Global Sourcing Development at IKEA - A Case Study: Jens - Hultman@ihh - Susanne - Hertz@ihh -

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Global Sourcing Development at IKEA – a Case Study

Paper prepared for the 25th IMP conference

Jens Hultman1, Susanne Hertz1, Rhona Johnsen2, Thomas Johnsen2

1: Jönköping International Business School,

P.O Box 1026, SE-551 11
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Tel: +46 0(36) 10 10 00

2: Audencia Nantes School of Management,

8 Route de la Joneliere,
BP 31222 – 44312 Nantes Cedex 3, France.
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Tel: + 33 (0)240 37 46 25


This study explores the dynamic process of global sourcing development through a case study of the
Swedish home furnishing giant IKEA and its supply network concerning the PAX wardrobe system.
The paper provides a synthesis of the existing global sourcing literature by dividing this growing
body of research into three major themes: globalization processes and stages, motives/drivers, and
organizational design and management. Moreover, the paper integrates the global sourcing literature
with the established literature on the internationalization process of firms. Comparing the existing
research on global sourcing and internationalization, we propose two research questions focused on:
(1) the ways in which the IKEA global sourcing and supply chain development process resembles a
linear stages process, and (2) the principal drivers of the development of global sourcing within
IKEA. Relating the findings of the global sourcing process in the case of IKEA, the paper suggests
that the process does not fit the linear and incremental stage processes as suggested in the majority of
global sourcing literature, but rather fits the interaction and network process model as suggested in
the network school of internationalization.

Key words: global sourcing, internationalization, IKEA

1. Introduction

Global sourcing is one of the greatest strategic challenges for purchasing and supply managers.
Under increasing pressures to reduce costs, companies have shifted, and continue to shift, sourcing
from local suppliers to low cost country-based suppliers. The current economic recession shows little
evidence of reversing this trend; in fact, it is likely to increase the pressure to source globally. Yet,
the global sourcing process is riddled with difficulties and frequently underestimated by firms.
Furthermore, the lower prices offered by low-cost country suppliers rarely translate into significantly
lower total costs of ownership (Steinle and Schiele 2008).

Despite the popularity of global sourcing across both service and manufacturing industries, research
into global sourcing is still playing catch-up and remains poorly conceptualized, for example in
comparison with research on buyer-supplier relationships or industrial networks (Quintens, Pauwels,
and Matthyssens 2006b). The trend towards global sourcing is likely to fundamentally change the
dynamics of buyer-supplier relationships and networks, but little research to date has examined the
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implications of this trend. In particular, current models of global sourcing development need a better
and wider theoretical grounding, connecting the upstream-focused purchasing and supply chain
approach with established theories of internationalization that tend to adopt a downstream
perspective. The purpose of this paper is to develop a better understanding of the global sourcing
process by integrating these two bodies of knowledge and exploring the global sourcing process at
Swedish company IKEA. The analysis of IKEA sheds light on established models of the global
sourcing process, especially on the extent to which this process can be described as linear and
incremental as predicted by the global sourcing literature.

This paper is structured as follows. The first section reviews the literature on global sourcing,
identifying major themes within this body of literature and examining current models of global
sourcing development processes. The second section connects the global sourcing literature with the
long established internationalization process literature, resulting in the formulation of the focused
research questions that guided our empirical in-depth case study of IKEA. The third section describes
our research methodology leading to the fourth section which reports on the findings from the IKEA
case. The fifth and final section returns to the research questions and discusses the findings from the
IKEA case study in the light of existing global sourcing literature and provides concluding remarks
and suggestions for further research.

2. Literature Review

Global sourcing

With growing scholarly and executive attention over the past couple of decades, sourcing and supply
chain management have been shown to play a significant role in achieving competitiveness (e.g.,
Ellram and Carr 1994; Gadde and Håkansson 1994). Although it has not received the level of
attention it deserves, global sourcing is an area of growing interest among scholars within the field of
purchasing research (Quintens et al. 2006b). In line with Trent and Monczka (2003:607), this study
defines global sourcing as the worldwide integration of engineering, operations, logistics,
procurement, and even marketing within the upstream portion of a firm’s supply chain. Table 1
provides an overview of major studies into global sourcing during the last two decades or so. In
addition to the authors and year of publication, the table identifies the research methods applied in
each contribution, the regional and/or industrial context, the focus or objectives of the paper, its
underpinning theory and key results and contributions. The final column classifies the contributions
according to their overall themes. This reveals three streams of research that seem to be of particular
scholarly interest within the field of global sourcing.

With early roots in the 1990s, one stream of research has looked into the process leading to global
sourcing, often separating this into several identifiable stages (e.g., Giunipero and Monczka 1997;
Matthyssens and Faes 1997; Rozemeijer, van Weele, and Weggeman 2003; Trent 2004; Trent and
Monczka 2003). The contributions from the Center for Advanced Purchasing & Supply (CAPS) at
Arizona State University have been particularly influential (e.g. Monczka and Trent, (e.g., Trent
2004; Trent and Monczka 2005; Trent and Monczka 2002; Trent and Monczka 2003). This work
initially resulted in a four-stage global sourcing process model: 1) domestic purchasing only, 2)
foreign buying based on need, 3) foreign buying as part of procurement strategy, 4) integration of
global procurement strategy (Monczka and Trent 1991). Later this was revised resulting in a new
five-stage model (e.g., Trent 2004; Trent and Monczka 2005; Trent and Monczka 2002), which
divided the original fourth and final stage into two: 1) global sourcing strategies integrated across
worldwide locations, and 2) global sourcing strategies integrated across worldwide locations and
functional groups (Figure 1). The premise of both the original and revised models is that firms
incrementally develop experience of the international procurement process, and global (rather than
international) sourcing requires extensive coordination of requirements and strategies amongst
Abstract preview

worldwide business units. Whereas international sourcing implies buying from a foreign supplier on
an ad hoc basis, global sourcing infers a much more strategically consistent approach (Bozarth,
Handfield, and Das 1998). Apart from a relatively simple two phase model developed by Guinipero
and Monczka (1990) it is difficult to identify alternative process models. However, in a study of 10
Swedish SMEs, Agndal (2006) suggested that the international purchasing and sourcing process was
a result of firms’ earlier international experience, of their explorative actions and strategies, and of
their partners’ actions and strategies. His study showed that SMEs were reluctant to source
internationally, and their approach to international purchasing was generally reactive and need-
driven or opportunistic, and occasionally spurred on by customers. In the context of SMEs, his
results may be used to question the linear and proactive nature of the stages approach to global

Figure 1. Five Stages of Sourcing

International Purchasing Global Sourcing

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Domestic International International Global Sourcing Global Sourcing

Purchasing Only Purchasing Only Purchasing as Strategies Strategies
as Needed Part of Sourcing Integrated Across Integrated Across
Strategy Worldwide Worldwide
Locations Locations and
Functional Groups

Source: Trent, R.J and R.M Monczka (2003) Understanding integrated global sourcing, International Journal of Physical
Distribution & Logistics Management, 33 (7), 607-29.

