Yard MGMT EWM Ewm-Engels-Balaji-Kannapan

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The key takeaways are that efficient shipping and receiving operations are important for warehouse management and Yard Management helps manage activities in the yard.

The main activities performed in a yard are vehicle check-in, moving vehicles to parking or loading areas, loading/unloading activities, and vehicle check-out.

The key elements of Yard Management are yard activities, activation of Yard Management, and integration with warehouse operations.

A warehouse is that link of a supply chain that stores the goods before

Chapter 10

being shipped to the ultimate or the next consumption point. Shipping

and receiving processes are key to an efficient supply chain and determine
how well the supply chain performs with respect to the defined standards.

10 Shipping and Receiving

One of the most challenging tasks in managing a warehouse is controlling the

movement of vehicles that carry the goods into or out of the warehouse. Effi-
ciently handling the flow of vehicles is important for shipping and receiving oper-
ations of a warehouse, and the warehouse yard plays a key role in shipping and
receiving activities being carried out in the warehouse. We’ll discuss Yard
Management (YM) in detail in this chapter.

With SAP EWM 9.3, a new functionality called Transit Warehousing has been
introduced. This feature enables you to integrate warehouse execution with
freight forwarding operations using SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP
EWM) and SAP Transportation Management (TM). We’ll discuss this in detail in
this chapter as well.

SAP Dock Appointment Scheduling (DAS) is another application aimed at better

collaboration between warehouses, thus reducing the idle time of vehicles in the
yard. DAS can be integrated with SAP EWM. We’ll talk expressly about DAS in
Chapter 21.

10.1 Yard Management

A yard can be defined as a location outside or near the warehouse where vehicles
bringing inbound and outbound deliveries are maintained after arrival until their
departure. The Yard Management (YM) functionality helps you in managing the
yard in the SAP EWM system.

10 Shipping and Receiving Yard Management 10.1

In SAP EWM, the YM function is built-in and is closely linked with warehouse
2. Move TU to Parking
operations to exploit the benefits of integrating yard operations with warehouse 1. Check-In (Optional)
operations. By virtue of being built-in to the SAP EWM system, YM shares the
same structure as the warehouse and thus supports the end-to-end inbound and
outbound processes. YM also helps businesses make more accurate decisions by
8. Check-Out 3. Schedule TU to Door
providing stock data contained in the yard to the users.

In this section, we’ll discuss various elements of YM. We’ll also discuss various
activities performed within the yard and the documents involved in carrying out Activities
those activities.
7. Move TU to Parking
Note (Optional)
4. Move TU to Door

The YM functionality of SAP EWM is optional to use and may be left deactivated (by
default) based on the needs of the business.

6. Load/Unload End 5. Load/Unload Start

10.1.1 Yard Management Activities

Figure 10.1 illustrates the sequence of activities performed within a yard. After Figure 10.1 Activities Performed in the Yard
the vehicle that will carry the goods arrives at the arrival gate of the facility, it
must be registered in the system by performing check-in activities. Based on the 10.1.2 Activation of Yard Management
warehouse door availability, the vehicle can be mapped directly to a free door
SAP recommends using the YM functionality of SAP EWM to realize the full
and moved for loading/unloading activities to be performed. Or the vehicle can
potential of the software. Activation of YM (Figure 10.2) for a warehouse can be
be made to wait in the yard’s parking area, before being mapped to a free door.
done using the navigation path, SAP EWM IMG 폷 Extended Warehouse
After the loading/unloading activity is completed, the vehicle may be parked tem-
Management 폷 Cross-Process Settings 폷 Shipping and Receiving 폷 Yard
porarily in the yard’s parking area or directly taken to the departure gate of the
Management 폷 Activate Yard Management for Warehouse. By selecting the
facility. The check-out activity is carried out after the vehicle leaves the facility.
YM Actv. indicator for a warehouse number, YM functionality can be enabled for
The smallest loadable unit of a vehicle that is used to transport goods is called a the warehouse.
transportation unit (TU). The TU can be a fixed part of the vehicle or units con-
tained within. We’ll discuss TUs in detail in subsequent sections of this chapter.
At the moment, note that delivery items are linked to vehicle or TU documents
using which yard activities are carried out. It’s also possible to link one or more
TUs to a vehicle document.

Figure 10.2 Yard Management Activation

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10 Shipping and Receiving Yard Management 10.1


The discussions in the following sections of the book are based on yard as a storage
type. However, when a common yard is used by multiple warehouses, a yard can also be
structured as a warehouse.

10.1.3 Yard Structure

Similar to other storage types in the warehouse, the yard storage type is com-
prised of yard sections and yard bins. Figure 10.3 illustrates the hierarchy of these
components within the yard. The highest level in this hierarchy is the yard, which
is mapped to the SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) structure as a
storage type. Unless, you have a YM structure and definitions, it’s not possible to
configure a process flow involving the yard.


Figure 10.4 Define Yard Using Storage Type Parameters

Yard Section Yard Section Yard Section

Structure Yard Using Storage Areas

Yard Bin Yard Bin
Yard constitutes the following three storage areas:

왘 Checkpoint
Figure 10.3 Hierarchy of Yard Structure Components Vehicles temporarily stay here for some paper verification and so on, after they
arrive at the facility or before they leave the facility. Usually there are multiple
checkpoints in the warehouse for entry/exit. These checkpoints naturally act as
Define Yard Using Storage Type
a guard shack for arrival and departure of vehicles/TUs for the YM activity.
With the definition of the yard storage type with the role Yard, you also need to
왘 Parking space
maintain some important parameters (Figure 10.4) that control the behavior of
Waiting area for the vehicles before they are assigned and moved to a free door
the yard. The navigation path for defining the yard using the storage type and set-
for loading/unloading. After loading/unloading is completed, they can again be
ting up the parameters is SAP EWM IMG 폷 Extended Warehouse Management 폷
brought to the parking area so that some paper verification can be performed
Master Data 폷 Shipping and receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷 Define Yard
before they leave the premises.
Using Storage Type.
왘 Group of warehouse doors/single door
Used for loading or unloading of the goods from the vehicles or TUs.

438 439
10 Shipping and Receiving Yard Management 10.1

To maintain these areas of the yard in SAP EWM as shown in Figure 10.5, navigate
to the IMG, and choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Master Data 폷 Check
Shipping and Receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷 Structure Yard Using Storage Point
Check Out


Lot Bins Check in

Figure 10.5 Storage Areas in the Yard Bins

This customization allows the yard areas to be structured and mapped to the SAP
EWM system. Storage sections are used to clearly mark and segregate areas in a Figure 10.6 Yard with Various Bins

yard. Apart from simplifying the identification of various areas in a yard, this seg-
regation is also important from the warehouse monitoring point of view because 10.1.4 Yard Organizational Units Definition and Bin Assignments
appropriate reports can be generated for each storage section of the yard.
Checkpoint and door are the organizational units used in the YM functions. These
organizational units must be linked to the appropriate bin of the yard.
Yard Bins
Each of the yard areas (storage sections) is further divided into smaller physical Checkpoint
spaces (i.e., a bin in SAP EWM terminology) that is the exact position (parking
A checkpoint is a location from where vehicles enter or exit the yard. It can
slot) where the vehicles or TUs are parked for check-in/check-out, waiting to be
either be a physical gate or a virtual gate from where the date is transmitted elec-
loaded/unloaded for the actual loading/unloading process. The yard bin is the
tronically or a goods issue or goods receipt office at the yard entrance. At the
lowest level in the hierarchical YM structure. Figure 10.6 illustrates the various
checkpoint, all the important information about the vehicle and TUs is collected.
areas within the yard.
Defining checkpoints is essential for YM because these checkpoints are used to
You can define these yard bins using Transaction /SCWM/LS01 or by navigating control the entry/exit from the yard and movement within the yard.
to SAP EWM SAP Easy Access Menu and choosing Extended Warehouse
To define a checkpoint as shown in Figure 10.7, navigate to SAP EWM IMG, and
Management 폷 Master Data 폷 Shipping and Receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷
choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Master Data 폷 Shipping and
Create Storage Bin.
Receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷 Define Checkpoints.

