Seminar Report by Rajesh Choudhary
Seminar Report by Rajesh Choudhary
Seminar Report by Rajesh Choudhary
Seminar Report
Bachelor of Technology
I would like to thank respected Mr Samrath Suthar for giving me such a wonderful
opportunity to expand my knowledge for my own branch and giving me guidelines to
present a seminar report.It helped me a lot to realize of what we study for.
Secondly, I would like to thank my parents who patiently helped me as I went through my
work and my friends to modify and eliminate some of the irrelevant or un-necessary
Last but clearly not the least , I would thank the almighty for giving me strength to
complete my report on time.
I have made this report file on the topic Autonomous car or Driverless Car; I have tried
my best to elucidate detail to the topic to be included in the report. While in the beginning
I have tried to give a general view about the topic.
Self-driving car
1. Introduction
2. Automation levels
3. Elements of autonomous driving system
4. Nature of digital technology
5. Systems for autonomous technology
6. Sensors
7. Technical aspects
8. Artificial intelligence in autonomous
9. Future of autonomous cars and companies
working on it
Self-driving car
A computer-controlled car that drives itself
Automation Levels
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Automated driving system monitors the driving environment
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dynamic driving
Autonomous level 0-2
Autonomous level 3
Autonomous level 4
Autonomous level 5
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Nature of the digital technology
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Digital technology used in Autonomous
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1. Homogenization and decoupling
Homogenization comes from the fact that all digital information
assumes the same form. During the ongoing evolution of the
digital era, certain industry standards have been developed on
how to store digital information and in what type of format. This
concept of homogenization also applies to autonomous vehicles.
In order for autonomous vehicles to perceive their surroundings,
they have to use different techniques each with their own
accompanying digital information (e.g. radar, GPS, motion
sensors and computer vision). Due to homogenization, the digital
information from these different techniques is stored in a
homogeneous way. This implies that all digital information comes
in the same form, which means their differences are decoupled,
and digital information can be transmitted, stored and computed
in a way that the vehicles and its operating system can better
understand and act upon it. Homogenization also helps to
exponentially increase the computing power of hard- and software
(Moore's law) which also supports the autonomous vehicles to
understand and act upon the digital information in a more cost-
effective way, therefore lowering the marginal costs.
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2. Connectivity
Connectivity means that users of a certain digital technology can
connect easily with other users, other applications or even other
enterprises. In the case of autonomous vehicles, it is essential for
them to connect with other 'devices' in order to function most
effectively. Autonomous vehicles are equipped with
communication systems which allow them to communicate with
other autonomous vehicles and roadside units to provide them,
amongst other things, with information about road work or traffic
congestion. In addition, scientists believe that the future will have
computer programs that connect and manage each individual
autonomous vehicle as it navigates through an intersection. This
type of connectivity must replace traffic lights and stop signs.
These types of characteristics drive and further develop the ability
of autonomous vehicles to understand and cooperate with other
products and services (such as intersection computer systems) in
the autonomous vehicles market. This could lead to a network of
autonomous vehicles all using the same network and information
available on that network. Eventually, this can lead to more
autonomous vehicles using the network because the information
has been validated through the usage of other autonomous
vehicles. Such movements will strengthen the value of the
network and is called network externalities.;
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3. Reprogrammable
Another characteristic of autonomous vehicles is that the core
product will have a greater emphasis on the software and its
possibilities, instead of the chassis and its engine. This is
because autonomous vehicles have software systems that drive
the vehicle meaning that updates through reprogramming or
editing the software can enhance the benefits of the owner (e.g.
update in better distinguishing blind person vs. non-blind person
so that the vehicle will take extra caution when approaching a
blind person). A characteristic of this reprogrammable part of
autonomous vehicles is that the updates need not only to come
from the supplier, because through machine learning, smart
autonomous vehicles can generate certain updates and install
them accordingly (e.g. new navigation maps or new intersection
computer systems). These reprogrammable characteristics of the
digital technology and the possibility of smart machine learning
give manufacturers of autonomous vehicles the opportunity to
differentiate themselves on software. This also implies that
autonomous vehicles are never finished because the product can
continuously be improved.