The second stream of research is focused on the drivers of, or motivations for, global sourcing (e.g.,
Alguire, Frear, and Metcalf 1994; Bozarth et al. 1998; Cho and Kang 2001; Quintens et al. 2006b).
Based on a survey of 115 companies Alguire et al (1994) identified a range of motives for global
sourcing including those related to comparative advantage (or cost), and those related to competitive
advantage i.e. quality, technology and so on. Furthermore, they suggested global sourcing could be
used to circumvent trade barriers and also identified a range of internal motivators, for example,
related to a company’s strategy to increase its presence in a particular region. Nevertheless, their
empirical results demonstrated that the overriding motivator of the companies they sampled was cost;
in reality companies appeared to consider global sourcing from a highly operational cost reduction
perspective. In an extensive literature review on research directions in international sourcing,
Quintens et al (2006b) proposed three major categories of antecedents as drivers (e.g., cost
advantages, business development), facilitators (e.g., product type, industry, planning approach) and
barriers (e.g., resources, regulations, practices) on various levels, and concluded that there was
significant value in future benchmark studies on global sourcing. In a recent paper Steinle and
Schiele (2008) analyzed the limits to global sourcing, questioning the cost advantages that companies
appear to assume. They argued that cost advantages tend to disappear in total acquisition costs; in
fact their study showed that global sourcing does not result in improved competitiveness due to
problems of being a preferred customer in a foreign environment.

The third and final stream of research pays particular attention to the organizational design and
management of global sourcing, especially global sourcing strategy development (e.g., Alguire et al.
1994; Bozarth et al. 1998; Lewin and Donthu 2005; Quintens, Pauwels, and Matthyssens 2006a).
This literature focuses on defining and conceptualizing global sourcing, and uncovering the
relationships between purchasing organization and purchasing performance; issues of

Abstract preview

standardization, centralization and adaptation feature strongly in this stream of research. Arnold
(1999) argued that global sourcing implies a systematic extension of procurement policy worldwide
and a strategic orientation of purchasing activities. He derived three ideal organizational types for
global sourcing based on a set of case studies: a central purchasing model, a coordination model, and
an outsourcing model. In a conceptual paper Handfield and Nichols (2004) identified a range of key
issues in building an effective global supply base. Highlighting the importance of trust formation and
communication in buyer-supplier relationships, their paper is a rare contribution to the global
sourcing literature in highlighting the human and behavioural factors. Focusing on organizational
design, Quintens et al (ibid) conceptualized four dimensions of global purchasing strategy: 1)
purchasing process configuration; 2) standardization of global purchasing process; 3) standardization
of product-related characteristics and 4) standardization of personnel-related characteristics. Thus,
they identified a close link between global marketing strategy and global purchasing, and stated that
many of the decisions are the same i.e. issues of adaptation, centralization and configuration.
Hartman et al (2008) recently elaborated on the same theme, focusing on the degree of centralization
and headquarters-orientation. They advocated implementation of control mechanisms, including
cross-national purchasing coordination and information sharing.

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Table 1 Global Sourcing Studies

Study Method Context Focus Theory Key results & contributions Overall
Giunipero & Analysis of Large US firms Role of organization & International Two phase model of offshore sourcing
Monczka international from 5 management of purchasing comprising operational/ transactional
(1990) purchasing in 24 industries worldwide network of stage and planning/managing stage.
based multi- suppliers for Issues of structure, authority,
nationals coordination & control organizational approaches & roles of
of international different purchasing groups in
purchasing international sourcing process
Monczka & Field research USA, Japanese Global sourcing means Builds implicitly 4 phase model of process of global
Trent (1991) on 26 business & European coordination of on inter- sourcing based on building experience in
units & Delphi manufacturers requirements between nationalization firm of internationalization of
study of 85 from 28 worldwide business and globalization procurement process: domestic
manufacturers industries. units. literature – purchasing only, foreign buying based on
empirically driven need, foreign buying as part of
procurement strategy, integration of

Globalization Process & Stages

global procurement strategy.
Handfield Survey of 97 8 industries
Examines Builds on inter- Assessment of US global sourcing
(1994) companies 62% international &
characteristics of buying nationalization/ practices. Importance of quality, product
from US, 38% domestic firms, supplier selection globalization & process technology in buying firms,
non-US sourcing criteria & global literature & stages role of trust in international supplier
sourcing issues. models. selection & total cost of global sourcing.
Bozarth, Survey of 55 US US Inter-relationships Global strategy & Demonstrates criticality of managing
Handfield & manufacturers manufacturing between international industrial relationships with suppliers in later
Das (1998) companies sourcing decisions, marketing & stages of global purchasing process
sourcing strategies & purchasing contributing to procurement strategy &
supplier performance. literature - performance enhancement in firms that
specifically proactively manage international
Monczka & Trent sourcing.
Trent and Site visits and North- Difference between Draws from wider 7 outstanding characteristics/best
Monczka survey of 162 American international purchasing research practices: executive commitment, well-
(2003; 2005) companies manufacturing and global sourcing. 5- programme defined processes, availability of
companies stage model Building on ‘Global Sourcing resources, IT integration, supportive
Monczka & Trent’s Research Project’. organizational design, structured
(1991) 4-stage model to Applies 5-stage communication, measuring savings.
develop 5-stage model. sourcing model.
Agndal (2006) Case studies of Swedish SMEs SME purchasing market InternationalizatioSMEs reluctant to source internationally,
10 SMEs (manufacturers) choice & entry process n theory incl. reactive and need-driven/opportunistic
as reactive/proactive & network model process, occasionally external pressure
emergent/deliberate driven (customer influence).
Alguire et al Survey of 115 International Global sourcing Draws mostly Motives include comparative advantage
(1994) companies motives macro economic (cost), competitive advantage, quality,
(comparative technology etc), trade barriers and
advantage) and internal motivators. Empirical results
corporate strategy show main motivator is cost.
Cho & Kang Survey of 148 US retail Executive perceptions Draws on and Provides evidence on benefits and
(2001) companies apparel on benefits and develops challenges, and differences across
companies challenges among US hypotheses based demographic and managerial
apparel firms on previous characteristics. Large volumes of global
studies on global sourcing increase global sourcing
sourcing performance in some aspects.
Kotabe & Conceptual - Global sourcing Draws on global Changes in global sourcing strategy over
Murray (2004) strategy: shift from strategy studies of 20 years characterized by stable
internal focus to 80s-90s & economic conditions. Sourcing strategy

external via resource based implications of economic turbulence.