440 441
10 Shipping and Receiving Yard Management 10.1

Figure 10.7 Checkpoint Definition

As shown in Figure 10.8, checkpoints can be assigned to yard bins or supply

Figure 10.9 Door Definition Screen
chain units (SCUs) by using Transaction /SCWM/YM_CHKPT_BIN or by navigat-
ing to SAP EWM Easy Access Menu and choosing Extended Warehouse
Management 폷 Master Data 폷 Shipping and Receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷 As shown in Figure 10.10, the warehouse door can be assigned to a yard bin
Assign Checkpoint to Yard Bin and SCU. using Transaction /SCWM/YM_DOOR_BIN or by navigating to in the SAP EWM
Easy Access menu and using the path, Extended Warehouse Management 폷
Master Data 폷 Shipping and receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷 Assign Ware-
house Door to Yard Bin.

Figure 10.8 Yard Bin Assignment to Checkpoints

Figure 10.10 Assigning a Door to a Yard Bin

A door connects the yard to the warehouse. Goods are issued from or received in
10.1.5 Transportation Unit
a warehouse through a door. Loading and/or unloading of vehicles and TUs takes
place at the doors. A door is an organizational unit assigned to a warehouse. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, the TU is the smallest loadable unit of a vehi-
cle that is used to transport goods. For example, a train with four wagons is said
To define a door as shown in Figure 10.9, navigate to SAP EWM IMG, and choose to have four TUs. The TU can be a fixed part of the vehicle. To create a TU, use
Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Master Data 폷 Warehouse Door 폷 Define Transaction /SCWM/TU, or go to SAP EWM Easy Access menu and follow the
Warehouse Door. path, Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Shipping and Receiving 폷 Process
While defining a warehouse door, the loading direction can be assigned to it. The Transportation Unit.
loading direction specifies the purpose for which the door is used, that is, The same transaction is used to assign deliveries, assign handling units (HUs) or
whether it’s used for unloading (inbound), loading (outbound), or both. vehicles to TUs, assign doors to TUs, or read or process other information related
to TUs.

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10 Shipping and Receiving Yard Management 10.1

When creating a TU, the following fields need to be specified: reused; in this situation, the S&R Activity number creates the unique identity
along with the TU number.
왘 TU
Each TU is assigned an external number that is used to track the TU within the
yard. The number must be such that it can be traced to the physical TU. 10.1.6 Vehicles
왘 Carrier A vehicle is a specialized means of transport that is made up of one or more TUs.
A carrier is the logistics service provider and must be defined in SAP EWM as To create a vehicle, use Transaction /SCWM/VEH, or navigate to SAP EWM Easy
a business partner with the carrier role. Access, and follow the path, Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Shipping and
왘 Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) Receiving 폷 Process Vehicle.
This is a unique code used to identify carriers on the basis of geography. For creating a vehicle, the following details need to be specified:
왘 Means of Transport
왘 Vehicle number
This is the class of vehicle used to transport a TU. Truck, for example, is a means
of transport in the road mode of transport. 왘 Means of transport

왘 Packaging Material 왘 Carrier

For ease of handling and transportation, a certain quantity of packaged goods 왘 SCAC
are held together to form a pallet, box, crate, and so on. The material used for 왘 S&R activity start and end date and time
holding together packaged goods is called packaging material. The most fre-
quently used packaging materials are pallets, boxes, crates, wire baskets, and
containers. From the TU point of view, it’s necessary to define the packaging 10.1.7 Check-In and Check-Out
material because the capacity of the TU is determined from the packaging mate- This transaction is used to record the entry and exit of vehicles/TUs at check-
rial it can carry. points. To record check-in/check-out, use Transaction /SCWM/CICO, or navigate
왘 Route to SAP EWM Easy Access menu, and follow the path, Extended Warehouse
Route is the path that a TU will take from the start location to reach the desti- Management 폷 Shipping and Receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷 Arrival at/
nation location with some stops (called transshipment locations) in between. Departure from Checkpoint.

왘 Shipping and Receiving (S&R) Activity direction During check-in and check-out, if certain additional functions have to be trig-
For every TU, it’s necessary to define whether it’s for inbound or outbound gered, you can use the post-processing framework. This functionality enables you
delivery. The direction of transport gets assigned automatically when a TU is to schedule certain actions and process them against the document. For example,
assigned to inbound or outbound delivery. This is important because, in some if you want to trigger the bill of lading (BOL) at the time of check-out, you can
cases, it’s not known whether the TU is inbound or outbound at the time of cre- configure the Post Processing Framework (PPF) for BOL printing.
ation, hence the S&R activity direction is left undefined at the time of TU cre-
For defining the action profile and condition in SAP EWM IMG, navigate to
Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Cross-Process Settings 폷 Shipping and
Apart from the preceding fields, the S&R activity start and end dates and times Receiving 폷 Message Processing.
can also be specified.
In this configuration setting, you can define the action profiles for vehicle (Trans-
It’s worth noting that for TUs that regularly take goods in and out of a yard, there action /SCWM/VEH), TU (Transaction /SCWM/TU), and doors (Transaction
is no need to create a new TU every time it’s used. The TUs created earlier can be /SCWM/DOOR).

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10 Shipping and Receiving Transportation Units and Vehicles 10.2

10.1.8 Functions of Yard Management To monitor the yard, use Transaction /SCWM/MON, or go to SAP EWM Easy
The entire yard process from the entry of a vehicle into the yard to the exit is Access menu, and choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Monitoring 폷
managed using YM. In a yard, a vehicle or a TU moves from a yard bin to another Warehouse Management Monitor.
for either actual loading/unloading or simply to wait for its turn for loading/ In the Warehouse Management Monitor screen, you can see the yard monitor-
unloading. Each of these movements of a vehicle or a TU in a yard, called a yard ing under menu path, Stock and Bin 폷 Yard Management. Within Yard
movement, is a warehouse task (WT) in SAP EWM. Thus a vehicle or a TU moving Management, it provides visibility on Yard Overview, Yard Bins, and Yard
from checkpoint to parking space during entry, from parking space to door for Doors. Yard Doors can give you the distinguishability on occupied doors and
loading/unloading, from door to parking space after loading/unloading, and from free doors available for docking. You can filter the selection for the required time
parking space to checkpoint for exit, are all called yard movements. A WT is cre- horizon, yard warehouse, yard type, yard section, and door. You can also limit
ated in the system each time a yard movement takes place. the results against the free object for quick output.
To create a WT, use Transaction /SCWM/YMOVE, or navigate to SAP EWM Easy
Access menu, and follow the path, Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Ship- 10.1.10 Yard Activity Updates in SAP ERP
ping and Receiving 폷 Yard Management 폷 Create Warehouse Task in Yard.
SAP EWM is closely integrated with other modules of SAP ERP such as Materials
Management (MM), Production Planning (PP), Sales and Distribution (SD), and
10.1.9 Yard Monitoring so on. Any document related to goods movement that is generated in these SAP
The activities of a yard can be monitored using the Warehouse Management ERP modules triggers a process in SAP EWM. For example, when an inbound
Monitor screen (Figure 10.11). This is possible because a yard is assigned as a delivery document is generated for a purchase order in MM, a corresponding
storage type to a warehouse, as described initially in this chapter, and hence it’s inbound delivery notification (IDN) specifying details of incoming material is
linked to the warehouse. The monitor allows you to monitor stock in the yard, generated in YM. These delivery items are then assigned to a vehicle/TU to com-
stock on TUs, availability of parking spaces, status of doors, and so on. plete the process.

This integration of SAP EWM with SAP ERP is important from an organizational
perspective because information is readily available to all the concerned stake-
holders. It also ensures end-to-end integration of the entire business process of
an organization.

10.2 Transportation Units and Vehicles

When performing the YM functions, shipping and receiving uses TU and vehicle
documents to perform the YM activities. Without these documents, you can’t per-
form, track, and trace the YM functions.

