01 Chapter Anti Infective
01 Chapter Anti Infective
01 Chapter Anti Infective
Anti-infective Drug Therapyp 1
47.60/100ml,; paed drop., 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. Ampirex(Jayson), Cap., 250 mg, Tk 2.04.;Inj.,
30.20/15ml 500 mg/vial, Tk. 22.49/Vial.; Susp., 125mg/5ml,
Tycil(Beximco), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. Tk.33.89/100 ml
6.79/Cap.,250 mg, Tk. 3.62/Cap; Suspn., 250
mg/5 ml, Tk. 65.45/100 ml PENICILLINASE-RESISTANT
Tymox(Somatec),Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
47.14/100ml,; Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, BROAD SPECTRUM
Tk. 30.20/15ml,;Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 6.04/Cap. PENICILLINS
Ultramox(Globe), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 3.50/Cap.,
500 mg, Tk. 6.07/Cap.; Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml,
Tk. 47.29/100 ml CO-AMOXICLAV[A]
7 days and over 20 kg, 300 mg/kg/d in 3- Dose : oral:acute uncomplicated cystitis,
4 divided doses; CHILD 1 month-12 ADULT and CHILD over 40 kg, initially
years: 100-200 mg/kg daily in 3-4 divided 400 mg then 200 mg every 8 hours for 3
doses, increased to 200-300 mg/kg daily days; chronic or recurrent bacteriuria,
in 3-4 divided doses for severe infections; ADULT and CHILD over 40 kg, 400 mg
surgical prophylaxis: 2 g just before every 6-8 hours; UTI, CHILD under 40
surgery followed by at least 2 doses of 2 kg, 20-40 mg/kg daily in 3-4 divided
g at 4/6 hours intervals within 24 hours of doses
surgery. Note: Tablets should be swallowed
whole with plenty of fluid during meals
Proprietary Preparations while sitting or standing
Brodactam(Sanofi), IV., Infusion., 4g +
0.5g,/vial Tk. 1003.01/Vial Proprietary Preparations
Megacilin(Popular), IV., Infusion4 gm + 0.5 Alexid(Aristo), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 15/Tab.
gm/vial, Tk. 1003.77Vial Emcil(Square), Tab., 200 mg, Tk.15.05/Tab.
Tazocilin(Square), IV., Infusion4 gm + 0.5 Pivicil(General), Tab.,200 mg, Tk.12.09/Tab.,
gm/vial, Tk. 1003.01/Vial V-cillin(Asiatic), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 12/Tab
Tazopen(Renata), IV., Infusion 2gm +
0.25gm/vial, Tk. 550.00/Vial; 4 gm + 0.5
gm/vial, Tk. 1000.00/Vial 1.1.2 CEPHALOSPORINS
Tazosyn(ACI), IV., Infusion4 gm + 0.5 gm/vial, FIRST-GENERATION DRUGS
Tk. 1003.01/Vial; 2gm + 0.25gm/vial , Tk. SECOND-GENERATION
Cephalosporins are broad-spectrum,
Pivmecillinam has significant activity bactericidal antibiotics and are classified
against many Gram-negative bacteria into "generations" on the basis of general
including E. coli,Klebsiella, Enterobacter features of antimicrobial activity.
and Salmonellae. It is not active against Of the first generation, Cefazolin is more
Pseudomonas aeruginosa or susceptible to hydrolysis by
Enterococci. Pivmecillinam is hydrolyzed betalactamase from S. aureus than is
to mecillinam, which is the active drug. cephalothin. Second generation
Indications: Acute uncomplicated Cefoxitin and cefuroxime and third
cystitis, chronic or recurrent bacteriuria, generation drugs are more resistant than
UTI first generation agents to betalactamases
Cautions: See under Benzylpenicillin; produced by gram-negative bacteria.
liver and renal function tests required in Third generation drugs are susceptible to
long term use; pregnancy; avoid in acute hydrolysis by chromosomally encoded
porphyria type 1 beta-lactamases induced by
Contraindications: See under treatment of infections due to aerobic
Benzylpenicillin: also carnitine deficiency, gram-negative bacilli with second- or
esophageal strictures, gastrointestinal third-generation drugs and/or imipenem.
obstruction; not recommended for infants Fourth generation agents such as
under 3 months cefipime, are poor inducers of type 1
Interactions: See Appendix-2 beta-lactamases and are less susceptible
Side-effects: See under Benzyl- than third generation drugs to hydrolysis
penicillin; also nausea, vomiting, by type 1 beta-lactamases.
dyspepsia; and reduced serum and total Cautions:. Great caution should be
body carnitine (during repeated or long taken before administration of a
term use) cephalosporin in patients who have had a
recent severe, immediate reaction to
Cefopen(Square), Inj., 1 gm, Tk. 250.00/Vial,; CHILD 25-50 mg/kg daily in 2-4 divided
500mg, Tk.150.00/Vial doses; deep IM inj. orIV inj. over 3-5
minutes orIV infusion 0.5-1 g every 6
CEPHALEXIN[ED][A] hours for mild to moderate infections; for
(Cefalexin) severe infections increased to 8 g daily;
CHILD 50-100 mg/kg daily in 4 divided
Indications: Prophylaxis of recurrent doses; in surgical prophylaxis: 1-2 g by
UTI; also see under cefadroxil deep IM inj. or byIV inj. over 5 minutes.
Cautions, Contraindications and Side-
effects: See notes above and under Proprietary Preparations
cefadroxil Adecef(Supreme), Cap, 500mg, Tk.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 12.50/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
50.00/15ml,; Suspn, 125mg / 5ml, Tk.
Dose: oral: ADULT 250-500 mg every 8-
80.25/100ml.; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 120.00/100ml
12 hours for mild to moderate infections; Ancef(UniMed), Cap,250mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap. ;
for severe infections increased to 1-1.5 g 500mg, Tk. 12.50/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125
every 6-8 hours, as prophylactic in mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.00/15ml,; Suspn,
recurrent urinary tract infections, 125 mg 250mg/5ml, Tk. 120.00/100ml.; 125mg/5ml,
at night; CHILD 25 mg/kg daily in 2-3 Tk. 85.00/100ml
divided doses, doubled for severe Avlosef(ACI), Cap., 250mg , TK. 8.02/Cap. ;
500mg , TK. 15.05/Cap.;Inj, 1gm/vial,TK.
infections, max. 100 mg/kg daily in
95.29/Vial,; 500mg/vial , TK. 65.20/ Vial,;
divided doses;under 1 year, 125 mg Paed. drops, 125mg/1.25ml, TK. 65.20/15ml ,;
every 12 hours; 1-5 years, 125 mg every Suspn, 125mg / 5ml , TK. 90.27/100ml ,
8 hours; 6-12 years, 250mg every 8 250mg/5ml TK. 135.41/100ml ,TK. 80.54/60ml
hours Bactokil(Virgo), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
156.00/Cap. ; 500 mg, Tk. 262.50/Cap. ;
Proprietary Preparations Suspn., 125mg / 5ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml
Acelex(Acme), Cap., 250.00 mg, Tk. Belocef(Amico), Cap., 250mg , Tki. 6.50/Cap.;
6.65/Cap.; 500.00 mg , Tk. 12.58/Cap. ; 500mg , TK. 12.50/Cap.; Paed. drops,
Paed.drop., 125mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 42.66/15ml.; 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 50.00/15ml,; Suspn,
Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 77.52/100ml 125mg/5ml, TK. 80.00/100ml
Avloxin(ACI), Susp. , 125mg/5ml, Tk.. Betasef(Alco), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 8.00/Cap. ;
69.47/100ml,; Cap., 500mg , TK. 10.57/Cap 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap.; Paeed.drops 125
Ceporex(GSK), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 12.73/Cap.; mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 65.00/15ml,; Suspn250mg/5ml
Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 84.27/100ml Tk. 90.00/100ml ,250 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
Lexin(Astra Bio), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 120.35/100ml
6.60/Cap.; 500 mg, Tk. 12.73/Cap.; Suspn., Cefadin(Ziska), Cap. , 500 mg, Tk. 12.00/Cap.;
125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 77.52/100 ml Inj., 1g/vial, Tk. 80.00/ Vial,; 500 mg, Tk.
Neorex(Eskayef), Cap, 500mg, Tk. 12.50/Cap.; 50.00/ Vial ,; Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
250mg, Tk. 6.60/Cap.; 500mg, Tk.12.50/Cap.; 80.00/100ml
Suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. 83.50/100ml Ceflin(Nipa), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 12.66/Cap.;
Nufex(General), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. Suspn, 125 mg/5ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml
78.52/100ml; Cap., 500mg, Tk. 9.06/Cap. Cephid(Zenith), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 6.52/Cap. ;
500 mg, Tk. 12.55/Cap.; Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml,
Tk. 80.30/100ml
CEPHRADINE CILASTATIN[W] Cephracap(Euro), Cap., 500mg, Tk.
Indications: Surgical prophylaxis, also Cephran (Opsonin), Cap. , 500 mg , Tk.
see under cefadroxil 15.05/Cap. ; Inj, 500 mg/vial , Tk. 54.20/Via,; 1
gm/vial, Tk. 80.30/Vial,; Paed. drops, 125
Cautions, Contraindications and Side- mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 65.00/15ml
effects: See notes above and under Dicef(Drug Intl), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 7.05/Cap. ;
cefadroxil 500mg, Tk. 13.05/Cap.; Paed. drops,
Interactions: See Appendix-2 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 50.20/15ml,; Suspn,
Dose: oral: ADULT 250-500 mg every 6 125mg/5ml, Tk. 81.25/100ml,; 250mg/5ml, Tk.
hours or 0.5-1 g every 12 hours for mild 120.40/100ml
to moderate infections; for severe Eusef(Globe), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 12.00/Cap. ;
Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 80.00/ Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk.
infections increased to 1 g every 6 hours;
50.00/ Vial.; Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. Sefty(Astra Bio), Cap. , 250 mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap.,
50.00/15ml,; Suspn, 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap. ; Paed.drop, 125
80.00/100ml,; 250 mg /5 ml, Tk. 140.00/100ml mg/1.25 ml, Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Extracef(Aristo), Cap., 250mg , Tk. 6.50/Cap.; 80.00/100 ml
500mg , TK. 15.00/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125 Sicef(Silva), Cap.,500mg, Tk. 12.55/Cap. ;
mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 62.00/15ml,Suspn, 125mg / Suspn.,125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.30/100ml
5ml , Tk. 90.00/100ml,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Sinaceph(Ibn Sina), Cap., 250 mg, Tk.
125.00/60ml, 6.80/Cap. ;500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap. ; Inj., 500
Gigacef(Pacific), Cap.,500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Cap. mg/vial, Tk. 55.00/ Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 85.00/
; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 46.00/15ml Vial,; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25
,; Suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk. 64.00/100ml ml,Tk.55.00/15ml,;Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Intracef(Beximco), Cap., 250mg , Tk. 95.00/100ml,
6.50/Cap.; 500mg, Tk.12.50/cap ,;Paed. drop, SK Cef(Eskayef), Inj, 1gm/vial, Tk. 80.00/
125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk., 50.00/15ml,; Suspn, Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 50.00/ Vial,; Cap,
125mg/5ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml,; 250mg/5ml, Tk. 250mg , Tk. 8.00/Cap. ,500mg , Tk. 15.00/Cap.
120.00/100ml ,Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
Lebac(Square), Cap.,250 mg, Tk. 8.03/Cap. ; 65.00/15ml ,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
500 mg, Tk. 15.05/Cap. ; Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. 140.00/100ml,; 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
95.29/Vial ,; Inj, 500 mg/vial, Tk. 65.19/Vial,; 90.00/100ml,Tk. 80.00/60ml
Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 65.19/15ml,; Supracef(Biopharma), Cap., 250mg , Tk.
Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 90.27/100ml,; 250 6.52/Cap.; 500mg , Tk. 12.05/Cap. ; Paed.
mg/5 ml, Tk. 135.4/100ml drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.19/15ml,;
Polycef(Renata), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 6.52/Cap. Suspn, 250 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 120.45/100ml; 125
; 500 mg, Tk. 12.54/Cap. ; Inj,1 gm/vial,Tk.; mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.30/100ml
90.00/ Vial.;250mg/vial, Tk. 38.10/ Vial,500 Tydin(Somatec), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. 14.68/cap.
mg/vial, Tk. 65.00/ Vial.; Paed. drop, 125 ; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 62.00/15ml.; Suspn, 125 mg/5 50.00/15ml.; Suspn., 125mg/5 ml, Tk.
ml, Tk. 90.00/100ml,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 82.00/100ml; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 120.46/100ml
132.00/100ml Vecef(Asiatic), Cap., 500mg , Tk. 12.50/Cap. ;
Procef(Incepta), Cap. , 500 mg, Tk. Inj., 1gm/vial , Tk. 80.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk.
12.50/Cap. ; 250 mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap. ; Inj, 1 50.00/ Vial,; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk.
gm/vial, Tk. 80.00/ Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 50.00/ 50.00/15ml.; Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Vial ,; Paed. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml; 250mg/5ml, Tk. 120.00/100ml
50.00/15ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Velogen(General), Cap. , 250mg, Tk.
120.00/100ml,; 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.00/100ml 6.54/Cap.;500mg, Tk. 12.59/Cap. ; Paed.
Rocef(Healthcare), Cap.,250mg , Tk. drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.34/15ml,;
6,50/Cap. ; 500mg , Tk. 12.50/Cap. ; Suspn, Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 82.56/100ml
125mg/5ml , Tk. 95.00/100 ml,; 250mg/5ml , Velox(Kemiko), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 7.02/Cap.;
Tk. 140.00/100 ml 500 mg, Tk. 13.04/Cap.;Paed.drop,125
Roxicef(Popular), Cap., 500 mg, Tk. mg/1.25 ml,Tk. 50.15/15ml;125 mg / 5 ml,Tk.
