01 Chapter Anti Infective

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The document discusses various classes of anti-infective drugs including antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and antiviral drugs. It also covers factors to consider when selecting antimicrobials for treatment and lists specific drugs used to treat different types of infections.

The main classes of antibacterial drugs discussed are penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, quinolones, sulfonamides, metronidazole and antimycobacterial drugs.

Some of the factors considered when selecting an antimicrobial include identification of the causative organism, likely susceptibility, patient allergies, renal/hepatic function, ability to tolerate drugs, route of administration and dosage.

Chapter 1

Anti-infective Drug Therapyp 1

1.1 Antibacterial drugsp.3

1.1.1 Penicillins p.3
1.1.2 Cephalosporinsp.13
1.1.3 Other beta-lactamsp.29 Carbapenemsp.29 Monobactamp. 32
1.1.4 Aminoglycosidesp.32
1.1.5 Macrolidesp.35
1.1.6 Tetracyclinesp.40
1.1.7 Quinolones and fluoroquinolonesp.42
1.1.8 Sulfonamides and trimethoprimp.49
1.1.9 Metronidazole tinidazole and ornidazolep.50
1.1.10 Antimycobacterial drugsp.50 Anti-tuberculosis drugs p.51 Anti-leprosis drugsp.55
1.1.11 Drugs used in sexually transmitted diseases p.56
1.1.12 Other antibacterials p.57
1.2 Antifungal drugs p.62
1.2.1 Systemic antifungals for systemic fungal infectionsp.62
1.2.2 Systemic antifungals for mucocutaneous infectionsp.64
1.2.3 Topical antifungalsp.64
1.3 Antiprotozoal drugs p.66
1.3.1 Antimalarialsp.66
1.3.2 Amebicidesp.73
1.3.3 Trichommonocidesp.77
1.3.4 Antigiardial drugsp.77
1.3.5 Leishmeniacidesp.78
1.4 Antiviral drugs p.79
1.4.1 Drugs for herpes virus infectionsp.80
1.4.2 Drugs for viral hepatitisp.82
1.4.3 Drugs for influenza an respiratory syncytial virusp.84
1.4.4 Drugs for HIV infectionp.86
1.5 Anthelminticsp.94
1.5.1 Drugs for nematode infectionsp.94
1.5.2 Drugs for cestode infectionsp.99
1.6 Antimicrobial option for medically important organismp….


1.1 ANTIBACTERIALS Anti-infective (antimicrobial) drugs are
1.2 ANTIFUNGALS used for the treatment and prophylaxis of
1.3 ANTIPROTOZOALS infections. Nowadays, healthcare
1.4 ANTIVIRALS professionals are increasingly more
1.5 ANTHELMINTICS presented with scenarios in which
infecting microbes that are resistant to all
but a handful of antimicrobials Infections
secondary to drug-resistant pathogens

continue to present therapeutic whether pregnant or breast-feeding or

challenges to clinicians. A number of the taking oral contraceptives.
historically most active antimicrobials Choice of appropriate route of
have undergone widespread administration, dosage formulation, and
susceptibility diminution. Particularly duration of therapy will depend on ability
problematic pathogens include gram- to tolerate drugs orally, site, type and
positive microbes such as severity of infection and kinetic
Staphylococcus aureus and consideration of drugs. Life threatening
Enterococcus species; extended- infections often require intravenous
spectrum, and metallobetalactamase- therapy. Painful intramuscular injections
producing Enterobacteriaceae; and should better be avoided in children. The
nonfermentative gram-negative species dose of an antibacterial will vary on such
such as Acinetobacter species and factors such as age, weight, renal and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. hepatic functions and the severity of
SELECTING AN ANTIMICROBIAL: infection. Duration of therapy depends on
Ideally, the selection should base on nature of infection and the response to
identification of the causative organism(s) treatment. In most cases a 5-7 days
and their susceptibility to antimicrobials course is sufficient, and should not be
(Definitive therapy). In practice, however, unduly prolonged as the drugs are costly,
the choice often follows from clinical encourage resistance and may lead to
diagnosis defining as precisely as side-effects. In certain infections like
possible, the sites and nature of infection, chronic, it is necessary to continue
responsible pathogen(s) and known treatment for longer periods.
sensitivity to drugs (Empiric therapy). CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS: The basis of
Samples (blood, pus, urine, sputum, chemoprophylaxis is use of an
CSF, etc.) should be collected before antimicrobial agent in a healthy person to
starting any ‘blind’ antimicrobial therapy prevent infection but in practice it also
to confirm clinical diagnosis and drug includes suppression of existing infection.
sensitivity. Removing barriers such as The main categories of
draining an abscess, obstruction in chemoprophylaxis are: (i) prevention of
urinary or respiratory tract, etc. is infections like rheumatic fever, recurrent
important to facilitate entry of urinary tract infections, etc.; (ii)
antimicrobials to site(s) of infection. prevention of opportunistic infections like
Patients who receive Empiric bacterial endocarditis after dentistry or
antimicrobial therapy, to which the peritonitis after bowel surgery; (iii)
causative pathogen is resistant, suffer suppression of existing infection before
significantly. This underscores the overt diseases result e.g. tuberculosis,
importance of selecting an empiric malaria, animal bites, trauma; and (iv)
antimicrobial that possesses activity prevention of exacerbation of a chronic
against the range of suspected infection like bronchitis.
pathogens. One or more antimicrobials, Chemoprophylaxis in surgery is justified
suggested by knowledge of likely when risk of infection is high (such as
organism and its sensitivity pattern, is presence of large number of organisms
then judged by the drug’s specificity, in organs being operated or in colorectal
safety (risk-benefit ratio), kinetic and gynecological surgery); when risk of
considerations and cost effectiveness in infection is low but consequence of
respect to the patient factors to make the infection could be disastrous (e.g.
final choice. Factors related to patient insertion of prosthetic joints or valves
include history of drug allergy, renal and etc.); or when patient is
hepatic function, susceptibility to infection immunocompromised and is especially
(i.e. whether immunoco-mpromised), susceptible to infection. Antimicrobials
severity of illness, ability to tolerate should be selected on the basis of the
drugs, concomitant use of other drugs, knowledge of the likely pathogens at the
ethnic origin, age and sex; and if female,


sites of surgery and their prevailing * - Watch group antibiotics

antimicrobial susceptibility. included in the EML/EMLc only
Antimicrobials should preferably be given for specific, limited indications
intravenously (IV) or intramuscularly (IM)
at the beginning of surgery and for no [W] - Watch group antibiotics
more than 72 hours.
COMBINATION THERAPY: In most [R] - Reserve group antibiotics
cases treatment with a single drug is [C] - Complementary list -
sufficient. But in some special cases, two
or more antimicrobials are indicated, for signifies that the medicine(s)
example: (i) to prevent development of require(s) specialist diagnostic or
resistance in tuberculosis or leprosy; (ii) monitoring facilities, [Appendix-21]
to broaden antibacterial spectrum in case
of mixed infection e.g. peritonitis; (iii) to [OTC] - Over The Counter
obtain potentiation e.g. penicillin with
resistance may be limited by avoidance 1.1.3 OTHER BETA-LACTAMS
of indiscriminate use of antimicrobial CARBAPENEMS
drugs, controlling Access, Watch and MONOBACTAM
Reserve classess antibiotics for rational 1.1.4 AMINOGLYCOSIDES
use, ensuring proper quality of 1.1.5 MACROLIDES
antimicrobial drugs, appropriate selection 1.1.6 TETRACYCLINES
of such drugs, constant monitoring of 1.1.7 QUINOLONES AND
resistance pattern in community, and FLUOROQUINOLONES
restricting use of newer antimicrobial 1.1.8 SULFONAMIDES AND
drugs as long as currently used drugs are TRIMETHOPRIM
effective. To assist in the development of 1.1.9 METRONIDAZOLE
tools for antibiotic stewardship at local, TINIDAZOLE AND ORNIDAZOLE
national and global levels and to reduce 1.1.10 ANTIMYCOBACTERIAL DRUGS
antimicrobial resistance, three different ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS
categories were developed by WHO– DRUGS
groups. A publicly sponsored DRUGS
antimicrobial policy should incorporate 1.1.11 DRUGS USED IN SEXUALLY
prevention of indiscriminate use; TRANSMITTED DISEASES
appropriate combination to be used only 1.1.12 OTHER ANTIBACTERIALS
when essential; sensitivity pattern to be
monitored at the community level; 1.1.1. PENICILLINS
indiscriminate use of newer antimicrobial NARROW-SPECTRUM
drugs to be restricted. ACCESS, WATCH PENICILLINS
and RESERVE groups classification is BROAD-SPECTRUM
[A] - Key Access Antibiotics NARROW SPECTRUM


1. ANTI-INFECTIVES PENICILLINASE-SENSITIVE Dose: IM inj. or slow IV inj. or Infusion:

NARROW SPECTRUM ADULT, 1.2 g daily in 4 divided doses, if
PENICILLINS necessary increase to 2.4 g daily or more PENICILLINASE-RESISTANT according to severity of infections
NARROW SPECTRUM (single dose over 1.2 gIV route only);
doses; in meningococcal meningitis, 100
mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses; INFANT,
PENICILLINS 1-4 weeks, 75 mg/kg daily in 3 divided
doses. CHILD, 1 month to 12-years, 100
These penicillins are effective against mg/kg daily in 4 divided doses;
non-betalactamase (penicillinase) bacterial endocarditis, 7.2 g daily in 4-6
producing streptococci, meningococci, divided doses; meningococcal meningitis,
enterococci, pneumococci, staphylo- 2.4 g every 4-6 hours; CHILD, 1 month to
cocci, treponema pellidum, bacillus 12 years, 180-300 mg/kg daily in 4-6
anthracis, clostridium species, divided doses;
actinomyces and other gram positive
rods and non-betalactamase producing Proprietary Preparation
gram negative anaerobic organisms. Pen G(Opsonin), Inj., 10 Lac IU, Tk. 16.74/vial.,
5 Lac IU, Tk. 11.29/vial

Indications:Streptococcal pharyngitis, Benzathine penicillin has a very long

arthritis, meningitis, endocarditis; duration of action (2-3 weeks). It is used
meningococcal diseases; pneumococcal to provide a prolonged coverage of
pneumonia, meningitis; anthrax, syphilis, penicillin in rheumatic fever and is
gonorrhea, actinomycosis, gas gangrene, especially suitable for the treatment of
carbuncle, to eliminate carrier state in all stages of syphilis.
diphtheria, with or without gentamicin for Indications: Rheumatic fever, upper
listeria; surgical prophylaxis in limb respiratory tract infections, gonococcal
amputation; intrapartum prophylaxis infections and syphilis
against group B streptococcal infection; Contra-indications: Penicillin hyper
prophylaxis against recurrence of sensitivity
rheumatic fever and streptococcal Interactions: See Appendix -2
infections Side-effects: See under Penicillins
Cautions:Dose reduction in renal Dose: Deep IM inj. (in the buttock):
impairment, (estimated GFR 10– rheumatic fever, ADULT, 600,000 units
50 ml/min/1.73 m2, use normal dose per week or 12,00,000 units monthly;
every 8–12 hours; estimated GFR less CHILD, 3 lac to 6 lac units;primary or
than 10 ml/min/1.73 m2 use normal dose secondary syphilis, a total of 24 lac units
every 12 hours); (12 lac units in each buttock) once; larger
Contraindications: Penicillin doses and longer courses may be
hypersensitivity needed for late syphilis or neurosyphilis
Interactions:See Appendix-2
Side-effects:Urticaria, fever, joint pain, Proprietary Preparations
rashes, angioedema, serum sickness like Benzapen(Square), Inj., 12 Lac Units/Vial, Tk.
reactions, neutropenia, hemolytic anemia 28.04/vial.
G-Benzathine Penicillin (Gonoshasthaya),
and nephritis; diarrhea and antibiotic-
Inj., 12 Lac Units / Vial, Tk. 22.00/Amp.; Inj., 6
associated colitis, neutropenia, Lac Units/Vial, Tk. 15.00/Amp.
thrombocytopenia, coagulation disorders
and CNS toxicity.


Caution, Contraindication and Side-

effects: Same as in Benzylpenicillin;
Procaine penicillin NOT suitable for
(Penicillin V) intravenous (IV) route
Dose: IM inj., 300,000 units with 100,000
Indications: Tonsillitis, otitis media, units of benzylpenicillin once every 12-24
erysipelas; prophylaxis in rheumatic fever hours;
and pneumococcal infection Primary syphilis, IM inj., procaine
Cautions, Contraindications: See penicillin 900 mg with benzylpenicillin
under benzylpenicillin sodium 180 mg daily for 10 days (14
Interactions: See Appendix -2 days for secondary or latent syphilis)
Dose :oral: ADULT, 500mg every 6
hours; CHILD, up to 1 year 62.5 mg Proprietary Preparations
every 6 hours, 1-5 years 125 mg every Combipen(Acme), Inj., 4 LacTk. 14.05/Vial; 8
Lac Tk. 13.55/Vial
6 hours, 6-12 years 250 mg every 6
Pronapen(Renata), Inj.,8 Lac Tk. 9.10/Vial;Inj.,
hours 4 Lac, Tk. 14.05/Vial
Prophylaxis in rheumatic fever or
pneumococcal infection, 250 mg twice PENICILLINASE-RESISTANT
daily; CHILD under 5 years 125 mg twice

Proprietary Preparations Cloxacillin, Dicloxacillin, Fucloxacillin,

Biopen(Biopharma), 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. Nafcillin, Oxacillin comprise this group
18.28/50ml, Tk. 28.91/100ml.;Tab., 250 mg, Tk. of penicillins that are resistant to
2.28/Tab. inactivating activity of penicillinases and
G-Penicillin V(Gonoshasthaya), Susp., 125 exhibit antibacterial spectrum, similar to
mg/5 ml, Tk. 19.76/50 ml;Tab., 500 mg, Tk. those of narrow spectrum drugs.
2.00/Tab. Antibacterial activity against
Open(Opsonin),125 mg/5ml, Tk.
24.73/50ml.;Tab. , 250 mg , Tk. 2.28/Tab., 500
betalactamases producing organisms
mg , Tk. 4.59/Tab. also is achieved by combining enzyme
Oracyn-K(Sanofi), Suspn., 125 mg/5ml, Tk. inhibitors like clavulanic acid,
18.46/50 ml.,Tab. , 250mg, Tk. 2.30/Tab. tazobactam, sulbactam with penicillins
Pacin(Zenith), Tab. 2,50 mg, Tk. 2.16/Tab. not resistant to betalactamases.
Penco(Supreme), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. As they are acid stable, they can be
1.45/Tab. given orally as well as by injection.
Penvik(Square), Suspn.,250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
58.64/100ml.;Tab.,250 mg, Tk. 2.30/Tab., 500
Flucloxacillin is better and well absorbed
mg, Tk. 4.44/Tab. from the gut than cloxacillin.
. Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant
PROCAINE PENICILLIN[ED] [A] to flucoxacillin have also arisen, and may
be treated by vancomycin or by
(Procaine benzylpenicillin)
teicoplnin. Other alternatives may include
rifampicin and solium fusidate.
Procaine penicillin is a salt of procaine
and benzylpenicillin, which is poorly
soluble in water. It is used as CLOXACILLIN[ED] [A]
intramuscular (IM) depot injections, which
provide therapeutic tissue concentrations Indications: Same as that of
of penicillin for up to 24 hours. Flucloxacillin
Indications: Preferred choice for the Cautions: See under Flucloxacillin.
treatment of yaws and syphilis; Contraindications: See under Benzyl-
neurosyphilis requires special penicillin
consideration, penicillin sensitive all other Interactions:See underBenzylpenicillin.
infections (See under Benzylpenicillin) Side-effects: Seeunder Benzylpenicillin.


Dose: oral:500 mg every 6 hours, at Cautions: See under Benzylpenicillin

least 30 minutes before food; CHILD Cholestatic Jaundice may occur up to
under 2 years, quarter of adult dose; 2- several weeks after treatment with
10 years, half of adult dose flucloxacillin; in that case treatment with
By IM injection, 250 mg every 4-6 hours; flucloxacillin should be stopped.
CHILD under 2 years quarter of adult Contraindications: See under Benzyl-
dose; 2-10 years half of adult dose penicillin
By slow IV injection or by intravenous Side-effects: See under Benzyl-
infusion, 500 mg over 3 to 4 minutes penicillin; also hepatitis and cholestatic
every 4 to 6 hours; CHILD under 2 years jaundice reported
quarter of adult dose; 2-10 years half of Dose: By mouth, 250–500 mg every 6
adult dose hours, at least 30 minutes before food;
All systemic doses may be doubled in CHILD under 2 years, quarter of adult
severe infections dose; 2-10 years, half of adult dose
By IM injection, 250-500 mg every 6
Proprietary Preparations hours; CHILD under 2 years quarter adult
Clobex(Beximco), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. dose; 2-10 years half of adult dose
5.98/Cap.; Susp 125 mg/5ml, Tk.43.98/100 ml By slow IV injection or by IV infusion,
Cloxin(Opsonin), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 0.25-1 g every 6 hours; doses may be
44.84/100 ml.;Cap., 500 mg , Tk. 5.92/Cap.;Inj.,
500 mg , Tk. 25.31/Vial
doubled in severe infections. CHILD:
Ficlox(Sanofi), Cap., 500mg, Tk. 5.98/Cap. under 2 years 1/4th the adult dose; 2-10
G-Cloxacillin(Gonoshasthaya), Suspn.,125 years 1/2 of adult dose
mg/5 ml, Tk. 42.25/100 ml;Cap., 500 mg, Tk. Endocarditis: 12 g daily in 6 divided
4.50/Cap.;Inj., 500 mg/Vial, Tk. 20/Vial doses for 4 weeks
Loxa(Albion), Susp., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. Osteomyelitis: up to 8 g daily in 3-4
43.00/100 ml; Cap. 500 mg, Tk. 5.94/Cap. divided doses
Navaclo (Navana), Cap., 500 mg, Tk.
6.76/Cap.;Susp.,125 mg/5 ml,Tk. 43.33/100ml
Sinaclox(Ibn Sina), Cap. , 500 mg, Tk. Proprietary Preparations
5.75/Cap.; Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 43/100ml Adflox(Team), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 9/Cap.
Tyclox(Astra Bio), Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 5.95/Cap.; A-Flox(Acme), Cap.,250.00 mg,
Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 40/100 ml Tk.5.66/Cap.,500.00 mg, Tk. 10.58/Cap.; Inj.,
250 mg/Vial, Tk. 35.25/Vial,; 500 mg/Vial, Tk.
45.30/Vial ,; suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
DICLOXACILLIN[A] 61.61/100ml
Indications: Treatment of staphylococcal Clox-F(Asiatic), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 5/Cap.;
infection resistant to benzylpenicillin 500mg, Tk. 10/Cap.;Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Side-effect and Cautions:Same as that 60/100ml,250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 110/100ml
FCX(G.A.Co), Suspn, 125 mg/5ml,
of flucloxacillin
Tk.60.00/100 ml
Dose: 125 to 250 mg every 6 Floxapen(General), Cap., 250mg,
hours,CHILD: 12.5 to 25mg/kg daily Tk.5.78/Cap.; Tk. 10.57/Cap.; Suspn., 125
individed doses. Doses may be mg/5 ml, Tk. 61.41/100ml
increased in severe infections Flubac(Popular), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk.5.77/Cap.;
Dicloxacillin sodium has also been given 500 mg, Tk. 10.04/Cap.; Suspn., 250 mg/5 ml,
parenterally Tk. 110.42/100 ml.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 61.23/60
Flubex(Beximco), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.5.50/Cap.;
GenericPreparation 500 mg, Tk. 10.50/Cap.; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml,
Capsule, 500mg; 250 mg Tk. 110/100 ml.,125mg/5 ml, Tk. 60.00/100 ml
Fluc(Astra ), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 5.50/Cap.; 500
FLUCLOXACILLIN[ED] [A] mg, Tk. 10.00/Cap.; Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Fluclox(ACI), Cap., 250mg, Tk.
Indications: Beta-lactamase-producing 5.79/Cap.,500mg, Tk. 10.57/Cap.; Inj.,
staphylococci infections including otitis 250mg/Vial, Tk. 35.24/Vial,500mg/Vial, Tk.
externa; adjunct in pneumonia, impetigo, 45.28/Vial,; Susp. , 125mg/5ml, Tk.
cellulitis, osteomyelitis and in 61.41/100ml,250mg/5ml, Tk. 110.74/100ml
staphylococcal endocarditis

Flucloxin(Eskayef), Cap, 250mg , Tk. Skilox(Healthcare), Cap., 250mg , Tk.

5.77/Cap.; 500mg , Tk. 10.50/Cap.;Inj, 10.00/Cap.; 500mg ,Tk. 16.66/Cap.; suspn.,
500mg/vial, Tk. 45.28/Vial,; Susp.;125 mg/5 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 62.00/100 ml
ml, Tk. 61.00/100ml Staflu(Alco), Cap.,250 mg,Tk. 5.79/Cap.; 500
Flucocin(Euro), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 10.52/Cap. mg, Tk. 10.57/Cap.;Suspn.,125 mg / 5ml, Tk.
Flucopen(Somatec), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 65.20/100ml.; 250 mg / 5ml, Tk. 110.75/100ml
5.53/Cap.; 500 mg, Tk. 10.03/Cap.; Suspn., Stafoxin(Aristo), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 5.50/Cap.;
125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 60.23/100ml 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.; suspn.,125 mg/5 ml,
FLU-K(Kemiko), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 6.65/Cap.; Tk. 60.00/100ml
500 mg, Tk. 10.53/Cap. Stapkil(Pacific), Suspn.,125mg/5ml, Tk.
Flupen(Drug Intl), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 5.05/Cap., 46/100ml.; Cap.,250 mg,Tk. 5.50/Cap.,500 mg,
500mg, Tk. 10.55/Cap.;Suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. Tk. 10.00/Cap.
Flurif, (Sharif), Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 10.52/Cap. BROAD SPECTRUM
Flustar(Renata), suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
60.00/100ml PENICILLINS
Flux(Opsonin), Cap., 250 mg , Tk. 5.77/Cap.; PENICILLINASE-SENSITIVE
500 mg, Tk. 10.57/Cap.; Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, BROAD SPECTRUM
Tk. 61.42/100 ml , Tk. 110.42/100 ml ,; Inj., 500 PENICILLINS
mg/Vial , Tk. 45.30/Vial
Fluxi(Ziska), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. PENICILLINASE-RESISTANT
60.00/100ml BROAD SPECTRUM
Fluxicap(Ziska), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 4.60/Cap.; PENICILLINS
500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Cap
Flxzen(Zenith), Cap, 250 mg, Tk. 5.02/Cap.;
Broad-spectrum penicillins (Ampicillin,
500 mg , Tk. 8.03/Cap .; Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml,
Tk. 60.23/100ml Amoxicillin, Bacampicillin) retain the
Fucil(Nipa), Cap, 500 mg , Tk. 10.00/Cap.; antibacterial activity of narrow spectrum
Susp., 125 mg/5ml , Tk. 60.00/100ml with additional bactericidal activity
Fulcin(Supreme), Cap, 250 mg, Tk. 5.50/Cap.; against E. coli, H. influenzae, Salmonella
500 mg, Tk. 10.50/Cap.; suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, species, Listeria monocytogenes
Tk. 60.00/100ml andHelicobacter pylori.
Halopen(Nipro JMI), Susp., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
60.41 Tk /100 ml; Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 5.55 Tk
/Cap.; 500 mg, Tk.10.03/Ta PENICILLINASE-SENSITIVE
Inclox(Incepta), Cap,250 mg, Tk. 5.50/Cap.; BROAD SPECTRUM
500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Cap. PENICILLINS
Isoclox(Globe), Cap., 250 mg,Tk. 5.50/Cap.;
500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Cap.;Suspn.,125 mg /5 ml, These drugs are subjected to the
Tk. 60.00/100ml destruction by the penicillinase produced
Monaclox-F(Amico), Cap., 250mg , TK. by organisms Ampicillinis particularly
5.50/Cap.; 500mg , TK. 10.00/Cap.; Suspn., valuable for the treatment of respiratory
125mg/5ml, TK. 65.00/100ml tract infections (RTI) by mixed organisms
Murein(One Pharma), Cap.,500 mg ,Tk. that include Haemophilus influenzae.
Orgaflu (Organic), Cap.,250 mg,Tk.
Amoxicillin It is a derivative of ampicillin
5.58/Cap. ; 500 mg, Tk. 10.53/Cap. and has the same antibacterial spectrum.
Phylopen(Square), Cap.,250 mg, Tk. Orally given it is better absorbed than
5.54/Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 10.57/Cap.; Inj., 500 ampicillin and produces higher plasma
mg, Tk. 45.30/Vial ; Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. and tissue concentrations. Besides, its
60.4/100ml,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 110.75/100ml absorption is not affected by the
Revistar(Biopharma), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. presence of food in the stomach.
5.52/Cap; 500 mg, Tk. 10.04/Cap.; suspn., 125
mg/5 ml, Tk. 60.23/100ml
Silox(Silva), Cap., 250mg,Tk. 5.77/Cap. , AMOXICILLIN[A]
500mg, Tk. 10.03/Cap. (Amoxycillin)
Sinaflox(Ibn Sina), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 5.60/Cap.
,500mg, Tk. 10.50/Cap.; suspn., 125 mg/5 ml,
Tk. 65.00/100ml Indications: As under Ampicillin; also
endocarditis prophylaxis, meningococcal
disease and adjunct in listeria meningitis

Cautions, Contra-indications, Side- 47.60/60 ml.; Paed. drops,125 mg/1.25 ml,Tk.

effects: See under Ampicillin. 30.28/10 ml
Dose: oral: ADULT 250 mg every 8 Fimoxyl(Sanofi), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 3.61/Cap.;
500mg, Tk. 6.76/Cap.; Inj., 250mg, Tk.
hours, doubled in severe infections; 19.19/Vial; 500mg, Tk. 26.29/Vial; Paed. drop,
CHILD up to 10 years, 125 mg every 8 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 30.20/15ml; Susp.,
hours, doubled in severe infections 125mg/5ml, Tk. 47.46/100ml; 250mg/5ml, Tk.
Severe or recurrent purulent respiratory 68.26/100ml; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 3.48/Tab.;
infection, 3 g every 12 hours 500mg, Tk. 6.02/Tab.
Short course oral therapy Genamox(General), Cap., 250mg, Tk.
Dental abscess, 3 g repeated after 8 3.61/Cap. ; 500mg, Tk. 6.76/Cap,; Pead. drop.,
125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 30.11/15ml.; Suspn., 125
hours. UTI 3 g repeated after 10-12 mg/5 ml , Tk. 47.45/100ml
hours. Otitis media: CHILD 3-10 years, Hi-mox(Hudson), Cap., 250mg, Tk.3.50/Cap.
750 mg twice daily for two days Kamoxy(Kemiko), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
IM inj.: 500 mg every 8 hours; CHILD, 3.60/Cap. ,500 mg, Tk. 6.78/Cap. ;Suspn. ;125
50-100 mg/kg daily in divided doses mg / 5ml.; Tk. 47.60/100ml,;
IV inj. or infusion; 500 mg every 8 hours Loxyl(Asiatic), Cap., 250mg ,
increased to 1 g every 6 hours; CHILD, Tk.3.61/Cap.;Suspn.;125gm/5ml, Tk.
50-100 mg/kg daily in divided doses Loxyl(Asiatic), Cap.; 500 mg , Tk. 6.76/Cap.
Meningitis (if necessary, in combination Monamox(Amico), Cap., 250mg , TK.
with another antibiotic), by IV infusion, 2g 3.00/Cap.; 500mg , TK. 6.00/Cap.; Paed.drop.
every 4 hours for 5 days in 125mg/1.25ml, TK. 28.00/15ml,;
meningococcal disease or for 10-14 days Mox(Astra Bio), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 3.60
in listerial meningitis /Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 6.00/Cap. ; Suspn., 125
mg/5 ml, Tk. 47.00/100ml,; Paed. drop, 125
mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 30.00/15ml
Proprietary Preparations Moxacil(Square), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
Admox(Team), Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 6.79/Cap.; 3.61/Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 6.79/Cap. ; Tab. , 250
Suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk. 47.60/100ml, ; mg, Tk. 3.50/Tab. ;Inj., 500 mg/vial, Tk.
Amocin(Pacific), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 32.88/Vial,; Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
3.30/Cap. ; 500 mg, Tk. 6.70/Cap. ; Suspn., 30.2/15ml,; Suspn. , 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
125mg/5ml, Tk. 40.00/100ml 47.61/100ml,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 65.45/100ml,;
Amotid(Biopharma), Cap., 250mg , Tk. Moxapen(Nipa), Cap. , 500 mg, Tk. 6.00/Cap.
3.61/Cap.; 500mg , Tk. 6.02/Cap.; Paed. Moxarif(Sharif), Cap. , 500 mg, Tk. 6.00/Cap.
drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 30.11/15ml.; Suspn., Moxico(Supreme), Cap, 500 mg, Tk.
125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 46.17/100ml,; 6.00/Cap.,250 mg, Tk. 3.60/Cap.;Suspn,
Amoxizen(Zenith), Cap, 250 mg,Tk. 3.52/Cap. 250g/5ml, Tk. 65.00/100ml., 125 mg/5ml, Tk.
;500 mg, Tk. 6.11/Cap. 47.00/100ml
Amx(Nipro JMI), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 3.60/Cap.; Mimox(Albion), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 3.54; Susp.,
500mg, Tk. 6.78 /Cap.; Susp., 125mg/5ml, Tk. 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 46.00/100ml
47.61 /100 ml ; 250mg/5ml 78.0 Moxin(Opsonin),Tab. , 250 mg , Tk. 3.48/Tab.;
Aristomox(Aristo), Cap., 250mg , TK. Cap., 500 mg , Tk. 6.74/Cap.; Inj.,250 mg ,
3.50/Cap, 500mg , Tk. 6.75/Cap.; Suspn., Tk. 19.07/Vial., 500 mg, Tk. 26.17/Vial.;
125mg/5ml Tk. 45.00/100ml Suspn., 125mg/5ml , Tk. 47.61/100ml,;
Avlomox(ACI),Cap,250mg , TK. 3.45/Cap.; Paed.drop 125mg /1.25 ml, Tk. 30.20/15
500mg , TK. 6.12/Cap. ; Inj, 500mg , TK. Orgamox(Organic), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
32.10/Vial,;Suspn TK. 125 mg/5 ml, 3.54/Cap.; 500mg , Tk. 6.76/Cap.
TK.46.18/100ml.;250mg/5ml, TK. Sapox(Alco), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 6.78/Cap.;
65.45/100ml.;Tk.49.73/60ml .; Paed. drop, Paed drop., 125 mg / 1.25ml, Tk. 30.29/15ml,;
125mg/1.25ml, TK. 30.29/15ml Suspn.; 125 mg / 5ml, Tk. 47.61/100ml , 250
Bactamox(Renata), Tab.,  250 mg, Tk. mg / 5ml, Tk. 69.21/100ml
3.38/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 5.81/Tab.; paed. drop. Sinamox(Ibn Sina), Cap.,  250 mg, Tk.
125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 28.32/15ml,; Suspn. , 125 3.60/Cap.; 500 mg, Tk. 6.75Cap. ; Pead.
mg/5 ml, Tk. 45.52/100ml drops.  125 mg/1.25 ml.;Tk.30.00/15ml.;
Demoxil(Drug Intl), Tab , 250mg, Tk. Suspn.,  125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 47.46/100ml.;
3.52/Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 6.27/Tab. Suspn., 250mg/5ml, Tk. 69.00/100ml
250mg/5ml, Tk. 65.20/100ml,125mg/5ml, Tk. SK-Mox(Eskayef), Cap, 250 mg, Tk. 3.55/Cap.;
47.15/100ml 500 mg, Tk. 6.09/Cap. ; Suspn.,  250 mg/5 ml,
Fimox(Popular), Cap., 250,Tk. 3.62/Cap. ; Tk. 68.20/100ml.; Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
500mg, Tk. 6.78/Cap. ; Suspn.;125mg/5ml, Tk.


47.60/100ml,; paed drop., 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. Ampirex(Jayson), Cap., 250 mg, Tk 2.04.;Inj.,
30.20/15ml 500 mg/vial, Tk. 22.49/Vial.; Susp., 125mg/5ml,
Tycil(Beximco), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. Tk.33.89/100 ml
6.79/Cap.,250 mg, Tk. 3.62/Cap; Suspn., 250
mg/5 ml, Tk. 65.45/100 ml PENICILLINASE-RESISTANT
Tymox(Somatec),Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
47.14/100ml,; Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, BROAD SPECTRUM
Tk. 30.20/15ml,;Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 6.04/Cap. PENICILLINS
Ultramox(Globe), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 3.50/Cap.,
500 mg, Tk. 6.07/Cap.; Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml,
Tk. 47.29/100 ml CO-AMOXICLAV[A]

AMPICILLIN[ED] [A] Co-amoxiclav is a combined preparation

of Amoxicillin (as the trihydrate or as the
Indications: UTI, otitis media, sinusitis, sodium salt) and betalactamase inhibitor
chronic bronchitis, Haemophilus Clavulanic acid (as potassium
influenzae infections, invasive clavulanate).
salmonellosis, meningococcal disease, Indications: Infections due to beta-
listerial meningitis, H pylori infection, lactamase producing strains including
prophylaxis and treatment of endocarditis RTI, genitourinary and abdominal
Cautions: Allergy to penicillin, renal infections, cellulitis, animal bites, severe
impairment requires dose reduction, dental infection with spreading cellulitis.
erythematous rashes common in Cautions: See under Ampicillin; in
glandular fever and chronic lymphatic hepatic impairment and in pregnancy.
leukemia CHOLESTATIC JAUNDICE has been
Contra-indications: Penicillin identified as an adverse reaction
hypersensitivity occurring either during, or shortly after,
Interactions: See Appendix-2 the use of co-amoxiclav. An
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting, epidemiological study has shown that the
diarrhea; rarely rashes (discontinue risk of acute liver toxicity was about 6
treatment), antibiotic-associated colitis times greater with co-amoxiclav than with
Dose: ORAL: 0.25-1g every 6 hours, at amoxicillin
least 30 minutes before food; CHILD Contraindications: Hypersensitivity,
under 10 years, ½ ADULT dose history of penicillin or co-amoxiclav
By IM or IV injection or infusion, 500 mg associated jaundice; hepatic dysfunction
every 4-6 hours; CHILD under 10 years, Side-effects: See under Ampicillin,
½ of adult dose. alsohepatitis, cholestatic jaundice,
UTI 500 mg every 8 hours erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal
Meningitis (if necessary, in combination necrolysis, exfoliative dermatitis,
with another antibiotic), by intravenous vasculitis, dizziness, headache,
infusion 2 g every 4 hours for 5 days in convulsions (particularly with high doses
meningococcal disease or for 10-14 days or in renal impairment); superficial
in listerial meningitis staining of teeth with suspension,
phlebitis at injection site; see also
Proprietary Preparations cautions above.
Ampexin(Opsonin), Inj., 250 mg/vial, Dose: oral: Amoxicillin, 250mg every 8
Tk.17.89/Vial; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 24.00/Vial hours, doubled in severe infections;
Pen-A(Reneta), Inj., 500 mg/vial, Tk. 20.43/Vial CHILD up to 10 years, 125 mg every 8
Acmecilin(Acme), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. hours, doubled in severe infections;
3.34/Cap.; Susp.,  125 gm/5 ml, Tk. 39.71/100 severe or recurrent purulent respiratory
ml; Inj., 250mg/Vial, Tk. 19.43 /Vial; 500 infection, 3 g every 12 hours
mg/vial, Tk. 27.32 /Vial
Ampexin(Opsonin), Inj., 250 mg/vial, Severe dental infections, expressed as
Tk.17.89/Vial; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 24.00/Vial amoxicillin, 250 mg every 8 hours for 5


By IV injection over 3-4 minutes or by IV 230.00/50ml,;Tab. 500mg + 125mg, Tk.

infusion, expressed as amoxicillin, 1 g 32.00/Tab., 250mg + 125mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.,
every 8 hours increased to 1 g every 6 875mg + 125mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.;
Ultraclav(Globe), Tab., 500 mg + 125 mg, Tk.
hours in more serious infections; 25.00Tab.
INFANTS up to 3 months 25 mg/kg every
8 hours (every 12 hours in the perinatal EXTENDED SPECTRUM
period and in premature infants); CHILD
3 months-12 years, 25 mg/kg every 8 (ANTIPSEUDOMONAL) PENICILLINS
hours increased to 25 mg/kg every 6 This group consists of extended-
hours in more serious infections; surgical spectrum drugs that exhibit the
prophylaxis, 1 g at induction; for high risk antimicrobial activity of broad-spectrum
procedures (e.g. colorectal surgery) a penicillins and also are effective against
further 2-3 doses may be given every 8 Psuedomonus aeruginosa,Klebsiella
hours in first 24 hours (longer if pneumonia, Proteus sp. and Bacteroids
significantly increased risk of infection) fragilis. The Carboxypenicillin,
Ticarcillin, is principally indicated for
Proprietary Preparations serious infections due to P aeruginosa
Augment(Eskayef), Inj.,1 gm + 200 mg,Tk. and also has activity against certain other
275.00/vial.; suspn 125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 ml, Gram-negative bacilli including Proteus
Tk. 175.00/100ml.; Tab,  875 mg + 125 mg, Tk. spp. and B fragilis. The ureidopenicillin,
30.00/Tab.,250 mg + 125 mg, Tk. piperacillin is more active than ticarcillin
20.00/Tab.,500 mg + 125 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab
Avloclav(ACI), Tab., 250mg +125mg, TK.
against Ps. aeruginosa.
25.00/Tab.; 875mg + 125mg , TK. 45/Tab.;
500mg + 125mg , TK. 32.00/Tab. ; Suspn.,
125mg + 31.25mg / 5ml , TK.220.00/100ml ,
400mg + 57.5mg /5ml , TK. 195.00/50ml. ;Inj., PIPERICILLIN WITH TAZOBACTAM[A*]
1gm + 200mg , TK. 300.00/vial; 500mg
+100mg , Tk.150/vial
Clamox(Opsonin), Inj.1 gm + 200 mg, Tk. Indications: P. aeruginosa infections,
276.05/ vial;500 mg + 100 mg ,Tk. 140.53/ surgical prophylaxis, also see under
vial,;Suspn,125 mg + 31.25 mg /5 ml, Tk. Dose
151.02/100 ml.;Tab. 250 mg + 125 mg Tk. Cautions: See under Benzyl penicillin
16.56/Tab., 875 mg + 125 mg, Tk. Contra-indications:See under Benzyl
25.10/Tab.,500 mg + 125 mg , Tk. 20.14/Tab
Demoxiclave(Drug Intl), Suspn.,125mg+
31.25mg/5ml, Tk. 150.45/100ml., 400mg+ Side-effects: See under Benzyl
57.5mg/5ml, Tk. 90.30/35ml,; Tab., 250mg+ penicillin; also nausea, vomiting,
125mg, Tk. 16.05/Tab. ; 500mg+ 125mg, Tk. diarrhea, less commonly stomatitis,
24.10/Tab.;Inj., 1gm+ 200mg, Tk. dyspepsia, constipation, jaundice,
300.90/vial.,500mg+ 100mg, Tk. 150.45/Vial, hypotension, headache, insomnia; rarely
Fimoxyclav(Sanofi), Inj., 500mg+100mg/Vial, abdominal pain, hepatitis, edema; very
Tk. 150.45/Vial; 1gm+200mg, Tk. 300.90 /Vial;
rarely hypoglycemia, hypokalemia,
Tab., 250mg + 125mg, Tk. 25.08 Tk/Tab.;
500mg+125mg,Tk. 32.10 Tk/Tab.; pancytopenia, Stevens-Johnson
875mg+125mg, Tk. 45.13Tab.; Susp., syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
400mg+57.5mg/5ml, Tk. 245.74/50 ml; Dose: Lower respiratory tract,urinary
125mg+31.25mg/5ml, Tk.245.74/100 ml tract, intra-abdominal, and skin
Moxaclav (Square), Inj.,1gm + 200 mg, Tk. infections, and septicemia: ADULT and
300.00/vial., 500 mg + 100 mg , Tk. CHILD over 12 years, byIV inj. over 3-5
150.00/vial.; Suspn. ,125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 ml,
minutes or byIV infusion: 100-150 mg/kg
Tk. 175.53/100ml., Tk. 135.92/60ml,400 mg +
57.5 mg/5 ml , Tk. 90.61/35ml.; Tab. , 250 mg daily in divided doses, or increased to
+ 125 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab., 500 mg + 125 mg, 200-300 mg/kg daily in severe infections
Tk. 32.00/Tab. ,875 mg + 125 mg, Tk. and at least 16 g daily in life-threatening
45.00/Tab. infections. NEONATES IV injection over
Tyclav(Beximco), Inj., 1g + 200mg, Tk. 3-5 minutes or IV infusion, aged up to 7
300.00/vial, 500mg + 100mg, Tk. 150.00/vial,; days or over 7 days but under 20 kg, 150
Suspn., 125mg + 31.25mg/5ml, Tk.
mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses, aged over
220.00/100ml., 400mg + 57.5mg/5ml, Tk.

