Cattle: Cattle Cattle, or Cows, Are The Most Common Type of Large Domesticated
Cattle: Cattle Cattle, or Cows, Are The Most Common Type of Large Domesticated
Cattle: Cattle Cattle, or Cows, Are The Most Common Type of Large Domesticated
Cattle are commonly raised as livestock for meat (beef or veal, see
beef cattle), for milk (see dairy cattle), and for hides, which are used to
make leather. They are used as riding animals and draft animals (oxen
or bullocks, which pull carts, plows and other implements). Another
product of cattle is dung, which can be used to create manure or fuel.
In some regions, such as parts of India, cattle have significant religious
meaning. Cattle, mostly small breeds such as the Miniature Zebu, are
also kept as pets.
Cattle were originally identified as three separate species: Bos taurus, the European or "taurine" cattle (including
similar types from Africa and Asia); Bos indicus, the zebu; and the extinct Bos primigenius, the aurochs. The
aurochs is ancestral to both zebu and taurine cattle.[4] These have been reclassified as one species, Bos taurus,
with three subspecies: Bos taurus primigenius, Bos taurus indicus, and Bos taurus taurus.[5][6]
Complicating the matter is the ability of cattle to interbreed with other closely related species. Hybrid individuals
and even breeds exist, not only between taurine cattle and zebu (such as the sanga cattle, Bos taurus africanus),
but also between one or both of these and some other members of the genus Bos – yaks (the dzo or yattle[7]),
banteng, and gaur. Hybrids such as the beefalo breed can even occur
between taurine cattle and either species of bison, leading some authors
to consider them part of the genus Bos, as well.[8] The hybrid origin of
some types may not be obvious – for example, genetic testing of the
Dwarf Lulu breed, the only taurine-type cattle in Nepal, found them to be
a mix of taurine cattle, zebu, and yak.[9] However, cattle cannot be
successfully hybridized with more distantly related bovines such as water
buffalo or African buffalo.
The noun cattle (which is treated as a plural and has no singular) encompasses both sexes. The singular, cow,
technically means the female, the male being bull. The plural form cows is sometimes used colloquially to refer
to both sexes collectively, as e.g. in a herd, but that usage can be misleading as the speaker's intent may indeed
be just the females. The bovine species per se is clearly dimorphic.
Cattle did not originate as the term for bovine animals. It was borrowed from Anglo-Norman catel, itself from
medieval Latin capitale 'principal sum of money, capital', itself derived in turn from Latin caput 'head'. Cattle
originally meant movable personal property, especially livestock of any kind, as opposed to real property (the
land, which also included wild or small free-roaming animals such as chickens—they were sold as part of the
land).[11] The word is a variant of chattel (a unit of personal property) and closely related to capital in the
economic sense.[12] The term replaced earlier Old English feoh 'cattle, property', which survives today as fee (cf.
German: Vieh, Dutch: vee, Gothic: faihu).
The word "cow" came via Anglo-Saxon cū (plural cȳ), from Common Indo-European gʷōus (genitive gʷowés) =
"a bovine animal", compare Persian: gâv, Sanskrit: go-, Welsh: buwch.[13] The plural cȳ became ki or kie in
Middle English, and an additional plural ending was often added, giving kine, kien, but also kies, kuin and
others. This is the origin of the now archaic English plural, "kine". The Scots language singular is coo or cou,
and the plural is "kye".
In older English sources such as the King James Version of the Bible, "cattle" refers to livestock, as opposed to
"deer" which refers to wildlife. "Wild cattle" may refer to feral cattle or to undomesticated species of the genus
Bos. Today, when used without any other qualifier, the modern meaning of "cattle" is usually restricted to
domesticated bovines.[14]
In general, the same words are used in different parts of the world, but with minor differences in the definitions.
The terminology described here contrasts the differences in definition between the United Kingdom and other
British-influenced parts of the world such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the United States.[15]
An "intact" (i.e., not castrated) adult male is called a bull. A wild, young, unmarked bull is known as
a micky in Australia.[16] An unbranded bovine of either sex is called a maverick in the US and
An adult female that has had a calf (or two, depending on regional usage) is a cow.
A young female before she has had a calf of her own[17] and is
under three years of age is called a heifer (/ˈhɛfər/ HEF-ər).[18]
A young female that has had only one calf is occasionally
called a first-calf heifer.
Young cattle of both sexes are called calves until they are
weaned, then weaners until they are a year old in some areas;
in other areas, particularly with male beef cattle, they may be
known as feeder calves or simply feeders. After that, they are
referred to as yearlings or stirks[19] if between one and two
years of age.[20] An Ongole bull
A castrated male is called a steer in the United States; older
steers are often called bullocks in other parts of the world,[21]
but in North America this term refers to a young bull. Piker
bullocks are micky bulls (uncastrated young male bulls) that
were caught, castrated and then later lost.[16] In Australia, the
term Japanese ox is used for grain-fed steers in the weight
range of 500 to 650 kg that are destined for the Japanese
meat trade.[22] In North America, draft cattle under four years
old are called working steers. Improper or late castration on a
bull results in it becoming a coarse steer known as a stag in
Australia, Canada and New Zealand.[23] In some countries, an A Hereford bull
incompletely castrated male is known also as a rig.
A castrated male (occasionally a female or in some areas a
bull) kept for draft or riding purposes is called an ox (plural oxen); ox may also be used to refer to
some carcass products from any adult cattle, such as ox-hide, ox-blood, oxtail, or ox-liver.[18]
A springer is a cow or heifer close to calving.[24]
In all cattle species, a female twin of a bull usually becomes an infertile partial intersex, and is
called a freemartin.