outsourcing. view of firm Companies compelled to take integrated
Outsourcing limitations global approach to circumvent impact of
& negative effects of local diversity.
outsourcing on global
Quintens et al Conceptual - Reviews published Draws on previous Synthesizes findings on antecedents,
(2006) research on purchasing studies on consequences and on the globalization
in the period of 1990- international process of purchasing. Concludes that
2005. sourcing and the conceptual foundation of global
global purchasing. purchasing is underdeveloped and would
benefit from convergence and
Steinle and 2 in-depth case Oil equipment Limits to global Draws on RBV Suppliers are valuable resources. Global
Schiele (2008) studies and medical sourcing benefits. and cluster theory sourcing does not always reduce cost &
technology Achieving preferred improve competitiveness e.g. high
customer status and acquisition costs. Cluster-membership of
dependency easier suppliers important limit to global
through local cluster sourcing. Standard material appropriate
than global sourcing. for global sourcing.

Abstract preview

Arnold (1999) 8 case studies International Degrees of Mainly empirical Defines global sourcing in terms of
OEMs centralization in global systematic extension of procurement
sourcing organization policy worldwide& strategic orientation
of purchasing activities. 3 ideal
organizational types for global sourcing.
Rozemeijer et Survey on Large firms Organizational Draws on previous Investigates contingencies to be
al., (2003) sample of 152 quoted at the approaches for research on considered in order to implement
companies Amsterdam corporate purchasing corporate corporate purchasing strategies

Organizational Design & Management

stock exchange. purchasing effectively.
Handfield & conceptual - Trust and TCE, relational Identifies key issues in firms’ efforts to
Nichols (2004) communication in theory, build effective global supply base with
buyer-supplier organizational common theme of importance of human
relationships needed for design, network factors and interaction.
global supplier base theory
Quintens et al Survey of 151 Belgian Conceptualization of RBV Identifies close link between global
(2006) companies manufacturers global purchasing marketing/strategy and global purchasing
and service strategy: degree of e.g. adaptation, centralization and
companies centralization/ configuration debate.
configuration of
purchasing & degree of
Hartman et al 8 case studies of Cross industry Organizational design Contingency Global companies more headquarter
(2008) German MNCs implications of global theory, oriented & centralized. Need to
sourcing, seeking to information implement control mechanisms e.g.
ground global sourcing processing & cross-national purchasing coordination &
in wider theory international information processing capability.
business strategy

The review of the global sourcing literature shows that although there has been a growing body of
research into global sourcing, it is not yet a very well-developed area. The global sourcing literature
is dominated by a few key scholars whose primary focus to date has been North-American
manufacturing companies, with a few recent exceptions. Several studies have analyzed the process of
global sourcing, yet the four/five stage process model originally conceived by Monczka and Trent
(1991) is more or less unchallenged. Compare this situation with the large body of research on
(customer market) internationalization, which emerged in the 1970s: this has spurred a range of
models of the internationalization process. We therefore turn to this literature in the following section
to determine if there is scope for integrating the two bodies of theory.

Internationalization Process Literature

Many of the traditional ‘stages’ theories of internationalization were developed in the 1970s and
were predictive models of behaviour which built on the assumption that firms follow a learning curve
in the internationalization process (e.g., Bilkey and Tesar 1977; Johanson and Vahlne 1977;
Johanson and Wiedersheim-Paul 1975). The emphasis of these theories was on the forms of
international market servicing which developed as a result of growing involvement in foreign
markets and the contention that these forms became more structured and formalized as the firm’s
dependence on foreign markets increased. The steps which companies moved through meant that
internationalization was characterized by increasing involvement in international markets through
developing commitments to organizational forms which required the input of increased resources at
each stage.

The role of information and knowledge in forming commitment to foreign markets was central to
these models, which focused on sourcing, integrating and using information about foreign markets
and operations, and on the gradual growth in commitment to foreign markets. Learning was therefore
seen as a key ingredient in this process. It was suggested that incremental involvement in various
forms of organization permitted the most effective control over resources for internationalization. In
this way, the development of organizational forms for international markets was not the result of a
strategy for optimum allocation of resources to different markets, but “the consequence of a process
of incremental adjustments to changing conditions of the firm and its environment” (Johanson and

Abstract preview

Vahlne 1977: p26). This implied that the decision to internationalize to a particular country or region
did not involve competing commitments and resource allocations, but was viewed in terms of its own
problems and opportunities on a case by case basis.

The stages theories have received and continue to receive vociferous challenges (Coviello and Munro
1995; Jones 2001; Knight and Liesch 2002; Reid 1983; Turnbull 1987). These authors concluded that
it was not possible to prescribe the use of a particular mode of entry or expansion at specific stages of
foreign market involvement. Later research suggested that internationalization is not the outcome of
a process of development, but rather a strategic choice based on analysis of the firm’s resources and
opportunities (Clark, Pugh, and Mallory 1997). Internationalization therefore involves a company
adapting its organizational form to the unique character of its business networks. So, supply chain
and network characteristics cannot be easily separated from the choice of mode of foreign market
entry and must be intertwined with the process of internationalization. Consequently,
internationalization involves analysis of the firm’s capabilities, resources and opportunities, and
adaptation of its organizational form and supply chain relationships.

The network view of internationalization suggests that resources are not the sole domain of the firm,
but influence over resources comes from actors which have a stake in the firm’s allocation of
resources to different activities and markets (Johnsen and Johnsen 1999). Firms within the network
may be mutually dependent on each other’s resources to operate effectively and therefore have a
stake in how each other’s resources are controlled, managed and developed. When the
internationalization process is viewed as the result of interactions between actors in the network,
foreign market development can be seen as an effect of interaction and the cause of changes which
affect the internationalizing firm and have repercussions across all the interacting actors in the
network (Blankenburg 1995). Internationalization therefore results from interaction between the
internationalizing firm’s actors and the actors external to the firm. This has an impact on the structure
of supply chains and the nature of the relationships within them, changing resource requirements and
activities within supply chains which in turn have an impact on future interactions between firms.
Thus, a clearer picture of the interrelationships within the supply chain can be gained by analyzing
the impacts of a firm’s internationalization on its counterparts. The network approach to
internationalization is therefore relevant in situations where more complex issues related to
international extension and integration of activities are important. The focus is not simply the
extension of current markets, but issues related to building or changing positions in complex supply
chains which reflect the future positioning goals of the firms involved.

