Biologicals: Johannes Reich, Pierre Lang, Holger Grallert, Hubert Motschmann
Biologicals: Johannes Reich, Pierre Lang, Holger Grallert, Hubert Motschmann
Biologicals: Johannes Reich, Pierre Lang, Holger Grallert, Hubert Motschmann
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Article history: Over the last few decades Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) has been the most sensitive method for the
Received 11 September 2015 detection of endotoxins (Lipopolysaccharides) and is well accepted in a broad field of applications.
Received in revised form Recently, Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) in biopharmaceutical drug products has been noticed, whereby
24 March 2016
the detection of potential endotoxin contaminations is not ensured. Notably, most of these drug products
Accepted 25 April 2016
Available online 25 July 2016
contain surfactants, which can have crucial effects on the detectability of endotoxin. In order to analyze
the driving forces of LER, endotoxin detection in samples containing nonionic surfactants in various
buffer systems was investigated. The results show that the process of LER is kinetically controlled and
temperature-dependent. Furthermore, only the simultaneous presence of nonionic surfactants and
Lipopolysaccharide components capable of forming metal complexes resulted in LER. In addition, capacity experiments show
Low endotoxin recovery that even hazardous amounts of endotoxin can remain undetectable within such formulation compo-
LER sitions. In conclusion, the LER phenomenon is caused by endotoxin masking and not by test interference.
Limulus amebocyte lysate In this process, the supramolecular structure of endotoxin is altered and exhibits only a limited sus-
LAL ceptibility in binding to the Factor C of Limulus-based detection systems. We propose a two-step
mechanism of endotoxin masking by complex forming agents and nonionic surfactants.
© 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Alliance for Biological
Standardization. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
1045-1056/© 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Alliance for Biological Standardization. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (
418 J. Reich et al. / Biologicals 44 (2016) 417e422
Fig. 2. Endotoxin recovery kinetics in citrate-polysorbate formulations. 100 EU/mL endotoxin were added to samples containing 10 mM citrate and 0.05% polysorbate 20 and
incubated for different time periods. The endotoxin recovery is plotted as a function of the incubation time. The different curves indicate incubation temperatures at 36e38 C (C),
21e23 C (:) and 2e8 C (-). For detection kinetic chromogenic LAL test (A) and recombinant Factor C tests (B) were used. The error bars reflect the standard deviation of three
independent replicates (n ¼ 3) of the sample. The replicates were measured on the same microtiter plate.
Fig. 3. Impact of buffer system on endotoxin recovery. (A): Effect of pH on endotoxin recovery: 100 EU/mL of endotoxin was added to solutions containing 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20
▫ ⋄
plus 10 mM citrate (-), 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20 plus 10 mM phosphate (A), citrate only ( ) and phosphate only ( ). The pH varied in a range from 1 to 9 and incubation was at
room temperature for seven days. The endotoxin recovery is shown as a function of the pH. (B): Effect of buffer systems on kinetics of endotoxin recovery: 100 EU/mL of endotoxin
were added to solutions containing a buffer (5 mM EDTA (:), 10 mM sodium citrate (A) or 10 mM sodium phosphate (-)) and 0.05 wt % polysorbate 20. Sample incubation was at
room temperature. The endotoxin recovery is plotted as function of the incubation time. The error bars reflect the standard deviation of three independent replicates (n ¼ 3) of the
sample. The replicates were measured on the same microtiter plate.
