Future Generation Computer Systems: Mohammad Aazam Sherali Zeadally Khaled A. Harras

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Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289

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Future Generation Computer Systems

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Offloading in fog computing for IoT: Review, enabling technologies,

and research opportunities
Mohammad Aazam a, *, Sherali Zeadally b , Khaled A. Harras a
Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar
University of Kentucky, USA


• We present various criteria used for tasks offloading in the fog computing.
• We describe key enabling technologies & scenarios for offloading in fog computing.
• We identify future research challenges that still need to be addressed in offloading.

article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: The digital world is expanding rapidly and advances in networking technologies such as 4G long-term
Received 19 February 2018 evolution (LTE), wireless broadband (WiBro), low-power wide area networks (LPWAN), 5G, LiFi, and so
Received in revised form 12 April 2018 on, all of which are paving the way for the emergence of sophisticated services. The number of online
Accepted 19 April 2018
applications is increasing along with more computation, communication, and intelligent capabilities.
Available online 4 May 2018
Although current devices in use today are also getting more powerful in terms of features and capabilities,
but they are still incapable of executing smart, autonomous, and intelligent tasks such as those often
Cloud computing required for smart healthcare, ambient assisted living (AAL), virtual reality, augmented reality, intelligent
Fog computing vehicular communication, as well as in many services related to smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT),
Edge computing Tactile Internet, Internet of Vehicles (IoV), and so on. For many of these applications, we need another
Internet of things (IoT) entity to execute tasks on behalf of the user’s device and return the results - a technique often called
Middleware offloading, where tasks are outsourced and the involved entities work in tandem to achieve the ultimate
Offloading goal of the application. Task offloading is attractive for emerging IoT and cloud computing applications.
It can occur between IoT nodes, sensors, edge devices, or fog nodes. Offloading can be performed based
on different factors that include computational requirements of an application, load balancing, energy
management, latency management, and so on. We present a taxonomy of recent offloading schemes that
have been proposed for domains such as fog, cloud computing, and IoT. We also discuss the middleware
technologies that enable offloading in a cloud-IoT cases and the factors that are important for offloading
in a particular scenario. We also present research opportunities concerning offloading in fog and edge
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and devices will be making their way into every aspect of our
lives with technologies in smart homes, smart cities, factories,
Technology has become an essential part of human life and agriculture, green energy, healthcare, food, emergency and disas-
it keeps improving over time. Whether it be devices that can ter management, automotive, aerospace, and telecommunication
communicate, such as smartphones, tablet computers; commu- [1–5]. These applications will face different challenges involv-
nication technologies such as 4G, long-term evolution (LTE); or
ing interoperability, scalability, usability, privacy, and security, to
new concepts and paradigms such as cloud computing, Internet
name a few. Cloud computing, on the other hand, has matured
of Things (IoT), and semantic web, that enable innovative appli-
rapidly over the last decade. Several commercial products today
cations. It is only a matter of time after which IoT applications
provide a platform for on-demand access to various compute and
network resources with greater capabilities in terms of storage
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Aazam), [email protected] and processing power, thereby enabling ubiquitous access to cloud
(S. Zeadally), [email protected] (K.A. Harras). services from anywhere and at any time. Hence, the integration

0167-739X/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289 279

of cloud and IoT, creating the cloud of things (CoT) will play an 2.2. To meet latency requirement
important role in the future Internet. Likewise, the cloud can also
benefit from IoT in terms of managing real world services more Distance can affect delay-sensitive applications. In this case, a
dynamically and in a distributed way by leveraging IoT resources. node close to the proximity of the receiving node must be involved
As reported in [6], 90% of global Internet users are now depen- to offload the task from the distant node and provide the required
dent on cloud-based services, whether directly through consumer services with minimum delays [19]. For example, a cloud hosting
services or indirectly through their service provider’s dependence
multimedia services may have to offload a part or the entire con-
upon various commercial clouds.
tent needs to be cached at an edge device or fog server residing
Furthermore, mobile computing is also in widespread use to-
close to the proximity of the user.
day. The number of connected devices per person is going to be
6.58 on average by 2020 [6]. Current smart phones contain, on
average, more than a dozen sensors. With various smart devices 2.3. Load balancing
emerging on the market, a wide variety of mobile services have
appeared lately. The services range from cloud storage, healthcare, When one server has reached its capacity of executing tasks,
IoT, instant messaging (IM), to augmented reality, multimedia additional tasks will need to be distributed among other servers
streaming, navigation, and many others [7–9]. Managing such within the service provider’s ecosystem [20]. For example, a cloud
diverse service requests from billions of nomadic mobile users datacenter manages tasks by appropriately distributing them
becomes extremely difficult for the centralized cloud [6]. Mobile among different servers in the datacenter. Similarly, a fog micro
devices are generally resource-constrained and with their mobility datacenter having multiple servers would distribute tasks to bal-
attribute, often it becomes necessary to offload some of their tasks ance the load of the incoming requests.
to the cloud. The rapid development of wearable devices such as
Google Glass, Intel’s Vaunt smart glasses, Gear smartwatches, and
others is also increasing their reliance on the cloud computing 2.4. Permanent or long-term storage
environment. Given the large distance between the cloud and end-
user devices, it becomes a challenge to support real-time process- Long-term storage requires a lot of space, depending upon
ing and deliver fast response times to end-users. To address this the type of the service. It is not feasible to satisfy those services
challenge, some middleware is required between the end nodes that require a large amount of storage on small devices such as
and the cloud. Various middleware technologies such as mobile smartphones, fog servers, edge nodes, and so on. In such cases,
edge computing, cloudlets, and so on, that somehow come under storage space is reserved and can be allocated at a resource-rich
the umbrella of fog computing have been proposed and discussed node such as a cloud server.
in the literature [10–16].
Additionally, many services (such as online gaming, image pro- 2.5. Data management and organization
cessing) now require artificial intelligence (AI) to be incorporated
into them in order to achieve the required smartness, intelligence,
When data is moved from one device to another, one of the
and autonomy. As applications become more sophisticated and
intelligent, we need to efficiently manage the execution of increas- reasons may be to organize the data. Rarely used data may not be
ingly complex tasks based on the requirements of the application. required anymore at the native device, but at the same time, the
Some of these tasks’ resource requirements could be well beyond data may be needed in the future and therefore needs to be saved
the capabilities of the end-user’s device. In these cases, the tasks somehow. In such a case, data has to be offloaded to another secure
are offloaded to the middleware which may in turn offload them location such as from a smartphone to a cloud or some private
to the cloud. However, it is worth noting that tasks are not bound to cloud [17,21].
computation only but also to other resources such as storage [17].
The main contributions of this work are: 2.6. Privacy and security
• We present the various criteria used by recently proposed
middleware technologies when tasks are offloaded in the Depending on the sensitivity and secrecy of the data or tasks,
fog computing environment. offloading may take place because of privacy and security. For
• We describe the key technologies that are currently being example, an enterprise or hospital’s data or tasks may be moved
used to enable offloading in fog computing and we describe from local machines to a private cloud. Similarly, personal data
some common scenarios where offloading may occur. from a smartphone may be moved to a personal mobile edge
• We identify future research challenges that still need to be cloud [21].
addressed to improve tasks’ offloading performance, effi-
ciency, and reliability in fog computing. 2.7. Accessibility