As the smallest transportable unit of goods, the TU can be handled as a part of a

vehicle or independently in the SAP EWM system. A vehicle may be comprised of
one or more TUs, as shown in Figure 10.12.
Figure 10.11 Monitoring Yard Bins from Warehouse Monitor

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10 Shipping and Receiving Transportation Units and Vehicles 10.2

license plate number and driver information upon check-in. You can do the yard
Transportation Unit 1 movement as shown in Figure 10.14 after check-in.

Vehicle 1

Figure 10.14 Vehicle Check-In/Check-Out

Transportation Unit 2 Transportation Unit 1

Via yard movements, you can dock to the respective door after check-in/check-
Vehicle 2 out for further processing of the load. Whenever there is a yard movement, the
system creates WTs for these movements. Every single yard movement is posted
via WTs. BOLs are generated via vehicles in SAP EWM.

Vehicles can be created automatically via PPF, which is especially used for
Figure 10.12 Vehicle and TU Relationship advanced shipping notifications (ASNs) and shipments if coming via the SAP ERP
system to SAP EWM. Creation of a vehicle in SAP EWM can initiate shipment cre-
In SAP EWM, you can work without a vehicle if the TU is sufficient for the busi- ation in the SAP ERP system as well. Creation of a vehicle from a TM freight order
ness need. Packaging material is used to construct a TU in SAP EWM. By linking is also a possibility. You can specify whether the TU will be optional or obliga-
the packing material with the means of transport, you can define the construction tory. If it’s obligatory, the TUs are fixed assignments to vehicles; you can’t assign
rule in SAP EWM. For this setting, navigate to the menu path in SAP EWM Easy the obligatory TU to another vehicle.
Access menu, and choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Settings 폷 Ship-
ping and Receiving 폷 Link between Packaging Material (TU) and Means of It’s important to understand the distinction between a vehicle and a TU in SAP
Transport. You can define the number of permitted packing materials for the EWM. So before we proceed to the next section, let’s take a quick look at Table
means of transport (Figure 10.13). 10.1 to see the activities that can be performed at the vehicle level and the TU
level to emphasize how they are differentiated in the system.

Functions Vehicle Transportation Unit

Assign deliveries N Y
View the assigned deliveries Y Y
Assign HUs, doors N Y
Arrive/depart from door/checkpoint Y Y
Figure 10.13 Packaging Material for Constructing a TU
Create WTs for complex loading/unloading N Y

When you check-in/check-out using Transaction /SCWM/CICO, you have the Table 10.1 Comparison of Functions of Vehicle and TU
option of Arrival at Checkpoint or Dep. from Checkpoint. You can enter a

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10 Shipping and Receiving Transportation Management Linkage with SAP EWM 10.3

Functions Vehicle Transportation Unit 왘 Integration based on SAP ERP shipments

Perform/reverse simple loading/unloading Y Y 왘 Direct integration

Perform/reverse goods issue/receipt for assigned Y Y 왘 Warehouse billing
Generate BOL Y N
Shipment-Based Integration between SAP TM and SAP EWM via SAP ERP
Table 10.1 Comparison of Functions of Vehicle and TU (Cont.) Outbound deliveries form the communication between TM and SAP EWM. The
planning results from TM appear as shipments in SAP ERP, and this shipment
document is sent to SAP EWM. The SAP ERP shipments are represented in SAP
10.3 Transportation Management Linkage with SAP EWM EWM as TUs. These TUs form the basis for warehouse planning and execution in
SAP EWM with the associated deliveries. TU in SAP EWM sends the message
SAP Transportation Management (TM) aids all transportation functions in
back to SAP ERP and updates the shipment document. This in turn sends the
moving the product from the source to the destination location. TM is used to
respective shipment updates to TM.
perform an effective transportation planning and execution, to optimize the
transportation cost, and to react any eventuality and plan for alternatives. TM
helps in performing the following: Direct Integration between SAP TM and SAP EWM

왘 Handling forwarding orders The communication is based on the delivery from SAP ERP to SAP EWM and TM.
In contrast to the preceding SAP ERP shipment integration, the planning results
왘 Creating freight bookings
from TM are sent directly to SAP EWM. In an identical way, the execution results
왘 Planning transportation from SAP EWM TUs are sent directly to TM.
왘 Selecting carriers
왘 Tendering services Warehouse Billing
왘 Dispatching and monitoring the transportation This feature, introduced with SAP EWM 9.3, enables you to do the following:
왘 Calculating transportation charges 왘 Sell warehouse services to customers and bill the customers periodically based
왘 Considering foreign trade the services used for a time period.
왘 Regulating dangerous goods 왘 Purchase warehouse services from external service providers and self-bill peri-
odically to pay the service provider based on the warehouse services used for
Note a time period.
TM is a huge topic in itself. Here we’re just referring to TM-specific points that are
You can render services to the customer and bill periodically; similarly, you can
relevant for your understanding of SAP EWM.
take services from the vendor for the warehouse activity and pay periodically. For
this, you use agreements, charge calculations, and settlements in TM.
TM provides a comprehensive solution and integrates with SAP ERP, SAP EWM,
SAP Event Management (EM), SAP Global Trade Services (GTS), and SAP Cus-
tomer Relationship Management (SAP CRM). In this chapter, we’re providing a
glimpse of integration with SAP EWM, which can happen in three ways:

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10 Shipping and Receiving Transportation Management Linkage with SAP EWM 10.3

10.3.1 Basics Define Transportation Planning Point

There are certain prerequisites for using TM, like maintaining the transportation The transportation planning point is used for planning and processing transpor-
mode, means of transport, and transportation group. Other basic configuration tation activities. It’s an organizational unit in Logistics Execution (LE). The
and definitions in SAP EWM are given in the following list. For these settings, go responsibility of planning shipments and handling freight documents rests with
to SAP EWM IMG, and choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Goods the transportation planning point. Consequently, one and only one transporta-
Issue Process 폷 Transportation Management in EWM 폷 Basics. tion planning point is responsible for each shipment and freight document.

왘 Activate Transportation Management Shipment type, mode of transport, regional departments and so on are different
This is used to activate TM in SAP EWM. types of transportation planning points. For example, a company has two sepa-
왘 Define freight code sets, freight codes, and determination rate groups of shipping employees who plan shipments by rail and shipment by
Freight codes are used together with freight code sets of freight forwarders and ship. Thus, two transportation planning points are required to be defined in the
rail carriers to classify the goods that are to be transported. Freight codes are system.
used for communication with freight forwarders and are specified in the ship-
ping papers. Freight code sets and freight codes are used to classify the goods Assign an External Transportation Planning System to a Transportation
that are to be transported. Freight codes are used to communicate with freight Planning Point
forwarders. A freight code is determined in two steps. First, the freight code
When an external transportation planning system (TPS) is already in use, it can be
sets are determined based on the following criteria:
linked to a transportation planning point using this IMG activity. By doing so,
왘 Transportation service provider shipments planned by a transportation planning point can be sent to the external
왘 Forwarding country TPS where they are optimized, and a freight document is generated. This freight
document is sent to the transportation planning point for further processing.
왘 Means of transport
Next, a freight code is determined. Each freight code is defined for a particular The assignment between an external TPS and a transportation planning point is
freight code set. A freight code can be based on the following criteria: unique; that is, a transportation planning point can be assigned to only one exter-
nal TPS. However, an external TPS can be assigned to multiple transportation
왘 Product freight group
planning points.
왘 Freight code set
왘 Define product freight groups
Maintain Settings for Determining Transportation Planning Points
Product freight group is used to classify product freight codes and freight
classes. These are then used for communication with service providers. By maintaining settings for transportation planning points, the system can auto-
mate the process of assigning a transportation planning point on the basis of ship-
ment data. Determination of Planning Point is based on Location ID, Mode
10.3.2 SAP TM Interfaces of Transportation, Shipping Condition, and Transportation Priority.
Interface-related configurations for TM and SAP EWM communication are
defined under the interfaces in SAP EWM IMG. The Navigation Path is Extended
Warehouse Management 폷 Goods Issue Process 폷 Transportation Manage-
ment in EWM 폷 Interfaces. The following definitions are maintained under it.