12.55/Cap. ;Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 80.24/100ml
120.45/200 ml,; 125mg / 5ml, Tk. 80.30/100 ml Zecef(GACO), Cap.,500 mg,Tk. 12.54/Cap.;
Sefin(Orion), Cap., 250 mg, Tk. 6.55/Cap. ; Suspn.,125 mg/5ml, Tk. 80.24/100 ml
500 mg, Tk. 12.59/Cap. ; Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk.
80.55/ Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk. 35.23/ Vial,; SECOND-GENERATION
Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 50.35/15ml,;
Suspn, 250 mg/5ml, Tk. 120.81/100ml, Tk. CEPHALOSPORINS
60.42/50ml,; 125mg / 5ml , Tk. 80.55/100ml,;
Cap., 250mg, Tk. 6.50/Cap. 500mg , Tk. Compared to first generation, second
12.50/Cap. generation cephalosporins are more
Sefrad(Sanofi), Cap., 250mg, Tk. 10.03/Cap. ; active against gram-negative
500mg, Tk. 16.05/Cap. ; Inj., 500mg/vial, Tk.
microorganisms but such activity is less
60.18/Vial,; Paed. drops, 100mg/ml, Tk.
65.20/15 ml,; Suspn, 125 mg/ 5 ml, Tk. than third generation agents. A subset of
95.29/100 ml.,250 mg/5 ml, Tk.130.39/100 ml,; second generation i.e. Cefoxitin,
Sefril(Acme), Cap. , 250mg., Tk. 8.03/Cap. , Cefotetan and Cefmetazole also is active
500 mg., Tk. 15.04/Cap. ; Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk. against B. fragilis.
90.27/ Vial ,500mg/vial, Tk. 65.19/ Vial.; Paed.
drops, 125 mg/1.25 ml, Tk. 62.19/15ml.,
Suspn, 125mg / 5ml , Tk. 90.27/100ml,; 250
mg/5 ml, Tk. 120.82/100ml
1 gm/vial, Tk. 132.50/ Vial,250 mg/vial , Tk. 125 mg twice daily, doubled in
50.19/ Vial,500 mg/vial , Tk. 76.29/ Vial pyelonephritis; for gonorrhea, 1 g as a
Maxcef(Square), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 140.42/ single dose; CHILD > 3 months, 125 mg
Vial,250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.21/ Vial,500 mg/vial,
Tk. 90.27/ Vial
twice daily, can be doubled in CHILD > 2
Taxceph(Ibn Sina), Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk. 140.00/ years with otitis media; Lyme disease:
Vial,250mg/vial, Tk. 52.00/ Vial,500mg/vial, Tk. ADULT and CHILD > 12 years, 500 mg
76.00/ Vial twice daily for 20 days; by IM inj. orIV inj.
Taxim(Acme), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 150.44/ Vial , or infusion, 750 mg every 6-8 hours for
250 mg/vial, Tk. 75.22/ Vial.,500 mg/Vial, Tk. mild to moderate infections;increased to
100.30/ Vial 1.5 g every 6-8 hours for severe
Torped(Orion), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 130.88/
Vial, 250 mg/vial, Tk. 50.35/ Vial , 500 mg/vial,
infections, single doses over 750 mgIV
Tk. 75.50/ Vial only; CHILD 60-mg/kg daily (range 30-
100 mg/kg daily) in 3-4 divided doses; for
CEFPROZIL[A] gonorrhea, 1.5 g as a single dose by IM
inj; surgical prophylaxis, 1.5 g byIV inj. at
induction of anesthesia, may be
Indications: Upper Respiratory tract supplemented with 750 mg IM inj. 8 and
infection, Skin and Soft tissue infections 16 hours later in abdominal, pelvic and
Cautions: See notes above orthopedic operations or followed by 750
Contra-indications, Side-effects: See mg by IM inj. every 8 hours for further 24-
under Cefadroxil 48 hours in cardiac, pulmonary,
Dose: URTI and Skin and Soft tissue esophageal and vascular surgery
infections, 500 mg once daily usually for
10 days; CHILD 6 months – 12 years; 20 Proprietary Preparations
mg/kg (Max 500 mg) once daily. Acute Adetil(Supreme), suspn, 125mg/5ml,
exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, 500 Tk.198.00/70ml,;Tab.,250mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.;
mg every 12 hours usually for 10 days. 500mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab.
Otitis media, CHILD 6 months-12 years, Axet(Orion), Inj , 750mg/vial, Tk.
20 mg/kg (max 500 mg) every 12 hours 125.85/Vial ,;250 mg/vial, Tk.
60.41/Vial,;Tab.,125mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab., 250
mg, Tk. 25.18/Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 45.30/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations
;suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk. 216.46/70ml
Cefozil(Popular), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 30.11/Tab.;
Axetil(Alco), suspn., 125mg/5ml, Tk.
500mg, Tk. 55.21/Tab.; Susp., 125 mg/5 ml,
190.57/70ml ,;Tab.,125 mg, Tk.
Tk.230.87/50 ml
12.04/Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 45.14/Tab,250 mg,Tk.
Axicef(UniMed), suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
CEFUROXIME[A*] 200.00/70ml,;Inj.,500mg/vial, Tk.
45.00/Vial,;Tab , 250mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab.
Indications: Surgical prophylaxis, Lyme Axim(Aristo), Inj., 750mg/vial , Tk. 125.00/Vial,
1.5g/vial, Tk. 200.00/vial,; Tab., 125mg ,Tk.
disease, community acquired pneumonia 15.00/Tab.; 250mg , Tk. 25.00/Tab,; 500mg ,
especially where beta-lactamase Tk. 45.00/Tab. Susp., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
producing H influenza or K pneumonia is 225.00/70 ml;
a consideration, gonorrhea, also see C-2(Astra Bio), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. 25.00/Tab. ;
under cefadroxil 500 mg, Tk. 45.00/Tab. ;suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
Cautions: See notes above; also 198.00/5ml
pregnancy, breast-feeding and renal Cefobac(Popular), Tab. , 250mg, Tk.
25.09/Tab.,500mg, Tk. 45.17/Tab.;Inj.,750
impairment (Appendix-4) mg/vial, Tk. 125.47/Vial,1.5 gm/vial, Tk.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 200.75/Vial
Contraindications and Side-effects: Cefotil(Square), Inj.,750 mg/vial, Tk.
See under cefadroxil 125.85/Vial .,1.5 gm/vial, Tk. 201.35/vial
Dose: Oral :as cefuroxime axetil, 250 mg .;Tab.,500 mg, Tk. 45.29/Tab,250 mg, Tk.
twice daily for mild to moderate 25.17/Tab. ; suspn, 125mg/5ml, Tk.
infections, increased to 500 mg twice 199.34/70ml,;
Cefunix(Virgo), Tab. , 250mg, Tk.
daily for severe infections and for 25.00/Tab.,500mg , Tk. 40.00/Tab.
pneumonia; for urinary tract infections
Ceficap(Euro), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. Odacef(UniMed), Cap., 200mg, Tk.
195/50ml. ; Cap., 224mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. , 30.00/Cap. ;400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ; Suspn.,
400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 195.00/50ml,Tk. 120.00/30ml
Cefiget(Getwell), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. Onefix(One Pharma), Cap. , 200 mg, Tk.
205.00/50ml,Tk. 245.00/100ml ,Tk. 34.99/Cap. ; 400 mg , Tk. 49.99/Cap. ; Suspn.,
90.00/20ml,; Cap., 400mg, Tk. 49.00/Cap., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 135.00/30ml,Tk. 195.00/50ml
200mg, Tk. 34.00/Cap Orcef(Renata), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cefim, (ACI), Cap., 200mg, TK. 35.11/Cap. , 280.00/50 ml,;Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
400mg, TK. 50.34/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 125 135.51/30ml, Tk. 155.58/40ml,Tk.
mg/1.25ml, TK. 100.00/21ml; Suspn., 200 mg/5 195.74/50ml,Tk. 225.00/70ml ,; Tab. , 400 mg,
ml, TK. 300.90/50ml ,;Suspn.,100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 50.00/Tab. ; 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab. ;
TK. 241.62/75ml ,; TK. 130.39/30ml ,TK. Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap.; 400 mg, Tk.
210.63/50ml ,; Tab., 200 mg, TK. 30.90/Tab. ; 50.00/Cap
400mg, TK. 50.15/Tab. Orgaxim(Organic), Cap., 200mg, Tk.
Cefix(Globe), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap.; 30.10/Cap. ;500mg , Tk. 50.15/Cap. ; Suspn.,
400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ; Suspn., 100 mg /5 ml, 100 mg/50ml, Tk. 195.59/5ml, Tk. 240.72/75ml
Tk. 195.00/50ml, Prexim(Ziska), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk. 45.00/Cap.
Cefixim(Ibn Sina), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 200 mg, Tk. 30.00/Cap. ,; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml,
35.00/Cap. ; Paed.drop, 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. Tk. 120.00/30ml,Tk. 195.00/50ml,;
100.00/21ml,; Suspn, 100mg /5ml, Tk. Rofixim(Radiant), Cap. , 500mg, Tk.
180.00/40ml,Tk. 130.00/30ml,Tk. 210.00/50ml,; 45.00/Cap. ,400mg, Tk. 65.00/Cap. ;
200mg /5ml, Tk. 280.00/50ml,; Cap., 400 mg, Suspn.,100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 250.00/50ml,
Tk. 55.00/Cap. ; 200mg/5 ml, Tk. 395.00/50ml,
Ceftid(Opsonin), Cap. , 400 mg. Tk. Roxim(Eskayef), Cap 200mg , Tk. 30.00/Cap. ,
50.35/Cap.,200 mg , Tk. 35.11/Cap. ;; Paed 400mg , Tk. 50.00/Cap. Suspn, 200 mg/5 ml,
drops, 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 98.00/21ml,;Suspn., Tk. 320.00/37.5ml, Tk.320/60ml; 100 mg/5 ml,
100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 210.63/50 ml ,Tk.130.49/ 37.5 Tk. 135.00/30ml,Tk.195.00/50ml
ml.,Tk. 321.21/ 50 ml; Tab. , 400 mg , Tk. Paed. drop, 125 mg/1.25ml, Tk. 85.00/15ml,;
50.19/Tab.; 200 mg , Tk. 35.00/Tab.; Tab., 200mg, Tk. 30.00/Tab., 400mg , Tk.
Cexime(GSK), Cap. , 200 mg, Tk. 50.00/Tab.
35.11/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk . 50.15/Cap. ;100 Saver(Alco), Suspn., 100 mg / 5 ml, Tk.
mg/5 ml, Tk. 200.00/50ml 120.36/30ml , Tk. 150.45/40ml ,Tk.
Denvar(Healthcare), Cap., 200mg , Tk. 195.59/50ml ,; Cap., 200 mg, Tk.
35.00/Cap. ,400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ;Suspn., 30.09/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 50.15/Cap.
200mg/5ml , Tk. 320.00/50 ml,; 225.00/37.5 ml Starcef(Beacon), Cap., 400mg , Tk.
,; 100mg/5ml, Tk. 145.00/30 ml ,Tk. 210.00/50 50.00/Cap. ; 200mg , Tk. 35.11/Cap. ;
ml Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 196.33/50ml
Emixef(Incepta), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk. Supraxim(Silva), Cap. , 200mg, Tk.
280.00/50ml,; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 35.00/Cap.; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
130.00/30ml, Tk. 170.00/40ml, Tk. 200.00/50ml ,Tk. 140.00/30ml
195.00/50ml.; Cap, 200 mg, Tk. T-cef(Drug Intl), Cap , 400mg, Tk. 50.20/Cap.;
35.00/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. 200mg, Tk. 30.10/Cap. ; Suspn., 200mg/5ml,
Erafix(Virgo), Cap. , 200 mg, Tk. 36.00/Cap. Tk. 280.85/50ml,; 100mg/5ml, Tk.
Fix-A(Acme), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. ; 135.45/30ml,; 195.60/50ml,; Paed.drops,
400 mg, Tk. 50.35/Cap.; Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, 125mg/1.25ml, Tk. 100.30/21ml
Tk. 210.63/50ml ,Tk. 130.88/37.5ml ,Tk. Tgocef(Somatec), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
240.72/75ml ,.;200mg/5ml,Tk. 280.84/50ml,; 130.00/30ml,;Tk. 195.00/50ml,; Cap., 200 mg,
Paed.drops, 125 mg/1.25ml, Tk.100.30/21ml Tk. 35.00/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap.
Gen-3(Amico), Cap., 200mg , 30.00/Cap.; Tocef(General), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Suspn., 100mg/5ml , TK. 175.00/50ml 130.88/37.5ml, 196.33/50ml,; 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
G-FIX(G.A.Co), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.11/Cap.; 280.00/50ml,; Cap., 200mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. ;
400 mg, Tk. 48.00/Cap., Suspn., 100 mg/5ml, 400mg, Tk. 50.34/Cap.
Tk. 195.59/50 ml Trifix(Pacific), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Kefim(Kemiko), Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 240.00/50ml ,; Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 35.00/Cap. ;
55.16/Cap. ; 200 mg, Tk. 30.09/Cap.,Suspn., 400 mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap.
100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 130.39/37.5ml , Tk. Triocef(Nipa), Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 30.00/Cap. ;
195.59/50ml Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 135.00/37.5ml, Tk.
