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Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses: Establishing and Managing

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Establishing and managing

to link farms and markets

A.L. Acedo Jr., M.A. Rahman, B. Buntong & D.M. Gautam

Establishing and managing


to link farms and markets

A training manual

Antonio L. Acedo Jr.

AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center South Asia, India

Md. Atiqur Rahman

(Bangladesh translation)
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute

Borarin Buntong
(Khmer translation)
Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia

Durga Mani Gautam

(Nepali translation)
Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal

March 2016

AVRDC/USAID Postharvest Program – Asia

Published by

AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center is the leading international nonprofit

organization committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing
world through the increased production and consumption of safe vegetables.

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center

P.O. Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 74199
Tel: +886 6 583 7801
Fax: +886 6 583 0009
Email: [email protected]
Web: avrdc.org

Cover photo: Simple packhouse facility of the Khum Khnart Samakey Roung Rouerng
Agricultural Cooperative (KKSRRAC), Siem Reap, Cambodia; Nepali tomato farmers harvesting
fruit; KKSRRAC women-formers cleaning and sorting leafy vegetables; and Coolbot cold
storage of vegetables (photos courtesy of B Buntong and DM Gautam)

Suggested citation:
Acedo AL Jr, Rahman MA, Buntong B, Gautam DM. 2016. Establishing and managing
smallholder vegetable packhouses to link farms and markets. Publication No. 16-801. AVRDC –
The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan. 46 p.
Acknowledgement iv

1-Packhouse 5

2-Importance of a Packhouse 6

3-Establishing a Packhouse 8

4-Packhouse Operations 14

Receiving 15

Sorting and Grading 15

Cleaning 19

Treatments before Packing 20

Packaging 22

Modified Atmosphere Packaging 27

Cooling and Storage 29

Low-cost cold storage 31

Low-cost hydrocooling 33

Ice cooling 33

Evaporative cooling 35

Dispatch to Market 36

5-Managing a Packhouse 38

Management Requisites 38

Operational Management 39

6-Practical Exercises 42

Familiarization of the Packhouse 42

Sorting/Grading and Cleaning 43

Packaging Techniques 44

Cooling and Storage 45

References 46

This training manual was produced under the AVRDC/USAID Postharvest

Program with support provided by the Bureau for Food Security, U.S. Agency
for International Development (USAID) under the terms of Award No. AID-
BFS-IO-12-00004. All opinions expressed in this manual are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID.

 A packhouse is a physical structure where harvested produce is
consolidated and prepared for transport and distribution to

 Packing is the main activity from which the name ‘packhouse’ is

derived. But there are activities before and after packing—
together they are called packhouse operations.

 Packhouse operations include cleaning, sorting/grading, pre-

treatments, packing, cooling, storage and dispatch to market.

 A packhouse is also called a consolidation center or collection


 Many consolidation or collection centers in developing countries

have no packhouse operations. They serve only as collection
points, where farmers bring their produce for traders to collect
(Figure 1).

 A packhouse may be simple or modern. This manual focuses on

simple packhouses for smallholder farmers’ groups or
cooperatives. An individual farmer can also develop a simple
packhouse. As business expands and cooperatives or individual
farmers gain skill and knowledge, they can establish a modern
packhouse (Figure 2).

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 5

Figure 1 Collection center in Banke, Nepal Figure 2 Modern packhouses supply
supermarkets and exporting

 A packhouse enables quality assurance activities that ensure
product quality and quantity meet market requirements and
losses are minimized during transport and distribution to
markets. Developing countries incur serious postharvest losses
of vegetables, usually ranging from 20-40% of production.

 A packhouse can serve as a hub for coordination and

governance of a farm-packhouse-market organization in which
market demand dictates production and packhouse activities
(Figure 3).

6 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Figure 3 Farm-packhouse-market value chain and best practices along the chain.

 A farm-packhouse-market organization maximizes economy of

scale, improves market access, and facilitates technical and
business development interventions. Figure 3 shows the possible
technical improvements along the value chain.

 The farm-packhouse-market organization can be managed by

three teams: management team (overall leadership; selected
officers and members of the cooperative/group); production
team (production and harvest scheduling); and marketing team
(packhouse and market operations; market linking). The
production and marketing teams should work closely to meet
market demand.

 Overall, the packhouse is the focal point of a farm business.

Proper management ensures the business will prosper in a
sustainable manner.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 7

 A packhouse should be designed to enable different operations
for handling vegetables. It should:

- be located as close to farms as possible.

