Fundamentals of International Management
Fundamentals of International Management
Fundamentals of International Management
International Management
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi / Kolkata
EPGDIB: 2019-20
Course: Fundamentals of International Management
Course Coordinator: Dr. Prateek Maheshwari
Email: [email protected]
Term-I Course Credit:02
Course Description:
It’s an era of globalization which has poised many challenges to government, institutions and
business entities. Companies are facing cut throat competition, uncertainties and dynamism in
business environment. Increasing workforce diversity and cross-cultural issues are throwing
new challenges to modern day managers. Achieving maximum output with the use of
minimum inputs is the focus of each of the organization. In order to achieve operational
efficiencies and greater productivity, an organization’s management need to evolve and adapt
itself constantly to achieve the desired results.
Course Objectives:
A variety of methods to be used such as lectures, discussions, in-class activities, case studies,
assignments and in-class presentations to achieve course objectives. Students’ proactive
attitude towards learning is highly appreciated.
Learning Outcomes:
• LO - 1: Decision Making in an International Context
Ability to apply appropriate theories, models, tools and techniques to critically analyze
issues in an international business setting.
Ability to take strategic decisions which will lead to attainment of business goals
Evaluation Components:
• Quizzes – 2 15% + 15%
• Assignment/In-class Activities 10%
• Project Presentation/Submission 20%
• End Term Exam 40%
As a manager, suggest some changes which you would like to incorporate for the betterment of
your work place.