2. Criteria used in offloading If the native device from where the task or data was created is
not accessible from everywhere, the task or tasks can be offloaded
In this section, we discuss some of the criteria that are used to a cloud-like node where the data can be accessed from any-
when deciding whether or not to offload certain tasks. Fig. 1 depicts where, anytime.
a generalized decision-making scenario, regarding whether or not
to offload tasks. A middleware, such as a smart gateway, monitors 2.8. Affordability, feasibility, and maintenance
the underlying nodes and decides if offloading is needed or not.

2.1. Excessive computation or resource constraint In many cases, it would not be feasible to maintain high-end
servers for executing occasional compute-extensive or storage re-
When an application requires computation more than the ca- lated tasks. In such cases, tasks have to be offloaded to the ser-
pability of the native device, certain tasks must be offloaded to a vice providers that provide pay-as-you-go services, such as those
comparatively resource-rich device [18]. For example, a geograph- provided by a cloud. This might be more appropriate because the
ical map service that executes on a smartphone requires a cloud to hassle of maintaining devices and the need for maintenance staff
update the map through satellite data. can be avoided.
280 M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289

Fig. 1. The smart gateway decides if an underlying node requires task offloading.

3. IoT middleware technologies the RAN range. It aims to reduce end-to-end latency by bringing the
processing and storage services to the edge of the network. It helps
Middleware technologies play an important role in IoT applica- to support context-aware services to end-users by providing real-
tions, especially when it comes to reduce energy consumption and time RAN information, which is used by application and content
latency. In this section, we present basic middleware technologies developers. As a result, it improves quality-of-experience (QoE)
that can be useful in various mobile and IoT service provisioning and user-satisfaction. It increases the responsibilities of the edge
architectures. Such middleware technologies, but not limited to and allows it to host services which result in: (a) reduced latency
them, come under the concept of fog or edge computing paradigm. over the network and (b) low consumption of network bandwidth.
New applications and services can be rapidly deployed to users
3.1. Cloudlet (mobile subscribers, enterprises) by allowing third party partners
to handle the radio network edge [24].
Cloudlets [10,22] provide computing and storage resources to
nearby mobile devices. They are highly decentralized and dis- 3.3. Micro datacenter
persed infrastructures. They have been proposed to overcome
some of the issues such as wide-area network (WAN) latency, jitter, Micro datacenter (MDC) is a smaller datacenter architecture
that is portable and containerized [25,26]. MDC is usually a stack
and packet loss faced by the mobile cloud computing architecture.
of 4 or less servers per rack. MDC is a modular datacenter, where
They have a very rich pool of resources and have access to high-
capacity can be increased or decreased according to the type of
speed communication links for fast access to the services in the
application. MDC comes with the features a traditional datacenter
cloud [10]. Cloudlet brings cloud closer to mobile devices and
may have, such as cooling system, security, and fire-protection, but
user can offload their tasks to these cloudlets to save battery
on a smaller scale so that it can be deployed indoors and outdoors
and other resources, such as storage, computation, and memory.
including in tough terrains.
Unlike clouds, cloudlets are usually much closer to mobile users,
typically one hop away and are accessible through high speed
3.4. Nano datacenter
wireless connections using mobile broadband, WiFi, and so on. The
advantages of cloudlets include: lower latency, higher bandwidth, Nano datacenters (NaDa or nDCs) are always-on gateways that
offline availability, and cost-effectiveness [16]. have additional capabilities in terms of memory and computation.
Multiple applications, such as video-on-demand (VoD) and gaming
3.2. Mobile edge computing can take benefit from NaDa [27]. The noteworthy benefits of NaDa
are that they are cheaper to deploy, reduce traffic load and variabil-
Mobile edge computing (MEC) was proposed in 2014 by the Eu- ity on the backbone, are highly scalable for the ISPs and flexible
ropean Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) for the first for the users. They can also provide localized and personalized
time. ETSI defined MEC as a resource that provides IT and cloud- services. However, their uplink bandwidth is often limited.
computing capabilities within the radio access network (RAN) and
is physically close to mobile [23]. MEC has three main components: 3.5. Delay tolerant network
edge devices that include mobiles and IoT devices, edge cloud, and
public cloud. Edge devices are connected to the network. The edge Delay tolerant network (DTN), compared to traditional network
cloud is deployed in the base station and has less resources as paradigm, is a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) suitable for situa-
compared to the public cloud which can be accessed through the tions where end-to-end connectivity from the source mobile to the
Internet. Furthermore, the edge cloud controls the network traffic destination mobile is not possible. The main goal of the DTN archi-
and hosts different mobile edge applications [24]. MEC enables tecture is to handle problems such as long delays and communica-
mobile users to access IT and cloud services in their vicinity within tion interruptions prevalent in long distance communications [28].
M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289 281