- provide service to the greatest number of farmers.

- facilitate drop-off and pick-up of produce and


- be easily accessible to markets or transport terminals.

 The site and premises of the packhouse should have:

- good roads

- minimal risk of contamination

- protection from sun and rain

- dependable water and electricity supplies

- adequate drainage

- provision for comfort and safety of workers

 Information on production area, volume and quality of produce,

and target market and quality requirements should be properly
recorded and known by all involved in production and

 Identify the packhouse operations to be conducted for the

produce and assemble the operations into a flow chart (e.g. Figure

8 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Harvested produce



Other pretreatments

Air drying

Empty containers Packed produce

with liners for dispatch

Figure 4 Flow chart of packhouse operations for most vegetables.

 Identify materials, tools, and apparatus or equipment needed

(these are given under each of the packhouse operations below).

 Determine the area requirement. As a general rule, the minimum

is 20 m2 floor area per ton (1,000 kg) of produce. Additional space
is needed for equipment, containers, storage, washing station,
passageways, waste disposal, lavatories, and vehicle parking.

 When setting up the facilities and flow of operations, consider

movement of personnel and contamination of produce. The
receiving area should be separated from the dispatch area (Figure

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 9

Figure 5 Straight-line (above) and U-shaped (below) flow of produce and operations in a

10 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

 A U-shaped flow of operations is adapted in the collection center
with packhouse facilities in Jessore, Bangladesh (Figure 6). The
facility is managed by a Farmers’ Marketing Association
representing 38 farmers’ groups.

 In Nepal, the collection center of a farmers’ cooperative is an open

roofed structure with an L-shaped layout of packhouse operations
(Figure 7).

 In Cambodia, the simple packhouse of a farmers’ cooperative has

essentially a straight-line layout of operations from receiving and
sorting to packing before Coolbot cold storage or dispatch (Figure
8). For produce that needs washing, a wash area is provided after
the sorting area. An evaporative cooler also serves as an
alternative storage facility while a precooler is used before storage
or transport in iced foam boxes using the cooperative’s vehicle
(Figure 8).

 An open ground floor of a house, which is typical in rural areas in

Southeast Asia, can be converted into a packhouse where sorting,
cleaning and packing can be done (Figure 9).

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 11

Figure 6 Collection center of a farmers’ marketing association in Jessore, Bangladesh,
with U-shaped floor layout of packhouse operations.

Figure 7 Collection center of a farmers’ cooperative in Banke, Nepal, with packhouse

floor layout.

12 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Figure 8 Simple packhouse of a farmers’ cooperative in Siem Reap, Cambodia, with
floor layout of packhouse operations and the vehicle for direct marketing of


Weigh Storage
Sorting and
scale cleaning area for


Packing Holding
area before

Figure 9 Open ground floor of a rural house in Southeast Asia converted into a

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 13

 Establishing a simple packhouse offers many benefits. A facility
for sorting and packing could lead to significant gains in income.
With proper sorting, more value is added to the produce; with
proper sorting and packing, at least 25% less losses are incurred
during handling because off-type and diseased produce is
discarded and physical injuries are minimized.

 Packhouse operations add value to the produce.

 The activities depend on the type of produce and market. Fruit-

vegetables may require certain operations not applied to leafy
vegetables. Nearby markets may need only sorting and packing,
while for distant markets, additional operations are needed.
When immediate transport is available, storage may not be

- Tomato, eggplant, chili, cucumber, bitter gourd and yard-

long bean: receiving ▶ sorting ▶ cleaning/sanitizing ▶
air-drying ▶ grading ▶ packing ▶ storage ▶ dispatch

- Cauliflower: receiving ▶ sorting ▶ trimming ▶ packing ▶

storage ▶ dispatch

- Leaf mustard: receiving ▶ sorting/grading ▶

trimming/cleaning ▶ air-drying ▶ packing ▶ storage ▶

- Cabbages and Chinese kale: receiving ▶ sorting ▶

trimming ▶ bacterial soft rot control ▶ air-drying ▶
sizing ▶ packing ▶ storage ▶ dispatch

14 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses


 The farm source and weight of produce are recorded upon

arrival for accounting purposes. Recordkeeping introduces the
group to ways of doing business when it expands to quality
markets that may require a traceability system (Figure 10).

 Samples of produce can be collected and analyzed for pesticide

residues using test kits if available. This can be used for product
labeling for market credence.