The brief review of the internationalization literature shows many similarities between the dominant
stages model of global sourcing (e.g., Trent 2004; Trent and Monczka 2005; Trent and Monczka
2002; Trent and Monczka 2003), including the assumption of incremental learning and commitment.
However, within the internationalization literature the stages theories have been much criticized for
being overly prescriptive of particular routes to internationalization and ignoring the importance of
strategic choices and unexpected opportunities. Moreover, the network model of internationalization
suggests that the process needs to be viewed as the result of interactions between network actors and
these are likely to be network-wide. Put differently, suppliers may be forced to internationalize
because their customers require them to do so or vice versa. The interaction perspective therefore
gives rise to the following research questions:

1. In what ways does the global sourcing and supply network development process of IKEA
resemble a linear stages process?

2. What are the principal drivers of the development of global sourcing in the case of IKEA?

3. Method
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Given our exploratory purpose, this study has been designed as a qualitative case study (Johnston,
Leach, and Liu 1999; Yin 1994). In the growing stream of research on sourcing development and
supply chain management, quantitative methods seem to be the most common research approach
(e.g., Halldorsson and Arlbjørn 2005). However, stressing the unique features of case study research
and its focus on the particular rather than the general, several researchers emphasize the need for
more case-based research within the field of sourcing and supply chain management (e.g., Ellram
1996). The IKEA case study provides insight into both current and historical events in the
development of the global sourcing and supply chain process at IKEA. In case study research, it is
critical to collect empirical data that capture a multiplicity of dimensions and perspectives and that
also allow the researcher to follow the phenomenon within its real-life context (Yin 1994), and to
collect data that allow in-depth interpretations. Data collection of empirical material concerning this
case was initiated in 2006 and data analysis has been performed in overlap with continuous data
collection throughout 2007 and 2009. The overlapping data collection and data analysis is common
practice in the analysis of qualitative data.

Within the overall context of IKEA the unit of analysis was the global sourcing process for the PAX
wardrobe system. This implies that the case study focused on a particular supply chain within the
overall IKEA supply network context. Accessibility and suitability were two reasons that led us to
focus on the PAX supply chain when studying global sourcing development. The PAX supply chain
case was made accessible to us through IKEA and it was at an early stage deemed well suited for our
research purposes since it represented a case of global sourcing where significant changes in the
sourcing setup had been made over a relatively short period of time.

When planning and executing the study reported here, it was essential to search for empirical sources
that could support us in depicting critical events in the development of global sourcing in the case of
IKEA. A number of different types of empirical sources can be outlined. First and foremost, we have
interviewed key informants with central roles in the development of global sourcing at IKEA its
supply network concerning the supply chain of the product PAX designed and sold by IKEA
(Appendix 1). After gaining access to the empirical setting through a priori selected key informants,
additional respondents were selected through snowball sampling, where one respondent helps to
locate other relevant respondents (Warren 2002). The snowballing technique proved to be beneficial
as it enabled us to identify the relevant contacts connected to the supply chain in question both inside
and outside the focal firm IKEA. As a result of snowballing, we have interviewed the current supply
management organization of key supply chains of IKEA relevant for our research. This material
includes several interviews with current and past key persons, executive managers and line managers
in the purchasing organization at IKEA. In all, 23 interviews have been conducted both in Sweden
and China with respondents at IKEA and suppliers during 2006-2009.

A typical interview lasted around 60-80 minutes. Interviews were mainly conducted face to face and
were semi-structured (e.g., Fontana and Frey 2000). At certain occasions, the research team attended
company meetings with a global sourcing agenda during which notes were taken. The interview
guideline included questions that aimed at understanding the context and the development of global
sourcing and also more specific questions regarding the role of the respondent in the case setting.

In addition to primary data concerning the case of IKEA and the PAX supply chain, we have gained
access to archival material provided to us by IKEA. For example, three interviews (two of which
were video recordings) conducted for other purposes have been very useful to complement our own
empirical data: an interview with Ingvar Kamprad (founder/owner/manager) from 2007, initially
used for internal purposes at IKEA but later also spread through sales in the stores; a video-recorded
interview with Ragnar Sterte (CPO 1959-1974) and Lars Göran Peterson (former purchasing
associate and purchasing manager, and trading office manager 1969-present); and an interview with
Anders Dahlvig that had been published in the Academy of Management Executive (Kling and
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Goteman 2003). Secondary materials in terms of literature on the IKEA history, especially the
documentation on IKEA in a book by Torekull (1999) has also been helpful when preparing the case.
This often-cited book is at times referred to (e.g., Edvardsson and Enqvist 2002) as the official
history book of IKEA, in which Ingvar Kamprad tells his story of how IKEA has developed. Finally,
we have relied on public materials provided by IKEA: vision documents, facts and figures, policy
documents and so on.

According to Lincoln and Guba (1985:301-315), the credibility of a case study can be increased by,
for example, prolonged engagement, persistent observation, triangulation, referential adequacy
materials, peer debriefing and member checks. To the extent possible, such measures have been
taken in this study. For example, our explicit aim of reaching multiplicity in empirical sources
allowed some degree of triangulation. Our prolonged engagement in the case has allowed us to
follow the progress in certain global sourcing development processes. In addition, to ensure
descriptive precision in the case, the events and circumstances presented in the case have been
validated by two key respondents. Our respondent selection techniques allowed flexibility and access
to timely and critical events in processes of global sourcing development relevant for our research

4. Global Sourcing Development – the case of IKEA


Swedish home furnishing giant IKEA, founded by Ingvar Kamprad in the region of Småland in
Sweden in 1943, is a remarkable success story. The first IKEA store was opened in Älmhult,
Sweden, in 1958. The first store outside Sweden was established in Norway in 1963 and the first
store outside Scandinavia was established in Switzerland in 1973. Over a few decades, IKEA has
persistently grown its turnover with around 10-15% annually. In 2007, IKEA’s annual turnover
reached €19.8 billion and the number of IKEA stores worldwide, including those run by franchisees,
was 260. At present, IKEA offers a range of around 9,500 products that are all principally the same
in the IKEA stores around the world. The business idea that has driven the firm throughout the years
has been to offer affordable home furnishings at prices that make it possible for as many people as
possible to afford them and to grow through duplication of a global market offering. Affordability
through low cost is the core of the company’s business idea. For IKEA, growth is a core and explicit
objective, as Ingvar Kamprad notes in the seminal text spread in various books and leaflets, as part of
The Furniture Dealer’s Testament (Kamprad 1976: 228-229):

We know that larger production runs give us new advantages on our home ground, as
well as more markets to spread our risks over. This is why it is our duty to expand.
[...] We shall offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing
products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.