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10 Shipping and Receiving Transportation Management Linkage with SAP EWM 10.3

10.3.3 Maintain Shipments 10.3.4 Maintain Freight Documents

In this IMG activity, you define the shipment-related configurations. Go to the In this IMG activity, you maintain the freight document-related settings. Go to
SAP EWM IMG, and choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Goods Issue SAP EWM IMG, and choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Goods Issue
Process 폷 Transportation Management in EWM 폷 Shipments. Process 폷 Transportation Management in EWM 폷 Freight Documents.

Define Shipment Type Define Freight Document Type

All the important control parameters for a shipment document are contained in Similar to a shipment type, the freight document type contains all the important
the shipment type: control parameters for a freight document. The number range and archiving set-
tings need to be defined here (Figure 10.15).
왘 Planned shipment/final shipment
왘 Number ranges
왘 Document data, for example, status profile, transportation mode, means of
transport, transit direction, and an indicator for specifying whether the user
interface (UI) changes to the document are allowed
왘 Archiving settings
왘 Indicator for change documents

Define Number Range for Shipments

Whenever a shipment is created in the system, a unique number is assigned to it.
This number can either be system generated or can be manually assigned. In this
IMG activity, the number range for this unique number can be defined.

Define Number Range for External Bill of Lading Numbers

When a BOL is created, a unique number is assigned to it. An external number
can be generated in addition to the internal number. The number range for this
Figure 10.15 Freight Document Type Definition
unique number can be defined in this IMG activity.

The other important control parameters are listed here:

Maintain Settings for Determination of Shipment Types
왘 Status Profile
This activity is used to link various shipment documents by defining predecessor This is part of a cross-application component with which the user statuses can
shipment types and successor shipment types. By doing so, when a shipment or be defined. In the context of a freight document, defining the status profile
a BOL is created automatically, the shipment type gets determined automatically. means defining the authorization rules for processing a freight document.
왘 Transp. Mode
This indicates how a product is transported—by air, rail, or road.

454 455
10 Shipping and Receiving Staging Area and Door Determination (Inbound/Outbound) 10.4

왘 Means of Trans. staging area and door determination, rules are used to determine the following
This indicates the class of vehicle used to transport a product. For example, a values:
truck is a class of vehicle for road as a mode of transport.
왘 Staging area groups (storage type)
왘 Transit Directn
왘 Staging areas (storage section)
This specifies whether the movement of goods is inbound or outbound.
왘 Staging bays (storage bin)
왘 Shipment Stage
This is used to specify whether a shipment or freight document is linked to 왘 Doors
other shipments or freight documents. For example, preliminary leg, main leg, These values are required for storage control. This process runs automatically in
and inland transportation are shipment stages. the background when a delivery is created or changed. This transaction is used
왘 UI Changeable to define the determination rules for the listed values. You may use Transaction
By checking this indicator, manual changes are permitted for certain docu- /SCWM/STADET_IN, or go to SAP EWM Easy Access, and choose Extended
ments. Warehouse Management 폷 Settings 폷 Shipping and Receiving 폷 Staging Area
and Door Determination (Inbound) (Figure 10.16).

Define Number Range for Freight Documents

Just as a unique number is generated for a shipment document, a unique number
is also generated for a freight document. The number range for this unique num-
ber can be defined in this IMG activity.

Maintain Settings for Determining Freight Document Type

By maintaining settings for freight document type, when a freight document is Figure 10.16 Staging Area and Door Determination Table in Inbound
automatically generated, a freight document type is automatically determined by
the system based on transportation mode, means of transport, stage code, and The key fields which need to be populated in screen seen in Figure 10.16 are as
transit direction. follows:

왘 Warehouse process type

In this field (Whse Proc. Type), you need to define the type of warehouse
10.4 Staging Area and Door Determination processes such as goods issue, goods receipt, repacking, and so on. This
(Inbound/Outbound) information is useful during creation of a WT.
왘 Staging area/door determination group
In a warehouse, for various reasons, goods need to be stored in an intermediate
To differentiate between requirements during loading and unloading at a door
place before they go to the destination. A staging area is used for such interim
or staging area, the staging area/door determination groups are used.
storage of goods. For example, in a goods issue process, goods might be
required to be kept in a staging area before they are picked for delivery. A stag- 왘 Sequence
ing area is an organizational unit assigned to a warehouse number in a defined This is a numerical value indicating the order of an object in a specific context.
hierarchy. A door, on the other hand, is a point where goods enter or leave the For example, a product may have multiple stops in between the source and the
warehouse. A door is also an organizational unit assigned to a warehouse. In destination in a transportation process.

456 457
10 Shipping and Receiving Transit Warehousing 10.5

왘 Handling unit type For the Staging Area and Door Determination (Outbound) section, in addi-
Each type of HU has different requirements for handling during the transpor- tion to the fields described in the preceding list, route, ship-to party details, and
tation process, so it’s necessary to define the type of HU, such as 1m height pal- departure calendar can also be specified. Routes, which are maintained in TM,
let, 2m height pallet, and so on. can be specified here. The ship-to-party details are fetched from the parties main-
왘 Means of transport tained as partners in the system. The departure calendar provides the scheduled
The class of vehicle is specified here as truck, rail, airplane, and so on. departure date for shipment.

왘 Carrier
Carrier is the logistics service provider defined as a business partner with the
carrier role.
10.5 Transit Warehousing
왘 Staging area group This feature, released with SAP EWM 9.3, enables you to integrate warehouse
Multiple staging areas can be grouped into a staging area group. A staging area execution with freight forwarding operations using SAP EWM and TM.
group corresponds to a storage type, whereas a staging area corresponds to a
In Transit Warehousing, you receive cargo from shippers based on inbound plan-
storage section.
ning performed in TM. You consolidate cargo with the same destination in your
왘 Staging bay transit warehouse. Then you ship it to the next location in the transportation
Part of the staging area that allows a correct loading or unloading sequence. chain or to the final consignee, based on outbound planning performed in TM.
Similarly, for Staging Area and Door Determination (Outbound) as shown in As cargo received from numerous shippers in a transit warehouse is variable, you
Figure 10.17, use Transaction /SCWM/STADET_OUT, or go to SAP EWM Easy don’t manage product master data for it. Instead, you manage cargo as HUs and
Access, and choose Extended Warehouse Management 폷 Settings 폷 Shipping keep cargo information directly in the documents used in the warehouse.
and Receiving 폷 Staging Area and Door Determination (Outbound).
The transit warehouse is structured so that you put away HUs with the same des-
tination country or region in the same storage bin. This means that they are avail-
able for shipment to the next location or to the consignee.

HUs with special attributes, such as dangerous goods or high-value cargo, are put
away separately.

With the next outbound plan sent by TM, you either load the HUs directly from
the staging area used for putaway, or you stage the HUs before loading them onto
a vehicle.

During these processes, SAP EWM keeps TM informed about the major steps per-
formed in the transit warehouse, such as arrival at checkpoint, departure from
checkpoint, and receiving or loading completion.

The following are the main processes involved in transit warehousing:

왘 Receive cargo from shippers

왘 Ship cargo to transit warehouse or consignee
Figure 10.17 Staging Area and Door Determination Table (Outbound)

458 459
10 Shipping and Receiving Summary 10.6

왘 Receive cargo from the transit warehouse Takeaways

왘 Load cargo onto a unit load device (ULD), ready for air freight 왘 YM forms an important function in shipping and receiving material in SAP EWM.
왘 Ship the ULD to the airport 왘 By default, YM isn’t active in SAP EWM and has to be activated manually.
왘 Receive and unload cargo from the ULD 왘 Smallest transportable unit of goods is called a TU.