Neat (horned oxen, from which neatsfoot oil is derived), beef (young ox) and beefing (young
animal fit for slaughtering) are obsolete terms, although poll, pollard and polled cattle are still terms
in use for naturally hornless animals, or in some areas also for those that have been disbudded or
Cattle raised for human consumption are called beef cattle. Within the American beef cattle
industry, the older term beef (plural beeves) is still used to refer to an animal of either sex. Some
Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and British people use the term beast.[25]
Cattle bred specifically for milk production are called milking or dairy cattle;[15] a cow kept to
provide milk for one family may be called a house cow or milker. A fresh cow is a dairy term for a
cow or first-calf heifer who has recently given birth, or "freshened."
The adjective applying to cattle in general is usually bovine. The terms bull, cow and calf are also
used by extension to denote the sex or age of other large animals, including whales,
hippopotamuses, camels, elk and elephants.
"Cattle" can only be used in the plural and not in the singular: it is a plurale tantum.[26] Thus one may refer to
"three cattle" or "some cattle", but not "one cattle". "One head of cattle" is a valid though periphrastic way to
refer to one animal of indeterminate or unknown age and sex; otherwise no universally used single-word
singular form of cattle exists in modern English, other than the sex- and age-specific terms such as cow, bull,
steer and heifer. Historically, "ox" was not a sex-specific term for adult cattle, but generally this is now used only
for working cattle, especially adult castrated males. The term is also incorporated into the names of other
species, such as the musk ox and "grunting ox" (yak), and is used in some areas to describe certain cattle
products such as ox-hide and oxtail.[27]
Cow is in general use as a singular for the collective cattle. The word
cow is easy to use when a singular is needed and the sex is unknown or
irrelevant—when "there is a cow in the road", for example. Further, any
herd of fully mature cattle in or near a pasture is statistically likely to
consist mostly of cows, so the term is probably accurate even in the
restrictive sense. Other than the few bulls needed for breeding, the vast
majority of male cattle are castrated as calves and are used as oxen or
slaughtered for meat before the age of three years. Thus, in a pastured
herd, any calves or herd bulls usually are clearly distinguishable from the
cows due to distinctively different sizes and clear anatomical differences.
A Brahman calf
Merriam-Webster and Oxford Living Dictionaries recognize the sex-
nonspecific use of cow as an alternate definition,[28][29] whereas Collins
and the OED do not.
Colloquially, more general nonspecific terms may denote cattle when a singular form is needed. Head of cattle is
usually used only after a numeral. Australian, New Zealand and British farmers use the term beast or cattle
beast. Bovine is also used in Britain. The term critter is common in the western United States and Canada,
particularly when referring to young cattle.[30] In some areas of the American South (particularly the
Appalachian region), where both dairy and beef cattle are present, an individual animal was once called a "beef
critter", though that term is becoming archaic.
Other terminology
Cattle raised for human consumption are called beef cattle. Within the beef cattle industry in parts of the United
States, the term beef (plural beeves) is still used in its archaic sense to refer to an animal of either sex. Cows of
certain breeds that are kept for the milk they give are called dairy cows or milking cows (formerly milch cows).
Most young male offspring of dairy cows are sold for veal, and may be referred to as veal calves.
The term dogies is used to describe orphaned calves in the context of ranch work in the American West, as in
"Keep them dogies moving".[31] In some places, a cow kept to provide milk for one family is called a "house
cow". Other obsolete terms for cattle include "neat" (this use survives in "neatsfoot oil", extracted from the feet
and legs of cattle), and "beefing" (young animal fit for slaughter).
An onomatopoeic term for one of the most common sounds made by cattle is moo (also called lowing). There are
a number of other sounds made by cattle, including calves bawling, and bulls bellowing. Bawling is most
common for cows after weaning of a calf. The bullroarer makes a sound similar to a bull's territorial call.[32]
Cattle are large quadrupedal ungulate mammals with cloven hooves. Most breeds have horns, which can be as
large as the Texas Longhorn or small like a scur. Careful genetic selection has allowed polled (hornless) cattle to
become widespread.
Digestive system
Cattle are ruminants, meaning their digestive system is highly specialized to allow the use of poorly digestible
plants as food. Cattle have one stomach with four compartments, the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum,
with the rumen being the largest compartment. The reticulum, the smallest compartment, is known as the
"honeycomb". The omasum's main function is to absorb water and
nutrients from the digestible feed. The omasum is known as the "many
plies". The abomasum is like the human stomach; this is why it is known
as the "true stomach".
Cattle are known for regurgitating and re-chewing their food, known as
cud chewing, like most ruminants. While the animal is feeding, the food
is swallowed without being chewed and goes into the rumen for storage
until the animal can find a quiet place to continue the digestion process.
The food is regurgitated, a mouthful at a time, back up to the mouth,
Displayed skeleton of a domestic
where the food, now called the cud, is chewed by the molars, grinding
down the coarse vegetation to small particles. The cud is then swallowed
again and further digested by specialized microorganisms in the rumen.
These microbes are primarily responsible for decomposing cellulose and
other carbohydrates into volatile fatty acids cattle use as their primary
metabolic fuel. The microbes inside the rumen also synthesize amino
acids from non-protein nitrogenous sources, such as urea and ammonia.
As these microbes reproduce in the rumen, older generations die and
their cells continue on through the digestive tract. These cells are then
partially digested in the small intestines, allowing cattle to gain a high-
quality protein source. These features allow cattle to thrive on grasses
and other tough vegetation. Anatomy model of a cow
The gestation period for a cow is about nine months long. A newborn calf's size can vary among breeds, but a
typical calf weighs 25 to 45 kg (55 to 99 lb). Adult size and weight vary significantly among breeds and sex.