Kuracef(Sanofi), Suspn., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk. 195.00/50ml
135.00/30 ml,Tk. 215.00/50 ml,; Tab., 200mg, Triocim(Beximco), Cap., 200mg, Tk.
Tk. 40.00/Tab.; 400mg, Tk. 55.00/Tab. 35.00/Cap.; 400mg, Tk. 50.00/Cap. ; Suspn.,
100mg/5ml, Tk. 210.00/50ml,; 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Truso(Orion), Cap., Tk. 35.11/Cap. ; Suspn., Taxceph(Ibn Sina), Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk.
200 mg/5 ml, Tk. 280.84/50ml,; 100 mg/5 ml, 140.00/Vial, 250mg/vial, Tk. 52.00/ Vial,500mg,
Tk. 130.89/37.5ml,; Tk. 195.59/50ml Paed. Tk. 76.00/ Vial
drops, 125 mg/1.25ml, Tk. 80.24/15ml Taxim(Acme), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 150.44/Vial ,
Zemicef(Popular), Cap. , 200mg, Tk. 250 mg/vial, Tk. 75.22/ Vial,500 mg/Vial, Tk.
35/Cap.;Suspn, 200 mg/5 ml, 100mg/5 ml, Tk. 100.30/ Vial
120.45/30ml, Tk.150.57/40ml, Tk.195.74/50ml Torped(Orion), Inj.,1 gm/vial, Tk. 130.88/
Vial, 250 mg/vial, Tk. 50.35/ Vial ,; 500 mg/vial,
Tk. 75.50/ Vial
Indications: As part of 3-drug
combination with vancomycin and Indications: Upper respiratory-tract
Ampicillin in meningitis due to H. infections, particularly those that are
influenzae,penicillin-sensitiveS. recurrent and resistant to other
pneumonia, N. meningitidisand gram- antibiotics; lower respiratory-tract
negative enteric bacteria, gonorrhea, infections including bronchitis and
Hemophilus epiglottitis; also see under pneumonia; skin and soft tissue
cefadroxil infections; uncomplicated UTI and
Cautions, Contraindications: Side- gonorrhea; also effective against
effects: penicillin-resistant strains of
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Streptococcus pneumonia
Side-effects: Rare events of cardiac Caution, Contraindications and Side-
arrhythmias after rapid inj. also see effects: See notes above and under
under cefadroxil cefadroxil
Dose :By IM or slow IV inj. or IV infusion Interactions:See Appendix -2
1 g every 12 hours for mild to moderate Dose: Oral:as cefpodoxime proxetil:
infections; increased to 8 g daily in 4 upper respiratory-tract infections (in
divided doses for severe meningitis, up to pharyngitis and tonsillitis only in
a max. of 12 g daily in 3-4 divided doses; infections which are recurrent, chronic, or
CHILD 100-150 mg/kg/day in 2 to 4 resistant to other antibacterial), 100 mg
divided doses in mild to moderate twice daily, 200 mg twice daily in
infections, increased to 200 mg/kg daily sinusitis; lower respiratory tract infections
in severe infections; NEONATES 50 including bronchitis and pneumonia, 100-
mg/kg/day in 2 to 4 divided doses for mild 200 mg twice daily; skin and soft tissue
to moderate infections; increased to 150- infections, 200 mg twice daily;
200 mg/kg/day 4 divided doses for uncomplicated urinary-tract infections,
severe infections; for gonorrhea, a single 100-200 mg twice daily; uncomplicated
dose of 500 mg gonorrhea, 200 mg as a single dose;
CHILD 15 days-6 months 4 mg/kg every
Proprietary Preparations 12 hours; 6 months-2 years 40 mg every
Cefot(ACI), Inj.,1gm/vial,Tk. 132.40/ Vial, 500 12 hours; 3-8 years 80 mg every 12
mg/vial, Tk. 76.23/ Vial, 250mg, Tk. 50.15/ hours; > 9 years 100 mg every 12 hours
Vial, 2gm, Tk. 250.75/Vial
Cefotax(Renata), Inj., 250 mg/vial, Tk. 75.00/ Proprietary Preparations
Vial, 500 mg, Tk. 180.00/Vial, 1 gm/vial, Tk. Cefdox(ACI), Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
100.00/Vial, 98.67/50ml,80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 176.19/50ml;
Cefotime(Incepta), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 132.00/ Tab., 200mg, TK. 42.29/Tab. ; Cap., 100mg ,
Vial, 250 mg/vial, Tk. 50.00/ Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk. 22.13/Cap.,200mg, Tk. 25.00/Cap. ; Paed.
Tk. 76.00/ Vial drops20 mg/ml, Tk. 60.41/15ml
Ceftax(Opsonin), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 132.50/ Cefipod(Asiatic), Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Vial,250 mg/vial , Tk. 50.19/Vial, 500 mg/vial , 195.00/100ml,80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 175.00/50ml,;
Tk. 76.29/ Vial Cap., 100mg , Tk. 14.00/Cap. ; Paed. drops,
Maxcef(Square), Inj., 1 gm/vial, Tk. 20 mg/ml, Tk. 60.00/15ml
140.42/Vial. ,250 mg/vial,Tk. 70.21/Vial,500 Cefobid(UniMed), Cap.,200mg, Tk.
mg/vial, Tk. 90.27/ Vial 42.00/Cap.; Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 98.00/50ml
Cefodim(Pacific), Cap. , 100 mg, Tk. 200mg , Tk. 40.00/Cap.; Paed. drops, 20
22.00/Cap. ; 200 mg, Tk. 40.00/Cap. ; Suspn, mg/ml, Tk. 62.00/15ml
40mg/5ml, Tk. 80.00/50ml Trioclav(Eskayef), Tab, 200mg, Tk.
Cefokid(Euro), Suspn, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 40.00/Tab.; 200mg , Tk. 40.00/Tab.
98.00/50ml Trucef(Renata), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
Cefomin(Popular), Tab. , 100mg, Tk. 60.23/15ml,; Suspn, 40 mg/ 5ml, Tk.
20.08/Tab.; 200.00mg, Tk. 38.14/Tab. Suspn, 98.37/50ml,; 80 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 175.66/50ml
40mg/5 ml, Tk. 96.36/50ml Vanprox(Square), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
Ceforan(Drug Intl), Tab., 200mg, Tk. 60.4/15ml,; Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
28.10/Tab. ; 100mg, Tk. 17.05/Tab. ; Suspn, 98.65/50ml,; Cap., 200 mg, Tk. 42.29/Cap.
40mg/5ml, Tk. 120.40/100ml, Tk. Vercef(Beximco), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
75.25/50ml,80mg/5ml, Tk. 175.55/50ml 60.00/15ml,; Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk.
Cefpod(Zenith), Tab., 100 mg , Tk. 22.00/Tab. 98.00/50ml,; 80mg/5ml, Tk. 175.00/50ml
Cepdoxim(Alco), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. Victorin(Novo Health), Cap., 200 mg, Tk.
20.06/Cap.; 200 mg, Tk. 30.09/Cap. Susp., 40.00/Cap. ; Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk.
40 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 175.53/100ml ,; Tk. 60.00/15ml,:Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 98.00/50ml
90.27/50ml ,; Ximeprox(Incepta), Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml,
CP(Acme), Tab., 200 mg, Tk. 42.29/Tab. ; Tk. 60.00/15ml,: Suspn, 40 mg/ 5ml, Tk.
Suspn, 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 98.65/50ml,; 80mg/5 175.00/50ml,; Tk. 195.00/100ml,; 80 mg/5 ml,
ml, Tk. 175.52/50ml,; Paed. drops, 120 Tk. 98.00/50ml,; Tab., 100 mg, Tk.
mg/1.25ml, Tk. 60.40/15ml 17.00/Tab. ; 200 mg, Tk. 28.00/Tab.
Desbac(General), Cap., 100mg, Tk. Zedoxim(Globe), Cap., 100 mg, Tk.
22.13/Cap.; Suspn, 40 mg/5ml, Tk. 98.67/50ml 20.00/Cap. , 200 mg, Tk. 40.00/Cap. ;
Dofixim(Ibn Sina), Cap.,100mg, Tk. Paed.drop , 20 mg/ml, Tk. 60.00/Vial,; Suspn,
168.00/Cap.; Suspn, 40 mg/ 5ml, Tk. 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 95.00/50 ml;
DxProxil(Monico), Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. Cefpodoxime + Clavulanic Acid
98.00/50ml Clavuran(Drug Intl), Tab., 100mg+ 62.5mg, Tk.
Emiprox(Virgo), Suspn., 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 22.10/Tab.; 200mg+ 125mg, Tk. 35.15/Tab.
90.00/50ml, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 170.00/50ml Combocef(ACI), Tab., 200mg +125mg Tk.
Instina(Ziska), Suspn., 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 50.15/Tab.; 100mg + 62.5mg, Tk. 30.09/Tab.
98.00/50ml Duo(Incepta), Tab, 100mg+ 62.5mg, Tk.
Kidcef(Beacon),Suspn., 40mg/5ml, Tk. 25.00/Tab.; 200 mg + 125 mg, Tk. 40.00/Tab.
98.67/50ml Xtabac(Opsonin), Tab. , 200 mg + 125 mg ,
Leprox(Amico), Suspn., 40mg/5ml, TK. Tk. 35.00/Tab.; 100 mg + 62.50 mg, Tk.
98.00/50ml,; 80mg/5ml, TK. 175.00/50ml 20.00/Tab.
Neoprox(Somatec), Suspn., 40 mg/5 ml, Tk.
98.37/50ml,; Paed. drops, 20 mg/ml, Tk. CEFTAZIDIME[W]
Pedicef(Orion), Paed. drops , 20mg/ml, Tk.
60.39/15ml,; Suspn., 40mg/5ml, Tk. Indications: With an aminoglycoside
98.66/50ml,;80mg/5ml, Tk. 176.19/50ml treatment of choice for Pseudomonus
Podo(Kemiko)Suspn., 40 mg / 5ml, Tk. meningitis, surgical prophylaxis, also see
98.29/50ml under Cefixime
Rovantin(Opsonin), Suspn, 40 mg /5 ml, Tk.
Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
98.66/50ml,80 mg /5 ml, Tk. 175.66/50ml,20
mg /5 ml, Tk. 60.42/5ml,; Tab., 100 mg , Tk. effects:See notes above and under
14.05/Tab., 200 mg , Tk. 25.09/Tab. cefadroxil
Roxetil(Healthcare), Cap., 100mg , Tk. Interactions:See Appendix-2
352.00/Cap. , 200mg, Tk. 504.00/Cap. ; Dose:IM or slow IV inj. or IV infusion: 1 g
Suspn, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 95.00/50 ml every 8 hours for mild to moderate
Sarelox(Sanofi), Suspn., 80mg/ml, Tk. infections, increased to 2 g every 8-12
98.67/50 ml
hours for severe infections, single dose
Starin(Eskayef), Suspn., 40 mg/ 5ml, Tk.
98.00/50ml, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. 150/50ml,; Cap, over 1 gIV route only, up to a max. of 3 g
100mg , Tk. 22.00/Cap. , 200mg , Tk. daily; CHILD up to 2 months 25-60 mg/kg
40.00/Cap.; Paed. drops , 20mg/ml, Tk. daily in 2 divided doses, > 2 months 30-
60.00/15ml 100 mg/kg daily in 2-3 divided doses; up
Taxetil(Aristo), Suspn, 80 mg/5 ml, Tk. to 150 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses
175.00/50ml,; 40 mg/5 ml, Tk. 99.00/50ml, Tk. (max. 6 g daily ) if immunocompromised
195.00/100ml,; Cap., 100mg , Tk. 22.00/Cap.;
or meningitis;IV route recommended for
children; urinary tract and less serious Zidimax(Biopharma), Inj , 250mg/vial , Tk.
infections: 0.5-1 g every 12 hours; 70.00/ Vial,500mg/vial ,Tk. 115.00/ Vial
Pseudomonal lung infection in cystic Zitum(ACI), Inj , 250mg/vial,Tk. 70.47/
Vial,500mg/vial, Tk. 115.78/ Vial,1gm/vial,Tk.
fibrosis: ADULT with normal renal 226.53/ Vial
function 100-150 mg/kg daily in 3 divided
doses; CHILD up to 150 mg/kg daily
(max. 6 g daily) in 3 divided doses;IV
route recommended for children; surgical
prophylaxis, prostatic surgery, 1 g at
induction of anesthesia repeated if
necessary when catheter removed Ceftibuten is an oral 3rd generation
cephalosporin used similarly to cefixime
Proprietary Preparations in the treatment of urinary tract infection
Asizime(Asiatic), Inj , 1gm/vial, Tk. and respiratory tract infection.
240.00/Vial, Inj , 250mg/vial , Tk. 85.00/ Indications:See under Cefixime
Vial,500mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/ Vial Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
Cefazid(Renata), Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. effects: See notes above and under
240.00/Vial,250 mg/vial, Tk. 85.00/ Vial,500 cefadroxil
mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/ Vial
Interactions: See Appendix-2
Ceftazim(Aristo), Inj , 1g/vial, Tk.
240.00/Vial,250mg/vial , Tk. 85.00/ Dose: Oral: ADULT and CHILD > 10
Vial,500mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/Vial years: 400 mg once daily; CHILD > 6
Lesero(Ziska), Inj , 1g/vial, Tk. 215.00/ months: 8 mg/kg once daily
Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk. 115.00/Vial ,250 mg/vial,
Tk. 70.00/ Vial Proprietary Preparations
Maxidim(Beximco), Inj , 250mg/vial, Tk. 85.00/ Butibac(Drug Intl), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/ Vial,1gm/vial, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ; Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
240.00/ Vial 480.00/60ml
Serozid(Opsonin), Inj , 500 mg/vial , Tk. Buticef(Ibn Sina), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
130.39/ Vial,1 gm/vial, Tk. 240.00/ Vial ,250 480.00/60ml ,; Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 1200.00/Cap.
mg/vial , Tk. 85.00/ Vial Cebumax(General), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk.
