1566296779769AURUS MEMOIRS - CHRIST Book of Memories
1566296779769AURUS MEMOIRS - CHRIST Book of Memories
1566296779769AURUS MEMOIRS - CHRIST Book of Memories
Memories Pressed Between The Pages
Sweetened Through The Ages
Namrata D’Souza Saurav Jyoti Lahon
Pearle Maaney Vivian Paul Parakal
Do email us your thoughts on [email protected]. Jaikumar Chandrashekar Karen Tatum Cole
You can find a soft copy of this book on our website www. Ishani Jayamaha Nikhil Sinha
christuniversity.in/caps. We look forward to keeping in Tandrani Raj Centre for Concept Design (CCD)
touch with you.
Warm regards,
Anamika Viswanathan
Chief Mentor - CAPS
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
March on Christites march on
With heads held high and hearts so strong
March on Christites march on
With a steady tread and a cheerful song
March on, Christites march on
What could a relatively new Centre do to serenade CHRIST service and nurtured by the pursuit of excellence. As you
(Deemed to be University) as it celebrated its golden browse through the numerous recantations and narratives,
anniversary? CAPS - Centre of Academic and Professional you’ll feel sincere sentiments and joyful recollections
Support was ideating as to what could be a befitting tribute coursing through every page. Words that relive the years
to this grand institution that has educated thousands of gone by and pictures that capture true camaraderie...
students for the past 50 years (and continues to do so),
provided an academic haven to teaching faculty with We thank each one of you for your valuable contributions
its rich academic roots and sustained thousands of non and hope that this Book of Memories will help highlight an
teaching staff over the years. It then occurred to us that important milestone in the journey of this august home of
a book that carries recollections from alumni, staff and knowledge and learning that is continuing to contribute to
students will perhaps capture meaningful moments and academia and the global community at large.
Aurus Memoirs is not just another coffee table book. It’s Team CAPS
a living testament to the tremendous enrichment CHRIST
has provided to each one of us. It is infused by the spirit of
introduction to christ book of memories
Memory is the treasure house of humanity making history without any compromise on her vision, mission and guardians, management and well-wishers and above all
alive and life meaningful for generations. It is the driving core values. CHRIST provides a holistic, inclusive, value her Alumni share the same sentiments. That sense creates
force for the present and the future. As we age, memories based, quality, disciplined and nurturing ambience that an unparalleled bond and gives an internal strength and
may fade, but the sharing of memories will keep them ever transforms individuals knowingly and unknowingly to vitality to CHRIST and her mission of education. She
fresh and alive sustaining and strengthening humanity be their best. The activities and life in CHRIST reflect this lives in the heart of all Christites. Further CHRIST has set
on its constant journey. Some travelers will find them as a culture and ambience and there’s never a dull moment a high benchmark for all her stake holders. So there is no
source of strength and inspiration on the way as they were on any of its campuses. resting time for anyone at CHRIST.
for us. The CHRIST Book of Memories is an attempt to bring
out the evergreen, ever young and ever vibrant memories of The vision and passion for excellence and service coupled As I look at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) through
the stakeholders of Christ (Deemed to be University) for the with the courage and confidence to face adversities with the eyes of numerous Christites who have gone through
last fifty years. I do congratulate the Centre for Academic a collective will that never compromises the good of all her portals, I understand CHRIST as an experience,
and Professional Support (CAPS) for the timely initiative the stakeholders is the reason behind the transformation a memory, a perspective, a vision, an emotion and a
to have CHRIST Book of Memories published during the of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) as it is today. passion. The amazing beauty of CHRIST is that all
concluding celebrations of the CHRIST’s (Deemed to be When threatened by challenges, the firm belief and the stakeholders, namely, the students, staff and their
University) Golden Jubilee Year. My sharing is a confluence conviction that God who guided her in the past will families and management own CHRIST as their own.
of my own experience, dreams, and understanding of continue to provide and lead her along the right path
CHRIST and those who are associated with her. gives CHRIST immense hope for the future. Faith in God CHRIST is run in the spirit of trusteeship proposed
CHRIST with its motto, Excellence and Service, creates a stands as the most basic core value of the University. She by the Father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi. Here
new educational culture by being mindful of the challenges aims at serving humanity using all the gifts of God going trusteeship means that all owns her for a time and
and possibilities of the time. It is a nurturing ground beyond all the man made boundaries. with accountability. The accountability, transparency,
for teaching, learning, research and service for life. The freedom and teamwork give an internal cohesion to
fifty years history of the University is an amazing story As Chancellor, it is a great honour and privilege to be CHRIST. The University is not managed by a single
of God’s providence, human solidarity and boundless part of Christ (Deemed to be University), which many person but by a religious community (CMI: Carmelites
hope. It is a great source of strength for her to go forward have nurtured together. The staff, students, parents, of Mary Immaculate) whose members do not take any
individual benefits out of it. The whole community along (Deemed to be University) lies in the percolation of her
with all the stakeholders of the institution is responsible vision, mission and core values by all the stakeholders,
for the decision- making process. The visionary founder, including the public. This fit between the various stake-
Bishop Jonas Thaliayath CMI, all the Rectors, Principals and holders and the institution is the key to the path of the
Vice Chancellors share a common bond as members of the university’s journey of excellence.
same religious community (CMI). God has blessed CHRIST The University provides an ecosystem of organizational
(Deemed to be University) with wonderful, faithful and excellence, the culture of consistent talent development,
compassionate shepherds, who have served the students constant evaluation of the best practices and the provisions
and the entire staff all these years, with single-minded for immense possibilities for the mature and holistic growth
devotion, vision, commitment, diligence and fraternal and of all. This University is for the students. The management,
compassionate love. the staff and the entire facilities are here only to serve the
students and scholars. CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is
Any living organism grows from its internal strength of a culture, a language, an experience and a way of life. This
the seed and adaptability to the context, refocusing itself is easily felt by those who have gone through the portals
to face the challenges, not from being stretched beyond its of Christ and as they share their vivid personal memories.
power by external forces. The University too, has grown this The last fifty years of CHRIST is an inspiring story of which
far with the internal strength, cohesion, unity of purpose we are all characters. Let us continue to tell her story seen
and command and with total trust in the providence of with our own eyes and felt with our hearts through AURUS
God, daily prayer, the intercession of St K. E Chavara MEMOIRS - CHRIST Book of Memories.
and the humble acceptance of the will of God as revealed
through persons and events. As for me, I am proud of the Fr George Edayadiyil CMI
University and pray that she may serve many more seekers Rector, Dharmaram
of knowledge and wisdom with an uncompromising pursuit Chancellor, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
for excellence and service. The inner strength of CHRIST
St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara
(1805 -1871)
Founder of CMI
I felt quite let down by how the very ethos of Christ College Today, CHRIST has developed into one of the most sought-
was being downplayed. Having pursued my higher after institutions by both students and parents. Although
Education from institutions that were really particular I have witnessed growth on a phenomenal level, I intend
about discipline, I found it hard to adapt. It was even worse fortifying the most important pillar of a University -
when I would just have 3- 5 students in the class for my Research. I strongly believe that Research is the essence of
lecture. The entire class showed up only by the month of developing a University.
September as it would be time to pay their fee. As CHRIST commemorates its fifty years, words cannot
express how much this institution has fostered. As a student,
By that time of the year, preparations for Spring Fest faculty and now the Vice-Chancellor, I stand grateful and
would have begun. I would say that it was more like a amazed at how blessed I am to be part of this family.
‘tourist festival’. Random people would just pop into
college and honestly speaking, Christ College was known Fr Abraham V M, CMI
for all the wrong reasons! Vice Chancellor,
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
words of wisdom
(Excerpts from CAPS Penathon - tête-à-tête with former Vice Chancellor Fr Thomas C Mathew)
Q: What is that one aspect of our education system which Q: Thank you, Fr. We’ll try to implement it too. My second
was practised when you were a student and would benefit question to you is- what is the best advice someone has
students if it were still practised? given you and how have you implemented it in your life?
Fr: Probably you are looking for what I experienced at Fr: Probably something that my mother told me when I
school and we are trying to implement it in the system. decided to lead a life like this. “If you are not going to be a
model, then there are going to be so many people who will
See, “Mata Pita Gurudevam” is what we believe and in the be deviating.”
Indian culture, we have that strong thing. There is a change So, a steadfast role model is one of the things and she is still
in the young people because we have moved from a macro- concerned if I am a role model or not.
family to a micro-family. You are all coming from a one-
child or two-children family. So, you are extremely precious Q: This is my 4th year in Christ. Since my UG, I have
in the environment that you are working with your parents. been learning a lot from you. My father was also from a
But what you probably would be missing is that sibling Chemistry background. Can you advise us how to survive
training. You don’t have too many people at home. in today’s highly dynamic, competitive and ever-changing
I come from a 6-member family, I had to fight with my
brother and sister and connect with them. So probably that Fr: There is no mechanism like that, but the simple thing
makes them respect the parents, respect the sibling. Love is you have to unlearn to learn. The ‘unlearning process’
for one’s siblings is a lot more than love for one’s parents. is a very difficult process for anybody. The unlearning
Sometimes, I think we need to connect with them and process simply means that we have to learn again. If you
respect the teachers. are considering me, I took the headship of this institution
in 2004. There is a difference between the period of 2004
What I mean is connecting with your parents connecting and 2019; huge difference. How I survived is a big question
with your teachers on a longer range rather than consumers. every day. So, the only thing is to try to learn from anywhere
possible. But that learning process can happen only through especially the students, the needs of them, sometimes this is
an unlearning process, that’s all I can say. When you challenging. At this pace, I think all of you have done a great
people retire 50 years from now, what is going to happen, job.
nobody can say because of the speed of the process that
is happening. So, the only thing response to the change, What CAPS would be doing in 2020 should be different from
unlearning more to learn more with a certain framework of today. So, whether it is possible or not, we will be creating
the value of life. If we are not preparing ourselves for a life history for the future; the academic environment should
which has quality then there will be a conflict between our move from a repetitive history to a creative history. How
inner heart and what we are doing. would we do, I don’t know. But it is a challenge. Otherwise,
it may be a dip in the education system if you are not careful
Q: After setting up such a huge legacy in this final leg of with that alertness of all those people.
your run here, when you shut your eyes in the night, what
are the thoughts that come to your mind. How do you feel You know I am friendly and cherish personal connections. I
looking back at what you have set up for us? am going to miss that because when I joined here, I was the
35th teacher here. Today, 750 teachers teaching and I may
Fr: When I joined here in 1996, I was a young man of be knowing only the leaders, maybe around 100 people. So,
32. Today when I leave, something happened because there is a personal connection that you are going to miss.
of various reasons that you are asking me what is your But your service to the institution should be more than a
thought when you sleep. Sometimes, I am not clear what personal connection to a person. To an organisation, its
would be the most important thing, how we have to move students are very important. The baseline is the organisation,
forward. our commitment.
The moment in which we are, we are thinking back that All the best for your future, dear students, organisers and
this is the best thing either at CAPS or anything, you are prize winners!
gone. How do we go ahead, looking into the environment,
Dr Fr Thomas C Mathew
Founding Vice Chancellor (2008-2019)
Principal (2004-2008)
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
bonding through
Dr Anil Pinto joined CHRIST in the year 2005. In
2006, he was assigned to be the class teacher for
FEP (Functional English & Psychology) which is
currently known as CEP ( Communicative English
& Psychology).
Since money was tight, a lot of manual labour was required. CMI Staff and students of Dharmaram
chipped in to carry foundational stones for Block 1. To cut costs further, tea and coffee were served
without sugar. Thus this great institution took birth in frugality and simplicity.
the first ever batch and to where we've come...
I, was one of the 350+ Christities to have set foot when the Having had the opportunity to head its alumni association
gates of this fine college opened in july 1969. We were a for nearly 18 years, I have had a very close view of
small group but one which was proud to wear its colour its growth in the recent times. Must acknowledge the
and motto even after 50 years. dedication of the management fathers led by Rev Fr V. M
Abraham along with the faculty and non teaching staff in
Recalling those days and looking at today’s growth, I find making the university as one of the best in the country, but
that though the educational system and infrastructure taking us into world rankings too.
has changed with time but the motto of excellence and
service remains the same. In short once a Christite always a The alumni association is trying to keep pace with the
Christite. university’s growth. Currently we collect and spend over
Rs 25 lakhs every year which is used towards the student
Even in our times, we had many a fine faculty lead by scholarships, popular fun fiesta for our faculties beside
principal Rev Fr (late) Mani Giles, who had a vision then to other projects like tree plantations, medical camps etc. While
bring out the best in his students. Many of us excelled in joining thousands of proud christites in wishing its alma
our studies while we did not miss out on cultural activities. reaching this milestone of 50 years, we pray to almighty that
If today you have darpan, we had spring festival. We too the in the coming years it grows from strength to strength to
had sports day, graduation day, NCC group, boys’ hostel be a leader in this world by churning out Christites with our
etc thereby giving us many an opening to sharpen our motto.