 While waiting for the different operations, the produce should be

protected from the heat of the sun and from sources of physical
damage (e.g. heavy weights) and contamination (e.g. ground
soil, stray animals).

 The produce can be inspected for the extent of damage (insect,

disease, and physical injury) and foreign matter to facilitate
sorting and cleaning.

Figure 10 Packhouse activities for cabbages for supermarkets: receiving and recording,
wrapper leaf removal, butt trimming and lime application for soft rot control, plastic film
packing, crating and storage.

Sorting and Grading

 Sorting and grading can add 40-60% more value to the produce.

 Sorting and grading can reduce postharvest losses by:

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 15

- Preventing disease contamination of sound produce
which otherwise occurs when sound and diseased
produce are mixed.

- Minimizing ethylene damage (e.g. premature senescence

or ripening) which otherwise occurs when injured produce
or ripe fruit (high ethylene producers) is mixed with
undamaged produce or unripe fruit.

 Sorting and grading facilitates production, packhouse operations

and marketing when the quality grades used are recognized in a
value chain or entire industry.

 Quality grades (or grade standards) serve as a universal

language of trade and driver of technology adoption. Markets
can place orders based on quality grades, which will then be
used to guide operations in the packhouse and farms.

 Sorting is done to remove damaged or diseased produce or

those not meeting quality requirements. It is usually the first
packhouse operation.

 Grading is done when the sorted defect-free produce is

classified into grades or classes of specific weights or sizes
(sizing) and maturity stage. It can be done after sorting or just
before packing.

 Sorters/graders must be skillful and provided with adequate

lighting and work breaks. Sorting aids should be used such as
sorting tables (Figure 11) and color pictures of quality grading
and defects (e.g. Figure 12).

16 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Figure 11 Some simple sorting tables for vegetables used in a packhouse or

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 17

18 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses
Figure 12 Photos of quality defects of vegetables to guide sorting.


 Clean vegetables have higher market appeal and prices than

dirty vegetables.

 Cleaning reduces microbial contamination, physical damage and

transport cost.

 Produce can be cleaned by:

- trimming fruit stems of tomato or eggplant, roots of leaf

mustard, leaves and butt end of cauliflower (Figure 12),
cabbage or Chinese kale. In cabbage, retain 3-4 wrapper
leaves for protection.

- wiping tomato, eggplant or cucumber with a clean soft


Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 19

- washing using clean water to remove adhering soil and
other debris. After washing, the produce should be air-
dried before packing.

 While cleaning, sorting can also be done. Avoid contact of

produce with the soil, which is a rich source of spoilage and
human pathogens (Figure 13).

Figure 13 Use of ground cover or raised floor to avoid contact of produce with the

Treatments before Packing

 Sanitizers:

- Washing in 100-200 ppm chlorine (mixing 4-8

tablespoons of commercial bleach, which has 5.25%
sodium hypochlorite or NaOCl, per gallon of water) for 1-
3 minutes can reduce microbial load and decay in
tomatoes (Figure 14). The produce should be air-dried
before packing.

- Calcinated calcium from scallop powder applied as 0.01%

solution (0.1 gram scallop powder per liter of water) as a

20 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

3-5 minute dip enhanced food safety (Table 1). It was
developed as a non-chlorine sanitizer because of health
concerns about chlorine, which reacts with organic matter
in the produce to form trihalomethanes, a highly
carcinogenic compound.

Figure 14 Reduction of Phomopsis rot in eggplant by chlorine wash.

Table 1 Aerobic plate count (APC)* in log CFU/g on tomato and eggplant.

Tomato Eggplant
Bangladesh Cambodia Nepal Bangladesh

Calcinated calcium,
3.2 6.1 3.7 3.7

Chlorine, 150 ppm 3.2 6.3 3.3 3.2

Water (control) 5.4 6.7 8.3 5.2

APC of 5 log CFU/g is generally considered as the microbiological food safety limit.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 21

 Soft rot control – BacteriaI soft rot is the most serious problem in
cabbages in the humid tropics (Figure 15). Applying 10% alum
(10 g alum/100 ml water), lime paste (mix lime powder and
water at 1:1) or guava leaf extract (mix pure extract and water at
1:1) on the butt end of cabbage reduced trimming loss due to
soft rot to 0-20% from 20-44% without treatment, resulting in
net return of 0.09-0.16 USD/kg produce based on studies in
Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

Figure 15 Controlling cabbage soft rot with alum, lime or guava leaf extract.