Sidobac(Incepta), Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk. 215.00/ 120.00/Cap.;Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Vial , 250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.00/ Vial,500 mg/vial, 480.00/60ml
Tk. 115.00/ Vial Cebuten(Renata), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
Tazicef(Novo Health), Inj , 250 mg/vial, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ; 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap.
70.00/ Vial ,1.0 gm/vial, Tk. 215.00/ Vial,500 Cefamax(Incepta), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
mg/vial, Tk. 115.00/ Vial 480.00/60ml,; Cap. , 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap.
Tazid(Square), Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk. 240.72/ Cefaten(Eskayef), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk.
Vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 85.26/ Vial,500 mg/vial, 120.00/Cap., 400 mg, Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.l
Tk. 130.39/ Vial 465.00/60ml., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 775.00/100ml
Tazimax(Eskayef), Inj, 1gm, Tk. 240.00/ Vial,; Cefteria(ACI), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, TK.
250mg , Tk. 85.00/ Vial,1gm/vial, Tk. 481.00/60ml ,90 mg/5 ml, TK.
240.00/Vial,250mg/vial, Tk. 85.00/ Vial 802.00/120ml ,;Cap., 400 mg, TK. 120.00/Cap.
Tizime(Globe), Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk. 210.00/Vial,; Ceftiben(Square), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
250 mg/vial,Tk. 70.00/Vial,500 mg/vial, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ; Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
115.00/Vial 480.00/60ml
Trizidim(Acme), Inj , 250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.47/ Inbuten(Pharmacil), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk.
Vial,; 1 gm, Tk. 216.45/ Vial,500 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap,; Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
115.78/ Vial 480.00/60 ml
Trum(Drug Intl), Inj , 1gm, Tk. 225.70/ Vial,; Logibac(Acme), Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk.
250mg/vial, Tk. 70.25/ Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 480.00/60ml,; Cap., 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap.
120.40/ Vial Maxbuten(Sanofi), Suspn., 180mg/ml, Tk.
Zidicef(Popular), Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk. 215.81/ 800.00/60ml,90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 480.00/60ml,;
Vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 70.26/ Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tab., 400mg, Tk. 120.00/Tab.;
Tk.115.43/ Vial,2 gm, Tk. 361.36/ Vial Oditen(Opsonin), Cap., 400 mg, Tk.
Zidim(Orion), Inj, 500 mg, Tk. 115.78/ Vial , 1 120.37/Cap.;Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 481.44/60
gm/vial, Tk. 216.45/Vial,250 mg/vial, Tk. 70.48/ ml ,Tk. 800.00/120 ml
Vial Roin(Ziska), Cap. , 400 mg, Tk. 120.00/Cap. ;
Suspn., 90 mg/5 ml, Tk. 400.00/60ml
mg/vial, Tk. 100/vial ; 500 mg/vial, Tk. Triphin(Ziska), IM Inj. , 1 gm/Vial, Tk.
130.00/vial 160.00/vial,; 250 mg/Vial, Tk. 80.00/vial,; 500
Imacef(General),Inj., IM 1g/vial, Tk. mg/Vial, Tk. 120.00/vial.;IV, Inj. , 2 gm/vial, Tk.
190.00/Vial,; 500mg , Tk. 130.00/vial,; Inj., IV 250.00/vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 160.00/vial,; 250
2gm, Tk. 302.04/Vial,;1g/vial, Tk. 161.08/Vial,; mg/vial, Tk. 80.00/vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk.
500mg/vial, Tk.130.00/vial 120.00/vial
Infecef(Alco), Inj.,IM 1g, Tk. 190.57/Vial,; Trizon(Acme), IM Inj., 1 g/Vial,Tk. 190.58/vial;
500mg , Tk. 130.39/vial,;250mg, Tk. 250 mg/Vial, Tk. 100.30/vial,; 500 mg/Vial, Tk.
100.39/vial; Inj., IV 2gm,Tk. , 300.90/Vial,; 130.39/vial,; 1 g/Vial, Tk.
1g/vial, Tk. 190.57/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 190.58/vial,;IV.Inj.,2gm/vial, Tk. 300.90/vial,;
130.39/vial.,250mg/vial, TK. 100.30/Vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/vial ; 500 mg/vial, Tk.
Maxzon(One Pharma), IM Inj. , 250 mg/vial, 130.39/vial
Tk. 100.00/vial,; 500 mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/vial,; Vertex(Orion), IM Inj , 1 gm/vial, Tk.
Inj.,IV., 1 gm/vial, Tk.1190.00/vial,; 2 gm/vial , 190.21/Vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 100.3/Vial,;
Tk. 300.00/vial 500 mg/vial, Tk. 130.39/Vial,; IV.Inj.,2 gm/vial,
Odatrix(UniMed), Inj.,IM 1g/vial, TK. Tk. 302.04/Vial ,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 190.21/Vial,;
160.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial , TK. 120.00/vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 100.30/Vial. 500 mg/vial, Tk.
Inj., IV 2gm/vial,TK. 300.00/Vial,; 1g/vial, TK. 130.39/Vial
160.00/Vial,; Winner(Biopharma), IM Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk.
Oricef(Healthcare), IM Inj. , 1gm/vial , Tk. 180.68/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. 120.45/vial,;
320.00/vial,; 250mg/vial , Tk. 130.00/vial,; IV.Inj.,500mg/vial , Tk.120.45/vial,; 1 gm/vial,
500mg/vial , Tk. 200.00/vial; IVInj., 1gm/vial , Tk. 180.68/vial,; 2gm/vial, Tk. 300.00/vial
Tk. 320.00/vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/vial,;
2gm/vial, Tk. 490.00/vial,; 500mg/vial , Tk. FOURTH-GENERATION
Orizone(Pharmacil), IV Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk. CEPHALOSPORINS[R]
290.87/Vial ,; 2gm/vial, Tk. 501.05/Vial ,;
500mg , Tk. 200.60/Vial Fourth generation drugs have an
Perix(Monico), extended spectrum of activity compared
Inj., IM 250mg/vial, TK. 90.00/Vial,; to third generation and have increased
Rit(Kemiko), Inj., IM 1g/vial, TK. 190.58/Vial,;
stability against betalactamases. They
500mg/vial, TK. 120.35/vial ,250mg/vial, TK.
95.29/vial,Inj., IVInj.,2g/vial, TK. 300.00/Vial,; are considered to be particularly useful in
Inj., 1g/vial, TK. 190.58/Vial,; Inj., 500mg/vial, infections caused by aerobic gram-
TK. 120.35/vial., 250mg/vial, TK. 95.29/vial negative organisms resistant to third
Rofecin(Radiant), IM Inj. 250mg, Tk. generation cephalosporins.
150.45/vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 361.08/vial,;
500mg, Tk. 220.66/vial,; Inj.,IV. 500mg/vial, Tk.
220.66/vial,; 2.0g/vial , Tk. 682.05/vial,; 1
gm/vial, Tk. 361.08/vial,; 250mg, Tk.
150.45/vial Indications: Drug of choice for the
Traxef(Beacon), Inj., 1gm , Tk. 320.96/vial empirical treatment of nosocomial
Traxon(Opsonin), IM. Inj. , 1gm/vial , Tk. infections, i.e. nosocomial isolates of
190.00/vial,; 250 mg/vial , Tk. 100.00/vial,; enterobacter, citrobacter and serratia;
500 mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/vial,; IV.Inj., 500
mg/Vial , Tk. 130.00/vial ,; 1gm/Vial , Tk. also see under Cefixime
190.58/vil,; 250 mg/Vial , Tk. 100.00/vial2 Cautions, Contra-indications, Side-
gm/vial , Tk. 302.03/vial,; effects:See notes above and under
Tribac(Globe), IM Inj. , 1 gm/vial, Tk. cefadroxil
180.00/Vial,; 250 mg/vial, Tk. 90.00/Vial,; 500 Interactions:See Appendix-2
mg/Vial, Tk. 120.00/Vial,;IV.Inj., 2 gm/vial, Tk. Dose:By slow IV inj. over at least 2-4
300.00/Vial,; 1 gm/vial, Tk. 180.00/Vial,; 250 minutes orIV infusion 0.5-1 g 12 hourly
mg/vial, Tk. 90.00/Vial,; 500 mg/vial, Tk.
120.00/Vial for mild to moderate infections; increased
Triject(Eskayef), IM.,Inj, 1 gm/vial, Tk. to 2 g daily every 12 hours for severe
190.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. 130.00/Vial ,; infections; INFANT and CHILD 75-120
250mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk. mg/kg/day in 2-3 divided doses
130.00/Vial,; IV .Inj., 2 gm/vial, Tk.
300.00/Vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/Vial,; 1 Proprietary Preparations
gm/vial, Tk. 190.00/Vial,; 500mg/vial, Tk.
130.00/Vial,; 250mg/vial, Tk. 100.00/vial
Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil, also drugs, urinary tract and lower respiratory
seizures, convulsions, confusion and infections, septicemia particularly of renal
mental disturbances origin, intraabdominal and gynecological
Dose: Complicated Intra-abdominal infections, skin, soft-tissue, bone and
Infection:500 mg IV infusion over 1 hour joint infections, surgical prophylaxis; also
8 hourly x 5-14 days,at least 3 days IV, see Notes above
may switch to an appropriate oral Cautions: Hypersensitivity to other beta-
treatment if clinical improvement Noted; lactams, pregnancy, CNS disorders,
Complicated UTI renal impairment
500 mg IV infusion over 1 hour 8 hourly x Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity to
10 days can be extended up to 14 days if imipenem or cilastatin, breast-feeding
concurrent bacteremia; treatment of Interactions: See Appendix -2
bronchopulmonary infection in patients Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil, also
with cystic fibrosis who are colonized with seizures, convulsions, confusion and
P aeruginosa mental disturbances, increases in serum
creatinine and blood urea, tooth or
Proprietary Preparations tongue discoloration, red coloration of
Dionem(Opsonin), Inj., 500 mg , Tk. urine in children
2000.00/Vial Dose:Deep IM inj.: 500-750 mg 12
Doriject(Popular), Inj., 500 mg Tk. hourly; gonococcal urethritis or cervicitis,
Dorinem(ACI), Inj., 500 mg, Tk. 2006.02/Vial
500 mg a single dose;IV infusion, 1-2 g
Doripen(Eskayef), Inj., 500 mg, Tk. daily in 3-4 divided doses, may be
2000.00/Vial, 250 mg, Tk. 1300.00/Vial, increased to 50 mg/kg up to a max. of 4 g
Perinem(Drug Intl), Inj., 500 mg, Tk. daily; CHILD > 3 months, 60 mg/kg/day
2000.00/Vial in 4 divided doses; surgical
prophylaxis:IV infusion: 1 g at induction
ERTAPENEM[W] of anesthesia repeated after 3 hours,
Ertapenem is considered a narrower supplemented in colorectal, cardiac
spectrum agent, as it has limited activity surgery by doses of 500 mg 8 and 16
against certain pathogens of concern hours after induction
such as P aeruginosa.
Indications:Infection againstP Proprietary Preparations
aeruginosa. Cispenam(Incepta), Inj., 250 mg+250 mg, Tk.
650.00/Vial, 500 mg+ 500 mg , Tk. 1195/Vial.
Cautions: Hypersensitivity to other beta-
Imbac(Popular), Inj. , 500 mg + 500 mg , Tk.
lactams, pregnancy, CNS disorders, 1199.51/Vial
renal impairment Iminem(ACI), Inj., 500 mg + 500 mg , Tk.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 1203.12/Vial ,; 250 mg + 250 mg , Tk.
Side-effects:See under Cefadroxil 650.00/Vial
Dose :1 gram IV or IM once daily for 5 to Iropen(Renata),Inj., 500 mg + 500 mg , Tk.
14 days 1295.00/Vial
Maxipen(Opsonin), Inj., 500 mg + 500 mg ,
Tk. 1295.00/Vial
Proprietary Preparation
Etropen(Techno)Inj.,1 gm/vial,Tk.3400/vial
Indications: Aerobic and anaerobic
Gram-positive and Gram-negative
Indications: Drug of choice for infections
infections, septicemia; see also notes
caused by cephalosporin-resistant
nosocomial bacteria, such as Citrobacter
Cautions: Hypersensitivity to beta-
freundii and Enterobacter spp; good
lactam antibiotics; hepatic impairment
choice for empiric treatment of serious
(Appendix-3); renal impairment
infections in hospitalized patients who
have recently received other beta-lactam
Cautions: Hepatic and renal impairment; Eronix(Ziska), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
concomitant therapy with pimozide or 60.00/100ml
terfenadine should be avoided; porphyria; Erosa(Biopharma), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
67.00/100ml,; Tab., 250mg , Tk. 4.52/Tab.;
in patients with a predisposition to QT 500mg , Tk. 8.03/Tab.
interval prolongation; small amount Erosite(Sharif), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
secreted into breast milk, potential 69.32/100ml
problems for nursing infant: modification Errin(Radiant), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
of bowel flora, 60.18/100 ml
Contra-indications: Liver disease Ery(Alco), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
hypersensitivity 69.53/100ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk.
5.17/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 10.33/Tab.