Steers are generally killed before reaching 750 kg (1,650 lb). Breeding stock may be allowed a longer lifespan,
occasionally living as long as 25 years. The oldest recorded cow, Big Bertha, died at the age of 48 in 1993.
Bulls become fertile at about seven months of age. Their fertility is closely related to Reproductive system of
the size of their testicles, and one simple test of fertility is to measure the a bovine female
circumference of the scrotum: a young bull is likely to be fertile once this reaches 28
centimetres (11 in); that of a fully adult bull may be over 40 centimetres
(16 in).[36][37]
A bull has a fibro-elastic penis. Given the small amount of erectile tissue, there is little enlargement after
erection. The penis is quite rigid when non-erect, and becomes even more rigid during erection. Protrusion is not
affected much by erection, but more by relaxation of the retractor penis muscle and straightening of the sigmoid
flexure.[38][39][40] Induced ovulation can be manipulated to produce farming benefits. For example, to
synchronise ovulation of the cattle to benefit dairy farming.
The weight of adult cattle varies, depending on the breed. Smaller kinds, such as
Dexter and Jersey adults, range between 272 to 454 kg (600 to 1,000 lb). Large
Continental breeds, such as Charolais, Marchigiana, Belgian Blue and Chianina,
adults range from 635 to 1,134 kg (1,400 to 2,500 lb). British breeds, such as
Hereford, Angus, and Shorthorn, mature between 454 to 907 kg (1,000 to 2,000 lb),
occasionally higher, particularly with Angus and Hereford.[41] Bulls are larger than
cows of the same breed by up to a few hundred kilograms. Chianina bulls can weigh
up to 1,500 kg (3,300 lb); British bulls, such as Angus and Hereford, can weigh as
little as 907 kg (2,000 lb) to as much as 1,361 kg (3,000 lb).
Ox testes
The world record for the heaviest bull was 1,740 kg (3,840 lb), a Chianina named
Donetto, when he was exhibited at the Arezzo show in 1955.[42] The heaviest steer
was eight-year-old 'Old Ben', a Shorthorn/Hereford cross weighing in at 2,140 kg
(4,720 lb) in 1910.[43]
In the United States, the average weight of beef cattle has steadily increased, especially since the 1970s,
requiring the building of new slaughterhouses able to handle larger carcasses. New packing plants in the 1980s
stimulated a large increase in cattle weights.[44] Before 1790 beef cattle averaged only 160 kg (350 lb) net; and
thereafter weights climbed steadily.[45][46]
In laboratory studies, young cattle are able to memorize the locations of several food sources and retain this
memory for at least 8 hours, although this declined after 12 hours.[47] Fifteen-month-old heifers learn more
quickly than adult cows which have had either one or two calvings, but their longer-term memory is less
stable.[48] Mature cattle perform well in spatial learning tasks and have a good long-term memory in these tests.
Cattle tested in a radial arm maze are able to remember the locations of high-quality food for at least 30 days.
Although they initially learn to avoid low-quality food, this memory diminishes over the same duration.[49]
Under less artificial testing conditions, young cattle showed they were able to remember the location of feed for
at least 48 days.[50] Cattle can make an association between a visual stimulus and food within 1 day—memory
of this association can be retained for 1 year, despite a slight decay.[51]
Calves are capable of discrimination learning[52] and adult cattle compare favourably with small mammals in
their learning ability in the Closed-field Test.[53]
They are also able to discriminate between familiar individuals, and among humans. Cattle can tell the difference
between familiar and unfamiliar animals of the same species (conspecifics). Studies show they behave less
aggressively toward familiar individuals when they are forming a new group.[54] Calves can also discriminate
between humans based on previous experience, as shown by approaching those who handled them positively and
avoiding those who handled them aversively.[55] Although cattle can discriminate between humans by their faces
alone, they also use other cues such as the color of clothes when these are available.[56]
In audio play-back studies, calves prefer their own mother's vocalizations compared to the vocalizations of an
unfamiliar mother.[57]
In laboratory studies using images, cattle can discriminate between images of the heads of cattle and other
animal species.[58] They are also able to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics. Furthermore,
they are able to categorize images as familiar and unfamiliar individuals.[54]
When mixed with other individuals, cloned calves from the same donor form subgroups, indicating that kin
discrimination occurs and may be a basis of grouping behaviour. It has also been shown using images of cattle
that both artificially inseminated and cloned calves have similar cognitive capacities of kin and non-kin
Cattle can recognize familiar individuals. Visual individual recognition is a more complex mental process than
visual discrimination. It requires the recollection of the learned idiosyncratic identity of an individual that has
been previously encountered and the formation of a mental representation.[60] By using 2-dimensional images of
the heads of one cow (face, profiles, 3⁄4 views), all the tested heifers showed individual recognition of familiar
and unfamiliar individuals from their own breed. Furthermore, almost all the heifers recognized unknown
individuals from different breeds, although this was achieved with greater difficulty. Individual recognition was
most difficult when the visual features of the breed being tested were quite different from the breed in the image,
for example, the breed being tested had no spots whereas the image was of a spotted breed.[61]
Cattle use visual/brain lateralisation in their visual scanning of novel and familiar stimuli.[62] Domestic cattle
prefer to view novel stimuli with the left eye, i.e. using the right brain hemisphere (similar to horses, Australian
magpies, chicks, toads and fish) but use the right eye, i.e. using the left hemisphere, for viewing familiar
aggressiveness Ear postures of cows are studied as
indicators of their emotional state
and overall animal welfare.[64]
Negative emotional states are associated with a bias toward negative responses towards ambiguous cues in