Here I would sign out by saying march on my Alma Mater...
The foundation laid when we graduated as the 1st batch in We Christites are immensely proud to bear your name.
1973-74 stands firm and solid even today, for it has helped
us build our tomorrow. We owe a lot of our success and Jugnu Uberoi
growth to our alma mater. Batch 1969-1973/74
President - Alumni Association
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
serving the community
I joined Christ College during the year 1970 batch for parliament, my experiences at CHRIST helped me a lot. The
pre-university. Our batch was the second batch in Christ principal and the teachers who taught us took good care of
College and the place was still in the stage of inception. It us.
was only the Main Block and we used to have classes in two
classrooms on the third floor. I joined the pre-university CHRIST gave me good exposure about the country as such
course and I took HEL – History, Economics and Logic. because as I mentioned earlier, students from various parts
Post that, I pursued Bachelors in Economics, History and of the country were a part of the institution so we had good
Political Science. contact with various communities, societies and cultures. All
this helped me as a parliamentary member in my work.
Altogether, 4 years at CHRIST was wonderful. It was a new
experience for us after studying upto 10th in Kerala then Today, I feel proud to be associated with one of the most
coming to Bangalore. Joining CHRIST helped me meet a top rated institutions in India. I’ll always cherish these
lot of students from various parts of Karnataka and also memories.
abroad. Bangalore being a cosmopolitan city, the students
from various cultures and strata were a part of our class. Francis George
Also, there were a good number of brothers from the Second batch of Christ College (1970)
Dharmaram college which is the CMI Ashram at CHRIST. Chairman of Janadhipathya Kerala Congress
This helped us a lot in experiencing various cultures and
meeting different kinds of people. After pre-university,
some joined medicine, engineering and I’m probably the
only one who took up political science. As a member of the
d block st. john’s medical college hostel
The first principal of Christ College was Rev Father Mani altogether a new experience. We had a very good staff and
Giles. He was really generous with his admissions since each staff would give us personal attention in terms of our
many young boys in those days could just walk into Christ studies and wellbeing. Finally, during our graduation, the
College and he used to welcome each and every one of second years gave us a wonderful send off with music,
them. Those days, we were a very good football team. concerts and a lot of other activities. I really cherish those
A young college like Christ had one of the best teams in memories!
Bangalore although we lost to government arts and sciences
college later on. Another sweet memory of mine was when a film by the
name ‘Bunniyad’ was shot on our campus in the early 1970s.
Back then, Father Mani Giles would go out of his way The shot was taken during a basketball game conducted in
to arrange accommodation for some of the students in our basketball courts.
St.John’s Medical College hostel. Thirty of us used to stay in
D block SJMCH. At seven in the evening everyday, Father Back then, coming to Christ College was a tedious process
Mani Giles used to come and meet each and everyone of us as there were hardly any buses that came by the route since
in our rooms to see what we were up to. He used to check Christ College was located in a remote area. Even through
on our health, studies and everything. all these limitations, I had a wonderful time at Christ College
and I’m grateful to God for the opportunity.
When Christ College started, there was only one block
over there. Gradually, two blocks came up and before we Hormese Tharakan
knew it, there were four blocks. Later, we had a beautiful Bachelor of Commerce
courtyard in the middle of the entire campus. It was 1969- 1971
banking on christ
I am currently a retired chief manager of HDFC bank, celebrate Onam in their own traditional ways in college.
settled in Kochi. I pursued Bachelors in Commerce at
Christ from 1971 to 1974. Ours was the second batch of We all had started an Alumni association of Christ College
the degree courses that rolled out the previous year. There students under the able guidance of the Former principal
was only one quadrangle at the college back in my time. A Reverend Doctor Anthony Kariyil. The association
temporary building was erected near the main gate which functioned for eight to ten years with regular meetings but
served as the canteen. There was a beautiful sunflower sadly it is not functioning anymore. We are proud to know
field which was replaced by the Forum mall. We used to that Christ has grown to become one of the best colleges in
use the playground of the Dharmaram college as there was India and I am a proud Christite!
only one basketball court inside the campus. I truly enjoyed
those times.
TT Thomas
Reverend Father Mani Giles who later became the Bishop of Bachelor of Commerce
Thamasherry was our principal. I still remember the times 1971 -1974
we used to hang out and spend most of our evenings in Retd Chief Manager, HDFC Bank
Brigade Road or Commercial Street. The Kearlites used to
the place to be
How time flies…I graduated in 1985 and had the opportunity
The oldest and top recruiters at CHRIST
(Deemed to be University ) are EY
to speak at the 25th anniversary celebrations of (then) Christ (Ernst & Young) , KPMG (Klynveld
College in 1994. And here we are already... at the 50th Peat Marwick Goerdeler), Deloitte, PWC
anniversary celebrations of this great institution! (PricewaterhouseCoopers) and D.E. Shaw
& Co. These top companies absorb about
I spent some of my best years at CHRIST in the early 80s before 1/4th of the graduate population from
I graduated in 1984. Some of my best memories are centred CHRIST. In the past 4-5 years, there has
around ‘Spring Fest’ which the college hosted for years. It was been a rise in several startups approaching
THE place for the best music and cultural events. During the CHRIST for recruitment.
three-day festival, all roads lead to Christ College and featured
some of the best bands from around the country. Many of
Bangalore’s most well-known musicians were regulars at
Spring Fest and went on to pursue careers in the music and
entertainment sphere.
Alan Carvalho
BA in Psychology, Economics and Sociology
Graduated in 1985
Director (FEL)
not another brick in the wall
The culture at (then) Christ College made it inviting for many joining CHRIST and eventually his father gave in and agreed.
young boys to join the college after they finished their high This was definitely one of the best decisions that this boy had
school. There was this one particular young boy who couldn’t made.
wait to join the college in the year 1989 after his 10th standard.
The little boy joined Christ College in the year 1989 and he He didn’t know anyone when he joined the college but by
remembers his very first day at CHRIST. the time he graduated from PUC, BA and MA- he had made
a truck load of friends. The college instilled in him a sense
The excitement of going to college was amazing. The boy of confidence - drawing him out of his shell. It gave him an
suddenly felt like he had moved on from strict rules that he opportunity to meet new people. He learned interpersonal
experienced in his school atmosphere to the new college life skills at Christ College and is forever indebted to the institute.
and environment, which made him feel like there was a lot
more freedom. The senior students used to sit on the side wall Today, it’s nice to see that some areas of what was formerly
in a line starting from the gate to the basketball court, ready part of Dharmaram Campus are now part of CHRIST. The
to pick on the new joiners. They asked the new joiners to do college had one of the biggest libraries back then. Today there
different things like take the Christ College student oath, etc. are two libraries on campus and I think they still continue to
They felt that the college was actually getting stricter, there be the best in the city.
were more rules and there was less freedom. These were the
early signs of the transformation and change college would go CHRIST is not just a college but a university today; and it has
through! become one of the most recognised institutions in Bangalore
and has also started to be recognised internationally. I am
There were many other highlights for this boy since joining so proud to be a Christite through and through both as a
CHRIST. Studying here was clearly one of the highlights in student who studied here, and now being a part of the staff.
his life. Graduating with a BA in Psychology, Sociology and It truly feels like I have come full circle in my own experience
Economics and then with an MA in Sociology, has definitely of CHRIST.
served him well. The boy joined CHRIST not knowing how
it was going to be, as it was a bit away from his home and he Samuel S George
didn’t know anyone. His father had finished his education Batch of 1989
in Joseph’s and he had insisted repeatedly that he joined Program Manager
St. Joseph’s and not Christ College. But the boy insisted on Praveen Kenneth Leadership Chair
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
The birth of the School of Architecture began
with a conversation between Mr Dharogah
and the former Vice Chancellor of CHRIST
(Deemed to be University) Dr Fr Thomas C
Mathew. Mr Dharogah, who had previously
built two schools dedicated to architecture,
expressed his zeal to do the same for
CHRIST. On seeing his passion and clarity,
Dr Fr Thomas C Mathew was very excited
about this new prospect. Once everyone
expressed their consensus, the idea became
Kashinath Krishnaswamy
Centre for Publications
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
from rebel to leader
(Transcribed from the 50th Golden Jubilee Celebrations Inaugural Ceremony)
I consider myself privileged to have studied in such an develop the college into a place that would be fun to be in,
honourable institution. 50 years in the life of an institution is a but at the same time, one of the most sought after institutions
great milestone. It’s almost two to three generations that have for higher education in the country.
passed out of this college. I don’t know how well people in the Our batch and few other batches that followed were ones to
first batch can connect to the ones that have just passed out. witness the transformational change.
CHRIST has evolved considerably and I recognise two distinct
spans over the last 50 years. Being a part of a bunch of misfits who joined CHRIST to just
let go and have fun, we did try to go against the disciplinary
I joined CHRIST in the year 1991 and prior to that, the college regimes set by Father Kariyil and team. When they clamped
had already completed 22 years. Even during those days, down on the ‘Spring Fest’, we turned into rebels. Not saying
CHRIST was one of the most sought after institutions in that we were serious rebel. Back then, we were just ‘wannabe’
Bangalore. Although, I would say that it was for different rebels with absolutely no grit! But we still tried. We cut
reasons. If I were to simply state it, CHRIST may not have been classes and protested to bring back the old Spring Fest.
a preferred institution for parents of kids back then. But I can Within two days, Father Kariyil and team ensured that we
tell you that the kids really wanted to be here for sure! It used were broken down and brought to our knees.
to be one of the most happening places in Bangalore to have
fun. Some of us who did not make it into college had plans Another chapter in the glorious evolution of CHRIST came
to just sneak in during the Spring Fest. All the boys and girls to an end. Today, this institution has evolved into something
around Bangalore just loved to be on campus during that one that those of us from 90’s could ever imagine. Although
week of the Spring Fest as it was the best college fest in town. the management brought us to our knees, the kind of love
and affection we received is something that endures till
Back then I would say that I was a ‘societal misfit’ and I date. Those bonds we created are even stronger today. I am
had mastered the art of failing my PU Exams several times. grateful to all the fathers and teachers who supported and
Somehow I managed to pass and joined CHRIST along with a molded me.
few of my friends. Know that the impression we all had in our
head was that we were joining the college of ‘Spring Fest’. But Krishna Byre Gowda
to our misfortune, Father Antony Kariyil and Finance Officer Batch of 1991
& Vice Principal, Father Thomas C Mathew had taken over the Minister for Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Law, Justice
reigns to change the destiny of CHRIST. They had decided to Human Rights and Parliamentary Affairs.