420 J. Reich et al. / Biologicals 44 (2016) 417e422
(Table 1). These findings confirm former assumptions of endotoxin The interaction of nonionic surfactants with LPS aggregates is
disaggregation [17,18] and explain the interdependent interaction of favored if the LPS aggregates possess a certain degree of rigidity
surfactant and chelator on endotoxin. Due to the ionic and amphi- (Fig. 4). The latter is controlled, to some extent, by ionic interactions
philic nature of LPS (Fig. 1), complex forming agents disturb the as described above. Under these circumstances the supramolecular
electrostatic interactions and surfactants potentially disturb the structure of LPS is changed into a structure with a lower affinity to
hydrophobic interactions in endotoxin aggregates. Certainly, to the endotoxin sensitive Factor C of the Limulus-based detection
disturb the supramolecular structure of endotoxin a reduced rigidity system resulting in the measurement of a lower activity. Such a
is beneficial. This is controlled by the salt form of LPS, which again structure could be disaggregated LPS due to a molecular excess of
involves the presence of multivalent cations like Ca2þ [19,20]. surfactants. This hypothesis fits well to the observation of Mueller
Consequently, it can be assumed that complex forming agents are in et al., which have shown that disaggregated LPS molecules
competition with negatively charged patches of the endotoxin. (“monomers”) are substantially less active than aggregated LPS in
Therefore the salt bridges between LPS molecules are disturbed, the detection system used [24]. Additionally, Tan et al. proposed a
which should result in a reduced rigidity of endotoxin aggregates, cooperative binding mechanism of LPS to Factor C, which conse-
which in turn facilitates changes in the supramolecular structure. quently requires more than one LPS molecule in close spatial ar-
Thus, the chelating capability of the buffer component is crucial. In rangements [26]. On the other hand, it has been shown that
the presence of EDTA the recovery drops faster than in the presence monomeric LPS shows a higher potency in activating Limulus
of citrate or phosphate based buffer systems (Fig. 3b). Using buffer Amebocyte Lysate assays than aggregated LPS [27]. Under these
components with higher metal complex forming capabilities circumstances, the inadequate detectability might have steric rea-
accelerate masking kinetics. The related metal complex formation sons, in which the activating spots of the LPS (lipid A) are hidden by
constants are directly proportional to the denticity of the ligand surfactant molecules and are not accessible for Factor C.
(rule of thumb [21]). A hexadentate ligand like EDTA forms more In summary, we propose a two-step mechanism of endotoxin
stable metal complexes than a tridentate ligand like citrate. masking. Fig. 6 illustrates the effects of chelating buffer compo-
Furthermore, the equilibrium complex formation ability and the nents and nonionic surfactants on endotoxin. In this mechanism
complex stability of a chelator are pH dependant. At low pH values, the equilibrium LPS structure is shifted to an altered supramolec-
protons are in competition with cations, which hamper formation of ular structure. In its natural state, LPS monomers tend to aggregate
metal complexes [22]. Consequently, masking of endotoxin is due to the hydrophobic interactions between the Lipid A molecules.
affected by the free concentration of protons (pH), which is Additional ionic interactions, formed by divalent cations and
controlled by the buffer system and its particular acid dissociation negatively charged substitutes (e.g.: phosphates) of the LPS in-
constant. This explains the pH dependent endotoxin recovery in crease the rigidity of aggregates. By adding a complex forming
different buffer systems (Fig. 2A). However, complex forming com- agent (I), the salt bridges formed by divalent cations (e.g. Mg2þ)
ponents alone do not result in inadequate endotoxin detection, and LPS are destabilized, leading to a reduced rigidity of the
further amphiphilic components like surfactants are necessary. Due aggregate. The further presence of a surfactant (II) can then change
to the fact that LPS itself is amphiphilic, it tends to aggregate, the initial supramolecular structure by formation of mixed aggre-
because of the low solubility of the hydrophobic fatty acids of Lipid A gates. This structural change leads inevitably to a certain change in
in an aqueous solution [23]. Thus, LPS exhibits certain supramo- detectable activity, as endotoxin activity is dependent on its su-
lecular structures, which influence detectability in Limulus-based pramolecular structure. Due to the ordinary molar excess of com-
detection systems [24]. Structural transitions of amphiphilic sys- plex forming agent and surfactant (micro molar range), compared
tems are affected by a large variety of physical and chemical pa- to endotoxin content (nano molar range), mixed surfactant micelles
rameters. One major principle to control these structures is the head containing monomerized LPS are the most probable resulting su-
group repulsions of self-assembling molecules. They can be affected pramolecular structure.
by co-surfactants, electrolytes, and amphiphilic counter ions [25]. If Within this study, the phenomenon of LER were confirmed in
the masking surfactant (e.g.: polysorbate) intercalates between LPS Limulus-based detection systems and exemplifies a potential
molecules resulting in reduction of head group repulsions, the mechanism of endotoxin masking. The unknown period of endo-
establishment of a new equilibrium is favored and the supramo- toxin presence during a potential event of endotoxin contamination
lecular structure of LPS is altered. in a sample defines the chance of endotoxin recovery. Hence, LER is
Fig. 6. A proposed two-step mechanism of endotoxin masking. Potential equilibration reaction of endotoxin masking, caused by complex forming agents and surfactants, is
schematically illustrated. In a first step, pure endotoxin aggregates are disturbed by chelators increasing the permeability of the aggregate. Then, surfactants interact with endotoxin
by forming mixed aggregates.
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