10 1016@j DSX 2020 03 016 PDF
10 1016@j DSX 2020 03 016 PDF
10 1016@j DSX 2020 03 016 PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background and aims: COVID-19 is already a pandemic. Emerging data suggest an increased association
Received 28 March 2020 and a heightened mortality in patients of COVID-19 with comorbidities. We aimed to evaluate the
Accepted 28 March 2020 outcome in hypertensive patients with COVID-19 and its relation to the use of renin-angiotensin system
blockers (RASB).
Keywords: Methods: We have systematically searched the medical database up to March 27, 2020 and retrieved all
the published articles in English language related to our topic using MeSH key words.
Results: From the pooled data of all ten available Chinese studies (n ¼ 2209) that have reported the
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
characteristics of comorbidities in patients with COVID-19, hypertension was present in nearly 21%,
Angiotensin-receptor blockers followed by diabetes in nearly 11%, and established cardiovascular disease (CVD) in approximately 7% of
patients. Although the emerging data hints to an increase in mortality in COVID-19 patients with known
hypertension, diabetes and CVD, it should be noted that it was not adjusted for multiple confounding
factors. Harm or benefit in COVID-19 patients receiving RASB has not been typically assessed in these
studies yet, although mechanistically and plausibly both, benefit and harm is possible with these agents,
given that COVID-19 expresses to tissues through the receptor of angiotensin converting enzyme-2.
Conclusion: Special attention is definitely required in patients with COVID-19 with associated comor-
bidities including hypertension, diabetes and established CVD. Although the role of RASB has a mech-
anistic equipoise, patients with COVID-19 should not stop these drugs at this point of time, as
recommended by various world organizations and without the advice of health care provider.
© 2020 Diabetes India. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1871-4021/© 2020 Diabetes India. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
284 A.K. Singh et al. / Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 14 (2020) 283e287
inhibitors. We have retrieved all the available literature published neither of these studies were adjusted for all confounding variables.
in English language on COVID-19, that reported the outcomes in Nevertheless, a study of 187 patients with COVID-19, Guo et al.
different co-morbidities. reported nearly a twice increase in mortality in patients with
established CVD and raised troponin T (TnT), compared to patients
without CVD and raised TnT (69.4% vs. 37.5% respectively) [14].
3. Results
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a
summary report of COVID-19, reported a case fatality rate (CFR) of
3.1. Hypertension as a significant comorbidity with COVID-19
2.3% (1023 deaths among 44,672 confirmed cases). However, CFR
was elevated to 6.0% for hypertension, 7.3% for diabetes, and 10.5%
The association of hypertension and diabetes in patients with
for presence of CVD [15]. Unsurprisingly, based on the above find-
COVID-19 is not unexpected, given the rising prevalence of both of
ings, researchers have recently proposed that the course of treat-
these chronic diseases, globally. Interestingly, in the pooled data
ment and prognosis of COVID-19 should be stratified based on the
from the ten Chinese studies (n ¼ 2209) that have reported the
absence or presence of co-morbidities in to type A, B and C. Type A
characteristics of comorbidities in patients with COVID-19; asso-
denotes COVID-19 patients with pneumonia but without comor-
ciations of hypertension, diabetes and presence of established
bidities, Type B denotes COVID-19 pneumonia and comorbidities,
cardiovascular disease (CVD) are larger, varying from 15 to 30%
whereas, Type C denotes COVID-19 patients with multi-organ
(average 21%), 5e20% (average 11%) and 2e40% (average 7%)
dysfunction [16].
respectively (Table 1). Established CVD was also present in nearly
Nonetheless, it still remains unclear whether these increased
43% in Italian study of 355 patients with COVID-19.
association of hypertension with COVID-19 and heightened risk of
Table summarizes the prevalence of these comorbidities in all
mortality is directly related to hypertension or other associated
available studies to-date in patients with COVID-19 [3e14].
comorbidities, or, anti-hypertensive treatment. There has been a
growing concern that this association with hypertension and or
3.2. Hypertension as a prognostic indicator for severity and CVD may be confounded by the treatment with certain antihy-
mortality in COVID-19 pertensive medications such as RASB. Although a recent paper has
proposed to stop RASB and suggested to replace it with the calcium
While consistent association of hypertension in patients with channel blocker, while treating hypertension in patients with
COVID-19 across all these studies is unique, the concern which COVID-19 [17], this hypothesis has been questioned by several
needs a serious attention is the increase in mortality. Two Chinese other colleagues [18e22].
studies have worked in this direction to-date. In 191 patients with
COVID-19, Zhou et al. found hypertension to have an odds ratio (OR)
of 3.05 (95% CI, 1.57 to 5.92; p < 0.006), diabetes with OR of 2.85 3.3. Role of renin angiotensin system and its inhibitors in SARS
(95% CI, 1.35 to 6.05; p < 0.001), whereas presence of coronary ar- CoV2 infection
tery disease had an OR of 21.40 (95% CI, 4.64 to 98.76; p < 0.0001)
for in-hospital mortality, in an univariate analysis [8]. However, the The entry of coronavirus into the cell is facilitated by the spike
association between these disorders and COVID-19 mortality were (S) protein. Before attachment to the receptor on host cell, the S
no longer significant after a multivariate regression analysis. protein needs to be primed by a serine protease named TMPRSS2.