judgement tasks. After separation from their mothers, Holstein calves showed such a cognitive bias indicative of
low mood.[68] A similar study showed that after hot-iron disbudding (dehorning), calves had a similar negative
bias indicating that post-operative pain following this routine procedure results in a negative change in emotional
In studies of visual discrimination, the position of the ears has been used as an indicator of emotional state.[54]
When cattle are stressed other cattle can tell by the chemicals released in their urine.[70]
Cattle are very gregarious and even short-term isolation is considered to cause severe psychological stress. When
Aubrac and Friesian heifers are isolated, they increase their vocalizations and experience increased heart rate and
plasma cortisol concentrations. These physiological changes are greater in Aubracs. When visual contact is re-
instated, vocalisations rapidly decline, regardless of the familiarity of the returning cattle, however, heart rate
decreases are greater if the returning cattle are familiar to the previously-isolated individual.[71] Mirrors have
been used to reduce stress in isolated cattle.[72]
Cattle use all of the five widely recognized sensory modalities. These can assist in some complex behavioural
patterns, for example, in grazing behaviour. Cattle eat mixed diets, but when given the opportunity, show a
partial preference of approximately 70% clover and 30% grass. This preference has a diurnal pattern, with a
stronger preference for clover in the morning, and the proportion of grass increasing towards the evening.[73]
Vision is the dominant sense in cattle and they obtain almost 50% of their information visually. [74]
Cattle are a prey animal and to assist predator detection, their eyes are located on the sides of their head rather
than the front. This gives them a wide field of view of 330° but limits binocular vision (and therefore stereopsis)
to 30° to 50° compared to 140° in humans.[54][75] This means they have a blind spot directly behind them. Cattle
have good visual acuity,[54] but compared to humans, their visual accommodation is poor.[74]
Cattle have two kinds of color receptors in the cone cells of their retinas. This means that cattle are dichromatic,
as are most other non-primate land mammals.[76][77] There are two to three rods per cone in the fovea centralis
but five to six near the optic papilla.[75] Cattle can distinguish long wavelength colors (yellow, orange and red)
much better than the shorter wavelengths (blue, grey and green). Calves are able to discriminate between long
(red) and short (blue) or medium (green) wavelengths, but have limited ability to discriminate between the short
and medium. They also approach handlers more quickly under red light.[78] Whilst having good color sensitivity,
it is not as good as humans or sheep.[54]
A common misconception about cattle (particularly bulls) is that they are enraged by the color red (something
provocative is often said to be "like a red flag to a bull"). This is a myth. In bullfighting, it is the movement of
the red flag or cape that irritates the bull and incites it to charge.[79]
Cattle have a well-developed sense of taste and can distinguish the four primary tastes (sweet, salty, bitter and
sour). They possess around 20,000 taste buds. The strength of taste perception depends on the individual's
current food requirements. They avoid bitter-tasting foods (potentially toxic) and have a marked preference for
sweet (high calorific value) and salty foods (electrolyte balance). Their sensitivity to sour-tasting foods helps
them to maintain optimal ruminal pH.[74]
Plants have low levels of sodium and cattle have developed the capacity of seeking salt by taste and smell. If
cattle become depleted of sodium salts, they show increased locomotion directed to searching for these. To assist
in their search, the olfactory and gustatory receptors able to detect minute amounts of sodium salts increase their
sensitivity as biochemical disruption develops with sodium salt depletion.[80][81]
Cattle hearing ranges from 23 Hz to 35 kHz. Their frequency of best sensitivity is 8 kHz and they have a lowest
threshold of −21 db (re 20 μN/m−2), which means their hearing is more acute than horses (lowest threshold of 7
db).[82] Sound localization acuity thresholds are an average of 30°. This means that cattle are less able to localise
sounds compared to goats (18°), dogs (8°) and humans (0.8°).[83] Because cattle have a broad foveal fields of
view covering almost the entire horizon, they may not need very accurate locus information from their auditory
systems to direct their gaze to a sound source.
Vocalisations are an important mode of communication amongst cattle and can provide information on the age,
sex, dominance status and reproductive status of the caller. Calves can recognize their mothers using
vocalizations; vocal behaviour may play a role by indicating estrus and competitive display by bulls.[84]
In general, cattle use their sense of smell to "expand" on information detected by other sensory modalities.
However, in the case of social and reproductive behaviours, olfaction is a key source of information.[74]
Cattle have tactile sensations detected mainly by mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors and nociceptors in the skin
and muzzle. These are used most frequently when cattle explore their environment.[74]
There is conflicting evidence for magnetoreception in cattle. One study reported that resting and grazing cattle
tend to align their body axes in the geomagnetic north–south (N-S) direction.[87] In a follow-up study, cattle
exposed to various magnetic fields directly beneath or in the vicinity of power lines trending in various magnetic
directions exhibited distinct patterns of alignment.[88] However, in 2011, a group of Czech researchers reported
their failed attempt to replicate the finding using Google Earth images.[89]
Under natural conditions, calves stay with their mother until weaning at 8 to 11 months. Heifer and bull calves
are equally attached to their mothers in the first few months of life.[90] Cattle are considered to be "hider" type
animals, but in the artificial environment of small calving pens, close proximity between cow and calf is
maintained by the mother at the first three calvings but this changes to being mediated by the calf after these.
