Is 2029-HV Bushing

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IS: 2099-1986 (Reaffirmed 2003 } Edition 3.2 (1998-01) Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR BUSHINGS FOR ALTERNATING VOLTAGES ABOVE 1000 VOLTS (Second Revision ) (Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1 & 2) UDC 621.916.626.027.5 © BIS 2003, BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 8 1S : 2099 - 1986 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR BUSHINGS FOR ALTERNATING VOLTAGES ABOVE 1 000 VOLTS (Second Revision) Blectrical Insulators and Accessories Sectional Committee, ETDC 3 Chairman Representing Sunt ¥.D, ANAND. ‘Central Electricity Authority, Now Delhi Members Dingctor (Paani e spcagy (TASMLSON) (Allerate bo DURECIOE GUE-STATION) ( AHornate IIo ‘Shr V.D. Anand) ‘Suni U. R. G. ACHARYA Divectorate General of Posts and Telegraphe, Jabalpur ‘SRL P, P, AGRAWAL ( Alternate) ‘App. Dinecror (7) Research, Designs and Standards Organization, Ministry of Railways, Lucknow Derury Dinecron (OHE-I (Alternate) Sunt. 8. anona Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, ‘New Delht ‘SHRI. P, SENCAL ( Alternate) Suni T. D. BaNeRsee ‘Orissa State Blectrcity Board, Bhubaneshiver ‘SHRI GOURANGA Pata (Alternate) SHRIR.. CHamt “Tag Corporation, Madras DR. R. MAoMAvAN ( Alternate) Sunt G. L. Dua Rural Electrification Corporation Led, New Delhi ‘Suni S.C. KHURANA ( AHernate) Simi NAGIN SINGH GREWAL Punjab State Klectricty Bourd, Patiala Sunt Guuv PRawasi (Alienate) Same ©, Jaa ‘Jaya Shree insulators, Calcutta SHRI A. K. NaGeas (Alternate) ‘Su 1K. Kapoor Dieclorais| General of Techni! Development, ‘New Delhi Shei KR KasnvaP Hiigh ‘Tension Insulator Factory, Ranchi ‘SHRI A. K. AGRAWAL ( Alternate) ‘Sue B, KeIsHKAMURTHY —Bherat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Bhopal ‘Sunt 8, P. SINGH (Aldernate T) ‘Suni JR, Nana (Alternate It) (Continued on page 2) OBIS 2005, BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ‘This publication is protoetod under the Indian Copyright Act (KTV of 1957) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means exoopt with written permiesion af the Dublisher shall be deemed to be an infringoment of copyright under the aaid Act. IS : 2099-1986 (Continued from page ¥) Members Representing ‘Sums Syep Kuaben MomUppw Karnataka State Bleetrilty Board, Bangalore ‘SHRI R. RANGASWAMY (Alternate) SHEER. V. NADA Maharushtra State Klectricity Board, Bombay ‘Sumi 8. P. AMIDWan (Alternate) ‘Sunt D. 8. Nntson "Tamil Nadu Blectrcity Board, Madras ‘SHRI N, R, SaNKARAN ( Alternate ) Suet PL. NENE ‘Madhya Pradesh Blectscity Board, Jabalpur ‘Shin $, Z. Hussain (Alternate) DRG. M. PHADKE ‘Indian Blectrical Monufacturers' Association, Bombay ‘Sant P. RAMACHANDRAN (Alternate) ‘Sux VB, RAM MOHAN Contre] Power Research Institute, Bangalore ‘Sunt K. N. SRINIVASAN ( Alternate) (SURIN. RAMAKHISHNAN W. 8. naulators of India Ltd, Madras SURE. G, VANCHEESWARAN (Alternate) SHEIK 17, GURURAIA RAO NGEF Limited, Banglore ‘SHRI C. S, WARAD (Alterate) SHRI 8. C. SEN Bengal Potteries Ld, Caleutia, ‘Sunt D. K Mazunapan (Alternate) ‘Suu R. D, Sera Blectro Metal Industries, Bombay Sunt SURENDRA StNcit Government Pottery Development Centre, Khurja ‘SHRI T. B. 1, SRIVASTAVA (Alternate) ‘SuRIV. B, Sic U.P State Blectreity Beard, Lucknow ‘SHRI 8. C. RasTOct (Alternate) ‘ual. ViNkatesuanu Seahasuyce Industries Ltd, Vadalpur Post Sunt RV. ACHUTHAN ( Alternate) ‘SURI'U, S, VERA ‘National Test House, Caleutta ‘Sumi B,C. PRADHAN ( Alternate) SUKI S, P. SACHDEY, Director Genezal, IST ( x-ffcio Member) Director (Ele tech) Secretary ‘Sunt R.K. Moca Sine Director (Bloe tech), 1ST Panel for Dimensions of Bushings, ETDC 3/P3 Convener Representing ‘SHE V. SEINIVASAN WS. Insulators of India Ltd, Madras Members ‘Suni R. K, AGRAWAL Bharat Heavy Blectricala Ltd, Bhopal ‘Suni M. P. SovaH (Alternate 1) ‘Sunt B. KIISHNAMURTEY ( Alternate 1) Dingotor (SuB-staTiON) Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi DEPUTY DraRCTOR (Alternate) SHRIS, V. MANET ‘Grompton Greaves td, Bombay SHEL. G. PRADHAN Bharat Bijee Lid, Bombay SHRP Rasachasonas — Trapsformess & Blecrcale Korte 123, Angesally ‘Sxai KuwaKose ANTONY (Alternate) [SHREP, 5, RAMAN NGEF Lid, Bangalore DRU.S. SiNcH High Tension Insulator Factory, Renchi ‘SHRI A. D. DUA (Alternate) 2 IS ; 2099-1986 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR BUSHINGS FOR ALTERNATING VOLTAGES ABOVE 1 000 VOLTS (Second Revision ) 0.FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Indian ‘Standards Institution on 28 April 1986, after the draft finalized by the Electrical Insulators and Accessories Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. 