Technical Note 6 - Vibration

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Technical Note 6 – Vibration

One of a series of short briefings on timber technology produced by the towards

Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings (AFTB) research project. The project is co-funded by
Interreg NWE, 2016-2020. This note explains the behaviour of the Adhesive Free (AF)
EWPs (beams and panels) when subjected to vibrational forces.

The study of the behaviour of Adhesive Free Engineered

Wood Products (AF EWPs) includes the investigation of the
serviceability limit state with regard to the vibrational
performance of those structural products. This is done by
following the European standards described in the
Eurocode 5.

Eurocode 5 main design requirements

Fundamental first frequency

The value of 8Hz is set by the Eurocode 5 as being the

lower limit natural frequency that floors can have to avoid
poor vibrational comfort due to footsteps. Left: Largest AF panel tested by researchers at the University of Lorraine.
Right: Numerical simulation of full-scale AF floor.
The first frequency of a given structural element (beam or
panel) is mainly depending on its span L [m], the bending Adhesive Free Timber panels
stiffness (EI)L [Nm²/m] and the mass m [kg].
The numerical model was used to simulate the vibration
Deflection under unit load behaviour of a full-scale AF CLT panel.

The displacement caused by a static unit point load should Dimension of the panel : 4,5 m x 5,5 m x 0,175 m (5 plies)
be limited by a parameter a [mm/kN], to ensure that the Wood species : Spruce (Picea) and Oak (Quercus robur)
bending stiffness is appropriate and acceptable.
Spruce Oak Eurocode 5
Velocity under a unit impulse floor floor requirements

1st frequency f1 13,1 Hz 11 Hz > 8 Hz

This dynamic criterion limits the magnitude of the transient
response due to the heel impact of a footstep that Unit deflection (a) 0,92 0,82 0,5 – 4 mm/kN
generates higher frequency components. It is translated to
the limitation of the vertical floor vibration velocity v [m/s] Parameter (b) 131 137 50 – 150
to a combination between a parameter b, the fundamental Unit impulse velocity v 0,009 0,006 ≤ 0,012 m/Ns²
frequency f1 [Hz] and its modal damping ratio ζ.

The parameters a and b are presented in the figure below Adhesive Free Timber beams
with recommended range of limiting values and the
recommended relationship between the parameters. The three first frequencies of both glued and dowelled
three-layer oak beams have been assessed experimentally
and compared.

Dimension of the beam : 1,45 m x 0,07 m x 0,0675 m (3 layers)

Wood species : Oak (Quercus robur)
1 → better performance

2 → poor performance
Glued beam Adhesive free beam

1st frequency f1 140,0 Hz 137,7 Hz

2nd frequency f2 363,3 Hz 332,5 Hz

3rd frequency f3 677,0 Hz 588,3 Hz

According to Eurocode 5, these three requirements should
be satisfied in order to verify the serviceability limit state of Conclusion
The research demonstrates that the vibration properties of
Serviceability limit state of AF EWPs adhesive free, dowelled timber beams are comparable with
their glulam counterparts and in line with Eurocode 5
The University of Lorraine used the results of experimental requirements. For AF CLT floors, numerical simulations
tests on vibrational performance of AF CLT panels in order based on experimental evidence predict that these too will
to validate the developed numerical model, which in turn have acceptable vibrational performance.
was used to predict the vibrational characteristics of more
complex AF CLT floors.
Stakeholders Welcome
A key aim of the project is to engage with businesses, regulators and other
interested parties. Adhesive-free timber building technology could be of
interest to your business. Please get in touch via the e-mail addresses below:

For more information please Project manager Communications

visit the Adhesive Free Timber
Buildings (AFTB) project website University of Liverpool manager Dan Bradley National University of
or use the contacts. Tel: +44 151 795 7363 Ireland Galway, Ireland
[email protected] Conan O’Ceallaigh
School of Engineering
Finance manager Tel: +353 91 49 2210
University of Liverpool [email protected]
Caroline Chandler
Tel: +44 151 795 7424
[email protected]


Lead partner
University of Liverpool
Zhongwei Guan
765 Brownlow Hill
L69 7ZX
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 151 794 520
[email protected]

National University of
Ireland Galway, Ireland
Annette Harte
School of Engineering
Tel: +353 91 492732 Luxembourg Institute of
[email protected]
Science and Technology
Salim Belouettar
Design and Durability Research
Technical University of Group University of Lorraine,
Dresden, Germany
Tel: +352 42 59 91 45 30 France
[email protected] Marc Oudjene
Peer Haller
Institut für Stahl- und LERMAB
Holzbau Office Economique Wallon Tel: +33 372 74 96 37
Tel: +49 351 463 35575 du Bois [email protected]
[email protected] François Deneufbourg
Tel: +32 84 46 03 45
[email protected]

The Towards Adhesive Free Timber Buildings (AFTB) project is an inter-regional project with collaboration between six European
institutions. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) via the Interreg NWE Programme.

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