Although IKEA is very different now compared to what it was in 1976, its basic operational
principles have stayed remarkably stable over time. A key component in the low cost strategy at
IKEA has been to own only a small proportion of the means of production. Therefore, the products
that are sold in IKEA stores, including signature products like the BILLY bookshelf, the PAX
wardrobe, the LACK table and the SULTAN bed are to a very large extent sourced from a global
network of suppliers. Well functioning and close relationships with suppliers is an important but
sometimes seemingly ignored driver of the success of IKEA. In the early days of the development of
IKEA, a decision was made to have an increasing degree of own products in the range. The control
of product rights led to increased control of the process of supply and supplier relationships. In 2009,
nearly every product in the IKEA range is controlled by IKEA in terms of product rights. In the mid-
1990s, IKEA had more than 2,000 suppliers, but in 2009 its supply base had been reduced to less
than 1,400 despite increasing sales volumes. The background to the supply base reduction during
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recent years is the increasing need to secure and build capacity for continued growth. The more
systematic downstream internationalization of IKEA was initiated in the late 1960s and the early
1970s. The initial development of a supplier network outside the Nordic countries and later in
Eastern Europe was in fact a reaction to a ban on suppliers to IKEA by the Swedish furniture trade
organization. The conflict between IKEA and the Swedish furniture industry derived from the
persistent search for cost reductions that IKEA strived for and that industry was not familiar with and
not ready to adapt to at the time. In the literature on IKEA, the founder Ingvar Kamprad often brings
up a discussion on where IKEA would have been today, if it was not for the problems faced with
Swedish suppliers in the early 1960s. The establishment of supplier relationships in Poland and later
in other parts of Eastern Europe has enabled IKEA to sustain and to develop their strong position as a
low cost alternative in the market for home furnishing.

The establishment of Poland as a sourcing market was a beginning of an expansion of sourcing

markets that has continued ever since. In 2008, IKEA sourced furniture from 54 different countries
through 30 purchasing offices distributed over strategic locations all over the world. The
development of supply chains in low-cost regions outside the immediate sales markets in the mid-
1960s, when IKEA sold primarily to the domestic and Nordic market, initially took place in other
parts of Eastern Europe (e.g., Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Hungary), and later in more distant
locations (e.g., China, Indonesia and Malaysia). Using the knowledge from markets with similar
features in terms of, for example, language and culture facilitated expansion of sourcing markets. In
2009, IKEA had around 1400 suppliers. Almost two-thirds of its products (64%) were sourced from
European countries; the largest single supply market was China with a 22% share of the supply, and
the second largest supply market was Poland with a 16% share (IKEA 2007). Coordination and
communication with suppliers was channelled through trading offices situated strategically around
the world. Without close collaboration with suppliers, the balancing act between stock costs and
avoiding the risk of stock-outs would not be possible.

The global sourcing process at IKEA varies significantly. Seen across the totality of the business
areas and product supply chains, a number of distinct characteristics related to its sourcing principles
enable it to stay competitive in the interface with its suppliers. A cornerstone of this strategy is the
ownership of product rights, allowing IKEA to switch suppliers when necessary. In addition, IKEA
seems to concentrate on as few suppliers and as few supply markets as possible. This selectivity
means that IKEA is effective in balancing its market choices; concentrating its sourcing activities in
certain geographic areas by committing to and investing in some markets, whilst having to decide to
forego opportunities in others. A purchasing associate in the IKEA supply management organization

I remember a few years back, when we were considering new sourcing markets. We
were constantly faced with the question – OK, so if we add this market then what
market should we leave? It has always been about limited resources and to not only
adding things to our operations but also to see how we could “chase our tail”… so to
speak. We have always worked under the pressure to only leave or concentration
strategy if we really had really good reasons for it.

The PAX supply chain

The remaining part of the IKEA case study focuses on the development process of global sourcing of
a particular IKEA product, namely the PAX wardrobe system. Two main product groups make up
the PAX wardrobe system; the wardrobe frame and a set of sliding doors in various features
(Appendix 2). The study focuses particularly on the supply of a component that in many aspects is
critical in the sliding doors of PAX, namely the tempered glass that constitutes the filling in several
of the features of sliding doors. In the case of PAX, tempered glass represents a significant part of
the total cost and tempered glass is also heavy and fragile and therefore requires particular attention
Abstract preview

when it comes to supply. One of two major suppliers of PAX wardrobe doors is the Swedish firm
Sapa Profiler AB. Sapa Profiler, a subsidiary of the Sapa Group and part of the Orkla Group since
2005, markets several major product lines of aluminium profiles and specializes in aluminium
profiles that are extruded and processed into various shapes and sizes. Sapa Profiler has supplied
IKEA with PAX sliding door models as for example PAX ÅRDAL AND PAX LYNGDAL since
2004. In addition to the PAX range, Sapa Profiler supplies IKEA with additional products as for
example STOLMEN.

In 2003 IKEA approached Sapa Profiler with a development project on sliding doors based on
aluminium frames for the PAX wardrobe system. This was the starting point of what later would be
described as a success story and the largest single contract in the history of Sapa Profiler. For Sapa
Profiler, the three years contract with IKEA meant not only new business, but also new ways of
doing business. Until then, Sapa Profiler had its core in extrusion of aluminium components. In the
contract with IKEA, Sapa delivered the classic flat cardboard IKEA-packages containing knock-
down furniture and assembly manual. The products supplied by Sapa Profiler appeared for the first
time in the 2004 issue of the IKEA catalogue.

