Pesticide Applicators Questionnaire Content Validation: A Fuzzy Delphi Method
Pesticide Applicators Questionnaire Content Validation: A Fuzzy Delphi Method
Pesticide Applicators Questionnaire Content Validation: A Fuzzy Delphi Method
Sujith Kumar Manakandan, MPH1, Rosnah Ismail, DrPH1, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil, PhD2, Priya Ragunath,
Occupational Health Unit, Department of Community Health, UKM Medical Centre, The National University of Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, 3Occupational Health
Unit, Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia
threshold value (d) ≤ 0.2, hence all the six constructs were
by previous scholars.6, 7 It uses fuzzy set numbers or fuzzy set
than 75%, which giving rise to about 12% from the total
items recovery rate, allows the experts to express their
average fuzzy numbers. The seven items which did not fulfill
consensus from the experts without jeopardising their
experts from both occupational health and vector-borne of years of experience. Each chosen experts was at least one
disease control unit of Ministry of Health. Therefore, we feel, of the following; 1 a public health physician that has
FDM is the most suitable method to be used to form a set of published an article related pesticide applicators, 2 an
questionnaire. In this article, Fuzzy Delphi Method was used administrator who manages the pesticide applicators at
prior to constructing validation process of pesticide district/state/national level, 3 had previously worked or
applicators questionnaire pertaining to knowledge, attitude experienced in pesticide application related job,4 minimum
and practice related to noise and chemical exposure in this five years of experience in the related field of noise and
study. The main purpose of this study was to obtain experts’ pesticide exposure,5 an academician or tutor in the
consensus on the suitability of the pre-selected items on the occupational health related field. A total of sixteen experts
questionnaire. were recruited as the panel of experts via non-probable,
purposive sampling method. The number was considered
Original Article
Table I: The difference between Likert scale scoring and Fuzzy scoring for a five-point scale
VariaLikert Scale Scoring Linguistic variable Fuzzy Scoring
5 Highly Agree 0.6, 0.8, 1.0
4 Agree 0.4, 0.6, 0.8
3 Moderately/Not Sure 0.2, 0.4, 0.6
2 Not Agree 0.0, 0.2, 0.4
1 Highly Not Agree 0.0, 0.0, 0.2
Table II: The summary of All Three Pre-requisites Post Fuzzy Delphi Analysis (Noise)
Construct/Items Average Likert Threshold Percentage of Average of Ranking Verdict
Score Value Experts’ Fuzzy
(d) ≤ 0.2 Consensus (%) Numbers
Noise-Knowledge 0.00 Acceptable
NK-1 5 75 0.738 2 Retained
NK-2 5 75 0.738 2 Retained
NK-3 5 75 0.738 2 Retained
NK-4 5 75 0.738 2 Retained
NK-5 5 81 0.750 1 Retained
NK-6 5 75 0.738 2 Retained
NK-7 5 75 0.738 2 Retained
NK-8 5 81 0.750 1 Retained
NK-9 5 81 0.750 1 Retained
NK-10 5 81 0.750 1 Retained
Noise-Attitude 0.01 Acceptable
NA-1 5 94 0.738 3 Retained
NA-2 5 94 0.700 5 Retained
NA-3 5 94 0.725 4 Retained
NA-4 5 81 0.738 3 Retained
NA-5 4 31* 0.588 6 Discarded
NA-6 5 81 0.763 1 Retained
NA-7 5 75 0.750 2 Retained
NA-8 5 81 0.763 1 Retained
NA-9 5 94 0.725 4 Retained
NA-10 5 94 0.725 4 Retained
NA-11 5 88 0.763 1 Retained
NA-12 4 25* 0.583 7 Discarded
NA-13 5 88 0.725 4 Retained