0.2 This standard was first issued in 1962. The first revision was carried out in 1973 to include condenser type bushing and rationalize the classification of tests to make them comprehensive and updated. 0.3 While carrying out the second revision of this standard, the following changes have been incorporated to align it with international standard and practices: a) The values of test voltage for dielectrics have been modified and siven in a single table; 'b) The visible discharge test and radio interference measurements have been deleted; ©) The gas filled bushings are included and the corresponding applicable testa have been specified; and @ The special tests such as leakage of oil/gas at fixing flange or device, short time current and mechanical strength which were earlier applicable on agreement have been modified to apply uniformly to all bushings covered by this standard. 0.4 The requirements of bushings for alternating voltages up to and including 1 000 V are covered in IS : 7421-1974". “Spe 10009. sation for porcelain bushings for alternating voltage up to and including 3 1S : 2099 - 1986 0.5 The dimensions of the porcelain bushings and their related parts have been covered separately as follows: a) Porcelain transformer bushings for normal and lightly polluted atmospheres in Section 1 of each IS : 8347 (Part 1) to Part 7)*, b) Porcelain transformer bushings for heavily polluted atmospheres in IS : 8603-197, ©) Oil impregnated paper insulated condenser bushings — IS under preparation, and 4) Ceramic bushings for terminals in IS : 10314-19823. 0.6 In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from IEC publication 137 (1984) ‘Bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V (third edition), issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (EC). 0.7 This edition 3.2 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (January 1989) and Amendment No. 2 (January 1998). Side bar indicates modification of the text as the result of incorporation of the amendments. 0.8 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, obsorved or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS: 2-1860§. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 1.SCOPE 1.1 This standard covers rated values, porformance requirements and tests for bushings for three-phase alternating current systems, having rated voltage above 1 000 volts and frequencies between 15 and 60 Hz. 1.2 This standard applies to bushings which are supplied separately, intended for use in electrical apparatus and installations for three- phase alternating current system having rated voltages above 1000 volts and frequencies between 16 to 60 Hz, ‘Notei — Thospplieationofthiastandardtobuchingsforothorthanthree-phassaystona shall be subject to special agrecmont between the purchaser and the mantfacturer. Noth 2—“This standard does not apply to bushings for use with rectifiers, rotating machines, testing transformer, do converter transformers, or terminals for power cables (pot heads). Such bushings shall be subject to special agreement Between ths purchaser and the manufagturer. “Dimensons for poreclsin transformer bushings for use in normal and Tightly polluted ntmospherer Dimensions for poreolan teuneormer bushings for use in heavily polled atmopheres "Sbimensions for ceramic bushings fr termina Sales for rounding off numerical values (re 4 ed). IS : 2099-1986 design or use, cannot be tested separately under standard, the test proceduce iv to be agreed upon snd the manufacturer. 2, TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply. 2.1 Bushing—A structure carrying one or several conductors through a partition such as a wall or tank, and insulating it or them therefrom, incorporating the means of attachment (flange or other fixing device) to the partition, ‘The conductor may form an integral part of the bushing or be drawn, through. 