 Chitosan – Extracted from local shrimp waste in Cambodia,

chitosan at 1% (10 g/liter water) as 5-minute dip delayed
ripening and increased shelf life of tomato by 6 days, and
reduced weight loss by 50% than that of untreated fruit, giving a
net return of 0.20 USD/kg produce.


 Packaging is the main packhouse operation. It must provide

protection of produce from damage but existing practices
remain wanting; in Figure 16, for example, most produce was

22 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

damaged or bruised on arrival at market destinations. Poor
packaging is a major cause of postharvest losses.

(above) 400-kg extended jute-basket for

eggplant in Bangladesh, requiring many
people to carry (below)

(above) >100-kg sacks for eggplant in

Bangladesh and cauliflower in Nepal;
(below) 200-kg basket in Cambodia

Figure 16 Some existing packaging

practices in Bangladesh, Cambodia and

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 23

 Several packaging materials are available (Figure 17). Package
selection depends on the type of produce, distance and mode of
transport, and market.

Figure 17 Containers that can be used for vegetables: bamboo and plastic
baskets; plastic crates; wooden crates with inner cardboard sides and
collapsible type; carton and foam boxes.

 Rigid containers, such as wooden or plastic crates (Figure 18),

are more advisable but for wooden crates and other containers
with rough surfaces, liners such as used newsprint, should be

24 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Figure 18 Wooden and plastic crates used as harvesting and transport

 Protective packaging measures (Figure 19):

- Use clean containers

- If manual handling, use containers with capacity (e.g. <40
kg) that can be easily handled by an average person.
- Fill package to capacity. Do not underpack (more
vibration damage) or overpack (more compression
- Pack fruit of only one maturity per container.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 25

- Immobilize produce in the container. Gently shake the
container now and then to permit filling up of spaces.
- Secure the package by proper binding or strapping.
- Pack and stack in a cool place.
- Observe care during packing and handling of packages of

Figure 19 Protective packaging: use of liners and cushion (newsprint), individual

wraps, vents in carton box to minimize heat buildup, and proper strapping.

26 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)

 MAP is the sealing of produce in plastic bags to establish an

atmosphere of lower oxygen and higher carbon dioxide levels
than that at ambient (21% O2 and 0.03% CO2). It creates a humid
condition that slows metabolic processes and water loss (Figure

Figure 20 MAP practices for vegetables.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 27

 Commercial plastic bags are used: 25 micron-thick (with market
label as 001 film) low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density
PE (HDPE) or polypropylene (PP) films. Thicker films (002-004)
are not advisable due to rotting. Place produce inside the bag,
seal, and keep for 3-10 days (usual duration of transport or
storage/ temporary holding period), then in the open.

 MAP can be used in box packaging and storage; benefits are

high (Table 2).

Table 2 Technical and economic benefits of MAP for vegetables.

Net return,
Vegetable Weight loss, % Shelf life, days USD/kg
(partial budget)

Tomato 1-8 (6-20) 15-19 (9) 0.13-0.36

Chili 0-1 (9-12) 6-9 (3-6) 0.40-0.65

Eggplant 0-4 (6-22) 4-14 (2-5) 0.20-0.80

Leaf mustard 1-5 (11-28) 3-4 (1) 0.10-0.35

Cauliflower 25 (31) 9 (7) 0.10

Bitter gourd 1 (6) 4 (2) 0.30

Cabbage 1-5 (19-22) 12-24 (8-14) 0.21-0.48

Chinese kale 1 (37) 3 (1) 0.32

Cucumber 0 (10) 4 (2) 0.25

Kangkong 2 (22) 3 (1) 0.09

Long bean 0 (12) 3 (1) 0.15

Mustard, aromatic 4 (14) 3 (1) 0.58

Values in parentheses are responses of produce with no MAP (control); storage was at
ambient, crop varieties were the commercial ones, and samples were at commercial
harvest maturity. Results were from AVRDC projects in Cambodia, Nepal, Laos and
Vietnam; MAP was ineffective in Bangladesh for tomato and eggplant except during
Coolbot storage (13oC).

28 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Cooling and Storage

 Cooling is the foundation of produce quality protection. It slows

metabolic processes and microbial growth.

 Every degree of reduction from ambient temperature increases

storage life. Every form of cooling is beneficial even if not
optimum (e.g. avoiding exposure to the sun, harvesting at cooler
times of the day or evaporative cooling storage).

 Desired temperature and relative humidity (RH) for vegetable

storage (Table 3) are usually achieved by a mechanical
refrigeration system, which is expensive. Low-cost alternatives
are described here.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 29

Table 3 Recommended temperature and RH for vegetable storage and handling.