Primiparous dams show a higher incidence of abnormal maternal behavior.[91]
Beef-calves reared on the range suckle an average of 5.0 times every
24 hours with an average total time of 46 min spent suckling. There is a
diurnal rhythm in suckling activity with peaks between 05:00–07:00,
10:00–13:00 and 17:00–21:00.[92]
Studies on the natural weaning of zebu cattle (Bos indicus) have shown
that the cow weans her calves over a 2-week period, but after that, she
continues to show strong affiliatory behavior with her offspring and Play media
preferentially chooses them for grooming and as grazing partners for at Video of a calf suckling
least 4–5 years.[93]
Reproductive behavior
One study showed that over a 4-year period, dominance relationships A cow giving birth
within a herd of semi-wild highland cattle were very firm. There were
few overt aggressive conflicts and the majority of disputes were settled
by agonistic (non-aggressive, competitive) behaviors that involved no physical contact between opponents (e.g.
threatening and spontaneous withdrawing). Such agonistic behavior reduces the risk of injury. Dominance status
depended on age and sex, with older animals generally being dominant to young ones and males dominant to
females. Young bulls gained superior dominance status over adult cows when they reached about 2 years of
As with many animal dominance hierarchies, dominance-associated aggressiveness does not correlate with rank
position, but is closely related to rank distance between individuals.[94]
Dominance is maintained in several ways. Cattle often engage in mock fights where they test each other's
strength in a non-aggressive way. Licking is primarily performed by subordinates and received by dominant
animals. Mounting is a playful behavior shown by calves of both sexes and by bulls and sometimes by cows in
estrus,[95] however, this is not a dominance related behavior as has been found in other species.[94]
The horns of cattle are "honest signals" used in mate selection. Furthermore, horned cattle attempt to keep
greater distances between themselves and have fewer physical interactions than hornless cattle. This leads to
more stable social relationships.[96]
In calves, the frequency of agonistic behavior decreases as space allowance increases, but this does not occur for
changes in group size. However, in adult cattle, the number of agonistic encounters increases as the group size
Grazing behavior
When grazing, cattle vary several aspects of their bite, i.e. tongue and jaw movements, depending on
characteristics of the plant they are eating. Bite area decreases with the density of the plants but increases with
their height. Bite area is determined by the sweep of the tongue; in one study observing 750-kilogram (1,650 lb)
steers, bite area reached a maximum of approximately 170 cm2 (30 sq in). Bite depth increases with the height of
the plants. By adjusting their behavior, cattle obtain heavier bites in swards that are tall and sparse compared
with short, dense swards of equal mass/area.[98] Cattle adjust other aspects of their grazing behavior in relation
to the available food; foraging velocity decreases and intake rate increases in areas of abundant palatable
Cattle avoid grazing areas contaminated by the faeces of other cattle more strongly than they avoid areas
contaminated by sheep,[100] but they do not avoid pasture contaminated by rabbit faeces.[101]
In 24 April 2009, edition of the journal Science, a team of researchers led by the National Institutes of Health
and the US Department of Agriculture reported having mapped the bovine genome.[102] The scientists found
cattle have about 22,000 genes, and 80% of their genes are shared with humans, and they share about 1000 genes
with dogs and rodents, but are not found in humans. Using this bovine "HapMap", researchers can track the
differences between the breeds that affect the quality of meat and milk yields.[103]
Behavioral traits of cattle can be as heritable as some production traits, and often, the two can be related.[104]
The heritability of fear varies markedly in cattle from low (0.1) to high (0.53); such high variation is also found
in pigs and sheep, probably due to differences in the methods used.[105] The heritability of temperament
(response to isolation during handling) has been calculated as 0.36 and 0.46 for habituation to handling.[106]
Rangeland assessments show that the heritability of aggressiveness in cattle is around 0.36.[107]
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been found for a range of production and behavioral characteristics for both
dairy and beef cattle.[108]
Although European cattle are largely descended from the taurine lineage, gene flow from African cattle (partially
of indicine origin) contributed substantial genomic components to both southern European cattle breeds and their
New World descendants.[109] A study on 134 breeds showed that modern taurine cattle originated from Africa,
Asia, North and South America, Australia, and Europe.[110] Some researchers have suggested that African
taurine cattle are derived from a third independent domestication from North African aurochsen.[109]
Usage as money
As early as 9000 BC both grain and cattle were used as money or as barter (the first grain remains found,
considered to be evidence of pre-agricultural practice date to 17,000 BC).[111][112][113] Some evidence also
exists to suggest that other animals, such as camels and goats, may have been used as currency in some parts of
the world.[114] One of the advantages of using cattle as currency is that it allows the seller to set a fixed price. It
even created the standard pricing. For example, two chickens were traded for one cow as cows were deemed to
be more valuable than chickens.[112]
Modern husbandry
Cattle are often raised by allowing herds to graze on the grasses of large
tracts of rangeland. Raising cattle in this manner allows the use of land
that might be unsuitable for growing crops. The most common
interactions with cattle involve daily feeding, cleaning and milking.
Many routine husbandry practices involve ear tagging, dehorning,
loading, medical operations, vaccinations and hoof care, as well as
training for agricultural shows and preparations. Also, some cultural
differences occur in working with cattle; the cattle husbandry of Fulani
This Hereford is being inspected for
men rests on behavioural techniques, whereas in Europe, cattle are
ticks. Cattle are often restrained or
controlled primarily by physical means, such as fences.[115] Breeders use confined in cattle crushes (squeeze
cattle husbandry to reduce M. bovis infection susceptibility by selective chutes) when given medical
breeding and maintaining herd health to avoid concurrent disease.[116] attention.