왘 Load cargo into a shipping container, ready for ocean freight 왘 The Transit Warehousing functionality, released with SAP EWM 9.3, enables you to
integrate warehouse execution with freight forwarding operations using SAP EWM
왘 Ship the shipping container to the seaport and TM.
왘 Receive and unload cargo from a shipping container

The following are the main exceptions that Transit Warehousing can handle
during the processes:

왘 Receive unexpected package or HU

왘 Receive damaged package or HU
왘 Missing package or HU
왘 Perform floor check and process found HUs
왘 Perform floor check for lost HUs
왘 Load fewer HUs than planned by TM

You can use an HU stock list to perform floor checks, monitor clarification zones,
and query specific HUs.


To implement Transit Warehousing, the mandatory components are SAP ERP 6.0 EHP 7,
SAP EWM 9.3, and SAP TM 9.3.

10.6 Summary
In this chapter, we detailed the YM and TM functionalities available in SAP EWM
and described the organizational elements and structure of a yard. Vehicle and TU
documents and their functions were also discussed, which is important for
smooth functioning of a warehouse in coordination with the yard.

460 461

Preface ............................................................................................................. 23

1 Introduction to SAP Extended Warehouse Management ........ 31

1.1 The SAP Product Pyramid .............................................................. 31

1.2 Introducing SAP Business Suite ...................................................... 34
1.2.1 SAP Event Management ................................................... 36
1.2.2 SAP Supply Network Collaboration .................................. 37
1.2.3 SAP Transportation Management ..................................... 37
1.2.4 SAP Demand Planning ...................................................... 38
1.2.5 SAP Supply Network Planning .......................................... 38
1.2.6 SAP Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling ........... 38
1.2.7 SAP Service Parts Planning ............................................... 39
1.2.8 SAP Auto ID Enterprise .................................................... 39
1.2.9 SAP Extended Warehouse Management ........................... 40
1.3 Warehouse Management in General .............................................. 40
1.4 Warehouse Management Solutions from SAP ................................ 41
1.5 Comparing SAP Extended Warehouse Management and
SAP ERP Warehouse Management ................................................ 43
1.5.1 Mapping a Warehouse Complex in a Warehouse
Management System ........................................................ 43
1.5.2 Functionalities .................................................................. 44
1.5.3 Planning Capabilities ........................................................ 46
1.5.4 Monitoring Capabilities .................................................... 46
1.5.5 Reporting and Analytics ................................................... 48
1.5.6 Output Management Capabilities ..................................... 48
1.5.7 Connect with Supporting Warehouse Technologies .......... 49
1.5.8 User Interfaces ................................................................. 49
1.6 Business Benefits of SAP EWM ...................................................... 49
1.7 Deployment Options of SAP EWM ................................................ 52
1.7.1 Deploying SAP EWM on SAP ERP .................................... 53
1.7.2 Deploying SAP EWM on SAP Supply Chain
Management .................................................................... 53
1.8 ASAP 8 Implementation Methodology and SAP EWM ................... 54
1.8.1 Project Preparation .......................................................... 55
1.8.2 Business Blueprint ............................................................ 57
1.8.3 Realization ....................................................................... 60
1.8.4 Final Preparation .............................................................. 63

Contents Contents

1.8.5 Go-Live and Support ........................................................ 64 3.4.2 Bin Access Type ............................................................... 119
1.8.6 Run SAP EWM ................................................................. 64 3.4.3 Storage Bin Structure ....................................................... 120
1.9 Key Reference Points ..................................................................... 64 3.4.4 Storage Bin Master ........................................................... 121
1.10 SAP EWM on SAP HANA ............................................................... 65 3.4.5 Loading Storage Bins ........................................................ 123
1.11 Summary ....................................................................................... 65 3.4.6 Mass Changes to Storage Bins .......................................... 124
3.4.7 Generating Storage Bins ................................................... 124
2 Organizational Structure and Definition .................................. 67 3.4.8 Loading Storage Bins Sorting ............................................ 126
3.4.9 Sorting Storage Bins ......................................................... 126
2.1 Client ............................................................................................ 69 3.4.10 Fixed Bin Assignments ...................................................... 127
2.2 Company Code .............................................................................. 70 3.4.11 Maintaining Verification Field .......................................... 128
2.3 Plant ............................................................................................. 71 3.4.12 Printing Labels for Storage Bins ........................................ 129
2.4 Storage Location ............................................................................ 72 3.5 Staging Area .................................................................................. 129
2.5 Warehouse .................................................................................... 73 3.6 Warehouse Door ........................................................................... 130
2.5.1 Overview of Warehouse ................................................... 73 3.7 Activity Area .................................................................................. 131
2.5.2 Definition and Assignment of Warehouse-Specific 3.8 Work Center .................................................................................. 132
Settings in SAP ERP .......................................................... 74 3.8.1 Specify Work Center Layout ............................................. 132
2.5.3 Maintaining SAP EWM Parameters in SAP ERP ................. 76 3.8.2 Definition of Work Center ................................................ 133
2.5.4 Distribution Model Generation ........................................ 77 3.8.3 Optimize Work Center Determination .............................. 134
2.5.5 Define Queue for Transfer to SAP EWM ........................... 79 3.8.4 Definition of Master Data Attributes ................................ 135
2.5.6 Decentralized Warehouse Management System 3.8.5 Determination of Work Center ......................................... 135
Integration ....................................................................... 79 3.8.6 Work Center Print Control ............................................... 135
2.5.7 Assignment of a Decentralized SAP Supply Chain 3.9 Summary ....................................................................................... 136
Management System ........................................................ 80
2.5.8 Delivery Split .................................................................... 80 4 Master Data .............................................................................. 137
2.5.9 Warehouse Number Customizing ..................................... 82
2.5.10 Define and Assign the SAP EWM Warehouse Number ...... 82 4.1 Supply Chain Unit .......................................................................... 139
2.5.11 SAP ERP and SAP EWM Warehouse Integration ............... 83 4.1.1 Maintaining a Supply Chain Unit ...................................... 139
2.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 85 4.1.2 Assignment of Supply Chain Units .................................... 140
4.1.3 Supply Chain Unit Calendar Assignment ........................... 141
3 Warehouse Structure ................................................................ 87 4.2 Business Partners ........................................................................... 141
4.2.1 Maintain Business Partner Screen ..................................... 143
3.1 SAP EWM and SAP ERP Linkage .................................................... 89 4.2.2 Plant ................................................................................ 146
3.2 Storage Type ................................................................................. 90 4.2.3 Customer ......................................................................... 146
3.2.1 General ............................................................................ 91 4.2.4 Vendor ............................................................................. 148
3.2.2 Putaway Control ............................................................... 100 4.2.5 Party Entitled to Dispose .................................................. 149
3.2.3 Stock Removal Control ..................................................... 111 4.2.6 Carrier .............................................................................. 149
3.2.4 Goods Movement Control ................................................ 115 4.2.7 Employee ......................................................................... 150
3.2.5 Replenishment ................................................................. 117 4.2.8 Miscellaneous Roles ......................................................... 150
3.3 Storage Section ............................................................................. 118 4.3 Warehouse Product Master ........................................................... 152
3.4 Storage Bin .................................................................................... 119 4.3.1 Material Master in SAP ERP ............................................. 152
3.4.1 Storage Bin Types ............................................................. 119 4.3.2 Product Master in SAP EWM ........................................... 159