Similarly, in an analysis of 201 patients with COVID-19, Wu et al. The S proteins of different coronaviruses may utilise different re-
found hypertension to have a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.82 (95% CI, 1.13 ceptors; MERS utilises CD26 while SARS CoV and SARS CoV2 utilise
to 2.95; p ¼ 0.01) for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE-2) [23]. The efficiency of
and 1.70 (95% CI, 0.92 to 3.14, p ¼ 0.09) for death. The diabetic the interaction between S-protein and ACE-2 may be a key deter-
patients had a HR of 2.34 (95% CI, 1.35 to 4.05; p ¼ 0.002) for ARDS minant of the transmissibility of the virus, viral replication and the
and HR of 1.58 (95% CI, 0.80 to 3.13, p ¼ 0.19) for death, in a bivariate severity of disease. In theory, this efficiency could be influenced by
cox regression analysis [11]. It should be noted however, that changes or amino acid substitutions in either the viral S-protein or
Table 1
Hypertension, diabetes and other co-morbidities in COVID-19, world-wide data.
First author n Smokers, HTN, % Diabetes, % CVD, % COPD, % CKD, % CLD, Ref.
% %
COVID-19 in China
Liu et al. 61 6.6 19.7 8.2 1.6 8.2 NR NR 3
Guan et al. 1099 12.6 15.0 7.4 3.8 1.1 0.7 NR 4
Huang et al. 41 7.3 14.6 19.5 15.0 2.4 NR 2.4 5
Chen et al. 99 NR NR 12.1 40.0 1.0 NR NR 6
Wang et al. 138 NR 31.2 10.1 19.6 2.9 2.9 2.9 7
Zhou et al. 191 6.0 30 19 8.0 3.0 1.0 NR 8
Zhang et al. 140 NR 30 12.1 8.6 1.4 1.4 NR 9
Yang et al. 52 4.0 NR 17.0 23.0 8.0 NR NR 10
Wu et al. 201 NR 19.4 10.9 4.0 2.5 1.0 3.5 11
Guo et al. 187 9.6 32.6 15.0 11.2# 2.1 3.2 NR 14
Overall, China, 10.7% 20.7% 10.5% 7.4% 2.0% 1.2% 3.2%
N ¼ 2209
COVID-19 in Italy
Onder et al. 355 NR NR 35.5 42.5 NR NR NR 12
COVID-19 in Singapore
Young et al. 18 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 13
# reported coronary heart disease only, HTN- hypertension, CVD- cardiovascular disease, COPD- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CKD- chronic kidney disease, CLD-
chronic liver disease, NR- not reported, Ref.- references
A.K. Singh et al. / Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 14 (2020) 283e287 285
the ACE-2 receptor on host cell. expression in lungs of smokers compared to non-smokers,
which could explain the higher risk of infection in smokers [30].
a) Changes in S-protein: Molecular studies and the elucidation of
the atomic and crystal structure of ACE-2/S protein interface of
SARS CoV have provided important insights [24]. The major 3.4. Physiological role of ACE-2 and its relationship with
outbreak of SARS CoV occurred in 2002e2003 with a minor coronavirus infection
localised outbreak with mild symptoms in 2003e2004. It was
observed that the S-protein of SARS CoV in the 2002e2003 The role of ACE-2 on vascular bed is opposite to that of angio-
outbreak bound to ACE-2 receptor much more efficiently than tensin converting enzyme (ACE). ACE converts angiotensin I to
that of SARS CoV in the 2003e2004 outbreak, consistent with angiotensin II, which is a vasoconstrictor. ACE-2 converts angio-
the absence of human-to-human transmission during the latter tensin II to angiotensin (1e7) which causes vasodilatation after
outbreak. Several molecular changes in the S-protein influence binding to the Mas receptor in the vascular bed [31]. Down-
the binding with human ACE-2; for example, the substitution of regulation of ACE-2 was observed in animal models of lung injury
threonine by serine at position 487 in S protein reduces the induced by SARS CoV [32]. Recombinant ACE-2 improved pulmo-
binding [25]. Similarly, asparagine at position 479 increased the nary blood flow and oxygenation in animals with lung injury,
binding affinity [26]. Methylation at position 487 has also been indicating that ACE-2 may be the main determinant of lung injury
shown to influence binding. Recently, S-protein of SARS CoV2 caused by SARS CoV [33]. However, there is lack of human data
has been shown to be similar to that of SARS CoV, barring a few except a small study in 10 patients with acute respiratory distress
gains of function mutations. The most important of these is a syndrome which showed that recombinant ACE-2 was well toler-
glutamine at position 493 at the receptor binding domain, ated and led to an increase in angiotensin (1e7) [34].
which explains its increased transmissibility compared to SARS
CoV [27].