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Erybac(Drug Intl), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting, 60.20/100 ml,; Tab., 250mg, Tk.
abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, antibiotic 4.05/Tab.;500mg, Tk. 8.05/Tab.
associated colitis, hypersensitivity Erymex(Ibn Sina), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
reactions including urticaria, rashes, 84.50/100ml,; Tab.,500mg, Tk. 10.25/Tab.
cholestatic jaundice and other reactions, Erythin(ACI), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
reversible hearing loss after large doses, 60.41/60ml,Tk. 61.47/100ml.;Tab., 500mg, Tk.
chest pain and arrhythmias including Ertyhrox(Renata), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
prolongation of QT interval and 69.32/100ml,; Tab. , 250 mg, Tk.
ventricular tachycardia 5.15/Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 10.30/Tab.
Dose Oral ADULT & CHILD > 8 years, Eryzen(Zenith), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
250-500 mg every 6 hours or 0.5-1 g 57.02/100ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 4.38/Tab.,500
every 12 hours, up to 4 g daily in severe mg, Tk. 8.66/Tab.
infections; CHILD up to 2 years, 125 mg Etrocin(Beximco), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
84.75/100ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 9.03/Tab.
every 6 hours, 2-8 years, 250 mg every 6 Firmac(Incepta), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
hours, doses doubled for severe 60.00/100ml
infections; early syphilis, 500 mg 4 times Mac(Orion), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
daily for 14 days; uncomplicated genital 60.46/100ml,Tk. 103.71/100ml,Tk. 74.49/70ml
chlamydia, non-gonococcal urethritis, Macas(Asiatic), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
500 mg twice daily for 14 days; by 56.85/100ml,; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 8.12/Tab.
IVinfusion: ADULT & CHILD in severe Macery(Pacific), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
46.00/100ml .; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab.,500
infections, 50 mg/kg daily by continuous mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
infusion or in divided doses every 6 Macro(Astra Bio), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk.
hours; for mild infections when oral 60.00/100ml
therapy not possible, 25 mg/kg daily Priocin(Eskayef), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml , Tk.
61.42/100ml.; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 7.00/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations Throcin(Globe), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.;
Acryth(Monico), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 56.00/100 ml
60.00/100ml G-Erythromycin(Gonoshasthaya), Tab., 500
Adethro(Supreme), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. mg, Tk.15.00/Tab.
60.00/100ml,; Tab., 500gm, Tk. 8.00/Tab. Ero(Hudson), Susp., 125mg/5ml, Tk.60.00/100
A-Mycin(Aristo), Paed. drops, 50 mg/1.25 ml, ml
Tk. 60.00/25ml,; Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. Erocin(Acme), Susp., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
84.75/100ml,; 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 69.32/100 ml ; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 5.16/Tab. ;
100.00/50ml,Tab., 250mg , Tk. 5.15/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 10.32/Tab.
500mg , Tk. 9.00/Tab. Erom(Kemiko), Susp., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Azmin(Modern), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.; 60/100 ml ;Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 4.85/Tab. ; 500
Suspn., 250 mg /5 ml, Tk. mg, Tk. 8.60/Tab.
130.00/35mi.,Tk.85.00/15ml Eromac(General), Susp.,125 mg/5 ml,Tk.
Erixin(Amico), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, TK. 61.23/100 ml
60.00/100ml Eryrox DS(Navana), Susp, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Ermac(Opsonin), Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 60.22/100 ml
84.74/100 ml Erythromycin DS(Albion), Susp., 125 mg/5 ml,
Eromycin(Square), Paed. drops, 200 mg/5 ml, Tk. 60.00/100 ml; DSTab., 500 mg, Tk.
Tk. 60.4/60ml,; Suspn., 125 mg /5 ml, Tk. 7.50/Tab.
69.53/100ml,; Tab. , 250 mg, Tk. 5.18/Tab.500
mg, Tk. 10.35/Tab.
Cipwell(Getwell), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Winbac(Radiant), Tab. , 500mg, Tk.
95.00/60ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab. 16.05/Tab.
Civox(Popular), Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.; Xbac(Beacon), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), 200 mg/100
Inj.,(IV.Infusion), , 0.20%,, Tk. ml, Tk. 145.99/Infusion,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml,
100.38/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Tk. 90.60/60ml,; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 14.09/Tab.;
90.34/60 ml,; Tk. 90.34/60 ml 750mg , Tk. 18.11/Tab.
Dumaflox(Alco), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Xirocip(Novo Healthcare), IVInfusion,0.2%, Tk.
100.00/60ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 7.52/Tab.; 70.00/100ml,; 0.4%, Tk. 120.00/100ml; Suspn,
500 mg, Tk. 10.03/Tab. ; 750 mg, Tk. 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. 90.00/60ml; Tab., 1000 mg,
12.04/Tab. Tk. 25.00/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
Fiprox(Sanofi), Tab. , 500mg, Tk. 14.09/Tab.
Flontin(Renata), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), 0.20%,, GEMIFLOXACIN[W]
Tk. 145.54/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
100.00/60ml; 250 mg, Tk. 8.53/Tab.; 750 mg,
Tk. 18.06/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. Indications:Treatment of community-
Floxabid(ACI), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), , 0.20%, Tk. acquired pneumonia (CAP) due to
146.44/100ml; Tab., 100mg, Tk. 20.13/Tab.; multidrug-resistant Streptococcus
250mg, Tk. 8.56/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.; pneumoniae
750mg, Tk. 18.12/Tab.; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml,
Cautions and Contra-indications:
Tk. 100.30/60ml
Floxy(Team), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 13.00/Tab. Should be avoided in patients with a
Geflox(General), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), , 0.20%, history of prolongation of the QT interval,
Tk. 70.21/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. patients with uncorrected electrolyte
100.00/60ml,; Tab., 500mg , Tk. 14.09/Tab.; disorders, and patients receiving Class IA
250mg, Tk. 8.52/Tab. or III antiarrhythmic agents;safety and
Glaxipro(GSK), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab efficacy has not been evaluated in
Kapron(Globe), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), , 0.20%,Tk.
pregnant or lactating women or in
90.00/100ml; Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
90.00/60ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.; 500 individuals <18 years of age
mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 18.00/Tab.; Side-effects: See notes above
Libracin(Libra ), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), , 0.20%,, Interactions: See Appendix-2
Tk. 70.48/100ml Dose: Oral: Treatment of mild-to-
Maprocin(Orion), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. moderate Cap, 320 mg once daily for 7
90.61/60ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.; days
750mg, Tk. 18.16/Tab.
Note: For patients with creatinine
Monipro(Monico), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
90.00/60ml; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab. clearance <40 mL/min, the dose should
Neofloxin(Beximco), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), , be adjusted to 160 mg daily.
0.20%,,, Tk. 146.50/100ml,; Suspn, 250 mg/5 Gemifloxacin can be taken with or
ml, 100.0027/60ml,; sachet.,Tk. without food and should be swallowed
11.9966/Schet,; 250 mg/5 ml, Tk. Tab., whole with a liberal amount of liquid.
250mg, Tk. 8.50/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.;
750mg, Tk. 18.00/Tab.
Proprietary Preparations
Ocimax(One Pharma), Suspn, 250 mg/5ml,
Asiflocin(Asiatic), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Tk.99.99/60ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 13.99/Tab.
Orcipro(Organic),Tab., 500 mg,Tk. 14.05/Tab
Facticin(Square), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Procin(Kemiko), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
90.27/60ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 8.52/Tab.; 500
Factiq(Monico), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
mg, Tk. 14.05/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 18.00/Tab.
Flogem(Opsonin), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Q-Nol(Decent), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 11.00/Tab.
Quinox(Eskayef), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Gefcin(Biopharma), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
100.00/100ml,; Tab, 500 ng, Tk. 15.00/Tab.;
250mg, Tk. 8.50/Tab.; 750mg , Tk. 18.00/Tab
Geloxin(Euro), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
Quintor(Ziska), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Gemicin(Healthcare), Cap, 320 mg, Tk.
60.00/60ml,; 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
Rocipro(Healthcare), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
Gemif(Beacon), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.20/Tab.
Gemiflox(Popular), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Tyflox(Somatec), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
100.00/60ml; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
Geminox(Eskayef), Tab., 320 mg, Tk.
Virflox(Virgo), Suspn, 250 mg/5 ml, Tk.
65.00/Tab.; 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab.
90.00/60ml; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 700.00/Tab.
Gemitab(Ibn Sina), Tab. ,320 mg, Tk. Leo(Acme), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), 0.5%, Tk.
350.00/Tab. 100.30/100ml,; Tab. , 250.00 mg , Tk.
Geoflox(Sharif), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.19/Tab. 8.07/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab. ; 750 mg ,
Kmi(kemiko), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab. Tk. 20.13/Tab.
Orasquin(Incepta), Tab. , 320 mg, Tk. Leoflox(Alco), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab. ;
65.00/Tab. 250 mg, Tk. 7.02/Tab.
Toplon(Renata), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 65.00/Tab. Levin(Amico), Tab., 500mg , TK. 14.00/Tab.
Xemi(Orion), Tab., 320 mg, Tk. 50.15/Tab. Levo(Astra Bio), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Levobac(Popular), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk.
15.06/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 20.08/Tab.; I Inj.,
(IV.Infusion), 0.5%,, Tk. 100.38/100ml,;
Levoflox(Drug Intl), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
Indications: See under dose 15.05/Tab.; 750mg, Tk. 20.10/Tab.
Cautions: See notes above; renal Levoking(Renata), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk.
impairment; may impair performance of 8.03/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 15.06/Tab. ; 750 mg,
skilled tasks, history of psychiatric illness Tk. 20.07/Tab.
Levolo(Pacific), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Interactions : See Appendix-2
Levomax(Eskayef), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Side-effects: See notes above; also 90.00/5ml, 250mg/5ml, Tk. 130.00/5ml ; Tab,
asthenia, anxiety, tachycardia, 750mg , Tk. 20.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk.
hypotension, hypoglycemia, pneumonitis, 15.00/Tab.; 750mg, Tk. 20.00/Tab.;
local reactions and transient hypotension Levonix(Ziska), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
reported with infusion Levora(Somatec), Tab., 500 mg, Tk.
Dose:Oral :acute sinusitis, 500mg daily 14.05/Tab.
Levosina(Ibn Sina)Tab. ,500mg, Tk.
for 10-14 days
15.50/Tab.; 750 mg, Tk. 21.00/Tab.
Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, 250- Levox(Opsonin), Suspn, 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
500mg daily for 7-10 days 75.28/100 ml; Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 8.03/Tab. ;
Community-acquired pneumonia, 500mg 750 mg , Tk. 20.08/Tab.; 500 mg , Tk.
once or twice daily for 7-14 days 15.10/Tab.; Inj.,(IV.Infusion), 0.5%,
Complicated UTIs, 250mg daily for 7-10 Tk.100.38/100 ml;
days Levoxin(Incepta), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
80.00/100ml,; Tab., 250 mg, Tk.
Skin and soft tissue infections, 250 mg
8.00/Tab. ; 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. ; 750 mg,
daily or 500mg once or twice daily for 7- Tk. 20.00/Tab. ; IV.Infusion 0.5%,,Tk.
14 daysby intravenous infusion (over at 100.00/100ml
least 60 minutes for 500mg), community- .Lexazen(Zenith), Tab. , 250 mg, Tk.
acquired pneumonia, 500mg once or 8.03/Tab.; 500 mg, Tk. 14.06/Tab.
twice daily Lexvo(Modern), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Complicated UTIs, 250mg daily, Lezon(Euro), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Lifcin(Biopharma), Inj.,(IV.Infusion),
increased in severe infections
0.5%,,Tk. 100.00/100ml,: Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml,
Skin and soft tissue infections, 500mg Tk. 75.28/100ml,; Tab., 500 mg, Tk.
twice daily 15.06/Tab.
Lin(Kemiko), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab. ;
Proprietary Preparations 500 mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.
Adelev(Supreme), Tab. , 250mg, Tk. Livacin(G.A.Co), Tab., 500 mg, Tk.15.00/Tab.
8.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. Locin(Globe), Tab., 250 mg, Tk. 11.00/Tab. ;
Asilee(Asiatic),Tab., 500mg , Tk. 15.00/Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 14.00/Tab.
Corbic(Novo Health), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. Lovicin(Nipa), Tab., 500 mg , Tk. 15.00/Tab.
15.00/Tab. Orgalev, (Organic), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk.
Evo(Beximco), Inj.,(IV.Infusion), 0.5%, Tk. 15.05/Tab.
100.00/100ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 16.00/Tab.; Orlev(Orion), Tab, 500 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab.
750mg, Tk. 20.00/Tab.; 250mg , Tk. 9.00/Tab. Ovel(Aristo), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Flovo(Decent), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab. Quilev(Monico), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.00/Tab.
Floxaget(Getwell), Tab. , 500mg, Tk. Quixin(Beacon), Tab. , 500mg , Tk. 15.10/Tab.
15.00/Tab. Resquin(Healthcare), Tab., 250mg , Tk.
Genolev(General), Tab., 250mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.; 500mg, Tk.15.00/Tab.; 750mg, Tk.
8.05/Tab.; 500mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab. 20.00/Tab.
Leflox(ACI), Tab., 500mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab. ; Trevox(Square), Suspn., 125 mg/5 ml, Tk.
750mg, Tk. 20.13/Tab. 80.24/100ml,; Inj.,(IV.Infusion), 0.5%,Tk.