8 9
Contents Contents

4.3.3 SAP EWM-Specific Master Data Settings .......................... 187 5.4.2 Exception Code Profile Assignment .................................. 238
4.4 Transportation Data ....................................................................... 188 5.4.3 Maintain Business Context ............................................... 238
4.4.1 Prerequisite Configuration ................................................ 188 5.5 Batch Management ....................................................................... 239
4.4.2 Transportation Hierarchy .................................................. 189 5.5.1 Batch Management-Specific Configuration ....................... 240
4.4.3 Transportation Lanes ........................................................ 190 5.5.2 Batch Management in Goods Receipt ............................... 243
4.4.4 Transportation Zones ....................................................... 190 5.5.3 Batch Management in Goods Issue ................................... 244
4.4.5 Transportation Routes ...................................................... 190 5.5.4 Batch Status Management ................................................ 244
4.4.6 Carrier Profiles .................................................................. 191 5.5.5 Documentary Batch Management .................................... 244
4.5 Packaging Materials ....................................................................... 192 5.6 Stock Identification ....................................................................... 245
4.6 Packaging Specifications ................................................................ 193 5.6.1 Usage of Stock Identification ............................................ 246
4.6.1 Structure of Packaging Specification ................................. 194 5.6.2 Splitting Warehouse Tasks ................................................ 247
4.6.2 Maintain Packaging Specification ..................................... 197 5.6.3 Splitting Stock in Goods Receipt ....................................... 247
4.6.3 Initial Data Transfer of Packaging Specification ................. 198 5.6.4 Splitting Stock in Goods Issue .......................................... 247
4.6.4 Determination of Packaging Specification ......................... 199 5.7 Resource Management .................................................................. 248
4.6.5 Activating the Packaging Specification .............................. 201 5.7.1 Queue Definition ............................................................. 248
4.6.6 Distribution of Packaging Specifications ........................... 201 5.7.2 Resource .......................................................................... 250
4.7 Route Determination ..................................................................... 202 5.7.3 Definition and Execution of Resource Execution
4.8 Summary ....................................................................................... 203 Constraints ....................................................................... 252
5.7.4 Maintain Resource Group ................................................. 255
5 Cross-Process Definitions ......................................................... 205 5.7.5 Maintain the Queue Sequence for Resource Groups ......... 255
5.7.6 Maintain Resource ........................................................... 256
5.1 Handling Units ............................................................................... 205 5.7.7 Maintain Execution Priorities ............................................ 256
5.1.1 Handling Unit Configuration Settings in SAP Extended 5.7.8 Maintain Users ................................................................. 257
Warehouse Management ................................................. 207 5.7.9 Processor ......................................................................... 257
5.1.2 Packing Materials and Specifications ................................ 212 5.7.10 System-Guided Using Resource Management ................... 258
5.1.3 Post Processing Framework Customizing for Handling 5.7.11 Resource Monitoring ........................................................ 258
Unit Printing .................................................................... 213 5.8 Post Processing Framework ........................................................... 259
5.1.4 Automatic Packing in Inbound Delivery ............................ 214 5.8.1 Purpose of the Post Processing Framework ....................... 260
5.1.5 Packing during Warehouse Task Confirmation .................. 215 5.8.2 Structure of the Post Processing Framework ..................... 260
5.1.6 Status Management ......................................................... 216 5.8.3 Configuring the Post Processing Framework ..................... 262
5.1.7 Packing and Deconsolidation Using Radio Frequency ....... 217 5.8.4 Printing via Post Processing Framework ............................ 264
5.2 Warehouse Order .......................................................................... 219 5.9 Travel Distance Calculation ............................................................ 267
5.2.1 Warehouse Order Overview ............................................. 219 5.9.1 Settings for Travel Distance Calculation ............................ 268
5.2.2 Warehouse Order Settings ................................................ 221 5.9.2 Examples of Travel Distance Calculation ........................... 269
5.3 Storage Control ............................................................................. 228 5.9.3 Network Generation ......................................................... 270
5.3.1 Storage Control Overview ................................................ 228 5.10 Serial Number Management .......................................................... 270
5.3.2 Process-Oriented Storage Control ..................................... 230 5.10.1 Serial Number Profile ....................................................... 272
5.3.3 Layout-Oriented Storage Control ...................................... 232 5.10.2 Provisional Serial Number ................................................ 274
5.4 Exception Handling ....................................................................... 233 5.10.3 Settings/Configuration ...................................................... 274
5.4.1 Configuring Exception Codes ............................................ 234 5.10.4 Serial Number in Deliveries .............................................. 275

10 11
Contents Contents

5.10.5 Serial Number in a Warehouse Task ................................. 276 7.1.4 Document Type and Item Type Mapping from
5.10.6 Serial Number in the Warehouse Monitor ........................ 276 SAP ERP to SAP EWM ...................................................... 311
5.11 Summary ....................................................................................... 277 7.1.5 Determining Document Types and Item Types in
SAP EWM ........................................................................ 313
6 Integrating SAP Extended Warehouse Management 7.1.6 Existence Check of Packaging Specification ....................... 314
7.1.7 Batch Management and Remaining Shelf Life Check
with SAP ERP ............................................................................ 279
in the Inbound Delivery ................................................... 316
6.1 Dependency of Systems on Business Scenarios ............................... 279 7.1.8 Defining Print Profiles ...................................................... 317
6.1.1 Application Link Enabling ................................................. 281 7.2 General SAP EWM Delivery Document Structure ........................... 318
6.1.2 Intermediate Document ................................................... 281 7.3 Inbound Delivery Notification ....................................................... 322
6.1.3 Remote Function Call ....................................................... 282 7.3.1 Inbound Delivery Notification against Advance
6.2 Settings ......................................................................................... 284 Shipping Notice ............................................................... 324
6.2.1 Basic Settings ................................................................... 284 7.3.2 Notification Delivery in SAP EWM for the Purchase
6.2.2 General Settings ............................................................... 286 Order/Production Order ................................................... 327
6.2.3 Delivery Settings and Integration ...................................... 289 7.4 Inbound Delivery in SAP EWM ...................................................... 328
6.2.4 Goods Movement Mapping .............................................. 290 7.5 Communication between SAP EWM and SAP ERP ......................... 332
6.2.5 Map Storage Locations ..................................................... 290 7.6 Check-In Process ........................................................................... 333
6.2.6 Customer-Specific Movement Types ................................. 290 7.7 Unloading and Goods Receipt ....................................................... 338
6.2.7 Transportation Settings .................................................... 291 7.7.1 Unloading ........................................................................ 340
6.3 Data Load Systems ........................................................................ 292 7.7.2 Goods Receipt .................................................................. 341
6.4 Migration from LE-WM ................................................................. 292 7.8 Putaway Processing ....................................................................... 342
6.4.1 Warehouse Product Migration ......................................... 293 7.8.1 Configuration Setup for Putaway ...................................... 343
6.4.2 Storage Bin Migration ...................................................... 294 7.8.2 Putaway Rules .................................................................. 344
6.4.3 Stock Migration ................................................................ 296 7.8.3 Availability Group Configuration for Putaway ................... 346
6.4.4 Physical Inventory Completeness Migration ...................... 297 7.8.4 Process-Oriented Storage Control for Inbound
6.4.5 Map Storage Unit Type to Packaging Material .................. 298 Processes ......................................................................... 349
6.4.6 Map Warehouse Management Unit of Measure to 7.8.5 Layout-Oriented Storage Control for Inbound
Packaging Material ........................................................... 298 Processes ......................................................................... 353
6.5 Master Data Integration between SAP ERP and SAP EWM ............ 299 7.8.6 Deconsolidation Process .................................................. 355
6.5.1 Basic Setup ....................................................................... 299 7.8.7 Value-Added Services for Inbound Processes .................... 357
6.5.2 Integration of Master Data via CIF .................................... 299 7.8.8 Final Putaway ................................................................... 358
6.5.3 Integration of Master Data via IDoc ................................. 303 7.9 Check-Out Process ........................................................................ 362
6.6 Logistics Inventory Management Engine ........................................ 303 7.10 Expected Goods Receipt ................................................................ 363
6.7 Summary ....................................................................................... 303 7.10.1 Push/Pull Expected Goods Receipt from SAP EWM .......... 363
7.10.2 Maintaining the Expected Goods Receipt Notification ...... 364
7.10.3 Maintaining the Expected Goods Receipt ......................... 364
7 Inbound Processing ................................................................... 305 7.11 Stock-Specific Unit of Measure in the Inbound Process .................. 365
7.12 Summary ....................................................................................... 366
7.1 Basic Setup for Inbound Delivery Processing .................................. 306
7.1.1 Introduction to Document and Item Categories ................ 307
7.1.2 Defining Document Types ................................................ 308
7.1.3 Defining Item Type ........................................................... 310