NA-14 4 38* 0.533 8 Discarded
Noise-Practice 0.01 Acceptable
NP-1 5 75 0.738 3 Retained
NP-2 5 81 0.750 2 Retained
NP-3 5 81 0.738 3 Retained
NP-4 5 81 0.738 3 Retained
NP-5 5 88 0.775 1 Retained
NP-6 5 88 0.725 4 Retained
* Item with Experts’ consensus ≤ 75% and lowest ranking within their construct
Determination of item acceptability Once the value was obtained, a threshold value (d-construct)
There were three prerequisites to be fulfilled to determine the was calculated by using the formula below:
acceptability of the constructs and its respective items. The Threshold Value ∑ Average Threshold Value, (d) for each item
prerequisites were (1) threshold value, d-construct ≤ 0.219, (2) (d-Construct) Total Experts x Total Items in Constructs
experts agreement on evaluated items ≥75%20 and (3)
ranking of the item. The threshold value,d-construct indicates Based on the value, the acceptability of the construct was
the selection of certain construct based on the consensus of determined, whereby a construct was accepted if the
the experts for each construct. However, prior to that, a Threshold value (d-construct) ≤ 0.2. Expert agreement on
threshold value (d) for each itemwas found, by calculating each evaluated item was also based on threshold value (d) for
the difference between average fuzzy number and each each item, whereby (d) ≤ 0.2 are accepted. The frequency of
expert fuzzy number (refer Figure 2& 3)using the formula accepted values was presented as percentage as shown in
below: Figure 3. Items with expert agreement of less than 75% were
discarded. The rank of an item within a similar construct was
determined after Defuzzification process as mentioned earlier
(refer Figure 1). All respondents data were entered and
analysed using Microsoft excel version 2013. A complete
Table III: The summary of All Three Pre-requisites Post Fuzzy Delphi Analysis (Chemical)
Construct/Items Average Threshold Value Percentage of Average of Ranking Verdict
Likert Score (d) ≤ 0.2 Experts’ Fuzzy
Consensus (%) Numbers
Chemical-Knowledge 0.00 Acceptable
CK-1 5 94 0.788 1 Retained
CK-2 5 88 0.696 6 Retained
CK-3 5 94 0.788 1 Retained
CK-4 5 88 0.750 3 Retained
CK-5 5 88 0.788 1 Retained
CK-6 5 81 0.733 4 Retained
CK-7 5 88 0.775 2 Retained
CK-8 5 88 0.788 1 Retained
CK-9 5 94 0.713 5 Retained
CK-10 5 94 0.775 2 Retained
Chemical-Attitude 0.01 Acceptable
CA-1 5 94 0.729 4 Retained
CA-2 5 88 0.742 3 Retained
CA-3 5 88 0.704 6 Retained
CA-4 5 88 0.717 5 Retained
CA-5 5 94 0.788 1 Retained
CA-6 5 94 0.717 5 Retained
CA-7 5 88 0.775 2 Retained
CA-8 4 81 0.692 7 Retained
CA-9 5 88 0.717 5 Retained
CA-10 5 94 0.729 4 Retained
Chemical-Practice 0.01 Acceptable
CP-1 4 31* 0.600 6 Discarded
CP-2 4 38* 0.575 8 Discarded
CP-3 4 94 0.725 3 Discarded
CP-4 4 75 0.750 2 Discarded
CP-5 5 94 0.692 4 Retained
CP-6 4 94 0.679 5 Retained
CP-7 4 94 0.725 3 Discarded
CP-8 4 88 0.775 1 Discarded
CP-9 5 13* 0.592 7 Retained
CP-10 5 13* 0.592 7 Retained
* Item with Experts’ consensus ≤ 75% and lowest ranking within their construct
summary of the study flow process has been illustrated in terms of the structure, position and wordings were done based
Figure 4. on the comments by the experts. These were some minor
changes and it didn’t alter the objective and nature of the
items. As a final draft, a total of six constructs with 53 items
were finalised as the result of this Fuzzy Delphi analysis.