100.3/100ml,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab. ; Moxibac(Popular), Inj.(IV Infusion), 400
750 mg, Tk. 20.13/Tab. mg/250ml, Tk. 350.00/250 ml Vial,; Tab. ,
Xenolev(Virgo), Tab. , 500mg , Tk. 15.00/Tab. 400mg, Tk. 70.00/Tab.
Moxiflox(Alco), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk. 50.15/Tab.
Moxilocin(Opsonin), Tab. 400 mg, Tk.40/Tab.
Moxquin(Incepta), Tab. 400 mg, Tk. 40/Tab.
Omeflox(ACI), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab.
Indications: See under Ciprofloxacin Optimox(Aristo), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 40.00/Tab.;
Cautions: See under Ciprofloxacin Respamox(Somatec), Tab. 400mg, Tk.
Contra-indications: See under 40.00/Tab.
Ciprofloxacin (For Eye preparation see section 10.2)
Side-effects: See notes above
Dose:Oral: 400 mg once/twice daily; NALIDIXIC ACID[ED] [W]
topical for Eye infections: see under
Ciprofloxacin Indications: urinary tract infections,
Note. evening administration may shigellosis
minimize the phototoxicity reactions Cautions & Contra-indications:See
notes above; also porphyria; monitoring
Proprietary Preparations of blood count, renal and hepatic
Lomeflox(Aristo), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 15/Tab. functions required if given for more than
Mexlo(Square), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 15.10/Tab. 2 weeks, false positive urinary glucose
Omeflox(ACI)Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 15.11/Tab.
MOXIFLOXACIN[W] [C] Side-effects:See notes above; also
reported weakness, increased
Indications: Sinusitis, community- intracranial pressure, cranial nerve palsy,
acquired pneumonia, complicated skin toxic psychosis, metabolic acidosis
and soft-tissue infections not responding Dose:oral: 1 g every 6 hours for 7 days,
to other antibacterials reduced to 500 mg every 6 hours in
Cautions: See notes above; also chronic therapy; CHILD > 3 months max.
conditions predisposing to arrhythmias 50 mg/kg daily in divided doses, reduced
including myocardial ischemia in prolonged therapy to 30 mg/kg daily
Contra-indications: See notes
above;also electrolyte disturbances, Proprietary Preparations
heart failure with reduced left ventricular Dixicon(Jayson), Susp., 300 mg/5 ml, Tk.
ejection fraction 30.45/50 ml
Interactions:See Appendix-2 Nalid(Square), Susp., 300 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Side effect: See notes above;; also 41.74/50 ml; Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 4.87/Tab.
Naligram(Acme), Susp., 300 mg/5 ml, Tk.
flatulence, gastritis; amnesia; very rarely,
41.73/50 ml; 300 mg/5 ml, Tk. 86.10/100
rhabdomyolysis, potentially life- ml;Tab., 500 mg, Tk.4.87/Tab.
threatening hepatic failure Nalidex (Ambee), Susp., 300mg/5ml, Tk.
Dose: Oral, IV infusion, over 60 minutes, 30.46/50 ml; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 4.07/Tab.
400mg once daily
Proprietary Preparations
Cubimox(Acme), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk.
Indications:See under Ciprofloxacin
Flomox(Opso Saline), Inj.(IV Infusion), 400 Cautions:See under Ciprofloxacin
mg/250 ml, Tk. 90.23/250 ml Contra-indications: See under
Iventi(Square), Inj.(IV Infusion), 400 Ciprofloxacin
mg/250ml, Tk. 350/250ml Vial,; Tab. , 400 mg, Interactions:See Appendix-2
Tk. 40.00/Tab. Side-effects:See notes above; also eye
Lomeflox (Aristo), Tab., 400 mg, irritation; hot flushes; change in blood
Maxiflox(ACI), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 40.00/Tab.
sugar; myopathy, rhabdomyolysis
Mexlo (Square), Tk. 70.21/5ml,; Tab. , 400 mg Dose:Oral: for mild to moderate
, Tk. 15.10/Tab. infections, 200-400 mg twice daily for 7-
saliva and other body secretions colored by Mycobacterium leprae affecting mostly
orange-red; the skin and peripheral nerves resulting
Dose: Oral: prophylaxis of in anaesthetic hypopigmented patches in
mycobacterium avium complex infections skin, and sometimes trophic changes
in HIV-infected patients, 300 mg daily as producing deformities in certain other
a single dose; treatment of non- tissues notably oral/nasal mucosa, the
tuberculous mycobacterial disease, in eye, muscle and bone. Multidrug
combination with clarithromycin and treatment (MDT) for leprosy as
ethambutol, 450-600 mg daily as a single recommended by the Bangladesh
dose; National TB and Leprosy Control
alternative to rifampicin for treatment of Programme is shown in Appendix-1
tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients (as it
as less interactions than rifampicin with CLOFAZIMINE[ED]
indinavir and nelfinavir), 150-450 mg
daily as a single dose for at least 6 Clofazimine is active against both
months; for preventive therapy of dapsone-sensitive and dapsone-resistant
tuberculosis, either alone, in a 6-month bacilli and against M. intracellulare.
regimen or with pyrazinamide in a 2- Variable absorption from gut and a major
month regimen, 150-450 mg daily as a portion of drug is excreted in feces.
single dose; treatment of pulmonary Clofazimine is stored widely in
tuberculosis, 150-450 mg daily as a reticuloendothelial tissues and skin.
single dose for 6 months Indications: Leprosy in combination with
other drug, chronic skin ulcers (Buruli
Generic Preparation ulcer) produced by M. ulcerans,
Capsule, 150 mg prophylaxis against erythema nodosum
CHEMOTHERAPY OF TUBERCULOSIS Cautions: Hepatic and renal impairment;
Mycobacteria are slowly growing pregnancy and breast-feeding; may
organisms, can remain dormant for long discolor soft lenses; best to avoid if
time and a substantial proportion reside persistent abdominal pain and diarrhea
within macrophages inaccessible to Interactions: See Appendix-2
many drugs and can rapidly develop Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting
resistance to any single drug. As such, (hospitalize if persistent), abdominal pain;
combinations of drugs are employed to headache; tiredness; brownish-black
overcome these obstacles and to prevent discoloration of lesions and skin including
emergence of resistance. Another areas exposed to light, reversible hair
problem, to prevent disease relapse, discoloration; dry skin; red discoloration
required therapy is of long duration which of feces, urine and other body fluids; also
most patients fail to comply. To rash; pruritus, acne-like eruptions,
overcome this problem, supervised short- anorexia, eosinophilic enteritis, bowel
course therapy with intermittent obstruction, dry eyes, dimmed vision,
administration of drugs has been macular and subepithelial corneal
formulated and adopted by many national pigmentation; elevated blood sugar,
anti-tuberculosis programmes. weight loss, spinal infarction,
Followings are recommended regimens lymphadenopathy
for treatment and prophylaxis of Dose: Oral: leprosy, 50-100 mg daily, in
tuberculosis: lepromatous lepra reactions, dose
increased to 300 mg daily for maximum DRUGS FOR LEPROSY of 3 months
(See Appendix-1c)
Generic Preparation
Capsule, 50mg
Leprosy is a slowly progressive chronic
infectious granulomatous disease caused DAPSONE[ED]
Proprietary Preparations
cardiac deformities in infants born to gastric acidity is reduced; the drug should
women taking high doses during be administered at least two hours after
pregnancy has also been reported antacid or a full meal; monitoring of liver
Dose: Candidiasis: oropharyngeal function in prolonged therapy, dose
candidiasis, orally, 200 mg on the first adjustment in renal impairment, liver
day then 100 mg daily for 2 weeks; disease, risk of heart failure with high
esophageal candidiasis, orally, 100-200 dose, drug should be discontinued if
mg daily; vaginal candidiasis and peripheral neuropathy;
candidial balantitis, orally, 150 mg as a Contra-indications: Severe hepatic
single dose; deep candidiasis in allogenic impairment, acute porphyria; pregnancy
bone marrow transplant recipients and Interactions: See Appendix-2
candidemia in non-immunocompromised Side- effects: See under fluconazole;
patients, orally, 400 mg daily; CHILD oral also heart failure, hypertriglyceridemia,
or IV infusion, 3-6 mg/kg on first day then hypertension, peripheral neuropathy; in
3 mg/kg daily, every 72 hours in prolonged therapy hypokalemia, edema,
NEONATE up to 2 weeks old, every 48 and hair loss; rhabdomyolysis is also
hours in NEONATE 2-4 weeks old; Tinea reported
pedis, corporis, cruris, pityriasis Dose: Oral : oropharyngeal candidiasis,
versicolor, and dermal candidiasis, orally, 100 mg daily, 200 mg daily in AIDS or
50 mg daily for 2-4 weeks for up to 6 neutropenia for 15 days; vulvovaginal
weeks in tinea pedis; cryptococcosis candidiasis, 200 mg twice daily for 1 day;
including meningitis, oral or IV infusion, pityriasis versicolor, 200 mg daily for 7
400 mg daily for initial 8 weeks, then 200 days; tinea corporis and tinea cruris, 100
mg daily; CHILD 6-12 mg/kg daily, every mg/d for 15 days or 200 mg/d for 7 days;
72 hours in NEONATE up to 2 weeks old, tinea pedis and manuum, 100 mg daily
every 48 hours in NEOANTE 2-4 weeks for 30 days or 200 mg twice daily for 7
old, max. 400 mg daily; prevention of days; onychomycosis, 200 mg daily for 3
relapse of cryptococcal meningitis in months; histoplasmosis, 200 mg 1-2
AIDS patients after completion of primary times daily; systemic aspergillosis,
therapy, 100-200 mg daily; candidiasis and cryptococcosis including
coccidioidomycosis including meningitis, cryptococcal meningitis, histoplasmosis
oral or by IV infusion, 200-400 mg daily; where other antifungal drugs
prevention offungalinfections in inappropriate or ineffective, 200 mg once
immunocompromised patients following daily, IV infusion: 200 mg every 12 hours
cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy, for 2 days, then 200 mg once daily for
oral or by IV infusion, 50-400 mg daily max. 12 days; maintenance in AIDS
adjusted according to risk; CHILD patients to prevent relapse of underlying
according to extent and duration of fungal infection and prophylaxis in
neutropenia, 3-12 mg/kg daily, every 72 neutropenia when standard therapy
hours in NEONATE up to 2 weeks old, inappropriate, 200 mg once daily
every 48 hours in NEONATE 2-4 weeks
old, max. 400 mg daily Proprietary Preparations
Itra(Square), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 15.10/Cap.
Proprietary Preparations Trec(Team), Cap., 100 mg, Tk. 14/Cap.
See section 12.2 Iconal(Kemiko), Cap., 100mg, Tk. 15.04/Cap.
tinea versicolor, piedra, tinea nigra and daily; NEONATE 100,000 units once
fungal keratitis are treated successfully daily
by topical antifungals with or without
concomitant administration of systemic Proprietary Preparations
antifungal drugs. Topical administration See section 12.2.2 & 6.2.2
of antifungal is usually not successful for
mycoses of the nails (onychomycosis) TIOCONAZOLE
and hair (tinea capitis) and not
(See section 12.2.2 & 6.2.2)
recommended for subcutaneous
Tioconazole, an imidazole, is used for the
mycoses (sporotrichosis and
treatment of Candida vulvovaginitis. A
chromomycosis). Besides the type of
single 4.6 g dose of ointment containing
lesion and mechanism of drug’s action,
6.5% drug is given at bedtime.
viscosity, hydrophobicity and acidity of
the formulation are important
determinants of the efficacy of topical
agents in superficial mycoses. Because
of thepoor penetration of the topical
drugs into hyperkeratotic lesions, 1.3 ANTIPROTOZOAL DRUGS
removal of the thick keratin is a useful 1.3.1 ANTIMALARIALS
adjunct to therapy. 1.3.2 AMEBICIDES
(See section 12.2.2) 1.3.3 TRICHOMMONOCIDES
(See section 12.2.2& 6.2.2)
(See section 12.2.2& 6.2.2) (see also Appendix-1h)
Indications: See under Dose Indications: Treatment of G intestinalis
Cautions: See under Metronidazole; infections and treatment of diarrhea
also avoid breast-feeding during and for caused by cryptosporidia
3 days after stopping treatment Cautions:Pregnancy, breast-feeding;
Contra-indications: Acute porphyria; greenish discoloration of urine
also see under Metronidazole Interactions:See Appendix-2
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Side-effects: GI disturbances:
Side-effects: See under Metronidazole abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,
Dose: Oral: intestinal amebiasis: ADULT iarrhea; headache; rarely, fever, malaise,
and CHILD 12-18 years, 2 g daily in a pruritus, dizziness, rhinitis
single dose for 3 days, CHILD, 1 month- Dose: Oral: ADULT, 500 mg twice daily
12 years, 50-60 mg/kg (max. 2 g) once for 3 days; CHILD, 12-47 months, 100
daily for 3 days; hepatic amebiasis: mg twice daily for 3 days; 4-11 years,
ADULT and CHILD 12-18 years, 1.5-2 g 200 mg twice daily for 3 days
once daily for 3-6 days, CHILD, 1 month-
12 years, 50–60 mg/kg (max. 2 g) once Proprietary Preparations
daily for 5 days; giardiasis and Adnix(Alco), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
trichomoniasis, , ADULT and CHILD 12- 35.11/30ml ,; Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 10.03/Tab.