7 days and over 20 kg, 300 mg/kg/d in 3- Dose : oral:acute uncomplicated cystitis,
4 divided doses; CHILD 1 month-12 ADULT and CHILD over 40 kg, initially
years: 100-200 mg/kg daily in 3-4 divided 400 mg then 200 mg every 8 hours for 3
doses, increased to 200-300 mg/kg daily days; chronic or recurrent bacteriuria,
in 3-4 divided doses for severe infections; ADULT and CHILD over 40 kg, 400 mg
surgical prophylaxis: 2 g just before every 6-8 hours; UTI, CHILD under 40
surgery followed by at least 2 doses of 2 kg, 20-40 mg/kg daily in 3-4 divided
g at 4/6 hours intervals within 24 hours of doses
surgery. Note: Tablets should be swallowed
whole with plenty of fluid during meals
Proprietary Preparations while sitting or standing
Brodactam(Sanofi), IV., Infusion., 4g +
0.5g,/vial Tk. 1003.01/Vial Proprietary Preparations
Megacilin(Popular), IV., Infusion4 gm + 0.5 Alexid(Aristo), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 15/Tab.
gm/vial, Tk. 1003.77Vial Emcil(Square), Tab., 200 mg, Tk.15.05/Tab.
Tazocilin(Square), IV., Infusion4 gm + 0.5 Pivicil(General), Tab.,200 mg, Tk.12.09/Tab.,
gm/vial, Tk. 1003.01/Vial V-cillin(Asiatic), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 12/Tab
Tazopen(Renata), IV., Infusion 2gm +
0.25gm/vial, Tk. 550.00/Vial; 4 gm + 0.5
gm/vial, Tk. 1000.00/Vial 1.1.2 CEPHALOSPORINS
Tazosyn(ACI), IV., Infusion4 gm + 0.5 gm/vial, FIRST-GENERATION DRUGS
Tk. 1003.01/Vial; 2gm + 0.25gm/vial , Tk. SECOND-GENERATION
Cephalosporins are broad-spectrum,
Pivmecillinam has significant activity bactericidal antibiotics and are classified
against many Gram-negative bacteria into "generations" on the basis of general
including E. coli,Klebsiella, Enterobacter features of antimicrobial activity.
and Salmonellae. It is not active against Of the first generation, Cefazolin is more
Pseudomonas aeruginosa or susceptible to hydrolysis by
Enterococci. Pivmecillinam is hydrolyzed betalactamase from S. aureus than is
to mecillinam, which is the active drug. cephalothin. Second generation
Indications: Acute uncomplicated Cefoxitin and cefuroxime and third
cystitis, chronic or recurrent bacteriuria, generation drugs are more resistant than
UTI first generation agents to betalactamases
Cautions: See under Benzylpenicillin; produced by gram-negative bacteria.
liver and renal function tests required in Third generation drugs are susceptible to
long term use; pregnancy; avoid in acute hydrolysis by chromosomally encoded
porphyria type 1 beta-lactamases induced by
Contraindications: See under treatment of infections due to aerobic
Benzylpenicillin: also carnitine deficiency, gram-negative bacilli with second- or
esophageal strictures, gastrointestinal third-generation drugs and/or imipenem.
obstruction; not recommended for infants Fourth generation agents such as
under 3 months cefipime, are poor inducers of type 1
Interactions: See Appendix-2 beta-lactamases and are less susceptible
Side-effects: See under Benzyl- than third generation drugs to hydrolysis
penicillin; also nausea, vomiting, by type 1 beta-lactamases.
dyspepsia; and reduced serum and total Cautions:. Great caution should be
body carnitine (during repeated or long taken before administration of a
term use) cephalosporin in patients who have had a
recent severe, immediate reaction to

penicillin, impaired renal function, Proprietary Preparations

pregnancy and breast-feeding. Adocil(Kemiko), Suspn., 125 mg / 5ml, Tk.
Side-effects: Anaphylaxis, 80.24/100ml; Cap. 500 mg, Tk. 12.00/Cap.
bronchospasm, and urticaria are seen. Adora(Incepta), Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml,
Tk. 50.00/15ml; Suspn. 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cephalosporins are potentially 90.00/100m, 5gm/100ml, Tk. 120.00/100ml;
nephrotoxic drugs. Gastrointestinal upset Tk.60/60ml; Cap., 500mg, Tk. 18/Cap.
in the form of diarrhea can result after Arocef(Eskayef), Cap, 500mg , Tk. 15.00/Cap.;
cephalosporins and may be more 500mg , Tk. 15.00/Cap.; Suspn. , 125 mg/5
frequent with cefoperazone and ml, Tk. 70.00/100ml,; Paed. drops, 125
cefpiramide because of their greater mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.00/15ml
biliary excretion. Bexen(Nipro JMI), Cap. 500 mg, Tk.
12.07/Cap.; Suspn. 125 mg/5 ml Tk. 70.26/100
ml FIRST-GENERATION Cedril(ACI), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, TK.
CEPHALOSPORINS 70.47/100ml,; Cap., 500mg, TK. 12.09/Tab.
Ficef(UniMed) Cap. 500 mg Tk. 12.00/Cap;
Paed. drops 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 50.00/15 ml;
First generation drugs (cefadroxil,
Suspn. 125 mg/5 ml Tk. 70.20/100 ml
cephalexin, cphradine etc.) are very Fodexil(Square), Cap., 500 mg, Tk.
active against gram-positive cocci 15.05/Cap. ; Tab. , 1 gm, Tk. 25.00/Tab.
including pneumococci, streptococci and Licef(Asiatic), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
staphylococci and have modest activity 82.00/100ml,
against gram-negative microorganisms. Sefanid(Drug Intl), Suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk.
Most oral cavity microbes, except 70.25/100ml,; Cap., 500mg, Tk. 12.05/Cap.
Trubid(Opsonin), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
B.fragilis group are sensitive. Activity
70.26/ 100 ml,; Tk. 50.19/ 60 ml,; Cap, 500
against Moraxella catarrhalis, E. coli, K. mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.
pneumonia and P. mirabilis is good. They Twicef(Acme), Suspn.,250mg/5ml , Tk.
are not effective against enterococci, 120.82/100ml,; ., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
methicillin-resistant S. aureus and S. 70.47/100ml,; Cap., 500 mg , Tk. 12.09/Cap.;
epidermidis, P.aeruginosa. Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.20/15ml


Indications: Urinary tract infections, Indication: Used in the treatment of

minor polymicrobial infections, i.e. susceptible infection especially those due
cellulites, soft tissue abscess, ottitis to Pseudomonus spp. It is slightly less
media, sinusitis active against some Entrobactecae.
Cautions:See notes above Cautions:See notes above; not
Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity, recommended for the treatment of
porphyria meningitis because of its poor
Interactions:See Appendix-2 penetration into the C. S. F.
Side-effects: Diarrhea, nausea and Contraindications and Side-effects:
vomiting, abdominal discomfort, See under Cefadroxil
headache, rashes, pruritus, urticaria, Interaction:See Appendix -2
serum-sickness like reactions with rash, Dose and Administration: The usual
fever and arthalgia and anaphylaxis, dose is 2 to 4 g daily in two divided dose.
erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal In severe infections up to 12g daily in two
necrolysis, hepatic enzymes to four divided dose may be given. In
disturbances, transient hepatitis and general the dose should not exceed 4g
cholestatic jaundice; daily in patient with liver disease or biliary
Dose: : Oral l: patients weighing > 40 kg: obstruction or 1 to 2g daily in those both
0.5-1 g twice daily; CHILD < 1 year 25 liver and kidney impairments; if higher
mg/kg daily in 2-3 divided doses; 1-6 dose are used plasma concentration of
years 250 mg twice daily; > 6 years 500 cefoperazone should be monitored
mg twice daily
Proprietary Preparations

Cefopen(Square), Inj., 1 gm, Tk. 250.00/Vial,; CHILD 25-50 mg/kg daily in 2-4 divided
500mg, Tk.150.00/Vial doses; deep IM inj. orIV inj. over 3-5
minutes orIV infusion 0.5-1 g every 6
CEPHALEXIN[ED][A] hours for mild to moderate infections; for
(Cefalexin) severe infections increased to 8 g daily;
CHILD 50-100 mg/kg daily in 4 divided
Indications: Prophylaxis of recurrent doses; in surgical prophylaxis: 1-2 g by
UTI; also see under cefadroxil deep IM inj. or byIV inj. over 5 minutes.
Cautions, Contraindications and Side-
effects: See notes above and under Proprietary Preparations
cefadroxil Adecef(Supreme), Cap, 500mg, Tk.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 12.50/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
50.00/15ml,; Suspn, 125mg / 5ml, Tk.
Dose: oral: ADULT 250-500 mg every 8-
80.25/100ml.; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 120.00/100ml
12 hours for mild to moderate infections; Ancef(UniMed), Cap,250mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap. ;
for severe infections increased to 1-1.5 g 500mg, Tk. 12.50/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125
every 6-8 hours, as prophylactic in mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.00/15ml,; Suspn,
recurrent urinary tract infections, 125 mg 250mg/5ml, Tk. 120.00/100ml.; 125mg/5ml,
at night; CHILD 25 mg/kg daily in 2-3 Tk. 85.00/100ml
divided doses, doubled for severe Avlosef(ACI), Cap., 250mg , TK. 8.02/Cap. ;
500mg , TK. 15.05/Cap.;Inj, 1gm/vial,TK.
infections, max. 100 mg/kg daily in
95.29/Vial,; 500mg/vial , TK. 65.20/ Vial,;
divided doses;under 1 year, 125 mg Paed. drops, 125mg/1.25ml, TK. 65.20/15ml ,;
every 12 hours; 1-5 years, 125 mg every Suspn, 125mg / 5ml , TK. 90.27/100ml ,
8 hours; 6-12 years, 250mg every 8 250mg/5ml TK. 135.41/100ml ,TK. 80.54/60ml
hours Bactokil(Virgo), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
156.00/Cap. ; 500 mg, Tk. 262.50/Cap. ;
Proprietary Preparations Suspn., 125mg / 5ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml
Acelex(Acme), Cap., 250.00 mg, Tk. Belocef(Amico), Cap., 250mg , Tki. 6.50/Cap.;
6.65/Cap.; 500.00 mg , Tk. 12.58/Cap. ; 500mg , TK. 12.50/Cap.; Paed. drops,
Paed.drop., 125mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 42.66/15ml.; 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 50.00/15ml,; Suspn,
Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 77.52/100ml 125mg/5ml, TK. 80.00/100ml
Avloxin(ACI), Susp. , 125mg/5ml, Tk.. Betasef(Alco), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 8.00/Cap. ;
69.47/100ml,; Cap., 500mg , TK. 10.57/Cap 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.; Paeed.drops 125
Ceporex(GSK), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 12.73/Cap.; mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 65.00/15ml,; Suspn250mg/5ml
Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 84.27/100ml Tk. 90.00/100ml ,250 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
Lexin(Astra Bio), Cap. , 250 mg,  Tk. 120.35/100ml
6.60/Cap.; 500 mg,  Tk. 12.73/Cap.; Suspn., Cefadin(Ziska), Cap. , 500 mg, Tk. 12.00/Cap.;
125 mg/5 ml,  Tk. 77.52/100 ml Inj., 1g/vial, Tk. 80.00/ Vial,; 500 mg, Tk.
Neorex(Eskayef), Cap, 500mg, Tk. 12.50/Cap.; 50.00/ Vial ,; Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
250mg, Tk. 6.60/Cap.; 500mg, Tk.12.50/Cap.; 80.00/100ml
Suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. 83.50/100ml Ceflin(Nipa), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 12.66/Cap.;
Nufex(General), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. Suspn, 125 mg/5ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml
78.52/100ml; Cap., 500mg, Tk. 9.06/Cap. Cephid(Zenith), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 6.52/Cap. ;
500 mg, Tk. 12.55/Cap.; Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml,
Tk. 80.30/100ml
CEPHRADINE CILASTATIN[W] Cephracap(Euro), Cap., 500mg, Tk.
Indications: Surgical prophylaxis, also Cephran (Opsonin), Cap. , 500 mg , Tk.
see under cefadroxil 15.05/Cap. ; Inj, 500 mg/vial , Tk. 54.20/Via,; 1
gm/vial, Tk. 80.30/Vial,; Paed. drops, 125
Cautions, Contraindications and Side- mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 65.00/15ml
effects: See notes above and under Dicef(Drug Intl), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 7.05/Cap. ;
cefadroxil 500mg, Tk. 13.05/Cap.; Paed. drops,
Interactions: See Appendix-2 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 50.20/15ml,; Suspn,
Dose: oral: ADULT 250-500 mg every 6 125mg/5ml, Tk. 81.25/100ml,; 250mg/5ml, Tk.
hours or 0.5-1 g every 12 hours for mild 120.40/100ml
to moderate infections; for severe Eusef(Globe), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 12.00/Cap. ;
Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 80.00/ Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk.
infections increased to 1 g every 6 hours;

50.00/ Vial.; Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. Sefty(Astra Bio), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap.,
50.00/15ml,; Suspn, 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap. ; Paed.drop, 125
80.00/100ml,; 250 mg /5 ml, Tk. 140.00/100ml mg/1.25 ml, Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml,  Tk.
Extracef(Aristo), Cap., 250mg , Tk. 6.50/Cap.; 80.00/100 ml
500mg , TK. 15.00/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125 Sicef(Silva), Cap.,500mg, Tk. 12.55/Cap. ;
mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 62.00/15ml,Suspn, 125mg / Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.30/100ml
5ml , Tk. 90.00/100ml,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Sinaceph(Ibn Sina), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
125.00/60ml, 6.80/Cap. ;500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap. ; Inj.,  500
Gigacef(Pacific), Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap. mg/vial, Tk. 55.00/ Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 85.00/
; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 46.00/15ml Vial,; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25
,; Suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. 64.00/100ml ml,Tk.55.00/15ml,;Suspn,  125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Intracef(Beximco), Cap., 250mg , Tk. 95.00/100ml,
6.50/Cap.; 500mg, Tk.12.50/cap ,;Paed. drop, SK Cef(Eskayef), Inj, 1gm/vial, Tk. 80.00/
125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk., 50.00/15ml,; Suspn, Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 50.00/ Vial,; Cap,
125mg/5ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml,; 250mg/5ml, Tk. 250mg , Tk. 8.00/Cap. ,500mg , Tk. 15.00/Cap.
120.00/100ml ,Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
Lebac(Square), Cap.,250 mg, Tk. 8.03/Cap. ; 65.00/15ml ,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
500 mg, Tk. 15.05/Cap. ; Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 140.00/100ml,; 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
95.29/Vial ,; Inj, 500 mg/vial, Tk. 65.19/Vial,; 90.00/100ml,Tk. 80.00/60ml
Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 65.19/15ml,; Supracef(Biopharma), Cap., 250mg , Tk.
Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 90.27/100ml,; 250 6.52/Cap.; 500mg , Tk. 12.05/Cap. ; Paed.
mg/5 ml, Tk. 135.4/100ml drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.19/15ml,;
Polycef(Renata), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 6.52/Cap. Suspn, 250 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 120.45/100ml; 125
; 500 mg, Tk. 12.54/Cap. ; Inj,1 gm/vial,Tk.; mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.30/100ml
90.00/ Vial.;250mg/vial, Tk. 38.10/ Vial,500 Tydin(Somatec), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 14.68/cap.
mg/vial, Tk. 65.00/ Vial.; Paed. drop, 125 ; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 62.00/15ml.; Suspn, 125 mg/5 50.00/15ml.; Suspn., 125mg/5 ml, Tk.
ml, Tk. 90.00/100ml,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 82.00/100ml; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 120.46/100ml
132.00/100ml Vecef(Asiatic), Cap., 500mg , Tk. 12.50/Cap. ;
Procef(Incepta), Cap. ,  500 mg, Tk. Inj., 1gm/vial , Tk. 80.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk.
12.50/Cap. ; 250 mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap. ; Inj,  1 50.00/ Vial,; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
gm/vial, Tk. 80.00/ Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 50.00/ 50.00/15ml.; Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Vial ,; Paed. drops,  125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml; 250mg/5ml, Tk. 120.00/100ml
50.00/15ml,; Suspn,  250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Velogen(General), Cap. , 250mg, Tk.
120.00/100ml,; 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml 6.54/Cap.;500mg, Tk. 12.59/Cap. ; Paed.
Rocef(Healthcare), Cap.,250mg , Tk. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.34/15ml,;
6,50/Cap. ; 500mg , Tk. 12.50/Cap. ; Suspn, Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 82.56/100ml
125mg/5ml , Tk. 95.00/100 ml,; 250mg/5ml , Velox(Kemiko), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 7.02/Cap.;
Tk. 140.00/100 ml 500 mg, Tk. 13.04/Cap.;Paed.drop,125
Roxicef(Popular), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. mg/1.25 ml,Tk. 50.15/15ml;125 mg / 5 ml,Tk.
12.55/Cap. ;Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.24/100ml
120.45/200 ml,; 125mg / 5ml, Tk. 80.30/100 ml Zecef(GACO), Cap.,500 mg,Tk. 12.54/Cap.;
Sefin(Orion), Cap.,  250 mg, Tk. 6.55/Cap. ; Suspn.,125 mg/5ml, Tk. 80.24/100 ml
500 mg, Tk. 12.59/Cap. ; Inj,  1 gm/vial, Tk.
80.55/ Vial,;  500 mg/vial, Tk. 35.23/ Vial,; SECOND-GENERATION
Paed. drop,  125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.35/15ml,;
Suspn, 250 mg/5ml, Tk. 120.81/100ml, Tk. CEPHALOSPORINS
60.42/50ml,; 125mg / 5ml , Tk. 80.55/100ml,;
Cap., 250mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap. 500mg , Tk. Compared to first generation, second
12.50/Cap. generation cephalosporins are more
Sefrad(Sanofi), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 10.03/Cap. ; active against gram-negative
500mg, Tk. 16.05/Cap. ; Inj., 500mg/vial, Tk.
microorganisms but such activity is less
60.18/Vial,; Paed. drops, 100mg/ml, Tk.
65.20/15 ml,; Suspn, 125 mg/ 5 ml, Tk. than third generation agents. A subset of
95.29/100 ml.,250 mg/5 ml, Tk.130.39/100 ml,; second generation i.e. Cefoxitin,
Sefril(Acme), Cap. , 250mg., Tk. 8.03/Cap. , Cefotetan and Cefmetazole also is active
500 mg., Tk. 15.04/Cap. ; Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk. against B. fragilis.
90.27/ Vial ,500mg/vial, Tk. 65.19/ Vial.; Paed.
drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 62.19/15ml.,
Suspn, 125mg / 5ml , Tk. 90.27/100ml,; 250
mg/5 ml, Tk. 120.82/100ml


Oticlor(Incepta), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 40.00/Cap.

; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
125.00/15ml,; Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
CEFACLOR[A] 180.00/100ml
Xclor(Orion), Suspn., 125 mg/5ml , Tk.
Indications: Sinusitis, otitis and lower 190.57/100ml
respiratory infections caused by beta-
lactamase producing H. influenza or B. CEFOXITIN[A]
catarrhalis, also see under cefadroxil
Cautions: Penicillin hypersensitivity, Indications: As prophylactic against
pregnancy, breast-feeding, renal intestinal anerobes in colorectal surgery,
impairment; false positive urinary glucose mixed anerobic infections, i.e. peritonitis,
test and false positive Coombs’ test diverculitis, infections due to facultative
Contraindications and Side-effects: gram-negative bacteria, i.e. pelvic
See under cefadroxil inflammatory disease, diabetic foot
Interactions: See appendix-2 infection; also see under Cefadroxil
Dose: oral:ADULT 250 mg every 8 hour Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
for mild to moderate infections; for severe effects:See notes above and under
infections increased to 500 mg every 8 cefadroxil
hour up to a max. of 4 g daily in 3 divided Interactions:See Appendix-2
doses; CHILD > 1 month, 20 mg/kg daily (probenecid reduces the renal clearance
in 3 divided doses for mild to moderate of Cefoxitin)
infections; for severe infections increased Dose :By deep IM or slow IV inj. or IV
to 40 mg/kg every 8 hour up to a max. of infusion 1-2 g every 6-8 hours for mild to
1 g daily in 3 divided doses moderate infections; increased up to 12 g
daily in 3-4 divided doses for severe
Proprietary Preparations infections; CHILD recommended routeIV;
Abaclor(ACI), Cap.;250 mg, Tk. up to 1 week, 20-40 mg/kg every 12
21.14/Cap.;500 mg, TK. 40.27/Tab. ;375 mg,
Tk. 30.09/Tab.; Paed. drops, 125mg/1.25ml,
hours, 1-4 weeks 20-40 mg/kg every 8
Tk. 125.85/15 ml,; Susp., 125 mg/5 ml, TK. hours in mild to moderate infections,
201.35/100 ml increased to 200 mg/kg daily in 3-4
Alclor(Acme), Paed. drop, 100mg/ ml, Tk. divided doses up to a max.of 12 g daily in
125.37/15ml.; Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. severe infections; surgical prophylaxis:
190.58/100ml;Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 40.12/Cap. by deep IM or slowIV inj. orIV infusion 2
Ceflon(Eskayef), Cap.,250mg, Tk. 16.00/Cap. ; g, 30-60 minutes before surgery,
500 mg , Tk. 30.00/Cap.; Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml,
Tk. 200.00/100ml,; Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25
repeated every 6 hours for 24 hours;
ml, Tk. 125.00/15ml CHILD 30-40 mg/kg 30-60 minutes
Cfl(Sharif), Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. before surgery, repeated every 6 hours
125.37/15ml ,;Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. for 24 hours (second and third doses
190.58/100ml every 8-12 hours in neonates);
Clobac(Opsonin), Suspn.,125 mg /5 ml, Tk. inuncomplicated UTI, Cefoxitin 1 g twice
180.68/100 ml,; 500 mg /5 m, Tk. daily has been given intramuscularly
125.47/15ml,; 125mg/5ml, Tk. 175/100ml
Clocef(Amico), Cap., 500mg, Tk. 22/Cap.
Clorocef(Ibn Sina), Suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk. Proprietary Preparations
205.00/100ml,; Pead. drop,  125 mg/1.25 ml, Cefot(ACI), Inj., 1gm /vial, Tk. 132.40/ Vial,
Tk. 130.00/15ml 500mg/vial, Tk. 76.23/ Vial, 250mg/vial, Tk.
Efaclor(Astra Bio), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml,  Tk. 50.15/ Vial,2gm/vial,Tk. 250.75/ Vial
180.00/100 ml Cefotax(Renata), Inj., 250 mg/vial,Tk. 75.00/
Loracef(Square), Cap., 500 mg,Tk. Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk. 180.00/ Vial,1 gm/vial, Tk.
38.26/Cap.; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 100.00/Vial
125.85/15ml,;Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. Cefotime(Incepta), Inj.,  1 gm/vial, Tk. 132.00/
191.3/100ml Vial,;  250 mg/vial, Tk. 50.00/ Vial,; 500 mg/vial,
Oticef(Alco), Paed. drops, 125 mg / 1.25 ml, Tk. 76.00/ Vial
Tk. 125.38/15ml ,; Suspn., Tk. 200.60/100ml Ceftax(Opsonin), Inj.,
Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 40.12/Cap.

1 gm/vial, Tk. 132.50/ Vial,250 mg/vial , Tk. 125 mg twice daily, doubled in
50.19/ Vial,500 mg/vial , Tk. 76.29/ Vial pyelonephritis; for gonorrhea, 1 g as a
Maxcef(Square), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 140.42/ single dose; CHILD > 3 months, 125 mg
Vial,250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.21/ Vial,500 mg/vial,
Tk. 90.27/ Vial
twice daily, can be doubled in CHILD > 2
Taxceph(Ibn Sina), Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk. 140.00/ years with otitis media; Lyme disease:
Vial,250mg/vial, Tk. 52.00/ Vial,500mg/vial, Tk. ADULT and CHILD > 12 years, 500 mg
76.00/ Vial twice daily for 20 days; by IM inj. orIV inj.
Taxim(Acme), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 150.44/ Vial , or infusion, 750 mg every 6-8 hours for
250 mg/vial, Tk. 75.22/ Vial.,500 mg/Vial, Tk. mild to moderate infections;increased to
100.30/ Vial 1.5 g every 6-8 hours for severe
Torped(Orion), Inj.,  1 gm/vial, Tk. 130.88/
Vial, 250 mg/vial, Tk. 50.35/ Vial , 500 mg/vial,
infections, single doses over 750 mgIV
Tk. 75.50/ Vial only; CHILD 60-mg/kg daily (range 30-
100 mg/kg daily) in 3-4 divided doses; for
CEFPROZIL[A] gonorrhea, 1.5 g as a single dose by IM
inj; surgical prophylaxis, 1.5 g byIV inj. at
induction of anesthesia, may be
Indications: Upper Respiratory tract supplemented with 750 mg IM inj. 8 and
infection, Skin and Soft tissue infections 16 hours later in abdominal, pelvic and
Cautions: See notes above orthopedic operations or followed by 750
Contra-indications, Side-effects: See mg by IM inj. every 8 hours for further 24-
under Cefadroxil 48 hours in cardiac, pulmonary,
Dose: URTI and Skin and Soft tissue esophageal and vascular surgery
infections, 500 mg once daily usually for
10 days; CHILD 6 months – 12 years; 20 Proprietary Preparations
mg/kg (Max 500 mg) once daily. Acute Adetil(Supreme), suspn, 125mg/5ml,
exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, 500 Tk.198.00/70ml,;Tab.,250mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.;
mg every 12 hours usually for 10 days. 500mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.
Otitis media, CHILD 6 months-12 years, Axet(Orion), Inj ,  750mg/vial, Tk.
20 mg/kg (max 500 mg) every 12 hours 125.85/Vial ,;250 mg/vial, Tk.
60.41/Vial,;Tab.,125mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab.,  250
mg, Tk. 25.18/Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 45.30/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations
;suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk. 216.46/70ml
Cefozil(Popular), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 30.11/Tab.;
Axetil(Alco), suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk.
500mg, Tk. 55.21/Tab.; Susp., 125 mg/5 ml,
190.57/70ml ,;Tab.,125 mg, Tk.
Tk.230.87/50 ml
12.04/Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 45.14/Tab,250 mg,Tk.
Axicef(UniMed), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
CEFUROXIME[A*] 200.00/70ml,;Inj.,500mg/vial, Tk.
45.00/Vial,;Tab , 250mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.
Indications: Surgical prophylaxis, Lyme Axim(Aristo), Inj., 750mg/vial , Tk. 125.00/Vial,
1.5g/vial, Tk. 200.00/vial,; Tab., 125mg ,Tk.
disease, community acquired pneumonia 15.00/Tab.; 250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab,; 500mg ,
especially where beta-lactamase Tk. 45.00/Tab. Susp., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
producing H influenza or K pneumonia is 225.00/70 ml;
a consideration, gonorrhea, also see C-2(Astra Bio), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab. ;
under cefadroxil 500 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab. ;suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
Cautions: See notes above; also 198.00/5ml
pregnancy, breast-feeding and renal Cefobac(Popular), Tab. , 250mg, Tk.
25.09/Tab.,500mg, Tk. 45.17/Tab.;Inj.,750
impairment (Appendix-4) mg/vial, Tk. 125.47/Vial,1.5 gm/vial, Tk.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 200.75/Vial
Contraindications and Side-effects: Cefotil(Square), Inj.,750 mg/vial, Tk.
See under cefadroxil 125.85/Vial .,1.5 gm/vial, Tk. 201.35/vial
Dose: Oral :as cefuroxime axetil, 250 mg .;Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 45.29/Tab,250 mg, Tk.
twice daily for mild to moderate 25.17/Tab. ; suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
infections, increased to 500 mg twice 199.34/70ml,;
Cefunix(Virgo), Tab. , 250mg, Tk.
daily for severe infections and for 25.00/Tab.,500mg , Tk. 40.00/Tab.
pneumonia; for urinary tract infections


Cefurim(Somatec), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk., Mextil(Biopharma), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.

200.00/70ml,;Tab.,500 mg , Tk. 45.17/Tab.,250 200.75/70ml,;250mg/5ml
mg, Tk. 25.10/Tab. 250.94/50ml.;Inj.,750mg/vial ,Tk. 125.00/Vial,;
Cerox(ACI), Inj., 1.5gm, TK. 201.35/vial,; 250 Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 45.17/Tab.
mg, TK. 55.38/vial,; 750mg,TK. Orextil(Monico), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
126.12/vial,;suspn, 125mg/5ml, TK. 45.00/Tab.;250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.
199.35/70ml .;250mg/5ml , Primocef(Novo ), Inj.,1.5 gm/vial, Tk.
Tk.250.75/50mlTab., 250mg, TK. 25.17/Tab. , 200.00/vial,;750 mg/vial, Tk. 125.00/vial,;Tab.,
500mg, TK. 45.31/Tab. 125mg, TK. 250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk.
15.11/Tab. 45.00/Tab.; suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
Ceroxime(Asiatic), Tab., 125mg , Tk. 198.00/70ml
15.00/Tab.; Inj., 750mg/vial , Tk. 125.00/vial,; Probac(Silva),suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. 198.00/70ml,; 198.74/70ml ,;Tab.,250mg,Tk. 25.10/Tab.
Tab.,250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab.,; 500mg , Tk. Rofurox(Radiant), Tab., 250mg, Tk.
45.00/Tab. 40.00/Tab., 500mg , Tk. 60.00/Tab.;suspn,
Famicef(Acme),Tab. , 250 mg , Tk. 125mg/5ml, Tk. 325.00/70
25.17/Tab. ,500 mg , Tk. 45.29/Tab.; Inj1.5 Roxicil(Pharmacil), Inj.,750mg/vial ,Tk.
gm/vial, Tk. 201.35/vial ,750 mg/vial, Tk. 170.51/Vial ,;Tab, 250mg ,Tk.
120.82/vial,; suspn, 250 mg/5 ml , Tk. 30.09/Tab.;500mg , Tk. 50.15/Tab.
186.25/35ml,Tk. 199.34/70ml. Roxcef(Nipro JMI), Tab., 250 mg, Tk.
Furex(Drug Intl), Inj.,1.5gm/vial, Tk. 25.08/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 45.14/Tab.
200.65/vial, 750mg/vial, Tk. 125.40/vial,; Inj.,750 mg/vial,Tk.125.00/vial ,1gm/viai
Suspn.,125mg/5ml, Tk. 225.75/70ml,; Tab., Tk.200.00/vial
250mg, Tk. 25.10/Tab. ; 500mg, Tk. 45.15/Tab. Secomax(General),Tab., 250mg, Tk.
Furocef(Renata), Inj.,1.5 gm,/vial Tk. 25.16/Tab., 500mg, Tk. 45.31/Tab.; suspn.,
200.75/vial,; 750mg/vial, Tk. 125.47/vial, 250mg/5ml, Tk. 201.35/70ml
250mg/vial, Tk. 55.21/vial Sefur(Opsonin), suspn, 250mg/5ml, Tk.
;Suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. 198.75/70ml. ; 250.94/ 50 ml.,
250mg/5ml ,Tk,250.00/50ml.;Tab.,125 mg, Tk. Inj., 1.5 gm /vial, Tk. 200.75/vial, Inj.,750
15.06/Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 25.09/Tab.  500mg, mg/vial, Tk. 125.47/Vial,; Tab. , 125 mg , Tk.
Tk. 45.17/Tab. , 15.06/Tab. ,250 mg , Tk. 25.16/Tab. ,500 mg ,
Furoget(Getwell), Suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk. Tk. 45.30/Tab.
195.00/70ml ,; Tab. ,500mg,Tk. 44.00/Tab. ; Sefurox(Sanofi), Inj.,1.5g/vial, Tk. 200.60/Vial,
250mg, Tk. 24.00/Tab. Inj., 750mg/vial, Tk. 125.85/Vial.;suspn,
Furotil(Healthcare), Inj.,1.5gm/vial, Tk. 125mg/5ml, Tk. 199.34/Vial,; Tab.,500mg, Tk.
275.00/vial, 750mg/vial, Tk. 175.00/vial.; suspn, 45.31/Tab.,250mg, Tk. 25.17/Tab.;
125mg/5ml, Tk. 200.00/70ml. ;Tab., 125mg , Segorin(Pacific), Tab. , 250 mg,Tk. 25.00/Tab.
Tk. 15.00/Tab.,250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab., , 125 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. , 500 mg, Tk.
500mg , Tk. 45.00/Tab. 45.00/Tab. ;suspn,125mg/5ml, Tk.
Furotixol(Sharif), suspn, 125 mg /5 ml , Tk. 150.00/70ml .
198.59/70ml ,;Tab.,250 mg, Tk. 25.09/Tab. Sharpkil(One Pharma),Tab., 250 mg, Tk.
500 mg, Tk. 45.13/Tab. 25.00/Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.
Kfore(Kemiko), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. Turbocef(Beximco), Inj., 750mg/vial, Tk.
25.07/Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 45.13/Tab. 125.00/vial,; 1.5gm/vial, Tk. 200.00/vial,; suspn,
Kilbac(Incepta), suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk. 250mg/5ml, Tk. 240.00/Susp.;Tab., 250mg, Tk.
198.00/70ml.; ;250mg/5ml, Tk250.00/50ml 25.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.
Inj.,1.5 gm/vial, Tk. 200.00/vial,;  250 mg/vial, Uroxime(Euro), suspn, 125mg/5ml,
Tk. 55.00/vial,;  750 mg/vial, Tk. 125.00/vial Tk.198.00/70ml ,;Tab., 301.25mg, Tk.
,;Tab.,  125 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.;250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.;500mg,Tk. 45.00/Tab.
25.00/Tab. ,  500 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab. Vexotil(Organic), Tab.,250 mg, Tk.
Kilmax(Eskayef), Inj., 750mg/vial, Tk. 25.08/Tab.,500 mg,Tk. 45.13/Tab.
125.00/Vial,; 1.5gm/vial ,Tk. 200.00/vial, 250mg ;suspn,125mg/5ml, Tk. 198.60/70ml
/vial, Tk. 55.00/vial.; ;suspn,125mg/5ml, Tk. Xefrim(Beacon), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
198.00/70ml,;250mg/5ml Tk.250.00/50mlTab, 199.35/70ml,; Tab. , 250mg , Tk. 25.08/Tab.
125mg , Tk. 15.00/Tab.,250mg , Tk. Ximetil(Globe), Inj. ,1.5 gm/vial, Tk.
25.00/Tab.,500mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab 200.00/vial,; 750 mg,/vial Tk. 125.00/Vial,;
Lepath(Amico), Tab., 250mg , TK. 22.00/Tab. Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.;500 mg, Tk.
Merocef(Ibn Sina), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. 45.00/Tab.; suspn., 125mg/5ml,
200.00/70ml,; Inj.,  750 mg/vial, Tk. Tk.198.00/70ml
130.00/vial,; Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 46.00/Tab. ;
250mg, Tk. 26.00/Tab.

Xitil(Ziska), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. Furoclav(Renata), Tab. ,  250mg+ 62.50mg,

198.00/70ml,;Tab.250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.,500 Tk. 30.00/Tab. ;  500 mg + 125 mg , Tk.
mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab. 50.00/Tab.
Zenifor(Zenith), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. Furoget(Getwell), Tab. , 250mg +2.50 mg,
198.00/50ml,;Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab. Tk. 28.00/Tab. ; 500mg + 125mg, Tk.
Zinnat(GSK), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab., 48.00/Tab.;Suspn., 125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 ml,
500 mg, Tk. 55.00/Tab Tk. 250.00/70ml
Kefuclav(Eskayef), Suspn., 125 mg + 31.25
Cefuroxime + Clavulanic Acid mg/5 ml, Tk. 250.00/70ml,; Tab, 500 mg +
Axeclav(Alco), Suspn. 125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 125 mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.; 250 mg +62.5 mg, Tk.
ml, Tk. 250.00/70ml ,; Tab., 500 mg + 125 30.00/Tab.; 250mg+ 62.50mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.;
mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab. ,250 mg +62.5 mg, Tk. 500mg + 125mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.; 500mg +
30.00/Tab. 125mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.; 250mg+ 62.50mg, Tk.
Axim(Aristo), Suspn., 125 mg + 31.25 30.00/Tab.
mg/5ml,Tk.250.00/70ml,; 125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 Mexclav(Biopharma), Tab., 250mg+ 62.50mg,
ml, Tk. 225.00/70mlTab., 250 mg +62.5 mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.; 500mg + 125mg, Tk.
Tk. 30.00/Tab. ; 500 mg + 125 mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
50.00/Tab. Rofuclav(Radiant), Tab. , 250mg+ 62.50mg,
Ceclav(Sharif), Tab., 500 mg+ 125mg, Tk. Tk., 50.00/Tab.; 500 mg + 125 mg, Tk.
50.00/Tab. ; 250 mg+ 62.5 mg, Tk.30.00/Tab. 0.00/Tab.; 500 mg + 125 mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
Cefaclav(Incepta), Suspn. , 125 mg + 31.25 Secoclav(General), Tab. , 500mg + 125mg,
mg/5 ml, Tk. 250.00/70ml,; Tab.,500 mg+ Tk. 50.00/Tab.; 250mg + 62.50mg, Tk.
125mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.,250 mg+ 62.5 mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.
18.00/Tab.; 250 mg+ 62.5 mg, Tk. Sefur(Opsonin),Suspn.,125 mg + 31.25 mg/5
30.00/Tab.,500 mg+ 125mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab. ml, Tk.198.75/70 ml
Cefobac(Popular), Suspn. 125 mg + 31.25 Sharpkil(One Pharma), Tab., 250 mg + 62.5
mg/5 ml, Tk. 198.75/70 ml mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.; 500 mg+ 125 mg, Tk.
Cefotil(Square), Suspn.,125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 50.00/Tab.
ml, Tk. 250.00/70ml,;Tab. , 250 mg + 62.5 mg , Xiclav(Ziska), Suspn., 125 mg + 31.25 mg/5
Tk. 30.10/Tab. ; 500 mg + 125 mg , Tk. ml, Tk. 250.00/70 ml,; Tab, 250 mg + 62.5 mg,
50.15/Tab. Tk. 300.00/Tab.; 500 mg + 125 mg, Tk.
Cefurim(Somatec), Tab., 250 mg + 62.50 mg , 400.00/Tab.
Tk. 30.00/Tab.; Suspn. , 125 mg + 31.25 Ximeclav(Globe), Suspn. 125 mg + 31.25
mg/5 ml, Tk. 250.00/70ml,; Tab., 500 mg + mg/5 ml, Tk. 250.00/Vial,; Tab. , 250 mg +
125 mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab. 62.5 mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.; 500 mg + 125 mg,
Cerox(ACI), Tab., 125mg + 31.25mg , Tk. Tk. 50.00/Tab.
21.06/Tab. ; 500mg + 125mg, TK.
50.15/Tab. ; 125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 ml, Tk. THIRD-GENERATION
225.00/70ml,;Suspn., 125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 ml,
Clavurox(Popular), Tab., 500mg + 125mg, Tk.
50.00/Tab.; suspn.,125 mg + 31.25 mg/5 ml, Third generation agents (Cefotaxime,
Tk. 250.00/70 ml Ceftriaxone, Ceftibuten etc.) generally
Clavusef(Opsonin), Suspn., 125 mg + 31.25
mg/5 ml, Tk. 252.75/70 ml,; Tab. , 125 mg +
are less active than first generation drugs
31.25 mg , Tk. 18.05/Tab.; 250 mg + 62.5 against gram-positive cocci, but they are
mg ,Tk. 30.10/Tab.,; 500 mg + 125 mg , Tk. much more active against the
50.15/Tab. Enterobacteriaceae, including beta-
Cloavurox(Popular), Tab.,250 mg + 62.5 mg lactamase producing strains. Among third
, Tk. 30.00/Tab. generation drugs ceftazidime and
Co-Axet(Orion), Tab.,250 mg+ 62.5 mg, Tk. cefoperazone also are effective in P.
30.09/Tab.;  500 mg +125 mg,Tk. 50.15/Tab.
Famiclav(Acme), Suspn. , 125 mg + 31.25
aeruginosa infection but are less active
mg/5 ml, Tk. 252.00/70ml,; Tab. , 250 mg + than other third generation agents
62.50 mg , Tk. 30.00/Tab. ; 500 mg + 125 mg against gram-positive cocci.
, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
Fuclav, (Drug Intl), Suspn. 125 mg + 31.25 CEFDINIR[W]
mg/5 ml, Tk. 250.75/70ml,; 125mg+ 31.25mg,
Tk. 18.10/Tab. ; 250mg+ 62.50mg, Tk.
30.10/Tab. ; 500mg+ 125mg, Tk. 50.20/Tab. Indications: Gonorrhea, otitis media,
pharyngitis, lower RTI such as bronchitis
and UTI


Caution: Renal Impairment Tenafet(Incepta),Tab.,250mg,Tk.20/Tab;500m

Side effects:See under Cefadroxil g,Tk.35/Tab.;Susp.,250mg/5ml,Tk.120/50 ml
Interactions:See Appendix-2
Dose: Oral:ADULT, 600 mg daily as a
single dose on in two divided doses CEFIXIME[A*][W]
CHILD may be given 14 mg/kg body
weight daily Indications:Sinusitis, otitis media, skin
and soft tissue infections caused by
Proprietary Preparations Enterobacteriaceae and betalactamase
Cednir(Eskayef), Cap, 300mg , Tk. producing H. influenzae, Morexella
40.00/Cap.;Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. catarrhalis and N. gonorrhea
Cautions, Contra-indicationsandSide-
Cefexta(UniMed),Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
225.00/60ml,;Cap., 300mg, Tk. 57.00/Cap.; effects: See notes above and under
Suspn., 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 210.00/30ml cefadroxil
Efdinir(Incepta), Cap.,300 mg, Tk. Interactions: See Appendix -2
45.00/Cap.;Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. Dose: Oral: ADULT and CHILD > 10
175.00/60ml years: 200-400 mg twice/once daily;
CHILD > 6 months: 8 mg/kg daily in 1-2
CEFDITOREN[W] divided doses

Indications: Sinusitis, otitis media, skin Proprietary Preparations

and soft tissue infections caused by Adexim(Supreme), Cap, 200mg,
Enterobacteriaceae and betalactamase Tk.30.00/Cap.; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml,
producing H. influenzae, Morexella Afix(Aristo), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml,
catarrhalis and N. gonorrhea Tk.195.00/30ml, Tk. 280.00/50ml,;100 mg/5 ml,
Cautions: See notes above; also Tk. 195.00/50ml,Tk.120.00/30ml Tk. Cap.,
carnitine deficiency 400mg , Tk. 50.00/Cap. ; 200mg , Tk.
Contra-indications: See under 3.00/Cap. ; Tab. , 200mg , Tk.
Cefadroxil 35.00/Tab.;400mg , Tk. 50.00/Tab.
Interactions:See Appendix -2 Afixime(Asiatic), Cap., 200mg , Tk. 30.00/Cap.
, 400mg , Tk. 50.00/Cap.; Suspn., 100 mg/5
Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil ml, 130.00/37.5ml,Tk. 210.00/50ml
Dose: Oral: ADULT and CHILD > 10 Bestcef(Biopharma), Cap., 200mg , Tk.
years: 200-400 mg twice daily; in patients 35.00/Cap. ;400mg , Tk. 50.19/Cap. ;Suspn,
with renal insufficiency: creatinine 100mg /5ml, Tk. 130.49/37.5ml,Tk.
clearance (CC) < 30ml/min, 200 mg once 210.00/50ml
daily, CC 30-49 ml/min, 200 mg twice Bioxim(Sharif), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk.
daily 50.14/Cap.,200 mg, Tk. 30.10/Cap. Suspn.,
100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 120.37/30ml, Tk.
175.00/50ml , Tk. 280.00/50ml ,;
Proprietary Preparations C-3(Astra Bio), Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ;
Cefditor(Orion), Tab., 200mg, Tk.100.30/Tab. 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. , Tk. 30.00/Cap. ;
Ceftoren(ACI), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 150.00/Tab. Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 195.00/5ml
Cebex(Novo), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
CEFETAMET PIVOXIL HCl[W] 195.00/50ml,; Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap.,
400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap.
Cef-3(Square), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.11/Cap.,
This member of third-generation 400 mg, Tk. 50.35/Cap.;paed.drop, 125
cephalosporins has therapeutic profile mg/1.25ml, Tk. 100.3/21ml,; Suspn., 100 mg/5
similar to that of cefixime. However, it ml, Tk. 135.4/30ml,Tk. 210.63/50ml,Tk.
may precipitate carnitine deficiency. 250/75ml,; 200 mg/5 ml, Tk. 280.85/50ml,;
The usual administration is per oral in a Tab., 200 mg, Tk. 35.11/Tab.
dose of 500 mg twice daily. Cefcil(Pharmacil), Cap., 200mg , Tk.
34.10/Cap.; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Proprietary Preparation


Ceficap(Euro), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. Odacef(UniMed), Cap., 200mg, Tk.
195/50ml. ; Cap., 224mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. , 30.00/Cap. ;400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ; Suspn.,
400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 195.00/50ml,Tk. 120.00/30ml
Cefiget(Getwell), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. Onefix(One Pharma), Cap. , 200 mg, Tk.
205.00/50ml,Tk. 245.00/100ml ,Tk. 34.99/Cap. ; 400 mg , Tk. 49.99/Cap. ; Suspn.,
90.00/20ml,; Cap., 400mg, Tk. 49.00/Cap., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 135.00/30ml,Tk. 195.00/50ml
200mg, Tk. 34.00/Cap Orcef(Renata), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cefim, (ACI), Cap., 200mg, TK. 35.11/Cap. , 280.00/50 ml,;Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
400mg, TK. 50.34/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125 135.51/30ml, Tk. 155.58/40ml,Tk.
mg/1.25ml, TK. 100.00/21ml; Suspn., 200 mg/5 195.74/50ml,Tk. 225.00/70ml ,; Tab. , 400 mg,
ml, TK. 300.90/50ml ,;Suspn.,100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 50.00/Tab. ; 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab. ;
TK. 241.62/75ml ,; TK. 130.39/30ml ,TK. Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap.; 400 mg, Tk.
210.63/50ml ,; Tab., 200 mg, TK. 30.90/Tab. ; 50.00/Cap
400mg, TK. 50.15/Tab. Orgaxim(Organic), Cap., 200mg, Tk.
Cefix(Globe), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap.; 30.10/Cap. ;500mg , Tk. 50.15/Cap. ; Suspn.,
400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ; Suspn., 100 mg /5 ml, 100 mg/50ml, Tk. 195.59/5ml, Tk. 240.72/75ml
Tk. 195.00/50ml, Prexim(Ziska), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk. 45.00/Cap.
Cefixim(Ibn Sina), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 200 mg, Tk. 30.00/Cap. ,; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml,
35.00/Cap. ; Paed.drop, 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. Tk. 120.00/30ml,Tk. 195.00/50ml,;
100.00/21ml,; Suspn,  100mg /5ml, Tk. Rofixim(Radiant), Cap. , 500mg, Tk.
180.00/40ml,Tk. 130.00/30ml,Tk. 210.00/50ml,; 45.00/Cap. ,400mg, Tk. 65.00/Cap. ;
200mg /5ml, Tk. 280.00/50ml,; Cap.,  400 mg, Suspn.,100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 250.00/50ml,
Tk. 55.00/Cap. ; 200mg/5 ml, Tk. 395.00/50ml,
Ceftid(Opsonin), Cap. , 400 mg. Tk. Roxim(Eskayef), Cap 200mg , Tk. 30.00/Cap. ,
50.35/Cap.,200 mg , Tk. 35.11/Cap. ;; Paed 400mg , Tk. 50.00/Cap. Suspn, 200 mg/5 ml,
drops, 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 98.00/21ml,;Suspn., Tk. 320.00/37.5ml, Tk.320/60ml; 100 mg/5 ml,
100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 210.63/50 ml ,Tk.130.49/ 37.5 Tk. 135.00/30ml,Tk.195.00/50ml
ml.,Tk. 321.21/ 50 ml; Tab. , 400 mg , Tk. Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25ml, Tk. 85.00/15ml,;
50.19/Tab.; 200 mg , Tk. 35.00/Tab.; Tab., 200mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab., 400mg , Tk.
Cexime(GSK), Cap. , 200 mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
35.11/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk . 50.15/Cap. ;100 Saver(Alco), Suspn., 100 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
mg/5 ml, Tk. 200.00/50ml 120.36/30ml , Tk. 150.45/40ml ,Tk.
Denvar(Healthcare), Cap., 200mg , Tk. 195.59/50ml ,; Cap., 200 mg, Tk.
35.00/Cap. ,400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ;Suspn., 30.09/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 50.15/Cap.
200mg/5ml , Tk. 320.00/50 ml,; 225.00/37.5 ml Starcef(Beacon), Cap., 400mg , Tk.
,; 100mg/5ml, Tk. 145.00/30 ml ,Tk. 210.00/50 50.00/Cap. ; 200mg , Tk. 35.11/Cap. ;
ml Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 196.33/50ml
Emixef(Incepta), Suspn.,  200 mg/5 ml, Tk. Supraxim(Silva), Cap. , 200mg, Tk.
280.00/50ml,; Suspn.,  100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 35.00/Cap.; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
130.00/30ml, Tk. 170.00/40ml, Tk. 200.00/50ml ,Tk. 140.00/30ml
195.00/50ml.; Cap,  200 mg, Tk. T-cef(Drug Intl), Cap , 400mg, Tk. 50.20/Cap.;
35.00/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap.  200mg, Tk. 30.10/Cap. ; Suspn., 200mg/5ml,
Erafix(Virgo), Cap. , 200 mg, Tk. 36.00/Cap. Tk. 280.85/50ml,; 100mg/5ml, Tk.
Fix-A(Acme), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. ; 135.45/30ml,; 195.60/50ml,; Paed.drops,
400 mg, Tk. 50.35/Cap.; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 100.30/21ml
Tk. 210.63/50ml ,Tk. 130.88/37.5ml ,Tk. Tgocef(Somatec), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
240.72/75ml ,.;200mg/5ml,Tk. 280.84/50ml,; 130.00/30ml,;Tk. 195.00/50ml,; Cap., 200 mg,
Paed.drops, 125 mg/1.25ml, Tk.100.30/21ml Tk. 35.00/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap.
Gen-3(Amico), Cap., 200mg , 30.00/Cap.; Tocef(General), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Suspn., 100mg/5ml , TK. 175.00/50ml 130.88/37.5ml, 196.33/50ml,; 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
G-FIX(G.A.Co), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.11/Cap.; 280.00/50ml,; Cap., 200mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. ;
400 mg, Tk. 48.00/Cap., Suspn., 100 mg/5ml, 400mg, Tk. 50.34/Cap.
Tk. 195.59/50 ml Trifix(Pacific), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Kefim(Kemiko), Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 240.00/50ml ,; Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. ;
55.16/Cap. ; 200 mg, Tk. 30.09/Cap.,Suspn., 400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap.
100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 130.39/37.5ml , Tk. Triocef(Nipa), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 30.00/Cap. ;
195.59/50ml Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 135.00/37.5ml, Tk.
Kuracef(Sanofi), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 195.00/50ml
135.00/30 ml,Tk. 215.00/50 ml,; Tab., 200mg, Triocim(Beximco), Cap., 200mg, Tk.
Tk. 40.00/Tab.; 400mg, Tk. 55.00/Tab. 35.00/Cap.; 400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ; Suspn.,
100mg/5ml, Tk. 210.00/50ml,; 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.