Cattle are farmed for beef, veal, dairy, and leather. They are less
commonly used for conservation grazing, or simply to maintain
grassland for wildlife, such as in Epping Forest, England. They are often
used in some of the most wild places for livestock. Depending on the
breed, cattle can survive on hill grazing, heaths, marshes, moors and
semidesert. Modern cattle are more commercial than older breeds and,
having become more specialized, are less versatile. For this reason, many
smaller farmers still favor old breeds, such as the Jersey dairy breed. In
Portugal, Spain, southern France and some Latin American countries,
bulls are used in the activity of bullfighting; Jallikattu in India is a bull
taming sport radically different from European bullfighting, humans are This young bovine has a nose ring to
unarmed and bulls are not killed. In many other countries bullfighting is prevent it from suckling, which is
illegal. Other activities such as bull riding are seen as part of a rodeo, usually to assist in weaning.
especially in North America. Bull-leaping, a central ritual in Bronze Age
Minoan culture (see Sacred Bull), still exists in southwestern France. In
modern times, cattle are also entered into agricultural competitions. These competitions can involve live cattle or
cattle carcases in hoof and hook events.
In terms of food intake by humans, consumption of cattle is less efficient than of grain or vegetables with regard
to land use, and hence cattle grazing consumes more area than such other agricultural production when raised on
grains.[117] Nonetheless, cattle and other forms of domesticated animals can sometimes help to use plant
resources in areas not easily amenable to other forms of agriculture. Bulls are sometimes used as guard
The average sleep time of a domestic cow is about 4 hours a day.[120] Cattle do have a stay apparatus,[121] but do
not sleep standing up,[122] they lie down to sleep deeply.[123] In spite of the urban legend, cows cannot be tipped
over by people pushing on them.[124]
The meat of adult cattle is known as beef, and that of calves is veal.
Other animal parts are also used as food products, including blood, liver,
kidney, heart and oxtail. Cattle also produce milk, and dairy cattle are
specifically bred to produce the large quantities of milk processed and
sold for human consumption. Cattle today are the basis of a multibillion-
dollar industry worldwide. The international trade in beef for 2000 was
over $30 billion and represented only 23% of world beef production.[125]
Approximately 300 million cattle, including dairy cattle, are slaughtered
each year for food.[126] The production of milk, which is also made into
cheese, butter, yogurt, and other dairy products, is comparable in
Holstein cattle are the primary dairy
economic size to beef production, and provides an important part of the
breed, bred for high milk production.
food supply for many of the world's people. Cattle hides, used for leather
to make shoes, couches and clothing, are another widespread product.
Cattle remain broadly used as draft animals in many developing
countries, such as India. Cattle are also used in some sporting games, including rodeo and bullfighting.
Certain breeds of cattle, such as the Holstein-Friesian, are used to produce milk,[129][130] which can be processed
into dairy products such as milk, cheese or yogurt. Dairy cattle are usually kept on specialized dairy farms
designed for milk production. Most cows are milked twice per day, with milk processed at a dairy, which may be
onsite at the farm or the milk may be shipped to a dairy plant for eventual sale of a dairy product.[131] For dairy
cattle to continue producing milk, they must give birth to one calf per year. If the calf is male, it generally is
slaughtered at a young age to produce veal.[132] They will continue to produce milk until three weeks before
birth.[130] Over the last fifty years, dairy farming has become more intensive to increase the yield of milk
produced by each cow. The Holstein-Friesian is the breed of dairy cow most common in the UK, Europe and the
United States. It has been bred selectively to produce the highest yields of milk of any cow. Around 22 litres per
day is average in the UK.[129][130]
Most cattle are not kept solely for hides, which are usually a by-product of beef
production. Hides are most commonly used for leather, which can be made into a
variety of product, including shoes. In 2012 India was the world's largest
producer of cattle hides.[133]
Feral cattle
Feral cattle are defined as being 'cattle that are not domesticated or
cultivated'.[134] Populations of feral cattle are known to come from and exist in:
Australia, United States of America,[135] Colombia, Argentina, Spain, France
and many islands, including New Guinea, Hawaii, Galapagos, Juan Fernández
Islands, Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), Tristan da Cunha and Île
Amsterdam,[136] two islands of Kuchinoshima[137] and Kazura Island next to Dairy farming and the
Naru Island in Japan.[138][139] Chillingham cattle is sometimes regarded as a milking of cattle was once
performed largely by hand,
feral breed.[140] Aleutian wild cattles can be found on Aleutian Islands.[141] The
but is now usually done by
"Kinmen cattle" which is dominantly found on Kinmen Island, Taiwan is mostly
domesticated while smaller portion of the population is believed to live in the
wild due to accidental releases.[142]
Other notable examples include cattle in the vicinity of Hong Kong (in the Shing Mun Country Park,[143] among
Sai Kung District[144] and Lantau Island[145] and on Grass Island[146]), and semi-feral animals in Yangmingshan,
Environmental impact
Estimated virtual water requirements for various foods (m³ water/ton)[148]
Hoekstra& Hung Zimmer& Renault
& Hoekstra Okiet al.