Table 2., Global sourcing setup of major component categories associated with the sliding doors for
the PAX wardrobe system in 2009

Assembly unit for PAX in Sweden Assembly unit for PAX in Slovakia Assembly unit for PAX in China

Tempered glass Sourcing from China with local Sourcing from China with local Sourcing from China with local
backup supplier in Sweden backup supplier in Sweden backup supplier in China
Sliding profiles Sourced from Germany

Packaging materials Local sourcing Local sourcing Local sourcing

Rubber components Sourced from Sweden

Steel components Sourced from Sweden Sourced from Sweden combined with
local source in China
Assembly fittings Sourced from Slovakia

Aluminium frames In-house production and locally In house production and in-house Local sourcing with in-house
sourced processing processing processing
Bristle seals Sourced from China

The sliding doors for the PAX wardrobe system constitutes of aluminium profiles and additional
accessories in its turn sourced by Sapa Profiler. Table 2 provides an overview of the status of the
supply setup of ten major component categories of accessories that are associated with the sliding
doors for the PAX wardrobe system as of 2009. As explained earlier, the most complex sourcing
setup in the case of PAX is tempered glass due to its significant part of the total cost of sourced
accessories (around one third), and its heaviness and fragility making it very demanding to transport.
Moreover, the quality of tempered glass in the product is very visible as it constitutes the front of the
wardrobe system that is handled and seen head-on by the consumer. As noted in Table 2, several
components are subject to global sourcing. The main reason for sourcing tempered glass in China
was the potential to compress costs. The purchasing manager of Sapa Profiler noted:

The possibilities associated with sourcing glass to a lower cost were of course the
major reason to why we turned towards China. IKEA had benchmarked prices around
the world concerning for example glass and found that there were big differences in
prices over there compared to Europe and they turned to us and said that something
needed to be done. They did not at the time have much volumes of glass in China
either, so this was a big collaboration between us, IKEA and other stakeholders, for
example machine suppliers.

Abstract preview

Notable is also that several of the components of the PAX wardrobe system are sourced globally
with the primary or sole source in Europe. Four of the component categories are sourced from
Europe also for the production unit in China. There seems to be several varying reasons for
continued sourcing in Europe; either patents (sliding profiles) or contracts that are tied to IKEA
(fittings) or that the Chinese sourcing market did not for some reason satisfy the sourcing needs
(rubber components and steel components). Since the 1980s IKEA has aimed at controlling the
development and supply of fittings within its product range and, in the case of the sliding doors for
the PAX wardrobe system, fittings are sourced from IKEA Components in Slovakia and China. The
fittings sourced from IKEA Components are, however, in their turn also sourced globally with
worldwide integration across the entire IKEA range. Other component categories are sourced locally.
For example, packaging materials are sourced locally for each production unit. Concerning
packaging materials for the sliding doors for the PAX wardrobe system, IKEA Components are again
involved in contracting with preferred suppliers of, for example, cardboard.

Global sourcing development for tempered glass for the PAX wardrobes

As noted in Table 2, a significant part of the tempered glass sourced for PAX was in 2009 sourced
from China. In 2003, when initial production and supplier relationships were established, the
situation was very different. With different foci, Figure 2 and Figure 3 provide a graphical
representation of the development of a global supply network of tempered glass over the years 2003-
2009. In 2003, tempered glass was sourced from a single supplier in Sweden. Early on, Sapa Profiler
experienced the success of the newly launched product, as the forecasts were exceeded with more
than 100 per cent for the first few years. This put pressure on Sapa Profiler to secure capacity. The
initial Swedish supplier was phased out within two years, mainly due to inability to provide capacity
in the necessary degree but also due to lack of willingness to provide tempered glass to a low cost. In
2005, the decision was made to source tempered glass internationally (phase A in Figure 2 and
Figure 3). The initiative of Sapa Profiler’s sourcing of tempered glass from China was highly
influenced by IKEA. A purchasing associate at Sapa Profiler noted:

The supplier that we started with in China was more or less assigned to us by IKEA.
They were part of this and they were supporting us. IKEA had them as supplier had
[the Chinese supplier] in the past. They [IKEA] have teams that develop glass
suppliers and component suppliers, including specialists that work closely with [our]
suppliers. As for now, PAX is the major product that they [the Chinese supplier]
deliver to.

Although there were initial glitches, the sourcing from China by Sapa Profiler was perceived as
successful by the management team that Sapa Profiler had set up to handle the IKEA account. The
tapping of sourcing market knowledge from IKEA was an important ingredient in the development.
Also the sourcing experiences from the Slovakian operations were useful when progressing towards
global sourcing of tempered glass. The second Chinese supplier, with which initial contacts for PAX
production were taken in 2008, was an already established relationship for another supply chain
leading towards the Slovakian assembly unit. As a reaction to market development in Asia in several
segments, Sapa Profiler established a production unit in China in 2003 (phase B in Figure 2 and
Figure 3). The development of capacity to assemble sliding doors for the PAX wardrobe system in
China was not directly associated with the relationship between IKEA and Sapa Profiler, but was still
of importance in the consequent development in the case. In 2007, making use of excess capacity at
the production unit in China, assembly of sliding doors in China was initiated. In 2008, to secure
capacity for the market development of PAX in Europe, assembly was initiated in Slovakia. The
Slovakian operations concerning sliding doors for the PAX wardrobe system derived from excess
capacity at the Sapa Profiler pressing plant that was acquired in 2005.

Figure 2. An overview in the global sourcing development of tempered glass for the PAX
Abstract preview

wardrobe system

Domestic sourcing International sourcing Global sourcing

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

PAX sliding doors with Chinese supplier Second Chinese supplier
aluminium components from relationship established contact is initiated – test
SAPA Profiler appears in the and volume sourced deliveries. Volume sourced
IKEA catalogue. Two from China is growing from China is at around
supplier relationships in to around 30%. 90%. Assembly in Slovakia
Sweden established initiated.