Truso(Orion), Cap., Tk. 35.11/Cap. ; Suspn., Taxceph(Ibn Sina), Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk.
200 mg/5 ml, Tk. 280.84/50ml,; 100 mg/5 ml, 140.00/Vial, 250mg/vial, Tk. 52.00/ Vial,500mg,
Tk. 130.89/37.5ml,; Tk. 195.59/50ml Paed. Tk. 76.00/ Vial
drops, 125 mg/1.25ml, Tk. 80.24/15ml Taxim(Acme), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 150.44/Vial ,
Zemicef(Popular), Cap. , 200mg, Tk. 250 mg/vial, Tk. 75.22/ Vial,500 mg/Vial, Tk.
35/Cap.;Suspn, 200 mg/5 ml, 100mg/5 ml, Tk. 100.30/ Vial
120.45/30ml, Tk.150.57/40ml, Tk.195.74/50ml Torped(Orion), Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk. 130.88/
Vial, 250 mg/vial, Tk. 50.35/ Vial ,; 500 mg/vial,
Tk. 75.50/ Vial
Indications: As part of 3-drug
combination with vancomycin and Indications: Upper respiratory-tract
Ampicillin in meningitis due to H. infections, particularly those that are
influenzae,penicillin-sensitiveS. recurrent and resistant to other
pneumonia, N. meningitidisand gram- antibiotics; lower respiratory-tract
negative enteric bacteria, gonorrhea, infections including bronchitis and
Hemophilus epiglottitis; also see under pneumonia; skin and soft tissue
cefadroxil infections; uncomplicated UTI and
Cautions, Contraindications: Side- gonorrhea; also effective against
effects: penicillin-resistant strains of
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Streptococcus pneumonia
Side-effects: Rare events of cardiac Caution, Contraindications and Side-
arrhythmias after rapid inj. also see effects: See notes above and under
under cefadroxil cefadroxil
Dose :By IM or slow IV inj. or IV infusion Interactions:See Appendix -2
1 g every 12 hours for mild to moderate Dose: Oral:as cefpodoxime proxetil:
infections; increased to 8 g daily in 4 upper respiratory-tract infections (in
divided doses for severe meningitis, up to pharyngitis and tonsillitis only in
a max. of 12 g daily in 3-4 divided doses; infections which are recurrent, chronic, or
CHILD 100-150 mg/kg/day in 2 to 4 resistant to other antibacterial), 100 mg
divided doses in mild to moderate twice daily, 200 mg twice daily in
infections, increased to 200 mg/kg daily sinusitis; lower respiratory tract infections
in severe infections; NEONATES 50 including bronchitis and pneumonia, 100-
mg/kg/day in 2 to 4 divided doses for mild 200 mg twice daily; skin and soft tissue
to moderate infections; increased to 150- infections, 200 mg twice daily;
200 mg/kg/day 4 divided doses for uncomplicated urinary-tract infections,
severe infections; for gonorrhea, a single 100-200 mg twice daily; uncomplicated
dose of 500 mg gonorrhea, 200 mg as a single dose;
CHILD 15 days-6 months 4 mg/kg every
Proprietary Preparations 12 hours; 6 months-2 years 40 mg every
Cefot(ACI), Inj.,1gm/vial,Tk. 132.40/ Vial, 500 12 hours; 3-8 years 80 mg every 12
mg/vial, Tk. 76.23/ Vial, 250mg, Tk. 50.15/ hours; > 9 years 100 mg every 12 hours
Vial, 2gm, Tk. 250.75/Vial
Cefotax(Renata), Inj.,  250 mg/vial, Tk. 75.00/ Proprietary Preparations
Vial, 500 mg, Tk. 180.00/Vial, 1 gm/vial, Tk. Cefdox(ACI), Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
100.00/Vial, 98.67/50ml,80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 176.19/50ml;
Cefotime(Incepta), Inj.,  1 gm/vial, Tk. 132.00/ Tab., 200mg, TK. 42.29/Tab. ; Cap., 100mg ,
Vial, 250 mg/vial, Tk. 50.00/ Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk. 22.13/Cap.,200mg, Tk. 25.00/Cap. ; Paed.
Tk. 76.00/ Vial drops20 mg/ml, Tk. 60.41/15ml
Ceftax(Opsonin), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 132.50/ Cefipod(Asiatic), Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Vial,250 mg/vial , Tk. 50.19/Vial, 500 mg/vial , 195.00/100ml,80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 175.00/50ml,;
Tk. 76.29/ Vial Cap., 100mg , Tk. 14.00/Cap. ; Paed. drops,
Maxcef(Square), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 20 mg/ml, Tk. 60.00/15ml
140.42/Vial. ,250 mg/vial,Tk. 70.21/Vial,500 Cefobid(UniMed), Cap.,200mg, Tk.
mg/vial, Tk. 90.27/ Vial 42.00/Cap.; Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 98.00/50ml


Cefodim(Pacific), Cap. , 100 mg, Tk. 200mg , Tk. 40.00/Cap.; Paed. drops, 20
22.00/Cap. ; 200 mg, Tk. 40.00/Cap. ; Suspn, mg/ml, Tk. 62.00/15ml
40mg/5ml, Tk. 80.00/50ml Trioclav(Eskayef), Tab, 200mg, Tk.
Cefokid(Euro), Suspn, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 40.00/Tab.; 200mg , Tk. 40.00/Tab.
98.00/50ml Trucef(Renata), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
Cefomin(Popular), Tab. , 100mg, Tk. 60.23/15ml,; Suspn, 40 mg/ 5ml, Tk.
20.08/Tab.; 200.00mg, Tk. 38.14/Tab. Suspn, 98.37/50ml,; 80 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 175.66/50ml
40mg/5 ml, Tk. 96.36/50ml Vanprox(Square), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
Ceforan(Drug Intl), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 60.4/15ml,; Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
28.10/Tab. ; 100mg, Tk. 17.05/Tab. ; Suspn, 98.65/50ml,; Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 42.29/Cap.
40mg/5ml, Tk. 120.40/100ml, Tk. Vercef(Beximco), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
75.25/50ml,80mg/5ml, Tk. 175.55/50ml 60.00/15ml,; Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk.
Cefpod(Zenith), Tab., 100 mg , Tk. 22.00/Tab. 98.00/50ml,; 80mg/5ml, Tk. 175.00/50ml
Cepdoxim(Alco), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. Victorin(Novo Health), Cap., 200 mg, Tk.
20.06/Cap.; 200 mg, Tk. 30.09/Cap. Susp., 40.00/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
40 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 175.53/100ml ,; Tk. 60.00/15ml,:Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 98.00/50ml
90.27/50ml ,; Ximeprox(Incepta), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml,
CP(Acme), Tab., 200 mg, Tk. 42.29/Tab. ; Tk. 60.00/15ml,: Suspn,  40 mg/ 5ml, Tk.
Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 98.65/50ml,; 80mg/5 175.00/50ml,; Tk. 195.00/100ml,; 80 mg/5 ml,
ml, Tk. 175.52/50ml,; Paed. drops, 120 Tk. 98.00/50ml,; Tab.,  100 mg, Tk.
mg/1.25ml, Tk. 60.40/15ml 17.00/Tab. ; 200 mg, Tk. 28.00/Tab.
Desbac(General), Cap., 100mg, Tk. Zedoxim(Globe), Cap., 100 mg, Tk.
22.13/Cap.; Suspn, 40 mg/5ml, Tk. 98.67/50ml 20.00/Cap. , 200 mg, Tk. 40.00/Cap. ;
Dofixim(Ibn Sina), Cap.,100mg, Tk. Paed.drop , 20 mg/ml, Tk. 60.00/Vial,; Suspn,
168.00/Cap.; Suspn,  40 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 95.00/50 ml;
DxProxil(Monico), Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. Cefpodoxime + Clavulanic Acid
98.00/50ml Clavuran(Drug Intl), Tab., 100mg+ 62.5mg, Tk.
Emiprox(Virgo), Suspn., 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 22.10/Tab.; 200mg+ 125mg, Tk. 35.15/Tab.
90.00/50ml, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 170.00/50ml Combocef(ACI), Tab., 200mg +125mg Tk.
Instina(Ziska), Suspn., 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 50.15/Tab.; 100mg + 62.5mg, Tk. 30.09/Tab.
98.00/50ml Duo(Incepta), Tab,  100mg+ 62.5mg, Tk.
Kidcef(Beacon),Suspn., 40mg/5ml, Tk. 25.00/Tab.; 200 mg + 125 mg, Tk. 40.00/Tab.
98.67/50ml Xtabac(Opsonin), Tab. , 200 mg + 125 mg ,
Leprox(Amico), Suspn., 40mg/5ml, TK. Tk. 35.00/Tab.; 100 mg + 62.50 mg, Tk.
98.00/50ml,; 80mg/5ml, TK. 175.00/50ml 20.00/Tab.
Neoprox(Somatec), Suspn., 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
98.37/50ml,; Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk. CEFTAZIDIME[W]
Pedicef(Orion), Paed. drops , 20mg/ml, Tk.
60.39/15ml,; Suspn., 40mg/5ml, Tk. Indications: With an aminoglycoside
98.66/50ml,;80mg/5ml, Tk. 176.19/50ml treatment of choice for Pseudomonus
Podo(Kemiko)Suspn., 40 mg / 5ml, Tk. meningitis, surgical prophylaxis, also see
98.29/50ml under Cefixime
Rovantin(Opsonin), Suspn, 40 mg /5 ml, Tk.
Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
98.66/50ml,80 mg /5 ml, Tk. 175.66/50ml,20
mg /5 ml, Tk. 60.42/5ml,; Tab., 100 mg , Tk. effects:See notes above and under
14.05/Tab., 200 mg , Tk. 25.09/Tab. cefadroxil
Roxetil(Healthcare), Cap., 100mg , Tk. Interactions:See Appendix-2
352.00/Cap. , 200mg, Tk. 504.00/Cap. ; Dose:IM or slow IV inj. or IV infusion: 1 g
Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 95.00/50 ml every 8 hours for mild to moderate
Sarelox(Sanofi), Suspn., 80mg/ml, Tk. infections, increased to 2 g every 8-12
98.67/50 ml
hours for severe infections, single dose
Starin(Eskayef), Suspn., 40 mg/ 5ml, Tk.
98.00/50ml, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 150/50ml,; Cap, over 1 gIV route only, up to a max. of 3 g
100mg , Tk. 22.00/Cap. , 200mg , Tk. daily; CHILD up to 2 months 25-60 mg/kg
40.00/Cap.; Paed. drops , 20mg/ml, Tk. daily in 2 divided doses, > 2 months 30-
60.00/15ml 100 mg/kg daily in 2-3 divided doses; up
Taxetil(Aristo), Suspn, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. to 150 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses
175.00/50ml,; 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 99.00/50ml, Tk. (max. 6 g daily ) if immunocompromised
195.00/100ml,; Cap., 100mg , Tk. 22.00/Cap.;
or meningitis;IV route recommended for


children; urinary tract and less serious Zidimax(Biopharma), Inj , 250mg/vial , Tk.
infections: 0.5-1 g every 12 hours; 70.00/ Vial,500mg/vial ,Tk. 115.00/ Vial
Pseudomonal lung infection in cystic Zitum(ACI), Inj , 250mg/vial,Tk. 70.47/
Vial,500mg/vial, Tk. 115.78/ Vial,1gm/vial,Tk.
fibrosis: ADULT with normal renal 226.53/ Vial
function 100-150 mg/kg daily in 3 divided
doses; CHILD up to 150 mg/kg daily
(max. 6 g daily) in 3 divided doses;IV
route recommended for children; surgical
prophylaxis, prostatic surgery, 1 g at
induction of anesthesia repeated if
necessary when catheter removed Ceftibuten is an oral 3rd generation
cephalosporin used similarly to cefixime
Proprietary Preparations in the treatment of urinary tract infection
Asizime(Asiatic), Inj , 1gm/vial, Tk. and respiratory tract infection.
240.00/Vial, Inj , 250mg/vial , Tk. 85.00/ Indications:See under Cefixime
Vial,500mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/ Vial Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
Cefazid(Renata), Inj,  1 gm/vial, Tk. effects: See notes above and under
240.00/Vial,250 mg/vial, Tk. 85.00/ Vial,500 cefadroxil
mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/ Vial
Interactions: See Appendix-2
Ceftazim(Aristo), Inj , 1g/vial, Tk.
240.00/Vial,250mg/vial , Tk. 85.00/ Dose: Oral: ADULT and CHILD > 10
Vial,500mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/Vial years: 400 mg once daily; CHILD > 6
Lesero(Ziska), Inj , 1g/vial, Tk. 215.00/ months: 8 mg/kg once daily
Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk. 115.00/Vial ,250 mg/vial,
Tk. 70.00/ Vial Proprietary Preparations
Maxidim(Beximco), Inj , 250mg/vial, Tk. 85.00/ Butibac(Drug Intl), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/ Vial,1gm/vial, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ; Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
240.00/ Vial 480.00/60ml
Serozid(Opsonin), Inj , 500 mg/vial , Tk. Buticef(Ibn Sina), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
130.39/ Vial,1 gm/vial, Tk. 240.00/ Vial ,250 480.00/60ml ,; Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 1200.00/Cap.
mg/vial , Tk. 85.00/ Vial Cebumax(General), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk.
Sidobac(Incepta), Inj ,  1 gm/vial, Tk. 215.00/ 120.00/Cap.;Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Vial , 250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.00/ Vial,500 mg/vial, 480.00/60ml
Tk. 115.00/ Vial Cebuten(Renata), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
Tazicef(Novo Health), Inj , 250 mg/vial, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap.
70.00/ Vial ,1.0 gm/vial, Tk. 215.00/ Vial,500 Cefamax(Incepta), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
mg/vial, Tk. 115.00/ Vial 480.00/60ml,; Cap. , 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap.
Tazid(Square), Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk. 240.72/ Cefaten(Eskayef), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk.
Vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 85.26/ Vial,500 mg/vial, 120.00/Cap., 400 mg, Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.l
Tk. 130.39/ Vial 465.00/60ml., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 775.00/100ml
Tazimax(Eskayef), Inj, 1gm, Tk. 240.00/ Vial,; Cefteria(ACI), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, TK.
250mg , Tk. 85.00/ Vial,1gm/vial, Tk. 481.00/60ml ,90 mg/5 ml, TK.
240.00/Vial,250mg/vial, Tk. 85.00/ Vial 802.00/120ml ,;Cap., 400 mg, TK. 120.00/Cap.
Tizime(Globe), Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk. 210.00/Vial,; Ceftiben(Square), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
250 mg/vial,Tk. 70.00/Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ; Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
115.00/Vial 480.00/60ml
Trizidim(Acme), Inj , 250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.47/ Inbuten(Pharmacil), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk.
Vial,; 1 gm, Tk. 216.45/ Vial,500 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap,; Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
115.78/ Vial 480.00/60 ml
Trum(Drug Intl), Inj , 1gm, Tk. 225.70/ Vial,; Logibac(Acme), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
250mg/vial, Tk. 70.25/ Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 480.00/60ml,; Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap.
120.40/ Vial Maxbuten(Sanofi), Suspn., 180mg/ml, Tk.
Zidicef(Popular), Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk. 215.81/ 800.00/60ml,90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 480.00/60ml,;
Vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 70.26/ Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tab., 400mg, Tk. 120.00/Tab.;
Tk.115.43/ Vial,2 gm, Tk. 361.36/ Vial Oditen(Opsonin), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
Zidim(Orion), Inj,  500 mg, Tk. 115.78/ Vial , 1 120.37/Cap.;Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 481.44/60
gm/vial, Tk. 216.45/Vial,250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.48/ ml ,Tk. 800.00/120 ml
Vial Roin(Ziska), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ;
Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 400.00/60ml

Tibucef(Globe), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk. Asixone(Asiatic), Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk.

465.00/60 ml,; Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap. 190.00/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk.
Zoventa(Healthcare),Suspn.,180mg/5ml, Tk. 130.00/vial.;250mg/vial , Tk. 100.00/vial,; Inj.,
800.00/60 ml ,90mg/5ml ,Tk. 480.00/60 IV 2g/vial, Tk. 300.00/vial,; 1g/vial, Tk.
ml,Cap.,200 mg ;Cap Tk. 70.00/Cap.,400 190.00/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/vial,;
mg,Tk. 120.00/Cap. 250mg/vial , Tk. 100.00/vial,;
Axon(Aristo),Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk.
200/vial,500mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/vial,250mg/vial
, Tk. 100.00/vial,Inj., IV 2g/vial, Tk.
300.00/vial,1g/vial, Tk. 200.00/vial,500mg/vial ,
Indications: Surgical prophylaxis; also Tk. 130.00/vial, 250mg/vial , Tk. 100.00/vial
see under Cefotaxime Axosin(Ibn Sina), Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk.
Cautions: See notes above ; also 180.00/vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk.
hepatic impairment, in premature 120.46/vial,250mg/vial , Tk. 90.00/vial,; Inj., IV
2g/vial, Tk. 290.00/vial,; 1g/vial, Tk.
neonates may displace bilirubin from
180.00/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 120.46/vial,
binding sites of albumin 250mg/vial , Tk. 90.00/vial
Contra-indications: Neonates with Cefaz(Astra Bio), Inj., IM 1g/vial,
jaundice, hypoalbuminemia, acidosis or 250mg/vial,Tk. 100.00/vial,; Inj., IV 2g/vial, Tk.
impaired bilirubin binding; also see under 300.00/vial, 1g/vial, Tk. 190.00/vial,;
Cefadroxil Cefone(Sharif), Inj., IM
Interactions:See Appendix -2 500mg/vial,Tk.120.37/vial,;250mg/vial , Tk.
90.28/vial,; Inj., IV 2g/vial, Tk.
Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil; also
200.79/vial,1g/vial, Tk. 180.58/vial,;
pancreatitis, rarely prolongation of Ceftizone(Renata),Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk.
prothrombin time 200.75/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 140.53/vial,;
Dose: By IM or slow IV inj. over at least 250mg/vial , Tk. 100.38/vial,; Inj., IV 2g,Tk.
2-4 minutes orIV infusion 1 g daily for 341.28/vial,; Tk. 500mg/vial , Tk. 140.53/vial,;
mild to moderate infections, increased to 250mg/vial , Tk. 100.38/vial,;
2-4 g daily for severe infections; INFANT Ceftobac(Organic), Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk.
160.00/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 120.00/vial,; Inj.,
and CHILD 20-50 mg/kg daily in mild to
IV 2g/vial, Tk. 300.00/vial,;
moderate infections, up to 80 mg/kg daily Ceftrix(Novo Healthcare), Inj., IM 1g/vial, TK.
in severe infections; doses of 50 mg/kg 191.29/Vial,;500mg/vial ,Tk.
and over byIV infusion only; NEONATES 130.39/vial,;250mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/vial; Inj., IV
byIV infusion over 60 minutes, 20-50 2gm/vial, Tk. 302.04/Vial,;1g/vial, Tk.
mg/kg daily up to a max. of 50 mg/kg 191.29/Vial,Inj., 500mg/vial, Tk. 130.39/vial.;
daily; uncomplicated gonorrhea: by deep 250mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/Vial,;
Ceftron(Square), Inj., IM., 1g/100vial, Tk.
IM inj. of 250 mg as a single dose;
190.58/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 130.39/vial,;
surgical prophylaxis: by deep IM inj. orIV 250mg/vial , Tk. 100.30/vial; Inj., IV 2gm/vial,
inj. over at least 2-4 minutes, 1 g a single Tk. 302.04/Vial,; 1g/vial, Tk. 190.58/Vial,;
dose; colorectal surgery deep IM inj. or 500mg/vial, Tk. 130.39/vial.,250mg/vial,TK.
inj. over at least 2-4 minutes or by IV 100.30/Vial,;
infusion, 2 g as a single dose; IM doses Cetaxone(Euro), Inj., IM 1g/vial, TK.
over 1 g should be divided between more 190.00/Vial,; 500mg , TK. 130.00/vial,;
250mg , TK. 100.30/vial
than one site
Inj., IV 2gm/vial,TK. 300.00/Vial,; 1g/vial, TK.
190.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial, TK.
Proprietary Preparations 130.00/vial,250mg/via, TK. 100.30/Vial,;
Aciphin(ACI), Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk. 191.29/Vial, Dicephin(Drug Intl),Inj., IM,; 1g/vial, TK.
500mg/vial , Tk. 130.39/vial, 250mg , Tk. 190.60/Vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 130.45/vial,;
100.30/vial ,Inj., IV 2gm/vial, TK. 302.04/Vial, 250mg/vial , Tk. 100.30/vial ,; Inj., IV
1g/vial, Tk. 191.29/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 2gm/vial,Tk. 301.00/Vial,; 1g/vial, Tk.
130.39/vial, 250mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/Vial,; 190.60/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk.
Arixon(Beximco), Inj., IM 130.45/vial.,250mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/Vial,;
1g/vial,Tk.190.00/vial,500mg/vial, Tk. Enocef(Sanofi),
130.00/vial; 250mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/vial,;Inj.,IV Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk. 201.35/Vial,
2g/vial, Tk. 300.00/vial, 1g/vial,; Tk. Exephin(Incepta), IM Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk.
190.00/vial,;500mg/vial, Tk. 190.00/vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/vial,; 500
300.00/vial.;250mg/vial , Tk. 100.00/vial mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/vial.;Inj.,IV.,2 gm/vial, Tk.
300.00/vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 190.00/Vial,; 250


mg/vial, Tk. 100/vial ; 500 mg/vial, Tk. Triphin(Ziska), IM Inj. , 1 gm/Vial, Tk.
130.00/vial 160.00/vial,; 250 mg/Vial, Tk. 80.00/vial,; 500
Imacef(General),Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk. mg/Vial, Tk. 120.00/vial.;IV, Inj. , 2 gm/vial, Tk.
190.00/Vial,; 500mg , Tk. 130.00/vial,; Inj., IV 250.00/vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 160.00/vial,; 250
2gm, Tk. 302.04/Vial,;1g/vial, Tk. 161.08/Vial,; mg/vial, Tk. 80.00/vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk.
500mg/vial, Tk.130.00/vial 120.00/vial
Infecef(Alco), Inj.,IM 1g, Tk. 190.57/Vial,; Trizon(Acme), IM Inj., 1 g/Vial,Tk. 190.58/vial;
500mg , Tk. 130.39/vial,;250mg, Tk. 250 mg/Vial, Tk. 100.30/vial,; 500 mg/Vial, Tk.
100.39/vial; Inj., IV 2gm,Tk. , 300.90/Vial,; 130.39/vial,; 1 g/Vial, Tk.
1g/vial, Tk. 190.57/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 190.58/vial,;IV.Inj.,2gm/vial, Tk. 300.90/vial,;
130.39/vial.,250mg/vial, TK. 100.30/Vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/vial ; 500 mg/vial, Tk.
Maxzon(One Pharma), IM Inj. , 250 mg/vial, 130.39/vial
Tk. 100.00/vial,; 500 mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/vial,; Vertex(Orion), IM Inj ,  1 gm/vial, Tk.
Inj.,IV., 1 gm/vial, Tk.1190.00/vial,; 2 gm/vial , 190.21/Vial,;  250 mg/vial, Tk. 100.3/Vial,;
Tk. 300.00/vial 500 mg/vial, Tk. 130.39/Vial,;  IV.Inj.,2 gm/vial,
Odatrix(UniMed), Inj.,IM 1g/vial, TK. Tk. 302.04/Vial ,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 190.21/Vial,;
160.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial , TK. 120.00/vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/Vial. 500 mg/vial, Tk.
Inj., IV 2gm/vial,TK. 300.00/Vial,; 1g/vial, TK. 130.39/Vial
160.00/Vial,; Winner(Biopharma), IM Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk.
Oricef(Healthcare), IM Inj. , 1gm/vial , Tk. 180.68/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 120.45/vial,;
320.00/vial,; 250mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/vial,; IV.Inj.,500mg/vial , Tk.120.45/vial,; 1 gm/vial,
500mg/vial , Tk. 200.00/vial; IVInj., 1gm/vial , Tk. 180.68/vial,; 2gm/vial, Tk. 300.00/vial
Tk. 320.00/vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/vial,;
2gm/vial, Tk. 490.00/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. FOURTH-GENERATION
Orizone(Pharmacil), IV Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk. CEPHALOSPORINS[R]
290.87/Vial ,; 2gm/vial, Tk. 501.05/Vial ,;
500mg , Tk. 200.60/Vial Fourth generation drugs have an
Perix(Monico), extended spectrum of activity compared
Inj., IM 250mg/vial, TK. 90.00/Vial,; to third generation and have increased
Rit(Kemiko), Inj., IM 1g/vial, TK. 190.58/Vial,;
stability against betalactamases. They
500mg/vial, TK. 120.35/vial ,250mg/vial, TK.
95.29/vial,Inj., IVInj.,2g/vial, TK. 300.00/Vial,; are considered to be particularly useful in
Inj., 1g/vial, TK. 190.58/Vial,; Inj., 500mg/vial, infections caused by aerobic gram-
TK. 120.35/vial., 250mg/vial, TK. 95.29/vial negative organisms resistant to third
Rofecin(Radiant), IM Inj. 250mg, Tk. generation cephalosporins.
150.45/vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 361.08/vial,;
500mg, Tk. 220.66/vial,; Inj.,IV. 500mg/vial, Tk.
220.66/vial,; 2.0g/vial , Tk. 682.05/vial,; 1
gm/vial, Tk. 361.08/vial,; 250mg, Tk.
150.45/vial Indications: Drug of choice for the
Traxef(Beacon), Inj., 1gm , Tk. 320.96/vial empirical treatment of nosocomial
Traxon(Opsonin), IM. Inj. , 1gm/vial , Tk. infections, i.e. nosocomial isolates of
190.00/vial,; 250 mg/vial , Tk. 100.00/vial,; enterobacter, citrobacter and serratia;
500 mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/vial,; IV.Inj., 500
mg/Vial , Tk. 130.00/vial ,; 1gm/Vial , Tk. also see under Cefixime
190.58/vil,; 250 mg/Vial , Tk. 100.00/vial2 Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
gm/vial , Tk. 302.03/vial,; effects:See notes above and under
Tribac(Globe), IM Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk. cefadroxil
180.00/Vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 90.00/Vial,; 500 Interactions:See Appendix-2
mg/Vial, Tk. 120.00/Vial,;IV.Inj., 2 gm/vial, Tk. Dose:By slow IV inj. over at least 2-4
300.00/Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 180.00/Vial,; 250 minutes orIV infusion 0.5-1 g 12 hourly
mg/vial, Tk. 90.00/Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk.
120.00/Vial for mild to moderate infections; increased
Triject(Eskayef), IM.,Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. to 2 g daily every 12 hours for severe
190.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/Vial ,; infections; INFANT and CHILD 75-120
250mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. mg/kg/day in 2-3 divided doses
130.00/Vial,; IV .Inj., 2 gm/vial, Tk.
300.00/Vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/Vial,; 1 Proprietary Preparations
gm/vial, Tk. 190.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk.
130.00/Vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/vial

Ceftipime(Renata), Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 552.08/ Severe infections including bacteremia

Vial; 2 gm/vial, Tk. 1104.15/ Vial, 500 mg, Tk. and septicemia and infections in
301.13/ Vial neutropenic patients, 2 g every 12 hours
Efepime(Ziska), Inj, 1 g/vial, Tk. 550.00/Vial, 2
g/vial, Tk. 1100.00/Vial, 500 mg/vial, Tk.
CHILD less than 12 years not
300.00/ Vial recommended
Forgen(Aristo), Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 550.00/ Vial,
2gm/vial , Tk. 1100.00/ Vial,500mg/vial , Tk. Proprietary Preparation
300.00/ Vial Force(Square), IV Inj. 1 gm/Vial, Tk.
Gen-4(Ibn Sina), Inj, 500 mg/vial, Tk. 555.00/ 401.51/Vial
Vial,2gm/vial, Tk. 1010.00/ Vial,500mg, Tk.
305.00/Vial 1.1.3 OTHER BETA-LACTUMS
Magnova , (Orion), Inj, 1mg/vial , Tk. 551.65/
Vial,2 gm/vial , Tk. 1103.31/ Vial ,500mg , Tk. CARBAPENEMS[W]
300.90/ Vial MONOBACTAM[W]
Maxpime(Square), Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 551.65/
Vial,500 mg, Tk. 300.90/ Vial,2gm/vial , Tk.
1100.00/ Vial Besides Penicillins and
Pime(ACI), Inj, 1gm/vial, Tk. 553.73/ Vial,; Cephalosporins, Carbapenems
2gm/vial, Tk. 1107.47/ Vial,; 500mg, Tk. (Doripenem, Ertapenem, Imipenem,
302.04/ Vial Meropenem) and monobactam
Superpime(Acme), Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 551.64/ (Aztreonam) are important therapeutic
Vial, 2 gm/vial, Tk. 1103.31/ Vial, 500 mg/vial , agents with a beta lactam structure. They
Tk. 300.90/ Vial are bactericidal and act by inhibiting cell
Tetracef(Beximco), Inj, 1gm/vial, Tk. 550.00/
Vial, 500mg, Tk. 300/Vial wall synthesis of susceptible organisms.
Tupime(Kemiko), Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 551.65/Vial
Ultrapime(Incepta), Inj,  1 gm/vial, Tk. 550.00/ CARBAPENEMS[W]
Vial, 500 mg, Tk. 300.00/ Vial
Unipim(Drug Intl), Inj, 1gm/vial, Tk. 501.50/
Vial, 500mg, Tk. 301.10/ Vial
The carbapenems have wide spectrum of
Winnipime(Sanofi), Inj, 1g/vial, Tk. 551.65/ activity, being active against many
Vial ,2g/vial, Tk. 1103.31/ Vial aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive and
Xenim(Opsonin), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 552.08/ gram-negative organisms, including
Vial,; 500 mg/vial , Tk. 301.13/ Vial Listeria,Pseudomonas and most
Ximepime(Globe), Inj., 1 gm/vial, 550.00/ Vial,; Enterobacteriaceae.Carbapenems are
2 gm/vial, 1100.00/ Vial,; 500 mg/vial , resistant to wide spectrum of
300.00/Vial,; 1gm/vial , Tk. 550.00/ Vial,
2gm/vial , Tk. 1100.00/ Vial, 500mg , Tk.
300.00/ Vial
Zopime(Healthcare), Inj., 1gm/vial , Tk. DORIPENEM[W]
550.00/ Vial, 500mg/vial, Tk. 300.00/ Vial
Doripenem is the newest of the
CEFPIROME[R] carbapenems with a broad spectrum and
enhanced gram-negative antimicrobial
Indications: infections due to sensitive activity particularly against P aeruginosa.
Gram positive and Gram-negative institutional susceptibility patterns and
bacteria cost may be the 2 factors that will carry
Cautions, Contra-indications, Side- the most weight in prescribing decisions.
effects: See notes above and under Indications: Treatment of complicated
cefadroxil intra-abdominal infections and
Interactions:See Appendix -2 complicated urinary tract infections,
Dose:IV inj. or infusion: complicated including pyelonephritis;
upper and lower UTI, Skin and Soft Cautions: Hypersensitivity to beta
tissue infections, 1 g every 12 hours, lactams, pregnancy, CNS disorders,
increased to 2 g every 12 hours in very renal impairment
severe infections; Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity;
Lower Respiratory Tract Infection, 1-2 g Interactions: See Appendix-2
every 12 hours;


Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil, also drugs, urinary tract and lower respiratory
seizures, convulsions, confusion and infections, septicemia particularly of renal
mental disturbances origin, intraabdominal and gynecological
Dose: Complicated Intra-abdominal infections, skin, soft-tissue, bone and
Infection:500 mg IV infusion over 1 hour joint infections, surgical prophylaxis; also
8 hourly x 5-14 days,at least 3 days IV, see Notes above
may switch to an appropriate oral Cautions: Hypersensitivity to other beta-
treatment if clinical improvement Noted; lactams, pregnancy, CNS disorders,
Complicated UTI renal impairment
500 mg IV infusion over 1 hour 8 hourly x Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity to
10 days can be extended up to 14 days if imipenem or cilastatin, breast-feeding
concurrent bacteremia; treatment of Interactions: See Appendix -2
bronchopulmonary infection in patients Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil, also
with cystic fibrosis who are colonized with seizures, convulsions, confusion and
P aeruginosa mental disturbances, increases in serum
creatinine and blood urea, tooth or
Proprietary Preparations tongue discoloration, red coloration of
Dionem(Opsonin), Inj., 500 mg , Tk. urine in children
2000.00/Vial Dose:Deep IM inj.: 500-750 mg 12
Doriject(Popular), Inj., 500 mg Tk. hourly; gonococcal urethritis or cervicitis,
Dorinem(ACI), Inj., 500 mg, Tk. 2006.02/Vial
500 mg a single dose;IV infusion, 1-2 g
Doripen(Eskayef), Inj., 500 mg, Tk. daily in 3-4 divided doses, may be
2000.00/Vial, 250 mg, Tk. 1300.00/Vial, increased to 50 mg/kg up to a max. of 4 g
Perinem(Drug Intl), Inj., 500 mg, Tk. daily; CHILD > 3 months, 60 mg/kg/day
2000.00/Vial in 4 divided doses; surgical
prophylaxis:IV infusion: 1 g at induction
ERTAPENEM[W] of anesthesia repeated after 3 hours,
Ertapenem is considered a narrower supplemented in colorectal, cardiac
spectrum agent, as it has limited activity surgery by doses of 500 mg 8 and 16
against certain pathogens of concern hours after induction
such as P aeruginosa.
Indications:Infection againstP Proprietary Preparations
aeruginosa. Cispenam(Incepta), Inj., 250 mg+250 mg, Tk.
650.00/Vial, 500 mg+ 500 mg , Tk. 1195/Vial.
Cautions: Hypersensitivity to other beta-
Imbac(Popular), Inj. , 500 mg + 500 mg , Tk.
lactams, pregnancy, CNS disorders, 1199.51/Vial
renal impairment Iminem(ACI), Inj., 500 mg + 500 mg , Tk.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 1203.12/Vial ,; 250 mg + 250 mg , Tk.
Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil 650.00/Vial
Dose :1 gram IV or IM once daily for 5 to Iropen(Renata),Inj., 500 mg + 500 mg , Tk.
14 days 1295.00/Vial
Maxipen(Opsonin), Inj., 500 mg + 500 mg ,
Tk. 1295.00/Vial
Proprietary Preparation
Etropen(Techno)Inj.,1 gm/vial,Tk.3400/vial
Indications: Aerobic and anaerobic
Gram-positive and Gram-negative
Indications: Drug of choice for infections
infections, septicemia; see also notes
caused by cephalosporin-resistant
nosocomial bacteria, such as Citrobacter
Cautions: Hypersensitivity to beta-
freundii and Enterobacter spp; good
lactam antibiotics; hepatic impairment
choice for empiric treatment of serious
(Appendix-3); renal impairment
infections in hospitalized patients who
have recently received other beta-lactam

(appendix-4); pregnancy (appendix-5); Menem(Astra Bio), Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk.

and breast-feeding(appendix-6); 1300.00/Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 700.00/Vial
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Mepen(Biopharma), Inj. , 1gm/vial, Tk.
1200.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 650.00/Vial
Contra indications: Hypersensitivity to Merobac(Popular), Inj. , 1gm/vial, Tk.
meropenem. 1204.53/Vial,; 750 mg, Tk. 652.45/Vial
Side-effects: Gastrointestinal Merocar(Globe), Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk.
disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, 1200.00/Vial,; 500 mg, Tk. 650.00/Vial
diarrhoea, abdominal pain; disturbance of Merocon(Beacon), Inj. , 1 gm/vial , Tk.
liver function tests; hypersensitivity 1303.91/Vial ,; 500 mg, Tk. 702.11/Vial
reaction such as skin rash, pruritus, Meroject(Eskayef), Inj, 500mg, Tk.
700.00/Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 1300.00/Vial. ;
urticaria, thrombocytopenia, positive 500mg/vial, Tk. 700.00/Vial,; 1gm/vial , Tk.
Coombs test; eosinophilia, neutropenia, 1300.00/Vial.
leucopenia; headache, paraesthesia; Meromax(Orion), Inj. , 500 mg/vial, Tk.
also reported convulsion, Steven- 654.41/Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 1208.07/Vial
Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal Meronix(Novo Health), Inj. , 1gm/vial, Tk.
necrolysis; local reactions including pain 1300.00/Vial ,; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 700.00/Vial
and thrombophlebitis at injection site Meropen(Renata), Inj. ,  1 gm/vial, Tk.
1300.00/Vial. ,; 250 mg/Vial, Tk. 400.00/Vial,;
Dose:By intravenous injection over 3 to 500 mg/vial, Tk. 700.00/Vial
5minutes or by intravenousinfusion over Merotrax(Ibn Sina), Inj. , 1gm/vial, Tk.
15 to 30minutes in a usual dose of 0.5 to 1300.00/Vial,; 500mg, Tk. 700.00/Vial
1g every 8 hours; dose may be doubled Neopenem(Healthcare), Inj, 1gm/vial, Tk.
in hospital-acquired pneumonia, 1350.00/Vial,; 250mg/vial , Tk. 450.00/Vial,;
peritonitis, septicemia and infections in 500mg/vial, Tk. 750.00/Vial
neutropenic patients. 2g every 8 hours Penomer(Beximco), Inj. , 500mg/vial, Tk.
700.00/Vial,; 1gm/vial, Tk. 1300.00/Vial
for meningitis; dose of up to2 g every Ronem(Opsonin), Inj. , 500 mg/vial , Tk.
8hours also been used in cystic fibrosis. 700.00/Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 1300.00/Vial
Dose should be reduced in patients with Ropenem(Drug Intl), Inj. , 1gm/vial, Tk.
renal impairment; CHILD over 3 months 1003.00/Vial,; 500mg, Tk. 503.15/Vial
of age and weighing less than of 50kg, Specbac(Square), Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk.
10-20mg/kg every 8 hours (not 1300.00/Vial. ; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 400.00/Vial;
recommended for infection in 500 mg/vial, Tk. 700.00/Vial
Merocil(Pharmacil), IV Inj.,1 gm/Vial, Tk.
neutropenia) 1594.78/Vial ; 500mg/Vial, Tk. 852.56/Vial
For meningitis, 2g every 8 hours; CHILD
3 months to 12 years 40mg/kg every 8 MONOBACTAM[W]
hours; over 50 kg body weight adult dose
Exacerbations of chronic lower
respiratory-tract infection in cystic AZTREONAM[W]
fibrosis, up to 2g every 8 hours; CHILD 4-
18 years 25-40mg/kg every 8 hours Indications: Gram negative infections
caused by Pseudomonas
Proprietary Preparations aeruginosa,Hemophilus influenzae,
Aronem(ACI), Inj. , 1gm, Tk. 1208.14/Vial,; Neisseria meningitides and N. gonorrhea
500mg, TK. 654.41/Vial Cautions: Hepatic impairment, breast-
Aropen(Aristo), Inj. , 1gm, Tk. 1200.00/Vial feeding; penicillins- and/or
Betanem (Kemiko), Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk.
1250.00/Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 700.00/Vial cephalosporins-allergic patients tolerate
Carbanem(Sanofi), Inj. , 1gm/vial, Tk. aztreonam without reaction
1303.91/Vial,; 500mg, Tk. 702.11/Vial Contra-indications: Aztreonam
Fulspec(Acme), Inj. , 250 mg/vial, Tk. hypersensitivity; pregnancy
400.00/Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 1208.15/Vial,; Interactions:See Appendix-2
500.00 mg/vial, Tk. 654.42/Vial Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting,
Intrapen(General), Inj.,  1 gm/vial, Tk. diarrhea, abdominal cramps, mouth
1303.90/Vial,; 500 mg, Tk. 702.11/Vial
I-Penam(Incepta), Inj. ,  1gm/vial, Tk. ulcers, altered taste, jaundice and
1300.00/Vial ,; 500 mg, Tk. 700.00/Vial hepatitis, blood disorders including
thrombocytopenia and neutropenia,


urticaria and rashes Use of aminoglycosides in second and

Dose:Deep IM or slow IV inj. over at third trimesters of pregnancy carries the
least 2-4 minutes or IV infusion: 1 g every risk of auditory or vestibular nerve
8 hours for mild to moderate infections; damage. Streptomycin has the
increased to 2 g every 6-8 hours for greatestrisk and with Gentamicin and
severe infections; CHILD > 1 week, IV inj. Tobramycin the risk is probably very
or infusion: 30 mg/kg every 6-8 hours, small but should not be used unless
increased for severe infections in child > essential (if given, serum concentration
2 years, to 50 mg/kg every 6-8 hours up must be monitored).
to a max. of 8 g/day; for urinary tract Side-effects: All aminoglycosides are
infections, 0.5-1 g 8-12 hourly; for ototoxic and nephrotoxic. Ototoxicity is
gonorrhea or cystitis, 1 g by IM inj. as a largely irreversible Concurrent use of
single dose frusemide, ethacrynic acidpotentiates
ototoxicity. Cochlear toxicity initiates as a
Proprietary Preparations high-pitched tinnitus followed by auditory
Atreon(Square), Inj., 500 mg/Vial, Tk. impairment. Vestibular toxicity starts as
300/Vial;2 gm/Vial, Tk. 650/Vial;1 gm/vial, Tk. moderately intense headache which is
450/Vial rapidly followed by an acute stage of
Azonam(Incepta), Inj., 1 gm/Vial, Tk. 400/Vial
nausea, vomiting and difficulty with
equilibrium. All aminoglycosides are
1.1.4. AMINOGLYCOSIDES[A] capable of affecting both cochlear and
(See also section 12 and 10) vestibular function. Tobramycin affects
both functions, whereas Amikacin,
These drugs are primarily active against Neomycin and kanamycin primarily
aerobic, gram-negative bacilli. Because affect auditory function and streptomycin
of limited spectrum compared with other and gentamicin are primarily
aminoglycosides, Kanamycin and vestibulotoxic. Nephrotoxicity of
Streptomycin are not recommended for aminoglycosides is almost always
infections caused by P. aeruginosa and reversible and starts as a defect in renal
Serratia. Streptomycin is active against concentrating ability, mild proteinuria and
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, for which it appearance of hyaline and granular casts
is now entirely reserved. Gentamicin in urine. Most common significant finding
and Tobramycin exhibit similar activity is mild rise in serum creatinine. The most
but against P. aeruginosa and some important result of nephrotoxicity is the
strains of Proteus species Tobramycin is reduced excretion of drug which, in turn,
considered to be superior. predisposes to ototoxicity. Other
Aminoglycosides have limited activity potentially nephrotoxic drugs such as
against gram-positive bacteria. S. aureus Amphotericin B, Vancomycin,
and Strep. viridans appear to be sensitive Cisplatin, Cyclosporine, Cephalothin
while other gram-positive organisms and aggravate aminoglycosides induced
anaerobes are resistant. nephrotoxicity. In very high doses, these
Cautions:Patients with renal impairment drugs can produce curare-like
may require earlier and more frequent neuromuscular blockade and may cause
concentration measurement. Patients respiratory paralysis.
with creatinine clearance value less than
80-100 ml/min. needs dose adjustment.
Monitoring for ototoxicity by careful
audiometric examination also is required
in patients receiving high dosed and/or
prolonged courses of aminogly-
cosides.Cautions are also required in
pregnancy and in nursing mothers.