A 100% response rate was obtained from all the sixteen
experts. All the items within the six constructs had scored
average Likert scoring of four to five, which was in the scale
of agree to highly agree. These scores were converted into This article demonstrated the study objective which was the
fuzzy numbers. Post FDM analysis, the first prerequisite was content validation of pesticide applicators questionnaire by
fulfilled whereby all the six constructs had threshold value (d) obtaining the experts’ consensus on suitability of the pre-
≤ 0.2. For the second prerequisite, three items (21%) from selected items on the questionnaire and using FDM to
noise-attitude construct and four items (40%) from chemical- ultimately remove the unfit items. This study found that the
practice construct had expert consensus lesser than 75%, average Likert scale scoring by the experts for all the items
which giving rise to about 12% from the total items in the are from agreeable to highly agreeable range, which means
questionnaire. The third prerequisite was used to rank the all 60 items can be accepted. However, post FDM analysis,
items within the constructs by calculating the average fuzzy only 53 items were fulfilled all the pre-requisites. About 12%
numbers. The seven items which did not fulfill the second of the items didn’t match the terms, hence those items were
prerequisite similarly had lower ranks during the analysis. regarded as failure to achieve consensus from the expert
The whole findings were summarised in the Table II and panel and removed. This 12% is the fuzziness or uncertainty
Table III. among the expert panel which was not detected by the usual
Likert Scale scoring system. Every expert will have their own
Those seven items were discarded and the remaining which uncertainty towards certain variable, which often regarded as
fulfilled the pre-requisites was retained for the final draft for the “grey area”. The use of FDM is to deal with those “grey
content validation process. Apart from discarding items area”, ensuring a qualified analysis outcome. Furthermore,
based on these prerequisites, little modification of items in this method catered all the experts’ opinion, considering
Original Article
some expert are more experienced, some are more to a construct validation process. Most importantly, this
knowledgeable, some with relevant skills and some has the method gives a proper quantitative approach to usual group
policy making authority in the field. This variety of opinions discussions or meetings which are in a qualitative manner.
is merged together to support each other’s deficiency to derive This questionnaire can be considered as accepted by the
at the desirable outcome. Moreover, the final draft of the experts without any prejudice and it can be used for the
questions was arranged based on priority ranking derived by targeted population after confirmatory validation process.
the analysis. On the positive note, although the items were
picked from variety of literature which was very unusual However, there are some limitations with this method,
compared to the traditional practice of selecting a whereby, the researcher or a person who is conducting this
questionnaire, the difference between the initial selection of FDM should have some pre-existing background knowledge
items and the level of experts’ opinion was very minimal regarding the subject, whereby he/she must be an expert too.
(12%). This could be possibly due to majority of the items are Moreover, FDM requires existing kinds of literature or matter,
originally from the local language and the remaining items to begin with, and this method is not suitable for developing
were hand-picked, translated and modified by the author brand new items. On the other note, this study required
who is equally experienced and knowledgeable in the similar constant reminder to the experts to give their response. This
field. is mainly due to limited time factor and this might lead to the
emotional bias among the experts. In addition to that, the
Generally, an indoor meetings or workshops will be selection of the expert was by purposive sampling method
conducted to gather the experts under a roof in order to get based on their willingness and availability. A probable
their consensus. This involves tedious process, starting from sampling method among the experts and more time frame
the calling letter, arranging the venue, travelling expenses, would have been yielded a different result.
refreshment beverages and obviously plenty of time will be
spent. The main significant advantage of this study was, it As a recommendation, FDM should be widely used in medical
was conducted in a very short span of time, with zero costing related studies, to get expert’s opinion and consensus
involved. It was also a hustle-free job for the experts as well. especially in developing a protocol or guidelines related to
The experts’ responses were gathered via emails and medical practices. Although limited, there are some studies
messages at their convenience. This method will certainly which use this method for medically related researches. It was
reduce the risk of bias by ensuring anonymity and welcoming used in one of the studies to find consensus for Asthma
the opinion of atypical views among the experts and the management guidelines.22 Another study in Mexico which
responses are totally independent without the fear of used this technique to determine the socio-ecological factors
judgemental by others which usually present in any routine that influence adherence to mammography screening.3
group discussions or meetings.21 However, locally in Malaysia, this method is yet to be
introduced in the field of medicine. Furthermore, it is hoped
Pertaining to this study, it introduces that FDM can be used that this study can be beneficial as a guidance for any future
to get expert’s opinion and consensus in order to achieve a medical or health related research which intends to use FDM
decision. This method can be used as a pre-construct for their studies.
validation tool to select the suitable items before subjecting it
Original Article
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