Table 1
Characteristics of IoT middleware technologies.
Middleware Target Nodes Distance Core Purpose Scalability
Cloudlet mobile 1-hop latency management medium to high
Mobile edge computing mobile and IoT 1-hop latency management medium to high
Micro datacenter mobile and IoT 1 to 2 hops latency management, task offloading high
Nano datacenter mobile and IoT 1 to 2 hops latency management, task offloading low
Delay tolerant networking mobile and IoT 1-hop data delivery low
Femto cloud mobile and IoT 0-hop task offloading low

It works on the principle of store–carry and forward [29]. The 4.3. Virtualization and containment
mobile nodes between the source and the destination keep the data
with them until they find a suitable mobile node in the destination
Virtualization (with multiple virtual machines (VMs) can be
path and forward the data to that node [30]. The connectivity is
created over a single physical machine) has been extensively de-
intermittent because of the sparse topology. Disruptions in the
ployed in recent years to logically distribute and manage resources.
connections are very frequent and delays are generally long [29].
For instance, multiple virtual sensors can be created over a physical
3.6. Femto cloud sensor through virtualization as described in [31,32]. Virtualization
not only provides cost efficiency but also portability, where a
A femto cloud is an orchestration of co-located devices in or- whole virtual machine, or a virtual sensor can be offloaded or mi-
der to harvest computational or storage capabilities [11]. Most grated to another node. Container technology is another promising
of the times, mobile devices are under-utilized. Offloading tasks technology where a container is an alternative to the VM in a sense
to nearby devices in areas such as in a public transit, classroom, that a container allows virtualization of the operating system. In
a coffee shop, and so on, can be cost-effective and performance contrast, VM virtualizes the physical machine by hosting multiple
efficient. operating systems. The container software includes the runtime
Table 1 provides the characteristics of the discussed IoT middle- system tools, code, system libraries, and everything required to
ware technologies. execute some software application. Being lightweight, a container
is portable and hence, can play an important role in terms of live
4. Enabling technologies for offloading tasks in fog computing migration during task offloading.

Recent advances in communication technologies have opened

up opportunities for offloading certain tasks to nearby systems 4.4. Parallelism
which implement different types of middleware technologies. We
present a brief review of some of the common networking tech-
Tasks can be very large and may require execution in parallel
nologies that are being used for offloading tasks below.
at different nodes. With parallelism available through multi-core
technology running jobs simultaneously would be convenient and
4.1. Wireless technology
would facilitate task offloading in a fog computing environment.
IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi is the most common form of wireless Internet
access, with its latest standard IEEE 802.11ac, connectivity speed 5. Task offloading in fog computing application scenarios
is faster than Gigabit Ethernet. Similarly, on-the-go Internet access
technologies, such as wireless broadband (WiBro), mobile broad-
band, long-term evolution (LTE) provide connectivity to mobile Offloading can take place at different locations, depending upon
nodes such as smartphones, tablet computers, vehicles, drones, the type of service. The location where to offload is significant
and so on. Short-range technologies, such as Wi-Fi Direct, Blue- because it determines what kind of algorithms need to be executed
tooth, and so on, are also worth mentioning here in the scenario and the tradeoffs that must be considered. These tradeoffs include:
where an industrial sensor network, a smart home network, or a how fault (such as in communication, bandwidth aggregation,
healthcare body area network is offloading tasks to a nearby edge scheduling) is to be monitored and the kind of incentives (for exe-
or fog device. All these networking technologies have paved the cuting offloaded tasks) that are to be paid, depending on the type
way for high-speed communications. For example, currently, 4G of the device. In this section, we present some of the most popular
LTE can provide up to 100 Mbps of download speed. 5G technolo- scenarios for task offloading in a fog computing environment. Fig. 2
gies already promise data rates up to 10 Gbps. Higher data rates presents an overview of some of scenarios where offloading can
would enable faster offloading of tasks. be executed. The figure shows different locations of offloading.
For example, communication call A represents direct access to the
4.2. Smart, intelligent, and autonomous applications
cloud, such as in the case of a smartphone accessing a cloud service.
B represents offload to fog, where data may be aggregated or fog is
With AI, machine learning, and context-aware services, appli-
cations would be able to decide on their own when and where to assisting the cloud in providing any latency-sensitive or security-
offload. More and more autonomy would take place, as a result sensitive service. C represents IoT nodes accessing the smart gate-
of which, offloading of tasks would be much easier and seamless. way which acts as a middleware, evaluates the request and decides
One of the examples of such autonomous applications is given here on whether to offload to the cloud instead of offloading to the fog
in detail [17]. Samsung Smart Switch is another example of smart depending on the requirements of the service. D represents a fog
applications that seamlessly transfers contacts, photos, calendar, offloading to the cloud or the cloud requesting some data from the
and other items from one Samsung device to another. fog.
282 M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289