(2003) (2003) (2003)
An estimated 935,000 cattle operations were operating in the US in 2010.[177] In 2001, the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) tallied 5,990 cattle CAFOs then regulated, consisting of beef (2,200), dairy (3,150),
heifer (620) and veal operations (20).[178] Since that time, the EPA has established CAFOs as an enforcement
priority. EPA enforcement highlights for fiscal year 2010 indicated enforcement actions against 12 cattle CAFOs
for violations that included failures to obtain a permit, failures to meet the terms of a permit, and discharges of
contaminated water.[179]
The veterinary discipline dealing with cattle and cattle diseases (bovine veterinary) is called buiatrics.[185]
Veterinarians and professionals working on cattle health issues are pooled in the World Association for Buiatrics,
founded in 1960.[186] National associations and affiliates also exist.[187]
Cattle diseases were in the center of attention in the 1980s and 1990s when the Bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, was of concern. Cattle might catch and develop various
other diseases, like blackleg, bluetongue, foot rot too.[188][189][190]
In most states, as cattle health is not only a veterinarian issue, but also a public health issue, public health and
food safety standards and farming regulations directly affect the daily work of farmers who keep cattle.[191]
However, said rules change frequently and are often debated. For instance, in the U.K., it was proposed in 2011
that milk from tuberculosis-infected cattle should be allowed to enter the food chain.[192] Internal food safety
regulations might affect a country's trade policy as well. For example, the United States has just reviewed its
beef import rules according to the "mad cow standards"; while Mexico forbids the entry of cattle who are older
than 30 months.[193]
Cow urine is commonly used in India for internal medical purposes.[194][195] It is distilled and then consumed by
patients seeking treatment for a wide variety of illnesses.[196] At present, no conclusive medical evidence shows
this has any effect.[197] However, an Indian medicine containing cow urine has already obtained U.S.
Digital dermatitis is caused by the bacteria from the genus Treponema. It differs from foot rot and can appear
under unsanitary conditions such as poor hygiene or inadequate hoof trimming, among other causes. It primarily
affects dairy cattle and has been known to lower the quantity of milk produced, however the milk quality
remains unaffected. Cattle are also susceptible to ringworm caused by the fungus, Trichophyton verrucosum, a
contagious skin disease which may be transferred to humans exposed to infected cows.[199]
Stocking density refers to the number of animals within a specified area. When stocking density reaches high
levels, the behavioural needs of the animals may not be met. This can negatively influence health, welfare and
production performance.[200]
The effect of overstocking in cows can have a negative effect on milk production and reproduction rates which
are two very important traits for dairy farmers. Overcrowding of cows in barns has been found to reduced
feeding, resting and rumination.[200] Although they consume the same amount of dry matter within the span of a
day, they consume the food at a much more rapid rate, and this behaviour in cows can lead to further
complications.[201] The feeding behaviour of cows during their post-milking period is very important as it has
been proven that the longer animals can eat after milking, the longer they will be standing up and therefore
causing less contamination to the teat ends.[202] This is necessary to reduce the risk of mastitis as infection has
been shown to increase the chances of embryonic loss.[203] Sufficient rest is important for dairy cows because it
is during this period that their resting blood flow increases up to 50%, this is directly proportionate to milk
production.[202] Each additional hour of rest can be seen to translate to 2 to 3.5 more pounds of milk per cow
daily. Stocking densities of anything over 120% have been shown to decrease the amount of time cows spend
lying down.[204]
Cortisol is an important stress hormone; its plasma concentrations increase greatly when subjected to high levels
of stress.[205] Increased concentration levels of cortisol have been associated with significant increases in
gonadotrophin levels and lowered progestin levels. Reduction of stress is important in the reproductive state of
cows as an increase in gonadotrophin and lowered progesterone levels may impinge on the ovulatory and
lutenization process and to reduce the chances of successful implantation.[206] A high cortisol level will also
stimulate the degradation of fats and proteins which may make it difficult for the animal to sustain its pregnancy
if implanted successfully.[205]
The following practices have been criticized by animal welfare and animal rights groups:[207] branding,[208]
castration,[209] dehorning,[210] ear tagging,[211] nose ringing,[212] restraint,[213] tail docking,[214] the use of veal
crates,[215] and cattle prods.[216] Further, the stress induced by high stocking density (such as in feedlots,
auctions, and during transport) is known to negatively affect the health of cattle,[217][218] and has also been
Dairy cows
While the treatment of dairy cows is similar to that of beef cattle, especially towards the end of their life, it has
faced additional criticism.[221] To produce milk from dairy cattle, most calves are separated from their mothers
soon after birth and fed milk replacement in order to retain the cows' milk for human consumption.[222] Animal
welfare advocates point out that this breaks the natural bond between the mother and her calf.[222] Unwanted
male calves are either slaughtered at birth or sent for veal production.[222] To prolong lactation, dairy cows are
almost permanently kept pregnant through artificial insemination.[222] Because of this, some feminists state that
dairy production is based on the sexual exploitation of cows.[223][224] Although cows' natural life expectancy is
about twenty years,[225] after about five years the cows' milk production has dropped; they are then considered
"spent" and are sent to slaughter, which is considered cruel by some.[226][227]
While leather is often a by-product of slaughter, in some countries, such as India and Bangladesh, cows are
raised primarily for their leather. These leather industries often make their cows walk long distances across
borders to be killed in neighboring provinces and countries where cattle slaughter is legal. Some cows die along
the long journey, and exhausted animals are often beaten and have chili and tobacco rubbed into their eyes to
make them keep walking.[228] These practices have faced backlash from various animal rights groups.[229][230]
There has been a long history of protests against rodeos,[231] with the opposition saying that rodeos are
unnecessary and cause stress, injury, and death to the animals.[232][233]
The running of the bulls faces opposition due to the stress and injuries incurred by the bulls during the event.[234]
Bullfighting is considered by many people, including animal rights and animal welfare advocates, to be a cruel,
barbaric blood sport in which bulls are forced to suffer severe stress and a slow, torturous death.[235] A number
of animal rights and animal welfare groups are involved in anti-bullfighting activities.[236]
Oxen (singular ox) are cattle trained as draft animals. Often they are adult, castrated males of larger breeds,
although females and bulls are also used in some areas. Usually, an ox is over four years old due to the need for
training and to allow it to grow to full size. Oxen are used for plowing, transport, hauling cargo, grain-grinding
by trampling or by powering machines, irrigation by powering pumps, and wagon drawing. Oxen were
commonly used to skid logs in forests, and sometimes still are, in low-
impact, select-cut logging. Oxen are most often used in teams of two,
paired, for light work such as carting, with additional pairs added when
more power is required, sometimes up to a total of 20 or more.
