Build Vs Buy Evaluating Identity Management PDF

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Table of Contents

What is Identity Management? 3

Signs You Need to Move From DIY to an IAM Solution 6

Business Case for Purchasing IAM 9

Top Considerations for Evaluating an IAM Solution 14

Case Studies 16

Schneider Electric ...................................................................................................................... 16

Bluetooth .................................................................................................................................... 17

Conclusion 18

We Can Help 19

Resources 21
What is Identity Management?

Identity and Access Management (IAM), or simply identity management, refers to a service or platform

that identifies individuals and controls their access to system resources through user rights and restric-

tions. Identity management is important for security and increases the productivity of users by imple-

menting a central directory: users don’t need to remember and keep track of several different usernames

and passwords. IAM also helps protect companies and their users from data breaches. In 2015, the aver-

age total cost of a data breach was $3.8 million¹. Identity management can offer protection against these

types of threats with security features like multifactor authentication, breached password protection,

anomaly detection, and more.

Identity management solutions provide benefits for all types of businesses. IAM can also provide distinct

and specialized features to serve B2B, B2C, and B2E use cases.

B2B: A business provides federated identity management to another business, such as Trello

allowing another business to log into Trello with their enterprise credentials.

B2C: A business provides social authentication to consumers through Facebook, Google, or

other social media identity providers.

B2E: A business provides single sign-on to its own employees.

veals-average-cost-of-data-breach-reaches-record-levels-300089057.html Retrieved Mar 9, 2017.

We’ll cover IAM benefits with regard to all three business types in this paper.

Identity management encompasses many different authentication solutions, including but not limited


Federated Identity: Federated Identity Management is a method of transferring authentica-

tion data without violating the same origin policy, generally by using an external authorization


Single Sign On (SSO): SSO is a type of Federated Identity Management. SSO occurs when a

user logs into one client and is then signed in to other clients automatically, regardless of dif-

ferences in platform, technology, or domain. A token or cookie is generated to authenticate the

user across domains.

Enterprise Federation: Enterprise Federation is Federated Identity Management with enter-

prise connections such as Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, SAML, Google Apps, etc.

Identity management continues to evolve. The digital landscape grows and changes very rapidly. Person-

al smartphones and tablets are everywhere and businesses have gone digital. To be successful, companies

need to protect and secure identity across a wide variety of devices and platforms. Within the last few

years, identity management concepts like Multifactor Authentication (MFA), Passwordless, and Single

Sign On (SSO) have come to the forefront when addressing identity management for modern, distrib-

uted systems.

Multifactor Authentication utilizes separate stages of authentication to provide two (or more) steps to

log in. Passwordless can use SMS, magic links, or even biometrics like fingerprint authentication to au-

thenticate users.

One trend driving identity management adoption is cloud-based applications. Cloud apps and services,

like Google Apps and Amazon Web Services (AWS), utilize a network of remote servers to store, man-

age, and process data. IAM is a vital component of apps that use cloud-hosted services. Identity manage-

ment provides methods to monitor and provide secure user access to the necessary resources.

Another trend driving IAM adoption is the need for users to be able to access apps from anywhere on

any device. With the expansion of personal computing, companies need the ability to provide secure

access to their users regardless of where they are or what device they may be using. Identity management

centralizes authentication so user identity can be confirmed under all different login circumstances.

For B2C companies, social authentication is another trend driving the adoption of IAM solutions. Po-

tential customers use a variety of social media on a daily basis. IAM solutions provide social authen-

tication with a variety of social identity providers, allowing customers to authenticate with logins they

already use regularly without needing to create and remember new credentials.

Signs You Need to Move From DIY to

an Identity Management Solution

All Use Cases
You need a standards-based solution, such as OpenID Connect, SAML, WS-Federation, and/

or OAuth.

You have users that authenticate with various identity providers but lack a way to link their


You have applications on different domains and require users to log in separately for each.

Your best developers spend their time building and maintaining identity management and au-

thentication instead of building core business applications.

Your company has experienced any type of data breach or you are concerned with a data breach.

You’re being asked for industry certifications that you haven’t considered/addressed.

Your customers are asking to use their enterprise credentials to log in to your product. You need

to support Enterprise Federation with many types of identity providers, such as Active Directo-

ry, in addition to a username/password option.

You can’t delegate user management to your customer’s help desk.

Your main source of user data comes from directly asking users on forms or surveys. Being

able to easily extract third party data about your users would help you better understand your

customers and drive more revenue through upsells and targeted marketing.

If you sell to consumers, you don’t offer an easy 1-click signup option through social identity


You’ve faced performance concerns as you increased your user base.

You need to manage different authorization and access levels for your employees.

You need to be able to provision and deprovision users easily when employees join or leave your


Business Case for Purchasing an

Identity Management Solution

There are many compelling reasons to purchase identity management for all use cases, including B2B,

B2C and B2E. A few examples are as follows:

All Use Cases
Reduction in engineering costs: Implementing a third party identity management solution is straight-

forward and enabling powerful features can be as easy as flipping a switch. Hundreds—if not thou-

sands—of valuable development hours can go back to writing business logic instead of being spent

building authentication. Lots of time dedicated to testing and security for authentication can also be

returned to core app work. Integrating and mapping identity providers is time-consuming and can be

painful. With an IAM solution, these integrations are already built and provided. An IAM should also

offer SDKs for popular development stacks, further reducing additional coding needed to integrate the

authentication system. A company’s engineering team can focus on configuration rather than coding

and customizing.

