Reasonable Expectation of Privacy

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Reasonable expectation of Privacy

‘Reasonable expectation of privacy’ is an element of privacy law that determines in which

places and in which activities a person has a legal right to privacy. Also referred to as the
“right to be left alone”, a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy means that someone
who unreasonably and seriously compromises another's interest in keeping her affairs from
being known can be held liable for that exposure or intrusion.

How does one establish whether, in a given instance, one's expectation of privacy is
"reasonable"? The criteria are as follows: 1) general legal principles; 2) the vantage point
from which the surveillance is carried out; 3) the degree of privacy afforded by certain
buildings and/or places; and 4) the sophistication and invasiveness of the surveillance
technology employed.

1. General legal principles. The expectation of privacy is not reasonable if the behaviours or
communications in question were knowingly exposed to public view. Neither the simple
desire for privacy, nor the fact that one took steps to obtain it, entitles one to reasonably
expect it. For example, even if one set up roadblocks, hung "no trespassing" signs and moved
one's house back into the woods, one might still be surveilled from the air without one's
Fourth Amendment rights being violated. And yet, as the court stated in People v. Camacho
(2000) 23 Cal. 4th 824, 835, "we cannot accept the proposition that [the] defendant forfeited
the expectation his property would remain private simply because he did not erect an
impregnable barrier to access."

2. Vantage point. The expectation of privacy is not reasonable if there exists a vantage point
from which anyone, not just a police officer, can see or hear what was going on and if this
vantage point is or should be known or "reasonably foreseen" by the person being surveilled.
If such a vantage point exists in theory, the police can actually use another vantage point
from which to conduct their surveillance, because what matters is the expectation of privacy,
which becomes "unreasonable" if any vantage point exists (!). But the police cannot use a
vantage point if they have no legal right to take or occupy it. The police cannot commit
trespassing; they haven't if they have taken up a vantage point along a normal access route, an
"open field," or a common area.

3. Certain buildings and/or pieces of land. The expectation of privacy is not reasonable at
such public places as automobile thoroughfares (United States v. Knotts [1983] 460 US 276,
281), and national forests (United States v. McIver [9th Cir. 1999] 186 F.3d 1119, 1125, but
is reasonable at public phone booths (Katz v. the United States, 389 U.S. 347 [1967]), rock
concerts (Jacobsen v. Seattle, 658 P. 2d 653 [Wash. 1983]), and sports arenas (Collier v.
Miller, 414 F. Supp. 1357 [S.D. Tex. 1976]).

4. Technological sophistication. It's easy to forget that, at the time the Fourth Amendment
was written and adopted, the photographic camera had not yet been invented; it wasn't until
1826 that Daguerre patented the first photographic process. Because of the rapid development
and increasing technological sophistication of televisual surveillance -- first, photography,
then, close-circuit televison, and, finally, digital imagery -- "Judicial implementations of the
Fourth Amendment need constant accommodation to the ever-intensifying technology of
surveillance" (Dean v. Superior Court [1973] 35 Cal.App.3d 112, 116); "the Fourth
Amendment must likewise grow in response" (United States v. Kim [1976] 415 F. Supp.
1252, 1257). This is especially true when it comes to "acquisition technology," that is,
devices that, in effect, create vantage points that weren't previously there: audio bugs,
wiretaps, and "video bugs" (covert wireless cameras), the use of which requires that the
police must get warrants or other court orders.

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