18 years, 2 g as a single dose (repeat Albizox(Albion), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
once if required) , CHILD 1 month–12 50.00/60 ml
Alinix(Healthcare), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
years single dose of 50–75 mg/kg (max. 35.00/30 ml,; Tk. 50.00/60 ml ,; Tab., 500mg ,
2 g) (repeat once if necessary) Tk. 300.00/Tab.
anaerobic infections, oral: treatment, 2 g Antizoa(RAK), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
initially then 1 g daily for minimum 5-6 35.00/30 ml; Tab. 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
days; prophylaxis 2 g as a single dose; Atinid(Biopharma), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
by slow IV infusion: treatment, 800 mg 35.13/30ml,; Tk. 50.19/60 ml,; Tab., 500 mg,
daily, prophylaxis, 1600 mg as a single Tk. 10.04/Tab.
Dianide(General), Tab. 500mg, Tk.
dose; 10.07/Tab.; Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
bacterial vaginosis and acute ulcerative 50.34/60ml,; Tk. 35.25/30ml
gingivitis, 2 g as a single dose; Diar(ACI), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
abdominal surgery prophylaxis, a single 2 35.24/30ml ,; Tk. 50.34/60ml ,; Tab., 500mg,
g dose approximately 12 hours before Tk. 10.07/Tab.
surgery; CHILD 50-60 mg/kg/d. Nicud, (Monico), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Proprietary Preparations 35.00/30ml
Nidor(Pharmasia), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
Tinizol DS(Beacon), Tab. , 1 gm, Tk. 5.72/Tab.
50.00/60 ml; Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 10.04/Tab.
T-Zol(Popular), Tab. , 500 mg, Tk. 2.77/Tab.; 1
Nidozox(Acme), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
gm, Tk. 5.75/Tab.
40.12/30ml,; Tab., 500.00 mg, Tk. 10.07/Tab.
Nitalet(Amulet), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
1.3.3.DRUGS FOR TRICHOMONIASIS Nitanid(Drug Intl), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
50.20/60ml,; Tab., 500mg, Tk. 10.05/Tab.
Nitasis(Navana), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
1.3.4 ANTIGIARDIAL DRUGS 35.00/30 ml, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
Nitasol(Ibn Sina), Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Giardiasis, caused by the flagellated 36.00/30ml,; Tk. 50.00/60ml,; Tab.,500mg, Tk.
protozoan Giardia lamblia, can be 132.00/Tab.
successfully treated by metronidazole Nitax(Delta), Tab., 500 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.
Nitaxen(Leon), Susp., 100 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
and related nitroimidazoles like tinidazole
35.00/30 ml; 500 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.
and scenidazole. Other than these, Nitaxide(Beximco), Tab., 500mg, Tk.
paromomycin and nitazoxanide are also 10.00/Tab.;Suspn, 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
used for clinical cure. 35.00/30ml,;Tk. 50.00/60ml
infection and spread may follow Dose: ADULT over 18 years, 10mg/day
transfusion of infected blood or blood
products or result from injections with Proprietary Preparations
contaminated needle (most common Antiva(Square), Tab. 10 mg, Tk. 35.14/Tab.
among parenteral drug abusers who Adfovir(Sun), Tab. 10 mg, Tk. 25.17/Tab.
share needles). Products such as Infovir(Incepta), Tab. 10 mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab.
Rezoven(Beximco),Tab.,10mg, Tk. 35.00/Tab
albumin solution and gammaglobulins,
which are pasteurized, are wholly free of
risk.Patients with chronic HBV may
develop active hepatitis that can lead to Indications: In combination with
fibrosis and cirrhosis and all such Sofosbuvir for the treatment of chronic
individuals have a greatly increased hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in
incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma. adults.
Interferon (IFN) alone or in combination Caution
with ribavirin can cure patients with &Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to
chronic infection but is associated with the active substance or to any of the
high rates of side effects, often leading to excipients,should not be used during
premature treatment withdrawal. Drugs pregnancy or in women of childbearing
like entecavir, adefovir dipivoxil, ,breast feeding Contraindicated in
lamivudine, and telbivudine and tenofovir combination with medicinal products that
disoproxil with potent anti-HBV activity strongly induce CYP3A4 and P-gp,
are much better tolerated than IFN- Side-effects: Weakness, tiredness,
containing regimens but are not usually headache, nausea, skin rash,
curative. Tenofovir disoproxil or its diarrhea.Sleep disturbances, anemian
combination with either emtricitabine or combination with sofosbuvir- fatigue,
lamivudine may be used with other headache, and nausea
antiretrovirals in patients who require Dosage :The recommended dose of
treatment for both HIV and chronic Daclatasvir is 60 mg once daily, to be
hepatitis B. taken orally with or without meals.
Daclatasvir must be administered in
combination with other medicinal
products.Consult product literature
Proprietary Preparations
Virodacla (Incepta), Tab., 60 mg, Tk.400/Tab.
Indication: Chronic hepatitis B infection Dakovir(Beximco), Tab., 60mg, Tk. 300/Tab.
with either compensated liver disease Dakla (Healthcare), Tab., 60mg, Tk. 400/Tab.
with evidence of viral replication and Daclavir (Beacon),Tab., 60mg, Tk.400/Tab.
histologically documented active liver
inflammation and fibrosis or decomposed ENTECAVIR
liver disease Indications: Treatment of chronic HBV
Cautions: Monitor renal function in every infection with active viral replication and
3 months, more frequently in renal either evidence of persistence elevations
Impairment and in patient receiving in serum aminotransferases or
nephrotoxic drugs ; monitor liver function histologically active disease
and viral and serological markers for Caution: Monitoring of hepatic function
hepatitis B every 6 months; discontinue if every 3 months and viral and serological
deterioration in liver function, hepatic markers for HBV infection every 3-6
steatosis, progressive hepatomegaly or months during treatment (monitoring
unexplained lactic acidosis; pregnancy continued for at least 1 year after
Contraindication: Breast feeding discontinuation), therapy discontinue if
Side-effects: Abdominal pain, nausea, detoriation in liver function, hepatic
vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulence, steatosis, progressive hepatomegaly or
diarrhoea, asthenia, headache, renal unexplained lactic acidosis; dose
failure; hypophosphatemia
reduction if GFR < 50 ml/min/1.73 2; tests is must before, during and after
pregnancy and breast-feeding your treatment with Sofosbuvir
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Contra-indications: When used in
Side-effects: headache, fatigue, combination with peginterferon
dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, alfa/ribavirin or ribavirin alone, all
diarrhea, raised serum amylase and contraindications to peginterferon alfa
lipase; less commonly, and/or ribavirin also apply to its
thrombocytopenia, rash, alopecia combination therapy.Because ribavirin
Dose: Oral: adult over 18 years: not may cause birth defects and fetal death,
previously treated with nucleoside Sofosbuvir 400mg tablet in combination
analogue, 500 micrograms once daily, with peginterferon alfa/ribavirin or
lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B, ribavirin is contraindicated in pregnancey
1 mg once daily and in men whose female partners are
pregnant.avoid inbreast feeding.
Proprietary Preparations Side-effects: Most common adverse
Barcavir(Incepta), Tab., 1mg, Tk.90/Tab.;500 events observed with it in in combination
mcg, Tk. 48.00/Tab. with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin were
Cavir(Square), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 90.27/Tab.; 500 fatigue, headache, nausea, insomnia and
mcg,Tk. 48.14/Tab.
Caviral(Beacon), Tab., 500 mcg, Tk.
anemia;anxiety,blurred vision , memory
60.18/Tab. loss, loss of concentration,weight loss ,
Encavir(Popular), Tab., 0.5 mg, Tk. stomach discomfort, constipation, dry
65.25/Tab.; 1 mg Tk. 120.45/Tab. mouth, indigestion, acid reflux ,hair loss
Entavir(Drug Intl), Tab. , 500 mcg , Tk. andryskin,back pain, muscle spasms ,
45.15/Tab.; 1mg, Tk. 90.30/Tab. chest pain, feelingweak,nasopharyngitis.
Entavir(Opsonin), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. Dose: For Adults and Paediatric
79.47/Tab.; 0.5 mg, Tk. 42.38/Tab.
Enteca(Renata), Tab, 500 mcg , Tk.
Population is one 400 mg tablet, taken
48.00/Tab. orally, once daily with food.
Enviral(Opsonin), Tab., 500 mcg, Tk. Consideration should be given to
48.18/Tab.; 1 mg , Tk. 90.34/Tab. potentially extending the duration of
Genevir(General), Tab., 1mg, Tk. 90.27/Tab.; therapy according to different genotypes
500 mcg, Tk. 48.14/Tab. of CHC beyond 12 weeks and up to 24
Tecavir(Aristo), Tab., 1mg, Tk. 90.00/Tab.; 500 weeks ;
mcg, Tk. 3.00/Tab.
Tecavir(Aristo), Tab., 0.5 mg, Tk. 48.00/Tab.; 1
mg, Tk. 90.00/Tab. Proprietary Preparations
Teviral(ACI), Tab., 500 mcg , Tk. 3.00/Tab.; Buviren(Renata), Tab. , 400mg, Tk. 600/Tab.
1mg , Tk. 100.30/Tab .; Syrup, 5mg/100ml, Hopetavir(Incepta), Tab., 400mg, Tk.
Tk. 220.00/70ml,; 600.00/Tab.
Teviral(ACI), Tab., 5mg, Tk. 48.18/Tab.; 1 Hopso(Drug Intl), Tab. , 400mg, Tk.
mg,Tk. 90/Tab. 450.00/Tab.
Vir(Acme), Tab. , 500 mcg, Tk. 48.14/Tab. Sofo(Aristopharma), Tab., 400mg , Tk.
Virenta(Eskayef), Tab, 500 mcg, Tk. 600.00/Tab.
48.00/Tab. Sofomax(ACI), Tab., 400mg , Tk. 700.00/Tab.
Soforal(Beacon), Tab. , 400mg , Tk.
SOFOSBUVIR Sofovir(Beximco), Tab., 400mg, Tk.
Indications: For the treatment of 350.00/Tab.
chronichepatitis C (CHC) infection as a Sovalvir(Healthcare), Tab., 400mg, Tk.
component of a combination antiviral 6031.97/Tab.
treatment regimen Soventa(Eskayef), Tab, 400mg, Tk.
Caution: Not recommended for
Suvirux(Square), Tab. , 400 mg, Tk.
administration as monotherapy; special 600.00/Tab.
monitoring required in liver problems
,current or previous infection with the Sofosbuvir400mg and Velpatasvir100mg
hepatitis B virus,kidney problems ,blood Fixvel(Beacon), Tab., Tk.1000.00/Tab.
Panovir(Incepta), Tab., Tk.1000.00/Tab.
not be taken and the next dose should be Indications: HIV infection in combination
taken at the normal time with other antiretroviral drugs, alone for
Interactions: See Appendix -2 prevention of maternal-fetal HIV
Side-effects: See notes above; also transmission; AIDS or AIDS-related
hypophosphatemia; rarely renal failure, complex, to reduce the frequency of
proximal renal tubulopathy, nephrogenic opportunistic infections and for
diabetes insipidus; reduced bone density prolonging survival
Dose: Oral: ADULT, over 18 years, Cautions: See under lamivudine; also
245 mg once daily; CHILD 2–18 years:HIV hematological disorders, vitamin B12
infection in combination with other ARDs deficiency; associated with higher risk of
when first-line NRTIs cannot be used lipoatrophy
because of resistance or contra- Contra-indications: Abnormally low
indications, neutrophil counts or hemoglobin
CHILD 2–18 years, 6.5 mg/kg (max. concentration, neonates with
245 mg) oncedaily or Body-weight 17–22 hyperbilirubinemia requiring treatment
kg 123 mg once dailybody-weight 22–28 other than phototherapy, or with raised
kg 163 mg once daily; body- weight 28– transaminase
35 kg 204 mg once daily; body- Interactions: See Appendix-2
weightover 35 kg 245 mg once Side-effects: Anemia, leucopenia,
dailyChronic hepatitis B infection with neutropenia, nausea, vomiting, abdomi-
compensatedliver disease (with evidence nal discomfort, diarrhea, taste
of viral replication,and histology of active disturbance, pancreatitis, liver disorders
liver inflammation or fibrosis): Child 12– including fatty change and raised bilirubin
18 years, body-weight > 35kg 245 mg and liver enzyme, chest pain, dyspnea,
once daily cough, influenza-like symptoms,
headache, fever, neuropathy,
Proprietary Preparations convulsions, dizziness, anxiety,
Becovir(Beacon), Tab., 300mg, Tk 85.26/Tab. depression, asthenia, myopathy,
Foviral(ACI), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.26/Tab. pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia,
Proxivir(Square), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.26/Tab. hypersensitivity reactions, pigmentation
Tenoviral(Opsonin), Tab., 300mg, Tk.