Temperature RH Storage
(ºC) (%) life
Amaranth 0-2 95-100 10-14 d
Asparagus 0-2 95-98 2-3 wk
Bean, snap 4-7 95-98 7-10 d
Bean, lima (in pod) 5-6 95 5d
Beet, topped 0 98-100 4-6 mo
Bittermelon 12-13 85-90 2 wk
Broccoli 0 95-98 10-14 d
Cabbage 0 98-100 3-6 wk
Carrot 0 95-100 4 wk
Cauliflower 0 95-98 2-4 wk
Celery 0 95-98 2-4 wk
Chayote 7 85-90 1-2 wk
Chinese cabbage 0 95-100 2-3 mo
Corn, sweet 0 95-98 4-8 d
Cucumber 10-13 90-95 10-14 d
Eggplant 12-15 90-95 7d
Garlic 0 60-70 6-7 mo
Ginger 13 65-75 4-6 mo
Jicama 13-18 65-70 1-2 mo
Leek 0 95-100 3 mo
Lettuce 0-1 95-100 2-3 wk
Melon, honeydew 7-10 90-95 2-3 wk
Okra 7-10 90-95 2-3 wk
Onion, green 0 95-100 4 wk
Onion, bulb 0 65-70 6-8 mo
Parsley 0 95 2-3 wk
Peas 0-1 95 1-2 wk
Pepper, sweet 7-10 90-95 2 wk
Potato 4 95 3-5 mo
Radish 0 95 3-4 wk
Squash 5-10 95 1-2 wk
Taro 7-10 85-90 3-5 mo
Tomato 10-13 85-90 7-10 d
Watermelon 10-15 90 2-3 wk
Winged bean 10 90 2-3 wk
Yam 16 70-80 3-6 mo
Source: FAO 2012

30 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

 General guidelines in vegetable storage:

- Only good quality produce should be stored; sort and

clean the produce.

- Use packaging containers that can be easily moved in and

moved out of the storage chamber and that can be
stacked without causing damage.

- In prolonged storage, the produce should be checked

periodically to cull out diseased or deteriorated produce
and prevent disease spread.

- Before placing the produce in the storage chamber, the

desired temperature and RH should have been
established. If cold storage is used, it is advisable to
precool the produce.

Low-cost cold storage

 The Coolbot was developed in the USA. This device overrides the
air conditioner’s temperature gauge to lower the temperature
from 16oC (lowest in an air-conditioned room) to 4oC, thereby
converting an insulated room and air conditioner into a cool
room, substantially reducing the cost of a cool storage
environment (Figure 21).

 Temperatures are maintained at 11-13oC for tropical vegetables

and 5-7oC for subtropical produce; shelf life markedly increased
(Table 4). Do not mix these two types of vegetables: if tropical
produce is stored at 5-7oC, it will develop chilling injuries; if
subtropical produce is stored at 11-13oC, the shelf-life will be

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 31

Figure 21 Coolbot cold storage with the Coolbot device connected to the air

Table 4 Shelf life and weight loss of vegetables stored in the Coolbot or at ambient

Weight loss, % Shelf life, days

Coolbot Ambient Coolbot Ambient

Tomato 5 10-12 18-24 9-12

Eggplant 2 7 14 4

Leaf mustard 5 13 6 0.5

Results were from AVRDC projects in Bangladesh and Cambodia; Coolbot temperature
was maintained at 12-13oC while ambient temperature varied from 22-35oC. Crop
varieties were the commercial ones and samples were at commercial harvest maturity.

 The Coolbot chamber maintains lower RH than the

recommended level often below 50%, rapidly desiccating
vegetables. Providing wet cloth or pan of water, misting with
water or keeping produce in MAP can maintain high RH.

32 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Low-cost hydrocooling

 This precooling method rapidly removes product heat before

cold storage to slow metabolic processes and reduce heat load
in the cool chamber. There are two simple designs: knockdown
hydrocooler and overhead hydrocooler (Figure 22).

Figure 22 Simple knockdown hydrocooler (leftmost) and overhead

hydrocooler applying cold water with water pump on the produce (middle
and rightmost).

 The knockdown hydrocooler uses iced water (5oC) for 10-15

minutes dipping while the overhead hydrocooler applies 5oC
water with a water pump for 15-30 minutes to bring down the
product temperature to 10oC. The produce is then drained of
excess water before placing in the storage chamber.

