(Individual) : Advertising Styles - Assignment

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( Individual )

Advertising Styles – Assignment

Sr. Product / Web Link to Video Target Audience Advertising Pattern of Ad (Continuous /
No. Service/ / Print Ad Style Flighting / Pulsing) with Reason

Urban women premium and Pulsing – High volume purchasing

Tanishq https://www.youtube.com/watch? Upper class taking place during festive seasons.
1 Mood or Image
jewellery v=jL6HrsNDFyc

People love experience the Flighting - This type of advertisement

Madhya History, Lower middle class is played more vacation season.
2 pradesh to upper middle class Musical, fantasy

Lower, Middle and upper Continuous- As Amul has varieties of

https://www.youtube.com/watch? middle class families Fantasy, Personality product so advertisement goes on.
3 Amul
v=PrX3Ln22voE symbol

People having internet in Pulsing -As Google introduce new

https://www.youtube.com/watch? their phone Slice of life,Mood or feature they advertise accordingly
4 Google
v=x859o0HhBok Image

Upper middle class premium Flighting - High sales is take place

https://www.youtube.com/watch? Scientific evidence and
5 Ambi pure mostly in monsoon
v=WQTMKOJE6FA Testimonial
Urban Mens premium class Pulsing – High volume purchasing
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Life style, Technical taking place during festive seasons.
6 Linen Club
v=P3JC79D6m9A expertise
Urban kids and families Continuous- It is FMCG product that
https://www.youtube.com/watch? from the middle and upper Life style, Slice of life, why advertisement is done on
7 Horlicks class
v=9cDcdgNeWIk Celebrity Endorsement regular basis.

Girls aged between 13-50 Continuous - High competition

https://www.youtube.com/watch? Celebrity Endorsement, market thats why continuous basis.
8 Stayfree
v=4-HwiwGF-VM Life Style

Millennium and Music Continuous - People us this app on

https://www.youtube.com/watch? Musical, Mood and
9 Spotify lovers daily basis.
v=Q_wEg7aSNBQ Image

Divers and passengers from Flighting - This type advertisement

HTTP://www.youtube.com/watch 18-50 who occasionally was played for particular period of
10 Seat belt Crew don't wear seat belt while Image, Endorsement time to make people aware.

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