Fig. 2. Smart gateway as a middleware to decide where to offload a certain task.

5.1. IoTs, sensors, and devices offloading to fog 5.2. IoT/devices offloading to edge nodes

5.1.1. Healthcare sensors offloading to fog 5.2.1. Smart glasses offloading to smartphone
A wireless body area network (WBAN) gathering vital signs and Gadgets and smart devices have become an essential part of our
remote monitoring data from a patient would require to offload daily lives. For instance, a device that offloads to an edge device
diagnostic related tasks to an associated fog server. Fog applies data can be a Google Glass capturing audio in a foreign language and
analytics and machine learning based techniques on the acquired sending to the smartphone where a client software translates the
data and sends the results back to the application running on the audio. Similarly, various visual data (e.g. from Intel Vaunt smart
patient’s side. glasses) can be offloaded to the smartphone for image recognition
or akin purposes [36].
5.1.2. Roadside units offloading to fog
In an intelligent transportation system (ITS), roadside units 5.2.2. Smartwatches offloading to smartphone
(RSUs), equipped with fog units — such as fog server or nDC, can as-
Extending the above example, a smartwatch (e.g. Gear) collects
sist the drivers and vehicles in many ways, such as real-time smart
data about some physical activity that can include pulse and heart-
speed signs, smart signals according to traffic load and situation
beat and transmits it to the smartphone, where an application can
(e.g. emergency), assisting in-vehicle entertainment applications,
process the data and make suggestions to the patient/user on how
and so on. On their own, RSUs are not rich in computational re-
to adjust his/her activities and lifestyle according to his or her
sources and hence, they require fog computing resources for more
intensive or complex processing. For example, real-time traffic health conditions.
monitoring and management [33], smart traffic signal control [34]
according to the traffic load and emergency situation [35], and so 5.2.3. Smart home devices offloading to edge nodes
on. In a smart home, where, say, a vacuum cleaner may operate
autonomously and would be controlled by an edge device that
5.1.3. Industrial sensors, actuators, and robots offloading to fog guides the vacuum cleaner if a piece of paper or trash is left behind.
In an industrial environment, sensors, actuators, and robots re- In this case, the vacuum cleaner sensor offloads image recognition
quire a micro datacenter fog to manage the control of machines. In tasks to the edge device.
particular, in a manufacturing environment where large machines
are being operated, tasks are often complex and many of them 5.3. Fog and edge nodes offloading to cloud
require extreme precision, accuracy with minimal delays. For such
an environment, a middleware such as a localized and enriched fog A fog or edge node would be offloading tasks to a cloud in
micro datacenter can assist smart factory applications. various cases. The most straightforward or reasonable case would
M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289 283