Islamic traditions
Oxen used in traditional ploughing –
The cow is mentioned often in the Quran. The second and longest surah Karnataka
of the Quran is named Al-Baqara ("The Cow"). Out of the 286 verses of
the surah, seven mention cows (Al Baqarah 67–73).[240][241] The name
of the surah derives from this passage in which Moses orders his people to sacrifice a cow in order to resurrect a
man murdered by an unknown person.[242]
Hindu tradition
Hinduism considers cows as divine and satvik (with pure virtues) and they are worshipped as goddesses.
Medical science stresses the importance of the cow for her milk, her urine as well as her excreta in our day-to-
day life. Govidyapeetham, India aims to revive reproduction methodologies undertaken by Balram (brother of
Lord Krishna, a deity in Hinduism) combining with modern technology.[245]
Milk and milk products were used in Vedic rituals.[243]:130 In the
postvedic period products of the cow—milk, curd, ghee, but also cow
dung and urine (gomutra), or the combination of these five
(panchagavya)—began to assume an increasingly important role in ritual
purification and expiation.[243]:130–131
Other traditions
The Evangelist St. Luke is depicted as an ox in Christian art.
In Judaism, as described in Numbers 19:2 (https://www.mecho, the ashes of a sacrificed
unblemished red heifer that has never been yoked can be
used for ritual purification of people who came into contact
with a corpse.
The ox is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in
the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. See: Ox
Riding an ox in Hova, Sweden
The constellation Taurus represents a bull.
An apocryphal story has it that a cow started the Great
Chicago Fire by kicking over a kerosene lamp. Michael Ahern,
the reporter who created the cow story, admitted in 1893 that
he had fabricated it for more colorful copy.
On 18 February 1930, Elm Farm Ollie became the first cow to
fly in an airplane and also the first cow to be milked in an
The first known law requiring branding in North America was
Ancient cattle reproduction
enacted on 5 February 1644, by Connecticut. It said that all
methodologies revived at
cattle and pigs had to have a registered brand or earmark by 1
Govidyapeetham, India
May 1644.[247]
The akabeko (赤べこ, red cow) is a traditional toy from the
Aizu region of Japan that is thought to ward off illness.[248]
The case of Sherwood v. Walker—involving a supposedly barren heifer that was actually pregnant
—first enunciated the concept of mutual mistake as a means of destroying the meeting of the
minds in contract law.
The Fulani of West Africa are the world's largest nomadic cattle-herders.
The Maasai tribe of East Africa traditionally believe their god Engai entitled them to divine rights to
the ownership of all cattle on earth.[249]
In heraldry
Cattle are typically represented in heraldry by the bull.
Arms of the Azores Arms of Arms of Turin, Italy
Mecklenburg region,
Germany Legend of the founding of
Durham Cathedral is that
monks carrying the body of
Saint Cuthbert were led to
the location by a milk maid
who had lost her dun cow,
which was found resting on
the spot.
Arms of Turek,
For 2013, the FAO estimated global cattle numbers at 1.47 billion.[250] Regionally, the FAO estimate for 2013
includes: Asia 497 million; South America 350 million; Africa 307 million; Europe 122 million; North America
102 million; Central America 47 million; Oceania 40 million; and Caribbean 9 million.
Cattle population
See also
1966 anti-cow slaughter agitation Cattle age determination
Category:Individual cattle Cowboy
British Cattle Health Initiative Intensive animal farming
Bull-baiting List of cattle breeds
Bullocky List of domesticated animals
Bulls and Cows (game)
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Further reading
Bhattacharya, S. 2003. Cattle ownership makes it a man's world (
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Cattle Today (CT). 2006. Website. Breeds of cattle ( Cattle Today.
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Impacts and Practices. Washington, DC: Island Press. ISBN 1-55963-370-0.
Clutton-Brock, J. 1999. A Natural History of Domesticated Mammals. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. ISBN 0-521-63495-4.
Purdy, Herman R.; R. John Dawes; Dr. Robert Hough (2008). Breeds Of Cattle (http://www.breeds (2nd ed.). – A visual textbook containing History/Origin, Phenotype & Statistics of 45
Huffman, B. 2006. The ultimate ungulate page (
p:// Retrieved 26 December 2006.
Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG). 2005. Bos taurus (
s/ecology.asp?si=172&fr=1&sts=sss). Global Invasive Species Database.
Johns, Catherine. 2011 Cattle: History, Myth, Art. London: The British Museum Press. 978-0-7141-
Nowak, R.M. and Paradiso, J.L. 1983. Walker's Mammals of the World. Baltimore, MD: The Johns
Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-2525-3
Oklahoma State University (OSU). 2006. Breeds of Cattle (
e). Retrieved 5 January 2007.
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). 2004. Holy cow (
x.html). PBS Nature. Retrieved 5 January 2007.
Rath, S. 1998. The Complete Cow. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press. ISBN 0-89658-375-9.
Raudiansky, S. 1992. The Covenant of the Wild. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.
ISBN 0-688-09610-7.
Spectrum Commodities (SC). 2006. Live cattle (
Retrieved 5 January 2007.
Voelker, W. 1986. The Natural History of Living Mammals. Medford, NJ: Plexus Publishing, Inc.
ISBN 0-937548-08-1.
Yogananda, P. 1946. The Autobiography of a Yogi. Los Angeles: Self Realization Fellowship.
ISBN 0-87612-083-4.
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