Ice cooling

 Crushed ice is commonly used in packages to cool the produce

during transport to markets (Figure 23). Direct contact of ice can
injure the produce.

 The ice bottle technique is an innovative way to avoid direct

contact of ice with the produce. The ice bottles (2 pieces per 25
kg pack of vegetables) are wrapped with newsprint and placed in
the package. Temperatures are reduced to 20-25oC from 35-
40oC in packs of produce sealed in the afternoon and
transported the following morning.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 33

Figure 23 Ice cooling methods in packages of produce for transport to markets.

34 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Evaporative cooling

 Low-cost cooling by evaporation of water provided in the vicinity

of produce. The decrease in temperature is small, 1-6oC lower
than ambient, but RH increases to more than 90%. It is effective
in reducing weight loss.

 Simple evaporative cooler (EC) structures (also called zero-energy

cool chamber as it does not use electricity) are shown in Figure 24.

Brick-walled EC 4.5x2.5x0.6 m in length, width & height, 15-20 cm double wall with moist
sand insulation

Box-type EC 1.3x0.9x2.0 m in L, W, H, with

moist jute sack

Figure 24 Brick-walled and box-type evaporative coolers (EC).

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 35

 The EC markedly reduced weight loss and improved shelf life of
vegetables, resulting in high net returns (Table 5).

Table 5 Technical and economic benefits of storage of vegetables in evaporative


Net return,
Vegetable Weight loss, % Shelf life, days USD/kg
(partial budget)

Tomato 1-7 (5-23) 12-15 (7-9) 0.24-0.34

Chili 4-6 (12) 6-8 (3-4) 0.28-0.33

Eggplant 1 (6) 4 (2) 0.20

Leaf mustard 3-15 (15-28) 3 (1) 0.14-0.26

Cauliflower 18 (44) 9 (7) 0.50

Bitter gourd 2 (6) 5 (2) 0.25

Cabbage 6-11 (19-22) 14-22 (8-16) 0.19-0.24

Chinese kale 4 (23) 4 (2) 0.22

Cucumber 3 (10) 4 (2) 0.18

Long bean 4 (12) 3 (1) 0.30

Mustard, aromatic 7 (14) 3 (1) 0.52

Values in parentheses are responses of produce stored at ambient. Commercial crop

varieties were used and samples were at commercial harvest maturity. Results were from
AVRDC projects in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal and Laos.

Dispatch to Market

 During loading to the transport vehicle at the dispatch area of

the packhouse, care should be observed in handling the
packages of produce to avoid physical damage and package
failure. Protection from sun or rain should be provided.

36 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

 To facilitate loading, some equipment can be used (Figure 25).
Proper records of dispatched produce should be kept for
financial accounting.

Weighing scale Hand jack

Conveyors used in handling packages of produce

Figure 25 Some packhouse equipment including that used during loading to

transport vehicle.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 37

 Managing a smallholder farmers’ cooperative or farmers’ group
packhouse is challenging as the cooperative/group has limited
capability and resources and its members have varying interests
and priorities.

 Managing the packhouse is a business venture and much more

complex and risky compared to operating a collection center,
where farmers bring their produce for traders to collect. Many
collection centers established for smallholders in developing
countries have not been successful.

Management Requisites

 Strong and resourceful leadership and management are critical.

 The cooperative/group leaders and members should embody

and live the vision and have a strong commitment to shift from
traditional farming to a farming business by following the farm-
packhouse-market system.

 The packhouse is the heart of the farm-packhouse-market

system. Good packhouse management will ensure sound
technical operations inside the facility. Links will be made with
markets to establish profitable and enduring supply
arrangements and with farmer-members to produce the quality
and volume of products for consolidation and preparation at the
packhouse before dispatch to markets.

 Three management teams are therefore recommended: overall

management, marketing, and production teams (Figure 26).
More teams can be formed when the business expands.

38 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Selected officers & members

Production Marketing
Team Team
One Mgt.t Team member as One Mgt.Team member as
Leader and at least 2 members Leader and at least 2 members

Farmer-members Packhouse
(crops and production schedule) operations

Figure 26 Management structure of the farm-packhouse-market system.

 The duties and responsibilities of the management teams

should be fully understood and adhered to. Similarly, the
policies, rules and regulations, including those for the
operations of the packhouse, should be understood and
followed by all members. Flexibility and openness should be
exercised to accommodate and apply innovative ideas.