AMIKACIN[A] [C] mg/kg given over 30-60 minutes; CHILD

up to 2 weeks 3 mg/kg every 12 hours; 2
Indications: Preferred choice for initial weeks-12 years 2 mg/kg every 8 hours;
treatment of serious nosocomial gram- by intrathecal inj.1-10 mg daily; ear and
negative bacillary infections resistant to eye infections, 3-4 drops 3-4 times daily
gentamicin and tobramycin; also see Note: one-hour (“peak”) concentration
under Gentamicin should not exceed 10 mg/litre (5 mg/litre
Cautions, Contra-indications, Side- in endocarditis); pre-dose (“trough”)
effects:See notes above concentration should be less than 2
Dose:IM or slow IV inj. or IV infusion, 15 mg/litre (less than 1mg /litre in
mg/kg daily divided doses every 12 hours endocarditis)

Proprietary Preparations Proprietary Preparations

Amibac(Popular), Inj., 100 mg/2 ml, Tk. Genacyn(Square), Inj., 80 mg /2 ml, Tk.
16.06/2 ml,; 500 mg/2ml, Tk. 48.18/2 ml 10.18/Amp; 20 mg /2 ml, Tk. 6.11/Amp
Amikin(Incepta), Inj., 100 mg/2 ml, Tk.
16.00/2m l,500 mg/2 ml, Tk. 48.00/2 ml Gentabac(Popular), Inj., 80 mg /2 ml, Tk.
Amistar(Square), Inj.,100 mg/2 ml, Tk. 10.15/Amp; 20 mg /2 ml, Tk. 6.07/Amp
16.05/2 ml, 500 mg/2 ml, Tk. 48.14/2 ml Gentanix(Novo Health), Inj.,80 mg/2 ml, Tk.
Kacin(ACI), Inj., 100mg/2ml, Tk. 16.11/2 ml,; 10.00/Amp
500mg/2ml, Tk. 48.32/2ml Gentin(Opsonin), Inj. 20 mg /2 ml, Tk. 6.08/ 2
Mikacin(Aristo), Inj., 500mg/2ml, Tk. 45.00/2 ml /Amp,; Inj., 80 mg/2 ml, Tk. 14/2ml amp
ml,; 100mg/2ml Tk. 15.00/2 ml Intamycin (Incepta), Inj. , 80 mg/2 ml, Tk.
Psudonil(Drug Intl), Inj.,100mg/2ml, Tk. 10.00/Amp., 20 mg /2 ml, Tk. 6.00/Amp
16.05/2 ml,; 250mg/2ml, Tk. 30.10/2 ml,; Optimycin (Aristo) Inj. , 80 mg/2 ml, Tk.
500mg/2ml, Tk. 45.15/2 ml 14.00/Amp.
Invigen (Beximco), Inj. (IV. infusion).
G-Gentamycin(Gonoshasthaya) Inj. , 80
Indications: Urinary tract infections, mg/2 ml, Tk. 12.00/Amp.,
bacteremia, infected burns, osteomyelitis,
sepsis, pneumonia, peritonitis, biliary
tract infections, acute pyelonephritis or NEOMYCIN SULPHATE[ED] [A]
prostatitis, otitis, meningitis, ocular
infections caused by susceptible Indications: Bowel sterilization before
organisms (see notes above); with an surgery, with polymyxins for bladder
antipseudomonal penicillin for sepsis in irrigation to prevent bacteremia and
granulocytopenic patients, concurrently bacteriuria associated with the use of
with penicillin G for bacterial endocarditis indwelling catheters, infections
due to viridans streptococci or associated with burns, wounds, ulcers,
enterococci; in combination with nafcillin dermatoses caused by susceptible
in selected cases of staphylococcal organisms, as an adjunct to the therapy
endocarditis; in combination with a of hepatic coma
penicillin and/or metronidazole for Cautions:Too toxic for systemic use;
surgical chemoprophylaxis, and in because severe renal insufficiency may
undiagnosed serious infections develop in the late stages of hepatic
Cautions: See notes above coma, great cautions should be taken
Contra-indications: Myasthenia gravis; when neomycin is utilized as an adjunct
also see notes above and should be stopped if there is
Side-effects See notes above;also ototoxicity or evidence of renal injury;
hypomagnesaemia on prolonged therapy also see notes above
Dose:IM or slow IV inj. over at least 3 Contra-indications:Intestinal
minutes, initially 2 mg/kg, then 3-5 mg/kg obstruction; also see notes above
daily in divided doses every 8 hours, or Side-effects: See notes above; also
as once-daily dose by IV infusion, 5 increased salivation, stomatitis

Interactions: See Appendix-2 doses every 8 hours; NEONATES 2

Dose:Oral: Preoperative bowel mg/kg every 12 hours; CHILD > 1 week
sterilization, 1 g every 4 hours, for 2-3 2-2.5 mg/kg every 8 hours; for chronic
days; hepatic coma, up to 4 g daily in pulmonary Pseudomonas aeruginosa
divided doses usually for max.14 days infection in cystic fibrosis patients, by
Side-effects: Increased salivation, inhalation of nebulized solution, ADULT
stomatitis; see also under & CHILD over 6 years, 300 mg every 12
Aminoglycosides hours for 28 days, courses repeated after
28-day interval
Proprietary Preparations Note: one-hour (“peak”) concentration
See section 12.2.&10.2.(for skin and eye should not exceed 10 mg/litre; pre-dose
preparation) (“trough”) concentration should be less
than 2 mg/litre

STREPTOMYCIN[ED] [A] Proprietary Preparation

See section10.2.1(For Eye preparation
Indications: Tuberculosis in combination only)
with other drugs; plague, tularemia,
adjunct to doxycycline in brucellosis, 1.1.5 MACROLIDES
enterococci endocarditis
Cautions, Contra-indications, Side- AZITHROMYCIN[W]
effects: See notes above
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Indications:Same as that of
Dose:Deep IM inj. or IV inj. ADULT Clarithromycin
tuberculosis, 15 mg/kg/d, CHILD 20-40 Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
mg/kg/d, not to exceed 1-1.5 g/d; for effects:See under Erythromycin;also
intermittent supervised therapy 1-1.5 g anorexia, dyspepsia, photosensitivity,
twice or thrice weekly; bacterial interstitial nephritis, acute renal failure,
endocarditis, 0.5 g twice daily; the dose asthenia, paraesthesia, convulsions,
is reduced in those under 50kg or those Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic
over 40 years or those with renal epidermal necrolysis and taste
impairment disturbances
Note: one-hour (“peak”) concentration Interactions: See Appendix -2
should not exceed 40mg/litre; pre-dose Dose: Oral &IV: ADULT should be given
(“trough”) concentration should be less 1 hour before or 2 hours after meal when
than 5 mg/litre (less than 1 mg/litre in administered orally, 500 mg on first day,
renal impairment or in those over 50 then 250 mg/d for days 2 through 5;
years of age) uncomplicated genital chlamydial
infections and non-gonococcal urethritis:
Generic Preparation 1 g as a single dose; M. avium-
Injection,1gm/vial intracellulare infection in AIDSpatients,
for treatment 500 mg daily and for
TOBRAMYCIN[A] prevention 1200 mg once weekly;CHILD
10 mg/kg (max. 500 mg) on first day,
Indications: See under Gentamicin then 5 mg/kg (max. 250 mg) for days 2
Cautions: See notes above; For through 5
inhalation treatment: other inhaled drugs
should be given before, Proprietary Preparations
Contraindications, Side- effects: See Acos(Radiant), Suspn., 200ml/5ml, Tk.
notes above 175.53/30ml,; Tab.,500mg, Tk. 55.17/Tab.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Adiz(Euro), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Cap. ,
500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap.
Dose:IM or slow IV inj. over 3-5 minutes
or IV infusion, 5-6 mg/kg daily in divided

Asizith(Asiatic), Suspn., 200ml/5ml,, Tk. 100.30/20ml,Tk. 185.55/50ml,; Tk.

130.00/30ml,Tk. 85.00/15ml,; Tab., 250mg , 130.88/35ml, Tk. 140.43/35ml,Tab., 500mg,
Tk. 20.00/Tab., 500mg , Tk. 35.00/Tab. Tk. 35.00/Tab.
AZ(Aristo), Suspn., 200ml/5ml, Tk. Azro(Nipa), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk.
100.00/15ml, Cap., 500mg , Tk. 35.00/Cap.; 85.00/15ml,Tk. 130.00/30ml, Tk. 180.00/50ml,
Tab. , 250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab. ,500mg , Tk. Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.
35.00/Tab. Curazith(Sanofi), Suspn., 200gm/5ml, Tk.
Azalid(Orion), Tab. ,500 mg, Tk. 35.11/Tab. ; 85.26/15ml,Tab., 500mg,Tk. 35.11/Tab.;
Cap.,  500 mg, Tk. 25.00/Cap. ; Susp, 250mg, Tk. 20.06/Tab.
200ml/5ml, Tk. 85.58/15ml,, Tk. 130.88/35ml Demacro(Decent), Suspn., 200gm/5ml,, Tk.
Azaltic(Nipro JMI), Susp., 200mg/5ml , Tk. 85.00/15ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.
85.00/15ml; Tk. 130.39/35 ml; Tab., 500 mg, Macazi(Pacific), Tab., 500 mg, Tk.
Tk. 35.00/Tab. 35.00/Tab. ;Suspn.,200mg/5ml, Tk.
Azasite(Sharif), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk. 118.00/35ml , Tk. 64.00/15ml
85.26/20ml , Tk. 130.39/35ml , Tk. 185.56/50ml Macrozith(Silva), Cap., 250mg, Tk.
,; Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 35.11/Tab. 20.08/Cap. ; Suspn., 200gm/5ml Tk.
Azicin(Opsonin), Cap.,500 mg,Tk. 135.00/35ml , Tk. 90.00/15ml ,; Tk.
30.00/Cap.,250 mg ,Tk. 20.08/Cap. ; Suspn., 115.78/25ml,; Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 34.00/Tab.
200 mg /5 ml, Tk. 100.00/20 ml , Tk. 140.00/35 Maczith(Biopharma), Cap., 250mg, Tk.
ml ,; Tab. , 250 mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab., 500 mg, 25.00/Cap.; Suspn., 200gm/5ml, Tk.
Tk. 35.11/Tab.; Sachet1 gm, Tk. 80.00/sachet 160.00/35ml,Tk. 95.00/15ml,Tk.
Aziget(Getwell), Suspn, 200 mg/5 ml, Tk. 180.00/50ml,Tab., 500mg , Tk. 35.00/Tab. ,
140.00/35ml , Tk. 185.00/50ml , Tk. 85.00/15ml 250mg Tk. 25.09/Tab.
, Tab., 500mg, Tk. 34.00/Tab.; Odaz(UniMed), Suspn, 200mg/5m, Tk.
Azikil(One Pharma), Suspn., 200 mg/5ml, Tk. 100.00/15ml,Tk. 150.00/30ml
100.00/20ml,Tk. 140.00/35ml, Tk. Odazyth(ACI), Inj.,500mg/vial. Tk. 251.69/vial,
185.00/50ml,Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab. Suspn.,200mg/5ml, Tk.250.75/75ml ,Tk.
Azimex(Drug Intl), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. 186.26/50ml,Tk. 85.58/15ml , Tk. 130.88/30ml
130.45/30ml,Tk. 185.55/50ml, Tk. 90.30/15ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 35.11/Tab. ; Cap., 250mg,
Tab., 250mg, Tk. 25.10/Tab. ;500mg, Tk. Tk. 25.08/Cap
35.15/Tab. Orgazith(Organic), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
Azimon(Monico), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. 20.06/Cap.,Susp.,200 mg / 5ml,Tk. 85.26/20ml,
90.0015ml.; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab. Tk. 130.39/35ml , Tk. 185.56/50ml,
Azin(Acme), Cap , 250.00 mg, Tk. 25.08/Cap.; Respazit(Somatec), Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
Tab. , 500.00 mg, Tk. 35.11/Tab.;Suspn., 200 140.00/35ml,Tk. 185.00/50ml,; Cap., 250 mg,
mg/5ml,, Tk. 140.42/30ml,Tk. 185.56/50ml, Tk. Tk. 25.00/Cap.; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.
95.29/15ml Romycin(Ibn Sina), Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
Azinaaf(Naafco), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. 140.00/35ml,Tk. 190.00/50ml,Tk.
130.00/35ml,; Tab.,500 mg, 33.00/Tab. 90.00/15ml,;Cap., 500mgTk. 35.00/Cap.; Tab.,
Azithral(Globex), Tab., 500mg,Tk. 12.00/Tab.; 250mgTk. 2500/Tab.
Cap, 250 mg, Tk. 20.00/Cap. Rozith(Healthcare), Inj.,, 500 mg/vial,, Tk.
Azithro(Astra Bio), Tab. ,250 mg, Tk. 460.00/Ivial.; Suspn.,200mg /5ml ,Tk. 95.00/
20.00/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 15ml, Tk. 185.00/50ml.; Tab., 250mg , Tk.
30.00/Tab.,Tk.35.00/Tab .; Suspn., 200 mg/5 25.00/Tab.,500mg , Tk. 35.00/Tab.
ml, Tk. 140.00/25ml SB-Azit(Sunman-Bardem), Tab., 500 mg, Tk.
Azithrocin(Beximco), Inj., 500 mg/vial,. 35.00/Tab.
460.00/vial ; Suspn., 200mg / 5ml, Tk. Simpli(Beacon), Inj.,, 500 mg/vial, Tk.
185.00/50,Tk. 85.00/15ml,Tk. 130.00/30mlTab., 461.38/vial. ;Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml,Tk.
250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab., 500mg, Tk. 85.57/20ml; Tab, 500mg , Tk. 35.11/Tab.
30.00/Tab.; Cap., 250mg , Tk. 25.00/Cap Telide(Team), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk.
Azithrogen(Biogen), Tab.,500mg, Tk. 135.00/35ml, Tk. 180.00/50ml, Tk.
30.00/Tab. 83.00/15ml ,:Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 33.00/Tab.
Azithromax(Ziska), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk. Thromax(Novo Health), Suspn., 200mg/5ml
130.00/35ml,Tk. 185.00/50ml, Tk. 85.00/15ml,; Tk. 120.00/25ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk.
Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 300.00/Tab. 20.00/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.
Azix(Amico), Suspn., 200gm/5ml, TK. 85.00/ Virzith(Virgo), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk.
15ml ,; Tab., 500mg, TK. 30.00 /Tab. 130.00/30ml, Tk. 180.00/50ml,Tk. 90.00/15ml,;
Azmin(Modern), Suspn., 200gm/5ml Tk. Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 36.00/Tab.
130.00/35ml,Tk. 85.00/15ml,Tab., 524.05 mg , Xolide(Radiant), Cap. , 250mg , Tk.
Tk. 35.00/Tab. 27.08/Cap. ; 500mg , Tk . 40.12/Cap.
Azomac(General), Pead. drop,Tk.
85.57/15ml ,; Susp., 200gm/5ml,, Tk.


Zemycin(GACO), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. disturbances, tooth and tongue

85.26/15 ml,Tk. 128.00/35 ml,Tk. 172.00/50 discoloration, stomatitis, glossitis,
ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 30.09/Tab. hepatitis and Stevens-Johnson
Zenicin(Zenith), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk.
126.00/30ml, Tk. 180.00/50ml, Tk.
syndrome; on IV infusion, local
80.00/15ml,Tab., 500 mg , Tk. 30.00/Tab. tenderness, phlebitis; less commonly ,
Zibac(Popular), Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.; arthralgia and myalgia; rarely tinnitus;
250mg, Tk. 20.08/Tab.,Inj.,, 500 mg/vial, Tk. very rarely, dizziness, insomnia,
250.94/vial, ; Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. nightmare, paraesthesia, convulsions,
100.00/20ml, hypoglycemia, renal failure
Zimax(Square), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. Dose: Oral : ADULT & CHILD > 12
85.58/15ml,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 35.11/Tab.;
500 mg, Tk. 35.11/Tab.; Cap. , 250 mg, Tk.
years, 250 mg every 12 hours, increased
25.08/Cap. ; Inj., 500 mg/vial, Tk. 461.38/vial in severe infections to 500 mg every 12
Zinex(Alco), Suspn., 200 mg / 5ml, Tk. hours; CHILD < 12 years, 7.5 mg/kg
130.39/30ml ; Tk. 185.56/50ml , Tk. twice daily; by IV infusion into larger
85.26/15ml ;Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 20.06/Tab.; proximal vein, 500 mg twice daily, CHILD
500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab. not recommended.
Zita(Kemiko), Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
130.39/30ml , Tk. 185.56/50ml , Tk. 85.26/15ml
,Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations
Claricin(Acme), Tab. , 250 mg., Tk.
Zithracin(Supreme), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
35.00/Tab.; Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml, Tk. 25.17/Tab.; 500 mg., Tk. 40.27/Tab.; Suspn.,
125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 395.00/60ml
85.25/15ml ,
Zithrin(Renata), Cap., 250mg , Tk. Clarin(Drug Intl), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 25.10/Tab.;
500mg, Tk. 40.15/Tab.
20.00/Cap.; Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
125.00/30ml,Tk. 130.00/35ml,Tk. Clarith(Ibn Sina), Suspn.,  125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
350.00/70ml,; Tab.,  250 mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.
80.30/15ml,Tk. 85.32/20ml,Tk.
185.00/50ml,:Tab., 250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab., Clarox(Renata), Tab. 250mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.;
500mg Tk. 40.00/Tab.
500mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.; Inj.,, 500 mg/vial, Tk.
460.00/vial. Klabex(Opsonin), Tab. , 500 mg , Tk.
Zithrox(Eskayef), Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
96.00/15ml,Tk. 90.00/20ml,Tk. Klabid(UniMed), Tab , 250mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab.;
500mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.; ER Tab., 500 mg, Tk.
186.00/50ml,130.00/30ml,Tk. 140.00/35ml;
Tab, 250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
Klaricid(I)(Abbott), Inj.500mg/vial Tk.623.73
35.00/Tab.; Suspn., 200 mg / 5 ml,Tk.
140.00/35ml,; Tk. 186.00/50ml,; Klarix(Incepta), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
340.00/60ml,; Tab., 250mgTk. 25.00/Tab.,
Zycin(Globe), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
130.00/30ml,; Tk. 185.00/50ml, 85.00/15ml,; 500mg Tk. 40.00/Tab.
Macrobid(General), Tab. , 500mg, Tk.
Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab
Remac(Square), Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
CLARITHROMYCIN[W] 395/60ml,;Tab 500 mg, Tk. 40.27/Tab.

Indications: Eradication of H. pylori, ERYTHROMYCIN[ED] [W]

first-line therapy for prophylaxis and
treatment of disseminated infection Indications: Mycoplasma pneumonia
caused by M. avium-intracellulare in infections, campylobacter enteritis, first
AIDS patients and for treatment of line drug for chlamydial urogenital
pulmonary infections in non-HIV-infected infections in pregnant women, chlamydial
patients, toxoplasmosis encephalitis; also pneumonia, diphtheria, pertussis,
see under Erythromycin legionnaires’ disease, acne vulgaris
Cautions: See under Erythromycin; dose (topical erythromycin preparations are
reduction required in renal impairment used to treat acne); effective alternative
Contra-indications:See under to penicillins in hypersensitive patients for
Erythromycin pharyngitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas and
Interactions: See Appendix-2 cellulitis due to S. pyogenes, for tetanus
Side-effects: See under Erythromycin, and for prophylaxis against recurrences
also reported headache, taste of rheumatic fever

Cautions: Hepatic and renal impairment; Eronix(Ziska), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
concomitant therapy with pimozide or 60.00/100ml
terfenadine should be avoided; porphyria; Erosa(Biopharma), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
67.00/100ml,; Tab., 250mg , Tk. 4.52/Tab.;
in patients with a predisposition to QT 500mg , Tk. 8.03/Tab.
interval prolongation; small amount Erosite(Sharif), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
secreted into breast milk, potential 69.32/100ml
problems for nursing infant: modification Errin(Radiant), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
of bowel flora, 60.18/100 ml
Contra-indications: Liver disease Ery(Alco), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
hypersensitivity 69.53/100ml,; Tab.,  250 mg, Tk.
5.17/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 10.33/Tab.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Erybac(Drug Intl), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting, 60.20/100 ml,; Tab., 250mg, Tk.
abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, antibiotic 4.05/Tab.;500mg, Tk. 8.05/Tab.
associated colitis, hypersensitivity Erymex(Ibn Sina), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
reactions including urticaria, rashes, 84.50/100ml,; Tab.,500mg, Tk. 10.25/Tab.
cholestatic jaundice and other reactions, Erythin(ACI), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
reversible hearing loss after large doses, 60.41/60ml,Tk. 61.47/100ml.;Tab., 500mg, Tk.
chest pain and arrhythmias including Ertyhrox(Renata), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
prolongation of QT interval and 69.32/100ml,; Tab. ,  250 mg, Tk.
ventricular tachycardia 5.15/Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 10.30/Tab.
Dose Oral ADULT & CHILD > 8 years, Eryzen(Zenith), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
250-500 mg every 6 hours or 0.5-1 g 57.02/100ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 4.38/Tab.,500
every 12 hours, up to 4 g daily in severe mg, Tk. 8.66/Tab.
infections; CHILD up to 2 years, 125 mg Etrocin(Beximco), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
84.75/100ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 9.03/Tab.
every 6 hours, 2-8 years, 250 mg every 6 Firmac(Incepta), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
hours, doses doubled for severe 60.00/100ml
infections; early syphilis, 500 mg 4 times Mac(Orion), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
daily for 14 days; uncomplicated genital 60.46/100ml,Tk. 103.71/100ml,Tk. 74.49/70ml
chlamydia, non-gonococcal urethritis, Macas(Asiatic), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
500 mg twice daily for 14 days; by 56.85/100ml,; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 8.12/Tab.
IVinfusion: ADULT & CHILD in severe Macery(Pacific), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
46.00/100ml .; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab.,500
infections, 50 mg/kg daily by continuous mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
infusion or in divided doses every 6 Macro(Astra Bio), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
hours; for mild infections when oral 60.00/100ml
therapy not possible, 25 mg/kg daily Priocin(Eskayef), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml , Tk.
61.42/100ml.; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 7.00/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations Throcin(Globe), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.;
Acryth(Monico), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 56.00/100 ml
60.00/100ml G-Erythromycin(Gonoshasthaya), Tab., 500
Adethro(Supreme), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. mg, Tk.15.00/Tab.
60.00/100ml,; Tab., 500gm, Tk. 8.00/Tab. Ero(Hudson), Susp., 125mg/5ml, Tk.60.00/100
A-Mycin(Aristo), Paed. drops, 50 mg/1.25 ml, ml
Tk. 60.00/25ml,; Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. Erocin(Acme), Susp.,  125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
84.75/100ml,; 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 69.32/100 ml ; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 5.16/Tab. ;
100.00/50ml,Tab., 250mg , Tk. 5.15/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 10.32/Tab.
500mg , Tk. 9.00/Tab. Erom(Kemiko), Susp.,  125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Azmin(Modern), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.; 60/100 ml ;Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 4.85/Tab. ;  500
Suspn., 250 mg /5 ml, Tk. mg, Tk. 8.60/Tab.
130.00/35mi.,Tk.85.00/15ml Eromac(General), Susp.,125 mg/5 ml,Tk.
Erixin(Amico), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, TK. 61.23/100 ml
60.00/100ml Eryrox DS(Navana), Susp, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Ermac(Opsonin), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 60.22/100 ml
84.74/100 ml Erythromycin DS(Albion), Susp., 125 mg/5 ml,
Eromycin(Square), Paed. drops, 200 mg/5 ml, Tk. 60.00/100 ml; DSTab., 500 mg, Tk.
Tk. 60.4/60ml,; Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 7.50/Tab.
69.53/100ml,; Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. 5.18/Tab.500
mg, Tk. 10.35/Tab.


Macrocin(Sanofi), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 4.88/Tab.; transmission of maternal toxoplasmosis

Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 8.66/Tab.; Susp., 125 mg/5 in pregnancy
ml, Tk. 61.00/100 ml ; Caution: Breast-feeding
Contra-indications: known hypersen-
ROXITHROMYCIN[W] sitivity to macrolides
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting,
Indications: As for erythromycin diarrhea, allergic skin reactions
Cautions: As for erythromycin Dose: Oral: ADULTS 6 to 9 million
Interactions: See Appendix -2 IU/day in 2 to 3 divided doses. CHILD
Contra indication: Liver disease weighing more than 20kg, 0.15 million IU
Side-effects: Gastrointestinal distur- per kg body weight per day, to be divided
bances, Increase in liver enzyme values into 2 to 3 doses.
and hepatitis; rashes and other
hypersensitivity reactions; headache, Proprietary Preparation
dizziness, weakness, reversible Rovamycin(Sanofi),Tab.,Tk.20.00/Tab.
pancreatitis, eosinophilia 1.1.6 TETRACYCLINES[A]
Dose:By mouth, ADULT 150mg twice (See also section 12.2,10)
daily, or sometimes 300mg once daily,
before meals, in the treatment of They are broad-spectrum bacteriostatic
susceptible infections. CHILD up to 40kg antibiotics with activity against wide
bodyweight, a dose of 5-8mg per kg daily range of aerobic and anaerobic gram-
before meals may be used positive and gram-negative bacteria,
rickettsiae, chlamydia, legionella,
Proprietary Preparations mycoplasma, atypical mycobacteria, and
A-Rox(Ambee), Susp., 50 mg/5 ml, Tk. spirochaetes and against some protozoa.
45.17/50ml; Tab., 150 mg, Tk. 6.53/Tab; 300 But their use has decreased because of
mg, Tk. 11.04/Tab
Pedilid(Incepta), Susp.,  50mg/5 ml, Tk. increasing emergence of resistance. In
50.00/50 ml; Tab., 150 mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab.; 300 general, they are more active against
mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab. gram-positive than gram-negative
Rocky(Amico ), Susp.,  50 mg/5 ml , Tk. organisms.
40.00/50 ml; Tab. 150 mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab.; 300 These drugs distribute widely into
mg, Tk. 12.00/Tab. prostate, bone marrow, bone, dentine,
Rolid(Globe), Tab., 300 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab; enamel of unerupted teeth and
150 mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab.; Susp., 50 mg/5 ml, Tk.
45.00/50 ml reticuloendothelial cells of liver.
Rotomycin(Kemiko), Tab. ,  300 mg, Tk. Penetration into CSF, synovial fluid,
14.00/Tab. mucosa of maxillary sinus, and fetal
Roxcin(Alco), Tab. ,  150 mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab. ; circulation is excellent. Relatively high
300 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.; Susp.,  50 mg/5 ml Tk. concentrations also are found in breast
50.00/50 ml milk. Primary route of elimination of these
Ryth(Navana), Tab.,  150 mg, Tk. 7.03/Tab.; drugs except that of doxycycline, is the
300 mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.;Susp.,  50 mg/5 ml ,
Tk. 50.19/50 ml;Tk. 100.38/100 ml kidney.
Cautions: Gastrointestinal distress,
nausea and vomiting can be minimized
by giving these drugs with food but
should not be ingested with dairy
Spiramycin is a macrolide antibiotic with products, antacids containing Calcium,
actions similar to those of erythromycin. Aluminum, Zinc, Magnesium or
Indications: Respiratory tract infections, Silicate, Vitamins with iron, Sucralfate,
genital infections, skin and soft tissue Bismuth subsalicylate,
infections caused by streptococci, Cholestyramine and Colestipol;
pneumococci and meningococci, unused supplies of these antibiotics
diphtheria, prophylaxis of fetus against should be discarded.


Contra-indications: Preganant patients

and to patients with renal insufficiency Proprietary Preparations
(doxycycline may be given). Neither they Asidox(Asiatic), Cap., 100mg, Tk. 2/Cap.
are recommended for lactating mother Dopac(Pacific), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 2/Cap.
and for treatment of common infections in Dox P(Astra Bio), Cap., 100mg,Tk.2/Cap.
Doxicap(Renata), Cap. , 100 mg, Tk.
children under the age of 8 years. 2.20/Cap. ; 50 mg, Tk. 1.42/Cap.
Side-effects: Epigastric burning and Doxicline(Ziska), Cap.,100 mg, Tk.2.00/Cap.
distress, abdominal discomfort, nausea, Doxico(Supreme), Cap.,100mg, Tk.2.15/Cap.
vomiting and diarrhea may occur. Doxigen(General),Cap.,100 mg, Tk.2.16/Cap.
Esophagitis, esophageal ulcers and Doxin(Opsonin), Cap. , 100 mg, Tk.
pancreatitis have been reported. 2.21/Cap.; 50 mg, Tk. 1.43/Cap.
Photosensitivity particularly with Doxizen(Zenith), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 2.16/Cap.
Doxy(Acme), Cap. , 100 mg, Tk. 2.20/Cap.
demeclocycline and doxycycline also is Doxycycline(Popular), Cap., 100 mg, Tk.
seen. Children may develop permanent 2.00/Cap.
brown discoloration of teeth. This risk is Doxysina(Ibn Sina), Cap., 100 mg, Tk.
highest when tetracycline is given to 2.03/Cap.
neonates, babies prior to first dentition Impedox(ACI), Cap, 100mg, Tk. 2.17/Cap.
and to pregnant mothers. Fanconi Monadox(Amico), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 2.50/Cap.
syndrome, has been Therapy with Oriodox(Orion), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 2.12/Cap.
Unidox(Globe), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 2.50/Cap.
tetracyclines may lead to the
superinfections that result in intestinal
functional disturbances, anal pruritus, OXYTETRACYCLINE[ED] [A]
vaginal or oral candidiasis or enterocolitis
with shock and death. Indications: See under Tetracycline
Pseudomembranous colitis due to an Cautions: See notes above; also
overgrowth of toxin producing C. difficile porphyria
is particularly relevant. Contra-indications, Side-effects:See
notes above
DOXYCYCLINE[ED] [A] Dose: Oral: 250-500 mg every 6 hours;
acne, 500 mg twice daily for 4-6 months,
up to 2 years or longer in severe cases
Indications: Chronic prostatitis, sinusitis,
malaria treatment and prophylaxis, pelvic
Proprietary Preparations
inflammatory disease (with metroni- Oxecylin(Acme), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 2/Cap.
dazole); brucellosis (with rifampicin), Renamycin(Renata), Cap., 250mg,Tk. 2/Cap.
adjunct to gingival scaling and root Teramycin(Ziska), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 3/Tab.
planning for periodonititis; also see under
tetracycline (except eye infections) TETRACYCLINE[ED] [A]
Cautions, Contra-indications: See
notes above
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Indications:Mycoplasma pneumonia,
chlamydial pneumonia,
Side-effects: See notes above; also
lymphogranuloma venereum, trachoma,
vestibular reactions including anorexia,
rickettsial infections (epidemic typhus,
dizziness, tinnitus and vertigo
scrub typhus, rickettsial pox, Q fever),
Dose :Oral : 200 mg on first day, then
uncomplicated gonococcal infections,
100 mg daily; severe infections including
syphilis, brucellosis, exacerbations of
refractory urinary tract infections, 200 mg
chronic bronchitis, acne, actinomycosis,
daily; early syphilis, 200 mg daily in 1-2
lyme disease, tularemia, cholera, eye
divided doses for 14 days; late latent
infections (conjunctivitis, blepharitis)
syphilis, 100-200 mg twice daily for 28
Cautions, Contra-indications: See
days; uncomplicated genital chlamydia,
notes above; also hepatic impairment
non-gonococcal urethritis, 100 mg twice
Side-effects: See notesabove
daily for 7 days; by IV infusion: 200 mg in
Interactions: See Appendix-2
one or two infusions on first day followed
by 100-200 mg on subsequent days


Dose:Oral: 250 mg every 6 hours for usually confers cross-resistance to all

mild to moderate infections, increased in other members of this class.
severe infections to 500 mg every 6-8 Cautions and Contra-indications: Dose
hours; primary, secondary, or early latent adjustment in patients with creatinine
syphilis, 500 mg every 6 hours for 14 clearance less than 50 ml/min. is
days; non-gonococcal urethritis, 500 mg required for cinoxacin, norfloxacin,
every 6 hours for 7-14 days (21 days if ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, enoxacin and
failure or relapse after first course); acne, lomefloxacin but not for nalidixic acid,
500 mg twice daily for 4-6 months, up to trovafloxacin and pefloxacin. Cautions
2 years or longer in severe cases; are required in pregnancy, nursing
topical: 1% solution, 2-4 drops 4-6 hourly, mother and the non-renally cleared
every hourly in severe cases fluoroquinolones in patients with hepatic
failure. These drugs are not generally
Proprietary Preparations recommended for use in prepubertal
Tetclin(Pacific), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 1.00/Cap. children, although in some cases the
Tetramycin(Asiatic), Cap., 250mg, Tk. benefits may outweigh the risks and
1.30/Cap. requires careful assessment. Quinolones
Tetrasina(Ibn Sina), Cap. , 250mg, Tk.
1.75/Cap. ; 500 mg, Tk. 3.30/Cap.
are contra-indicated in patients with
Tetrax(Square), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 2.29/Cap. history of tendon disorders related to
Titacin(Supreme),Cap, 500mg, Tk. 2.00/Cap.; quinolones. In presence of epilepsy and
Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 1.30/ Tab myasthenia gravis cautious
A-Tetra(Acme),Tab.,500 mg, Tk. administration is required. These drugs
2.29/Tab.;Cap., 500mg, Tk. 2.03/Cap. should be withdrawn if psychiatric,
G-Tetracycline(Gonoshasthaya), Cap., 250 neurological, tendinitis or hypersensitivity
mg, Tk.1.00/Cap.;
Jmycin(Jayson), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 1.31/Cap.
reactions occur.
Monatrex(Amico), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. Side-effects: Gastrointestinal upset in
1.20/Cap.; DS Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 2.00/Cap. the form of mild nausea, vomiting, and/or
Tetracycline-H(Hudson), Cap. 250 mg, Tk. abdominal discomfort, rarely diarrhea
1.00/Cap. and antibiotic-associated colitis. Central
nervous system side effects including QUINOLONES AND headache, dizziness have been reported,
FLUOROQUINOLONES(See photosensitivity with lomefloxacin and
section 10.2,11.1) pefloxacin. Reversible arthopathy and
joint swelling have developed in children
The older agents are 4-quinolones receiving fluoroquinolones. Tendinitis, a
(Nalidixic acid, Cinoxacin) with rare complication seen in adults. Risk of
narrower spectrum of antimicrobial retinal detachment.
activity and the newer drugs are
fluorinated analogs with broad spectrum CIPROFLOXACIN[ED] [A*][W]
of activity and much wider tissue
distribution.The quinolones are effective Indications: Urinary tract infections,
against enteric gram-negative bacilli; P. pseudomonal lower respiratory infections
aeruginosa is resistant. Fluorinated except pneumococcal pneumonia,
analogs have greatly improved enteric fever, shigellosis, gonorrhea,
antibacterial activity against many gram- chancroid, prostatitis, septicemia, bone,
positive and gram-negative organisms. joints and soft tissue infections, traveler's
Fluoroquinolones also are active against diarrhea, superficial bacterial infections of
agents of atypical pneumonia like eye caused by sensitive organisms,
mycoplasmas, Chlamydia and second line drug for legionellosis, with an
intracellular pathogens, such as anti-anaerobic (clindamycin or
legionella and some mycobacteria. metronidazole) for pelvic inflammatory
Resistance to one fluoroquinolone disease, part of multidrug therapy for
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, with

amoxicillin-clavulanate as an oral empiric Ancipro(UniMed), Tab , 250mg, Tk. 8.50/Tab.

therapy for fever in low-risk patients with , 500mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab. ; 750mg, Tk.
granulocytopenia secondary to cancer 18.00/Tab.
Aprocin(Aristo), Suspn.,250mg/5ml,Tk.
chemotherapy, eradication of 100/60ml; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 14.00/Tab. ;
meningococci from carriers, surgical 750mg , Tk. 18.00/Tab.
prophylaxis and prophylaxis of infection Bactin(Ibn Sina), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    0.20%,,
in neutropenic patients Tk. 145.00/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cautions and Contra-indications: 110.00/60ml,;  Tab.,250 mg, Tk. 8.54/Tab. ;
Excessive alkalinity of urine should be 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. ; 750 mg, Tk.
avoided, adequate fluid intake required to 18.06/Tab.
Beuflox(Incepta), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , 0.20%,,,
avoid crystalluria, performance of skilled Tk. 47.85/100ml,; Tab.,  250 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.
tasks like driving may be impaired ,250 mg, Tk. 8.50/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk.
(effects enhanced by alcohol); also see 15.00/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 18.00/Tab.; Suspn,
notes above 250 mg/5 ml , Tk. 100.00/60ml,;
Side-effects: See notes above; also Cero(G.A.Co), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.
flatulence, dysphagia, hyperglycemia, Cibact(Euro), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
alerted prothrombin concentration, 100.00/60ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
Ciflocin(Astra Bio), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk.
vasculitis, erythema nodosum, petechiae, 12.00/Tab.;
hemorrhagic bullae, tinnitus, Cilocin(Pacific), Suspn, 250mg/5ml, Tk.
tenosynovitis, tachycardia, edema, 100.00/60ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 12.00/Tab. ,;
syncope, hot flushes and sweating; pain 500 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.
and phlebitis at injection site CIP(Asiatic), Tab., 500mg , Tk. 14.00/Tab.,
Interactions: See Appendix-2 750mg , Tk. 18.00/Tab.
Dose: Oral: Urinary-tract infections, 250- Cipcin(Biopharma), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),  
0.20%,, Tk. 140.00/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5
500 mg twice daily; 100 mg twice daily ml, Tk. 100.00/60ml,; Tab., 750 mg , Tk.
for 3 days in acute uncomplicated cystitis 18.07/Tab., 250 mg , Tk. 8.53/Tab., 500 mg ,
in women; chronic prostatitis, 500 mg Tk. 15.06/Tab.
twice daily for 28 days; gonorrhea, 500 Ciprin(Nipa), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 12.00/Tab.
mg as a single dose; pseudomonal lower Cipro(Acme), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    0.20%,,, Tk.
respiratory-tract infection in cystic 146.94/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
fibrosis, 750 mg twice daily; most other 100.30/60ml,; Tab, 250 mg., Tk. 8.56/Tab.;
500.00 mg , Tk. 14.06/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk.
infections, 500-750 mg twice daily; 18.11/Tab
surgical prophylaxis, 750 mg 60-90 Ciprobey(Sharif), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
minutes before procedure; CHILD (not 90.28/60ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 14.04/Tab.
recommended but where benefit Ciprocin(Square), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , 0.20%,,
outweighs risk), 5-17 years, up to 20 Tk. 146/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
mg/kg twice daily, max. 1.5 g daily; IV 100.3/60ml,; Tab, 250 mg, Tk. 8.56/Tab.; 500
infusion, over 30-60 minutes; 200-400 mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 18.12/Tab.
Cipronaaf(Naafco), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk.
mg twice daily; pseudomonal lower 14.00/Tab.
respiratory tract infection in cystic Cipronil(Silva), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
fibrosis, 400 mg twice daily; CHILD 5-17 95.00/60ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.
years, up to 10 mg/kg 3 times daily, max. Ciprox(Opsonin), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
1.2 g daily; urinary-tract infections, 100 90.34/60 ml; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 100.00/60ml,;
mg twice daily; gonorrhea, 100 mg as a Tab.XR,1 gm , Tk. 20.14/Tab.,; 250 mg , Tk.
single dose; 8.53/Tab.; 500 mg , Tk. 15.05/Tab.; 750 mg ,
Tk. 18.13/Tab.
IV infusion: over 30-60 minutes, 200– Ciproxy (Opso Saline), Inj., (IV Infusion),
400mg twice daily. 0.20%,Tk. 52.83/100 ml
Ciprozen(Zenith), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Proprietary Preparations 75.25/60ml,;Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 8.03/Tab.; 500
Adecin(Supreme), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. mg, Tk. 14.06/Tab.
90.25/100ml,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab. Ciprozid(Drug Intl), Suspn, 250mg/5ml, Tk.
Amiflox(Amico), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 6.00/Tab.; 90.30/60ml,; Tab., 250mg, Tk. 8.05/Tab.;
Tab., 500 mg, TK. 14.00/Tab.; Suspn, 250 500mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.; 1000mg, Tk.
mg/5 ml, TK. 85.00/60ml 20.10/Tab.; 750mg, Tk. 16.05/Tab.


Cipwell(Getwell), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Winbac(Radiant), Tab. , 500mg, Tk.
95.00/60ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab. 16.05/Tab.
Civox(Popular), Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.; Xbac(Beacon), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    200 mg/100
Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , 0.20%,, Tk. ml, Tk. 145.99/Infusion,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml,
100.38/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Tk. 90.60/60ml,; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 14.09/Tab.;
90.34/60 ml,; Tk. 90.34/60 ml 750mg , Tk. 18.11/Tab.
Dumaflox(Alco), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Xirocip(Novo Healthcare), IVInfusion,0.2%, Tk.
100.00/60ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 7.52/Tab.; 70.00/100ml,; 0.4%, Tk. 120.00/100ml; Suspn,
500 mg, Tk. 10.03/Tab. ; 750 mg, Tk. 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 90.00/60ml; Tab., 1000 mg,
12.04/Tab. Tk. 25.00/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
Fiprox(Sanofi), Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 14.09/Tab.
Flontin(Renata), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    0.20%,, GEMIFLOXACIN[W]
Tk. 145.54/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
100.00/60ml; 250 mg, Tk. 8.53/Tab.; 750 mg,
Tk. 18.06/Tab.;  500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. Indications:Treatment of community-
Floxabid(ACI), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , 0.20%, Tk. acquired pneumonia (CAP) due to
146.44/100ml; Tab., 100mg, Tk. 20.13/Tab.; multidrug-resistant Streptococcus
250mg, Tk. 8.56/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.; pneumoniae
750mg, Tk. 18.12/Tab.; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml,
Cautions and Contra-indications:
Tk. 100.30/60ml
Floxy(Team), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 13.00/Tab. Should be avoided in patients with a
Geflox(General), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , 0.20%, history of prolongation of the QT interval,
Tk. 70.21/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. patients with uncorrected electrolyte
100.00/60ml,; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 14.09/Tab.; disorders, and patients receiving Class IA
250mg, Tk. 8.52/Tab. or III antiarrhythmic agents;safety and
Glaxipro(GSK), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab efficacy has not been evaluated in
Kapron(Globe), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , 0.20%,Tk.
pregnant or lactating women or in
90.00/100ml; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
90.00/60ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.; 500 individuals <18 years of age
mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 18.00/Tab.; Side-effects: See notes above
Libracin(Libra ), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , 0.20%,, Interactions: See Appendix-2
Tk. 70.48/100ml Dose: Oral: Treatment of mild-to-
Maprocin(Orion), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. moderate Cap, 320 mg once daily for 7
90.61/60ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.; days
750mg, Tk. 18.16/Tab.
Note: For patients with creatinine
Monipro(Monico), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
90.00/60ml; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab. clearance <40 mL/min, the dose should
Neofloxin(Beximco), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    , be adjusted to 160 mg daily.
0.20%,,, Tk. 146.50/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 Gemifloxacin can be taken with or
ml, 100.0027/60ml,; sachet.,Tk. without food and should be swallowed
11.9966/Schet,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Tab., whole with a liberal amount of liquid.
250mg, Tk. 8.50/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.;
750mg, Tk. 18.00/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations
Ocimax(One Pharma), Suspn, 250 mg/5ml,
Asiflocin(Asiatic), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Tk.99.99/60ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 13.99/Tab.
Orcipro(Organic),Tab., 500 mg,Tk. 14.05/Tab
Facticin(Square), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Procin(Kemiko), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
90.27/60ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 8.52/Tab.; 500
Factiq(Monico), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 18.00/Tab.
Flogem(Opsonin), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Q-Nol(Decent), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 11.00/Tab.
Quinox(Eskayef), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Gefcin(Biopharma), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
100.00/100ml,; Tab,  500 ng, Tk. 15.00/Tab.;
250mg, Tk. 8.50/Tab.; 750mg , Tk. 18.00/Tab
Geloxin(Euro), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
Quintor(Ziska), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Gemicin(Healthcare), Cap, 320 mg, Tk.
60.00/60ml,; 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
Rocipro(Healthcare), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
Gemif(Beacon), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.20/Tab.
Gemiflox(Popular), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Tyflox(Somatec), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
100.00/60ml; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
Geminox(Eskayef), Tab.,  320 mg, Tk.
Virflox(Virgo), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
65.00/Tab.;  320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
90.00/60ml; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 700.00/Tab.