12 13
Contents Contents

9.6.2 Direct Outbound Delivery Process .................................... 410

8 Advanced Production Integration ............................................. 369 9.6.3 Outbound Process with Cartonization Planning ................ 414
9.7 Check-In/Check-Out Process ......................................................... 415
8.1 Master Data and Settings for Advanced Production Integration ..... 371
9.8 Picking and Loading Execution ...................................................... 417
8.1.1 Define Production Supply Areas ....................................... 374
9.8.1 Execution with the Pick List ............................................. 418
8.1.2 Mapping and Replication of Production Supply Areas ...... 374
9.8.2 Execution with Mobile Devices ........................................ 420
8.1.3 Assignment of Bin to Production Supply Area ................... 375
9.8.3 Pick Denial/Handling Differences in Picking ...................... 422
8.2 Integration of Production Supply in SAP EWM .............................. 376
9.8.4 Packing ............................................................................ 423
8.3 Component Staging for Production ................................................ 377
9.8.5 Pick, Pack, and Pass ......................................................... 426
8.4 Batches in Staging and Consumption ............................................. 378
9.9 Invoice before Goods Issue ............................................................ 428
8.5 Catch Weight in Staging and Consumption .................................... 379
9.10 Post Goods Issue ........................................................................... 430
8.6 Staging and Consumption .............................................................. 379
9.11 Stock-Specific Unit of Measure in the Outbound Process ............... 431
8.7 Receipt from Production ................................................................ 380
9.12 Canceling Outbound Delivery ........................................................ 431
8.8 Consumption Posting/Back Flushing for Production Supply ............ 381
9.13 Summary ....................................................................................... 434
8.9 Goods Issue for Production Supply ................................................ 382
8.10 Goods Receipt from Production ..................................................... 383
8.10.1 Receipt from Production in Advanced Production 10 Shipping and Receiving ............................................................. 435
Integration ....................................................................... 383
8.10.2 Receipt of Handling Units from Production ...................... 384 10.1 Yard Management ......................................................................... 435
8.11 Summary ....................................................................................... 385 10.1.1 Yard Management Activities ............................................. 436
10.1.2 Activation of Yard Management ....................................... 437
10.1.3 Yard Structure .................................................................. 438
9 Outbound Processing ................................................................ 387 10.1.4 Yard Organizational Units Definition and Bin
Assignments ..................................................................... 441
9.1 Basic Setup for Outbound Delivery Processing ............................... 389
10.1.5 Transportation Unit .......................................................... 443
9.1.1 Document Type and Item Type Mapping .......................... 389
10.1.6 Vehicles ........................................................................... 445
9.1.2 Route Determination ........................................................ 391
10.1.7 Check-In and Check-Out .................................................. 445
9.1.3 Batch Management in the Outbound Delivery .................. 391
10.1.8 Functions of Yard Management ........................................ 446
9.1.4 Warehouse Process Type Determination ........................... 392
10.1.9 Yard Monitoring ............................................................... 446
9.1.5 Warehouse Order Creation for Outbound Delivery ........... 394
10.1.10 Yard Activity Updates in SAP ERP ..................................... 447
9.1.6 Storage Control in Outbound Processes ............................ 394
10.2 Transportation Units and Vehicles ................................................. 447
9.2 Stock Removal Strategy Definition ................................................. 396
10.3 Transportation Management Linkage with SAP EWM .................... 450
9.2.1 Storage Type Determination ............................................. 397
10.3.1 Basics ............................................................................... 452
9.2.2 Storage Type Search Sequence Determination .................. 398
10.3.2 SAP TM Interfaces ............................................................ 452
9.3 Stock Determination and Valuation ............................................... 399
10.3.3 Maintain Shipments ......................................................... 454
9.3.1 Stock Determination ........................................................ 400
10.3.4 Maintain Freight Documents ............................................ 455
9.3.2 Stock Valuation ................................................................ 401
10.4 Staging Area and Door Determination (Inbound/Outbound) .......... 456
9.4 Wave Management ....................................................................... 401
10.5 Transit Warehousing ...................................................................... 459
9.4.1 Wave Templates ............................................................... 403
10.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 460
9.4.2 Wave Template Attributes ................................................ 403
9.5 Door and Staging Area Determination ........................................... 405
9.6 Outbound Delivery Creation .......................................................... 408
9.6.1 Overview of the Outbound Delivery Process .................... 408

14 15
Contents Contents

12.2 Rearrangement .............................................................................. 507

11 Physical Inventory ..................................................................... 463 12.2.1 Rearrangement Configuration ........................................... 507
12.2.2 Slotting Data .................................................................... 509
11.1 Physical Inventory Types ................................................................ 464
12.2.3 Performing Slotting and Rearrangement ........................... 509
11.1.1 Periodic Inventory ............................................................ 465
12.2.4 Alerts for Rearrangement ................................................. 510
11.1.2 Cycle Counting ................................................................. 465
12.3 Stock Transfer ................................................................................ 511
11.1.3 Continuous Inventory ....................................................... 465
12.3.1 Document Type and Item Type Mapping .......................... 511
11.1.4 Sampling .......................................................................... 466
12.3.2 Internal Stock Transfer Process ......................................... 512
11.2 Physical Inventory Procedures ....................................................... 466
12.4 Ad Hoc Movements ....................................................................... 514
11.2.1 Ad Hoc Physical Inventory ................................................ 467
12.4.1 Creation of Ad Hoc Warehouse Tasks ............................... 514
11.2.2 Annual Physical Inventory ................................................ 467
12.4.2 Execution of Ad Hoc Warehouse Tasks ............................. 514
11.2.3 Cycle Counting ................................................................. 467
12.5 Posting Changes ............................................................................ 516
11.2.4 Storage Bin Check ............................................................ 468
12.5.1 Planned Posting Change from SAP ERP ............................ 517
11.2.5 Low Stock Check .............................................................. 468
12.5.2 Basic Settings ................................................................... 517
11.2.6 Zero Stock Check ............................................................. 469
12.5.3 Direct Posting Change ...................................................... 520
11.2.7 Putaway Physical Inventory .............................................. 469
12.5.4 Processing Posting Changes .............................................. 520
11.2.8 External Procedure ........................................................... 469
12.5.5 Automatic Posting Change ............................................... 521
11.3 Physical Inventory Settings ............................................................ 469
12.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 522
11.3.1 Physical Inventory Area-Specific Settings .......................... 470
11.3.2 Warehouse-Specific Settings ............................................. 471
11.3.3 Printing Physical Inventory Documents ............................. 477 13 Warehouse Monitoring ............................................................. 523
11.4 Physical Inventory Process ............................................................. 478
11.4.1 Create a Physical Inventory Document ............................. 479 13.1 Warehouse Management Monitor ................................................. 524
11.4.2 Process Physical Inventory ................................................ 482 13.1.1 Understanding the Warehouse Management Monitor ...... 525
11.4.3 Difference Analyzer .......................................................... 483 13.1.2 Configuring the Monitoring Tree ...................................... 534
11.4.4 Stock Comparison with SAP ERP ...................................... 484 13.1.3 Customizing Warehouse Monitor Nodes .......................... 535
11.4.5 Post Differences Automatically to SAP ERP System ........... 484 13.2 Easy Graphics Framework .............................................................. 537
11.5 Stock-Specific Unit of Measure in Physical Inventory ..................... 485 13.2.1 Warehouse Cockpit .......................................................... 538
11.6 Physical Inventory Counting via Radio Frequency .......................... 487 13.3 Graphical Warehouse Layout ......................................................... 540
11.7 Reporting ...................................................................................... 488 13.4 Alerts ............................................................................................ 542
11.7.1 Reports in Physical Inventory ........................................... 488 13.5 Summary ....................................................................................... 543
11.7.2 Physical Inventory Progress Report ................................... 490
11.7.3 Physical Inventory Count Overview .................................. 490 14 Radio Frequency Framework ..................................................... 545
11.7.4 Physical Inventory Document Overview ........................... 491
11.8 Summary ....................................................................................... 491 14.1 Basic Settings ................................................................................ 546
14.1.1 Logical Transactions ......................................................... 546
12 Internal Movements .................................................................. 493 14.1.2 RF Menu and Screen Manager ......................................... 553
14.1.3 Verification Control .......................................................... 555
12.1 Replenishment .............................................................................. 493 14.1.4 Assign Presentation Profile to Warehouse ........................ 556
12.1.1 Replenishment Configuration ........................................... 494 14.1.5 RF Function Keys ............................................................. 556
12.1.2 Replenishment Strategies ................................................. 499 14.2 RF Navigation ................................................................................ 557
14.2.1 Standard Navigation ......................................................... 557