be when long-term storage is required (e.g., a daily data log of one fog caches a certain amount of data for the vehicles accessing
a patient’s healthcare system at the end of the day, or driver’s that service. As the vehicles move, the rest of the data is cached
behavior monitoring log at the end of the trip) or when the task at the fog or cloud that is supposed to handle the approaching
is delay tolerant (such as a smartphone requesting satellite map vehicles. This can be achieved if the fogs or the clouds are in sync
data from the cloud), and so on. with each other and the tasks are properly distributed.
Fig. 3 shows offloading locations, where in case of (d), the
5.4. Cloud offloading to fog offloading and service rendering take place in tandem. In rest of
the cases ((a), (b), (c), (e), and (f)), the remaining part of the service
A cloud actually offloads tasks to a fog when it realizes that the post-offloading is provisioned by the offloadee.
latency requirements of the application cannot be achieved by the
cloud computing environment. In this case, the cloud requires a 6. Proposed offloading techniques in fog computing
local fog to provide service on its behalf. In this case, data is cached
at the fog that is located close to the customer. Additionally, other In this section, we review some of the recently proposed of-
situations where a cloud would offload processing to a fog is when floading techniques in fog computing based on different factors.
the cloud requires more precise location information, such as in Zhao et al. [41] discussed mobile device computational offload-
the case of drone operations; or exact location coordinates and ing. The authors stated that demands for mobile devices to run
speed of fast-moving vehicles such as in a vehicular ad hoc network application requiring high computation is increasing. Compared
(VANET) [37]. Similarly, a cloud may offload tasks to a fog when to larger devices, such as a desktop computer, mobile phones still
the application requires low communication overheads over the have limited computation resources mainly due to the limitation
core network. Hence, the communication is kept within a certain of its physical size. As a result, energy becomes limited as well,
network domain and only the necessary data is communicated which means computation has to be offloaded to nearby resources
over the core network to the cloud, for example a visual sensor that can fulfill the tasks. The mobile device can offload tasks to the
network, where CCTV cameras are constantly uploading video cloud but it may not be feasible in the case where delay is intoler-
content to the central cloud. able. Therefore, fog computing becomes a good choice. However,
this leads to another concern that the fog has less resources as
5.5. Distributed offloading between fog and cloud compared with the cloud. Hence, energy consumption is one of the
key parameters to be considered, while deciding about offloading
In the previous Sections 5.3 and 5.4, we elaborate the cases tasks. In this context, the authors proposed an offloading algorithm
where a fog node offloads to a cloud or vice versa, and the rest that aims at minimizing the energy consumption at fog. First, they
of the service is provided by the offloadee. However, there is compute energy of the processing will consumer at fog nodes
another scenario where the service is still being provisioned and and cloud nodes. Based on the result obtained, the mobile device
the offloading of tasks continues between a fog and a cloud while makes a choice whether to offload the computation to the cloud
the service is being rendered. Such a case can occur in the scenario or fog after evaluating the energy consumption required by the
where both entities, the fog and the cloud, require some particular fog and the cloud. Overall, the proposed scheme works on the
kind of resource or data from each other. That is, both the fog basis of end to end delay (that includes transmission time and
and the cloud work together in a distributive way to fulfill an getting the results back) and energy consumption at the fog. The
application’s needs. Nevertheless, this scenario can occur when authors applied their scheme to a scenario where a mobile device
the above two cases mentioned in Sections 5.3 and 5.4 are used is communicating with a fog. The fog can execute the required
simultaneously. For instance, a fog provides real-time control and tasks on its own or forward them to the cloud. If the fog executes
maneuver of a group of drones performing monitoring tasks during the tasks, the delay will comprise of the transmission delay of the
the snow season in Canada, or forest-fire in Australia, may require input data to the fog together with the execution time at fog which
the cloud to provide input based on previous seasons’ historical will depend on the fog’s processing capacity. If the task requires
data, so that the fog can adapt and provide more accurate results offloading to the cloud, the delay would be same but will also
and vice versa. In this way, the fog and the cloud distribute the tasks include the delay of communication from the fog to the cloud.
to each other, and provide the service in tandem. This is because the authors assume that the fog is working as a
mediator and every task first traverses the fog that then decides
5.6. Cloud offloading to IoT/devices/sensors if the requested task should be executed locally at the fog itself,
or at the cloud. In the case of energy consumption in the fog-
Although not very common, but cloud offloading directly to only scenario, the total energy consumption is the idle energy
IoT devices and sensors can occur when a cloud (even being rich consumption of mobile device when the fog server executes the
in resources) requires some task to be performed by underlying instructions along with the energy consumption for the mobile
sensors or devices so that the cloud can use the results returned to device necessary to transfer the input data to the fog. If the cloud
provide some service. For instance, a cloud providing virtual sensor is also involved, the additional energy consumption would include
networking [38,39] would require offloading tasks to real, physical the energy spent by the fog in delegating the tasks to the cloud and
sensors in order to retrieve the actual data. the energy spent by the cloud executing them.
In the case of energy consumption in the fog-only scenario, the
5.7. Fog offloading to another fog and cloud to another cloud total energy consumption would be comprised of the idle energy
consumption of mobile device when the fog server executes the
Offloading between servers or datacenters can take place instructions, plus, the energy consumption for the mobile device
mainly to achieve load balancing. When a server, whether it is necessary to transfer the input bits to the fog. In case the cloud is
fog server or a cloud server, has run out of resources, it offloads also involved, the additional energy consumption would be that of
the additional tasks to another server within the datacenter. In fog transmitting the tasks to the cloud and the cloud then executing
this way, inter-fog and inter-cloud communication takes place to them.
better handle further incoming requests. Another reason for such Liang et al. [42] proposed a software defined networks (SDN)
offloading could be because of accessibility. For example, in an IoV based fog offloading architecture. The authors argued that of-
scenario [40] where in-vehicle entertainment is being provided, floading of tasks should be performed through different offloading
284 M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289

Fig. 3. Offloading in fog computing scenarios.