Gemitab(Ibn Sina), Tab. ,320 mg, Tk. Leo(Acme), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    0.5%, Tk.
350.00/Tab. 100.30/100ml,; Tab. , 250.00 mg , Tk.
Geoflox(Sharif), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.19/Tab. 8.07/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab. ; 750 mg ,
Kmi(kemiko), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab. Tk. 20.13/Tab.
Orasquin(Incepta), Tab. ,  320 mg, Tk. Leoflox(Alco), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab. ;
65.00/Tab. 250 mg, Tk. 7.02/Tab.
Toplon(Renata), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab. Levin(Amico), Tab., 500mg , TK. 14.00/Tab.
Xemi(Orion), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 50.15/Tab. Levo(Astra Bio), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Levobac(Popular), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk.
15.06/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 20.08/Tab.; I Inj.,
(IV.Infusion),    0.5%,, Tk. 100.38/100ml,;
Levoflox(Drug Intl), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
Indications: See under dose 15.05/Tab.; 750mg, Tk. 20.10/Tab.
Cautions: See notes above; renal Levoking(Renata), Tab. ,  250 mg, Tk.
impairment; may impair performance of 8.03/Tab. ;  500 mg, Tk. 15.06/Tab. ; 750 mg,
skilled tasks, history of psychiatric illness Tk. 20.07/Tab.
Levolo(Pacific), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Interactions : See Appendix-2
Levomax(Eskayef), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Side-effects: See notes above; also 90.00/5ml, 250mg/5ml, Tk. 130.00/5ml ; Tab,
asthenia, anxiety, tachycardia, 750mg , Tk. 20.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk.
hypotension, hypoglycemia, pneumonitis, 15.00/Tab.; 750mg, Tk. 20.00/Tab.;
local reactions and transient hypotension Levonix(Ziska), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
reported with infusion Levora(Somatec), Tab., 500 mg, Tk.
Dose:Oral :acute sinusitis, 500mg daily 14.05/Tab.
Levosina(Ibn Sina)Tab. ,500mg, Tk.
for 10-14 days
15.50/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 21.00/Tab.
Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, 250- Levox(Opsonin), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
500mg daily for 7-10 days 75.28/100 ml; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 8.03/Tab. ;
Community-acquired pneumonia, 500mg 750 mg , Tk. 20.08/Tab.; 500 mg , Tk.
once or twice daily for 7-14 days 15.10/Tab.; Inj.,(IV.Infusion),     0.5%,
Complicated UTIs, 250mg daily for 7-10 Tk.100.38/100 ml;
days Levoxin(Incepta), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
80.00/100ml,; Tab.,  250 mg, Tk.
Skin and soft tissue infections, 250 mg
8.00/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. ; 750 mg,
daily or 500mg once or twice daily for 7- Tk. 20.00/Tab. ; IV.Infusion 0.5%,,Tk.
14 daysby intravenous infusion (over at 100.00/100ml
least 60 minutes for 500mg), community- .Lexazen(Zenith), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk.
acquired pneumonia, 500mg once or 8.03/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 14.06/Tab.
twice daily Lexvo(Modern), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Complicated UTIs, 250mg daily, Lezon(Euro), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Lifcin(Biopharma), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    
increased in severe infections
0.5%,,Tk. 100.00/100ml,: Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml,
Skin and soft tissue infections, 500mg Tk. 75.28/100ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk.
twice daily 15.06/Tab.
Lin(Kemiko), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab. ;
Proprietary Preparations 500 mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.
Adelev(Supreme), Tab. , 250mg, Tk. Livacin(G.A.Co), Tab., 500 mg, Tk.15.00/Tab.
8.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. Locin(Globe), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 11.00/Tab. ;
Asilee(Asiatic),Tab., 500mg , Tk. 15.00/Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
Corbic(Novo Health), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. Lovicin(Nipa), Tab., 500 mg , Tk. 15.00/Tab.
15.00/Tab. Orgalev, (Organic), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk.
Evo(Beximco), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    0.5%, Tk. 15.05/Tab.
100.00/100ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 16.00/Tab.; Orlev(Orion), Tab,  500 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab.
750mg, Tk. 20.00/Tab.; 250mg , Tk. 9.00/Tab. Ovel(Aristo), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Flovo(Decent), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. Quilev(Monico), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Floxaget(Getwell), Tab. , 500mg, Tk. Quixin(Beacon), Tab. , 500mg , Tk. 15.10/Tab.
15.00/Tab. Resquin(Healthcare), Tab., 250mg , Tk.
Genolev(General), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk.15.00/Tab.; 750mg, Tk.
8.05/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab. 20.00/Tab.
Leflox(ACI), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab. ; Trevox(Square), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
750mg, Tk. 20.13/Tab. 80.24/100ml,; Inj.,(IV.Infusion),    0.5%,Tk.


100.3/100ml,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab. ; Moxibac(Popular), Inj.(IV Infusion),  400
750 mg, Tk. 20.13/Tab. mg/250ml, Tk. 350.00/250 ml Vial,; Tab. ,
Xenolev(Virgo), Tab. , 500mg , Tk. 15.00/Tab. 400mg, Tk. 70.00/Tab.
Moxiflox(Alco), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk. 50.15/Tab.
Moxilocin(Opsonin), Tab. 400 mg, Tk.40/Tab.
Moxquin(Incepta), Tab. 400 mg, Tk. 40/Tab.
Omeflox(ACI), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab.
Indications: See under Ciprofloxacin Optimox(Aristo), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 40.00/Tab.;
Cautions: See under Ciprofloxacin Respamox(Somatec), Tab. 400mg, Tk.
Contra-indications: See under 40.00/Tab.
Ciprofloxacin (For Eye preparation see section 10.2)
Side-effects: See notes above
Dose:Oral: 400 mg once/twice daily; NALIDIXIC ACID[ED] [W]
topical for Eye infections: see under
Ciprofloxacin Indications: urinary tract infections,
Note. evening administration may shigellosis
minimize the phototoxicity reactions Cautions & Contra-indications:See
notes above; also porphyria; monitoring
Proprietary Preparations of blood count, renal and hepatic
Lomeflox(Aristo), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 15/Tab. functions required if given for more than
Mexlo(Square), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab. 2 weeks, false positive urinary glucose
Omeflox(ACI)Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab.
MOXIFLOXACIN[W] [C] Side-effects:See notes above; also
reported weakness, increased
Indications: Sinusitis, community- intracranial pressure, cranial nerve palsy,
acquired pneumonia, complicated skin toxic psychosis, metabolic acidosis
and soft-tissue infections not responding Dose:oral: 1 g every 6 hours for 7 days,
to other antibacterials reduced to 500 mg every 6 hours in
Cautions: See notes above; also chronic therapy; CHILD > 3 months max.
conditions predisposing to arrhythmias 50 mg/kg daily in divided doses, reduced
including myocardial ischemia in prolonged therapy to 30 mg/kg daily
Contra-indications: See notes
above;also electrolyte disturbances, Proprietary Preparations
heart failure with reduced left ventricular Dixicon(Jayson), Susp., 300 mg/5 ml, Tk.
ejection fraction 30.45/50 ml
Interactions:See Appendix-2 Nalid(Square), Susp., 300 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Side effect: See notes above;; also 41.74/50 ml; Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 4.87/Tab.
Naligram(Acme), Susp., 300 mg/5 ml, Tk.
flatulence, gastritis; amnesia; very rarely,
41.73/50 ml; 300 mg/5 ml, Tk. 86.10/100
rhabdomyolysis, potentially life- ml;Tab.,  500 mg, Tk.4.87/Tab.
threatening hepatic failure Nalidex (Ambee), Susp., 300mg/5ml, Tk.
Dose: Oral, IV infusion, over 60 minutes, 30.46/50 ml; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 4.07/Tab.
400mg once daily
Proprietary Preparations
Cubimox(Acme), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk.
Indications:See under Ciprofloxacin
Flomox(Opso Saline), Inj.(IV Infusion),  400 Cautions:See under Ciprofloxacin
mg/250 ml, Tk. 90.23/250 ml Contra-indications: See under
Iventi(Square), Inj.(IV Infusion),  400 Ciprofloxacin
mg/250ml, Tk. 350/250ml Vial,; Tab. , 400 mg, Interactions:See Appendix-2
Tk. 40.00/Tab. Side-effects:See notes above; also eye
Lomeflox (Aristo), Tab., 400 mg, irritation; hot flushes; change in blood
Maxiflox(ACI), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 40.00/Tab.
sugar; myopathy, rhabdomyolysis
Mexlo (Square), Tk. 70.21/5ml,; Tab. , 400 mg Dose:Oral: for mild to moderate
, Tk. 15.10/Tab. infections, 200-400 mg twice daily for 7-

10 days, may be increased to 400-800 Omniflox(Aristo), Tab., 200mg , Tk. 18/Tab.

mg twice daily in severe cases; for Parlox(Eskayef), Tab., 200 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.
uncomplicated gonorrhea, 400 mg as a Quinoflox(Healthcare), Tab., 200mg, Tk.
single dose; for PID & chronic prostatitis Saga(Square), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.
therapy with ofloxacin needs to be Salocin(Kemiko), Tab., 200 mg, Tk. 17/Tab.
continued for 14 & 28 days respectively; Spar(Globe), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk. 20.00/Tab.
IV infusion: over at least 30 minutes 200- Sparflox(Alco), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk. 16.05/Tab.
400 mg twice daily in mild to moderate Sparlin(Beximco),Tab.,200mg, Tk. 15.06/Tab.
infections, for severe or complicated Sparonex(Drug Intl), Tab., 200mg, Tk.
infections, dose may be increased to 400 18.10/Tab.
mg twice daily
Proprietary Preparations ANDTRIMETHOPRIM [A]
Flocet(Opsonin), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk.
12.05/Tab.; 400 mg, Tk. 22.08/Tab.; Inj.
(IVInfusion)0.2%, Tk. 120.37/100ml A few of them are used topically such as
Oflacin(Drug Intl), Tab., 200mg, Tk. in eye infections and in infected wound
12.05/Tab.; 400mg, Tk. 20.10/Tab. and burn injury. In combination with
Rutix(Square), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk. 12.09/Tab. ; trimethoprim as Co-trimoxazole,
400 mg, Tk. 22.14/Tab. Cautions: All sulfonamides and their
derivatives, including carbonic anhydrase
PEFLOXACIN MESYLATE[W] inhibitors, thiazides, frusemide,
bumetanide, torsemide, diazoxide, and
Indications: See under Ciprofloxacin sulfonylurea hypoglycemic drugs, are
Cautions, Contra-indications:See cross-allergic. Plenty of fluid is to be
under Ciprofloxacin; also hepatic taken and monitoring of blood count is
impairment required in prolonged therapy. Hepatic
Side-effects: See notes above; function monitoring also is required in
Dose:Oral & IV infusion 400 mg twice AIDS patients receiving co-trimoxazole.
daily Dose adjustment is needed in renal
Interactions: See Appendix -2 insufficiency and therapy with
sulfonamides and/or trimethoprim in
Proprietary Preparations pregnancy and in breast-feeding requires
Nobac(Ibn Sina), Tab., 400mg, Tk.12/Tab. careful assessment of risks in the baby.
Peflox(Drug Intl), Tab., 400mg, Tk.11.05/Tab. Sulfonamides and cotrimoxazole are not
recommended for use in infants below 6
SPARFLOXACIN[W] weeks except for treatment or
prophylaxis of pneumocystis pneumonia.
Indications: See under Ciprofloxacin; Side-effects: Fever, skin rashes,
also for respiratory infections caused by exfoliative dermatitis, photosensitivity,
S. pneumonia urticaria, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
Cautions, Contra-indications:See crystalluria, various types of nephrosis
under Ciprofloxacin; also hepatic and allergic nephritis. Stevens-Johnson
impairment syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis,
Interactions:See Appendix-2 although rare, is a particularly serious
Side-effects: See notes above;also and potentially fatal type of reaction
cardiac rhythm disturbances and associated with use of sulfonamides.
prolongation of QT interval are in reports Hemolytic anemia, particularly in
Dose: Oral 200-400 mg once daily glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase
deficient patients, aplastic anemia,
Proprietary Preparations granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, or
Aciflox(ACI), Tab., 200mg, TK. 12.00/Tab. leukemoid reactions also are reported
Asaf(Asiatic), Tab., 200mg , Tk. 18.75/Tab. after sulfonamides therapy; risk of
Floxipar(Acme), Tab., 200.00 mg., Tk. kernicterus in newborns if taken near the
15.61/Tab. end of pregnancy.


Trimethoprim may produce megalo- Biotrim(Biopharma), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /

blastic anemia, leucopenia and 5 ml., Tk. 21.56/60ml,; Tab., 800mg + 160mg ,
granulocytopenia. Nausea and vomiting, Tk. 2.01/Tab.
Cosat(Eskayef), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5
drug fever, vasculitis, renal damage and ml., Tk. 22.07/60ml, Tab., 800 mg + 160 mg ,
central nervous system disturbances Tk. 2.55/
occasionally occur. Cotrazen(Zenith), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5
ml., Tk. 21.36/60ml,; Tab., 400 mg + 80 mg,
CO-TRIMOXAZOLE[ED] [A] Tk. 1.40/Tab.; 800 mg + 160 mg, Tk. 2.02/Tab.
Cotrim(Square), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5
ml., Tk. 21.64/60ml,; Tab. , 400 mg + 80 mg,
Indications: Urinary tract infections, Tk. 1.49/Tab. ,Tab, 800 mg + 160 mg, Tk.
acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, 2.04/Tab.
typhoid fever, shigellosis, pneumocystis Co-trimoxazole(Popular), Tab. , 400mg +
carinii pneumonia, acute otitis media in 80mg , Tk. 1.48/Tab.
children, toxoplasmosis, nocardiasis Cots (Opsonin), Suspn., 200 mg+40mg/5 ml.,
Tk. 22.14./60 ml
Cautions: Monitoring of blood counts is
Gentrim(General), Tab. , 400mg + 80mg, Tk.
required in prolonged therapy; adequate 1.49/Tab.
fluid intake is to be maintained; also see G-Cotrimoxazole(Gonoshasthaya), Susp, 200
notes above mg+40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 28.00/100 ml;
Contra-indication: Porphyria Tk.19.60/50ml; Tab., 400 mg + 80 mg, Tk.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 1.20/Tab.
Side-effects:See notes above; Megatrim(Beximco), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /
5 ml., Tk. 22.17/60ml,; Tab., 800mg + 160mg,
Dose Oral: ADULT 480-960 mg every 12
Tk. 2.65.00/Tab.
hours; CHILD 6 weeks-5 months 120 mg M-Trim(Modern), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5
every 12 hours; 6 months-5 years 240 ml., Tk. 23.96/60ml,; Tab., 800 mg+160 mg. ,
mg every 12 hours; 6-12 years, 480 mg Tk. 2.65/Tab.
every 12 hours; Octrim(Orion), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5 ml.,
By IV infusion: ADULT 960 mg every 12 Tk. 21.08/60ml
hours increased to 1.44 g every 12 hours Ptrim(Astra Bio), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5
ml., Tk. 22.00/60ml,; Tab., 80 mg + 160 mg,
in severe infections; CHILD 36 mg/kg
Tk. 2.50/Tab.
daily in 2 divided doses increased to 54 Septra(Asiatic), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5 ml.,
mg/kg daily in severe infections; Tk., 21.57/60ml,; Tab., 400mg + 80mg , Tk.
pneumocystis carinii infections: for 1.49/Tab. ; 800mg+160mg, Tk. 2.03/Tab.
treatment oral or IV infusion, ADULT & Sinatrim(Ibn Sina), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5
CHILD over 4 weeks 120 mg/kg daily in ml., Tk. 22.00/60ml,; Tab.,  800mg + 160mg,
2-4 divided doses for 14 days, for Tk. 210.00/Tab.
Sulphatrim(Amico), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg/5
prophylaxis: Oral: ADULT 960 mg once
ml., TK. 22.10/60ml,; Tab., 400 mg + 80mg ,
daily or 960 mg on alternate days or 960 TK. 1.49/Tab. ; 800mg + 160mg , TK.
mg twice daily on alternate days; CHILD 2.50/Tab.; 100 mg + 20mg , TK. 0.58/Tab.
6 weeks-5 months 120 mg twice daily on Triprim(Supreme), Cap. , 400mg +80mg, Tk.
3 consecutive days or 7 days/week; 6 1.48/Cap. ; Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5 ml., Tk.
months-5 years 240 mg 6-12 years 480 21.00/60ml,; Tab., 800mg + 160mg , Tk.
mg 2.00/Tab.
Jasotrim(Jayson), Susp., 200 mg + 40 mg/5
ml , Tk. 21.61/60 ml; Tab., 400 mg + 80 mg, Tk.
Proprietary Preparations 1.49/Tab.
Actrim(Globe), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5 ml.,
Actrim-DS(Globe),Tab., 800 mg + 160 mg, Tk. 1.1.9 METRONIDAZOLE, TINIDAZOLE
Alcot(Pacific), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5 ml., See section 1.3.2
Tk. 20.00/60ml ,; Tab., 400 mg + 80 mg, Tk.
1.00/Tab. ; 400 mg + 80 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. 1.1.10ANTI-MYCOBACTERIAL DRUGS
Avlotrin(ACI), Suspn., 200 mg+ 40 mg /5 ml., ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS DRUGS
TK. 22.21/60ml ,; Tab., 400mg +80mg , TK. DRUGS
1.5/Tab. ; 800mg + 160mg , TK. 2.01/Tab.

1. ANTI-INFECTIVES DRUGS Isoniazid is effective selectively against

FIRST LINE DRUGS M. tuberculosis and M. kansasii. Hepatic
clearance by genetically determined
acetylation is the principal mode of
isoniazid elimination.
Ethambutol is effective against most Indications: Tuberculosis in combination
strains of M tuberculosis and M kansasii with other drug (see under
and good number of strains of M. avium chemotherapy for tuberculosis)
complex. No other bacteria are sensitive Cautions: Monthly evaluation of patients
to ethambutol. Cleared by both renal and for symptoms of hepatitis has been
nonrenal routes, renal being more advised, one-third to one-half of normal
prominent. dose is recommended in moderate to
Indications: Tuberculosis in combination severe hepatic insufficiency; other
with other drug (see under chemotherapy conditions that require cautious therapy
for tuberculosis) with isoniazid are epilepsy, history of
Cautions: Dose reduction required in psychosis, alcohol dependence,
renal impairment, also monitoring of malnutrition, diabetes mellitus, slow
plasma concentration if creatinine acetylator status, porphyria, pregnancy,
clearance less than 30 ml/min; tests of breast-feeding and HIV infection
visual acquity and red-green Contra-indications: Drug induced liver
discrimination prior to therapy and routine disease
ophthalmological monitoring during Interactions: See Appendix-2
therapy recommended, patients should Side-effects: Rash, fever, jaundice,
be warned to report any visual change; peripheral neuritis leading to numbness,
cautions for elderly, young children and tingling of the feet particularly in slow
pregnant patients acetylators, diabetic, HIV infected and
Contra-indications: Optic neuritis, poor malnourished or anemic patients; allergic
vision reactions including hepatitis, skin
Interactions: See Appendix-2 eruptions and morbilliform eruptions,
Side-effects: Optic neuritis leading to maculopapular, purpuric and urticarial
loss of red/green discrimination ability, rashes; hematological reactions like
pruritus, joint pain, GIT upset, abdominal agranulocytosis, eosinophilia,
pain, malaise, headache, dizziness, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia;
mental confusion, disorientation, convulsions, insomnia, muscle twitching,
hallucination; numbness and tingling of ataxia, paraesthesia, stupor, toxic
fingers due to peripheral neuritis encephalopathy; optic neuritis and
infrequently; rarely anaphylaxis, atrophy
thrombocytopenia and leucopenia Dose: Oral or IM inj: treatment and
Dose: Oral: ADULT & CHILD > 12 years prophylaxis, ADULT 300 mg once daily;
15 mg/kg once daily; for recurrent cases, CHILD 10-20 mg/kg (max. 300 mg) once
25 mg/kg/d for 60 days then 15 mg/kg/d; daily; for intermittent supervised therapy,
CHILD 6-12 years, 10-15 mg/kg/d; for 10 mg/kg thrice or 15 mg twice weekly;
intermittent supervised therapy, ADULT pyridoxine, 15-50 mg/d particularly in
& CHILD > 12 years, 30 mg/kg thrice high risk patients for peripheral
weekly or 50 mg/kg twice weekly (not neuropathy
recommended for children under 5 years)
Proprietary Preparations
Proprietary Preparations Rifampicin + Isoniazid
(For Combined Preparations of Rimactazid(Novartis), Tab. ,  300 mg + 150
Ethambutol, see under Isoniazid) mg, Tk. 8.37/Tab. ;150 mg+ 75 mg, Tk.
4.00/Tab.;,  450 mg + 300 mg, Tk. 11.71/Tab.
Isoniazid + Thiacetazone


Rifampicin+Isoniazid+Pyrazinamide+ to urine, feces, saliva, sputum, tears, and

Ethambutol HCl sweat
Rimstar 4-FDC(Novartis), Tab. ,  150 mg +75 Contra-indications: Jaundice, liver
mg + 400 mg + 275 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
Interactions: See Appendix-2
RIFAMPICIN[ED] Side-effects: Gastrointestinal symptoms
including anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
Rifampicin exerts broad-spectrum diarrhea; cholestatic jaundice and
antibacterial effect and is effective occasionally hepatitis; light-chain
against most gram-positive as well as proteinuria commonly and acute renal
many gram-negative organisms. S. failure rarely, thrombocytopenic purpura,
aureus, coagulase-negative urticaria, rashes; a flu-like syndrome
staphylococci, E. coli, Pseudomonus, characterized by fever, chills, myalgias,
indole-positive and indole-negative anemia, and sometimes associated with
Proteus, and Klebsiella, N. meningitidis, acute tubular necrosis
H. influenzae are particularly susceptible. Dose: Tuberculosis treatment and
Of the mycobacteria, M. tuberculosis, M. prophylaxis, ADULT < 50 kg, 450 mg
kansasii, M. scrofulaceum, M. once daily, 50 kg and over 600mg once
intracellulare are sensitive, while M. daily or as 10 mg/kg/d; CHILD 10 mg/kg
fortuitum is highly resistant. (max. 600 mg) daily; for intermittent
After absorption from gastrointestinal supervised therapy, 600 mg twice or
tract, it is eliminated rapidly in the bile thrice weekly;
and exhibits an entrohepatic recycling. Leprosy, supervised therapy of 600 mg
Rifampicin is a potent inducer of hepatic once in a month, 450 mg for patients
drug metabolizing enzymes and weighing less than 35 kg; Brucellosis,
eliminates principally in feces. legionnaires disease and serious
Indications: Treatment of tuberculosis in staphylococcal infections, in combination
combination with other drug (see under with other drugs, orally or by IV infusion,
chemotherapy for tuberculosis), an 0.6-1.2g daily in 2-4 divided dose
alternative to isoniazid as prophylactic in
close contacts to a case of isoniazid- Proprietary Preparations
resistant tuberculosis provided that the (For Combined Preparations of
index case is susceptible to this drug; Rifampicin, see under Isoniazid)
Leprosy, brucellosis, hemophilus
influenzae infection, legionnaires PYRAZINAMIDE[ED]
disease, prophylaxis of meningococcal
meningitis; in combination with
This is an important front-line anti-
ceftriaxone or vancomycin for treatment
tuberculosis drug and is used in
of meningitis caused by penicillin-
combination with isoniazid and rifampicin
resistant strains of pneumococci, in
in short-course, 6 months regimen as a
combined therapy against serious
'sterilizing' agent active against residual
staphylococcal infections such as
intracellular organisms responsible for
osteomyelitis and prosthetic valve
relapse. Pyrazinamide produces
selective bactericidal effect against M.
Cautions: Patients with hepatic
tuberculosis, but not effective against M.
impairment need hepatic function and
blood counts monitoring, alcoholism,
The drug is taken up by macrophages
during concomitant use of oral
and is converted to active pyrazinoic acid
contraceptives, patients should be
by mycobacterial pyrazinamidase. The
advised to useadditional means of
drug eliminates principally by renal route.
contraception, pregnancy, breast-
Indications: Treatment of tuberculosis in
feeding, porphyria; patients should be
combination with other drugsin
warned about harmless orange-red color
combinationwith ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin

as prophylactic in close contacts to a SECOND LINE ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS

case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis DRUGS:
provided that the index case is
susceptible to these drugs
Cautions: Hepatic insufficiency,
monitoring of liver function is advised; See under Aminoglycosides (Sec1.1.4. )
therapy should be stopped if there is
evidence of hepatotoxicity (elevation of CAPREOMYCIN
plasma alanine and aspartate
aminotransferases are the earliest Indications: In combination with other
features of drug hepatotoxicity); diabetes, drugs for tuberculosis resistant to first-
gout line drugs
Contra-indications: Liver damage, Cautions: Renal, hepatic, or auditory
porphyria impairment, monitoring of renal, hepatic,
Interactions: See Appendix-2 auditory, vestibular function and
Side-effects: Most serious is the electrolytes are advised; pregnancy
hepatotoxicity; liver tenderness, (teratogenic in animals) and breast-
hepatomegaly, jaundice and fulminating feeding
liver failure that can be fatal; Interactions: See Appendix-2
hyperuricemia and gouty arthritis occur Side-effects: Hearing loss, tinnitus,
uniformly and not considered to be a transient proteinuria, cylindruria,
reason to halt therapy; also anorexia, electrolyte disturbances and nitrogen
nausea and vomiting, dysuria, occasional retention, severe renal failure,urticaria
mild fever, malaise and rashes; leukocytosis or leucopenia
Dose Oral: Treatment and prophylaxis, rarely thrombocytopenia; change in liver
ADULT & CHILD 15-30 mg/kg daily as a function tests, neuromuscular block after
single dose, max. 2 g/d; for intermittent large doses, pain and induration at
supervised therapy, 35-40 mg/kg twice or injection site
thrice weekly, max. 3 g/occasion Dose:Deep IM inj. 15-30 mg/kg/d or up
to 1 g daily for 2-4 months then 1 g, 2-3
Proprietary Preparations times weekly
(For Combined Preparations of
Pyrazinamide, see under Isoniazid) Generic Preparation
Capsule, 250mg
See section 1.1.4 CYCLOSERINE
This drug is inhibitory to many gram-
Thiacetazone is bacteriostatic against positive and gram-negative organisms
many strains of M tuberculosis and M but is used exclusively to treat
leprae. Thiacetazone containing tuberculosis caused by strains of M.
regimens are less effective than the tuberculosis resistant to first-line drugs.
short-course regimens recommended by The drug has adequate oral
WHO, but are used with isoniazid in long- bioavailability and achieves antibacterial
term regimens principally because of its concentrations in many tissues including
low cost. WHO does not recommend its central nervous system and CSF.
use in leprosy. Indications: In combination with other,
Dose:See standard treatment drugs, tuberculosis resistant to first-line
Guidelines(Appendix-1) Cautions: Dose reduction is necessary
in renal impairment; monitoring of blood
Generic Preparation counts, renal and hepatic function;
Isoniazid 300 mg + Thiacetazone 150 mg pregnancy and breast-feeding;
Tablet neurological toxicities are common above
the dose of 0.75 g/d


Contra-indications: Severe renal daily); CHILD, 10-20 mg/kg (max. 750

impairment, epilepsy, depression, mg) daily; in single or divided doses
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Generic Preparation
Side-effects: Most serious toxicities are Tablet,250mg
peripheral neuropathy and central
nervous system dysfunction including PARA-AMINOSALICYLIC ACID
headache, dizziness, vertigo,
drowsiness, tremor, convulsions, This is bacteriostatic against M
confusion, depression, and psychotic tuberculosis, while other mycobacteria
reactions, (dose reduction & pyridoxine are usually resistant.
150 mg/d are recommended); rashes, Indications: in combination with other
allergic dermatitis megaloblastic anemia; drugs for tuberculosis resistant to first-
changes in liver function tests; heart line drugs or when first line drugs cannot
failure at high doses reported be given; ulcerative colitis
Dose: Oral: Initially 250 mg every 12 Cautions: Renal and hepatic impairment
hours for 2 weeks, then increased to (should not be used in severe
maximum 500 mg every 12 hours; CHILD impairment); gastric ulcer; G6PD
initially 10 mg/kg daily adjusted according deficiency; pregnancy, breast-feeding
to blood concentration and response Interactions: See Appendix-2
Side-effects: GI disturbances including
Generic Preparation nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, gastric
Capsule,250 mg irritation and ulcer; hypersensitivity
reactions including skin rashes, arthalgia,
ETHIONAMIDE lymphadenopathy, syndrome like
infectious mononucleosis; hemolytic
Ethionamide has selective anemia
antimycobacterial activity including M Dose: Oral tuberculosis: ADULT, 12 g
tuberculosis, M kansasii, M leprae and daily in 3 divided doses; ulcerative colitis:
some strains of M avium complex. 2 g once daily
Indications: In combination with other
drugs for tuberculosis resistant to first- RIFABUTIN
line drugs or when first line drugs cannot
be given because of toxicity; alternative It exerts antibacterial activity similar to
to Clofazimine in regimens for leprosy that of rifampicin. It is both a substrate
Cautions: Hepatic impairment (should and inducer of cytochrome P 450
not be used in severe impairment), enzymes.
monitoring of hepatic function before and Indications: See under Dose
during treatment; unsafe in porphyria; Cautions: See under rifampicin
psychiatric disorders; monitoring of blood Contra-indications: jaundice, liver
glucose, thyroid function and of visual damage (not recommended for use in
acquity children)
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Interactions: See Appendix -2
Side-effects: GI disturbances, mental Side-effects:Nausea, vomiting;
disturbances including anxiety, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia,
depression, psychotic disorders; raised liver enzymes, jaundice, uveitis
headache, dizziness, postural following high doses or administration
hypotension; hepatotoxicity; with drugs which raise plasma
hypersensitivity reactions including concentration; arthalgia, myalgia,
thrombocytopenia, purpura, alopecia, influenzae-like syndrome, dyspnea; also
dermatitis hypersensitivity reactions including fever,
Dose: Oral resistant tuberculosis: rash, eosinophilia, bronchospasm; urine,
ADULT, 15-20 mg/kg daily (max. 1 g

saliva and other body secretions colored by Mycobacterium leprae affecting mostly
orange-red; the skin and peripheral nerves resulting
Dose: Oral: prophylaxis of in anaesthetic hypopigmented patches in
mycobacterium avium complex infections skin, and sometimes trophic changes
in HIV-infected patients, 300 mg daily as producing deformities in certain other
a single dose; treatment of non- tissues notably oral/nasal mucosa, the
tuberculous mycobacterial disease, in eye, muscle and bone. Multidrug
combination with clarithromycin and treatment (MDT) for leprosy as
ethambutol, 450-600 mg daily as a single recommended by the Bangladesh
dose; National TB and Leprosy Control
alternative to rifampicin for treatment of Programme is shown in Appendix-1
tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients (as it
as less interactions than rifampicin with CLOFAZIMINE[ED]
indinavir and nelfinavir), 150-450 mg
daily as a single dose for at least 6 Clofazimine is active against both
months; for preventive therapy of dapsone-sensitive and dapsone-resistant
tuberculosis, either alone, in a 6-month bacilli and against M. intracellulare.
regimen or with pyrazinamide in a 2- Variable absorption from gut and a major
month regimen, 150-450 mg daily as a portion of drug is excreted in feces.
single dose; treatment of pulmonary Clofazimine is stored widely in
tuberculosis, 150-450 mg daily as a reticuloendothelial tissues and skin.
single dose for 6 months Indications: Leprosy in combination with
other drug, chronic skin ulcers (Buruli
Generic Preparation ulcer) produced by M. ulcerans,
Capsule, 150 mg prophylaxis against erythema nodosum
CHEMOTHERAPY OF TUBERCULOSIS Cautions: Hepatic and renal impairment;
Mycobacteria are slowly growing pregnancy and breast-feeding; may
organisms, can remain dormant for long discolor soft lenses; best to avoid if
time and a substantial proportion reside persistent abdominal pain and diarrhea
within macrophages inaccessible to Interactions: See Appendix-2
many drugs and can rapidly develop Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting
resistance to any single drug. As such, (hospitalize if persistent), abdominal pain;
combinations of drugs are employed to headache; tiredness; brownish-black
overcome these obstacles and to prevent discoloration of lesions and skin including
emergence of resistance. Another areas exposed to light, reversible hair
problem, to prevent disease relapse, discoloration; dry skin; red discoloration
required therapy is of long duration which of feces, urine and other body fluids; also
most patients fail to comply. To rash; pruritus, acne-like eruptions,
overcome this problem, supervised short- anorexia, eosinophilic enteritis, bowel
course therapy with intermittent obstruction, dry eyes, dimmed vision,
administration of drugs has been macular and subepithelial corneal
formulated and adopted by many national pigmentation; elevated blood sugar,
anti-tuberculosis programmes. weight loss, spinal infarction,
Followings are recommended regimens lymphadenopathy
for treatment and prophylaxis of Dose: Oral: leprosy, 50-100 mg daily, in
tuberculosis: lepromatous lepra reactions, dose
increased to 300 mg daily for maximum DRUGS FOR LEPROSY of 3 months
(See Appendix-1c)
Generic Preparation
Capsule, 50mg
Leprosy is a slowly progressive chronic
infectious granulomatous disease caused DAPSONE[ED]

Like sulfonamides, it acts by inhibiting bacterial, viral, protozoal and fungal

microbial folate synthesis; well absorbed agents, and also by different
after oral administration and widely ectoparasites.
distributed throughout body fluids and The highest incidence of STDs is
tissues and tends to accumulate in skin, observed in 2024 years age group.
muscle, liver, and kidney. Dapsone is Certain socio-demographic factors such
principally cleared through kidney after as population explosion, rapid
acetylation. urbanization and industrialization, rural to
Indications: Leprosy, treatment and urban migration, prostitution, broken
prophylaxis of pneumocystis carinii homes, sexual disharmony, social
pneumonia, dermatitis herpetiformis disruption and alcoholism undoubtedly
Cautions: Dose adjustment required in contribute towards the increase of STDs
renal failure, cardiac or pulmonary in a developing country like Bangladesh.
disease; anemia; hemolysis in G-6PD Over 20 pathogens have been found to
deficient patients, during long-term spread commonly by sexual contact. The
treatment, patients and their attendants most common of these pathogens with
should be told how to recognize signs of usual clinical manifestations are
blood disorders; they should be advised Treponema pallidum, Neisseria
to get admission into hospitals if gonorrhoea, Haemophilus ducreyi and
symptoms such as fever, sore throat, Chlamydia trachomatis; though AIDS
rash, mouth ulcers, purpura, bruising or caused by the human immunodeficiency
bleeding develop; breast-feeding, virus (HIV) is not yet a very common STD
pregnancy; best to avoid in porphyria; in Bangladesh, there are special reasons
Contraindications: Blood dyscrasia, for awareness against this new global
hypersensitivity to dapsone menace. Syphilis and gonorrhoea being
Interactions: See Appendix-2 the two most prevalent STDs, the drug
Side-effects: Dose-related and not treatments regimens for these two
common at dose used for leprosy, diseases are described.
hemolysis in G-6PD deficient patients,
methemoglobinemias rather common; 1.1.12 OTHER ANTIBACTERIALS
neuropathy, allergic dermatitis anorexia,
nausea, vomiting, pruritus, tachycardia,
headache, insomnia, psychosis during
therapy of lepromatous leprosy; (See section 10.2 & 11.1.1)
erythema nodosum leprosum often
develops Chloramphenicol was found to have a
Dose: Oral: leprosy, 100 mg daily or 1-2 serious (often fatal) bone marrow
mg/kg daily, depression However, it is still the drug of
choice for enteric fever when other
Generic Preparation antibiotics are resistant. For H.
Tablet, 100mg influenzae infections, especially
meningitis, emergence of ampicillin
resistant strains led to a reappraisal of
the use of chloramphenicol.
see under Drugs for tuberculosis Indications: Severe rickettsial infections
such as typhus or rocky mountain fever
1.1.11 DRUGS USED IN SEXUALLY in children, alternative to a beta-lactam
TRANSMITTED DISEASES for bacterial meningitis due to penicillin-
resistant strain of pneumo- or meningo-
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are coccus and in penicillin-allergic patients,
a group of communicable diseases that alternative to tetracyclines for acute and
are transmitted predominantly by sexual chronic brucellosis, eye and ear
contact and caused by a wide range of infections caused by susceptible

Cautions: Dose must be reduced in Contra-indications: Diarrheal states

hepatic impairment, in newborns less Interactions: See Appendix-2
than a week old and in premature infants; Side-effects: Diarrhea, nausea,
repeated courses & prolonged treatment vomiting, pseudomembranous colitis,
are not recommended; periodic blood impaired liver function, jaundice,
counts and monitoring of plasma neutropenia, eosinophilia,
concentration (in neonates) are required agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, rash,
Contra-indications: Pregnancy, breast- urticaria, erythema multiforme, exfoliative
feeding, porphyria and vesiculobullous dermatitis
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Dose: Oral: 150-300 mg every 6 hours;
Side-effects: Blood dyscrasia such as up to 500 mg every 6 hours in severe
leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, dose- infections; CHILD 10-20 mg/kg/d in 4
related reversible suppression of red-cell divided doses; deep IM inj. or IV infusion:
production, idiosyncratic irreversible 0.6-2.7 g daily in 2-4 divided doses; life-
aplastic anemia; also peripheral neuritis, threatening infection, up to 4.8 g daily;
optic neuritis; erythema multiforme; CHILD > 1 month, 15-40 mg/kg daily in 3-
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, grey baby 4 divided doses; severe infections, at
syndrome (abdominal distension, pallid least 300 mg daily regardless of weight
cyanosis, circulatory collapse) usually
after excessive doses in neonates with Proprietary Preparations
immature hepatic function Anobac(Globe), Cap., 300 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.
Dose: Oral IV inj. or infusion: ADULT & Asiclin(Asiatic), Cap., 150mg , Tk. 8.00/Cap. ,
CHILD, 50-100 mg/kg/d in 4 divided 300mg , Tk. 15.00/Cap.; Inj., 300mg /2ml, Tk.
39.00/2ml, 600mg/4ml, Tk. 69.00/4ml
doses; INFANTS < 2 weeks, 25 mg/kg/d Cinamycin(Ibn Sina), Cap. , 150mg, Tk.
in 4 divided doses; topical (as 0.5% 8/Cap.; 300mg, Tk. 15/Cap.;Inj., 300mg/2ml,
solution and 1% ointment); 2-3 drops/in Tk. 200.00/2ml.; 600mg/4ml , Tk. 350.00/4ml
thin layer 2-3 times or more Cleocin(Healthcare), Cap., 150mg, Tk.
300.00/Cap.; 300mg , Tk;. 448.00/Cap.
Proprietary Preparation Cleodin(General), Cap., 150mg, Tk.
Chloramphenicol(Hudson), Cap., 250mg, 6.00/Cap.; 300mg, Tk. 15.04/Cap.; Inj.,
Tk.2.50/Cap. 300mg/2ml, Tk. 40.12/2ml,600mg/4ml, Tk.
Climycin(Square), Cap, 150 mg, Tk.
(See also section 10.2&11.1., For skin 8.06/Cap.300 mg, Tk. 15.10/Cap.
and ENT preparation) Clinacyn(Beximco), Cap., 150mg, Tk.
8.00/Cap.; 300mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.
CLINDAMYCIN Clincin (Navana), Cap.,  150 mg, Tk.
8.00/Cap.; 300mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.;Syrup, 75
mg/5 ml, Tk. 250/100 ml
Indications: Severe anaerobic infection Clinda(Astra Bio), Cap. , 150 mg, Tk.
caused by bacteroids and other 8.00/Cap.; 300 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.
anaerobes, septic abortion, pelvic Clindabac(Popular), Cap.,150 mg, Tk.
abscesses, with an aminoglycosides or 8.00/Cap.; 300 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.
cephalosporin to treat penetrating wound Clindacin(Incepta), Cap. ,150 mg, Tk.
of gut, with primaquine as an alternative 8.00/Cap., 300 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.;
Inj.,300mg/2ml, Tk. 40.00/2ml. ; 600mg/4ml,
to co-trimoxazole in pneumocystis
TK.. 70.00/4ml.; Suspn., 75 mg /5 ml, Tk.
pneumonia in AIDS patients and with 280.00/100 ml
pyrimethamine in AIDS-related Clindamet(Somatec), Cap.,  150 mg, Tk.
toxoplasma encephalitis; topically in 8.00/Cap.;  300 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.
acne. Clindaver (Veritas), Cap., 300 mg, Tk.
Cautions: Should be discontinued if 15.00/Cap.
there is diarrhea or colitis, requires Clindax(Opsonin), Inj., 300 mg/2 ml, Tk. 40.15/
2 ml, 600 mg/4 ml, Tk.70.26/4ml,;Cap.,150 mg,
monitoring of renal and hepatic functions
Tk. 8.03/ Cap., 300 mg , Tk. 15.06/Cap.;
in prolonged therapy and in neonates Suspn., 75 mg /5 ml, Tk. 250.94/ 100 ml
and infants; renal or hepatic impairment, Clinex(Aristo), Cap., 150mg , Tk. 8.00/Cap.;
pregnancy and breast-feeding 300mg, Tk.15.00/cap


Daclin(ACI), Cap.,150mg, Tk. Arlin(Beximco), Inj.,  600 mg/300 ml, Tk.