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4. Digital traces
Autonomous vehicles are equipped with different sorts of sensors
and radars. As said, this allows them to connect and interoperate
with computers from other autonomous vehicles and/or roadside
units. This implies that autonomous vehicles leave digital traces
when they connect or interoperate. The data that comes from
these digital traces can be used to develop new (to be
determined) products or updates to enhance autonomous
vehicles' driving ability or safety.
5. Modularity
Traditional vehicles and their accompanying technologies are
manufactured as a product that will be complete, and unlike
autonomous vehicles, they can only be improved if they are
redesigned or reproduced. As said, autonomous vehicles are
produced but due to their digital characteristics never finished.
This is because autonomous vehicles are more modular since
they are made up out of several modules which will be explained
hereafter through a Layered Modular Architecture. The Layered
Modular Architecture extends the architecture of purely physical
vehicles by incorporating four loosely coupled layers of devices,
networks, services and contents into Autonomous Vehicles.
These loosely coupled layers can interact through certain
standardized interfaces.
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make it autonomous. The logical capability provides control
over the vehicle and connects it with the other layers.
(2) On top of the device layer comes the network layer. This
layer also consists of two different parts: physical transport and
logical transmission. The physical transport layer refers to the
radars, sensors and cables of the autonomous vehicles which
enable the transmission of digital information. Next to that, the
network layer of autonomous vehicles also has a logical
transmission which contains communication protocols and
network standard to communicate the digital information with
other networks and platforms or between layers. This
increases the accessibility of the autonomous vehicles and
enables the computational power of a network or platform.
(4) The final layer of the model is the contents layer. This layer
contains the sounds, images and videos. The autonomous
vehicles store, extract and use to act upon and improve their
driving and understanding of the environment. The contents
layer also provides metadata and directory information about
the content's origin, ownership, copyright, encoding methods,
content tags, geo-time stamps, and so on.
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Systems used for autonomous
There are different systems that help the self-driving car control
the car. Systems that need improvement includes :-
1) car navigation system
2) location system
3) electronic map
4) map matching
5) global path planning
6) environment perception
7) laser perception
8) radar perception
9) visual perception
10) vehicle control
11) perception of vehicle speed and direction
12) vehicle control method
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Technical Aspects
The challenge for driverless car designers is to produce
control systems capable of analyzing sensory data in order
to provide accurate detection of other vehicles and the road
Modern self-driving cars generally use Bayesian
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms,
which fuse data from multiple sensors and an off-line map
into current location estimates and map updates.
Waymo has developed a variant of SLAM with detection and
tracking of other moving objects (DATMO), which also
handles obstacles such as cars and pedestrians.
Simpler systems may use roadside real-time locating
system (RTLS) technologies to aid localization.
Typical sensors include lidar, stereo vision, GPS and IMU.
Control systems on automated cars may use Sensor Fusion,
which is an approach that integrates information from a
variety of sensors on the car to produce a more consistent,
accurate, and useful view of the environment. Heavy rainfall,
hail, or snow could impede the car sensors.
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Driverless vehicles require some form of machine vision for the
purpose of visual object recognition. Automated cars are being
developed with deep neural networks, a type of deep learning
architecture with many computational stages, or levels, in which
neurons are simulated from the environment that activate the
network .The neural network depends on an extensive amount of
data extracted from real-life driving scenarios ,enabling the neural
network to "learn" how to execute the best course of action.
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Artificial intelligence within driverless car
Simply put, a truly driverless car must be capable of
navigating to a destination, avoiding obstacles, and
parking without any human intervention.
To accomplish this, a driverless car must have an
artificial intelligence system that senses its
surroundings, processes the visual data to determine
how to avoid collisions, operates car machinery like
the steering and brake, and uses GPS to track the
car's current location and destination.
Without an AI, cars cannot be truly driverless.
Companies like Google’s Waymo have put AI inside
virtual cars and have the vehicles 'drive' billions of
virtual miles, throwing every perceivable obstacle
and situation at the cars to see how they respond.
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AI in Autonomous
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Future of Autonomous cars
Experts say we’re a few years, not decades, away
from the reality of climbing into a self-driving car of
our own and reaching our destination (entered into
something like a dashboard touch screen or just said
out loud) without ever touching a steering wheel.
Already, most of the major car companies have
semiautonomous technologies in their vehicles,
offering features such as lane assist, adaptive cruise
control and the ability to parallel park . And major
automakers and tech giants aren’t just researching
and developing fully autonomous vehicles — a few
are testing prototypes right now.
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