Increased security: Storing data with a third-party identity management solution strengthens security.

IAM solutions adhere to security compliance policies and certifications. A solution takes on the respon-

sibilities of keeping user data stored and transported securely. In addition, an IAM solution provides

federated identity so that users don’t engage in bad practices like reusing the same password to avoid

having to remember multiple login credentials.

Increased enterprise adoption: An identity management solution offers robust Enterprise Federation,

enabling enterprise connections such as Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, SAML, Google Apps,

and more. Enterprise federation increases adoption by companies already using those technologies by

allowing users to log in with their existing enterprise credentials. With single sign-on, there’s no need for

users to remember additional usernames or passwords. This improves ease of access and reduces churn.

Increased enterprise revenue: An identity management solution ensures that an app can support any

type of Enterprise Federation customers may request. It also ensures that security requirements are met,

thus reducing costs. Potential enterprise customers with existing credentials can authenticate with the

same login. This helps generate revenue from enterprise customers as well as reduces friction for users.

Reduction in sales cycle/onboarding: Federated Identity allows companies to use their own credentials

with a product or service while ensuring security requirements are fulfilled. This promotes faster sales

cycles and customer onboarding. There is no need to introduce customers to a new, unfamiliar login or

make them remember another password. They can use their enterprise credentials to have single sign-on

across all properties.

Increased consumer adoption: By providing a unified, user-friendly login box for customers, identity

management provides a consistent, frictionless signup and login experience across all applications re-

gardless of browser or device. An identity management solution can gather more data about users. In

turn, companies can utilize data to effectively drive adoption and upsell opportunities. A solution that

provides an intuitive login box for optimized signup and login rates can also reduce the need for design

and marketing resources. A third party solution is built to scale to as many authentication requests as

needed to maintain high performance and availability.

Third party SSO: An IAM solution provides Single Sign-On, which allows users to sign into multiple

third parties with one login. Regardless of cloud or on-premises apps, SSO allows users to log in once

and access any app without being prompted a second time for credentials. SSO can be utilized to au-

thenticate apps such as ERP, Salesforce, Workday, Office 365, and more.

Management of authorization levels: An identity management solution provides the means to easily

control different access levels for users. Privileges can be assigned and changed as employees join a com-

pany or are promoted. Users can also be deprovisioned, revoking all access and permissions.

Top Considerations for Evaluating an
IAM Solution

There are several factors you should consider carefully when selecting an identity management solution

for your business.

Deployment options: Look for the option to host anywhere. Your identity management solution should

have the option to be deployed to the solution’s cloud, your cloud, or your own data center.

Ease of integration: One of the many advantages to using an IAM solution is to cut down on develop-

ment time. Look for a solution that offers SDKs, robust documentation, powerful APIs, and features that

are simple and straightforward to configure and enable.

Support for all identity providers: A good identity management solution should support virtually all

popular sources of identity. For employees, this includes Microsoft Active Directory, ADFS, Office 365,

Google Apps and SAML solutions. For consumers, this includes support for any custom database, social

identity providers (like Google, Twitter, Facebook etc.) and passwordless solutions such as SMS, email,

and Touch ID.

Extensibility: Your business does not remain static, therefore your identity management shouldn’t ei-

ther. Your IAM should be allow you to easily customize the authentication and authorization pipeline.

Ideally you should be able to customize the product to your needs right in the dashboard without need-

ing to contact support or purchase a custom package. Your IAM solution should also allow you to extend

its functionality, such as importing/exporting user data, easy integrations with additional apps, authori-

zation, or executing custom scripts to extend the functionality of the base product.

Best-in-class security features: Your IAM selection should be peer reviewed by international securi-

ty experts and comply with standards such as SAML, OAuth, WS-Federation, and certifications like

OpenID Connect, SOC2, HIPAA, etc. Check for important features to protect against attack threats and

compromised data, such as breached password detection and brute force protection.

Ease of migration: Moving to and from your identity management solution should be supported and

unrestricted. Make sure there is no vendor lock-in that may inhibit migrating users out of the system in

the future. The solution should also connect to any user store that you already use, and shouldn’t require

users to manually reset their passwords when migrating to the new solution.

Fast support from security experts / customer service: Your IAM’s customer support team should have

a team of experts ready to assist with any challenge 24 hours per day. The team should also include senior

engineers with extensive practical experience implementing IAM solutions.

Case Studies From Different Industries

Driving Growth with

Unified Identity Management

With over 170,000 employees across more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric, a global leader in

energy management and automation, needed an identity management strategy that could scale with the

company’s next phase of growth while maximizing efficient use of resources. Schneider Electric’s pri-

mary need when choosing IAM was a single sign-on system to create a unified authentication process.