of nails, skin and mucosa
Tenvira(Aristo), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.00/Tab. Dose: Oral: ADULT 500-600 mg daily in
T-fovir(Drug Intl), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.30/Tab. 2-3 divided doses; INFANT < 4 weeks 4
Vironil(UniMed), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 95.00/Tab. mg/kg twice daily; CHILD > 3 months
Xynovir(Incepta), Tab., 300mg, Tk. 85.00/Tab. 180-360 mg/m2 daily in 3-4 divided
doses; max. 200 mg every 6 hours;
TENOFOVIR ALAFENAMIDE patients temporarily unable to take
zidovudine by mouth, by IV infusion over
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) nucleoside 1 hour 1-2 mg/kg every 4 hours
analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor. (approximating to 1.5-3 mg/kg every 4
Indications: Chronic hepatitis B virus hours by mouth) usually for not more
infection in adults with compensated liver than 2 weeks; CHILD 80-160 mg/m2
disease. every 6 hours (120 mg/m2 every 6 hours
Cautions & Side-effect: See under approximates to 180 mg/m2 every 6
Tenofovir disoproxil hours by mouth); prevention of maternal-
Dose: 25 mg (one tablet) taken orally fetal HIV transmission, oral, between 14
once with food and 34 weeks of gestation, 100 mg 5
times daily, IV during labor, 2 mg/kg over
Proprietary Preparation 1 hour, then 1 mg/kg/h by continuous
Tafecta (Beacon), Tab. 25mg, Tk. 160.00/Tab. infusion, followed by syrup to neonate
from birth through 6 weeks of age, 2
ZIDOVUDINE[ED] mg/kg every 6 hours
The adult threadworms do not live for also has some efficacy against anaerobic
longer than 6 weeks. Adult female worms protozoa such as Trichomonus vaginalis
lay ova on the perianal skin which causes and Giardia lamblia
pruritus; scratching the area then leads to Indications: See under Dose
ova being transmitted on fingers to the Cautions: liver disease; monitoring of
mouth, often via food eaten with liver function and for bone marrow
unwashed hands. Pruritus in the perianal, toxicities required in prolong use; in
perineal region can be severe, scratching neurocysticercosis sought neurologist /
may cause secondary infection. neurosurgeon advice
Mebendazoleis the drug of choice. Contra-indications: pregnancy
Albendazole and pyrantel pamoate also Interactions: See Appendix-2
are highly effective. Side-effects: Gastrointestinal
disturbances, headache, dizziness, FOR DWARF changes in liver enzymes
THREAD-WORMS Dose: Oral: roundworm & hookworm
infections: ADULT & CHILD > 2 years
400 mg as a single dose; threadworm
infections 400 mg as a single dose for 3
Strongyloides stercoralis also called days, repeated after 3 weeks if
Drawf threadworm is capable to complete necessary; echinococcus granulosus
its life-cycle within human host. It lives in (cystic hydatid disease): adjunct in
the gut and produce larvae, which surgical treatment:pre-surgery, 800 mg
penetrate the gut wall and invade the daily in divided doses for 28 days
tissues, setting up a cycle of auto- followed by 14 tablet-free days, cycle
infection. Ivermectin is the treatment of repeated once before surgery; post-
choice for chronic Strongyloides surgery, 800 mg daily in divided doses
infection. Albendazoleis an alternative. for 28 days followed by 14 tablet-free
days, cycle repeated once; as primary
treatment in inoperable cases, ADULT > DRUGS FOR WHIPWORMS 60 kg, 800 mg daily in divided doses for
(TRICHURIASIS) 28 days followed by 14 tablet-free days,
may be given up to 3 cycles; for alveolar
Although rarely causes serious echinococcosiscaused by E
complication heavy Trichuris burdens in multilocularis, above drug treatment
children can lead to colitis, dysentery needs to be continued for months or
syndrome and rectal prolapse. years; neurocysticercosis , ADULT > 60
Mebendazole and albendazole are the kg 800 mg daily in 2 divided doses for 8-
most effective drugs. 30 days, ADULT < 60 kg 15 mg/kg, max.
800 mg/d in 2 divided doses for 8-30
ALBENDAZOLE[ED] [OTC] days; cutaneous larva migrans, 400 mg
as a single dose; intestinal capillariasis,
200-400 mg twice daily for 10 days;
Albendazole, a broad-spectrum
trichinosis, 200-400 mg twice daily for 15
benzimidazole carbamate has
days; Strongyloides stercoralis, as an
antihelminthic activity similar to that of
alternative to ivermectin, 400 mg twice
mebendazole (see also under
daily for 3 days, repeated after 3 weeks if
mebendazole) and is more effective
against strongyloidiasis, cystic hydatid
disease caused by Echinococcus
Proprietary Preparations
granulosus and neurocysticercosis Aben(Team), 400 mg, Tab. Tk. 4.50/Tab.
caused by larval forms of Taenia solium. Abentel(Aristo), Tab., 400mg , Tk. 5.00/Tab.
Certain microsporidial species that cause Adze(Kemiko), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.01/Tab.
intestinal infections in AIDS patients AH(Drug Intl),Suspn.,200mg/5ml, 20.10/10ml ,;
respond partially or completely. The drug Tab., 400mg, Tk. 5.05/Tab.
Alarm(Decent), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab. Dose: Oral: ADULT & CHILD > 12 years
AlbamaxDS(Ziska), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 2.5 mg/kg, CHILD 5-12 years 80 mg and
4.00/Tab. 1-4 years 40 mg as a single dose, in
Alben (Eskayef), Suspn, 200mg/5
ml,Tk.20.00/10ml.;Tab.,400 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab.;
severe hookworm infection second dose
Albendol(Globex), Suspn., 200mg/ 5 ml, in 3-7 day
Tk.15.00/10mlTab., 400mg, Tk. 3.50/Tab
Albezen(Zenith), 400 mg , Tab. , Tk. 3.01/Tab. Proprietary Preparations
Alda(Supreme), Suspn., 200mg/ 5 ml, Asitrax(Asiatic), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
Tk.15.00/10ml,; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab. 12.00/30ml,; Tk. 8.00/15ml
Aldex(G.A co), Suspn., 200 mg/5ml, Tk. Biotrex(Biopharma), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
15.05/10 ml .; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.02/Tab. 15.00/30ml
AL-DS(Globe), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab. Etrax(ACI), Syrup, 40mg/5ml, Tk. 24.07/30ml ,;
Almex(Square), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml , Tk. Tab., 40mg, Tk. 1.00/Tab.
20/10ml.; Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 5.02/Tab. Helmisole(G.A.Co), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
Alphin(Beximco), Tab., 400mg , Tk. 5.00/Tab. 15.05/30 ml,; Tab., 40 mg, Tk. 0.41/Tab.
Alzed(General), Tab, 400mg, Tk. 3.32/Tab. Neotrax(Acme), Syrup, 40 mg/5ml, Tk.
Anbendazole(Popular), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 24.00/30ml,; Tk. 70.47/460ml,; Tab.;40mg ,
4.01/Tab. Tk. 0.43/Tab.
Asiben(Asiatic), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. Vermicom(Opsonin), Syrup, Tk. 9.28/ 30 ml
14.00/10ml .;Tab., 400mg , Tk. 3.80/Tab.
Azole(Biopharma), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 4.02/Tab.; MEBENDAZOLE[ED] [OTC]
Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. 18.00/10ml
Ben-A(Acme),Tab. , 400.00 mg., Tk. 5.01/Tab.; Indications: See under Dose
Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk. 20.07/10ml Cautions: Pregnancy, lactation
Benda(Bristol), Tab. , 400mg , Tk. 175.00/Tab. Interactions: See Appendix -2
Benfast(Novo Healthcare), Tab., 200 mg, Tk. Side-effects: Rarely abdominal pain,
2.00/Tab.; , 400 mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab. diarrhea; rarelyhepatitis, convulsions,
Chuben(Alco), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 3.86/Tab.
dizziness, neutropenia, urticaria,
Estazol(Ibn Sina), Suspn., 200mg/5ml, Tk.
20.00/10ml,; Tab.,Tk. 200.00/Tab. alopecia, rash including Stevens-
Helben(Modern), Tab. , 400 mg., Tk. 5.00/Tab. Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
Parnil DS(Euro), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab. necrolysis
Sintel(ACI), Tab., 400mg, Tk. 5.02/Tab. ; Tab., Dose: Oral:pinworms/ threadworms
(dispersible) 400mg, Tk. 6.02/Tab.; Suspn., (enterobiasis), ADULT & CHILD >6
200mg/5ml, Tk. 20.06/10ml , months, 100 mg as a single dose; repeat
Verben(Astra Bio), Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml, Tk.
dose at 2 and 4 weeks if necessary ;
15.00 /5ml .; Tab. , 400 mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab.
Vermid(Somatec), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 5.00/Tab. roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides),
Vermin DS(Nipa), Tab., 400 mg, Tk. 4.50/Tab. hookworm (Ankylostoma duodenale,
Zoben(Amico), Tab., 400mg , TK. 4.50/Tab.; Necator americanus), whipworm
Suspn., 200 mg/5 ml,, TK. 20.00/10ml (Trichuris trichiura) and Trichostrogylus
infections, ADULT & CHILD > 2 years,
LEVAMISOLE[ED] 100 mg twice daily for 3 days or 500 mg
as a single dose, may be repeated in 2-3
Indications: Ascariasis, hookworm and weeks, CHILD<< 2 years single dose
mixed ascariasis with hookworm administration not allowed; intestinal
infections, as an adjunct with fluorouracil capillariasis, 400 mg/d in divided doses
after surgical resection in patients with for 21 or more days; trichinosis, 600 mg
Dukes stage C colon cancer initially, increasing stepwise over 3 days
Cautions: Pregnancy, concomitant to 1200-1500 mg daily in 3 divided doses
alcohol for 10 days
Contra-indications: Severe liver and
kidney disease, breast-feeding Proprietary Preparations
Interactions: See Appendix-2 Bendex(G.A.Co), Tab., 100 mg, Tk. 1.15/Tab.;
500 mg, Tk. 3.50/Tab.
Side-effects: Abdominal pain, nausea, Misole(Albion), Susp., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.
vomiting, headache, dizziness, 14.83/30ml
disulfiram-like adverse effects when Panamox(Jayson), Tab., 100 mg, Tk. 0.74/
taken concomitantly with alcohol Tab.; Susp., 100 mg/5 ml, Tk.14.75/30 ml
Solas(Opsonin), Tab. 100 mg, Tk. 1.15/Tab. ; temporary residents in endemic areas,
Suspn 100 mg/5ml, Tk. 18.25/ 30 ml visceral larva migrans
Vermizol(Zenith), Tab. 100 mg, Tk. 0.74/Tab. Cautions: in heavy infections there may
be febrile reaction, and in heavy Loa loa
PYRANTEL PAMOATE infection there is a small risk of
Indications: Roundworm (Ascaris encephalopathy, in such case treatment
lumbricoides), pinworm (Enterobius must be given under careful in-patient
vermicularis), hookworm (Ankylostoma supervision and stopped at the first sign
duodenale), trichostrongyliasis and of cerebral involvement; renal impairment
trichinosis infections requires dose reduction, cardiac
Cautions: Impaired liver function, disorders
pregnancy, lactation Contra-indications: Pregnancy, infants,
Interactions: See Appendix -2 elderly, debilitated patients
Side-effects: Anorexia, nausea, Interactions: See Appendix -2
vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, Side-effects: Fever, headache,
dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, rashes anorexia, malaise, urticaria, vomiting,
and raised SGOT levels asthmatic attacks following the first dose
Dose: Oral: 10 mg/kg in a single dose(for are due to products of destruction of the
hookworm same dose is repeated on 3 parasite, microencephalitis, reversible
successive days and for trichinosis proteinuria
treatment for 5 days) Dose: Oral:1 mg/kg on the first day, then
increased gradually > 3 days to 6 mg/kg
Proprietary Preparations daily in divided doses and maintained for
Delentin(Renata), Suspn., 50mg/ml, Tk. 21 days; loiasis prophylaxis, 300 mg
16.05/10 ml weekly for as long as exposure occurs
Melphin(Beximco), Suspn., 50mg/ml, Tk.
16.00/10 ml Proprietory Preparation
Minisol(Albion), Susp., 50 mg/ml, Tk. 12.00/30 Carbamazine(Amico), Tab., 100mg , Tk.
ml 1.30/Tab.
Filazine(Hudson), Tab. 100 mg, Tk. 1.30/Tab. DRUGS FOR LYMPHATIC Lafil(Supreme), Tab, 100mg, Tk. 1.00/Tab.
MRSA Clindamycin
D test positive (clindamycin Cloxacillin
resistance) Flucloxacillin
(according to c/s)
Staphylococcus Penicillin sensitive isolates Penicillin G
epidermidis Amoxicillin
MRSE Vancomycin plus
Streptococcus pyogenes All isolates are penicillin Penicillin G
(Group A) sensitive Amoxicillin
Streptococcus Penicillin G
agalactiae (Group B) Ampicillin
Enterococcus faecalis Penicillin sensitive Penicillin
High level gentamycin Penicillin plus
resistant (HLGRE) aminoglycoside or
Vancomycin plus
Vancomycin resistant Linezolid
Streptococcus Penicillin sensitive strain Penicillin G
pneumoniae Erythromycin
Penicillin resistant strain Ceftriaxone
Streptococci viridians Penicillin G with or
group without aminoglycosides
Neisseria meningitidis Penicillin G
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Penicillin sensitive Cefixime
Burkholderia Ceftazidime
pseudomallei Carbapenem
Leginella Azithromycin,
Chlamydia trachomatis Azythromycin,
Rickettsia Tetracycline
Treponema pallidum Penicillin, Doxycyclin
Nocardia Cotrimoxazole
Mycoplasma Erythromycin,
Bacteroides Metronidazole,
Clostridium tetani Penicillin
Clostidium difficile Metronidazole
Actinomyces PenicillinG
Herpes Simplex Virus Acyclovir
Varicella Zoster Virus No antiviral therapy
Cytomegalovirus Gancyclovir
Human papilloma virus Podophyllin
Liquid Nitrogen
Alpha interferon
Influenza virus Oseltamivir
Hepatitis B virus Pegylated α-IFN
Hepatitis C virus Pegylated α-IFN
Plus ribavirin
HIV virus Zidovudin
Dermatophytes Miconazole
Histoplasma capsulatum Itraconazole
Amphotericin B
Coccidioides immitis Itraconazole
Amphotericin B
Blastomyces Itraconazole
Candida albicans Topical nystatin or
Amphotericin B