Development project and First Chinese supplier Second Chinese supplier

Volume sourced from china relationship are established,
initial production, supplier contact initiated – test growing towards 75%. Quality volume sourced from Sweden is
relationships with original deliveries. Original supplier problems experienced with below 10%.
suppliers established with in Sweden phased out. original Chinese supplier.
assembly in Sweden. Second
Assembly in China initiated.
Swedish supplier contact

5. Analysis and discussion

In the remaining sections of this paper, we return to the research questions that we set out to
investigate and highlight some important empirical observations. The first research question
concerned the ways in which the global sourcing and supply network development process of IKEA
resembled a linear stages process. Through our case description we provide empirical materials
showing that the process of sourcing development in the case of IKEA does indeed resemble a linear
process. However, three empirical observations corroborate, contrast or complement previous
studies. Firstly, the incremental development as noted in previous research (e.g., Trent 2004; Trent
and Monczka 2005; Trent and Monczka 2002; Trent and Monczka 2003) can clearly be seen in the
case of sourcing development of tempered glass for the PAX wardrobe system. In terms of
applicability, it is relevant to point out the threshold where international purchasing becomes global
sourcing. In addition to providing a chronology of the key events in the process, Figure 3 provides an
overview of how the increasing volumes have been distributed across the four supplier relationships
used for sourcing of tempered glass for the sliding doors for the PAX wardrobe system. Figure 3 also
illustrates the incremental approach of firms faced with the uncertainties of new market
development. The step from international procurement to global sourcing in the case outlined here is
identified through the development of more than one assembly unit, leading to a need for world-wide
integration of operations, primarily sourcing and warehousing. At this point, one can also note the
subsequent decrease in the sourcing of from Sweden over the following years (phase B in Figure 2
and Figure 3). Our empirical investigation shows that the incremental nature of the global sourcing
process is partly driven by increased learning, but also that it is linked to the different phases of
global sourcing and supply network development.

Secondly, the IKEA case exemplifies a reactive approach to sourcing development thus supporting
several previous studies (e.g., Agndal 2004; Alguire et al. 1994; Trent and Monczka 2002; Trent and
Monczka 2003), especially the stage where domestic sourcing becomes international sourcing (Trent
and Monczka 2003). In the case of IKEA and the PAX supply chain, the need to secure availability
and to need to cut costs led SAPA to search for international sources and subsequently develop an
infrastructure enabling them to have global sourcing of components associated with the PAX
wardrobe system. The patterns of reactivity are manifested both in terms of taking influences from
outside as well as producing and leveraging influence on supply network actors. An analogy may be
drawn with the process being similar to ‘waves on water’, whereby the supply relationships and
global sourcing developments of Sapa Profiler emerge. Just as IKEA’s influence on Sapa Profiler
was an important ingredient in the process of supply network development concerning tempered
Abstract preview

glass for the PAX wardrobe system, Sapa Profiler’s increasing global operations has also led their
suppliers, in their turn, to revise and reconsider their supply network. For example, a Swedish
supplier (Swedish supplier 2 in Figure 3) was in 2009 looking into the possibilities to source find
ways to source tempered glass from China themselves, partly driven by the developments unfolding
in the PAX case.

Figure 3. An overview of tempered glass in relative volumes (sourced and distribution across
supplier relationships subsequently developed over the years 2003-2009


0,8 Chinese supplier 2
Chinese supplier 1
0,6 Swedish supplier 2
Swedish supplier 1


2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009
Q1-2 Q3-4 Q1-2 Q3-4 Q1-2 Q3-4 Q1-2 Q3-4 Q1-2

Denoting that the approach to sourcing development seems to be reactive does not mean that the
firms involved are passive. On the contrary, the reactive approach to sourcing development as note in
the case of IKEA could be seen as an observation that supports further investigations into the role of
interaction in the supply network development process (Gadde and Håkansson 2001). Therefore,
thirdly, and contradicting a lot of the previous studies on global sourcing, is the empirical
observation of importance of interaction amongst supply network actors throughout the global
sourcing development process. In the case of sourcing development of tempered glass for the PAX
wardrobe system, Sapa Profiler leveraged IKEA’s knowledge and its established relationships; Sapa
could not have managed the sourcing process without the support and actions of IKEA. In previous
research, the role of ‘external support’ has been rated as unimportant as a critical success factor (e.g.,
Trent and Monczka 2003), but in our research such support seems to be critical. This empirical
observation is corroborated both by the supplier side of the PAX supply chain as well as by IKEA.
An important addition to this observation is that interaction and its effects on the global sourcing
development process are not only observed in the focal relationship, the relationship between IKEA
and Sapa Profiler, but also between the supplier network as a whole and IKEA through its category
management organization and not least also internally between operating units and functions of Sapa
Profiler. The purchasing manager at IKEA noted:

The volumes and speed of growth in volumes that met in our relationship with IKEA in
2003 and onwards – this was something that we were unfamiliar with from the past.
We had knowledge of products and materials. Through their experience and presence
in China, IKEA had sourcing market knowledge that we could leverage on. We are in
this together – and we have been quite successful. […] Our relationship with IKEA
has led to a need to change the way we approach purchasing and subsequently our
purchasing strategy.

The second research question was to investigate the principal drivers of the development of global
sourcing in the case of IKEA. For IKEA, cost reductions were the principal driver towards, initially,
international purchasing and, later, global sourcing. The search for lower costs in new sourcing
markets create pressure on the supplier network of IKEA to source internationally or even, as in the
Abstract preview

case of Sapa Profiler and the PAX wardrobe system, to develop global sourcing through world-wide
coordination and integration of sourcing operations. This observation was consistent across the PAX
supply network, confirmed by interviews with both IKEA and supplier respondents. An additional
important driver identified in the case was access to capacity. In contrast to previous studies (e.g.,
Trent and Monczka 2003), the development of global sourcing was more about securing capacity
than accessing new product and process knowledge. Again, this observation was consistent across
the PAX supply chain. Due to the growth challenges faced by many IKEA suppliers, the capacity to
undertake such growth becomes an important variable in supplier evaluations. A main reason for
Sapa Profiler to preserve relationships with a Swedish supplier was to secure capacity if, or when,
problems were met in the Chinese sourcing market. Finally, for Sapa Profiler, the increase of
externally sourced goods created strong incentives to put significant strategic efforts into
coordination and integration of sourcing operations. In this sense, the development of the PAX
wardrobe system created new challenges for the purchasing team at Sapa Profiler – prior to the 2003
when they were introduced to PAX, the need for systematic sourcing of accessories did not exist.
However, as the sourcing landscape changed, i.e., when Sapa Profiler needed to seek new sources of
supply, the sourcing strategies had to change.

6. Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Research

The purpose of this research was to explore the process of global sourcing development through a
case study of IKEA and comparing with existing global sourcing models. The paper reviewed and
synthesized the existing global sourcing literature and integrated this area of literature with the
established literature on the internationalization process of firms. This synthesis led to the
identification of two research questions which focused on the ways in which the IKEA global
sourcing and supply chain development process resembles a linear stages process, and the principal
drivers of the development of global sourcing within IKEA. The IKEA case study, and within it the
PAX supply chain as the specific unit of analysis, has contributed to a better understanding of how
the global sourcing process may not only resemble a linear and incremental stages-based process, but
also a process governed by interaction amongst network actors in which the actions of some network
actors travel up through the supply chain or network, instigating other actors to follow suit.