Govt Of Karnataka
pioneers of legacy
I graduated in 1994, the year Christ College (as it was then
known) completed its silver anniversary and it is wonderful to
see how the institution has thrived to complete a brilliant half
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is known for its In 2011, the University celebrated its first ever Dance
academic proficiency and vibrant culture; A concept unique Day, NRITTA that has established its place as a favourite
to CHRIST, today SWO stands tall with over 400 volunteers, amongst the Christites. At the same time, Christ University
140 choir members, a Natyarpana team, 100+ Cultural Quiz Association was started as a student initiative and
Team members and the Quiz Association. But much to the following year the association hosted one of the largest
our surprise, it did start off with unions, student elected Quiz Championships India has ever witnessed.
bodies. A transition from a student coordinated body to an
organisation called Student Welfare Office took place in the The much awaited In-Bloom, had a predecessor, the Spring
years, 1994-1995. Krishnaswamy sir took the mantle as a Fest. Commemorated in the Spring, post SWO, In-Bloom
faculty coordinator with support from many other faculties emerged as an avenue for students across the country to be
and established SWO, to be on its path to today. on a quest and celebration of their inner talents. In 2010, in
parallel to In-Bloom, Blossoms was organised to give every
The year after its inception, 1995- 1996, gave way to the student of the University an opportunity to hunt their talent
initiation of DARPAN, a competition for a place in the and showcase it. Making it compulsory, it became one of
Cultural Team. The CHRIST Cultural Team is one of the the most prominent, widely participated and most awaited
largest most sought after teams in the country, winning event amongst the Christites.
laurels everywhere they go. 2004-2005, saw the emergence
of the University Choir, growing every year under Organising events of such a scale is no small task, but with
various Choir Conductors, it’s now a spectacle to witness. the continued support and keen interest of the University
Magnificat and Sound Curry are two occasions that are management, we have achieved this feat. 2019 not only
dedicated to the celebration of music and a showcase of the marks the 50 years of Christ (Deemed to be University), but
Choir. 2006-2007, the Debating Society (DebSoc) was born in also the 25th year of the Student Welfare Office. from the
SWO and later branched out to the Law Department. Solely Inauguration ceremony followed by DARPAN, BLOSSOMS
run by the students, the Debating Society is much revered - In-Bloom, culminating with Convocation and everything
across the country. The same year, the University Dance in between, the Student Welfare Office with other Centres
Team, Natyarpana was also set up. and Departments coordinates the various programmes and
initiatives in the University.
hath mein paisa
muh mein samosa
“You don’t choose what’s given to you in life, but you have breakfast, which he used to so happily serve, knowing very
all the power to choose, to make a great life with what’s well that the possibility of it getting repaid was bleak.
been given to you”. Now I don’t remember which wise
man said this. But the wise man was right - a lot is given to I learnt a lot from this place - in the beautiful campus called
each one of us in this journey called life. The ones you like Christ College. I learnt the good and the bad- and the
are called gifts, and the ones you didn’t expect are called understanding to differentiate them. I learnt about the joy of
surprises - and the surprises can be very good or not so very enduring friendships. I learnt the incredible art of managing
good. But it’s still given. people. I learnt patience and the essence of temperament.
I learnt resilience. I learnt the pain of failure and the joy of
What makes the journey magical is the multitude of events growth. Most important of all the lessons, I learnt the power
it’s filled with. And the people and places, which take the of possibilities - The incredible power to choose, to make a
central role in making these events. For me, my life journey great life of what ever gets thrown at you.
and events started unraveling in 1986. The day I walked
in through the gates of Christ College as a 16 years old Today, as this incredible institution celebrates its 50th year
student. of commemoration, I can only join the celebration with much
gratitude, joy and fondness - for the place that it holds in my
Today, almost 33 years later, the contribution of the people heart , the lessons learnt, and for bringing people who have
and the place called Christ College, has no doubt remained played an amazing role in my life and continue to do so.
a hallmark in helping me become the person I am today.
Many congratulations and God speed.
The people, which included the priests, the respected
Fathers and the lecturers. People which included my seniors Praveen Kenneth
in college, and my fellow classmates. And not to forget the Founder, Law & Kenneth Worldwide
staff in the old canteen, and the old canteen manager, who Founder/Chairman Elohim & Kenneth Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
gave all the students a long lease of credit for the morning
the platform to build mettle
I remember standing in front of a mirror in school, saying to I’m forever indebted to Mrs. Swarnalata Iyer, Fr. Paulson,
myself, “I’m a strong, confident person” and not believing Dr. Priya Dasgupta, Mr. Randolf, the Late Mr. Oommen
it one bit. I was passed over for all extra curricular activities Mathew and the wonderful bunch of people I was honoured
and this largely fueled my insecurities. to be batchmates with.
Cut to 2001... I was intimidated by the campus, the number People look back and say they have fond memories. It’s a
of students, the future looming in front of me...would be an little different for me, I don’t just have memories; I have
understatement; but I decided to put my best foot forward, experiences, lessons, friendships, stories....
little knowing that Christ College would be right there
with me every step of the way. Over 3 years, I saw myself Today, head held high, I KNOW, I’m a strong, confident,
metamorph. Christ College offered me opportunities, a successful woman.
platform, a voice- an identity.
Sangeetha Sekar
From class rep to association secretary, I took part in BA in Psychology, Sociology, English
association activities inside of college and represented 2001 - 2004
Christ College in other inter collegiate events. I watched Master of Business Administration: HR
myself grow more sure of my footing. It helped immensely 2005 - 2007
that my lectures saw and nurtured this potential that was Sr Manager,
waiting to be given a chance. Project & Delivery Excellence,
christ to campus sutra
I am a proud Christite and looking back, I can see that my Scaling Leadership and Excellence: It was amazing to
college years proved to be an ideal porters ground to build observe how the management of CHRIST maintained a
up my career as an entrepreneur. Even though it’s been 15 good grasp of things and managed to scale leadership and
years since I graduated, there are a couple of values and life excellence across campuses. In the venture that I run now,
lessons that I picked up from CHRIST and I still hold them the ability to deliver operational excellence and quality
very close to my heart : in every single unit of merchandise is imperative and it’s
definitely something that I learnt to appreciate from my time
Ability to Multi-task: CHRIST gave me the opportunity at CHRIST
to engage in a number of activities, simultaneously! The
numerous projects we had to work on meant that one had I am delighted to see the strides that CHRIST has taken and
to always think ahead , juggle various items and cannot let my congratulations and best wishes to the management,
the ball drop. staff and students of this great institution.
Working with People: The crowd at CHRIST was very Dhiraj Agarwal
diverse in terms of economic background, religious beliefs Bachelor of Business Management
etc. In order to thrive, it was important to be able to get Graduated in 2004
along with an array of people. Being an entrepreneur, I had CEO, Campus Sutra
to practise this skill as I need to work with people across all
persistence, patience and power
I remember when I first decided to pursue journalism, I had to be a journalist. Father said that nobody can be sure if I’ll
applied for different engineering entrance exams across leave the college to go and pursue science after getting an
Karnataka. I had also written the Common Entrance Test. admission in any engineering colleges. He told me to come
My parents are both engineers thus they wanted me to back in a week.
pursue the same as well but I put my foot down and told
them that Journalism is what I wanted to pursue. CHRIST Father actually made me wait till all the entrance exam
was automatically the first choice but it wasn’t easy getting results were out. After this I went to meet him again.
into CHRIST. I really had to struggle to get a seat and I am Father was not convinced; he wanted to find a reason as to
really proud of that struggle. why I should get a chance to study in Christ University. I
still remember, Father made me write a test. Father asked
I remember coming to college and this was just when what I could write? I told him that I am good at Mad Ads.
applications were submitted and the first list was going to I remember writing a script sitting on the floor in front of
be out. I had become a little late to submit the application Father’s office. When I gave it to Father, he just took a glance
form; the admissions had closed at this point. Admissions and he tore it apart. He told me that he couldn’t read my
were not being given to anyone; anymore. I had to convince handwriting. I sat down again on the floor and rewrote the
Father Principal to get the admission. I stood outside entire script again in better handwriting. He then called the
Principal Rev Fr Thomas’ room for several hours a day. I Cul Team Incharge from the third floor of the old block. She
came to college for a week to try and meet Father Principal, looked at the script and told Father that the script was good
to tell him that I was a Science student who wanted to enough. Only after this did I get seat at CHRIST!
pursue Journalism. Finally one day Father decided to
meet me. Father asked me several questions like What my It has been nearly 12 to 13 years since I started to work as a
name was, Where was I from and why I wanted to pursue journalist. I started off as a reporter, then I stated anchoring
journalism?? I told him I wanted to pursue journalism at the age of 23. Then I went to Mumbai, and 10 years after
because that’s the only thing I know. I also told him that I that I came on national television and 10 more years from
am a good communicator, I love the news and that I want there I am the editor of a news channel in Mumbai. I take
On an early morning walk in the Dharmaram
Campus, on 3rd October, 2017, Dr Shaji
Varghese, Associate Professor of the
Department of English saw a fallen coconut
leaf, from which he saw a single leaflet
stick out like a straw. This sight led to the
invention of Leafy Straws.
Leafy Straws also known as Blessings Palm,
pride in telling people that I am from Bangalore and that the biodegradable coconut straws made
I studied at CHRIST. I tell people back in Mumbai that by the students and Dr Saji Varghese, are
CHRIST especially is a great university and we also have quickly making a mark all over the world.
hired a lot of students from CHRIST who have become our They have received a patent for their
assets in the past 10 years. invention.
I am very grateful to Naresh Rao Sir, he has been very The team has presented their invention at
patient with me. We were a batch of 59 to 60 JPEng many domestic and global forums where
students. The three of us - Malik, Nibin and I were close they have received many accolades. Orders
friends. From first to the last year, we would sit at the for Leafy Straws have been flooding in, 10
last bench. We would sleep through all the classes either crore straws to be precise from many global
because we were up the previous night or in my case, tired markets. They send nearly 30, 000 straws
since I had started stage working. For three years Naresh per month to The United States, Canada,
sir would see us sleeping but never said a word. Just before
we passed out, Naresh sir pursued us for the projects to be
submitted as we had not submitted any project on time.
r Germany, Australia etc.
These are not things that I am proud of but these are some
lessons that have taught me how it is really important to be
punctual. I believe CHRIST has played an important role for
me in my life when it comes to recognizing these values.
Niranjan Narayanaswamy.
BA in Journalism, Psychology, English 2004 - 2007
Editor, Republic TV
Such was the feeling when I first stepped into the campus. activities, etc., they all had their own charm. Leading my proud. One day, as I emerged happily chatting with
The beautiful canopy of trees seemed to lead me to the place team my friends from the cafeteria, one of my teachers called
where my life and I were to transform forever. The invisible me with a grave expression on his face. He just told me
energy flowing through the air instantly elevated my spirits for teaching practice at Mary Immaculate School, Wilson “Exam results are displayed in the department. What have
and I walked on... Garden prepared me for the professional path ahead. We you done?” And even before I could ask anything more,
gained a lot of hands on experience which enriched us. he walked away. I was fearing the worst. I had always
The transitional phases of our life are always challenging and Our first outing was the community living camp at Kengeri. done well academically so far but now my heart was in
demanding. I was amidst one, moving to a new city, just a It gave us a valuable insight into the life and challenges of my mouth. My friends consoled me and dragged me to the
fewmonths into marriage, apprehensions were many. rural India. The rural landscape gave us many picturesque department. Once there, I mustered up the courage and
memories. Cooking in mud ovens, evenings by the pond, started looking for my name from the bottom which ended
However,I was determined to give it a try. With random friendly fights over who occupies which level of the bunk at the top! Congratulations and celebrations followed.
thoughts crossing my mind, I finally reached my department, beds... everything etched a memory. Our college offered In the second semester I bettered myself and managed to
Christ College of Education. I wasn’t sure if it was my many programmes which were unique. get the 5th rank in the Bangalore University. It was a great
destination or the beginning of my journey but a voice within feeling to be awarded the ‘Best Student Teacher’ award by
me said that it would be the place where my metamorphosis One of the most enriching experiences was Theatre-in- my department and also being felicitated by the Alumni
would begin. education (TIE). We learnt how principles of dramatics could association.
be used to better our teaching. At the end of the course, we
Our department, at that point in time, was still in its infancy, performed at ‘Darpan’- the intercollegiate play competition. I honestly feel that I could achieve this because my attitude
my batch was just the second. Nevertheless, there seemed Our play ‘Distorted Desires’ was woven around the theme and aptitude were in line with the course and Christ College
a great desire in both teaching and non-teaching staff to of betrayal in friendship. I gained valuable experience as of Education proved to be the ideal nurturing ground for
motivate and enlighten us in their own unique styles. A Art and Stage Director. The icing on the cake was winning me, which provided for a truly ‘holistic education’.
decision was made. I was going to give it my best shot. the ‘Best Poster Award’ for the poster that I designed for the
Throughout our course, our teachers ensured that we never play. Jolly Nandi
had a dull moment. Academics and co-curriculars went School of Education
hand in hand. Rushing to college, the lectures, submissions, Having won most of the competitions I was awarded the CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
practicals, library references, cafeteria, extra-curricular ‘Kalapratibha’ award at the cultural fest and made my team Class of 2006- 2007
Justice Micheal Francis Saldanha, an Indian
judge and the former Justice of the High
Court of Karnataka while conversing with
former Vice Chancellor, Dr Fr Thomas C
Mathew, propagated the idea to begin a
School of Law as one of the programs offered
by CHRIST (Deemed to be University). The
confidence and voracity in the conversation,
gave impetus to the beginning of the School
of Law.
r India.
second innings
I was a student from the first batch (2006-07) of Bachelor’s of batch of students. I was employed immediately after my
Education Programme offered by the College of Education, Master’s degree completion.
which was affiliated to Bangalore University.