8.02/Cap.,300mg, Tk.15.05/Cap 450.00/ Vial,; Suspn., 100mg/5ml, Tk.
Dalacin(Drug Intl), Cap.,300mg, Tk. 280.00/100ml,; Tab., 400mg , Tk. 60.00/Tab.;
15.05/Cap.; Inj.,300mg/2ml, Tk. 40.15/2ml. ; 600mg , Tk. 85.0003/Tab.
600mg/4ml, Tk. 70.25/4ml. Ezolid(ACI), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 60.00/Tab. ;
Endamycin(Euro), Cap., 150mg, Tk. 600mg, Tk. 85.00/Tab.
15.00/Cap.; 300mg, Tk. 8.00/Cap. Linexil(Opsonin), Inj., 600 mg/300 ml, Tk.
Fortior(Pharmacil), Cap.,300mg, Tk. 451.36/ Vial,; Suspn., 100 mg /5 ml, Tk.
22.00/cap. 280.00/100 ml.
Linacin(Sharif), Cap. , 150 mg , Tk. 8.03/Cap.; Linzolid(Incepta), Inj.,  600 mg/300 ml, Tk.
300 mg , Tk. 15.04/Cap. 450.00/ Vial,; Suspn. 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Lincocin(Acme), Cap. ,300 mg , Tk. 280.00/100 ml; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 60.00/Tab.;
15.04/Cap. 600 mg, Tk. 85.00/Tab.
Lindamax(Eskayef), Cap, 150mg, Tk.
8.00/Cap.; 300mg , Tk. 15.00/Cap. ;
Maxclin(Alco), Tab., 150 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.;
300 mg,Tk. 15.00/Tab. FOSFOMYCIN[R][C]
Qcin (Renata), Inj.,  300 mg/2 ml, Tk. 40.00/2
ml;  600 mg/4 ml, Tk. 70.00/4 ml;Cap. 150 mg, Indications: Uncomplicated urinary tract
Tk. 8.00/Cap.; 300 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap. infections (acute cystitis) in women due
Xindal (Orion), Cap., 150 mg, Tk. 8.00/Cap.; to susceptible strains of Escherichia coli
300 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.
and Enterococcus faecalis
LINEZOLID[C] feeding,Pregnancy,Renal Impairmen
Contra-indications: Patients with severe
Indications: Pneumonia, complicated renal insufficiency (CLcr<10ml/min),
skin and soft tissue infections caused by patients undergoing haemodialysis
Gram- positive bacteria including those Interactions:Concomitant administration
due to vancomycin-resistant enterococci of metoclopramide has been shown to
and methicillin resistant S aureus lower serum and urinary concentrations
Cautions: Blood count including platelet and should be avoided.
count requires weekly monitoring; if Side-effects: Headache dizziness
significant myelosuppression, treatment dyspepsia vulvovaginitisdizziness
should be stopped; visual function Dose: Oral: ADULT: Uncomplicated
monitoring is required in long lower urinary tract infections: one sachet
therapy(more than 28 days), patients (3g)
should be warned to report symptoms of Child:not recomeded under the age of12
visual impairment immediately; history of Year
seizures, hepatic impairment, renal Note: Fosfomycin is for oral
impairment, pregnancy; tyramine–rich administration and should be taken on an
foods empty stomach, either 1 hour before or at
Interactions: See Appendix -2 least 2 hours after meals and preferably
Contra-indications: Breast-feeding; before bedtime after emptying the
patients using MAO-inhibitor drugs bladder. The contents of a sachet should
Side-effects: Diarrhea, nausea, and be dissolved in a glass of water and
vomiting, metallic taste, dizziness and taken immediately after its preparation.
abnormal liver function test; reversible
myelosuppression including anemia; Proprietary Preparation
leucopenia, pancytopenia, and in Fosamin(Beximco), Granules for Oral Solution,
particular, thrombocytopenia has been 3mg, Tk. 350.00/sachet
Dose: Oral or IV infusion over 30-120 NITROFURANTOIN[ED] [A] [C]
minutes: ADULTover 18 years600mg
every 12 hours for 10-14 days

Proprietary Preparations

Indications: For long-term suppression Urobak(Opsonin), suspn.,, 25 mg/5 ml, Tk.

and treatment of uncomplicated lower 60.00/ 100 ml ,; Tab, 100 mg , Tk. 6.00/Tab.
urinary tract infections Urocure(Square), Cap. , 100 mg, Tk.
20.06/Cap. ; Suspn. , 25 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cautions: Hepatic insufficiency; elderly 80.24/100ml
patients (risk of acute pulmonary
reactions); anemia; diabetes mellitus;
electrolyte imbalance; vitamin B and
folate deficiency; pulmonary disease;
urine may be colored yellow or brown; Indications: See under Dose
Contra-indications: Known Caution: Hepatic impairment 
hypersensitivity, renal impairment, Contra-indications: hypersen-sitivity;
pregnancy (at term) and breast-feeding; intestinal obstruction; pregnancy and
infants less than 3 months old, G6PD breast-feeding 
deficiency; acute porphyria Interactions: See Appendix -2
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting,
Side-effects: Diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea,
vomiting; neurological disturbances dyspnea, headache, depression,
including dizziness, headache, vertigo, dizziness, muscle spasm, rash,
nystagmus, benign intracranial pruritus;less commonly anorexia, taste
hypertension, severe and sometimes disturbances, dry mouth, peripheral
irreversible peripheral polyneuropathy; edema, sleep disturbances, anxiety,
hypersensitivity reactions including skin memory impairment, convulsions,
rashes, urticaria, pruritus, fever, hypoesthesia, paraesthesia, antibiotic-
erythema multiforme, Steven-Johnson associated colitis, influenza-like
syndrome, exfoliative dermatitis, symptoms, dysuria, polyuria, glycosuria,
pancreatitis, blood disorders (including polymenorrhoea, blood disorders,
agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and hyperkalemia; rarely blood pressure
aplastic anemia); acute pulmonary changes, constipation
sensitivity reactions characterized by Dose: Oral: travellers' diarrhea not
sudden onset of fever, chills, associated with fever, bloody diarrhea,
eosinophilia, cough, chest pain , blood or leucocytes in the stool, or 8 or
dyspnea, pleural effusion, chronic more unformed stools in the previous 24
symptoms include interstitial pneumonitis hours: ADULT over 18 years, 200 mg
and pulmonary fibrosis every 8 hours for 3 days; reduction in
Dose: Oral: acute uncomplicated recurrence of hepatic encephalopathy,
infection, ADULT, 50 mg every 6 hours ADULT over 18 years, 550 mg twice daily
with food for 7 days (3 days usually
adequate in women); CHILD, over 3 Proprietary Preparations
Aximin(Acme), Tab., 200 mg , Tk. 20.07/Tab.,
months, 750 micrograms/kg every 6
550 mg , Tk. 45.13/Tab.
hours; severe chronic recurrent infection, Efaxim(Square), Tab., 200 mg, Tk.
100 mg every 6 hours with food for 7 20.00/Tab., 550 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.
days (dose reduced or discontinued if Faxan(Drug Intl), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 20.10/Tab.,
severe nausea); prophylaxis, 50–100 mg 550mg, Tk. 40.15/Tab.
at night; CHILD over 3 months, 1 mg/kg Henlix(ACI), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.,
at night 550mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.
Hepatab(Ibn Sina), Tab., 200mg, Tk.
20.00/Tab., 550mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations Hepaximin(Aristo), Tab., 200mg , Tk.
Nintoin(Incepta), Suspn.,  25 mg/5 ml, Tk. 20.00/Tab., 550mg , Tk. 45.00/Tab.
80.00/100ml.; Cap.,  100 mg, Tk. 20.00/Cap. ; Rifabac(Popular), Tab. , 200mg, Tk.
100 mg, Tk. 4.00/Cap. ; Tab. ,  100 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab., 550mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
6.00/Tab. Rifacol(Sharif), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk.
Nitrofur, (ACI), Suspn, 25mg/5ml, Tk. 20.07/Tab., 550 mg, Tk. 45.13/Tab.
80.00/100ml Rifagut(Opsonin), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk.
Ofuran(Pacific), Tab. , 100 mg, Tk. 20/Tab. 20.06/Tab., 550 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab., 200 mg,
Rantoin(Drug Intl), Tab., 100mg, Tk. 6/Tab. Tk. 20.00/Tab.


Rifagyl(Globe), Tab. , 550 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab. Side-effects: Nausea, dizziness,

Rifamax(Incepta), Tab. ,  200 mg, Tk. urticaria, fever; rarely nephrotoxicity and
25.00/Tab., 550 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab. anemia
Rifaxin(Ziska), Tab. , 200 mg, Tk. 20.00/Tab.,
550 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.
Dose: deep IM inj. a single dose of 2 g or
Rixmin(Astra Bio), Tab. , 200 mg,  Tk. 20/Tab. 40 mg/kg
Xifamin(Nipro JMI), Tab., 200 mg, Tk.20/Tab.
Proprietary Preparation
Tinobac (Incepta), Inj., 2 gm/vial, Tk.

Fusidic acid and its salts are effective

against Staphylococci, notably Staph.
aureus and Staph. epidermidis including
methicillin-resistant strains. Neisseria B. Indications: Treatment of serious Gram-
fragilis and many clostridialare used positive infection including endocarditis,
mainly in the treatment of staphylococcal dialysis-associated peritonitis;
infection They have been used in the prophylaxis in orthopedic surgery at risk
treatment of abscess including brain of infection with Gram-positive organisms
abscess, in bones and joint infections, Cautions: Blood count, kidney and liver
and topically in the treatment of in eye function tests required; vancomycin
infections and infections of the skin (see sensitivity; monitoring of auditory function
also section 10.2&12.2) if other nephrotoxic or neurotoxic drugs
Indications: See notes above given; pregnancy
Cautions: Liver function tests required Interactions: See Appendix -2
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting, Side-effects: Rush, pruritus; rarely,
abdominal pain, reversible jaundice, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness,
especially after rapid intravenous bronchospasm, mild hearing loss,
injection or infusion; altered liver function vestibular disorders; renal failure,
tests; neutropenia, eosinophilia, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic
rash, thrombophlebitis epidermal necrolysis
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Dose: Loading dose of 6mg/kg IV 12hrly
Dose: See section 10.2.&12.2 for 3doses, them maintenance dose of
6mg/kg IV once daily. Insevere
Proprietary Preparations infections, higher doses have been used;
Facid (Eskayef),Tab, 250mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab 12mg/kg IV 12hrly for 3 doses, then
Fusidin Leo(I) (Leo),Tab.111.02/Tab 12mg/kg daily.
(See section 10.2. for Eye and12.2 for Skin IV inj. or infusion, ADULT > 70 kg body
preparation) weight, initially 400 mg 12 hourly for 3
doses, then (may be given by IM inj.) 400
SPECTINOMYCIN[A] mg once daily; CHILD over 2 months, IV
inj. or infusion, initially 10 mg/kg (max.
This is a narrow-spectrum bacteriostatic 400 mg) 12 hourly for 3 doses, then 6
antibiotic structurally related to mg/kg (max. 200 mg) once daily
aminoglycosides and is effective against
a number of gram-negative organisms Proprietary Preparations
but is inferior to other drugs to which Targocid(I) (Gruppo), Inj., 200 mg/Vial, Tk.
872.08/Vial; 400 mg/Vial, Tk. 1568.62/Vial
such organisms are susceptible.
Tergocin (Incepta),Inj.,200mg/vial,Tk.1600/vial
Indications: Recommended as
alternative treatment for uncomplicated
gonococcal infection in patients who are TIGECYCLINE[R]
intolerant or allergic to beta-lactam drugs
and fluoroquinolones Tigecycline should be reserved for the
Cautions: Renal and hepatic impairment treatment of complicated skin and soft-
Interactions: See Appendix-2 tissue infections and complicated

abdominal infections caused by multiple- vancomycin measurement (after 3 or 4

antibacterial resistant organisms when doses if renal function normal, earlier if
other antibacterials cannot be used; it is renal impair-ment), blood counts,
not recommended for the treatment of urinalysis, and renal functions test;
foot infections in patients with diabetes. monitor auditory function in elderly or if
Indications: See notes above renal impairment; pregnancy and breast
Cautions: Cholestasis; dose reduction in feeding; systemic absorption may follow
hepatic impairment; also see under oral administration especially in
tetracyclines  inflammatory bowel disorders or
Contra-indications: hypersensitivity to following multiple doses
Tetracyclines Interactions: See Appendix-2
Interactions: See Appendix -2 Side-effects: Ototoxicity (discontinue if
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting, tinnitus occurs); flushing of the upper
abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, body (“red man” syndrome); nephro-
anorexia, bilirubinaemia, dizziness, toxicity including renal failure and
headache, hypoglycaemia, prolonged interstitial nephritis; blood disorders
prothrombin time, prolonged activated including neutropenia (usually after
partial thromboplastin time, rash, pruritus, receiving dose of 25g); rarely
and injection-site reactions; less agranulocytosis; and thrombocytopenia;
commonly pancreatitis, cholestatic nausea; eosinophilia; anaphylaxis,
jaundice, and hypoproteinaemia; also rashes including, exfoliative dermatitis;
reported, antibiotic-associated colitis, and toxic epidermal necrolysis; phlebitis;
hepatic failure, thrombocytopenia, on rapid infusion, severe hypotension
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (including shock and cardiac arrest);
Dose: IV infusion:ADULT, over 18 years, wheezing, dyspnea; urticaria, pruritus
initially 100 mg, then 50 mg every 12 Dose: Oral: in antibiotic associated
hours for 5–14 days; initially 100 mg colitis, 125mg every 6 hours for 7 to
then 25 mg every 12 hours in 10days; dose may be increased if
severehepatic impairment infection is severe or fails to respond.
CHILD, 5mg/kg every 6 hours, over 5
Proprietary Preparations years half adult dose; By intravenous
Widebac(Incepta),IV. Infusion, 50 mg/vial, Tk. infusion, 500mg over at least 60 minutes
600.00/vial every 12 hours, ELDERLY, over 65
Tygacil(I)(Wyeth) ,IV. Infusion 50 mg/Vial, Tk. years, IV. Infusion 500mg every 12 hours
or 1g once daily; NEONATE up to
1week,15mg/kg initially then 10mg/kg
VANCOMYCIN[W] every 12 hours; INFANT 1-4weeks,
15mg/kg initially then 10mg/kg every 8
Indications: For the treatment of serious hours; CHILD over 1month, 10mg/kg
Staphylococcal or other Gram-positive every 6 hours
infections where other drugs such as the
pencillins cannot be used because of Note: plasma concentration monitoring
resistance or patient intolerance. It is required; pre-dose concentration should
used in the prophylaxis and treatment of be 5-10mg/L
endocarditis by intravenous route; (added
to dialysis fluid and used for the Proprietary Preparations
treatment of peritonitis associated with Covan(Renata),IV. Infusion,  1 gm/Vial, Tk.
continuous ambulatory, peritoneal 480.00/vial; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 250.00/vial
dialysis, antibiotic associated colitis Vancard(Techno), IV. Infusion., 1 gm/Vial, Tk.
Cautions: Hypersensitive to it; should 850.00/Vial; 500 mg/Vial, Tk. 470.00/Vial
Vancobac(Popular), IV. Infusion 1 gm/vial, Tk.
not be given intramuscularly; avoid rapid
552.08/vial; 500mg/vial, Tk. 321.21/vial
infusion; rotate infusion site; renal Vancomin(Opsonin), IV. Infusion Vial, 500
impairment; elderly; avoid if history of mg/Vial , Tk. 250.94/vial; 1 gm/Vial, Tk.
deafness; all patients require plasma 481.81/vial


Vanmycin(Incepta), IV. Infusion 1 gm/Vial, Tk. Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity

480.00/vial; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 250.00/vial Interactions: See Appendix -2
Side-effects: when given parenterally,
1.2 ANTIFUNGALS anorexia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea,
(See section 12.2&10.2) epigastric pain; febrile reactions,
1.2.1 FOR SYSTEMIC FUNGAL headache, muscle and joint pain;
INFECTIONS anemia; disturbances in renal function
1.2.2 FOR MUCOCUTANEOUS with renal tubular acidosis, hypokalemia
INFECTIONS and hypomagnesemia; cardiovascular
1.2.3 TOPICAL ANTIFUNGALS toxicity including arrhythmias; blood
disorders; neurological disorders
including hearing loss, diplopia,
convulsions, peripheral neuropathy,
abnormal liver function; rash,
anaphylactoid reactions; pain and
thrombophlebitis at injection site;
1.2.1 FOR SYSTEMICFUNGAL encephalopathy rarely
Dose:By slow IV infusion, 0.5-1 mg/kg/d,
continued to a total dose of 1-2 g;
AMPHOTERICIN B(See section 1.3.5)
Oral: intestinal candidiasis, 100-200 mg
is an amphoteric polyene macrolide
every 6 hours; INFANT and CHILD 100
nearly insoluble lele in water and exhibits
mg 4 times daily, oral and perioral
broad-spectrum fungicidal activity. The
infections, Amphotericin 10 mg lozenges,
drug is effective against clinically
1 lozenge to dissolve slowly in the mouth
significant yeasts, including C. albicans
4 times daily for 10-15 days or 100 mg
and Cryptococcus neoformans, the
suspension placed in the mouth after
organisms causing endemic mycoses
food and retain near lesions 4 times daily
including Histoplasma capsulatum,
for 14 days, therapy should be continued
Blastomyces dermatitidis and
for 48 hours after lesions have resolved.
Coccidioides immitis and the pathogenic
molds, such as Aspergillus fumigatus and
Proprietary Preparation
mucor. It has limited activity against the Tericin(Beacon), Inj., 50mg, Tk. 15045.11/Vial
protozoa L. braziliensis and Naegleria
Indications: Drug of choice for initial
induction regiment for life-threatening
mycotic infections such as severe fungal Indications: See under Dose
pneumonia, cryptococcal meningitis, Cautions: Renal insufficiency, in
sepsis syndrome, for empiric therapy severeform dose interval should be
incancer patients with neutropenia, increased from 24 to 48 or 72 hours;
mycotic corneal ulcers and keratitis, breast-feeding; monitoring of liver
fungal arthritis, candiduria. function is required in prolonged and or
Cautions: Renal impairment; hepatic high dose therapy, drug should be
and renal-function tests, blood counts, stopped if evidence of hepatic necrosis
and plasma electrolyte monitoring Contra-indications: Pregnancy, severe
required, if any abnormality therapy liver disease, acute porphyria
should be discontinued; pregnancy and Interactions: See Appendix-2
breast-feeding; when given parenterally, Side-effects: Nausea, abdominal
toxicity common (close supervision discomfort, diarrhea, and flatulence,
necessary and test dose required); rapid occasionally abnormalities of liver
infusion (risk of arrhythmias) and enzymes, rarely rash, angioedema,
concurrent corticosteroids therapy need anaphylaxis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome
to be avoided and fixed drug eruption; skeletal and

cardiac deformities in infants born to gastric acidity is reduced; the drug should
women taking high doses during be administered at least two hours after
pregnancy has also been reported antacid or a full meal; monitoring of liver
Dose: Candidiasis: oropharyngeal function in prolonged therapy, dose
candidiasis, orally, 200 mg on the first adjustment in renal impairment, liver
day then 100 mg daily for 2 weeks; disease, risk of heart failure with high
esophageal candidiasis, orally, 100-200 dose, drug should be discontinued if
mg daily; vaginal candidiasis and peripheral neuropathy;
candidial balantitis, orally, 150 mg as a Contra-indications: Severe hepatic
single dose; deep candidiasis in allogenic impairment, acute porphyria; pregnancy
bone marrow transplant recipients and Interactions: See Appendix-2
candidemia in non-immunocompromised Side- effects: See under fluconazole;
patients, orally, 400 mg daily; CHILD oral also heart failure, hypertriglyceridemia,
or IV infusion, 3-6 mg/kg on first day then hypertension, peripheral neuropathy; in
3 mg/kg daily, every 72 hours in prolonged therapy hypokalemia, edema,
NEONATE up to 2 weeks old, every 48 and hair loss; rhabdomyolysis is also
hours in NEONATE 2-4 weeks old; Tinea reported
pedis, corporis, cruris, pityriasis Dose: Oral : oropharyngeal candidiasis,
versicolor, and dermal candidiasis, orally, 100 mg daily, 200 mg daily in AIDS or
50 mg daily for 2-4 weeks for up to 6 neutropenia for 15 days; vulvovaginal
weeks in tinea pedis; cryptococcosis candidiasis, 200 mg twice daily for 1 day;
including meningitis, oral or IV infusion, pityriasis versicolor, 200 mg daily for 7
400 mg daily for initial 8 weeks, then 200 days; tinea corporis and tinea cruris, 100
mg daily; CHILD 6-12 mg/kg daily, every mg/d for 15 days or 200 mg/d for 7 days;
72 hours in NEONATE up to 2 weeks old, tinea pedis and manuum, 100 mg daily
every 48 hours in NEOANTE 2-4 weeks for 30 days or 200 mg twice daily for 7
old, max. 400 mg daily; prevention of days; onychomycosis, 200 mg daily for 3
relapse of cryptococcal meningitis in months; histoplasmosis, 200 mg 1-2
AIDS patients after completion of primary times daily; systemic aspergillosis,
therapy, 100-200 mg daily; candidiasis and cryptococcosis including
coccidioidomycosis including meningitis, cryptococcal meningitis, histoplasmosis
oral or by IV infusion, 200-400 mg daily; where other antifungal drugs
prevention offungalinfections in inappropriate or ineffective, 200 mg once
immunocompromised patients following daily, IV infusion: 200 mg every 12 hours
cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy, for 2 days, then 200 mg once daily for
oral or by IV infusion, 50-400 mg daily max. 12 days; maintenance in AIDS
adjusted according to risk; CHILD patients to prevent relapse of underlying
according to extent and duration of fungal infection and prophylaxis in
neutropenia, 3-12 mg/kg daily, every 72 neutropenia when standard therapy
hours in NEONATE up to 2 weeks old, inappropriate, 200 mg once daily
every 48 hours in NEONATE 2-4 weeks
old, max. 400 mg daily Proprietary Preparations
Itra(Square), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 15.10/Cap.
Proprietary Preparations Trec(Team), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 14/Cap.
See section 12.2 Iconal(Kemiko), Cap., 100mg, Tk. 15.04/Cap.


This is a synthetic triazole having Indications: Systemic mycoses, serious

mechanism and antifungal spectrum of chronic resistant mucocutaneous
activity similar to those of fluconazole. candidiasis, serious mycoses of gut not
Indications: See under Dose responsive to other therapy, chronic
Cautions: Absorption is impaired in vaginal candidiasis not responsive to
AIDS patients, neutropenia and when other therapy, dermatophytes infections


not responsive to other therapy excluding commonly, hepatitis, cholecystitis,

infection of the toe nails, prophylaxis of pancreatitis, arrhythmias, ataxia,
mycoses in patients with reduced nystagmus, adrenocortical insufficiency;
immune responses Dose: Oral: ADULT and CHILD over 12
Cautions: See notes above;liver function years, body-weight over 40 kg, 400 mg
tests before, during and after treatment; 12 hourly for 2 doses then reduced to
porphyria 200 mg; body-weight under 40 kg, 200
Contra-indications: Hepatic impairment, mg 12 hourly for 2 doses then reduced to
pregnancy, breast-feeding 100 mg; IV infusion: 6 mg/kg 12 hourly
Interactions: See Appendix-2 for 2 doses then reduced to 4 mg/kg
Side-effects: Nausea, anorexia,
vomiting, rashes, pruritus, hepatitis; Generic Preparation
gynaecomastia, decreased libido in Tablet, 200mg; 50mg; Syrup, 200mg/5ml
males, at high doses azospermia has
been reported; also hypertension, fluid
retention, asymptomatic elevation of ECHINOCANDINS
Dose: Oral: ADULT 200 mg once daily, The echinocandin antifungals include
increased to 400 mg if required; CHILD Anidulafungin,Caspofungin and
3.3-6.6 mg/kg daily; duration of therapy: Micafungin. They are only active against
5 days for candida vulvovaginitis, 2 Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp.;
weeks for candida esophagitis and 6-12 however, anidulafungin and micafungin
months for deep mycoses; prophylaxis are not used for the treatment of
and maintenance treatment in aspergillosis. Echinocandins are not
immunosuppressed patients, 200 mg effective against fungal infections of the
daily CNS. For the role of echinocandin
antifungals in the prevention and
Proprietary Preparations systemic treatment of fungal infections
Ketocon(Opsonin), Tab., Tk. 8.06/Tab.
KetofunAmico), Tab., TK. 8.30/Tab.
(See section12.2.for skin preparation) ANIDULAFUNGIN

VORICONAZOLE Indications: Oesophageal candidiasis,

Candidemia and other complicated
Indications: Invasive aspergillosis, Candida infections.
invasive fluconazole-resistant Candida Side-effects: Nausea, Vomiting,
spp. Including C krusei, serious infection Hypomagnesaemia, Hypokalemia and
caused by Scedosporium spp., Fusarium Headche.
spp. Dose: For candidemia, 200mg IV on day
Cautions: Monitoring of hepatic and 1, followed by 100mg IV daily. For
renal function and skin cancer oesophageal candidiasis, 100mg IV on
surveillance required; also see notes day 1, followed by 50mg IV daily.
above CHILDREN: Age> 28 days, 1.5-3mg/kg
Contraindications: Acute porphyria loading dose, then 0.75-1.5mg/kg/ day
Interactions: See Appendix-2 (once daily).
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, jaundice, edema, hypotension, Proprietary Preparations
chest pain, respiratory distress Eraxis(I)(Pharmacia&Upjohn),Inj.,100ml/vial Tk.
syndrome, headache, dizziness, anxiety,
hallucination, paraesthesia, tremor,
hypoglycemia, hematuria, blood CAPSOFUNGIN
disorders, acute renal failure,
hypokalemia, visual disturbances; less

Indications: 1st line of drug for rashes, mental confusion, peripheral

candidemia, candidal intra-abdominal neuritis, headache, nausea, vomiting,
abscesses, peritonitis and pleural spaces vertigo, gastric discomfort, augmentation
infections; Oesophageal candidiasis; of alcohol effects, transient macular
Empiric therapy for febrile, neutropenic edema
patients; Invasive aspergillosis in patients Dose: Oral: 500 mg daily, in divided
refractory to or intolerant of other doses or as a single dose, in severe
therapics. infection dose may be doubled; CHILD
Cautions: As it is metabolized in liver, so 10 mg/kg daily in divided doses or as a
reduce dose to 35mg/day IV in moderate single dose
hepatic insufficiency. Interactions include
Cyclosporine (Hepatic toxicity) and Proprietary Preparations
tacrolimus (Drug level Monitoring) Fulcinex(ACI), Suspn, 2.5gm/100ml, Tk.
Side-effects: Pruritus at infusion site; 23.49/60ml; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 5.60/Tab.
and headache, Fever, Chills, Vomiting Grisovin FP(GSK), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 5.88/Tab
Grisozen(Zenith),Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 6.68/Tab.
and Diarrhoea associated with infusion.
Dose: 70mg IV on 1st day, followed by
50mg IV daily.
CHILD: 70mg/m2 IV on 1stday, followed TERBINAFINE
by 50mg/m2 IV daily (max dose
70mg/day) Indications: Fungal infections of the skin
and nails; ringworm infections including
Proprietary Preparations tinea pedis, cruris and corporis
Cancidas(I)(MSD), IV. Infusion, 50mg/Vial Tk. Cautions: Pregnant and breast-feeding
16640.48/vial, 70mg/vial Tk.16640.48/vial women; hepatic and renal impairment;
psoriasis, autoimmune disease
1.2.2FOR MUCOCUTANEOUS Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity
INFECTIONS Interactions:See Appendix-2
(see section 12.2.2) Side-effects: Gastrointestinal distress,
GRISEOFULVIN[ED] mild abdominal pain, skin reactions (rash,
urticaria), headache; rarely
This is a narrow-spectrum fungistatic hepatotoxicity, severe neutropenia,
drug given orally and is the choice of Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic
treatment for extensive and intractable epidermal necrolysis may occur; very
fungal infections rarely, psychiatric disturbance, blood
Indications: Fungal infections of skin, disorders
hair, nails and scalp where topical Dose: Oral: onychomycosis of nails, 250
therapy is inappropriate or failed mg daily for 3 months; duration of oral
Cautions: May impair performance of therapy for ringworm infections is 2-6
skilled tasks, aggravation of systemic weeks with local application of cream
lupus erythematosus; breast-feeding, twice daily
pregnancy should be avoided during
therapy and for 1 month after treatment, Proprietary Preparations
Infud(General), Tab.250mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
men should not father children within 6 Mycofin(Eskayef), Tab, 250mg, Tk. 40/Tab.
months of treatment Mycofree(Drug Intl), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 25/Tab.
Contra-indications: Severe liver Skinabin(ACI), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 40.27/Tab.
disease, lupus erythematosus rashes, Telfin(UniMed), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
mental confusion, peripheral neutritis, (See section12.2 for skin preparation)
headache, nausea, vomiting, vertigo,
gastric discomfort, augmentation of 1.2.3 TOPICAL ANTIFUNGALS
alcohol effects, transient macular edema (See section12.2)
Interactions: See Appendix-2
Side-effects: Hepatotoxicity, Superficial fungal infections including
photosensitivity, urticaria, erythematous dermatophytosis (ringworm), candidiasis,

tinea versicolor, piedra, tinea nigra and daily; NEONATE 100,000 units once
fungal keratitis are treated successfully daily
by topical antifungals with or without
concomitant administration of systemic Proprietary Preparations
antifungal drugs. Topical administration See section 12.2.2 & 6.2.2
of antifungal is usually not successful for
mycoses of the nails (onychomycosis) TIOCONAZOLE
and hair (tinea capitis) and not
(See section 12.2.2 & 6.2.2)
recommended for subcutaneous
Tioconazole, an imidazole, is used for the
mycoses (sporotrichosis and
treatment of Candida vulvovaginitis. A
chromomycosis). Besides the type of
single 4.6 g dose of ointment containing
lesion and mechanism of drug’s action,
6.5% drug is given at bedtime.
viscosity, hydrophobicity and acidity of
the formulation are important
determinants of the efficacy of topical
agents in superficial mycoses. Because
of thepoor penetration of the topical
drugs into hyperkeratotic lesions, 1.3 ANTIPROTOZOAL DRUGS
removal of the thick keratin is a useful 1.3.1 ANTIMALARIALS
adjunct to therapy. 1.3.2 AMEBICIDES
(See section 12.2.2) 1.3.3 TRICHOMMONOCIDES
(See section 12.2.2& 6.2.2)
(See section 12.2.2& 6.2.2) (see also Appendix-1h)

MICONAZOLE[ED] Chemoprophylaxis: As no antimalarial

drug kills sporozoites, which initiate
(See section 12.2.2) infection in humans, it is not truly
possible to prevent infection. Drugs can
NYSTATIN[ED] only prevent the development of
symptomatic malaria either by clinical
(See section 12.2.2 & 6.2.2)
suppression (keeping the parasite count
in blood below threshold level of clinical
Indications: Candidiasis of mouth,
attack) or by causal prophylaxis
esophagus or intestinal tract, vaginal
(destroying pre-erythrocytic intrahepatic
candidiasis, skin infection, perineal
forms of parasites).
Prophylaxis for infections with
Cautions: If irritation or sensitization
chloroquine-sensitive P. falciparum P.
develops, treatment should be
vivax. P. malariae, and P. ovale.
discontinued, pregnancy
Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity
ADULT 500 mg of chloroquine phosphate
Interactions: See Appendix-2
(300 mg of base) weekly starting one
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting,
week before entering an endemic area
diarrhea, local irritation or burning
and continuing until 4 weeks after
sensation may occur
leaving; CHILD, 8.3 mg/kg of chloroquine
Dose:oral: Intestinal candidiasis 500,000
phosphate (5 mg base per kg) taken
units every 6 hours, doubled in severe
orally by the same schedule; in pregnant
infections; CHILD 100,000 units every 6
women chloroquine be maintained in
hour; prophylaxis, 1 million units once
adult dose until delivery;

Prophylaxis for infections with and multidrug-resistant strains of P.

chloroquine-resistant or multidrug- falciparum.
resistant strains ofP. Cautions: Cardiac diseases
falciparum:Regimens: Contra-indications: First trimester of
ADULT & CHILD > 45 kg body weight: pregnancy
mefloquine 250 mg tablet weekly starting Interactions: See Appendix -2
1 week before entering an endemic area Side-effects: Headache, nausea,
and ending 4 weeks after leaving; vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness,
pediatric doses taken by the same tinnitus, neutropenia, elevated liver
schedule are, CHILD weighing 5-9 kg enzyme values; cardiotoxicity (after high
31.25 mg, 10-19 kg 62.5 mg, 20-30 kg dose).
125 mg; and for those weighing 31-45 kg Dose: Treatment of P.falciparum malaria
187.5 mg; OR (in areas of quinine resistance), by IM inj.
ADULT doxycycline 100 mg daily; CHILD ADULT & CHILD > 6 month, loading
over 8 years of age, the dosage is 2 dose of 3.2 mg/kg daily until patient can
mg/kg given once daily, increasing up to tolerate oral medication or to maximum 7
the daily adult dose. Prophylaxis with days; this is followed by a single dose of
doxycycline should begin 1 day before mefloquine 15 mg/kg (or 25 mg/kg) to
travel to an endemic area and end 4 affect a radical cure
weeks after leaving.
Note: doxycycline use for malaria Generic Preparation
prophylaxis should not exceed 4 months; Injection 80 mg/ml
it should not be given to children less
than 8 years of age or to pregnant ARTEMETHER PLUS LUMEFANTRINE
women (Tablet, artemether 20 mg with
lumefantrine 120 mg)
Indications: Treatment of acute
Artemisinin has three major uncomplicated malaria due to
semisynthetic derivatives in clinical use, Plasmodium falciparum mixed infections
Dihydroartemisinin, Artemether and including P. falciparum in areas with
Artesunate.The short plasma t1/2 of these significant drug resistance.
drugs often leads to treatment failure Cautions: ECG required before and
when artimisinins are used as during treatment in cardiac disorder
monotherapy. Combining an artemisinin including bradycardia, heart failure,
derivative with a longer–lasting partner history of arrhythmias, QT interval
drug ensures sustained antimalarial prolongation, electrolyte disturbances,
activity. concomitant administration of drugs that
prolonged QT interval; patients unable to
ARTEMETHER[ED] take food require monitoring (greater risk
of recrudescence); severe renal
This lipid soluble analog of artemisinin is impairment or hepatic impairment, avoid
a potent blood schizontocides against all in acute porphyria; dizziness may affect
human malaria parasites but not effective performance of skilled tasks (e.g.
against dormant hepatic forms. driving); pregnancy, breast-feeding.
Artemether also exhibit antiparasitic Contra-indications: Family history of
activity against several other protozoa sudden death, congenital prolongation of
including Leishmania major and QT interval,history of arrhythmias, of
Toxoplasma gondii and against clinically relevant bradycardia, and of
schistosomes, but not used clinically to congestive heart failure accompanied by
treat these infections reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Indications: Treatment of severe malaria Interactions: See Appendix-2
including infections due to chloroquine Side-effects: Abdominal pain, anorexia,
diarrhea, nausea and vomiting,


headache, dizziness, sleep disorders; response.and induction of black-water

palpitations, arthralgia, myalgia; cough, fever,
asthenia, fatigue; pruritus, Dose:Oral: treatment of uncomplicated
rash.Dose:oral: treatment of P. falciparum malaria (in an areas of
uncomplicated falciparum malaria, multiple-drug resistance), ADULT &
ADULT & CHILD > 12 years and body CHILD > 6 months, 4 mg/kg daily for 3
weight > 35 kg, initially 4 tablets followed days; a single dose of mefloquine 15
by 5 doses of 4 tablets each after 8, 24, mg/kg (or 25 mg/kg,) is given on day 2 or
36, 48 and 60 hours (total 24 tablets over 3 to affect a radical cure; if artesunate
60 hours); CHILD body-weight 10-14 kg used alone, treatment should be
initially 1 tablet followed by 5 doses of 1 continued for 7 days
tablet each after 8, 24, 36, 48 and 60
hours (total 6 tablets over 60 hours); Proprietary Preparation
body-weight 15-24 kg initially 2 tablets Artex(Jayson), Tab. 50 mg, Tk. 12.05/Tab.
followed by 5 doses of 2 tablet each after
8, 24, 36, 48 and 60 hours (total 12
tablets over 60 hours); body-weight 25- CHLOROQUINE[ED]
34 kg, initially 3 tablets followed by 5
doses of 3 tablet each after 8, 24, 36, 48 Indications: Chemoprophylaxis and
and 60 hours (total 18 tablets over 60 treatment of malariarheumatoid arthritis,
hours) lupus erythematosus, adjunct to
metronidazole in extra-intestinal
Proprietary Preparations amebiasis
Artemet(Incepta),Tab. ,  20 mg +120 mg, Tk. Cautions: Impaired renal and hepatic
functions(avoid concurrent therapy with
Lumertam(Square), Tab, 20 mg + 120 mg, Tk.
20.13/Tab. hepatotoxic drugs); neurologic or
Coavlon(ACI), Tab., 20mg+120mg, Tk. hepatologic disorders, G6PD deficiency;
20.14/Tab. may aggravate myasthenia gravis,
Arexel(Jayson), Tab. 20 mg + 120 mg, Tk. psoriasis.
17.06/Tab. Contra-indications: Psoriasis,
porphyria, retinal or visual field
ARTESUNATE[ED] abnormalities, myopathy
Interactions: See Appendix -2
This water-soluble analog of artemisinin
is useful for oral, IV, IM and rectal
administration. The drug exhibits similar
pharmacological profile like that of
artemether (see above).
Indications: Treatment of uncomplicated
P. falciparum malaria in areas of multiple-
drug resistance
Cautions: Risk of recurrence if used
alone in non-immune patients; also see
under artemether
Contra-indications: First trimester of
Interactions: See Appendix-2
Side-effects: Headache, nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
dizziness, tinnitus, neutropenia, elevated
liver enzyme values; ECG abnormalities,
including prolongation of QT interval;
temporary suppression of reticulocyte

Side-effects: Pruritus, anorexia, malaise, Quinolex(Globe), Syrup, 80 mg / 5 ml, Tk.

headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal 20/60 ml,; Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. 1/Tab.
pain, diarrhea, blurring of vision, rashes, Supraquin(Supreme), Syrup, 80mg/5ml,, Tk.
14.00/60ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 14.40/Tab.
urticaria; rarely psychotic episodes, Zenoquine(Zenith), Syrup, 80mg/5ml, , Tk.
convulsions, depigmentation and loss of 14.65/60ml,; Tab., 150 mg+ 250mg, Tk.
hair, impaired hearing, hemolysis in G- 1.30/Tab.
6PD deficient patients, agranulocytosis,
exfoliative dermatitis, hypotension, QRS MEFLOQUINE[ED]
widening and T wave abnormalities in
ECG; long-term administration of high
Indications: Prophylaxis of malaria in
doses for rheumatologic diseases can
areas where there is a high risk of
result in irreversible ototoxicity,
chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria;
retinopathy, myopathy and peripheral
Cautions: Severe hepatic and renal
neuropathy; large IM inj. or rapid IV
impairment; traumatic brain injury; may
infusion can cause severe hypotension
impair fine motor skills like airplane
and respiratory and cardiac arrest
piloting or car driving ( may occur and
Dose: Oral: Treatment of non-falciparum
persist up to several months after
malaria, ADULT initialdose of 620 mg of
stopping the drug); patient counseling to
base thena single dose of 310 mg of
discontinue mefloquine and to seek
base after 6 to 8 hours then a single dose
immediate medical attention if
of 310 mg of base daily for 2
neuropsychiatric symptoms appear
days(approximate total cumulative dose
Contra-indications: Should not be used
of 25 mg/kg of base);
for treatment if it has been used for
CHILD initial dose of 10 mg base/kg then
prophylaxis; epilepsy, psychiatric
a single dose of 5 mg base /kg after 6-8
disorders and history thereof including
hours followed by single dose of 5 mg
depression or convulsions (for
base/kg daily for 2 days; rheumatic
prophylaxis); cardiac arrhythmia and
disease, 150 mg base daily, max. 2.5 mg
conduction defects; hypersensitivity to
base/kg daily; CHILD up to 3 mg base/kg
quinine; also not recommended for use in
daily; Prophylaxis of malaria, started 1
first trimester of pregnancy and in
week before entering endemic area and
children weighing less than 5 kg and / or
continued for 4 weeks after leaving,
< 3 months
310 mg once weekly; child up to 6 weeks
Interactions: See Appendix -2
body-weight under 4.5 kg, 25 mg once
Side-effects:: Nausea, vomiting,
weekly; 6 weeks–6 months body-weight
diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, loss
4.5–8 kg, 50 mg once weekly; 6 months–
of balance, headache, somnolence,
1 year body-weight 8–11 kg, 75 mg once
sleep disorders; neuropsychiatric
weekly; 1–3 years body-weight 11–15 kg,
reactions like depression, (suicidal
100 mg once weekly; 3–4 years body-
ideation and suicide reported), confusion,
weight 15–16.5 kg, 125 mg once weekly;
acute psychosis or seizures; tinnitus,
4–8 years body-weight 16.5–25 kg,
vestibular disorders, visual disturbances,
150 mg once weekly (or 155 mg once
circulatory disorders, bradycardia,
weekly if tablets used); 8–13 years body-
cardiac conduction disorders, muscle
weight 25–45 kg, 225 mg once weekly
weakness, myalgia, arthralgia, rash,
(or 232.5 mg once weekly if tablets
urticaria, pruritus, alopecia, asthenia,
used); over 13 years, body-weight over
malaise, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite,
45 kg, adult dose
leucopenia or leukocytosis,
thrombocytopenia. Side effects may
Proprietary Preparations
occur and persist up to several months
Avloquin(ACI), Syrup 80mg/5mlml, Tk.
14.91/60ml; Tab., 250mg, Tk. 1.22/Tab after discontinuation
Clit(Hudson), Syrup, 125mg/5ml, Tk.12.00/60 Dose : Oral: prophylaxis starting 2–3
ml; Tab., 250mg, Tk.1.20/Tab. weeks before entering endemic area and
Jasochlor(Jayson), Tab. ,  250 mg, Tk. continued for 4 weeks after leaving:
1.21/Tab.; Syrup, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk.14.87/60ml ADULT and CHILD body-weight over

45 kg, 250 mg once weekly; body-weight

5–16 kg, 62.5 mg once weekly; body- PYRIMETHAMINE[ED]
weight 16–25 kg, 125 mg once weekly;
body-weight 25–45 kg, 187.5 mg once Indications: with sulfadoxine for
weekly; for treatment, ADULT & CHILD treatment of Falciparum malaria with (or
20 mg base/kg (max. 1.5 g) as a single or following) quinine; with sulfadiazine for
preferably in 2 divided doses 6-8 hours treatment of toxoplasmosis in
apart daily for 3 days; also see Notes immunocompromised patients;
above Cautions: Renal or hepatic insufficiency,
folate supplements required in
Proprietary Preparations pregnancy, breast-feeding blood count
Meflon(ACI), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 39.61/Tab.
monitoring required in prolonged therapy;
Larimef(Healthcare), Tab., 250 mg , Tk.
39.60/Tab. history of seizures (avoid large loading
Interactions: See Appendix-2
Side-effects: Depression of
hematopoiesis with prolonged treatment;
Indications:Radical cure of P. vivax and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; headache,
P. ovale malaria; with clindamycin an dizziness, rashes; less commonly fever,
alternative to co-trimoxazole for abnormal skin pigmentation; very
pneumocystis carinii infection. rarely colic, buccal ulceration,
Cautions:Pregnancy (risk of neonatal convulsions
hemolysis and methemoglobinemias in Dose: See Pyrimethamine with
third trimester); breast-feeding, G-6PD Sulfadoxine below
deficiency (See notes above), diseases
associated with granulocytopenia i.e. Proprietary Preparations
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus See  under Pyrimethamine with
Contra-indications:Hemolytic anemia Sulfadoxinebelow
Interactions:See Appendix-2
Side-effects:Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, PYRIMETHAMINE WITH
jaundice, less commonly, mild diarrhea, SULFADOXINE[ED]
methemoglobinemias, hemolytic anemia
especially in G6PD deficiency, Indications: Adjunct to quinine in the
agranulocytosis, cardiac arrhythmia treatment of P.falciparum malaria 
Dose: Oral: ADULT 15 mg daily for 14- Cautions: See under Pyrimethamine and
21 days following a course of under Co-trimoxazole; not recommended
chloroquine; CHILD, over 6 months of for prophylaxis because of severe side-
age: (specialist advice should be sought effects on long-term use; possible
for children under 6 months of age); in P. teratogenic risk in first
vivax infection, 500 micrograms/kg (max. trimester (pyrimethamine a folate
30 mg) daily for 14 days, and for P. antagonist); in third trimester risk of
ovale,  250 micrograms/kg (max. 15 mg) neonatal hemolysis and
daily for 14 days; methemoglobinemias; discontinue if
PREGNENCY: the radical cure with cough or shortness of breath
primaquine should be postponed until the Contra-indications: See under Co-
pregnancy is over; instead chloroquine trimoxazole; sulfonamide allergy
should be continued at a dose of 310 mg Interactions: See Appendix -2
each week during the pregnancy Side-effects: See under Pyrimethamine
and under Co-trimoxazole (section
Proprietary Preparations 1.1.8.); pulmonary infiltrates (e.g.
Jasoprim (Jayson), Tab.,15mg, Tk.1.26/Tab
eosinophilic or allergic alveolitis) reported
Kanaprim(Globe), Tab. , 15 mg, Tk. 0.62/Tab.
P-Phos, (Hudson), Tab., 15mg, Tk. 0.62/Tab. Dose: Oral:ADULT, pyrimethamine 
Remaquin(ACI), Tab., 15mg, Tk. 1.51/Tab.

