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Dilshan Jayasuriya

From: Peter Bayliss

Sent: Sunday, 9 February 2020 12:32 PM
To: Adrian McGregor; Kevin Repas; Jon Brooker; Dilshan Jayasuriya; Joel Cox; Aiden
Low; Michael Simpson; Ana Remedios; Stan Tudio; Tyler Carey; Nic Cortese
Cc: Peter Rodda; Chris Newberry; Greg Jones
Subject: LIP - Finger Jetty Design Coordination 90% Startup

CompleteRepository: 2316620
Description: Lombrum Infrastructure Project
JobNo: 2316620
OperatingCentre: 23
RepoEmail: [email protected]
RepoType: Project

Hi All,

We need to complete the Finger Jetty Package 90% (100% design) and you are each responsible for certain
To startup the development to 90%, I’ve summarised each Service / Infrastructure component below, outlining:
- Lead responsible
- Modelling software and who’s responsible
- Drafting / documentation and who’s responsible
- Battery limit (i.e. where will the FJ package documentation terminate and be documented by another
package). Note that coordination and in some cases modelling, will need to go beyond this battery limit to
ensure a properly coordinated design.

I’ve spoken with all of the leads (except Stan to go) in regards to kickoff of the final design and documentation. I’d
expect this to be underway this week.
I will setup an IDC for the week of 17th February (mid week) to review design inputs and ID / resolve any interface
issues / clashes before final documentation the following week.
Prior to this Jon will require navisworks inputs to produce a federated model – a separate request will follow later.

As a refresher:
- Current package PDFs file://N:\AU\Canberra\Projects\23\16620\CADD\_Current PDF's\MWP-MFJ_FINGER
- Current package navisworks model
file://\\ghdnet\ghd\AU\Canberra\Projects\23\16620\CADD\Navisworks\Federated Model\23-

Service / Infrastructure Lead Modelling Modeller Drafting / Battery Limit for

Responsible Software Responsible Documentation FJ Package
(inc. report Responsible
Fuel Adrian Revit – Jon Brooker KR To upstream
- Pipe McGregor pipework (JB) end of onshore
- Cope box and transition
valves Plant3d Kevin Repas footing
(TBC) – cope (KR)
box and

Services Supports Dilshan Revit – JB JB To onshore
- As per email brief Jayasuriya structural transition
structural frames (DJ) frames and footing
and footing details (inclusive)
- Check cored holes
in deck for all
- Cope fixing to deck
- Light column and
baseplate HD bolts
(see JC)
- Services
protection bollard
HD bolts (see JB)
Electrical Joel Cox (JC) Revit Aiden Low AL To FJ
- Switchboard and (AL) Switchboard
cope cabinets to (inclusive)
be specified (no
- Check abutment
light pole cable
route since road
being replaced
Potable water Michael Revit Ana JB (or other TBC) To upstream
- Pipe Simpson Remedios end of onshore
- Cope box and Plant3d transition
valves (TBC) – cope Kevin Repas footing (where
box and (KR) assist – pipe goes
valving based on underground)
modified fuel
cope box - (at
direction of
Greg Jones)
Fire water Stan Tudio Revit ST JB (or other TBC) To potable
- Pipe offshoots (ST) water pipe
- Cabinets and reels (service in row
Civil Road Interface Tyler Carey Civil3d Nic Cortese N/A – no road Jetty abutment
- Relation to finger (NC) design slab to road
jetty abutment documentation interface (road
- Services v road included in FJ design to
coordination at package. consider
onshore/offshore interface
transition loading)

Marine Structures Peter Bayliss Revit JB JB Jetty abutment

slab (inclusive)

All modelling and drafting/documentation inputs are to be coordinated with Jon Brooker (FJ package lead drafter).

I’ll be working overseas this week with intermittent email, so any immediate coordination issues please contact Jon


Peter Bayliss
Senior Maritime Engineer

Proudly employee owned
T: +61 7 3316 3932 | M: +61 400 290 810 | E: [email protected]
145 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000 |

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