policies that are set according to the application’s requirements. generally limited in resources such as energy, computing, storage
In this context, SDN can be very helpful because it enables the causing them to offload certain resource-intensive tasks. However,
customization of policies for different flows. latency-sensitive applications (e.g., cloud gaming, entertainment,
Fricker et al. [43] used load balancing to trigger offloading the virtual reality) require high-speed data communications which
tasks within fog datacenters. Since fog computing has a smaller is not always possible with the distant cloud which led to the
capacity compared to the traditional clouds, it is subject to sat- emergence of mobile edge computing (MEC). MEC actually falls
uration much faster. The authors described the scenario where a under the umbrella of today’s adoption of fog computing or edge
request arrives at an overloaded datacenter, and gets forwarded computing. The authors interchangeably use the terms mist com-
to neighboring datacenter with the same probability of receiving puting and cloudlets to refer to the aggregated pool of resources for
request. Datacenters have a large number of servers and if a lot of mobile devices. Cisco’s IOx network infrastructure products allow
traffic causes congestion at one of the servers, other datacenters or running third party virtual machine (VM)-based services directly
servers may help mitigate the congestion by accepting some of the on the infrastructure (such as routers) close to mobile devices. In
requests rejected or blocked at the congested servers or datacenter. this way, resource management can be performed at the edge of
In this way, the overall service response can be improved. In their the end nodes. The authors do not elaborate how the resource
approach, further requests are rejected/blocked based on whether management can be performed. However, they emphasize on a
it can offload tasks once a datacenter becomes overloaded. Essen- hierarchical offloading of tasks from mobile nodes to mist, from
tially, the authors used a request blocking rate based offloading of mist to fog, and eventually, from fog to cloud, all depending on
tasks. the requirements of an application. The authors argue that we
Hasan et al. [44] discussed incentive-based cloud-IoT offloading need a well-defined and rich hierarchy between the underlying
schemes for mobile nodes. The authors highlighted that the propa- end-nodes (called surrogates) and the service providers (such as
gation of IoT devices has caused a paradigm shift in communication cloud). In this work, the mist computing infrastructure, located
and computing. The authors proposed a mechanism called Aura, between the fog and the end-nodes at the edge enables better
through which mobile client can create an ad hoc cloud of IoT decision making such as what to offload, rather than offloading
and other computing devices within their physical environment. In unintelligently. Fig. 4 further elaborates the concept presented by
this way, local computing resources from under-loaded devices can the authors.
be harvested and to execute offloaded tasks from mobile devices. Pu et al. [46] discussed task offloading for mobile users on
IoT devices such as appliances, smartphones, intelligent vehicles, the basis of incentive to the offloadee. The authors proposed a
smart thermostats, and so on, all have computing capabilities. collaborative environment for mobile nodes, which they call as
Although each IoT device has some specific purpose, however, it device to device (D2D) fogging. The proposed system relies on
is common that such devices remain idle for a reasonable amount collaborative devices around the device that requires offloading
of time. During this idle period, the computation capability can of tasks in order to conserve energy. However, the control and
be outsourced to other nearby needy nodes through offloading. To decision about offloading is done by the network operators, such as
motivate idle devices to accept offloaded tasks from other devices, through base station, which makes the system relatively complex
incentives may be given in the form of crypto-currency. The incen- and more interactive to the network causing more messages to
tive scheme would reward participant nodes which deliver high be exchanged within the network. To avoid over-exploiting the
performance to tasks offloaded to them. offloadee, some incentive mechanism is incorporated by the me-
Orsini et al. [45] also proposed offloading computing tasks to diating application, residing on both the devices — the offloader
the mobile edge. In mobile cloud computing (MCC), devices are and the offloadee. The incentive is based on tit-for-tat offloading
M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289 285

Fig. 4. Mobile edge computing with different perceptions.

mechanism. That is, when resources are contributed by a node as well as the energy consumption incurred during the trans-
the contributor’s account is credited. In the future, the device that mission or offloading of the task. The offloading system jointly
sought resource offloading, will have to contribute as well for the optimizes the offloading of the task and radio resource allocation
device that ran its tasks previously. The contributions and usage of in 5G networks in order to minimize energy consumption of the
resources by a device are maintained by the network operator. overall offloading process. As wireless channel states vary and
Meurisch et al. [47] identified a major challenge that relates to the offloaded tasks’ sizes also vary, the energy consumption for
the deciding when to initiate task offloading decision. The authors transmission also changes accordingly. Moreover, since mobile
state that normally tasks are offloaded to the surrogate nodes — devices share with each other the radio resources of the network,
the offloadees, that are already known and the network conditions interference may also occur among each other. As a result, tasks
transmission rates are decreased, and energy efficiency is nega-
such as delay and bandwidth between the offloading nodes. How-
tively affected. In their approach, each task that is offloaded is
ever, as nodes are mobile, they are often in the vicinity of unknown
assumed to be atomic and cannot be divided further into chunks.
nodes. In this case, it is hard to make a context-aware decision.
When a mobile node has to offload a task, it computes the energy
Hence, in their proposed methodology, the tasks are converted into
consumption in two cases. The first case is if the task is executed
micro-tasks and the unknown devices are then probed based on
locally, and the second case is if the task is executed at the base
the set of micro-tasks. If the performance and network conditions station. If the latter consumes less energy, the task is offloaded
are acceptable, medium or large sized tasks can be offloaded as there. Otherwise, the task is executed locally.
well. Based on the analysis done on this approach, predictions of Considering the importance of healthcare and the role of fog
when to offload tasks based on micro-tasks have been more than computing in it, Craciunescu et al. [49] proposed offloading of
85% correct. healthcare cloud data to the edge to address latency issues. The
Zhang et al. [48] focused on the importance of energy consump- experimentation, which is an e-health laboratory implementation,
tion. They presented a methodology for energy-efficient computa- was conducted using a home PC and extracted data (all data,
tion offloading in 5G networks. Their proposed offloading system without any selection) from smartphones, MetaWear device, Pro-
takes into account both the energy consumption of task execution, Move3D device, is sent to the cloud for further processing. They
286 M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289