A big thank you to CHRIST (deemed to be University) for
I was awarded the ‘Best Student of the Year’ Award and what I am today.
given a certificate of ‘Topper of the Class-Academics’.
“An understanding heart is everything in a teacher,
I was 40-year-old, mother of two, when I took up this And cannot be esteemed highly enough.
regular programme. I was called the ‘Mummy’ of the class One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers,
and was the student representative of the batch. Its 12 years But with gratitude to those who touched our human
since I did my B.Ed, in these 12 years I have completed feelings.
my regular Masters of Education (M.Ed), Master of Art in The curriculum is so much raw material,
Sociology (distance), Masters of Philosophy in Education But warmth is the vital element for the growing plant.
(M.Phil) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Education. And for the soul of a child.”
Working for the last 10 years in the School of Education I love and leave you with a quote from the bible,
as a Teacher Educator. Present designation is Assistant
Professor. “Whatever you have learnt or received or heard or seen,
put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
I call this phase the ‘Second Inning’ of my educational Philippians 4:9
career. I am enjoying this phase of my life. I’ve been able
to accomplish much in terms of research presentations and Jacqueline Kareem, PhD
publications (updated in the faculty profile). I have grown Assistant Professor
with the department of Education from its inception. I School of Education
started teaching at the School of Education from the third CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
sugar, spice and
everything nice r
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is unique
for being the first Liberal Arts College to
I completed my Bachelors in Hotel Management become a Deemed to be University.
from the batch 2008 - 2012. My heart’s desire ever
since I was a kid was to work in an industry where It is also the biggest Liberal Arts university
I could interact with a lot of people and leave a in the country which houses the largest
smile on their faces. That’s when I was sure that I as Junior Sous Chef in the Department of Pastry. number of students in Psychology, English
needed to pursue a profession in the field of Hotel Currently I teach at the Academy of Pastry Arts and Sociology. An admirable feat for any
Management. Right after completing I finished my which has his centres in 4- 5 cities in Bangalore. institution.
pre university studies, I knew that I had to get into I’m back in the teaching field and everyday I
one of the best colleges in the country that offered recall the days where I was taught. I think about It is also the first Catholic university that is
the course. I’m grateful teven today about the fact the values and the time that was invested into me still run by a religious congregation.
that I got to study at such a prestigious institution.
The best word to describe my journey through
those 4 years will be nothing but ‘excellent’! We had
a department that went an extra mile to provide
to bring out the best in me. I still practise what I
witnessed during my time at CHRIST. Although
life opens several doors before us, getting the
right kind of guidance is quiet rate and that’s what
holistic education. We received ample opportunities I recieved at CHRIST. I am eternally grateful to
to develop our personalities and I would say, they all my fellow peers and faculty for helping me
truly to set an example for ‘mentorship’. become what I am today.
Reminiscences of my past, The morning sun’s rays shining through the clouds
Reverence that shall last The farmer with dawn in pursuit, still ploughs
All that I am today, The dry leaves for the evergreen after rain
All that I have been day to day The fragrance of the Myrtle in pain
All that I ever shall be, Though crushed yet selfless in design
Gathering the courage to be The lesson that I strive to learn alas! in vain,
I think of you oh! My Alma Mater I appeared before you with all my possession,
Life was handed to me not on a platter Perched on my ignorant countenance with obsession
Oh! My Alma Mater
Oh! My Alma Mater, when it did truly matter
For all that I lost, You by example withered, chiseled my chatter,
I know not what I lost
Thanking you for all that I lost, Surrendering for posterity my fallible being
This campus that made me a true living being
Here I am with gratitude,
For bestowing me with the right fortitude Success and glory was my target
Patience and focus you filled in my basket!
Losing out for the reasons,
Standing out all seasons! Through failure how well you taught me, that setback is
part of the setup
The lesson I learnt from these gates of wisdom Setup from being knocked down, only to soon getup!
The golden pages of books that taught me seldom!
Getting up to walk not feeling sorry
The message in this world, I strive to reach, Walking ahead with all glory
With hope that you still teach
Glory to humble myself
Just as the water in the river, Knowing finally my true self
Embracing landscapes without a quiver
Standing out all seasons;
Destined to reach the ocean May you stand out all seasons!
Dutifully immersed in nature’s mission,
Jossy Peter Muttath
Christ College (1983-88)
respect for regional ethos
I still remember my first day at CHRIST on June 6, 2006: representing CHRIST in various state and national level fests
how I entered the University for PSEco. Not knowing how and bagging several trophies. Fr Varghese, the then Chief
to speak in English, standing outside the class to see if any Finance Officer and Fr Thomas C Mathew, who used to be
Kannada speaking guy was in the class and entering once our beloved VC, the Principal encouraged me and kept me
I found someone who looked like a guy from Bangalore. I in the forefront of every event thereafter. Urmi Ma’am, the
didn’t know a single person in CHRIST and I felt pathetic. then SWO co-ordinator, made me the Overall Head of SWO
On the 8th day of college, I went back home complaining and the Student Representative of CHRIST even before the
“I can’t study in this college anymore.” My aunt replied, concept of the Student Council started. CHRIST transformed
“Your father has paid 8,000 rupees as fees and he has to my life in a way where I entered not knowing how to speak
struggle for another 4 months to earn that amount.’’ It was a sentence in English to organising various events and
then that I decided to stop pursuing acting and dance. I addressing thousands of people.
decided to solely focus on studies and getting good marks.
I am very happy that I belonged to the Batch of 2006-11, the
One day in class, my Kannada teacher asked us to batch that observed and enjoyed the tremendous changes
participate in Yakshagana and none of us agreed to in the Institution. Ours was the first batch to step into
participate. That is when she told us that if you’re studying one of the best auditoriums, first batch to organise and be
in CHRIST and someone asks you what you do there, don’t part of Yakshagana, Bhasha Utsav, Blossoms, Magnificat,
just say we study and pass. She said Christ is a place for Nritta, etc. The appreciation and love I have for CHRIST
you to grow holistically and develop your skills in any has grown over the years with the experiences in and out
area of interest you have. Thus, I agreed to participate in of the University. For all that CHRIST has inspired me to
Yakshagana. That was definitely a turning point for my be, I am determined to stay back and do the same for future
life at CHRIST. I met my best friend Prabhath Bhat, who generations
changed me as a person and motivated me in every way
possible. I also joined SWO as a student volunteer. Purananda Bhaskar G
BA in Psychology, Sociology, Economics
The management at CHRIST noticed me and my keen 2006 -2011
interest in Kannada Sangha and SWO. They motivated me Coordinator
to do a lot more activities. We were one of the first batches Student Welfare Office
to restart a theatre group called LYTE 11 Theatre Group CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
walking the wheel of time
Driving down the deserted streets of Bangalore, his excited will one day become home…as CHRIST has to me now.
family leaning out of every available window , my father I say home not sentimentally. I have spent most of my
in his Ambassador accelerated from his sedate speed of 20 waking hours here. I have become who I am, here. I have
kms/hour to a reckless 30….’we’re leaving the city, folks!’ shed all pretences and been myself here, for better, for
he announced, to our delight. worse. Every morning as I enter these gates, I leave behind
all the roles foisted on me by this world and become what
“On the left, the dairy...see those cows…?” my father’s I have chosen to be. I square my shoulders and plunge
voice with the grandeur of a circus barker…“And on the in, with some knowledge of things to expect and a lot of
right…the famous Dharmaram chapel...and we are on excitement for all that is beyond my anticipation. For that is
the highway… children, sit back…we’re gonna speed up a constant here- to expect the unexpected .
now…” and the old Ambassador rocked faster in its effort
to ‘speed up’ its journey out of Bangalore and onward past You ask me, aren’t you bored? I look at you incredulously…
Hosur to the hamlet of Krishnagiri. bored? How? Who knows where every path will lead, what
every discussion will reveal, what every class will challenge?
Thirty years later, rattling over potholes, winding our I’ll never really know. And just when you think you know it
way between trucks, cars, buses, fallen trees, errant all, something disrupts your smugness and it’s a fresh start.
cows, stern police men and death defying bikers, I found Like gazing through a kaleidoscope, no two days ever alike,
myself entering these gate, no longer a landmark on the no two people ever the same, no two tasks ever, ever the
highway but almost in the heart of the city. While Dairy same.
circle is almost unrecognisable, the Dharmaram chapel
remains serene and unflinching, the eye of the storm that is I have laughed here…
Bangalore today. At a colleague trying his best to articulate a thought but
his rich baritone being constantly interrupted by a shrill,
What was once the end of the city, lies at the heart of it scolding squirrel determined to outdo his lecture from the
.And what was once a fleeting glance to a child driving dense foliage outside the window
past to her grandmother’s house in Krishnagiri, now is her At a line of turkeys, following, in grave procession, one of
veritable home. the maintenance ladies as she marched ahead of them, her
broom jutting out from under her arm like tail feathers, so
Whenever I pause at our University gates, I’m struck by this she resembled a turkey herself
memory… and I wonder how many more unfamiliar places
At students desperately hiding their misdemeanour struggles to complete his research and wearily corrects a pile shudder…as we united in pursuit of a family of rats…
like I’ve forgotten what it is to be young and foolish, at of projects. Lord have mercy! priests, professors and techies, defeated by a band of rats
the outrageous excuses for incomplete assignments, the that refused to vacate my bookshelf…screams, squeals and
pretentious poetry, the spaced out gaze of the daydreamer For my other colleague as she juggles the care of an ailing cheers …and the humbling knowledge that Disney lied. Rats
in a 2pm class, the rebel without a cause, the earnest but parent and deadlines and research and edits manuscripts aren’t cute.
unintelligent ideology that is being formed … after all, that while finding time to comfort me and my woes and giggle
was me not so long ago! over tea at someone’s pompous, blundering foolishness. I have watched in satisfaction…
Generations of Christites marching on, proud parents
At my stern colleagues and even sterner Deans, as they I have fought… beaming, a thousand selfies later, a mumbled thanks, a
struggle to hide their exasperated laughter at some teenage For honesty and rationality to prevail… tearful hug and the flutter of robes.
act of defiance! At our struggles to inspire indifferent To be objective. …the moment of epiphany when a youngster discovers the
youngsters and being grateful we haven’t inflicted any To be critical yet non-judgemental. beauty of poetry.
bodily harm or permanent damage on their restless souls. To speak up for those who cannot, and not despise those Or when an old timer looks at you anew and discovers
That has become my mantra these days! who won’t. you’re not so bad after all.
When a semester long battle of wits culminates in a moment
I have wept… I have discovered… of honest understanding.
With the broken-hearted, knowing he’s never coming back That there is no hero or villain, just people in search of When the stammering teenager or haughty young debater
or that she was too naïve. themselves. mellows into an affectionate buddy.
For the homesick, tired pair of eyes which gaze at me from That a noisy street play, a flash mob and soulful choir are as
the back of a classroom, late again to this hour. precious as a library full of books. And there are days…
In irritation at that headstrong one who will be as difficult A philosopher and an aesthete in a gardener who slaves When I enter my cabin earlier than usual and the corridor
as he can yet panic when he hears the word 85%. over his pots and plants and lawns just so a class doesn’t light filters through the bars.
With the girl I’ve never met before, who allowed me to hug graduate without being surrounded by hosts of blooms. And I smile in sheer joy.
her as she fought back tears outside the sickroom. She had
a twisted ankle and her parents were far away, and though That the lady who cleans my cabin has taught me richer That this huge and whirling human dynamo of a University
she was a Master’s student, she was a little girl missing her lessons in feminism as we share a quick snack and tidbit of exists and I am part of it, even if infinitesimally so.
mother. gossip and as she firmly advises me against getting another
ear piercing! Shobana Mathews, PhD
For my young colleague who nurses his sick wife, makes Associate Professor
inexpert dosas for his hungry, clamouring toddlers, That a rat in your bookshelf is worth two in hand … Dept of English
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
the dreams band
The DREAMS project which is an acronym for Desire, and other social skills. usually practices every Sunday afternoon.
Readiness, Empowerment, Action and Mastery for success
is part of the ‘Let Us Dream’ voluntary service-learning In the past year, the DREAMS band has accomplished much Today, after 20 years, the band has evolved into an
movement. The team (band) strives towards making a by performing at several campuses, as well as schools, in international movement for empowering youth called, “LET
positive difference in the community by utilizing their order to lift the spirits of all watching. Every DREAMS US DREAM.” It is an invitation for everyone to be a part of
musical skills. Apart from coming together as musicians, chapter has got a one of a kind Dreams Band which something greater than themselves which empowers youth
they also impart training on teamwork, leadership, complements the project and showcases the connect of to develop psycho-social and leadership skills for their
organizational communication, and social entrepreneurial music with confidence and talent building. holistic success in life. The journey of this vision further
skills. expands in different cities and villages in Bangalore and
DREAMS band is not only to sing and motivate the audience Kerala.