 Capacity-building activities, such as training for technical skills,

entrepreneurship, record keeping and financial accounting,
financing, marketing and market development, should be
pursued to strengthen the operation and management
efficiency of the packhouse.

 Meetings should be conducted regularly to evaluate progress,

act on potential, discuss and solve existing and persistent
problems, and prepare for future initiatives.

Operational Management

 Managers and workers should be knowledgeable about the

principles and practices of packhouse operations.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 39

 Monitor process flow and operations and apply process control

 Maintain good hygiene in the packhouse:

- The packhouse line should be left free of produce every


- Routinely clean and sanitize pack line and all surfaces in

contact with produce using approved sanitizers.

- Remove any debris using a top-to-bottom approach

(clean first the top parts before the bottom) to avoid re-
soiling cleaned surfaces.

- Seal and store chemicals in a locked area with a hazard


- Close doors in handling areas to limit contamination by


- Properly dispose waste product and spent chemicals.

- Provide hygiene facilities, such as hand washing stations,

toilets, and a potable water supply

- Workers should practice general and personal cleanliness

 Introduce Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for future


- GMP is a set of manufacturing procedures to ensure

produce is able to consistently meet specifications and
customer expectations (de Silva 2007).

- GMP reduces the risk of contamination of fresh produce

during handling, packing, storage and transportation.

- Adoption of GMP increases market competitiveness and

access to lucrative high-end markets, exports and global
food chains.

40 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

- GMP comprises of three programs: (1) manufacturing
operations, (2) food control operations and (3)

- Manufacturing operations include all aspects of produce

handling to achieve high-quality and safe produce.

- Food control operations cover the infrastructure and

personnel needed to evaluate samples, monitor
conditions during handling, and transmit feedback to the
proper personnel to adjust for problems discovered.

- Management involves managers responsible for

achieving GMP objectives with personnel and input

 Maintain proper records of operations and transactions.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 41

Familiarization of the Packhouse

 Purpose:

- To observe and understand the different elements of the


- To formulate individual/group ideas and contributions for

the successful operation of the packhouse.

 Activities:

- The different components of the packhouse will be shown

and described by the trainer and the activities in each
component will be demonstrated.

- Groups will be formed and each group will deliberate and


1. The packhouse operations and specific activities for

the assigned commodity. Draw a product flow in the
packhouse and describe the activities under each
stage in the product flow.

2. Your opinions on how the packhouse can benefit


3. What can you contribute to the successful operation of

the packhouse and the farm-packhouse-market

- Present your propositions 1-3 to the whole group for


42 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Sorting/Grading and Cleaning

 Purpose:

- To acquire skills in quality grading and in developing

quality grades.

- To acquire skills in washing and sanitizing produce in the


 Activities:

- Each group will be given a lot of vegetables.

- Perform sorting, and weigh the selected and discarded


- For the selected produce, observe overall quality and

formulate your own quality grades with specifications of
quality per grade (e.g. Grade 1-best quality; Grade 2…)

- Classify the produce based on the proposed grades and

take the weight for each grade.

- For another set of vegetables of 3 groups (1-sorted

produce of the same ripeness; 2-sorted produce of
different ripeness; and 3-unsorted produce), you will be
asked whether you are willing to pay a higher price for
the sorted produce and by how much higher compared to
that of unsorted produce. The results will be averaged
and discussed.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 43

Packaging Techniques

 Purpose:

- To acquire skills in protective packaging using liners.

- To acquire skills in the MAP of vegetables.

 Activities:

- The use of liners (newspaper, banana leaves) in bamboo

baskets, wooden boxes or plastic crates will be
demonstrated. The benefits of using liners will be

- Using samples of priority vegetables, each group will be

given different kinds of MAP bags, and will then pack the
samples in the bag.

- In separate samples of MAP and open produce set up 2

days before the training, the group will take the weight
and color of the samples (and other distinct quality
differences) and calculate percentages and averages. The
results will then be discussed with the whole group.

44 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

Cooling and Storage

 Purpose:

- To acquire skills in cooling produce by simple methods.

- To acquire skills in storage techniques for vegetables.

 Activities:

- Cooling with iced water will be demonstrated.

- Observations on the storage of vegetables in evaporative

cooler or Coolbot cold chamber set up 2 days before the
training will be taken. Weight loss, color changes and
decay data will be measured. The results will be discussed
with the whole group.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 45

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Improved Income and Market, 1st and 2nd ed. AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center/GTZ
Regional Economic Development (RED) Program, Cambodia. 37p.