The study has demonstrated the importance of tangential relationships in domestic and international
markets in overlapping waves of global sourcing strategy creation. Furthermore, the study has
highlighted the role of strategically positioned subsidiaries in coordinating, communicating and
fostering collaboration for global sourcing within an international network of suppliers; controlling
supplier development and replacement to capitalize on key emerging supply regions.

The study provides evidence of the global sourcing process for IKEA and its suppliers being driven
by incremental changes, which is consistent with established internationalization literature (e.g.,
Bilkey and Tesar 1977; Johanson and Vahlne 1977; Johanson and Wiedersheim-Paul 1975), but also
involving overlapping relationships in domestic and international markets (Blankenburg 1995), as
strategic sourcing developments roll out across IKEA’s globalising sourcing network over time. The
process is therefore incremental, as described by the dominant stages models of global sourcing
(Trent, 2004; Trent and Monczka 2002, 2003, 2005). However, it also involves overlapping links
between network actors in both Sweden and internationally as the global sourcing strategy is built;
the impact of the global sourcing strategy of IKEA was influential in moulding the purchasing
strategy and sourcing strategies of its suppliers. Thus, the role of the global sourcing strategy of large
firms may instigate suppliers to globalize and shape the pattern and form of global sourcing across
the supply network. The key elements sustaining the process are coordination, communication and
interaction with suppliers via strategic subsidiaries which provide sourcing market knowledge and
are strategically positioned across the globe – a key ingredient in the international sourcing
development of IKEA are the actions and reactions of their supplier network. Although this
interaction process is recognized as an important feature of the internationalization process within the
Abstract preview

internationalization literature (ibid), it is not yet incorporated into the global sourcing literature: the
dominant stages models of global sourcing (e.g. Trent, ibid; Trent and Monczka, ibid) does not take
into account how sourcing decisions may not be a rational choice by independent actors, but a choice
instigated by other network actors.

Limitations and further research

The study reported here provides not only new insights on the global supply network development at
IKEA, but also new questions. Firstly, and as already noted, several events in the case described here
bring up interesting additional questions regarding how IKEA’s supplier network and supply markets
develop over time, and why. It would be of great interest to further investigate the role of crises and
critical events in sourcing development, and how these critical events and their reactions. As so often
noted by Ingvar Kamprad (e.g., Torekull 1999), part of the IKEA culture is seeing the outcome of
crisis as potentially positive. Such a study could, for example, explore and model the patterns and
processes of proactive and reactive sourcing development. Second, an additional area for further
research is the role and management of innovation in the supply network, given the increasing degree
of international or global sourcing and the general dynamics of an international sourcing context. In
the case of tempered glass for the PAX wardrobe, the supply network is a completely different one in
2009 compared to the situation in 2003 – a question for further research could be what implications
this dynamic environment has on product and process innovation. Third and final, an interesting area
for future research is the relationship between the development of international sourcing market
development and the growth of IKEA in terms of new retail markets. Although a majority of studies
on internationalization in general and in particular on IKEA studies downstream internationalization,
this study concerns upstream internationalization in terms of international sourcing market
development. However, studies which combine and searches for relationships between the two
processes of internationalization, i.e. upstream and downstream, could potentially contribute and
provide new perspectives to the understanding of internationalization processes.

Finally, as this study is based on a single in-depth case study we would recommend that further
studies be conducted that seek to investigate the themes of this paper across different contexts and
countries and to further explore the importance of network interaction within the global sourcing


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Appendix 1., List of interviews

Firm/Location Date Respondent(s) role Type of encounter

1 IKEA – Älmhult, Oct 2006 Supply chain process manager Interview
2 Sapa Profiler – June 2007 Manager Logistics Interview
Vetlanda, Sweden
3 IKEA – Älmhult, June 2007 Supply chain process manager Interview
8 IKEA - Älmhult, Aug 2007 Information manager of the supply Interview
Sweden process organization
9 IKEA - Älmhult, Sept 2007 Supply planning manager Interview
10 IKEA - Älmhult, Sept 2007 Project manager Interview
4 Sapa Profiler – Oct 2007 Purchasing manager, Logistics Interview
Vetlanda, Sweden Manager and Sales Manager
5 Sapa Profiler – Oct 2007 Supply planning manager Interview
Vetlanda, Sweden
6 Sapa Profiler – Oct 2007 Supply manager Interview
Shanghai, China
11 IKEA Trading - Oct 2007 Business support and business Interview
Älmhult, Sweden development associates
7 Sapa Profiler Nov 2007 Sourcing Manager Interview
Shanghai, China
12 IKEA – Älmhult, Nov 2007 Strategic purchasing associate Interview
14 Sapa Profiler – Dec 2007 Purchasing manager Interview
Vetlanda, Sweden
15 IKEA – Älmhult, Jan 2008 Strategic purchasing associate Interview
16 IKEA – Älmhult, Mar 2008 Senior associate of purchasing Interview
Sweden development and supply management
17 IKEA Markets – Apr 2008 Managing Director, Commercial Meeting
Jönköping, Sweden Operations
18 Sapa Profiler – Apr 2008 Purchasing manager Interview
Vetlanda, Sweden
19 Sapa Profiler – May 2008 Purchasing associate Interview
Vetlanda, Sweden
20 IKEA – Älmhult, Aug 2008 Senior associate of purchasing Interview
Sweden development and supply management

Abstract preview

21 TPL firm – Sept 2008 Route Development Manager Interview

Shanghai, China
22 Sapa Profiler - Sept 2008 Purchasing team and business Meeting
Shanghai, China development associates
23 2nd tier supplier - Sept 2008 Vice General Manager and Foreign Meeting
Shanghai, China Trade Department Manager
24 2nd tier supplier - Sept 2008 Export manager Interview
Shanghai, China
25 2nd tier supplier - Sept 2008 Foreign Trade Department associates Meeting
Shanghai, China
26 3rd tier supplier - Sept 2008 Foreign Trade Department Meeting
Hangzhou, China
27 IKEA – Älmhult, Oct 2008 Senior associate of purchasing Interview
Sweden development and supply management
28 IKEA – Älmhult, Dec 2008 Former CPO of IKEA Interview
29 Sapa Profiler – Apr 2009 Purchasing manager SAPA Profiler Interview
Vetlanda, Sweden

Appendix 2., The PAX wardrobe system and with a pair of PAX ÅRDAL sliding doors (Source:


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