They are a band with a meaning and greater goals for toward harmony and teach humanity as one family, but
the benefit of the society. The aim of the project is to help also uses music as a platform to empower communities and DREAMS band is an initiative of Fr. Lijo,
motivate and develop underserved middle school students, make music of their own, which can empower children and CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
by teaching them music and training them on leadership youth holistically. The DREAMS bands in different locations
fat rock
All The Fat Children is a band of 3 former students from between 2008 to 2010. It was through the experiences with urinal and convinced him to audition. Sachin had learned
CHRIST (Deemed to be University). Formed in June 2008, the choir and balancing college, as well as external shows, his craft from John Thomas, founder and drummer of
Eben (guitars / lead vocals), Vickram (Bass / backing that the band members came to understand the nuances and Motherjane. Sachin additionally served as their manager
vocals) and Santosh, their drummer at the time, played their facets of the music industry. All the band members learned for some time as well. It was from 2010 that All The Fat
first ever show at the intra-college festival Darpan in 2008. to become adept at business, marketing, branding, learning Children had started taking on more shows outside the
They secured the second place at the competition. Eben was everything they could during their time at Christ. Being in college music circuit. These shows helped to earn the
looking around for like-minded musicians to form a rock a comfortable environment, cloistered in the backdrop of band an income to help record and release song material
group. He found Vickram through a mutual friend and an educational institution, it was a safe space with which composed over the years from 2008.
managed to convince Vickram to join after treating him to a to operate. However, this was not without its own trial
bit of food and beverage from the Food Court. The original and tribulations. All the band members also managed to Having been Christites for over 3 years, the time had
drummer Jerry, had rehearsed with the band sparsely and balance their studies (without even one backlog) alongside come to graduate and the band played the very last set
did not last long, so Eben had to find a drummer to take his rehearsing and performing for their shows. In fact, two of of college competitions and shows in late 2010, phasing
place. Eben had gone to another college to watch a band the band members took up more responsibilities, such as out of competitions (having won over 30+ competitions
performing. He met Santosh in the urinal during a break. Eben being the student cultural coordinator and Vickram by this time) and moving into the industry itself through
He spoke with Santosh and laid out the vision to him. Not was selected into the very first batch of the Psychology shows that brought in more income. Around early 2011,
long after, Santosh joined the group, learning all the songs Honours degree. The band decided to take their first steps the band members were also involved (spearheaded by
in a short span of time and played their very first show with outside the college circuit around late 2009, taking this Vineeth Vincent) in creating a Guinness World Record and
them. further in late 2010. Limca Book of Record for largest Beatbox ensemble of 1246
beatboxing participants. Later that year, the band was also
All the band members were a part of the CHRIST (Deemed Santosh, the first drummer, had graduated 2010, leaving a the opening act for Motherjane and Pentagram at St. John’s
to be University) choir and had their foundational training huge role to be filled. Auditions were held and Sachin Savio Autumn Muse festival.
in singing by spending time rehearsing and performing Dane (also a Christite) was chosen to take up drummer
with the choir. They continued to perform in many college duties, playing his first show with All The Fat Children at All The Fat Children
competitions, winning many, and a few professional shows Darpan in 2010. Coincidentally, Eben also met Sachin at a
In a bid to enter the Limca Book of Records
during the year 2011 for the largest beatbox
ensemble, 2700 heads bobbed in unison
and enthusiasm. The staff and students of
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) gathered
at the institution’s Main Auditorium for the
glam event nammed ‘Can you say Beatbox’?
CAPS - Centre for Academic and Professional Support functionalities being constantly refined. Today with the
focusses on providing Academic and Professional skill help of mentors and advisory faculty, we have grown to
development to students. Through academic skills 270 volunteers across 3 campuses - Main, Bannerghata and
development, we assist students in areas of English Kengeri. Our outreach sessions have benefitted 40,000+
proficiency, Research paper writing, Statement of Purpose beneficiaries until now. We constantly strive to find fresher
crafting, academic writing etc. With professional skills challenges and newer areas to lend support in.
development, we make them job ready by strengthening
their job interview skills, professional conduct, Resume Students are very likely to face challenges when they
writing etc. CAPS Services are offered via various move out of college, such as competitive recruitment
modalities such as peer training, one-to-one coaching, e requirements, demand for excellent soft skills, stringent
-learning modules and psychometric assessments through foreign admission procedures and demand for research
its 5 wings and committees. Students sign up to CAPS to and publication. They can be more equipped to face these
be a catalyst for fellow Christites and make a difference challenges if they begin preparing before hand and that’s
within the CHRIST community, acquire proficiency in where CAPS steps in. Our mission is to provide a platform
skills beyond curriculum, master the art of professional for the entire university for sharing knowledge and
communication and gain research writing skills. expertise. Our vision is to set a benchmark within the global
academic circles by providing academic and professional
With a peer mentoring model in mind, the Centre for solutions through in-house and external experts. We also
Academic and Professional Support was set up in 2015 assist teaching faculty and non teaching staff in any need
with a 3 mentor team and 20 student volunteers. With areas that they might have.
190 outreach sessions, we were able to reach out to 3456
beneficiaries in Year 1. The structure of CAPS has evolved CAPS doesn’t just provide services. We empower the
from its inception till date with its outreach activities and student community to become service providers.
academic and professional mode on
As a student at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), I was This progressive thought and ideation has seen multiple
exposed to a multitude of opportunities and avenues to Christities succeed. A Christite that is able to confidently
hone my skills. CHRIST has always believed in developing go out there and literally change the world.
each and every student so that he or she can achieve
their full potential. The institution has firm thoughts on Optimising learning and harnessing expertise is the motto
building not just the academic rigour in the student but also of CAPS and it stems from the root values of CHRIST.
preparing a student to successfully meet the demands of a These root values ensure that a Christite wherever he
professional life. Being a student for 6 years and completing or she is aims for excellence, serves wholeheartedly and
2 Undergraduate programs and 1 Postgraduate program, I learns 24/7.
have seen the difference in me from the day I stepped in to
the day I left this institution. Actually I haven’t really left as March on Christite ...march on!
I am now working with CAPS.
Namrata D’Souza
I see that CHRIST heavily invests in developing avenues to BCom in Travel and Tourism
cater to needs of students and faculty. Bachelor of Education
MSc in Counselling Psychology
The Centre for Academic and Professional Support was an 2009-2015
initiative of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) to bridge Mentor
the gap between knowledge and learning. As a mentor at Centre for Academic and Professional Support
Centre for Academic and Professional Support, I am able CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
to provide the CHRIST community with help and expertise
to meet global education standards. CAPS is one of the
centers that transforms the thoughts of the institution into
exploring creativity
I studied Media Studies here in CHRIST. I’ve a lot of good campus itself is a beautiful place. It was so soothing to sit
and amazing memories in CHRIST. One of them would be in the campus and be around the campus. Even after the
the Food Court. Every time there was a break or every time classes got over, I would be inside the campus, even if it had
our friends would want to hang-out, we would go to the to be me sitting alone and even if I had to write a project I
Food Court and every time we went there, there would be would choose to be in the campus and do that because it is
someone performing or someone sitting there with a guitar just so green, lush and so beautiful.
or singing. There was a lot of time for us to explore our
creative space and was not just about the textbooks for me, The students there were all so helpful. It is such a beautiful
at least. So, I used to really explore the talents within me. culture within the campus. The teachers are so friendly
It could be singing or dancing. The first 2 years I had this and so helpful. The teachers make you feel they can really
group called Shraddha and we used to dance for Darpan. help you and they really do that and the teachers, by the
My team and I would practice all night, all day and I picked end of the year, become like your family. Also, I could say
girls from my hostel so that we could practice together. That that I had my first camera when I was in CHRIST where I
is one of my fondest memories that I have of CHRIST. used to use my friends. They were all my muses. I used to
be behind them clicking pictures. I used to even go around
Another one is that they always bought amazing speakers the campus clicking pictures because the campus was so
to college to have sessions with us. This really made us feel beautiful. It is actually part of the album I have. I still have
that even we can do it and it really helped us understand a huge album on Facebook. The funny thing is, since I was
the field we were getting into from their perspectives. We the photographer none of the pictures have me in it. Only
were really guided through the whole process. few have me in it. Everything else is my classmates and
3 years, it looked like a very short period of time for me
because time just flew by and everyday was so eventful. Pearle Maaney
There were so many cultural events happening and the BA in Communication and Media, English and Psychology
lessons for a lifetime
My relationship with CHRIST was an 8 year long one. It’s haven’t stopped since. Inter cultural learnings, representing
the place I got in, as a young boy to join PUC. Post my my College and my country will be one of the proudest
PUC, I finished my Bachelors and Masters at the very same things I have accomplished.
One of the other memories I have about campus is the
The institution for me is more than just its buildings. It’s the innumerable conferences and seminars we participated in
teachers I met there, the friends I made for a lifetime and and organised. As an afterthought, all these opportunities
the lessons I learnt. gave me a platform to develop key skills of people
management, understanding the needs of different people.
As a young boy, Centre for Social Action gave me the
feeling of belongingness. I realized what and how my My association with CHRIST is one of memories and respect.
actions can create impact. I met people who shared the I have grown up to be an individual with an identity in that
same values, and was inspired by my seniors and teachers institution and the association is still not over. It has molded
who mentored me. CSA was the anchor during my years me into the professional I am today, and it is humbling to
at Christ. Having a student led organisation within an come back to the institution to work on leadership and social
institution gave me the exposure, and grounding and has a skills with the faculty and students.
big role to play on who I am today.
Jaikumar Chandrashekar
One of the biggest opportunities I got was my exchange Masters in Social Work
program to Sund Folk School, Norway. The exchange Graduated in 2009
program, supported by Christ University was a once in a Founder
lifetime opportunity for me. That was my first trip, and I Inner Voice Consultancy
lights, camera, action!
Going to university in India was a dream I had since I was to be”. I guess that last line was what got me accepted to
13. I was following the footsteps of my sister and brother. CHRIST and I’m eternally grateful to Kennedy Sir for taking
I’m not sure how I ended up at CHRIST but looking back, a chance on me.
I’m glad life led me to some of the most inspiring people I
look up to, people who made me feel belonged no matter I came into college ready to take on the world, like most
where I came from and those that never gave up on me. youngsters do. I met some amazing friends, adapted myself
into wearing kurtas, of course some days I wore t-shirts and
My journey to this college was an unexpected one because I covered myself in a shawl but got pulled over and lectured
wasn’t accepted on the first go. My father happened to be in by Abaya Ma’am, got addicted to samosas, passionately
Bangalore on an official visit and when he visited CHRIST hated psychology but fell in love with world literature. I
he learnt that I didn’t get through but somebody told him I studied like those college kids in movies, drinking coffee
could still walk in for an interview. So with no promise of and cramping notes late night but realized it doesn’t work
getting accepted but with faith my parents had in me, I got like that when I failed the first year. But when you study in
on a plane for the first time. a place like CHRIST you can’t keep feeling low for failing,
because the next thing you do is eat a chicken puff from
My interview at CHRIST is a moment I still look back on. Kiosk, go to Forum to drink a coke float, watch a movie and
I sat in front of Mr. Kennedy who said my marks weren’t dance to ‘Pappu can’t dance’ and get on with your life.
up to the standard to enter JPEng but I could do PSEco. I
rejected his offer (looking back I have no idea where I got People say college is the best time in your life and for a
the strength to do that). “I want to be a journalist, Sir. So, moment you wouldn’t think that those best times would
I’ll go somewhere I’m accepted”, I said. His immediate also be some of the most difficult times. It was my second
reaction was, “but you know, CHRIST is one of the best year at CHRIST that had the biggest surprise for me when
universities?” I did know that but what came out of my two weeks before the mid-term exams, I slipped off a
mouth was “that’s what your website says, but I want to be staircase and broke my back. I wrote my exam lying down
in a place where I’m accepted for who I am and what I want on two benches in the psychology lab. For an entire year
that followed, I lied down on two benches at the back of
the class and simply listen to the lecturers so that I kept my
to travel is to live
attendance at 80% because I wasn’t going to let a broken
back stop me from graduating with my class. I wasn’t going
I always had carried the desire to pursue travel and
to give up on my friends who carried my bag, wrote my
tourism as a profession. Promoting a country’s culture
notes, fed me and held me while I climbed steps one at a
and experiencing a place as a local. When I started
time like a tortoise.
looking out for colleges that offered this particular
course and then CHRIST happened to me. I’m grateful
I wouldn’t have made it through college if not for my
that this institution offered a program in this category to
lecturers, my friends and those egg puffs and coffee at the
help people like me to pursue their passion.
kiosk. CHRIST is a place that broke me and rebuilt me. This
place gave me a family that carried me through the tough
I learnt a great deal from this program and all the co
times and who admired me in my brokenness. I am what
curricular activities offered like quizzes, fests etc. It
I am today, because this college created a space for me to
helped me to shape my career in a lot of ways as I
belong, to learn, to make mistakes, to fall, to stand up and
really wanted to do something in this field. Studying
most of all to nurture. It’s the place I wrote my first story
in CHRIST gives you the leverage to get into a lot of
and was pushed by PK Sir to keep writing more. It’s the
airlines and travel companies due to the quality of the
place I learnt to connect with people through their stories
institution. I used these skills to build my network and
no matter where they came from or what they believed
move ahead in my career.
in. It is the place I learnt to accept the imperfections and of exposure. And all this because of the rich experiences
brokenness in all of us. This is home. This is family. that I had during my time at CHRIST.
