MPT 612
MPT 612
MPT 612
Key features The NXP MPT612, the first dedicated IC for performing the
} ARM7 TDMI-S 32-bit RISC core operating up to 70 MHz Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) function, is designed
} Multiple serial interfaces (I2C, UART, SPI, SSP) for use in applications that use solar photovoltaic (PV) cells or
} Dedicated hardware functions: PV voltage & current in fuel cells. To simplify development and maximize system
measurement, PV panel parameter configuration efficiency, the MPT612 is supported by a patent-pending MPPT
} Output signal to control external switching device algorithm, an application-specific software library, and
} Patent-pending MPP tracking algorithm software libraries easy-to-use application programming interfaces (APIs).
} Well-documented APIs for smooth, fast development The IC can be used in a wide range of applications that use
} Up to 15 Kbytes of flash available for application software MPPT functions. For example, it can be used in a DC/DC
converter to help increase the amount of power extracted
Applications from a solar panel, and it can be used in a micro-inverter that
} Charger controllers for battery charging in standalone DC converts the panel’s output from DC to AC format. It can also
application be used in a charge controller to charge a battery in standalone
} DC/DC converter to increase panel’s extracted power DC applications.
} Micro-inverter for converting panel’s DC output to AC
Dedicated hardware functions for PV panels, including voltage
and current measurement, and panel parameter configuration,
simplify design and speed development.