2.2 Liquid Filled Bushing — A bushing in which the space between, the inside surface of the insulating envelope and the solid major insulation is filled with cil or another insulating liquid. 2.8 Liquid Insulated Bushing—A bushing in which the major insulation consists of oil or another insulating liquid. Note — The dofnitions in 2.2 and 2. alo include bushings w! form an integral part of liguid insulated equipment, being is communteation wth that of the bushing, 2.4 Gas Filled Bushing — A bushing in which the space between the inside surface of the insulating envelope and the solid major insulation. is filled with gas (other than ambient air) at atmospheric or higher pressure NoTs—~ The definition includes bushings which are intended to form an integral part of gas innulated equipment, the gas of the equipment being in communication ‘with that che bushing. 2.5Gas Insulated Bushing—A bushing in which the major insulation consists of gas (other than ambient air) at atmospheric or higher pressure. Note 1 — This definition includes bushings which are intended to form an integral part of gas instlated equipment, the gas ofthe equipment being in communication ‘with that the buahing. Note 2—A bushing which contains solid ineulating materials other than the ‘envelope containing the gaa (fr example, support for conducting layers or ineulating ‘olinder) iva composite bushing (eee 211). 2.6 Oil Impregnated Paper Bushing —A bushing in which tho major insulation consists of a core wound from untreated paper and subsequently impregnated with an insulating liquid, generally the 5 1S : 2099-1986 transformer oil, The core is contained in an insulating envelope; the space between the core and the insulating envelope being filled with the same insulating liquid as that used for impregnation. 2.7 Rosin Bonded Paper Bushing — A bushing in which the major insulation consists of a core wound from resin coated paper. During the winding process, each paper layer is bonded to the previous layer by its resin coating and the bonding is achieved by curring the resin. Note — A resin bonded paper bushing may be provided with an insulating envelope, in which case the intervening space may be billed with an insulating Higuid or anotor ingolating medium. 2.8 Resin Impregnated Paper Bushing — A bushing in which the major insulation consists of a core wound from untreated paper and subsequently impregnated with a curable resin, Nore —A rosin imprognated paper bushing may be provided with an inaulating ‘envelope, in which enee the intervening spece say be filed with an inoulating Hgua (oF another insulating medium, 2.9 Ceramic, Glass or Analogous Inorganic Material Bushing — A bushing in which the major insulation consists of a ceramic, glass or analogous inorganic material. insulation consists of a cast organic material with or without an inorganic filler. 2.11 Composite Bushing — A bushing in which the major insulation consists of a combination of different insulating materials. 2.12 Capacitance Graded Bushing — A bushing in which metallic or non-metallic conducting layers are arranged within the insulating material for the purpose of controlling the distribution of the electric field of the bushing. Nore 1—Generally, the major inwulation of a eapasitance graded bushing is ‘constituted of one of the following: 9) Oil impregnated paper, ) Resin bonded paper, ©) Resin imprognated paper, & Cast resin, ©) Gas or othor insulating uid, and 1 Composite. Note 2—A capacitance graded bushing may be provided with an insulating envelope, in which case the intervening space may be filled seth an insulating liquid or another insulating mediusn, 6 IS : 2099-1986 2.13 Indoor Bushing — A bushing, both ends of which are intended tobe in ambient air but not exposed to external atmospheric conditions. Nore 1-—In indoor installations, moisture eondensntion on the surface of the ‘bushing is to be prevonted if necessary by ventilation or heating. Nove 2 — ‘This definition includes bushings operating in air nt temperatures above ambient, such as oecura with alrinaulated ducting. 2.14 Outdoor Bushing — A bushing, both ends of which are intended to bein ambient air and exposed to external atmospheric conditions. 