My love for traveling grew because of the number of
opportunities that came my way after I graduated. I was
Ishani Jayamaha Tandrani Raj
one of the first few people to get placed in the Karnataka
BA in Journalism, Psychology and English Literature B.Com in Travel & Tourism
State Tourism Board and I got to work closely with the
Graduated in 2009 2009 - 12
government. I served as the Tour Manager at the Golden
Celebrated Sri Lankan Filmmaker Travel Blogger
Chariot. I have also had the opportunity to work with
several International Agencies that helped me gain a lot
in a blink!
In May of 2009, a fairly past 21 years old, I approached the The style of the professors came with handsome
gates of ‘Christ University’ embedded on those attractive sophistication, not just in their methods, but also in their
grey brick structures right under the lush green trees. own personal demeanor. I was in the Clinical Psychology
Something always looked a class apart of this place. I had discipline, and I may be biased in saying when I do, that our
never by then ever visited the city of Bangalore (a city supervisors/teachers had a humble brilliance about them of
dearer than no other, and ‘Bengaluru’ somehow never an extraordinary kind. Trust them so when Dr. Tony Sam
settled in me!). George is your leader! They were so someone we’d want to
emulate. They taught us well, both in theory and in going
Anyway, I however knew I was supposed to come to this about with our ways in life, and we were happy.
place, and the city. They were welcoming, and there I took
my baby steps in to walk to my first day of postgraduate I have some fond memories of my friends too. We were
studies. Well, I assume I was done with my admissions and quite an eclectic bunch …Annnd someone somewhere said,
orientation by then, where all you consume is the sturdy people from the North and South of India, North-East, East
and suspicious looks of the security and admin staff upon and West of India, couldn’t stay under a single roof (Uff!).
you (you kinda snudge to the majority of the hospitable Strangely, all of us 30 odd-something were friends, not the
ones who knows well how overwhelming a new place may best maybe, but yes, friends.
turn to be true!).
Post graduate studies, we were all competitive Christites,
I moved cautiously. I had been convent-bred all my eyeing to be better than the other, but never to underplay
life, literally, minus just those two years in higher another’s efforts. You rise, I rise. You rise higher, I catch you.
secondary school. I knew my expectations of them, and I rise higher, you do!
their expectations of me. The strict dress codes, the time
adherence, the surprise monitoring by staff, did not sound Originally the consensus of long months of research for a
something unsettling for me. We were there to do our jobs, good school for postgraduate study in Psychology led me
and their job was to make sure we do ours! to this one of the premier, most preferred colleges in India,
especially for the discipline then, but for most others now.
I remember Christ was amongst the most sought-after
institute for Psychology back then, in the country. Trust
with more specialized and dedicated courses to choose
from, the school attracts massive amount of scholars, and
rightly so. We learnt to experience, Stop, think, develop a
theory and learn or relearn.
Mridu M. Sharma
MSc in Clinical Psychology
2009 - 2011
Visiting Fellow-American Board of Sport Psychology, NY, USA
Former Mental Coach for Indian National Badminton Team for
Olympics 2016, Sports Authority of India
Team Manager/Sport Psychologist - Jr National Badminton Team
Badminton Association of India
seven years at christ (deemed to be university)
For me it is difficult to believe that I have spent seven long This was my second stint at teaching, which I quite enjoyed
years at Christ Deemed to be University. Clearly time has similar to my part time teaching engagement for a semester
flown and every day has been one of learning from other at a local post graduate autonomous college, while holding
faculty members through my constant interactions with on to my regular job function. Meanwhile, I started to
them. To that extent every day is an interesting one on the write newspaper articles on International Relations and
campus and there is never a dull day. Strategic Studies for various newspapers from time to time.
In December 2011, a Political Science faculty member called
My first visit to Christ Deemed to be University was in me up and wanted to know if I was inclined to full time
April 2010, when a former colleague requested me at engagement with the University and I answered in the
short notice late one morning to address the media studies affirmative. The next morning the Personnel Officer called
association at 2:30 pm one afternoon. In January 2011, I was me for a meeting and I showed up at 10 am in his office.
again called by another faculty member of the Department Then I met the Head - Centre for Publications who had a
of Political for a talk on India’s regional security chat with me and took me to meet Father Vice Chancellor
environment scheduled for February which I promptly who asked me if I would like a full time or part time position
accepted and made my second visit to the campus. After to which I promptly replied - a full time one.
my academic engagement I suggested to the Department
of Political Science that I would like to run a part time The institution is one vibrant campus with an emphasis on
course on Strategic Studies at the University. To do so, an cultural activities that makes it unique in the country. One
extraordinary Board of Studies had to meet in June 2011 to day a friend of mine, a retired senior military officer, who I
okay the syllabus since the earlier one had just got over a had requested to teach the open elective or earlier known as
couple of days ago. It took me a month or so to put together certificate course, remarked that Christ University was very
a syllabus for a certificate course which I then began to secular in character. The traditional lighting of the lamp is an
engage from July 2011 till October 2011. auspicious Hindu custom that the institution had adopted
happily. What impressed me about the institutional culture The students that the institution attracts from across the
is the need to wish fellow colleagues while walking around country are by and large smart and focused individuals.
the campus. Also institutional initiatives like outbound They are keen and waiting to go out into the world and
training, faculty development programs, holistic education, prove themselves as capable young adults. Clearly these
and cultural activities aims to bond faculty members with students define the institution in its present and future
each other. Over the years, the institution has acquired a avatar. My years at CHRIST Deemed to be University, has
brand image not only within the city and state but also other transformed me positively and I am not the same person
parts of the country. who earlier entered here in terms of knowledge. Apart
from a lot of acquaintances that I have developed among
The institution is also known to stage high quality plays faculty members at the institution, some of them have also
that I have watched on two occasions -- once with a former become close friends with whom I am able to share my joy
colleague and next with my wife. On both occasions the of sorrows that are part of the journey called life.
shows were high performance with dedicated student actors
which impressed my visitors and made me proud. Socially Bidanda Chengappa,
when I randomly encounter former students who have Associate Professor,
passed through the portals of this institution, they generally Department of International Studies & History
share pleasant memories of the years spent here. The only CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
exceptions to such memories are some misgivings directed
against some particular faculty member or the other. Those
alumni who have decided to take advantage of the kind of
education offered here helped them shape their personalities
positively. They come across as confident individuals which
are attributed to their formative years at the institution.
the reel life
I joined CHRIST in the year 2010. I took up CEP and I did exams but my teachers really helped me, all of them.
my BA course there. First year of college I started acting in
films and I know people think that CHRIST is really strict I remember Anil Pinto sir helping me out a lot and even
and you don’t get the freedom but I had a ball at CHRIST. I being my counselor at times. I somehow scored 75%. When
had even taken up theatre course as a part of TIE and as my people support you and you dream in small little ways I
elective I had taken graphic novel and creative writing and think that’s enough for you to follow your passion. I still
also culture studies. I think because of the course I started have the presentations I made in class. I have started an art
watching a lot of good films. It’s why I probably want to do space right now. It’s called ‘The Artery’ and I do graphic
films. Even recently in an interview, I think when I was at novel classes. In my reel life, I am doing Tamil, Telugu
Filmfare, I said, “You know when I was at CHRIST I used now a Hindi web series. At CHRIST I got a lot clarity about
to study culture studies and watch films like ‘Mirch my passion and I’m very very happy that I did the course.
Masala’, movies by Smitha Patil and Shabana Azmi etc. I I owe it all to my teachers. I think art flows from one to
dreamt that maybe someday 60 years from now some girl another either in writing, directing, editing, acting, dancing,
will be writing about me and that’s the dream I had.” I everything is a part of the same thing.
wanted my films to be watched by young film students and
even now I am chasing that dream. I want to thank my professor Stephen Sir for just
encouraging me and I’m very grateful and happy. My
When I went to Bombay, I made it a point to meet my idol - brother is actually going to join CHRIST now and I know
Shabana Azmi. I then got a call from a director here who how great it is.
said that they were remaking a movie called ‘Ankur’ which
is a Hindi film where Shabanaji acted and they gave me that I did bunk classes and stay in the food court or in the
role. I immediately accepted it. I know it sounds slightly off campus itself but it’s not because I wanted to get out of
topic but I can tell you that watching, reading and talking to college and just do something else. I wanted to stay in
the kind of people who are interested in the same thing can college and talk to more people and till today, my closest
push you and inspire you in so many ways. friends are from CHRIST.
I’m in touch with Victor Sir, Shobana Ma’am, Anil Pinto Samyukta Hornad
Sir, Padma Kumar Sir and I think it’s great they were so BA in Communication and Media, English and Psychology
co-operative. Due to my shooting schedule I couldn’t do my 2010 - 2013
CIAs and I know I had to put in twice the effort to write my Actress
managing expectations and dreaming big
The year was 2001, a meeting with the former Vice and reputation of our great institution. Addressing
Chancellor Rev. Col. Dr. Fr. Thomas C Mathew saw the ever changing organizational requirements and
me transition quickly from a Counsellor to a Placement continually molding students to compete in this highly
Coordinator for the department of Christ Institute of competitive environment, I believe this has been my
Management. With our humble beginnings with a batch greatest take-aways. Now under the guidance of our VC
of 60 students we grew to our present count of 750 Dr Rev Fr Abraham V, we are confident to hit new highs
students and a database that pans the globe and boasts and strive to be the number one preferred MBA program
of over 1000 touch points across myriad domains. The in the country with a stellar line up of placement
placement department grew from strength to strength on opportunities.
the strong foundation, brand and repute the University
had built over the years. We push forward with the below creed -
The department prides itself with increasing the number “If we work upon marble, it will perish;
of participating companies coupled with a percentile if we work upon brass, time will efface it;
increase in the package year on year. While placements is if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust;
a cornerstone of the MBA department, the true heroes are but if we work upon immortal minds and instil into them
the par excellence teaching fraternity and the pedagogy just principles, we are then engraving that upon tablets
that demands the very best from the students. This which no time will efface, but will brighten and brighten
unbeatable combination has helped us retain a front to all eternity. ”― Daniel Webster
runner position.
Molly Mampilly
Personally it has been a great journey of self-discovery Coordinator-Placements
and the path towards it has been made easy by the name Institute of Management
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
actions that impact
I still look back at my three years in CHRIST as a treasured Secondly, it was through CSA, that I was selected
book full of memories, experiences and friends for a to be a part of the exchange program at Sund Folk
lifetime. As a person new to the city, CHRIST became my School, Norway. The cross-cultural learning, the
home in quick time. The vibrant atmosphere, the friendly culture shock and above all, the friends I made there
teachers and fellow classmates was all that I needed to is something still close to my heart.
feel at home. If I have to look back, there were two distinct
experiences at CHRIST, which have shaped me into the For me, what CHRIST did the best was provide me a
individual I am today, to begin with, my association with platform. It gave me the platform to grow, learn and
the Centre for Social Action. unlearn, and above all fly and I am extremely happy
to be associated with the college even now.