16 17
Contents Contents

14.2.2 Direct Navigation ............................................................. 558 16.6 Quality Inspection Groups ............................................................. 597
14.2.3 Virtual Navigation ............................................................ 559 16.7 Quality Inspection Process ............................................................. 597
14.3 Processing Using RF ....................................................................... 560 16.7.1 Recurring Inspections ....................................................... 598
14.4 SAP Solutions for Auto-ID and Item Serialization ........................... 561 16.7.2 Acceptance Sampling ....................................................... 599
14.5 Summary ....................................................................................... 562 16.7.3 Presampling in Production ............................................... 600
16.7.4 Goods Receipt Control ..................................................... 601
15 Labor Management ................................................................... 563 16.8 Quality Inspection Document Creation .......................................... 602
16.9 Inspection Decision Recording ....................................................... 602
15.1 Labor Management Activation ....................................................... 564 16.10 Follow-Up Actions ......................................................................... 602
15.1.1 Employee Master ............................................................. 566 16.11 Warehouse Inspection Monitoring ................................................ 603
15.1.2 Formulas and Conditions .................................................. 567 16.12 Quality Inspection Using Radio Frequency ..................................... 604
15.2 Engineered Labor Standards .......................................................... 570 16.13 Quality Inspection in Returns Management ................................... 605
15.2.1 Determining Engineered Labor Standards ......................... 571 16.13.1 Returns in the Distribution Network ................................. 606
15.2.2 Uploading Engineered Labor Standards ............................ 573 16.13.2 Advance Returns Management ......................................... 606
15.3 Direct Labor Activities ................................................................... 574 16.14 Summary ....................................................................................... 607
15.4 Indirect Labor Activities ................................................................. 577
15.4.1 Create External Storage Process Steps for Indirect Labor ... 577 17 Value-Added Services ................................................................ 609
15.4.2 Capturing Indirect Labor efforts ........................................ 577
15.5 Planning and Simulation ................................................................ 579 17.1 Configuration ................................................................................ 611
15.5.1 Workload Planning for Active Documents ........................ 580 17.1.1 Product Group Type and Product Group .......................... 611
15.5.2 Preprocessing ................................................................... 580 17.1.2 Setting Up Value-Added Service Relevance ...................... 612
15.5.3 View Planned Workload Data ........................................... 581 17.1.3 Maintaining Value-Added Service Settings for
15.5.4 Simulation ........................................................................ 582 a Warehouse .................................................................... 614
15.6 Employee Performance .................................................................. 582 17.2 Master Data .................................................................................. 615
15.6.1 Employee Performance Documents .................................. 583 17.2.1 Maintaining the Material Master ...................................... 615
15.6.2 Transfer Performance Documents to Human Resources .... 583 17.2.2 Creation of Packaging Specification for Value-Added
15.7 Labor Demand Planning ................................................................ 584 Services ............................................................................ 618
15.8 Summary ....................................................................................... 585 17.3 Warehouse Processes .................................................................... 620
17.3.1 Goods Receipts Process .................................................... 621
16 Quality Management ................................................................ 587 17.3.2 Goods Issue Process ......................................................... 623
17.3.3 Internal Warehouse Processes .......................................... 624
16.1 Quality Inspection Engine Architecture .......................................... 588 17.4 Orders ........................................................................................... 625
16.2 Quality Inspection Engine Data ..................................................... 589 17.5 Value-Added Services Execution Using the Work Center ................ 627
16.3 Customizing Quality Management ................................................. 590 17.6 Auxiliary Product Consumption Posting ......................................... 628
16.4 Quality Management Master Data ................................................. 593 17.7 Summary ....................................................................................... 629
16.4.1 Warehouse-Specific Quality Management Data ................ 593
16.4.2 Maintain Inspection Rule ................................................. 594 18 Cross-Docking ........................................................................... 631
16.4.3 Sample-Drawing Procedure .............................................. 594
16.4.4 Maintain Quality Level ..................................................... 595 18.1 Planned Cross-Docking .................................................................. 632
16.4.5 Dynamic Modification ...................................................... 595 18.1.1 Transportation Cross-Docking .......................................... 634
16.5 Inspection Object Type .................................................................. 595 18.1.2 Merchandise Cross-Docking ............................................. 637

18 19
Contents Contents

18.2 Opportunistic Cross-Docking ......................................................... 642 20.3 Reverse Kitting .............................................................................. 675
18.2.1 Push Deployment and Pick from Goods Receipt ............... 642 20.4 Summary ....................................................................................... 676
18.2.2 SAP EWM-Triggered Opportunistic Cross-Docking ........... 644
18.3 Exceptions in Cross-Docking .......................................................... 648 21 Dock Appointment Scheduling ................................................. 679
18.4 Summary ....................................................................................... 648
21.1 SAP Dock Appointment Scheduling Settings .................................. 680
19 Material Flow System ............................................................... 651 21.2 Docking Locations and Loading Points ........................................... 681
21.2.1 Docking Location ............................................................. 681
19.1 Structure of MFS ........................................................................... 652 21.2.2 Loading Points ................................................................. 682
19.1.1 Programmable Logic Controller ........................................ 653 21.3 Appointment Management ........................................................... 683
19.1.2 Communication Channel .................................................. 653 21.3.1 Alliance with Carriers ....................................................... 683
19.1.3 Communication Point ....................................................... 654 21.3.2 Integration with SAP EWM .............................................. 683
19.1.4 Conveyor Segment ........................................................... 654 21.4 Summary ....................................................................................... 686
19.1.5 Resources ......................................................................... 655
19.2 Setting Up the Material Flow System ............................................. 656 22 User Maintenance and Archiving .............................................. 689
19.3 Repeating or Resending an Acknowledgment Telegram ................. 658
19.3.1 Telegram Repetition and Channel Check .......................... 658 22.1 Roles for SAP EWM ....................................................................... 689
19.3.2 Reprocessing Incoming Telegrams .................................... 659 22.1.1 Standard Roles ................................................................. 691
19.3.3 Periodic Custom Logic ...................................................... 659 22.1.2 Identity Management Integration ..................................... 694
19.4 Material Flow System in the Warehouse Management Monitor ..... 659 22.1.3 Roles for Dock Appointment Scheduling .......................... 694
19.5 Exception Handling in the Material Flow System ........................... 660 22.2 Data Archiving ............................................................................... 696
19.6 Material Flow System in the Easy Graphics Framework .................. 660 22.3 Summary ....................................................................................... 697
19.7 Material Flow System for Case Conveyor Systems .......................... 661
19.7.1 Setting Up Material Flow Systems for Case Conveyor Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 699
Systems ............................................................................ 661 The Authors .................................................................................................... 701
19.7.2 Putaway and Stock Removal Strategy ............................... 662 Index ............................................................................................................... 703
19.7.3 Handling Unit Movements ............................................... 663
19.7.4 Routing for Case Conveyor Systems .................................. 664
19.7.5 Material Flow System Actions for Case Conveyor
Systems ............................................................................ 664
19.7.6 Process Examples ............................................................. 665
19.8 Summary ....................................................................................... 665

20 Kitting ....................................................................................... 667

20.1 Kit to Order Using Sales Orders ..................................................... 669

20.1.1 Kit to Order Using Sales Orders in SAP CRM .................... 670
20.1.2 Kit to Order Using Sales Orders in SAP ERP ...................... 671
20.2 Kit to Stock ................................................................................... 674
20.2.1 Kit to Stock Using Production Orders ............................... 674
20.2.2 Kit to Stock Initiated from VAS in SAP EWM .................... 675

20 21

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