75 mg with sulfadoxine 1.5 g as a single agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia; may

dose together with, or after, a course of cause hypoglycemia, severe hypotension
quinine: CHILD, up to 4 years and body- and ECG abnormalities like QT
weight over 5 kg, pyrimethamine 12.5 mg prolongation after rapid IV infusion, rarely
with sulfadoxine 250 mg; 5–6 years, black water fever that includes marked
pyrimethamine 25 mg with sulfadoxine hemolysis and hemoglobinuria
500 mg; 7–9 years, pyrimethamine Dose:treatment of falciparum malaria:
37.5 mg with sulfadoxine 750 mg; 10–14 Oral: ADULT,600 mg of quinine salt
years, pyrimethamine 50 mg with every 8 hours for 5–7 days together with
sulfadoxine 1 g; 14–18 years, or followed by either doxycycline 200 mg
pyrimethamine 75mg with sulfadoxine once daily for 7 daysor clindamycin 450
1.5g mg every 8 hours for 7 days;if the
parasite is likely to be sensitive,
Proprietary Preparations pyrimethamine 75 mg with sulfadoxine
Malacide(Square), Tab., 500 mg+25 mg, Tk. 1.5 g as a single dose (instead of either
4.43/Tab. clindamycin or doxycycline) together
Sulfamin(Jayson), Tab., 500 mg+25 mg, Tk. with, or after, a course of quinine 600 mg
every 8 hours for 7 days; CHILD,
10 mg/kg (of quinine salt, max. 600 mg)
QUININE[ED] every 8 hours for 7 days together with or
followed by
Indications: First-line drug for treatment Clindamycin 7–13 mg/kg (max. 450 mg)
of severe, uncomplicated falciparum every 8 hours for 7 days or in children
malaria in an area with documented over 12 years, doxycycline 200 mg once
chloroquine-resistant malaria, with daily for 7 days
clindamycin first-line therapy for babesial or if the parasite is likely to be
infections; nocturnal leg cramps sensitive, pyrimethamine with sulfadoxine 
Cautions: Great cautions required in as a single dose: up to 4 years and body-
patients with underlying cardiac weight over 5 kg, pyrimethamine 12.5 mg
abnormalities (including atrial fibrillation, with sulfadoxine 250 mg; 5–6 years,
conduction defects, heart block), elderly, pyrimethamine 25 mg with sulfadoxine
monitor ECG during parenteral treatment; 500 mg; 7–9 years, pyrimethamine
monitor blood glucose and electrolyte 37.5 mg with sulfadoxine 750 mg; 10–14
during parenteral treatment; G6PD years, pyrimethamine 50 mg with
deficiency; renal and hepatic insufficiency sulfadoxine 1 g; 14–18 years,
require dose adjustment, therapy should pyrimethamine 75 mg with sulfadoxine
be discontinued if signs of cinchonism, 1.5 g; IVquinine 20 mg/kg infuse over 4
hemolysis or hypersensitivity; high doses hours, then10 mg/kg infuse over 4 hours,
are teratogenic in first trimester; but in every 8-12 hourly followed by oral
malaria benefit of treatment considered quinine;
to outweighs risk In nocturnal leg cramps: 200–300 mg
Contra-indications: Visual and auditory of quinine salt at bedtime for at least 4
problems; hemoglobinuria; myasthenia weeks, if improvement, continue
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Proprietary Preparations
Side-effects: Cinchonism, including Albiquin(Albion), Tab., 300 mg, Tk. 6.40/Tab.
tinnitus, headache, nausea, dizziness, Aloquin(Alco), Tab., 300 mg, Tk.3.40/Tab.
flushing and visual disturbances, Jasoquin(Jayson), Inj., 300 mg/5 ml, Tk.
abdominal pain, blindness; 20.59/Amp. Tab., 300 mg, Tk.6.42/Tab.
hypersensitivity reactions including
rashes, angioneurotic edema, 1.3.2 ANTIAMEBIC DRUGS
bronchospasm; hematologic
abnormalities like hemolysis particularly METRONIDAZOLE[ED] [OTC] [A]
in G-6PD deficient patients, leucopenia,


Metronidazole is effective against days; CHILD, 15 mg/kg thrice daily for 5

tropozoites of E. histolytica, G. lamblia,T. days; anaerobic infections, IV infusion:
vaginalis, all anaerobic cocci and both ADULT 15 mg/ kg followed 6 hours later
anaerobic gram-negative bacilli, including by 7.5 mg/kg every 6 hours for 7-10
Bacteroides species, and anaerobic days; CHILD 7.5 mg/kg every 8 hours;
spore-forming gram-positive bacilli. Non- orally, ADULT 800 mg initially then 400-
sporulating gram-positive bacilli, aerobic 500 mg every 8 hours; CHILD 7.5 mg/kg
and facultative anaerobic bacteria as well every 8 hours;rectally, 1g every 8 hours
as the cysts of E. histolytica are not for 3 days, then 1g every 12 hours for 7-
sensitive. The drug is completely and 10 days; leg ulcers and pressure sores,
promptly absorbed after oral intake and orally: 400 mg every 8 hours for 7 days;
with the exception of placenta, bacterial vaginosis, orally: 400-500 mg
penetrates well into body tissues and twice daily for 5-7 days or 2 g as a single
fluids, including CSF, vaginal secretions, dose: pelvic inflammatory disease, orally,
seminal fluids, and saliva and breast 400 mg twice daily for 14 days; acute
milk. It is eliminated in the urine largely ulcerative gingivitis, orally: ADULT 200-
as metabolites. 250 mg every 8 hours for 3 days; CHILD
Indications: See under Dose 1-3 years, 50 mg every 8 hours for 3
Cautions: Disulfiram-like reaction with days; 3-7 years, 100 mg every 12 hours;
alcohol, repeated therapy requires 7-10 years, 100 mg every 8 hours; acute
leukocyte count before, during and after dental infections, oral: 200 mg every 8
each course of treatment; pregnancy, hours for 3-7 days; Helicobacter pylori
lactation; great caution in patients with eradication, oral: 400 mg twice/thrice
central nervous system disease, drug daily;
should be withdrawn if numbness or surgical prophylaxis, oral: 400 mg every
paraesthesia of the extremities occur 8 hours started 24 hours before surgery,
Contra-indications: First trimester then continued postoperatively by IV
pregnancy infusion or by rectum until oral
Interactions: See Appendix-2 administration can be resumed; CHILD
Side-effects: Dry mouth, metallic taste, 7.5 mg/kg every 8 hours; through rectum:
furred tongue, stomatitis, nausea, 1 g every 8 hours; CHILD 5-10 years,
diarrhea, rashes; headache, dizziness, 500 mg every 8 hours; IV infusion: 500
ataxia, erythema multiforme, darkening of mg shortly before surgery then every 8
urine, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema, hours until oral administration can be
anaphylaxis, abnormal liver function started; CHILD 7.5 mg/kg every 8 hours
tests, hepatitis, jaundice, Proprietary Preparations
thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, Amodis(Square), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk.
myalgia, arthralgia, peripheral 29.89/60ml,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 1.91/Tab. ;
neuropathy in prolonged treatment, 400 mg, Tk. 1.27/Tab. Inj.,( IV Infusion), 500
mg/100 ml, Tk. 53.56/Vial,;
ataxia and transient epileptic seizures Amotrex(ACI), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500 mg/100
with high doses; dysuria, cystitis and a ml, TK. 85.26/ Vial;Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, TK.
sense of pelvic pressure also have been 29.9/60ml ,; Tab., 200mg, TK. 0.69/Tab. ;
reported 400mg, TK. 1.27/Tab. ; 800mg, TK. 2.02/Tab.
Dose:Urogenital trichomoniasis, oral: Anzole(Monico), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk.
ADULT 2 g as a single dose or 250 mg 25.00/60ml,; Tab., 400mg, Tk. 1.14/Tab.
thrice daily or 375 mg twice daily for 7 Benmet(Pacific), Tab.,400 mg, Tk. 1.26/Tab.
Biozyl(Biopharma), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500
days; CHILD 1-3 years 50 mg every 8 mg/100 ml, Tk. 75.00/100ml Vial,; Suspen, 200
hours; 3-7 years 100 mg twice daily, 7-10 mg/5ml, Tk. 25.09/60ml,; Tab., 400mg , Tk.
years 100 mg thrice daily; amebiasis, 1.00/Tab.
oral: ADULT 500-750 mg thrice daily for Decagyl(Decent), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 1.00/Tab.
10 days; CHILD 35-50 mg/kg/d in three Dirozyl(Acme), Supp., 500mg., Tk.
divided doses for 10 days; giardiasis, 12.09/Supp,
oral: ADULT 250 mg thrice daily for 5 Filmet(Beximco), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk.
29.89/60ml,; Tab., 400mg, Tk. 1.52/Tab.;

200mg, Tk. 0.68/Tab.; 800mg, Tk. 2.01/Tab.;

Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500 mg/100 ml, Tk. ORNIDAZOLE
Flagyl(Sanofi), Suspn. , 40mg/ml, Tk.
29.89/Suspn. ; Tab., 200mg, Tk. 0.67/Tab.; Indications: Treatment of susceptible
400mg, Tk. 1.58/Tab. protozoal infections and treatment and
Flamyd(Incepta), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk. prophylaxis of anaerobic bacterial
29.50/60ml,; Tab,  400 mg, Tk. infections
1.05/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 1.92/Tab.; Vaginal Gel,
Cautions: See under metronidazole;
750mg/100gm, Tk. 50.00/30gm,; Inj.,( IV
Infusion), 500 mg/100 ml, Tk. 53.40/100ml Vial also blood dyscrasia; doses should be
Gly(Astra Bio), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk. reduced in patients with severe liver
25.00/5ml disease
Kemet(Kemiko), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 1.26/Tab. Interactions: See Appendix-2
Librazol(Libra), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500 mg/100 Side-effects: See under metronidazole
ml, Tk. 49.90/100ml Vial Dose: IV infusion:severe amoebic
M-Dazole(Modern), Tab., 400 mg, Tk.
dysentery and amoebic liver abscess: 0.5
Mecozol(Amico), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, TK. to 1 gm initially, followed by 500mg every
25.00/60ml,; Tab., 400mg, TK. 1.50/Tab. 12 hours for 3 to 6 days;
Menilet(Alco), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk. 1.57/Tab. Oral:amebiasis: ADULT: 500mg twice
Menol(Supreme), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk. daily for 5-10 days; CHILD :25 mg/kg
25.75/60ml,; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 1.14/Tab. daily 500mg as a single dose 5-10
Metco(Eskayef), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500 mg/100 days;giardiasis, ADULT:1 or 1.5 g as a
ml, Tk. 60.18/ 100ml Vial,; , Suspn, 200
single daily dose for 1 or 2 days; CHILD :
mg/5ml, Tk. 29.89/60ml,; Tab., 400mg, Tk.
1.26/Tab.; 500mg as a single dose;trichomoniasis, a
Metfil(Bristol), Tab. , 400mg , Tk. 1.00/Tab. single dose of 1.5 g or 1 gm together with
Metonid(Popular), Tab. , 400mg, Tk. 500 mg vaginally; 5 day course of 500
1.14/Tab.; Inj.,( IV Infusion), 500 mg/100 ml, mg twice daily are also used, (sexual
Tk. 52.95/100ml Vial partners should be treated concomitantly)
Metrion(General), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500
mg/100 ml, Tk. 80.24/100ml Vial,; Tab. ,
Proprietary Preparations
400mg, Tk. 1.14/Tab.; Suspn, 200 mg/5ml,
OR-500(Zenith), Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 6.52/Tab.
Ornid(Drug Intl), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 7.05/Tab.
Metro(Ziska), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk.
Ornil(Opsonin), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab.
25.00/60ml,; Tab, 400 mg, Tk. 1.05/Tab.
Ornizol(Alco), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 6.02/Tab.
Metrobac(Ziska), Inj.,( IV Infusion), 500
Robic(Square), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 7.02/Tab.
mg/100 ml, Tk. 53.00/100 ml Vial
Troniz(UniMed), Tab , 500 mg, Tk. 6.50/Tab.
Metromax(Novo ), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk.
Xynor(Beximco), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 6.50/Tab.
0.78/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 1.35/Tab.;IVInfusion,
500 mg/100 ml, Tk. 52.00/100ml Val
Metrozen(Zenith), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk. SECNIDAZOLE
21.44/60 ml,; Tab.,  400 mg, Tk. 1.07/Tab. Indications: Amebiasis, and has also
Metryl(Opsonin), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500 mg , been tried in giardiasis, and
Tk. 53.57/100 ml Vial,; Tab., 200 mg , trichomoniasis.
Tk.0.67/Tab. ; 400 mg , Tk. 1.27/Tab. ; 500 mg
, Tk. 1.91/Tab. ; Suspen, 200 mg/5ml, Tk. Cautions, Contraindications & Side-
29.59/ 60 ml,; effect: See under Metronidazole
Metsina(Ibn Sina), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500 Dose: Oral: Giardiasis: ADULT, single
mg/100 ml, Tk. 75.00/100ml Vial,; Tab.,  400 dose of 2g; CHILD, 30mg/kg; invasive
mg, Tk. 155.00/Tab. hepatic amebiasis ADULT, 1.5g single
Mez iv(Renata), Inj.,( IV Infusion),, 500 dose or in divided doses for 5 days
mg/100 ml, Tk. 70.00/100 ml Vial
Micogyl(Globe), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk. 1.20/Tab.;
IVInfusion, 500 mg/100 ml, Tk. 53.41/100 ml Proprietary Preparations
Vial Pronil(Acme), Tab., 1 gm., Tk. 16.11/Tab., 500
Nidazyl(Orion), Suspn, 200 mg/5ml, Tk. mg., Tk. 8.66/Tab.
29.89/60ml,; Tab. ,  400 mg, Tk. 1.05/Tab. Secnid(Square), Tab., 1 gm, Tk. 20.06/Tab.
Strazyl(Asiatic), Suspn., 4gm/100ml, Tk. Secnidal(Sanofi), Tab., 1 gm, Tk. 25.46/Tab.
24.84/60ml,; Tab., 200mg, Tk. 0.66/Tab. ; Secnizol(Incepta), Tab., 1 gm, Tk. 16.00/Tab.
400mg , Tk. 1.02/Tab. Sezol (ACI), Tab., 1 gm, Tk. 17.05/Tab.


Indications: See under Dose Indications: Treatment of G intestinalis
Cautions: See under Metronidazole; infections and treatment of diarrhea
also avoid breast-feeding during and for caused by cryptosporidia
3 days after stopping treatment Cautions:Pregnancy, breast-feeding;
Contra-indications: Acute porphyria; greenish discoloration of urine
also see under Metronidazole Interactions:See Appendix-2
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Side-effects: GI disturbances:
Side-effects: See under Metronidazole abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
Dose: Oral: intestinal amebiasis: ADULT iarrhea; headache; rarely, fever, malaise,
and CHILD 12-18 years, 2 g daily in a pruritus, dizziness, rhinitis
single dose for 3 days, CHILD, 1 month- Dose: Oral: ADULT, 500 mg twice daily
12 years, 50-60 mg/kg (max. 2 g) once for 3 days; CHILD, 12-47 months, 100
daily for 3 days; hepatic amebiasis: mg twice daily for 3 days; 4-11 years,
ADULT and CHILD 12-18 years, 1.5-2 g 200 mg twice daily for 3 days
once daily for 3-6 days, CHILD, 1 month-
12 years, 50–60 mg/kg (max. 2 g) once Proprietary Preparations
daily for 5 days; giardiasis and Adnix(Alco), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
trichomoniasis, , ADULT and CHILD 12- 35.11/30ml ,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 10.03/Tab.
18 years, 2 g as a single dose (repeat Albizox(Albion), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
once if required) , CHILD 1 month–12 50.00/60 ml
Alinix(Healthcare), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
years single dose of 50–75 mg/kg (max. 35.00/30 ml,; Tk. 50.00/60 ml ,; Tab., 500mg ,
2 g) (repeat once if necessary) Tk. 300.00/Tab.
anaerobic infections, oral: treatment, 2 g Antizoa(RAK), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
initially then 1 g daily for minimum 5-6 35.00/30 ml; Tab.  500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
days; prophylaxis 2 g as a single dose; Atinid(Biopharma), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
by slow IV infusion: treatment, 800 mg 35.13/30ml,; Tk. 50.19/60 ml,; Tab., 500 mg,
daily, prophylaxis, 1600 mg as a single Tk. 10.04/Tab.
Dianide(General), Tab. 500mg, Tk.
dose; 10.07/Tab.; Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
bacterial vaginosis and acute ulcerative 50.34/60ml,; Tk. 35.25/30ml
gingivitis, 2 g as a single dose; Diar(ACI), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
abdominal surgery prophylaxis, a single 2 35.24/30ml ,; Tk. 50.34/60ml ,; Tab., 500mg,
g dose approximately 12 hours before Tk. 10.07/Tab.
surgery; CHILD 50-60 mg/kg/d. Nicud, (Monico), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Proprietary Preparations 35.00/30ml
Nidor(Pharmasia), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
Tinizol DS(Beacon), Tab. , 1 gm, Tk. 5.72/Tab.
50.00/60 ml; Tab.,  500 mg, Tk. 10.04/Tab.
T-Zol(Popular), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 2.77/Tab.; 1
Nidozox(Acme), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
gm, Tk. 5.75/Tab.
40.12/30ml,; Tab., 500.00 mg, Tk. 10.07/Tab.
Nitalet(Amulet), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
1.3.3.DRUGS FOR TRICHOMONIASIS Nitanid(Drug Intl), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
50.20/60ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 10.05/Tab.
Nitasis(Navana), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
1.3.4 ANTIGIARDIAL DRUGS 35.00/30 ml, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
Nitasol(Ibn Sina), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Giardiasis, caused by the flagellated 36.00/30ml,; Tk. 50.00/60ml,; Tab.,500mg, Tk.
protozoan Giardia lamblia, can be 132.00/Tab.
successfully treated by metronidazole Nitax(Delta), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.
Nitaxen(Leon), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
and related nitroimidazoles like tinidazole
35.00/30 ml; 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
and scenidazole. Other than these, Nitaxide(Beximco), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
paromomycin and nitazoxanide are also 10.00/Tab.;Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
used for clinical cure. 35.00/30ml,;Tk. 50.00/60ml


Nitazet(Organic), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. Paromomycin, parenterally for visceral

10.03/Tab. ; Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. disease and topical formulation for
35.11/30ml , 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 50.15/60ml cutaneous form, and the orally active
Nitazox(Incepta), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
50.00/60ml,; Tk. 1.167/30ml,; Tab.,Tk.
agent Miltefosine, both for visceral and
10.00/Tab. cutaneous diseases.
Nitide(Nipro JMI), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
35.00/30 ml; Tk. 50.00/60 ml; Tab., 500mg , Tk. SODIUM STIBOGLUCONATE[ED]
Nitoxin(Aristo), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
36.00/30ml, Tk. 50.00/60ml,; Tab., 500mg , Tk. This pentavalent antimonial is effective
10.00/Tab. against cutaneous as well as visceral
Nixar(Sharif), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk. leishmaniasis (kala-azar). It is rapidly
35.00/30 ml; Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab. absorbed after parenteral (IM or IV inj.)
Nizox(Somatec), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. administration and exhibits two phase-
35.00/30ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 10.03/Tab. elimination, i.e. with short (about 2 hours)
Ntz(Asiatic), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
and long (> 24 hours) half-life.
35.00/30ml,Tk. 50.00/60ml
Proxa-A(Ad-din), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 9.00/Tab.; Indications: Leishmaniasis
Susp. , 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 35/30 ml Cautions: Renal and hepatic
Tazonid(Popular), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. impairment, pregnancy; protein-rich diet
32.12/30mll should be provided through out treatment
Tazox(Novo Health), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. period, iron and other nutritional
35.00/30ml,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab. deficiencies and intercurrent infections
Toza(Eskayef), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
required to be corrected; monitoring of
35.00/30ml,; Tk. 50.00/60ml,; Tab, 500mg, Tk.
10.00/Tab.; Tk. 10.00/Tab. cardiac, renal and hepatic functions,
Xanide(Globe), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. dose reduction or withdrawal of therapy if
35.00/30 ml,; Tk. 50.00/60 ml,; Tab. , 500 mg, any abnormality; IV injections must be
10.00/Tab given slowly over 5 minutes (to reduce
Xanita(Renata), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. the risk of local thrombosis) and stopped
40.00/30ml,; Tk. 58.00/60ml,; Tab. , 500mg, if coughing or substernal pain; treatment
Tk. 10.04/Tab.
of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis may
Zoana(Orion),Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
50.24/62ml,; Tk. 35.24/32ml,; Tab. , 500mg, induce severe inflammation around the
Tk. 10.07/Tab. lesions (may be life-threatening if
Zonan(MST), Susp. , 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 35/30 pharyngeal or tracheal involvement, may
ml; Tk.50/60 ml ; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 10/Tab. require corticosteroid); heart disease
Zox(Square), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 10.07/Tab.; (withdraw if conduction disturbance-
Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.35.24/30gm; Tk. . occurs); monitor ECG before and during
50.35/60 ml
treatment; predisposition to QT interval
Zoxan(Opsonin), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
50.19/ 60 ml ,; Tk. 35.13/30 ml,; Tab., 500 mg, prolongation, concomitant use with drugs
Tk. 10.07/Tab. that prolong the QT interval
Zoxanid(Silva), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 10.04/Tab.; Contra-indication: Significant renal
Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 35.13/ 30 ml; Tk. impairment
50.19/60ml Interactions: See Appendix-2
Side-effects: Anorexia, nausea,
1.3.5 DRUGS FOR LEISHMANIASIS vomiting, abdominal pain; ECG changes;
(See section 1.2) headache, lethargy, myalgia; raised liver
The classic therapy for all species of enzymes; coughing and substernal pain;
Leishmania is pentavalent antimony rarely anaphylaxis; and also reported,
(sodium antimony gluconate, sodium fever, sweating, flashing, vertigo,
stibogluconate). As an alternative, bleeding from nose and gum, jaundice,
Liposomal amphotericin B is a highly rash; pain and thrombosis on IV
effective agent for visceral leishmaniasis administration, intramuscular injection
and currently drug of choice in antimony- also painful
resistant disease. Pentamidine isetionate Dose:Visceral leishmaniasis: IM or IV inj.
can be also used in antimony-resistant (injection should be filtered immediately
leishmaniasis. Other drugs include before administration using a filter of


5 microns or less), ADULT and CHILD, Famciclovir, Idoxuridine, Valaciclovir,

20 mg/kg/d for 28 days; cutaneous Adefovir Dipivoxil, Entecavir,
leishmaniasis: except L. aethiopica, L. Telbivudine, Tenofovir Disoproxil,
braziliensis, L. amazonensis, by Amantadine, Rimantadine,
intralesional inj. ADULT and CHILD 100- Oseltamivir, zanamavir, Lamivudine,
300 mg into base of lesion, repeated if Zidovudine, Didanosine, Zalcitabine,
required, once or twice at intervals of 1-2 Stavudine, Ganciclovir, Tribavirine.
days; by IM inj. ADULT and CHILD 10-20 The second category includes
mg/kg daily until a few days after clinical Interferons and Inosinepranobex.
cure and negative slit-skin smear; in
cutaneous lesion due to, L. braziliensis
and L. amazonensis, dose is 20 mg/kg 1.4.1 DRUGS FOR HERPES
daily; mucocutaneous leishmaniasis due VIRUSINFECTIONS
to L. braziliensis: IM inj. ADULT and DRUGS FOR HERPES
CHILD 20 mg/kg daily until negative slit-
skin smear or for at least 4 weeks; if
relapse or unresponsive treatment with DRUGS FOR
pentamidine isetionate or amphotericin-B
Generic Preparation DRUGS FOR HERPES
Injection, 100mg/ml SIMPLEX AND
Indications: Visceral and cutaneous
leishmaniasis Herpes Infection of the mouth, lips and
Cautions: Pregnancy and breastfeeding eye is generally associated with herpes
Side-effects:Nausea and vomiting, virus serotype 1 (HSV-1) and genital
Contra-indication: Pregnancy infection is most often associated with
Dose: ADULT- >25kg: 100mg/day, twice HSV-2 and also with HSV-1. Mild
a day, for 28days;<25kg: 50mg/day, infection of the eye (ocular herpes) and
twice a day, for 28 days. of the lips (herpes labialis) in
immunocompetent individuals is treated
Proprietary Preparation with a topical antiviral whereas severe
Miltefos(Popular), Cap., 10mg, Tk. 60.23/Tab.; infection, neonatal herpes, infection in
50mg , Tk. 160.60/Tab. immunocompromised individuals, and
primary or recurrent genital herpes
1.4 ANTIVIRAL DRUGS infection requires administration of
1.4.1 DRUGS FOR HERPES VIRUS systemic antiviral drug. Treatment should
INFECTIONS start as early as possible and usually
1.4.2 DRUGS FOR VIRAL HEPATITIS within 5 days of the appearance.
1.4.3 DRUGS FOR INFLUENZA AND Varicella-zoster infection (chicken pox) in
RESPIRATORY SYNCTIAL healthy children between 1 month and 12
VIRUS years is usually mild and does not require
1.4.4 DRUGS FOR HIV INFECTION treatment.

Antiviral agents, similar to the ACICLOVIR

antibacterials, are most active when (Acyclovir)
viruses are replicating.Antiviral drugs
inhibit virus replication in different ways: Indications: Herpes simplex
by directly acting on virus-specific encephalitis, primary and recurrent
proteins and by modulating host genital herpes, herpes simplex skin
immune system. The first category infections, including initial and recurrent
drugs are: Aciclovir, Cidofovir, labial and genital herpes (as a cream),

disseminated varicella-zoster in simplex in the immunocompromised,

immunocompromised patients, neonatal 5mg/kg every 8 hours
herpes simplex infection NEONATE: up to 3 months, herpes
Cautions: Maintain adequate hydration; simplex, 10mg/kg every 8 hours usually
renal impairment requires dose for ten days; CHILD 3 months-12 years;
reduction; pregnancy, breast-feeding,the herpes simplex or varicella-zoster, 250
ophthalmic ointment causes a mild mg/m2 every 8 hours usually for 5 days,
transient stinging sensation and a diffuse doubled to 500 mg/m2 every 8 hours for
superficial punctate keratopathy which varicella-zoster in the immunocom-
clears when the drug is stopped promised and in simplex encephalitis
Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity (given for 10 days in encephalitis)
Interactions: See Appendix-2 (See sec.10.2.3&12.2.3.)
Side-effects: Rashes, gastrointestinal
disturbances; rises in bilirubin and liver Proprietary Preparations
enzymes, increases in blood urea and Acerux(Opsonin),;Inj.( IV, Infusion), 250
creatinine, decreases in hematological mg/100 ml, Tk. 400.00/100 ml; 500 mg/100 ml,
indices, headache, neurological Tk. 700.00/100 ml;Suspn 200 mg /5ml, Tk.
125.47/70 ml; Tab. , 200 mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.;
reactions, dizziness; also confusion, 400 mg , Tk. 22.00/Tab.
hallucinations, agitation, tremors, Acyvir(Aristo), Inj.( IV, Infusion), 250mg/100
somnolence, psychosis, convulsions and ml, Tk. 400.00/Vial, 500 mg/100 ml, Tk.
coma; extravasation of intravenous 700.00/Vial
infusion fluid may cause severe local Novirax(Drug Intl), Tk. 40.15/Tab.; 200mg, Tk.
inflammation sometimes leading to 14.05/Tab.; 400mg, Tk. 22.10/Tab.
ulceration .
Simplovir(Incepta), Inj.( IV, Infusion),,
Dose:By mouth Herpes simplex 250mg/100 mlTk. 400.00/vial;500 mg/100 ml,
(treatment) 200 mg (400 mg in the Tk. 700.00/Vial;Tk. 1000.00/100ml;Tab. Tk.
immunocompromised or if absorption is 22.00/Tab. ,Tk. 14.00/Tab.
impaired) 5 times daily, usually for 5 Viroxi(Eskayef), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
days; CHILD under 2 years, half of adult Virunil(Globe), Inj.( IV, Infusion), 250
dose, over 2 years, adult dose mg/100ml,Tk. 400.00/Vial; 500 mg/100ml, Tk.
Herpes simplex (prevention or 700.00/Vial
Virux(Square), Inj.( IV, Infusion), 250
recurrence) 200mg 4 times daily or mg/100ml, Tk. 401.20/vial.; 500 mg/100ml,
400mg twice daily possibly reduced to Tk.702.11/vial.;Suspn, 200 mg/5 ml,
200 mg 2 or 3 times daily and interrupted Tk.125.85/70ml;Tab., 200
every 6-12 months mg,Tk.14.1/Tab.;Tab. , 400 mg, Tk. 22.14/Tab.
Herpes simplex (prophylaxis) in the Xovir(Beacon), Inj.( IV, Infusion),
immunocompromised, 200-400mg 4 250mg/100mlml ,Tk. 401.2/vial.; 500mg/100ml ,
times daily; CHILD under 2 years, half of Tk. 702.11/vial.
adult dose, over 2 years, adult dose;
Varicella and herpes zoster (treatment)
ADULTS 800mg 5 times daily for 7 days;
CHILD 20 mg/kg (max. 800 mg) 4 times Indications:See under acyclovir; also
daily; 2-5 years 400mg 4 times daily over prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV)
6 years, 800 mg 4 times daily disease following solid organ
By intravenous infusion (treatment of transplantation when valganciclovir or
herpes simplex in the immunocom- ganciclovir cannot be used
promised, severe initial genital herpes, Cautions, Contra-indications:See
and varicella-zoster) 5mg/kg every 8 under acyclovir
hours usually for 5 days, doubled to 10 Interactions:See Appendix-2
mg/kg every 8 hours in varicella-zoster in Side-effects: See under acyclovir;
the immunocompromised and in simplex neurological reactions more frequent in
encephalitis (usually given for 10 days in high doses
encephalitis); prophylaxis of herpes Dose: Oral:Herpes simplex (treatment)
500 mg twice daily for 5 days (1 g twice
daily in immunocompromised or HIV

patients); CHILD under 2 years, half of myalgia, arthralgia; macular edema,

adult dose, over 2 years, adult dose retinal detachment, vitreous floaters,
Herpes labialis, treatment, ADULT and pruritus,disturbances in hearing and
CHILD over 12 years, 2 g 12 hourly vision, and alopecia
Herpes simplex, suppression, 500 mg Dose: IV infusion: initially 5 mg/kg every
daily in 1-2 divided doses in 12 hours for 14–21 days for treatment or
immunocompromised or HIV for 7–14 days for prevention;
patients,500mg twice daily; herpes zoster maintenance (for patients at risk of
treatment, 1 g three times daily for 7 days relapse of retinitis) 6 mg/kg daily on 5
Prevention of CMV disease following days per week or 5 mg/kg daily until
solid organ transplantation, 2 g 4 times adequate recovery of immunity; if retinitis
daily usually for 90 days progresses initial induction treatment
may be repeated; Maintenance treatment
Proprietary Preparations in AIDS patients where retinitis stable
Alaclov(ACI), Tab., 500mg , Tk. 40.15/Tab. (following at least 3 weeks of intravenous
Revira(Square), Tab., 1 gm, Tk.75.00/Tab., ganciclovir), oral: 1g 3 times daily with
500 mg , Tk. 40.15/Tab. food or 500mg 6 times daily with food in
Valovir(Incepta), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 75.00/Tab;
500 mg, Tk. 40.00/Tab.
renal impairment; CHILD, 1 month–18
years initially (induction) 5 mg/kg every
12 hours for 14–21 days for treatment or DRUGS FOR
for 7–14 days for prevention;
maintenance (for patients at risk of
relapse of retinitis), 6 mg/kg daily on 5
GANCICLOVIR days per weekor 5 mg/kg daily until
(See section 10.2.3) adequate recovery of immunity; if retinitis
progresses initial induction treatment
Indications: life-threatening or sight- may be repeated;
threatening CMV infections in Congenital cytomegalovirus infection of
immunocompromised patients only; the CNS:IV infusion: NEONATE, 6 mg/kg
prevention of CMV disease during every 12 hours for 6 weeks
immunosuppressive therapy following
organ transplantation; local treatment of Proprietary Preparation
CMV retinitis; congenital cytomegalovirus Cymevene(I) (Roche), IV infusion) 500mg/Vial,
infection of the CNS Tk. 3,981.00/Vial
(See section 10.2.3 for Eye preparation)
Cautions:  history of cytopenia;
radiotherapy; ensure adequate hydration
during intravenous administration; infuse DRUGS FOR VIRAL
into vein with adequate flow preferably HEPATITIS
using plastic cannula; children, renal Use of drugs for treatment and/or
insufficiency,potential carcinogen and prophylaxis of viral heapatitis demands
teratogen advice of a specialist. The management
Contra-indications:  Hypersensitivity to of acute viral hepatitis is largely
valganciclovir, ganciclovir, aciclovir, or symptomatic. Chronic hepatitis is maily
valaciclovir; abnormally low hemoglobin, due to infections caused by hepatitis B
neutrophil, or platelet counts; pregnancy, (HVB) and hepatitis C (HCV) viruses and
breast-feeding (until 72 hours after last a number of drugs are available for
dose) treating those infections.
Interactions:  See Appendix -2 Treatment of Chronic hepatitis: In
Side-effects: Leucopenia, contrast to hepatitis C which is supposed
thrombocytopenia; GI disturbances,   to be curable in all affected individual,
hepatic dysfunction, peripheral hepatitis B is capable of establishing
neuropathy, depression, anxiety, lifelong chronic infection in ~10% of
confusion, anorexia, night sweats; patients. Blood is the main source of

infection and spread may follow Dose: ADULT over 18 years, 10mg/day
transfusion of infected blood or blood
products or result from injections with Proprietary Preparations
contaminated needle (most common Antiva(Square), Tab. 10 mg, Tk. 35.14/Tab.
among parenteral drug abusers who Adfovir(Sun), Tab. 10 mg, Tk. 25.17/Tab.
share needles). Products such as Infovir(Incepta), Tab. 10 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.
Rezoven(Beximco),Tab.,10mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab
albumin solution and gammaglobulins,
which are pasteurized, are wholly free of
risk.Patients with chronic HBV may
develop active hepatitis that can lead to Indications: In combination with
fibrosis and cirrhosis and all such Sofosbuvir for the treatment of chronic
individuals have a greatly increased hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in
incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma. adults.
Interferon (IFN) alone or in combination Caution
with ribavirin can cure patients with &Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to
chronic infection but is associated with the active substance or to any of the
high rates of side effects, often leading to excipients,should not be used during
premature treatment withdrawal. Drugs pregnancy or in women of childbearing
like entecavir, adefovir dipivoxil, ,breast feeding Contraindicated in
lamivudine, and telbivudine and tenofovir combination with medicinal products that
disoproxil with potent anti-HBV activity strongly induce CYP3A4 and P-gp,
are much better tolerated than IFN- Side-effects: Weakness, tiredness,
containing regimens but are not usually headache, nausea, skin rash,
curative. Tenofovir disoproxil or its diarrhea.Sleep disturbances, anemian
combination with either emtricitabine or combination with sofosbuvir- fatigue,
lamivudine may be used with other headache, and nausea
antiretrovirals in patients who require Dosage :The recommended dose of
treatment for both HIV and chronic Daclatasvir is 60 mg once daily, to be
hepatitis B. taken orally with or without meals.
Daclatasvir must be administered in
combination with other medicinal
products.Consult product literature
Proprietary Preparations
Virodacla (Incepta), Tab., 60 mg, Tk.400/Tab.
Indication: Chronic hepatitis B infection Dakovir(Beximco), Tab., 60mg, Tk. 300/Tab.
with either compensated liver disease Dakla (Healthcare), Tab., 60mg, Tk. 400/Tab.
with evidence of viral replication and Daclavir (Beacon),Tab., 60mg, Tk.400/Tab.
histologically documented active liver
inflammation and fibrosis or decomposed ENTECAVIR
liver disease Indications: Treatment of chronic HBV
Cautions: Monitor renal function in every infection with active viral replication and
3 months, more frequently in renal either evidence of persistence elevations
Impairment and in patient receiving in serum aminotransferases or
nephrotoxic drugs ; monitor liver function histologically active disease
and viral and serological markers for Caution: Monitoring of hepatic function
hepatitis B every 6 months; discontinue if every 3 months and viral and serological
deterioration in liver function, hepatic markers for HBV infection every 3-6
steatosis, progressive hepatomegaly or months during treatment (monitoring
unexplained lactic acidosis; pregnancy continued for at least 1 year after
Contraindication: Breast feeding discontinuation), therapy discontinue if
Side-effects: Abdominal pain, nausea, detoriation in liver function, hepatic
vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulence, steatosis, progressive hepatomegaly or
diarrhoea, asthenia, headache, renal unexplained lactic acidosis; dose
failure; hypophosphatemia


reduction if GFR < 50 ml/min/1.73 2; tests is must before, during and after
pregnancy and breast-feeding your treatment with Sofosbuvir
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Contra-indications: When used in
Side-effects: headache, fatigue, combination with peginterferon
dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, alfa/ribavirin or ribavirin alone, all
diarrhea, raised serum amylase and contraindications to peginterferon alfa
lipase; less commonly, and/or ribavirin also apply to its
thrombocytopenia, rash, alopecia combination therapy.Because ribavirin
Dose: Oral: adult over 18 years: not may cause birth defects and fetal death,
previously treated with nucleoside Sofosbuvir 400mg tablet in combination
analogue, 500 micrograms once daily, with peginterferon alfa/ribavirin or
lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B, ribavirin is contraindicated in pregnancey
1 mg once daily and in men whose female partners are
pregnant.avoid inbreast feeding.
Proprietary Preparations Side-effects: Most common adverse
Barcavir(Incepta), Tab., 1mg, Tk.90/Tab.;500 events observed with it in in combination
mcg, Tk. 48.00/Tab. with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin were
Cavir(Square), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 90.27/Tab.; 500 fatigue, headache, nausea, insomnia and
mcg,Tk. 48.14/Tab.
Caviral(Beacon), Tab., 500 mcg, Tk.
anemia;anxiety,blurred vision , memory
60.18/Tab. loss, loss of concentration,weight loss ,
Encavir(Popular), Tab., 0.5 mg, Tk. stomach discomfort, constipation, dry
65.25/Tab.; 1 mg Tk. 120.45/Tab. mouth, indigestion, acid reflux ,hair loss
Entavir(Drug Intl), Tab. , 500 mcg , Tk. andryskin,back pain, muscle spasms ,
45.15/Tab.; 1mg, Tk. 90.30/Tab. chest pain, feelingweak,nasopharyngitis.
Entavir(Opsonin), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. Dose: For Adults and Paediatric
79.47/Tab.; 0.5 mg, Tk. 42.38/Tab.
Enteca(Renata), Tab,  500 mcg , Tk.
Population is one 400 mg tablet, taken
48.00/Tab. orally, once daily with food.
Enviral(Opsonin), Tab., 500 mcg, Tk. Consideration should be given to
48.18/Tab.; 1 mg , Tk. 90.34/Tab. potentially extending the duration of
Genevir(General), Tab., 1mg, Tk. 90.27/Tab.; therapy according to different genotypes
500 mcg, Tk. 48.14/Tab. of CHC beyond 12 weeks and up to 24
Tecavir(Aristo), Tab., 1mg, Tk. 90.00/Tab.; 500 weeks ; 
mcg, Tk. 3.00/Tab.
Tecavir(Aristo), Tab., 0.5 mg, Tk. 48.00/Tab.; 1
mg, Tk. 90.00/Tab. Proprietary Preparations
Teviral(ACI), Tab., 500 mcg , Tk. 3.00/Tab.; Buviren(Renata), Tab. , 400mg, Tk. 600/Tab.
1mg , Tk. 100.30/Tab .; Syrup, 5mg/100ml, Hopetavir(Incepta), Tab., 400mg, Tk.
Tk. 220.00/70ml,; 600.00/Tab.
Teviral(ACI), Tab., 5mg, Tk. 48.18/Tab.; 1 Hopso(Drug Intl), Tab. , 400mg, Tk.
mg,Tk. 90/Tab. 450.00/Tab.
Vir(Acme), Tab. , 500 mcg, Tk. 48.14/Tab. Sofo(Aristopharma), Tab., 400mg , Tk.
Virenta(Eskayef), Tab, 500 mcg, Tk. 600.00/Tab.
48.00/Tab. Sofomax(ACI), Tab., 400mg , Tk. 700.00/Tab.
Soforal(Beacon), Tab. , 400mg , Tk.
SOFOSBUVIR Sofovir(Beximco), Tab., 400mg, Tk.
Indications: For the treatment of 350.00/Tab.
chronichepatitis C (CHC) infection as a Sovalvir(Healthcare), Tab., 400mg, Tk.
component of a combination antiviral 6031.97/Tab.
treatment regimen Soventa(Eskayef), Tab, 400mg, Tk.
Caution: Not recommended for
Suvirux(Square), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk.
administration as monotherapy; special 600.00/Tab.
monitoring required in liver problems
,current or previous infection with the Sofosbuvir400mg and Velpatasvir100mg
hepatitis B virus,kidney problems ,blood Fixvel(Beacon), Tab., Tk.1000.00/Tab.
Panovir(Incepta), Tab., Tk.1000.00/Tab.

Contra-indications: Pregnancy, breast-

INTERFERONS (IFNs) feeding, epilepsy, gastric ulceration, and
severe renal impairment
Side-effects: anorexia, nausea,
nervousness, difficulty in concentrating,
light headedness, hallucination,
Indications: IFN alfa-2a and alfa 2b: dizziness, convulsions, blurred vision,
chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis edema
C ideally in combination with ribavirin; Dose: Oral: Influenza A, ADULT &
chronic myelogenous and hairy cell CHILD > 10 years, treatment 100 mg
leukemia, follicular lymphoma, adjunct to daily for 4-5 days; prophylaxis, 100 mg
surgery in malignant melanoma; daily usually for 6 weeks or with influenza
IFN alfa-2a: AIDS-related Kaposi’s vaccination for 2-3 weeks after
sarcoma, progressive cutaneous T-cell vaccination; Parkinson's disease, 100
lymphoma mg/d initially then increased after 1 week
IFN alfa-2b: lymph or liver metastases of to 100 mg twice daily (max. 400 mg/d),
carcinoid tumor, maintenance of ELDERLY 100 mg daily
remission in multiple myeloma
Cautions: See notes above; monitoring Proprietary Preparation
of lipid profile Amantril (ACI), Cap., 100mg, Tk.10.00/Cap.
Contra-indications: Avoid injections Altrip (NIPRO JMI), Tab., 6.25 mg, Tk.
containing benzyl alcohol in neonates 35.08/Tab.
Interactions: See Appendix-2
Side-effects: Influenza like syndrome OSELTAMIVIR[ED
fatigue and depression which disappear
on lowering the dose; other effects are Because of the need of metabolism into
anorexia, convulsions, hypotension, active form, which may not be proper in
hypertension, cardiac dysrhythmias and children particularly in neonates, this
bone marrow depression; also reported drug is not recommended for use under 1
nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and severe year of age unless there is a pandemic.
hypertriglyceridemia Indications: See under Dose.
Dose: See section 14.2.4. Caution: Dose adjustment required in
Hepatitis B: IFN-2b, 5-10 mU in renal insufficiency; pregnancy, breast-
ADULTand 6 mU/m2 in CHILD thrice feeding; also see notes above
weekly for 4-6 weeks,Hepatitis C: 3 mU Interactions:See Appendix-2
thrice weekly Dose: prevention of influenza (should be
started within 48 hours of exposure):
Proprietary Preparations ADULT and CHILD over 13 years, 75 mg
See section14.2.4 once daily for 10 days for post-exposure
prophylaxis and for upto 6 weeks during DRUGS FOR INFLUENZA an endemic;
Treatment of influenza: ADULT and
CHILD over 13 years, 75 mg 12 hourly
for 5 days


G-Oseltamivir(Gonoshasthaya), Susp, 30
Indications: Prevention and treatment of mg/25ml, Tk. 350.00/25 ml; Cap. 75 mg,
influenza A virus infections, Parkinson's Tk.75.00/Cap.
Oselta(Popular), Cap., 75 mg, Tk. 150.57/Cap.
Pandeflu(ACI), Cap., 75 mg, Tk. 151.02/Cap.
Cautions: Renal and hepatic Tamiflu(I)(Roche)Cap., 75 mg, Tk. 199.85/Cap.
insufficiency, congestive heart failure,
confused or hallucinatory states, elderly,
gradual withdrawal required in
Parkinson's disease

Indications: Sever respiratory syncytial TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBITORS

virus bronchiolitis in infants and children; NON-NUCLEOSIDE REVERSE
in combination with peginterferon alfa or TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBITORS
interferon alfa for chronic hepatitis B and PROTEASE INHIBITOR
C in patients without liver dcompensation INTEGRASE INHIBITORS
and who have fibrosis or high ENTRY INHIBITORS
inflammatory activity or for relapse
following previous response to interferon Currently available drugs provide
alfa suppressive therapy for HIV infection
Cautions: For inhalation therapy: rather than a curative one. The goal of
pregnancy should be excluded before therapy is to reduce plasma viral load
treatment, effective contraception through suppression of replication as
essential during treatment and for 6 much as possible for as long as possible
months after treatment in women and in and expected outcome of initial therapy
men; in a previously untreated patient is an
Contra-indications: Pregnancy, breast- undetectable viral load (plasma HIV RNA
feeding; Specific contraindications for <50 copies /ml) within 24 weeks of
oral treatment: Severe cardiac disease, treatment initiation.
haemoglobinopathies; severe debilitating Cautions: Metabolic effects associated
medical conditions; severe hepatic with antiretroviral treatment include fat
dysfunction or decompensated cirrhosis; redistribution, insulin resistance, and
autoimmune disease ,history of severe dyslipidemia; (collectively termed
psychiatric condition lipodystrophy syndrome); fat
Interactions: See Appendix -2 redistribution (with loss of subcutaneous
Side-effects: Specific for inhalation fat, increased abdominal fat, ‘buffalo
therapy: Worsening respiration, bacterial hump’ and breast enlargement) is
pneumonia and pneumothorax reported; associated with regimens containing
rarely non-specific anemia and hemolysis protease inhibitors and nucleoside
Dose:Respiratory syncytial virus reverse transcriptase inhibitors; the
bronchitis in infants and children: by usual risk factors for cardiovascular
aerosol inhalation or nebulization of a disease should be taken into account
solution containing 20mg/ml for 12-18 before starting antiretroviral therapy and
hours for at least 3 days, maximum 7 patients should be advised about lifestyle
days; chronic hepatitis C (in combination changes to reduce their cardiovascular
with interferon alfa or peginterferon alfa): risk; plasma lipids and blood glucose
ADULT over 18 years body weight under should be measured before starting
75 kg,400mg in morning and 600mg in antiretroviral therapy, after 3–6 months of
the evening;body-weight 75 kg and treatment, and then annually; reports of
over,600mg twice daily osteonecrosis in patients with advanced
HIV disease or following long-term
Proprietary Preparations exposure to combination ART;
Celbarin(Incepta), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35/Cap. improvement in immune function as a
Chrocee(ACI), Cap., 200 mg, TK. 35.00/Cap. result of antiretroviral treatment may
Copeg(Beacon), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35/Cap.
Opegus(Drug Intl), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 25/Cap. provoke a marked inflammatory reaction
Rivarin(Healthcare),Cap.,200 mg,Tk. 35/Cap. against residual opportunistic organisms;
Viracin(Beximco), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. these reactions may occur within the first
35.00/Cap. few weeks or months of initiating
treatment; reports of autoimmune
1.4.4 DRUGS FOR HUMAN disorders (such as Graves’ disease)
IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS many months after initiation of treatment.