As a young adult, the will to do something was kindred
and nurtured at CSA. From performing street theatre on
social issues on the streets of Bangalore, to teaching the Vandana Radhakrishnan
children of the workers who were then working on the Masters of Social Work
‘Central Block’, CSA taught me a lot about how actions can Graduated in 2010
create an impact. It was also the place where I made friends Founder, Butterfly Effect
from different streams, who are still a part of my life. The
conferences, the fund raising events, and the rural exposure
camps – all have contributed in molding my personality.
I completed my BA (CEP) in 2012 and Masters in
Counselling Psychology in 2016 from Christ University.
Having spent 5 years at CHRIST, I must say that my
experience evolved over the two courses I completed
here. The institution has given me a lot to be thankful for
– teachers, mentors, friends and experiences that are very
hard to replicate elsewhere. Its shaped a large part of who
I am and how I see the world today and I’m very grateful
for the many opportunities that have come my way as a
result of being a part of the institution. I’m a proud alum
and know that I will always find a sense of belonging
when I visit!
Natasha Vijay
BA in Communication and Media, English, Psychology
2012 - 2016
MSc in Counselling Psychology
2016 - 2018
Programs Lead – The Live Love Laugh Foundation
Consultant Counselling Psychologist - Inspiron
nine years and counting
It was 9 years ago that life brought us to this serene campus wait (im)patiently for the lunch hour to strike. When the bell Akshay’s tiffin, because it would hardly suffice for the
in the heart of the bustling Bangalore city. The six of us did ring, like the dog in Pavlov’s experiments, we would man himself. Nitish always had vegetarian food, except
came from diverse backgrounds, had varied interests, but hurriedly steer our way, through the maddening crowds, to for one particular occasion when we had finished shooting
like the strings that produce the perfect chord, something Gourmet. Fortunately, there were perks of having friends a short movie assignment to promote vegetarianism and
struck and we remained friends thereafter. 9 years of who brought their food from home; our group had two - we convinced Nitish to help us finish the fried chicken we
friendship! 9 years of togetherness. And we don’t see it Sherlie and Akshay. ordered. So Nitish’s routine college lunch was vegetarian...
ending any time soon. and we didn’t have a great appetite for veg-stuff. Aghil
Most often, they would be the ones to hunt for a table and would gingerly guard his beloved chicken from the prying
It is difficult to recall a single strand of memory from then claim it as our own - it was just the table, mind you, not eyes of Akshay,
those three years we spent together on campus. But we the chair. Chairs come and go, but you don’t get a free table,
do remember that having lunch on one of those enormous at 1pm, in Christ. While Sherlie and Akshay hoisted our while the magnanimous Rejoe would share his biriyani
round tables in the newly opened Gourmet extension was flag on the table by taking out their tiffin-boxes (Akshay’s with Akshay (and then buy a second biriyani for himself
the highlight of the day. But getting one of those tables was enough to hoist a flag on two tables), Rejoe and Aghil since Akshay would probably finish off his first one). Sherlie
to ourselves was not an easy task - not when there were would return with their Biriyanis that had been paid for in would however, give us all a share of her lunch (especially
12,000 students running around looking for tables. You see, the morning - they would never have to stand in the queue on those special days that her mom cooked chicken kabab).
getting a table for ourselves was the result of a well-planned (that was the perk of having a friend whose dad had a shop). Rejoe had a thing for these kababs. On a particularly special
strategy that involved doing the groundwork from 9am Meanwhile, Nitish, if he managed to slip out early from his day, Rejoe finished the kababs that aunty had cooked for
onwards. So this was how we accomplished it. CSA meetings, and survived the onslaught of students at the all of us, before Aghil joined the table. Rejoe then bought
shop that sold rolls, would join us and we would begin our a plate of kababs from one of the shops in Gourmet and
Rejoe and Aghil, either at 9am or in-between one of the feast along with discussions on the class, CIAs (we would then offered them in Sherlie’s tiffin to Aghil who happily
breaks, would rush to the shop adjoining the Campus Store invariably be part of the same CIA groups as well), life munched on them and praised aunty for her cooking. It
in Gourmet (the shop is now called Michael’s Corner). We issues, grand ideas about the future and so on. was only after 4 years that he got to know the truth (and he
knew the uncle there; we would pay him and request him wasn’t particularly happy).
to keep aside two Chicken Biriyanis for us when we return Sharing our food was also part of the fellowship, but not
for lunch. Uncle would happily do that for us. Next step - quite the way one would assume. Nobody took food from
who are you: the answer
On most days, by the time we wrap up, our dearest Gijo I completed my Bachelors in Computer Science, Math
(the most well-dressed in our group), now a priest, would and Electronics ( CME ) in 2013 and my Masters in
join us after having a quick lunch at Dharmaram. At times, Computer Applications ( MCA ) in 2016 from Christ
Gijo would also get us some yummy snacks that the cooks University. I have a lot of memories! Had I not opted
in Dharmaram would have prepared (on another occasion for this University, I wouldn’t be the person that I am
he had invited us for a meal in the Dharmaram refectory today. During my school days, I was just locked up in a
when there was a Bandh and all shops were closed). By shell and let go off many opportunities that I could have
1.55pm, we would start our journey back to Block 1, and made use of in terms of my talent and personality. He asked us “ Who do you want to be seen as a person
another 2 hours of classes. and what is your unique contribution to this world? ”.
Things changed to a great extent when I joined college as He got me thinking and I answered that I want to be
For nearly a decade now, we have always made it a point to new avenues opened out before me. It was a fresh start seen as someone who entertains and makes other people
have food together, no matter how far we were. Although for me and I went on to participate in several cultural laugh! It’s been 9 years since then and guess what,
presently, Gijo is engaged with his missionary works in events. I can vouch for the fact that Christ University I make a living out of being a professional stand-up
North India, Rejoe is living in Vancouver, and Sherlie, values art, culture, music and every interactive form of comedian. Faculty from Christ University go out of their
Akshay, Aghil and Nitish are separated with the crazy art one can imagine. This was a turning point in my life. way to make a difference in the lives of students and
traffic of Bangalore City, we still try and come together I discovered that I was skilled at comedy and CHRIST that’s something rare.
on video chats and calls, and group dinners (whoever can gave me the opportunity to explore this side of me.
make it) on most weekends. Life has changed over the past During the year 2012, I was part of Cultural Team and I owe it to CHRIST (Deemed to be University) for
9 years, and we are sometimes surprised at how quickly during the event, I witnessed so much of talent amongst helping me become who I am today and these memories
time flies. It seems like only yesterday, when we all sat in my peers. Honestly, it motivated me to just up my game will stay very close to my heart.
Gourmet, cracking jokes and laughing at each other. and get better at what I do.
Rupen Paul
Aghil, Nitish, Rejoe, Akshay, Gijo and Sherlie Also, it’s not just the opportunities. Even my teachers BSc in Computer Science, Maths, Electronics
BA in Journalism, Psychology, English encouraged me to pursue my talents. There used to be 2010 - 2013
Graduated in 2013 lecturer from the English Department named Mr Joshua Master of Computer Applications
who taught my class during my Bachelors. There was a 2013 - 2016
question that he asked during his lecture one day and I’ll Stand Up Comedian
never forget that day.
a cultural phenomenon
The Kannada Sangha is the oldest and longest surviving Kannada publishing initiative in Karnataka by an educational institution. The Kannada Sangha was set up in December 1972. It is a cultural
phenomenon in Karnataka, it has a wide reach and is the talk of the entire literary circles in the state. Major Kannada writers have been launched through the Kannada Sangha. CHRIST (Deemed to
be University) has been a silent and active collaborator of the initiative through funding and support. The Sangha has published over 246 books and has bagged several awards including the Central
Sahitya Academy Award, Karnataka State Sahitya Award and several awards endowed by private institutions. A novel ‘Kotra High Schoolge Seriddu’ published by the Sangha was made into a
Kannada art film.
It all started with the Experience Engineering Program I would like to take this opportunity to thank my professors
(EEP) which helped me smoothly transition from a PU for all the support they have extended to me. I also want
College student to a University student. I was part of the to thank Mr. Amal Raj, who safely drove the bus to and fro
Team which was involved in designing and fabricating college every day for 4 years in the crazy Bangalore traffic!
an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) which gave me a hands-on Bhasha Utsav, Sports Day, National Conferences, Quizzes,
experience of the theories learnt in the classroom. Workshops… the list is never ending!
I can vividly recall an evening walk with Dr Thomas C. Vivian Rajasekharan Nair
Mathew, which ultimately resulted in him taking up the BA in Economics, Political Science, History
initiative to introduce an optional Economics Dissertation 2015 - 2018
the turnaround
5 years of my life at CHRIST has been a long and cherishing the place where I started my blog on railways. Today, it is
span which saw me develop not just as a student, but also one of the most successful blogs with more 3000 people from
saw me grow in my field of passion with the support and 10 different countries visiting it.
wishes of my teachers, friends, family and all my near
and dear ones. When I first entered the premises of this Every teacher has been instrumental in fueling my passion
prestigious institute, in the crowd of 18,000 students, I and helping me grow. This reminds me of my interaction
found myself totally clueless and overwhelmed of what with the present dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr.
the first three years of my life as an undergraduate student John Joseph Kennedy, with whom an hour long discussion
would hold in store for me. on railways paved a way for it to become a part of the
English Syllabus for the three years which followed. This
There have been times when in the first few days of was also the time when I developed a flair for writing,
my college life, I often saw myself breaking down on thanks to We Care, CSA and most importantly Nishok, one
remembering my school and feeling even more isolated amongst my many good friends, who introduced me to the
in the vast ocean of students from diverse backgrounds world of writing for magazines.
with diverse interests, not knowing how should I start
a conversation with them. Yet as I progressed, I slowly During my two-year MA in International Studies, I
started building friends and mingling with the crowd. The delivered a lecture to a group of 4000 students on railways
funny part of all this was when I realised that unlike school, which is a memorable event I cherish. An important juncture
we didn’t have a 40-minute class, but we had an hour-long was when my passion gained recognition from the Registrar
class for each subject and to top it all every question asked and the Vice Chancellor along with a rare opportunity to
wasn’t direct from the textbook. meet the Vice Chancellor personally. To be appreciated by
the higher ups for my passion towards railways is a moment
As time passed by, I slowly got used to college I cherish. I feel that CHRIST has contributed beyond
life and got attracted to the canteens more than the two just shaping me as an individual with rich academic
libraries! Thanks to my friend Nikhil Pai who introduced me experience; it has given me the necessary motivation to
to Knowledge Centre, I found it to be the best place to spend pursue what I desired beyond the curriculum.
some quiet time. At the same time, my passion for railways
was also discovered by my teachers and friends and this was Chitresh Shrivastva
MA in International Studies
alpha and omega
We as Legato Vocal Point, had a tremendous musical
journey of using our talents for the Glory of God. “He has done it all for us; what greater Love than this!”
Looking back at our initial days, we started off as a We were privileged to be the first Gospel band, selected
few member team who gathered together to just kneel to the Christ University Cultural team, representing the
and pray and use of our voices to sing for the Lord. University at different platforms and win prizes. Our
We shared the burden that although God has gifted us renditions from the musical collection of the Gaither
different talents we tend to forget that these ‘do not’ Vocal Band, such as ‘Alpha and Omega’ and ‘Low down
belong to us, but are given to us from above. Skills can the Chariots’ were two of our favourites.
be developed over a period of time, but in-born talents
are unique. We cherish the genuine love and support from Jason
sir (former Christ choir master), friends and teachers at
As Legato Vocal Point we wanted to Praise and glorify Christ.
God’s name for sending us His Son, Jesus to die on the
Cross for ‘all’ our sins. Our faith in Jesus and the finished Legato Vocal Point (LVP)
work on the Cross is the only way we are made right CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
and acceptable before God.
trunk of happiness
The CHRIST campus has granted memories that won’t I will remember all the lectures, but I am sure that I will
expire. I still remember the first day in class; I was a bit keep in mind the quality time which I have spent together
confused and felt chaotic unable to connect with others. with classmates. The range of exposure which the campus
Well, being an introvert myself, thus facing challenges, I guarantees is truly astonishing. There are people from
experienced the need of relating and communicating with different background and culture. You get to know different
fellow students. Honestly, assignments or extracurricular perceptions, philosophies and ambitions. In our space, there
activities which demand teamwork have worked out a lot are people who strive to become a cricket commentator,
for me. Even though assignments do give a headache, it filmmaker, writer, P.R and so on. Their hard work to attain
seems to be valuable in instilling many qualities which are their dream goal has inspired me to render maximum effort
needed for both life and work. Our class had several group to achieve mine. Opinions and dissenting views in class
activities and assignments. discussions have given a new horizon in my thoughts.