This way, they could use the same identities and credentials for all of the company’s diverse systems and


A cost-benefit analysis quickly proved that Schneider Electric would be better off leveraging its em-

ployee resources to deliver on core business goals and objectives. Using Auth0 for identity management

could break down barriers within the corporation and solve challenging identity integration problems.

Auth0 also provided a robust and flexible solution that was developer-focused and easy to integrate.

The platform was web and mobile friendly, supported open standards, and offered robust features and

future-proofing with broad identity provider support and easy migration.

Once Auth0 was selected and implemented, many benefits were realized. Using Auth0’s identity man-

agement solution eliminated extra development work. This freed up more resources for IT innovation.

Time to market was faster and the system benefitted from increased security and best practices. Auth0

also provided fast, thorough reactions to vulnerabilities.

“Before any news sites reported on last year’s Heartbleed zero day vulnerability, Auth0 emailed us to

alert us to the situation. There was already a patch to eliminate the Heartbleed threat from Auth0’s

systems, followed by a confirmation email that Auth0 had already installed this patch on the Schnei-

der Electric instance of Auth0’s service,” said Berard. “Auth0 helps our platform team look really good.

In this scenario, not only had the security issue been patched, our IT team was able to save valuable

time by leveraging the detailed steps on how the issues were mitigated to report directly to our inter-

nal team. What’s more, Auth0 cycled the certificates, something else that would have been very labor

intensive for the team to do on its own.”

“With the Auth0 platform, we can plan and integrate identity architecture early to save critical time

and ensure a secure system is in place when a project gets off the ground.”

Unifying Identity across

On-Premises and Cloud Apps

Bluetooth, a global leader in wireless technology, had a growing ecosystem that presented various chal-

lenges. The business, which started as a single application, swiftly grew to multiple different apps. Apps

developed in-house as well as third party SaaS apps (Sharepoint, ServiceNow, SiteCore) all required

different authentication credentials. Bluetooth’s existing homegrown solution was forms-based and used

username and password credentials. This platform was not suited for federated identity. The company

needed a modern identity solution with single sign-on to support all of their homegrown and third-par-

ty SaaS apps. The solution had to be implemented while keeping the existing platform operating with a

future path for full migration. User roles and access were also vital to ensure proper levels of access to

confidential documents.

Auth0 offered a solution that fit the bill. Auth0 was easy to implement and allowed the team to add

SSO and modern authentication. The legacy system was kept intact while a migration plan was imple-

mented and carried out. It took only days to implement Auth0 versus the months needed to implement

an in-house platform. Top-notch documentation with detailed code samples covered introductory and

advanced topics, allowing Bluetooth SIG engineers to quickly understand and implement their modern

identity solution. Bluetooth worked with Auth0’s developer success engineers to develop a proof of con-

cept to jointly showcase the platform’s capabilities. Support response times were short with rapid turn-

around. Overall, Auth0’s full suite of technology, documentation, and support were suited to provide the

ideal solution for Bluetooth.


Managing modern identity is a challenging task. Keeping up with evolving standards, best practices, and

constantly patching security bugs takes time and money away from the core business. By considering

features that grow with your organization’s needs and how other companies have successfully evaluated

and implemented their own solutions, you can reap the benefits of an identity management solution.

In summary, your organization can transform your IAM from a critical point of risk and a potential

blocker for business, into a system that not only enables your organization’s ability to drive revenue but

actually enhances it. With Auth0, you can implement IAM in days, not months, future proofing your

organization by utilizing the easiest, most comprehensive and extensible IAM solution available.

We Can Help

Auth0 can help you manage identity for your users. As security experts, we have built an identity-as-a-ser-

vice (IDaaS) platform designed with state of the art security in mind. Over 80,000 developers in 167

countries trust Auth0 as their identity management solution.

Auth0’s Enterprise identity management platform provides customers many features and benefits, in-


The ability to configure and implement enterprise federation and single sign-on requiring only

basic configuration and no coding.

Auth0’s supported enterprise connections include Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, SAML, Goo-

gle Apps, and more.

Auth0 supports social connections with all major providers including LinkedIn, Facebook,

Twitter, Google, and many more.

Auth0 provides traditional username and password authentication, via either the Auth0 DB or

any Custom DB, with enhanced security features such as multifactor authentication, breached

password detection, brute force attack protection, and anomaly detection.

Users can be migrated from existing systems painlessly with no forced password resets.

Auth0 provides methods to audit and view identity-based analytics to ensure organizational

compliance and upsell opportunities.

Companies can easily manage user access with fine-grained permissions and powerful, custom


Auth0’s delegated administration allows companies to administer granular access, visibility,

and user management to customers.

With Auth0, it takes less than thirty minutes for a developer to set up robust and customizable

identity management for any technology stack.


For more examples of how other companies evaluated Auth0, please visit or con-

tact [email protected].

You can try Auth0 for free; setup only takes minutes. You can also view the Auth0 pricing page here:

You can review Auth0 Case Studies or learn more about Auth0’s enterprise solution. Auth0 also pro-

vides robust documentation for APIs, SDKs, quickstarts, and much more. The blog at

is a source of all the latest news and tutorials on emerging and popular technologies and security topics.


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