TRANSCRIPTASE Side-effects: Tiredness, respiratory tract

INHIBITORS infections, throat discomfort, headache,
abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, hypersensitivity reactions,
peripheral neuropathy, lactic acidosis,
raised liver enzymes and serum amylase
Indications: Treatment of HIV-infection Dose:oral: HIV infection in combination
in combination with other antiretroviral with other antiretroviral drugs, 150 mg
drugs every 12 hours or 300 mg once daily;
Cautions: Potentially fatal INFANT < 1 month 2 mg/kg twice daily;
hypersensitivity syndrome mostly linked CHILD 3 months-12 years 4 mg/kg every
with HLA-B*5701 allele; test for that allele 12 hours; max. 300 mg daily; chronic
before use; counsel patient about how to hepatitis B, ADULT 100 mg daily
recognize hypersensitivity and to seek
immediate medical attention if symptoms Proprietary Preparations
develop ; heavily loaded HIV-infection (> Lamivudine
100 000 copies/ml); patients with chronic Hepavir(Square), Tab.,100 mg, Tk. 25.17/Tab.
hepatic B and C, hepatic impairment, Lamidin(Eskayef), Tab.,100mg, Tk. 25.30/Tab.
lactic acidosis; patients at high risk of Lamivir(Incepta), Tab.,100 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.
cardiovascular disease; alcoholic Viradin(Healthcare), Tab., 100mg, Tk.
patients; 25.00/Tab.
Lamivudine + Zidovudine
Contraindications: History of Diavix(Beximco), Tab.150 mg + 300 mg, Tk.
hypersensitivity 45.00/Tab.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Lamivudine + Zidovudine + Nevirapine
Side-effects: Fatal hypersensitivity Triovix(Beximco), Tab.150 mg + 300 mg + 200
characterized by fever, rash, abdominal mg, Tk. 70.00/Tab.
pain and other GI complaints, cough,
phengitis, dyspnea, sore throat, acute
respiratory distress syndrome, myalgia,
headache, paraesthesia, mouth
ulceration, edema, hypotension, renal TENOFOVIR DISOPROXIL[ED
failure; rarely myolysis
Dose: Oral: ADULT, 600 mg in 1-2 Indications: HIV infection in combination
doses; CHILD, 3 months-12 years, 8 with other antiretroviral drugs; chronic
mg/kg 12 hourly adjusted to body weight hepatitis B infection with either
(max. 600 mg ) compensated liver disease or
decompensated liver disease
Generic Preparations Cautions : See notes above; also test
(Tablet, Abacavir 300 mg+ Lamivudine 150 mg renal function and serum phosphate
+ Zidovudine 300 mg)
before treatment, then every 4 weeks
(more frequently if at increased risk of
LAMIVUDINE[ED] renal impairment) for 1 year and then
every 3 months, interrupt treatment if
Indications: HIV infection in combination renal function deteriorates or serum
with at least two other antiretroviral phosphate decreases; concomitant or
drugs, chronic hepatitis B infection recent use of nephrotoxic drugs; for use
Cautions: Pregnancy, breast-feeding, in chronic hepatitis B, monitor liver
renal and hepatic impairment; monitoring function tests every 3 months and viral
of hepatic function is required, drug markers for hepatitis B every 3–6 months
should be discontinued if deterioration, during treatment (continue monitoring for
hepatic steatosis, hepatomegaly or at least 1 year after discontinuation,
unexplained lactic acidosis recurrent hepatitis may occur on
Contraindications: Breast-feeding discontinuation): If a dose is more than
12 hours late, the missed dose should


not be taken and the next dose should be Indications: HIV infection in combination
taken at the normal time with other antiretroviral drugs, alone for
Interactions: See Appendix -2 prevention of maternal-fetal HIV
Side-effects: See notes above; also transmission; AIDS or AIDS-related
hypophosphatemia; rarely renal failure, complex, to reduce the frequency of
proximal renal tubulopathy, nephrogenic opportunistic infections and for
diabetes insipidus; reduced bone density prolonging survival
Dose: Oral: ADULT, over 18 years, Cautions: See under lamivudine; also
245 mg once daily; CHILD 2–18 years:HIV hematological disorders, vitamin B12
infection in combination with other ARDs deficiency; associated with higher risk of
when first-line NRTIs cannot be used lipoatrophy
because of resistance or contra- Contra-indications: Abnormally low
indications, neutrophil counts or hemoglobin
CHILD 2–18 years, 6.5 mg/kg (max. concentration, neonates with
245 mg) oncedaily or Body-weight 17–22 hyperbilirubinemia requiring treatment
kg 123 mg once dailybody-weight 22–28 other than phototherapy, or with raised
kg 163 mg once daily; body- weight 28– transaminase
35 kg 204 mg once daily; body- Interactions: See Appendix-2
weightover 35 kg 245 mg once Side-effects: Anemia, leucopenia,
dailyChronic hepatitis B infection with neutropenia, nausea, vomiting, abdomi-
compensatedliver disease (with evidence nal discomfort, diarrhea, taste
of viral replication,and histology of active disturbance, pancreatitis, liver disorders
liver inflammation or fibrosis): Child 12– including fatty change and raised bilirubin
18 years, body-weight > 35kg 245 mg and liver enzyme, chest pain, dyspnea,
once daily cough, influenza-like symptoms,
headache, fever, neuropathy,
Proprietary Preparations convulsions, dizziness, anxiety,
Becovir(Beacon), Tab., 300mg, Tk 85.26/Tab. depression, asthenia, myopathy,
Foviral(ACI), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.26/Tab. pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia,
Proxivir(Square), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.26/Tab. hypersensitivity reactions, pigmentation
Tenoviral(Opsonin), Tab., 300mg, Tk.
of nails, skin and mucosa
Tenvira(Aristo), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.00/Tab. Dose: Oral: ADULT 500-600 mg daily in
T-fovir(Drug Intl), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.30/Tab. 2-3 divided doses; INFANT < 4 weeks 4
Vironil(UniMed), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 95.00/Tab. mg/kg twice daily; CHILD > 3 months
Xynovir(Incepta), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.00/Tab. 180-360 mg/m2 daily in 3-4 divided
doses; max. 200 mg every 6 hours;
TENOFOVIR ALAFENAMIDE patients temporarily unable to take
zidovudine by mouth, by IV infusion over
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) nucleoside 1 hour 1-2 mg/kg every 4 hours
analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor. (approximating to 1.5-3 mg/kg every 4
Indications: Chronic hepatitis B virus hours by mouth) usually for not more
infection in adults with compensated liver than 2 weeks; CHILD 80-160 mg/m2
disease. every 6 hours (120 mg/m2 every 6 hours
Cautions & Side-effect: See under approximates to 180 mg/m2 every 6
Tenofovir disoproxil hours by mouth); prevention of maternal-
Dose: 25 mg (one tablet) taken orally fetal HIV transmission, oral, between 14
once with food and 34 weeks of gestation, 100 mg 5
times daily, IV during labor, 2 mg/kg over
Proprietary Preparation 1 hour, then 1 mg/kg/h by continuous
Tafecta (Beacon), Tab. 25mg, Tk. 160.00/Tab. infusion, followed by syrup to neonate
from birth through 6 weeks of age, 2
ZIDOVUDINE[ED] mg/kg every 6 hours


Proprietary Preparation Dose: 750 micrograms 3 times daily;

(For co-formulation with abacavir and ELDERLY and CHILD under 13 years,
lamivudine see under abacavir and that with not recommended (safety and efficacy
lamivudine see under lamivudine) not established)

ZALCITABINE Generic Preparation

Tablet, 75 micrograms; 750 microgarms
Indications: Advanced HIV infection in
combination with other antiretroviral NON-NUCLEOSIDE
Cautions: Peripheral neuropathy INHIBITORS
pancreatitis (monitor serum amylase in
those with history of elevated serum
amylase); cardiomyopathy, history of EFAVIRENZ[ED]
congestive cardiac failure; hepatotoxicity
(potentially life threatening lactic acidosis Indications: HIV infection in combination
with hepatomegaly reported); pregnancy with other antiretroviral drugs
(women of childbearing age should use Cautions: See notes above; also hepatic
effective contraception during treatment); impairment; severe renal impairment;
renal impairment pregnancy and breast-feeding; elderly;
PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY: history of mental illness or substance
discontinue immediately if peripheral abuse; patient on other hepatotoxic drug
neuropathy develops characterized by needs monitoring of liver function;
numbness and burning dysaesthesia discontinue if severe rash with blistering,
possibly followed by sharp shooting pains desquamation, mucosal involvement or
or severe continuous burning and fever; 
potentially irreversible pain; extreme Contra-indications: Porphyria,
caution and close monitoring required in pregnancy
those at risk of peripheral neuropathy Interactions: See Appendix-2
(especially those with low CD4 cell count Side-effects: Rash, usually in the first 2
for whom risk is greater) weeks; Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
PANCREATITIS: discontinue headache, dizziness, insomnia, abnormal
permanently if clinical pancreatitis dreams, fatigue, impaired concentration
develops; suspend if raised serum (administration at bed time in the first 2-4
amylase associated with glucose weeks reduces CNS effects); nausea,
intolerance rising triglyceride, decreasing less frequently vomiting, diarrhea,
serum calcium or other signs of hepatitis, depression, anxiety, psychosis,
impending pancreatitis until pancreatitis amnesia, ataxia, stupor, vertigo, also
excluded reported raised serum cholesterol,
Contraindications: Peripheral elevated liver enzymes (especially if
neuropathy; breast-feeding seropositive for hepatitis B and C),
Interactions: See Appendix-2 pancreatitis
Side-effects: Peripheral neuropathy Dose: Oral: HIV infection in combination
(discontinue immediately); oral ulcers, with other antiretroviral drugs, ADULT
nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, anorexia, 600 mg once daily; CHILD, 3-18 years:
diarrhoea, abdominal pain, constipation; body weight 13-15 kg 200 mg once daily;
pharyngitis; headache, dizziness; body weight 15-20 kg 250 mg once daily;
myalgia, arthralgia; rash, pruritus, body weight 20-25 kg 300 mg once daily;
sweating, weight loss, fatigue, fever, body weight 25-32 kg 350 mg once daily;
rigors, chest pain, anemia, leucopenia, body weight 33-40 kg 400 mg once daily;
neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, body weight 40 kg and over adult dose
disorders of liver function; less frequently
pancreatitis, esophageal jaundice and Proprietary Preparations
hepatocellular damage; Avifanz(Beximco), Tab. 600 mg, Tk. 140/Tab.
Delfavir(Delta), Tab. 600 mg, Tk. 50 /Tab


Adiva(Sqaure), Tab. 600 mg Tk.201.35/Tab. years 150–200 mg/m2 (max. 200 mg)

once daily of ‘immediate-release’
NEVIRAPINE[ED preparation for first 14 days, then (if no
rash present after initial dose
Indications: HIV infection in combination titration)150–200 mg/m2 (max. 200 mg)
with other antiretroviral drugs; prevention twice daily of ‘immediate-release’
of maternal-fetal HIV transmission preparationprevention of maternal-fetal
Cautions: Hepatic impairment (chronic HIV transmission, 200 mg orally as a
hepatitis B or C); severe renal single dose to the woman at onset of
impairment; pregnancy and breast- labor followed by a 2 mg/kg oral dose to
feeding; high CD4 cell count;close liver the neonate within 3 days after delivery
function monitoring required during first Note: Initial dose titration using
18 weeks; monitor before treatment then ‘immediate-release’ preparation should
every 2 weeks for 2 months then after 1 not exceed 28 days; if rash not resolved
month and then regularly; monitor closely within 28 days, alternative treatment
for skin reactions during first 18 weeks should be sought; If a dose is more than
discontinue permanently if abnormalities 8 hours late with the ‘immediate-release’
in liver function tests accompanied by preparation (or more than 12 hours late
hypersensitivity reaction; with the modified-release preparation),
Counseling:Patients should be told how the missed dose should not be taken and
to recognize hypersensitivity reactions the next dose should be taken at the
and advised to discontinue treatment and usual time
seek immediate medical attention if
severe skin reaction, hypersensitivity Proprietary Preparation
reactions, or symptoms of hepatitis (For co-formulation with lamivudine and
zidovudine see under lamivudine)
Contra-indications: Acute porphyria;
post-exposure prophylaxis
Interactions: See Appendix-2 PROTEASE INHIBITORS
Side-effects: Rash including Stevens-
Johnson syndrome and rarely, toxic INDINAVIR[ED]
epidermal necrolysis; hepatitis and
jaundice reported; nausea, vomiting, Indications: HIV infection in combination
abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, with nucleoside reverse transcriptase
drowsiness, fatigue, fever; inhibitors and usually with low-dose
hypersensitivity reactions (may involve ritonavir
hepatic reactions and rash) anaphylaxis, Cautions: Hepatic impairment; adequate
angioedema, urticaria, also reported hydration, at least 2 L daily to reduce risk
Dose: Oral: HIV infection in combination of nephrolithiasis (more frequent in
with other antiretroviral drugs, ADULT, children; may require interruption or
200 mg once daily of ‘immediate-release’ discontinuation) ; solubility decreases at
preparation for first 14 days then (if no higher pH, antacids or other buffering
rash present) 200 mg twice daily of agents should not be taken at the same
‘immediate-release’ preparation or time;
400 mg once daily of modified-release hemophilia; pregnancy and breast-
preparation; CHILD, 1 month–3 feeding;
years 150–200 mg/m2 (max. 200 mg) Interactions: See Appendix-2
once daily of ‘immediate-release’ Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting,
preparation for first 14 days, then (if no diarrhea, abdominal discomfort,
rash present) 150–200 mg/m2 (max. dyspepsia, flatulence pancreatitis, dry
200 mg) twice daily or 300– mouth, taste disturbances; headache,
400 mg/m2 (max. 400 mg) once daily of dizziness, insomnia; myalgia, myositis,
‘immediate-release’ preparation; 3–18 rhabdomyolysis, asthenia, paraesthesia;

hyperglycemia: anaphylactoid reactions,

rash (including Stevens-Johnson SAQUINAVIR
syndrome), pruritus, dry skin,
hyperpigmentation, alopecia, paronychia; Indications: HIV infection in combination
interstitial nephritis, nephrolithiasis, with other antiretroviral drugs and usually
dysuria, hematuria, crystalluria, with low-dose ritonavir
proteinuria, pyuria (in children), hepatitis, Cautions: See notes above; also monitor
transient hyperbilirubinemia; blood ECG before starting treatment and then
disorders including neutropenia, on day 3 or 4 of treatment, discontinue if
hemolytic anemia; lipodystrophy QT interval over 480 milliseconds, if QT
Dose: Oral: HIV infection, in combination interval more than 20 milliseconds above
with two NRTIs and low-dose ritonavir baseline, or if prolongation of PR interval,
booster, ADULT, indinavir 800 mg and patients should be told how to recognize
ritonavir 100 mg both twice daily; in signs of arrhythmia and advised to seek
combination with two NRTIs but without medical attention if symptoms such as
ritonavir booster ADULT, 800 mg every 8 palpitation or syncope develop;
hours; CHILD & ADOLESCENT 4-17 concomitant use of garlic reduces
years 500 mg/m2 every 8 hours plasma concentration; hepatic and renal
(maximum 800 mg every 8 hours); impairment; diabetes mellitus;
CHILD < 4 years safety and efficacy not hemophilia; pregnancy and breast-
established feeding;
Contra-indications: Severe hepatic
Generic Preparation impairment; predisposition to cardiac
Capsule, 200 mg,
arrhythmias (including congenital QT
prolongation, bradycardia, history of
symptomatic arrhythmias, heart failure
with reduced left ventricular ejection
NELFINAVIR[ED] fraction, electrolyte disturbances,
concomitant use of drugs that prolong QT
Indications: HIV infection in combination or PR interval);
with other antiretroviral drugs Interactions: See Appendix-2
Cautions: See notes above; also hepatic Side-effects: Diarrhea, buccal and
and renal impairment, diabetes mellitus, mucosal ulceration, abdominal
hemophilia, pregnancy and breast- discomfort, nausea, vomiting, headache,
feeding peripheral neuropathy, paraesthesia,
Interactions: See Appendix -2 dizziness, insomnia, mood changes,
Side-effects: Diarrhea, nausea, ataxia, musculoskeletal pain, asthenia;
vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain; fever, pruritus, rash and other skin
rash; reports of elevated creatinine eruptions, rarely Stevens-Johnson
kinase, hepatitis and pancreatitis, syndrome; other rare adverse effects
neutropenia, hypersensitivity reactions include thrombocytopenia and blood
including bronchospasm, fever, pruritus disorders, seizures, liver damage,
and facial edema, lipodystrophy and pancreatitis and nephrolithiasis, elevated
metabolic effects creatinine kinase, raised liver enzymes
Dose : Oral: HIV infection in combination and neutropenia, when used in
with other antiretroviral drugs, ADULT combination therapy, lipodystrophy and
1.25 g twice daily or 750 mg 3 times metabolic effects
daily; CHILD, 3-13 years, initially 50- Dose: Oral:HIV infection in combination
55mg/kg twice daily (max 1.25g twice with nucleoside reverse transcriptase
daily) or 25-30mg/kg 3 times daily inhibitors and with low-dose ritonavir
(max.750 mg 3 times daily) booster, ADULT, previously treated with
ART, saquinavir 1 g and ritonavir 100 mg
Proprietary Preparation both twice daily and not previously
Avifix(Beximco), Tab. 250 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab treated with ART, 500 mg 12 hourly for 7


days then 1 g 12 hourly ; without arthralgia, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis,

ritonavir booster, ADULT 1.2 g every 8 visual disturbances, tinnitus, gingivitis,
hours after meal; CHILD < 16 years glossitis, acne, pruritus, hyperhidrosis,
safety and efficacy not established dry skin, skin papilloma, alopecia;
Dose: Oral: ADULT, 400 mg twice
Generic Preparation daily; CHILD, 2–18 years:(in combination
Tablet, 500 mg with other antiretroviral drugs for HIV
infection resistant to multiple INTEGRASE INHIBITORS antiretrovirals): body-weight 12–
HIV-retrovirus DNA remains in the host 14 kg 75 mg twice daily; body-weight 14–
cell nucleus for a prolonged period of 20 kg 100 mg twice daily; body-weight
inactivity or latency because of its ability 20–28 kg 150 mg twice daily; body-
of chromosomal integration through weight 28–40 kg 200 mg twice daily;
activity of the viral integrase enzyme. body-weight over 40 kg 300 mg twice
Raltegravir inhibits this enzyme and daily
prevents the formation of covalent bonds
between host and virus DNA. Generic Preparation
Tablet, 400 mg
Indications: HIV infection in combination Entry inhibitor drugs prevent entry into
with other antiretroviral drugs host cell of the retrovirus in two different
Cautions: Myopathy or rhabdomyolysis; ways: inhibiting fusion of viral cell
chronic hepatitis B or C; psychiatric membranes mediated by gp41 and CD4
illness; discontinue if severe rash or rash interactions (enfuvirtide) and blocking
with fever, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia, host cell CCR5 receptor to block binding
blistering, mouth ulceration, of viral gp 120 (maraviroc).
conjunctivitis, angioedema, hepatitis, or
eosinophilia; severe hepatic impairment, ENFUVIRTIDE
pregnancy, breast-feeding
Interactions: See Appendix -2 Indications: HIV infection in combination
Side-effects: GI disturbances, with other antiretroviral drugs for resistant
abdominal pain, flatulence, hypertrigly- infection or for patients intolerant to other
ceridemia, dizziness, headache, antiretroviral regimens
depression, insomnia, abnormal dreams, Cautions: Discontinue immediately if any
hyperactivity, asthenia, rash (including signs or symptoms of systemic
Stevens-Johnson syndrome); less hypersensitivity develop and do not
commonly, gastritis, hepatitis, rechallenge; patients should be told how
pancreatitis, dry mouth, taste to recognize signs of hypersensitivity,
disturbances, pain on swallowing, peptic and advised to discontinue treatment and
ulcer, constipation, rectal bleeding, seek immediate medical attention if
lipodystrophy, palpitation, ventricular symptoms develop; hepatic impairment,
extrasystoles, bradycardia, hypertension, chronic hepatitis B or C; pregnancy and
flushing, chest pain, edema, dysphonia, breast-feeding
epistaxis, nasal congestion, drowsiness, Interactions: See Appendix-2
anxiety, appetite changes, confusion, Side-effects Injection-site reactions;
impaired memory and attention, suicidal pancreatitis, gastro-esophageal reflux
ideation, pyrexia, chills, carpal tunnel disease, anorexia, weight loss;
syndrome, tremor, peripheral neuropathy, hypertriglyceridemia; peripheral
erectile dysfunction, gynaecomastia, neuropathy, asthenia, tremor, anxiety,
menopausal symptoms, osteopenia, nightmares, impaired concentration,
renal failure, nocturia, polydipsia, vertigo; pneumonia, sinusitis, influenza-
anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, like illness; diabetes mellitus; hematuria;

renal calculi, lymphadenopathy; myalgia; 1.5.1 DRUGS FOR NEMATODE

conjunctivitis; dry skin, acne, erythema, INFECTIONS
skin papilloma; less ASCARICIDES : DRUGS FOR
commonly hypersensitivity reactions, COMMON ROUNDWORMS
including rash, fever, nausea, vomiting, DRUGS FOR HOOKWORMS
chills, rigors, low blood pressure, (ANCYLOSTOMIASIS,
respiratory distress, glomerulonephritis, NECATORIASIS)
and raised liver enzymes reported; DRUGS FOR
Dose: Subcutaneous injection: THREADWORMS/
reconstitute with 1.1 mL water for PINWORMS(ENTEROBIASIS)
Injections and allow to stand (for up to 45 DRUGS FOR DWARF
minutes) to dissolve; do not shake or THREAD-WORMS
ADULT, 90 mg twice daily; CHILD, 6–16 DRUGS FOR WHIPWORMS
years 2 mg/kg (max. 90 mg) twice daily, (TRICHURIASIS)
16–18 years 90 mg twice daily DRUGS FOR LYMPHATIC
Generic Preparation INFECTIONS)
Injection, 90 mg/ml ASCARICIDES: DRUGS FOR

Indications:  HIV infected adults in The preferred agents are the

combination with other antiretroviral benzimidazoles, mebendazole and
drugs previously treated with albendazole and the board-spectrum
antiretrovirals who have base line drug pyrantel pamoate. Levamisol is an
evidence of predominantly CCR5-tropic alternate choice.
Cautions: Cardiovascular disease; (ANCYLOSTOMIASIS,
hepatic impairment, chronic hepatitis B or NECATORIASIS)
C; pregnancy, breast-feeding 
Interactions: See Appendix -2 Hookworms (Ancylostomiasis) are
Side-effects: GI disturbances; located in the upper small intestine and
depression, insomnia, malaise, suck blood from their point of attachment;
headache, anemia, rash; less commonly, anemia may thereby be produced.
seizures, renal failure, proteinuria, Effective treatment needs not only
myositis; rarely hepatitis, angina, expulsion of the worms but treatment of
pancytopenia, granulocytopenia, the anemia. Albendazole is the drug of
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic first choice against both species and
epidermal necrolysis; also reported mebendazole is the next.Dog and cat
hypersensitivity reactions including rash, hookworm larvae may enter human skin
fever, eosinophilia, and hepatic reactions; where they produce slowly extending
Dose: Oral: ADULT,over 18 years, itching tracks usually on the foot
300 mg twice daily (cutaneous larva migrans or creeping
eruption). Single tracks can be treated
GenericPreparation with topical thiabendazole andmultiple
Tablet, 150 mg, infections respond to oral
ivermectin,albendazole or thiabendazole


The adult threadworms do not live for also has some efficacy against anaerobic
longer than 6 weeks. Adult female worms protozoa such as Trichomonus vaginalis
lay ova on the perianal skin which causes and Giardia lamblia
pruritus; scratching the area then leads to Indications: See under Dose
ova being transmitted on fingers to the Cautions: liver disease; monitoring of
mouth, often via food eaten with liver function and for bone marrow
unwashed hands. Pruritus in the perianal, toxicities required in prolong use; in
perineal region can be severe, scratching neurocysticercosis sought neurologist /
may cause secondary infection. neurosurgeon advice
Mebendazoleis the drug of choice. Contra-indications: pregnancy
Albendazole and pyrantel pamoate also Interactions: See Appendix-2
are highly effective. Side-effects: Gastrointestinal
disturbances, headache, dizziness, FOR DWARF changes in liver enzymes
THREAD-WORMS Dose: Oral: roundworm & hookworm
infections: ADULT & CHILD > 2 years
400 mg as a single dose; threadworm
infections 400 mg as a single dose for 3
Strongyloides stercoralis also called days, repeated after 3 weeks if
Drawf threadworm is capable to complete necessary; echinococcus granulosus
its life-cycle within human host. It lives in (cystic hydatid disease): adjunct in
the gut and produce larvae, which surgical treatment:pre-surgery, 800 mg
penetrate the gut wall and invade the daily in divided doses for 28 days
tissues, setting up a cycle of auto- followed by 14 tablet-free days, cycle
infection. Ivermectin is the treatment of repeated once before surgery; post-
choice for chronic Strongyloides surgery, 800 mg daily in divided doses
infection. Albendazoleis an alternative. for 28 days followed by 14 tablet-free
days, cycle repeated once; as primary
treatment in inoperable cases, ADULT > DRUGS FOR WHIPWORMS 60 kg, 800 mg daily in divided doses for
(TRICHURIASIS) 28 days followed by 14 tablet-free days,
may be given up to 3 cycles; for alveolar
Although rarely causes serious echinococcosiscaused by E
complication heavy Trichuris burdens in multilocularis, above drug treatment
children can lead to colitis, dysentery needs to be continued for months or
syndrome and rectal prolapse. years; neurocysticercosis , ADULT > 60
Mebendazole and albendazole are the kg 800 mg daily in 2 divided doses for 8-
most effective drugs. 30 days, ADULT < 60 kg 15 mg/kg, max.
800 mg/d in 2 divided doses for 8-30
ALBENDAZOLE[ED] [OTC] days; cutaneous larva migrans, 400 mg
as a single dose; intestinal capillariasis,
200-400 mg twice daily for 10 days;
Albendazole, a broad-spectrum
trichinosis, 200-400 mg twice daily for 15
benzimidazole carbamate has
days; Strongyloides stercoralis, as an
antihelminthic activity similar to that of
alternative to ivermectin, 400 mg twice
mebendazole (see also under
daily for 3 days, repeated after 3 weeks if
mebendazole) and is more effective
against strongyloidiasis, cystic hydatid
disease caused by Echinococcus
Proprietary Preparations
granulosus and neurocysticercosis Aben(Team), 400 mg, Tab. Tk. 4.50/Tab.
caused by larval forms of Taenia solium. Abentel(Aristo), Tab., 400mg , Tk. 5.00/Tab.
Certain microsporidial species that cause Adze(Kemiko), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.01/Tab.
intestinal infections in AIDS patients AH(Drug Intl),Suspn.,200mg/5ml, 20.10/10ml ,;
respond partially or completely. The drug Tab., 400mg, Tk. 5.05/Tab.

Alarm(Decent), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab. Dose: Oral: ADULT & CHILD > 12 years
AlbamaxDS(Ziska), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 2.5 mg/kg, CHILD 5-12 years 80 mg and
4.00/Tab. 1-4 years 40 mg as a single dose, in
Alben (Eskayef), Suspn, 200mg/5
ml,Tk.20.00/10ml.;Tab.,400 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab.;
severe hookworm infection second dose
Albendol(Globex), Suspn., 200mg/ 5 ml, in 3-7 day
Tk.15.00/10mlTab., 400mg, Tk. 3.50/Tab
Albezen(Zenith), 400 mg , Tab. , Tk. 3.01/Tab. Proprietary Preparations
Alda(Supreme), Suspn., 200mg/ 5 ml, Asitrax(Asiatic), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
Tk.15.00/10ml,; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab. 12.00/30ml,; Tk. 8.00/15ml
Aldex(G.A co), Suspn., 200 mg/5ml, Tk. Biotrex(Biopharma), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
15.05/10 ml .; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.02/Tab. 15.00/30ml
AL-DS(Globe), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab. Etrax(ACI), Syrup, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 24.07/30ml ,;
Almex(Square), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml , Tk. Tab., 40mg, Tk. 1.00/Tab.
20/10ml.; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 5.02/Tab. Helmisole(G.A.Co), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
Alphin(Beximco), Tab., 400mg , Tk. 5.00/Tab. 15.05/30 ml,; Tab., 40 mg, Tk. 0.41/Tab.
Alzed(General), Tab, 400mg, Tk. 3.32/Tab. Neotrax(Acme), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
Anbendazole(Popular), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 24.00/30ml,; Tk. 70.47/460ml,; Tab.;40mg ,
4.01/Tab. Tk. 0.43/Tab.
Asiben(Asiatic), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. Vermicom(Opsonin), Syrup, Tk. 9.28/ 30 ml
14.00/10ml .;Tab., 400mg , Tk. 3.80/Tab.
Azole(Biopharma), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 4.02/Tab.; MEBENDAZOLE[ED] [OTC]
Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. 18.00/10ml
Ben-A(Acme),Tab. , 400.00 mg., Tk. 5.01/Tab.; Indications: See under Dose
Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. 20.07/10ml Cautions: Pregnancy, lactation
Benda(Bristol), Tab. , 400mg , Tk. 175.00/Tab. Interactions: See Appendix -2
Benfast(Novo Healthcare), Tab., 200 mg,  Tk. Side-effects: Rarely abdominal pain,
2.00/Tab.; , 400 mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab. diarrhea; rarelyhepatitis, convulsions,
Chuben(Alco), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 3.86/Tab.
dizziness, neutropenia, urticaria,
Estazol(Ibn Sina), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk.
20.00/10ml,; Tab.,Tk. 200.00/Tab. alopecia, rash including Stevens-
Helben(Modern), Tab. , 400 mg., Tk. 5.00/Tab. Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
Parnil DS(Euro), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab. necrolysis
Sintel(ACI), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 5.02/Tab. ; Tab., Dose: Oral:pinworms/ threadworms
(dispersible) 400mg, Tk. 6.02/Tab.; Suspn., (enterobiasis), ADULT & CHILD >6
200mg/5ml, Tk. 20.06/10ml , months, 100 mg as a single dose; repeat
Verben(Astra Bio), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
dose at 2 and 4 weeks if necessary ;
15.00 /5ml .; Tab. , 400 mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab.
Vermid(Somatec), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab. roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides),
Vermin DS(Nipa), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.50/Tab. hookworm (Ankylostoma duodenale,
Zoben(Amico), Tab., 400mg , TK. 4.50/Tab.; Necator americanus), whipworm
Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml,, TK. 20.00/10ml (Trichuris trichiura) and Trichostrogylus
infections, ADULT & CHILD > 2 years,
LEVAMISOLE[ED] 100 mg twice daily for 3 days or 500 mg
as a single dose, may be repeated in 2-3
Indications: Ascariasis, hookworm and weeks, CHILD<< 2 years single dose
mixed ascariasis with hookworm administration not allowed; intestinal
infections, as an adjunct with fluorouracil capillariasis, 400 mg/d in divided doses
after surgical resection in patients with for 21 or more days; trichinosis, 600 mg
Dukes stage C colon cancer initially, increasing stepwise over 3 days
Cautions: Pregnancy, concomitant to 1200-1500 mg daily in 3 divided doses
alcohol for 10 days
Contra-indications: Severe liver and
kidney disease, breast-feeding Proprietary Preparations
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Bendex(G.A.Co), Tab., 100 mg, Tk. 1.15/Tab.;
500 mg, Tk. 3.50/Tab.
Side-effects: Abdominal pain, nausea, Misole(Albion), Susp., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
vomiting, headache, dizziness, 14.83/30ml
disulfiram-like adverse effects when Panamox(Jayson), Tab., 100 mg, Tk. 0.74/
taken concomitantly with alcohol Tab.; Susp., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.14.75/30 ml


Solas(Opsonin), Tab. 100 mg, Tk. 1.15/Tab. ; temporary residents in endemic areas,
Suspn 100 mg/5ml, Tk. 18.25/ 30 ml visceral larva migrans
Vermizol(Zenith), Tab. 100 mg, Tk. 0.74/Tab. Cautions: in heavy infections there may
be febrile reaction, and in heavy Loa loa
PYRANTEL PAMOATE infection there is a small risk of
Indications: Roundworm (Ascaris encephalopathy, in such case treatment
lumbricoides), pinworm (Enterobius must be given under careful in-patient
vermicularis), hookworm (Ankylostoma supervision and stopped at the first sign
duodenale), trichostrongyliasis and of cerebral involvement; renal impairment
trichinosis infections requires dose reduction, cardiac
Cautions: Impaired liver function, disorders
pregnancy, lactation Contra-indications: Pregnancy, infants,
Interactions: See Appendix -2 elderly, debilitated patients
Side-effects: Anorexia, nausea, Interactions: See Appendix -2
vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, Side-effects: Fever, headache,
dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, rashes anorexia, malaise, urticaria, vomiting,
and raised SGOT levels asthmatic attacks following the first dose
Dose: Oral: 10 mg/kg in a single dose(for are due to products of destruction of the
hookworm same dose is repeated on 3 parasite, microencephalitis, reversible
successive days and for trichinosis proteinuria
treatment for 5 days) Dose: Oral:1 mg/kg on the first day, then
increased gradually > 3 days to 6 mg/kg
Proprietary Preparations daily in divided doses and maintained for
Delentin(Renata), Suspn., 50mg/ml, Tk. 21 days; loiasis prophylaxis, 300 mg
16.05/10 ml weekly for as long as exposure occurs
Melphin(Beximco), Suspn., 50mg/ml, Tk.
16.00/10 ml Proprietory Preparation
Minisol(Albion), Susp., 50 mg/ml, Tk. 12.00/30 Carbamazine(Amico), Tab., 100mg , Tk.
ml 1.30/Tab.
Filazine(Hudson), Tab. 100 mg, Tk. 1.30/Tab. DRUGS FOR LYMPHATIC Lafil(Supreme), Tab, 100mg, Tk. 1.00/Tab.

In lymphatic filariasis (LF) host reaction It has efficacy in ascariasis,

to the adult worm initially causes strogyloidosis, cutaneous larva migrans
lymphatic inflammation that can progress and lymphatic filariasis. Pinworm and
through stages of lymphatic obstruction whipworm infections are variably
and secondary attacks of bacterial responsive and hookworm infection is
cellulitis leading to lymphedema unresponsive.
manifested by hydrocele and Indications: See under Dose
elephantiasis. Global program Cautions, Contra-indications:
recommends that all at-risk individuals be Pregnancy; mass treatment withheld
treated once yearly orally with two drug from pregnant women, children < 15 kg
combination: Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) body weight and in the seriously ill
and Albendazole (most countries) or Interactions: See Appendix -2
DEC and ivermectin (parts of sub- Side-effects:In LF therapy, Mazzotti-like
Saharan Africa, Yemen). reaction to dying microfilariae: usually
mild itching and swollen, tender lymph
DIETHYL CARBAMAZINE[ED] nodes; rarely, rarely abdominal pain,
diarrhea; rarelysevere reactions including
high fever, tachycardia, hypotension,
Indications: Lymphatic filariasis,
prostration, dizziness, headache,
treatment and prophylaxis of loiasis in

arthralgia, myalgia, diarrhea, edema and cysticercosis, which usually co-exist,

in patients with high parasite burdens, caused by the invasive larval form of the
encephalopathies; mild ocular irritation, parasite. Invasion of the brain is common
somnolence, transient eosinophilia, and dangerous: epilepsy, meningitis and
raised liver enzymes also are reported raised intracranial pressure may ensue.
Dose: Oral: control of LF( in combination Albendazole is choice of treatment for
with albendazole 400 mg), 200 cysticercosis (treatment of
micrograms/kg as a single annual dose neurocysticercosis demands supports of
for at least 5 years; treatment neurologist/neurosurgeon), and
of:onchocerciasi (O volvulus), ascariasis, niclosomide is preferred for intestinal
trichuriasis,enterobiasis, strogyloidiasis, infection.
ADULT & CHILD ≥ 5 years, 150-
200microgm/kg, single dose; cutaneous
larva migrans, 200 micrograms/kg single DRUGS FOR HYDATID
dose; treatment of hyperkeratotic DISEASE (ECHINOCOCCOSIS)
scabies,200 micrograms/kg in
combination with topical drugs Echinococcus granulosus produces
unilocular, slowly growing cyst usually in
ProprietaryPreparations liver and lung whereas E multilocularis
Ivactin(Aristo), Tab., 3mg, Tk. 6.00/Tab. causes multilocular invasive cysts also in
Scabo(Delta), Tab., 6 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab. the same organs. The disease may
remain asymptomatic: cysts are
frequently found on routine chest X-rays.
Rupture of a cyst is associated with
1.5.2DRUGS FOR CESTODE formation of localized or generalized
INFECTIONS secondary echinococcosis. DRUGS FOR TAPEWORMS Asymptomatic patients do not always
(TAENIASIS: BEEF AND require treatment. Surgical treatment
PORKTAPEWORMS) remains the method of choice in many DRUGS FOR HYDATID situations. Albendazole is used in
DISEASE conjunction with surgery to reduce the
risk of recurrence or as primary treatment DRUGS FOR TAPEWORMS
in inoperable cases. Alveolar
echinococcosis due to E. multilocularis is
Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata) rarely usually fatal if untreated. Surgical
produces serious infection and is removal with albendazole cover is the
preventable by cooking beef at 60 0 C for treatment of choice, but where effective
> 5 minutes. Praziquantel is the first surgery is impossible, repeated cycles of
choice whereas niclosomide stands next. albendazole (for a year or more) may
Taenia solium or pork tapeworm causes help. Careful monitoring of liver function
two types of infections: the intestinal form is particularly important during drug
caused by the adult worm and the far treatment
more dangerous systemic form of


Organism Category of isolates Name of antibiotic

Staphylococcus aureus Penicillin sensitive isolates Penicillin G

Penicillin resistant isolates Cloxacillin

MRSA Clindamycin
D test positive (clindamycin Cloxacillin
resistance) Flucloxacillin
(according to c/s)
Staphylococcus Penicillin sensitive isolates Penicillin G
epidermidis Amoxicillin
MRSE Vancomycin plus
Streptococcus pyogenes All isolates are penicillin Penicillin G
(Group A) sensitive Amoxicillin
Streptococcus Penicillin G
agalactiae (Group B) Ampicillin
Enterococcus faecalis Penicillin sensitive Penicillin
High level gentamycin Penicillin plus
resistant (HLGRE) aminoglycoside or
Vancomycin plus
Vancomycin resistant Linezolid
Streptococcus Penicillin sensitive strain Penicillin G
pneumoniae Erythromycin
Penicillin resistant strain Ceftriaxone
Streptococci viridians Penicillin G with or
group without aminoglycosides
Neisseria meningitidis Penicillin G
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Penicillin sensitive Cefixime

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Penicillin resistant (PPNG) Ciprofloxacin

Quinolone resistant Spectinomycin
Bacillus anthracis Penicillin G
Corynebacterium Penicillin G
diphtheriae Erythromycin


Listeria monocytogenes Cotrimoxazole

Ampicillin with or without
Escherichia coli Non beta lactamase Ampicillin
ESBLs Aminoglycoside
Nitrofurantoin (UTI)
(choice according to c/s
Salmonella typhi Nalidixic acid sensitive Quinolone
Nalidixic acid resistant Ceftriaxone
(choice according to c/s)
Shigella sp. Ciprofloxacin
Vibrio cholerae Tetracycline
Haemophilus spp Amoxicillin, Co-
Ciprofloxacin, Macrolid
Helicobacter pylori Amoxicillin
Campylobacter jejuni Erythromycin
Klebsiella spp Non beta lactamase Cephalosporins
Enterobacter spp Aminoglycosides
Serratia spp Quinolones
Proteus spp
Morganella spp
Klebsiella spp ESBLs Aminoglycoside
Enterobacter spp Carbapenem
Serratia spp Cotrimoxazole
Proteus sp Nitrofurantoin (UTI)
Morganella spp Quinolones
Providenciaspp (choice according to c/s
Pseudomonas Piperacillin-tazobactam
aeruginosa Ceftazidime, cefepime
(choice according to c/s


Burkholderia Ceftazidime
pseudomallei Carbapenem
Leginella Azithromycin,
Chlamydia trachomatis Azythromycin,
Rickettsia Tetracycline
Treponema pallidum Penicillin, Doxycyclin
Nocardia Cotrimoxazole
Mycoplasma Erythromycin,
Bacteroides Metronidazole,
Clostridium tetani Penicillin
Clostidium difficile Metronidazole
Actinomyces PenicillinG
Herpes Simplex Virus Acyclovir
Varicella Zoster Virus No antiviral therapy
Cytomegalovirus Gancyclovir
Human papilloma virus Podophyllin
Liquid Nitrogen
Alpha interferon
Influenza virus Oseltamivir
Hepatitis B virus Pegylated α-IFN
Hepatitis C virus Pegylated α-IFN
Plus ribavirin
HIV virus Zidovudin
Dermatophytes Miconazole
Histoplasma capsulatum Itraconazole
Amphotericin B
Coccidioides immitis Itraconazole
Amphotericin B
Blastomyces Itraconazole
Candida albicans Topical nystatin or
Amphotericin B

Cryptococcus Amphotericin B plus

neoformans flucytosine
Aspergillus sp Amphotericin B
Mucor &Rhizopus sp Amphotericin B
Entamoeba histolytica Metronidazole
Diloxanide furate
Giardia lamblia Metronidazole
Trichomonas vaginalis Metronidazole
Plasmodium sp. Chloroqine sensitive strain Chloroquine phosphate

Chloroqine resistant strain Artemether

Artemether with
Toxoplasma gondii Sulfadiazine plus
Pneumocystis jiroveci Cotrimoxazole
Leishmania donvani Sodium stibogluconate
Liposomal Amphotericin
Echinococcus Albendazole
Taenia sp Praziquantel
Schistosoma Praziquantel
Ascaris lumbricoides Mebendazole
Pyrantel pamoat
Hook worm Mebendazole
Pyrantel pamoat
Pinworm Mebendazole
Pyrantel pamoat
Strongyloides stercoralis Ivermectin
Trichuris trichiura Mebendazole
Wuchereria bancrofti Diethylcarbamazine
Dracunculus medinensis Thiabendazole
Onchocerca volvulus Ivermectin


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