SCRIPT With Conclusion
SCRIPT With Conclusion
SCRIPT With Conclusion
Next in line, the weather report for the day of April 7, 2020
Minimum temperature near 25 Celsius degree and maximum temperature near 35
Celsius degree. This day is expected to be sunny and dry with still no chance of rain
and associated with an average wind of 16 mph.
The things you must remember during this day is first,
Wear light-colored clothes
Drinking a lot of water is a must
Apply sunblock lotion especially when going out
Bring an umbrella or cap
You can go shopping
Same goes as the other day, the weather was still sunny. No rain happened that’s why
in conclusion, the given weather forecast is true.
For the last day of the week we have April 12, 2020’s weather forecast
The weather for this day is cloudy with 25% chance of rain and associated with an
average wind of 14mph. The expected temperature will be ranging from 26 to 32
Celsius degree.
Here are few of the suggestion to prepare and enjoy for this type of weather
Wear comfortable clothes
You can take a walk outside but remember to bring you umbrella
You can drink coffee or warm milk
You can go on picnic with family and friends
The weather during this day was cloudy and I also observed signs of raining and it
really rained. In conclusion, this weather forecast given is true.
That’s all for today’s weather report, thank you for listening. Again I am (name) from
(*****) news.