e. log, In, exp) and subscripts (i.e. // appi). Symbols and notations unanimously
international accepted should be used. Each notation should be explained where it first appears,
unless there is a separate “List of notations”. Abbreviations should be also explained at their first
appearance. Authors are recommended to employ the metric units and the SI system. Use capital
L for Liter, in order to avoid confusions. For “kilo” use “k” and not “K” as a symbol. It is
preferred to write the measurement units as “J·kg-1·K-1” and not “J/kg/K” or “J/kg.K” or
Decimal numbers should be expressed using the point (do not use comma). Large and complex
formulas, schemas should be presented in text as figures.
In the text, references should be indicated by Arabic numerals taken in square brackets, which run
consecutively through the paper and appear before any punctuation; ensure that all references are cited
in the text and vice versa. References should be numbered in the text in the order they are cited [1].
Multiple consecutive references may be abbreviated as [2-5].
Do not cite references in the abstract. The full journal name should be written, abbreviations are
not allowed.
Reference list should be written in TNR 10 pts, left-aligned, numbered list, as in the model below
Books :
1. LIU, B. Uncertainty Theory. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Press, 2010.
2. LEBEDEV, A.A., CHERNOBROVKIN, L.S. Dinamika poleta bezpilotnykh letatelykh apparatov [Flight
dynamics of unmanned vehicles]. Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1999.
5. Donu V.: Activitatea antioxidantăși polifenolii din Aronia în comparație cu alte pomușoare [Antioxidant
Activity and Polyphenols of Aronia in comparision to other berry species]. In: Agricultura , 2007, 72(4),
pp.301-306 22.
Symposia volumes:
Comportement physico-chimique et transfert des métaux lourds vers l’hydrosphère et la biosphère autour de
deux usines métallurgiques du nord de la France. In: Actes du deuxième Colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie
Appliquée COFrRoCA – 2002, Bacău, 10-12 octobre 2001. Bacău: Alma Mater, 2002, pp. 321-324
7. Smith, J. Sunflower Seed Remover: U.S. Patent 8,143,241, 1998.
Web references:
9. SHIN, S., YOON, H., JANG, J. Big stars have weather too [online]. 2011, 10, pp. 178-182. [accesat
10.11.2015]. Disponibil: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catcom.2008.08.027
10. Spectral Database for Organic Compounds, SDBS. [online]. [accesat 10.11.2015]. Disponibil:
11. LEVIN, O. Decontamination of vegetable oils: Ph.D. Thesis. Florida (USA): University of Florida, 1987.
12. ROMAN, Olesea. Mesure et prediction de la reactivite des lipides au cours du chauffage d'huiles vegetales a
haute temperature: thèse [online]. Paris: AgroParisTech, 2012. [accesat 10.11.2015]. Disponibil:
13. Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration
of waste. In: Official Journal of the European Communities [online]. 28.12.2000, L 332/91-L 332/111.
[accesat 10.11.2015]. Disponibil:
14. Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration
of waste [Annex V: Air emission limit values]. In: Official Journal of the European Communities [online].
28.12.2000, L 332/109-L332/111. [accesat 10.11.2015]. Disponibil:
The first description [13] is for the whole document, the second [14] for Annex V.