Acedo, A.L. Jr. and Weinberger, K. 2009. Postharvest management of vegetables:

Training manual for trainers of small producers in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
Shanhua, Taiwan: AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center.

Acedo, A.L. Jr. and Weinberger, K. (eds.) 2008. Economic analysis of postharvest
technologies for vegetables: Proceedings of the GMS workshop, Siem Reap, Cambodia,
19-21 August 2008. AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan.

Ahmed, S., Bari, M.L., Rahman, M.A., Islam, M.N., Goffar, M.A., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W.,
Hughes, J. d’A. and Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Development of novel sanitizers for fresh
vegetables. 3rd Southeast Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems
(SEAsia2015), 13-15 August 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Buntong, B, Srilaong, V., Wasusri, T., Kanlayanarat, S. and Acedo, A.L. Jr. 2013.
Reducing postharvest losses of tomato in traditional and modern supply chains in
Cambodia. International Food Research Journal 20(1):233-238.

de Silva, T. 2007. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). In M.S. Rahman, ed. Handbook of
Food Preservation (2nd ed). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. pp. 1011-1029.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2012. Good practice in
the design, management and operation of a fresh produce packing-house. Bangkok,
Thailand: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. RAP Publication 2012/04. 188p.

Gautam, D.M., Adhikari,R.K., Msihra, B.P., Tripathi, K.M., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W.,
Hughes, J. d’A. and Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Modified atmosphere packaging of cauliflower
in ambient conditions and with evaporative cooling conditions in Nepal. SEAsia2015,
13-15 August 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Gautam, D.M., Josi, S., Tripathi, K.M., Devkota, A., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W., Hughes, J.
d’A. and Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on the quality
and shelf life of tomatoes in Nepal. SEAsia2015, 13-15 August 2015, Siem Reap,

Gautam, D.M., Tripathi, K.M., Mouylin, C., Buntong, B., Rahman, M.A., Bari, M.L., Acedo,
A.L., Easdown, W., Hughes, J. d’A. and Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Effectiveness of non-

46 Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses

chlorine sanitizers in enhancing quality and shelf life of tomato in Bangladesh,
Cambodia and Nepal. SEAsia2015, 13-15 August 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Gautam, S., Acedo, A., Hong, Y., Schreinmachers, P., Nengowo, N. and Hughes, J.d’A.
2015. Postharvest losses in vegetable value chains in Feed-the-Future countries in Asia.
First International Conference on Postharvest Loss Reduction, 4-7 Oct 2015, Rome, Italy.

Kanlayanarat, S., Rolle, R. and Acedo, A.L. Jr. 2009. Horticultural Chain Management for
Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Bangkok: FAO-RAP. RAP
Publication 2009/06. 214 p.

Leak, C., Sophal, L., Buntong, B., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W., Hughes, J. d’A. and Keatinge,
J.D.H. 2015. Effects of chitosan coating on quality and shelf life of tomato during
Coolbot cold storage. SEAsia2015, 13-15 August 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Peoun, P., Yim, S., Thun, S., Buntong, B., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W., Hughes, J. d’A. and
Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Modified atmosphere packaging of leaf mustard during
evaporative cooling and coolbot cold storage. SEAsia2015, 13-15 August 2015, Siem
Reap, Cambodia.

Rahman, M.A., Islam, M.N., Goffar, M.A., Bari, M.L., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W., Hughes, J.
d’A. and Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Efficacy of non-chlorine sanitizer and precooling in
improving tomato shelf life during evaporative cooling storage. SEAsia2015, 13-15
August 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Rahman, M.A., Goffar, M.A., Bari, M.L., Nasrin, T.A.A., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W., Hughes,
J. d’A. and Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Integrating non-chlorine sanitizing and modified
atmosphere packaging in low-cost cooling systems for brinjal (Solanum melongena).
SEAsia2015, 13-15 August 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Seng, M., Choek, C., Buntong, B., Acedo, A.L., Easdown, W., Hughes, J. d’A. and
Keatinge, J.D.H. 2015. Low-cost cold storage of tomato in modified atmosphere
packaging. SEAsia2015, 13-15 August 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Weinberger, K., Genova, C. and Acedo, A. 2008. Quantifying postharvest loss in

vegetables along the supply chain in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. International Journal
of Postharvest Technology and Innovation 1(3):288-297.

Smallholder Vegetable Packhouses 47

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
P.O. Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 74199

Tel: +886 6 583 7801

Fax: +886 6 583 0009
Email: [email protected]

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