2.15 Outdoor-Indoor Bushing — A bushing, both ends of which are intended to be in ambient air. One end is intended to be exposed to external atmospheric conditions and the other end is intended not to bbe 50 oxposed ( see also notes under 2.13 ). 2.16 Indoor-Lmmersed Bushing —A bushing, one end of which is intended to be in ambient air but not exposed to external atmospheric conditions and the other end to be immersed in an insulating medium other than ambient air (for example, oil or gas) (see also notes under 2.18). 2.17 Outdoor-Immersed Bushing — A bushing, one end of which is intended to be in ambient air and exposed to external atmospheric conditions and the other end to be immersed in an insulating medium other than air (for example, oil or gas). 2,18 Completely Immersed Bushing —A bushing both ends of which are intended to be immersed in insulating media other than ambient air (for example, oil or gas). 2.19 Rated Voltage ( Uy) — The highest rms phase-to-phase voltage for which the equipment is designed in respect of its insulation as well as other characteristics which relate to this voltage in the relevant equipment standard, ‘This voltage is the maximum value of the highest voltage of the system for which the equipment is used. 2.20 Rated Phase-to-Earth Voltage — The highest rms value of the voltage which the bushing can withstand continuously between the conductor and flange or other fixing device, under the operating conditions specified in 6. 2.21 Rated Current (Jy)—The rms value of current which the bushing ean carry continuously under the operating conditions specified in 6, 2,22 Rated Thermal Short Time Current (I,) — The rms value of symmetrical current which the bushing can withstand thermally for the rated duration (ty, ), immediately following continuous operation 7 1S : 2099-1986 smersion at Iy with maximum temperatures of ambient air and media in accordance with 6.4. 2.93 Rated Dynamic Current (I,)—The peok value of current which the bushing shall withstand mechanically. 2.24 Temperature Rise—The difference between tho measured temperature of the hottest apot of the metal parts of the bushing which are in contact with insulating material and the ambient air temperature (see 8). 2.28 Rated Frequency —The frequency by which the bushing is lesignated, 2.26 Rated Density of Insulating Gas—The density assigned by ‘the supplier at which the bushing is intended to be operated in service. 2.27Minimum Operating Density of Insulating Gas—The density assigned by the supplier below which the rated values of insulating level no longer apply. 2.28 Maximum Operating Pressure —The maximum permissible pressure when the bushing is in operation carrying nominal current at the highest temperature given in 6.4. 2.29 Leakage Rate of Gas Filled and Gas Insulated Bushings — ‘The permissible annual escape of gas expressed as a percentage of the total gas quantity in the bushing. 2.30 Insulating Envelope —An envelope of inorganic or organic ‘material, such as ceramic or cast resin, placed round the whole or part of a bushing. 2.31 Creepage Distance — The shortest distance (or the sum of the shortest distances) along the contour of the external insulating surface between the metal parts which normally have the operating voltage between them. NoTs— A semiconducting layer of high resistance on the external surface of the ingulating envelope chould be Included while mencuring the ercepage distance. 2,82 Areing Distance — The shortest distance (or the sum of the shortest distances) outside the bushing between metal parts which normally have the operating voltage between them. 2.83 Test Tap—A connection, insulated from the flange or other fixing device, made to one of the outer conducting layers of a ‘capacitance graded bushing in order to allow measurements whilst the flange of the bushing is earthed. NOTE —Thia connection is earthed directly when it is not being uned to enrry out rmensuremente, Th tep ie accessible from outside the buthing. 2.34 Voltage Tap — A connection, insulated from the flange or other fixing device, made to one of the outer conducting layers of a 8

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