3.5. Effects of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers
b) Changes in ACE-2 Receptor: With regard to MERS-CoV, which
employs CD26 (DPP-4) as its receptor for cellular entry, there are
There has been considerable interest regarding the role of RAS
naturally-occurring polymorphisms in DPP4 that impact cellular
blockers in COVID-19 infection. Both benefit and harm have been
entry of MERS-CoV and might thus modulate MERS develop-
postulated. Figure 1 illustrates the interactions between the effect
ment in infected patients [28]. There is a possibility that similar
of RASB and COVID-19. Fig. 1
variations or polymorphisms in ACE-2 could affect the viral
entry and disease course. Polymorphisms of ACE-2 gene have
a) Rationale and Evidence for Harm: There is evidence that ACE-
been identified; however, there is no evidence that they affect
2 expression increases with the use of ACE inhibitors and
susceptibility to or severity of SARS CoV2 infection [29]. A recent
ARB, especially in heart and kidney [35,36]. This has raised a
study found differential ACE-2 gene expression in human lung
theoretical concern that by increasing ACE-2 expression,
tissue with no racial/gender differences, but a higher gene
ACEIs and ARBs could facilitate the entry of virus into the
Fig. 1. Components of Renin-Angiotensin System pathway and possible interaction of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I), Angiotensin-Receptor Blockers (ARB) and
286 A.K. Singh et al. / Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 14 (2020) 283e287
host cell and increase the chances of infection or its severity in SARS CoV2 infection is very scarce. The only indirect evidence of
[17]. Also, there is increased ACE-2 expression in elderly [37]. RAS activation in COVID-19 is high incidence of hypokalaemia [46].
To what extent this predisposes the elderly to infection with With regards to the use of RASB, a retrospective analysis of 112
SARSCoV2 is not known. In a study of 187 patients with COVID-19 hospitalised patients with cardiovascular disease in
COVID-19, Guo et al. reported an increased trend in mortality Wuhan, there was no significant difference in the proportion of
with those receiving RASB, compared to those not receiving. ACEI/ARB medication between non-survivors and survivors [47].
Mortality was 36.8% (6 of 19) and 25.6% (43 of 168) in pa- However, a study of 187 patient reported by Guo et al., there was a
tients with or without RASB, respectively [14]. Indeed, trend of increase in mortality in patients with COVID-19 receiving
increased association and heightened mortality with COVID- RASB (36.8%), compared to those not receiving (25.6%) [14].
19 have been observed consistently across the studies in
elderly, hypertensive, diabetics and known CVD; however, it 4. Conclusion
is not exactly known whether it has any causal relation with
the use of RASB or these subgroups are more on RASB due to COVID-19 is increasingly associated with comorbidities that
these illness, compared to the rest of population. Moreover, include hypertension and diabetes. Special care is required in pa-
there is no solid evidence to back this concern either in tients with COVID-19 with associated comorbidities, given the
COVID-19 or in infection by other coronaviruses. heightened risk of in-hospital death.
b) Rationale and Evidence for Benefit: As discussed above, In view of lack of robust evidence for either benefit or harm, and
increasing ACE-2 levels in coronavirus infection could reduce with bulk of the experimental evidence in favour of benefit, it is
lung injury. In an experimental study with mice, Kuba et al. reasonable for patients to continue using ACE inhibitors and ARB, as
found that losartan showed significantly diminished lung recommended by the European Society of Cardiology, Hyperten-
injury and pulmonary edema after acid aspiration-induced sion Canada, The Canadian Cardiovascular Society, UK Renal Asso-
acute lung injury (with addition of SARS-CoV spike protein) ciation, the International Society of Hypertension, and European
compared to placebo [32]. Similarly, severe lung injury and Society of Hypertension and American Heart Association [48e50].
pulmonary edema were prevented by both recombinant Future studies reporting the outcome stratified on the basis of
human ACE-2 infusions or losartan in ACE2-knockout mice different anti-hypertensive agents in COVID-19 may further
[38]. Mice with coronavirus induced lung injury showed enlighten us in this regard.
improvement when treated with losartan [39]. Moreover, a
retrospective analysis found reduced rates of death and
Declaration of competing interest
endotracheal intubation in patients with viral pneumonia
who were continued on ACE inhibitors [40]. Treatment with
We hereby declare that we have no conflict of interest related to
ARBs was reported to reduce mortality in Ebola virus infec-
this article.
tion [41]. The exact mechanism of apparent benefit of these
drugs in coronavirus infection is not yet clear. However, there
could be several explanations [42].
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