All those valuable seeds of small and big experiences will
Well, in the beginning itself we started off with definitely sprout to be a trunk of happiness.
‘masquerades’ for British Literature, where each group was
required to perform a short play. It was an opportune time, Rojan Babu
where we got closer to know each other. Later, as a whole BA in Communication and Media, English, Psychology
class, we were part of Street play, Song competition and 2016 - 2018
dance extravaganza. In future ahead, I don’t know whether
ineffable joy
Time flies, it seems like yesterday when I first entered to be of performing on the newly built auditorium of our campus
an undergraduate student of BSc Psychology (Honors). I especially, a moment very close to my heart, that it fills my
was truly happy to pursue my dream to be a psychologist eyes with tears of joy. Everytime I go on stage ,it feels like
and be part of CHRIST. the first time and fills my heart with joy that is ineffable.
Walking into the newborn Bannerghatta campus with The harmonies in choir, the challenging and fun CIAs,
my dad, I had my own doubts on how things would turn ‘Psych fam’, SWO, CAPS, Student Council, ACC, Orpheus,
out and on how I would cope here. Little did I know that Dissertation, running for attendance, yellow and white
this in fact would actually be a home in itself. The warm forms have all given memories for a lifetime.
and loving seniors and doting faculty ,helped break the
insecurities and went above and beyond to become our 3 years down the line ,I have fulfilled my bucket list
family. They inspired,motivated and filled us all with the of planting a sapling on campus (which is 3 years
dream to build our campus and own it like our own. now!),donating blood,spreading awareness about mental
health ,running in marathons and what not!
The enthusiasm and zeal of the crowd I found here was From finding yourself to knowing what you want, from
simply infectious. I soon started exploring ‘what could be’ being a follower to growing as a founder, from starting solo
from all that was available. The pride of being founders of to ending as a networker and from being just a student to a
everything that could potentially grow and reach new levels Christite was a journey that is truly priceless.
was something I personally cherished. The friends I found
and the relationships we made are something I definitely Mariaet Wilson
look back with fond memories. With time the campus BSc in Psychology
started growing into its potential and so did we. We got 2016 - 2019
wonderful juniors with whom we bonded. The experience
the christ plant - a safe space!
‘CHRIST Plant’ here refers to the nurturing ground of that are bombarded every day are a lifelong learning that St. Mother Teresa once said, “We cannot do great things. But
the University campus, which is a host to these acres of has gone into one’s history. These are all a sign that we do we can do small things with great love.” I am reckoning this
land enveloped by mighty structural buildings, trees with not just exist to achieve academic excellence alone but living saying when I observed the securities and the ground staff
beautiful flowers and greeneries everywhere. It has given it out in real life situations. The formative aspect is clearly who are down to earth in their everyday duties. It keeps
wings to mosaic of lives over the last 50 years. One of the visible in the lives of Christites. challenging me in my duties as a student. The librarians,
wonderful feelings of being a Christite is living in this either in the UG or the Knowledge Centre are cordial in their
campus with ample of facilities ranging from sports to The numbers of cafeterias in the campus for instance, the relationships, their smiles and help and most of all their
libraries. It is where one learns to be, to respect all beings Indian Coffee House, Nandini, Birds Park or Kiosk, the commitment and dedication are lived example which every
and live a dignified life ever after. Pebbles Park or the gourmet are all a familiar place which is one of us must learn and respect. For the dignity of humans
when we leave then will turn into nostalgia. These are not does not lie in the kind of work we do but how we do the
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a safe space not only a recreational space alone but the place for completions work, to bring fulfilment and meaning in one’s life.
only from discrimination, criticism or other emotional of CIA’s and project works, meeting for discussions, role
or physical harm but also from the harsh of nature, and plays and learning. They are the dedicated souls who gave their today for
pollutions of the city. Have you ever wondered how the future of each and every student. And thus, gratitude
diverse we are yet unified under one chorus of CHRIST That feeling of safety begins when we enter the college gate sprouts from the heart for all of them. As we pave the years
anthem we sing along? It is indeed, a mesmerizing is what safe space is all about. You need not fear anything through, the old will go and the new will come, but the
moment of grace when you realise the number of people but be confident to run your day. Walking through the memories and grandeur of the contributions made by each
who walk in and out of the campus every day. driveway is a metaphor to the goal of life. Each is one one, we will ever cherish throughout one’s life.
struggling to reach that searching meaning for life, and very
The innumerable activities that happen in the walk way soon we realised that struggle itself is indeed a growth. Avi Krocha
every day throughout the academic year will mark the Today we are all here, but tomorrow we are all going to be School of Education
diary of any Christite. The number of associations and ‘thrown into the world.’ The time when one will be tested of CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
clubs, sports and athletics, the competitions and initiatives what we learnt and lived through. Fourth Semester
kaleidoscopic moments
If I retrace my footprints by one year, I will find was waiting there. That “March On Christite” will get
myself in a small room, gazing at laptop screen, with embedded in my system, that discipline will become a
“Congratulations, you have been selected in Christ habit, that I will find my soul mate here.
University”, beaming at me. I got Kengeri Campus
though, and I must admit that no ecstasy built up inside Our life is made up of memories: small, large, and
me. To call it my first official awkward embrace with miniscule fragments of memories that come together
CHRIST(Deemed to be University) won’t be an over to form wonderful patterns like a kaleidoscope. Tiring
exaggeration. classroom sessions, engaging countless chatter and
brainstorming in the canteen, extra-curriculars, running
Nonetheless, your world becomes the place you live around the campus during events; there is a madness
in. The same happened to me as well. With time, the that is electric and mystical at the same time. We fail to
campus became an extended part of my life. The pride of realize the beauty and importance of things when they
being a Christite is something that words can’t define. are close to us but when they go away, a part of you
does understand their worth. CHRIST has given me a
The world we live in is beautiful and it is amazing how lot. It is a realization that might escape me currently but
little things shape up our entire life. My association with I am sure that 10 or 20 years from now, I will look back
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) did not just begin at my life in CHRIST and delve deep into nostalgia.
with MBA. Back during my engineering days, I had That day, I will pull out this dusty book of memory
come to CHRIST for the event Baptizer with my theatre from the archive, read this piece I wrote and smile...
troupe. If someone asks about the performance we gave smile at all the significant insignificant details.
then, our entire team would develop a sudden dementia. “Conscious of not being able to separate myself from
But then it is also true we never cease to reminisce the my time, I have decided to become part of it.” -Albert
time spent on the CHRIST campus. It was phenomenal. Camus
Incidentally, I got my first job in Koramangala, just shy
of a mile from CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Main Nikhil Sinha
Campus. Needless to say, I used to cross the campus Master of Business Administration - Lean Operations &
frequently. Back then I did not fathom that my future Systems
nine years and counting
This bitter cold reminds me of the time I’ve spent with brought us one step closer to nature. Mount Zugspitze, the
the warmest people I’ve ever met and I’m truly indebted to highest peak in the country, simply took my breath away.
everyone involved for making this the BEST TRIP EVER.
I still can’t believe that it’s been almost two years since Travelling internationally without my parents at such a
I visited Germany as a part of the German Exchange young age was petrifying yet exhilarating. Also, everyone
Program from Christ Junior College. Twelve students and made me feel so comfortable that I didn’t miss my parents
two teachers embarked on this cultural adventure without back home.The Germans were scheduled to arrive in India
knowing that all of us were about to encounter the best in October the same year... After their formal welcome, the
days of our lives. German exchange students were given a tour of our campus.
That weekend, the Germans experienced the grand Indian
I had the opportunity to stay with my teachers - Mrs. festival, Diwali. We also went to a village near Kolar and
Aswathy and Mr. Jerin. Being a vegetarian, I knew that realized how contrasting Indian urban and rural folks are.
food was going to be a big challenge and hence packed a
whole suitcase of ready-to-cook food! It was a memorable The last evening of the entire program was booked for
experience for me as I was cooking for the first time and the cultural performance by the Germans and the pang of
even more pleasurable as it was relished by all of us. We all angst snapped us out of our perfect trance. With teary eyes
enjoyed feasting on Indian food, in a foreign land. and aching hearts, we bid goodbye.
We were fortunate enough to experience all four seasons
in one fortnight. Low population density, clean roads, All in all, the student exchange program is nothing less
zero traffic congestion and green trees forming umbrellas than magic and I’m forever grateful to CHRIST for these
make Metten an ideal place to live in. Over and above, memories that’ll always be cherished.
the hospitality of the Germans was like a cherry on the
cake. They were kind to make room for me on one of their Nikithaa Paarakh
weekends and we went to the Bavarian forests, which BBA in Finance and International Business
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
As I walk the long road of garden street
And visit the numerous places to eat,
I see the dark blue ID tags hanging from each student
Who develop unique ways of finding amusement.
From street plays to proscenium, there’s never a dull moment
That’s our university’s one amazing component.
Each block has its own tale to say,
Block 4, although cry in dismay
About their classes which start early in the morning,
While Block 3 stays hidden,
Until someone is bedridden.
Block 2 holds the future to our money
The ones in Block 1 study,
Physics, Maths and Chemistry.
Entering the lift in the Central Block remains a mystery
While the Audi Block hosts various important events,
All because of the Vice Chancellor’s consent.
The day we entered this University a friendship began
With our classmates during the week and with others at the weekend
never a I dread the day when we will all depart,
dull moment
With near ones telling us to party hard
50 years has changed a lot and it will change further
But ‘Excellence and Service’ will remain in every weather
So march on Christites, march on
With your heads held high and a heart so strong,
March on Christites, march on.
Rahul P Vinish
Bachelor of Computer Applications
a dream come true
The first time I came to Bangalore, I had to visit a couple guarantee that I would be accepted, but I couldn’t just let go
of other universities.They were supposedly the off a dream such as this.
top universities in Bangalore but none of them caught my
interest. Not really, not until I found CHRIST (Deemed to be Eventually, on the day of the results of the exams; I sat in
University). When I went to CHRIST on a breezy summer’s front of my laptop, praying my heart out that I would be
day, the campus was closed accepted. I suppose in a sense, the prayer worked; since when
for the weekend leaving that heavenly view I checked the site’s page through the names, I found mine!
for us to enjoy. The first thing that caught my attention were Claiming I was feeling relieved would be an understatement,
the magnificent but I knew I had one more thing to pass - the interview.
trees, welcoming us right through the gates. It almost On the day of the interview, I had to talk to two of the
looked to be unrealistic and a view straight out of a painting. best teachers of CHRIST. They must’ve sensed how nervous I
Walking through the campus, it barely felt like a university was, as
and more like a grand garden - one that nobility would they comforted me with very motivating words -
own years back. If this is what you really want, you will get it!
I was accepted at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) after all.
Despite the strong connection I felt with the place,
my friend confronted me with a bitter lie. I find the students here very hard working, the staff kind and
‘Because of your weak English, they won’t accept you there.’ genuine, and the general aura divine. This has motivated me
I cried quite a lot that night. It breaks a lot in a person to build to work on my flaws and thrive
up so much hope to be shut down so quickly. Even if my to get better.
friend attempted to comfort me about it, the demotivation
didn’t go away.Time passed by and it took a while for me to
get back to Bangalore. Azadeh Moradi Nikoo
Iranian PhD Scholar
This time around, I applied to CHRIST(Deemed to be Department of Psychology
University), hoping for the best. There was no CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
ode to christ Decisions running helter-skelter, finally zeroing in on one,
CHRIST (Deemed to be University) it was, in the hope that it would be fun.
First day, inauguration, excitement of epic proportions,
New faces everywhere brought about a desire for fruitful interactions.
Events aplenty, countless in number, participations of all on the rise,
Darpan, Blossoms, Nritta, gigantic and humongous in size.
From Nandini to Central Block, conversations galore,
Of academics and culturals and what not, often becoming folklore.
The Choir will always have a special place in my heart,
Letting me belt out my emotions, with harmony and deftness of art.
The eateries became synonymous with memories made,
Michael’s, Mingo’s and Rumbles, we will all miss, is what my friends said.
Two years I have been here, do not regret it one bit,
Consider myself lucky to be here, I was deemed fit.
Once a Christite, always one, we march on with our heads held high,
Onwards and upwards, with no regrets, always ready to fly.