used fog computing for critical healthcare data, to provide a quick 7.1. Resource allocation and scalability
response to the patient. However, critical data is not further ex-
plained in their proposed approach. Data is gathered from various One of the key challenges related to offloading is to find out
healthcare sensors, such as pulse rate, oxygen level. The data the right amount of resources required at the location where the
arrives at a middleware fog where algorithms are implemented to tasks will be executed. It is well-known that if we have more
determine if a threshold (such as for instance, low oxygen level) re- resources, then some may be under-utilized and if we have few
garding any sensor reading has been reached. The fog nodes trigger resources, then offloading may be triggered too often. The tradeoff
a notification to the user in the case of an emergency. According in the amount of resources will depend on the type of service.
to the analysis presented, when the same task is executed by the When the resources need to be increased to avoid offload, and
cloud, the latency increases by 2 to 4 s compared with the fog when the resources should not be scaled up and offload should be
computing middleware approach. encouraged remains a challenge.
Liu et al. [50] also emphasized the importance of incentive-
driven computation offloading because it would be difficult to en- 7.2. Scalability of application
courage edge nodes to execute tasks on offloaders’ behalf without
any incentive. The interaction among cloud nodes and edge servers When an application is deployed, a certain number of users is
is formulated through a Stackelberg game aimed at maximizing anticipated. The ability to handle more users will depend on the
cloud service utilities. Their analysis results in a unique Nash capability of the background algorithms to handle more requests.
equilibrium. Their proposed approach addresses two main issues. The process that performs the offloading makes use of various
First, when a cloud server receives a request to offload data to parameters such as load balancing, energy efficiency, so on, as we
an edge server, the cloud server needs to determine whether to discussed previously. Hence, how much the application should be
accept or reject the request. The second issue is how much to scaled up so that the task of offloading is not affected, remains a
pay as an incentive to the surrogate edge node. To address this challenge.
issue, they designed the Stackelberg game where an equilibrium
is determined between the cloud and the edge nodes. In this case, 7.3. Service level agreement and compatibility of services
offloading from the cloud is done based on the payment made
against the offloaded tasks to the edge node. Offloading involves at least two entities: tasks to be offloaded
Habak et al. [11] emphasized the need to harvest the unused and the provider of services where these tasks are offloaded, ensur-
computational capabilities of nearby mobile nodes thereby creat- ing that the original service level agreement (SLA) is not violated
ing a femto cloud. Mobile nodes are becoming increasingly more during offloading remains a challenge. SLA matching, SLA monitor-
powerful over time and in most cases, their resources are un- ing and violation, are important factors that need to be considered
derutilized. Harvesting resources from nearby mobile nodes, such in such case. Different devices would be running different algo-
as in public transit, coffee shops, and other places where people rithms or types of software, and will most likely execute tasks in
gather can be very useful in terms of power efficiency, latency different ways — which may not be compatible (e.g., meeting the
minimization, and computation efficiency. The edge application latency requirement) with each other.
residing on the participating phones performs the offloading by
seeking and granting permissions for task offloading. The incentive 7.4. Security and privacy of data and users
can be based on the location (e.g., coffee shop credits, transport
credit, university credit, and so on) where people gather.
When offloading occurs, the more data hops we have the great
Wang et al. [51] proposed offloading tasks from mobile devices
will be the risk of data theft and misuse. When multiple nodes
to the femto clouds. Femto access points (FAPs) are the entities
and systems communicate with each other, data communication
that reside within the radio access network of mobile devices. FAPs and storage are more prone to intrusion and theft. The data can
collaborate to form the femto cloud. However, the authors pro- be misused and may even result in huge losses, such as threat
posed that, for strict latency constraints, applications may partially to life in a healthcare environment, manufacturing malfunctions
offload tasks, rather than performing a full offload to the femto in an industrial environment, accidents in an ITS, and so on. As
cloud. In this way, from the benefits of parallelism (with parallel a result, efficient and robust data security measures would be
executing of tasks on femto cloud nodes) can be reaped. In this way, required, trustworthy entities have to be involved which means
the communication bandwidth can be better managed because that trustworthiness parameters have to be defined and applied so
tasks are divided and then shared among the collaborating devices. that the decision on offloading is precise.
To further enhance their system, the authors argued that simply
offloading tasks does not yield overall efficiency. Rather, energy
7.5. Integration and interoperability
consumption should also be taken into account, for which they
use dynamic voltage scaling (DVS). Through DVS, the computation
In a highly heterogeneous networked environment (with dif-
speed of a mobile device can be made adaptive in order to reduce
ferent types of hardware and software), interoperability arises. In
the energy consumption.
the case of IoT-fog-cloud 3-tier communication, interoperability
Table 2 provides a comprehensive picture of the reviewed pa-
challenges increase. One example would be different storage tech-
nologies used by different cloud storage providers. Each storage
service may have different compression mechanisms — affecting
7. Research challenges the size of the stored data, different synchronization mechanisms
— affecting the duration of synchronization, and different data
We discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed in security and privacy mechanisms. A more in-depth discussion on
the future in order to enable seamless, efficient, reliable offloading heterogeneity issues is presented in [21] in which different cloud
of tasks in fog computing to deliver high end-to-end performance storage providers (such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Microsoft
and low latency (as well as fast response) for a wide range of fog- OneDrive, SugarSync, and Amazon CloudDrive) are analyzed on the
based applications. aforementioned parameters.
M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289 287

Table 2
Analysis of offloading approaches proposed in the recent literature.
Technique Metrics Results Portability Strengths Weaknesses
Zhao [41] Energy and delay Fog incurs up to 87% less High Generic and easy to Fog ownership and tasks are
energy consumption and implement undefined
energy cost, compared to
Liang [42] SDN flow Proposed architecture is Low Distinct flow for each Limited deployment, higher
implemented using SDN application complexity
controller in a lab
environment, but not
Fricker [43] Load balancing Up to 70% improvement in High Minimize request rejection at Deployable only in the case of
avoiding loss by timely overloaded datacenter service request congestion
offloading from an overloaded
datacenter to another one
Hasan [44] Incentive, computation 66% less energy consumption, Low Can be easily implemented Based on crypto currency,
compared to without and deployed, incentive which is still maturing
offloading scenario driven
Orsini [45] Computation Present an architecture for Medium Hierarchical, good for Limited use, high complexity
hierarchical offloading, complex applications
without evaluation
Pu [46] Incentive, computation Proposed offloading scheme Low Realistic, incentive driven Additional processing and
save roughly 30%, 23%, and record maintenance at the
18% energy over random, provider’s end are needed
greedy, and reciprocal
schemes, respectively
Meurisch [47] Computation Achieved an accuracy up to Medium Assured to deliver high Additional complexity in
85.5% after two micro task performance dividing tasks and monitoring
samples for predicting the performance
runtime performance of
unknown services
Zhang [48] Energy, computation 18% decrease in energy Medium Adaptively energy aware Tasks are atomic and cannot
consumption with the be divided
proposed strategy
Craciunescu [49] Latency Algorithm for the fall High Tested on healthcare Limited in scenario used in
detection has a 90% accuracy applications their evaluation
Liu [50] Incentive, computation Offloading ratio increases High Incentive driven Payment undefined, complex
with the incentive to execute because highly
dependent on the type of
Habak [11] Incentive, computation 85% improvement in Low Incentive driven, realistic Evaluation and testing were
performance done using a limited scenario
Wang [51] Computation, energy 36% less energy consumption Low Adaptive computation scaling Complex to implement due to
consumption compared to partial offloading based on performance breakdown of tasks and
partial offloading

7.6. Fault tolerance and reconfiguration of offloading system sometimes remain a tradeoff whether to go for offloading or not.
One such example is the Camera Upload feature of Dropbox, which
When additional entities, other than the one hosting the service, by default, uploads every photo taken to the Dropbox thereby
are involved in the offloading process, when a fault arises at the resulting in an increase in battery consumption as well as network
secondary offloaded device (e.g., cloud, when data is offloaded by bandwidth.
a fog) then how fog is going to reconfigure and execute alternate
steps remains an open issue. As the offloading system becomes 7.8. Incentives for offloading service
increasingly automated and heterogeneous entities are involved,
the risks of failure increase. Device malfunction, delayed commu-
As offloading becomes more of a service type offered in fog
nication, and connectivity failures are some common examples.
computing, it may become a liability in some sense and one should
The offloading process must be robust and be capable of not only
therefore compensate the entity performing the offloading tasks
detecting and withstanding common faults but also be capable of
with some reasonable incentives, such as through crypto-currency
detecting and handling faults in a timely manner. Advanced fault
payments [44] or air-miles-like rewards.
detection algorithms will have to be applied at the hub, gateway, or
middleware that is responsible for coordinating different machines
and devices. In such cases, the accuracy and timeliness of these 7.9. Monitoring
algorithms in detecting fault become increasingly important.
Offloading to different entities and especially, when incentives
7.7. Energy consumption tradeoff are involved, means that it would be necessary to monitor the
service quality, delivery, robustness, and fault analysis. Hence,
Offloading tasks on its own is an energy and bandwidth con- monitoring of the overall offloading process would require accu-
suming process. This means, although largely inevitable, it would rate and well-proven methods.
288 M. Aazam et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 87 (2018) 278–289

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[45] G. Orsini, D. Bade, W. Lamersdorf, Computing at the mobile edge: Designing IEEE ICC’15, IEEE ICWS’15, IEEE MASS’16, IEEE WMNC’16, and IEEE CCNC’16). He
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Mobile Networking Conference, WMNC, 2015 8th, IEEE, 2015, pp. 112–119. AIYEHUM 2016 award. Aazam is a senior member of the IEEE. For additional details:
[46] L. Pu, X. Chen, J. Xu, X. Fu, D2d fogging: An energy-efficient and incentive- www.aazamcs.com.
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[51] Y. Wang, M. Sheng, X. Wang, L. Wang, J. Li, Mobile-edge computing: Partial Khaled A. Harras [S’05, M’09, SM’16] ([email protected].
computation offloading using dynamic voltage scaling, IEEE Trans. Commun. edu) is an associate professor at Carnegie Melon Univer-
64 (10) (2016) 4268–4282. sity Qatar (CMUQ), and Director of the Computer Science
program there. Dr. Harras is the founder and director of the
Networking Systems Lab (NSL) at CMUQ. He has more than
100 refereed publications and 4 US patents. Along with
Mohammad Aazam [S’11, M’15, SM’16] ([email protected]) his research group in the past few years, he has won the
is currently working as a postdoc research associate at best national computing research award twice, received
Carnegie Mellon University — Qatar since July 2017 and two best paper awards, and his work has been featured
a postdoctoral fellow at Ryerson University, Canada since online various venues like MIT Tech Review and Tech the
March 2017. Previously, he has been a sessional faculty Future. To date, he has been involved in or managing
and postdoc fellow with Carleton University, Canada from research grants that amount to more than 3 Million USD, and has supervised over 30
July 2015–2017. He is also working as a postdoc collab- different personnel including undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral
orator with University of Kentucky, USA and University researchers, and research engineers.
of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada. He
completed his Ph.D. Computer Engineering from Kyung
Hee University, Korea, in 2015. In addition to that, he
has completed a course on Data Science with R from Harvard University, USA

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