End Term 2020
End Term 2020
End Term 2020
1. Answers having the same language (Copied) lead to disqualification for the evaluation of
2. You can attempt your questions in the word doc and mail it to me on
[email protected]
3. Bullet points with minimal but crisp explanation would be rewarded over general
description. Therefore, think before you write!
4. Wherever any confusion, take necessary assumptions and proceed.
5. Mention your roll number and name on the answer sheet.
a. Interpret the output in terms of preference for learning medium (Books vs. Online)
across two genders. What inferences can be made? (3 Marks)
b. What does the chi-square test suggest? Support your decision with statistical
justification. (2 Marks)
B. A researcher is interested in finding out if the education level and gender (Categorical
Variables) explains variance in the interest level in politics (Metric Dependent
Variable). Using a two by three factorial design, the data collected from 60
respondents is fit into a model. The SPSS output is as given below:
Question: Based on the output, what inferences can be made? (5 Marks)
I F 20 Pepsi 2
J F 19 Pepsi 3
ii) If this type of electric car had the same initial cost as a sedan, but operated at one half
the cost over a five year period, would you buy one?
(a)Yes ____ (b)No_____
5. A manager of a chain of hotels is looking for the ways to target most attractive visitors for
their newly launched dedicated services for vacationers, by running an individualized
promotion for select visitors to the hotel in last year. As the promotional program is costly,
she wants to approach only those potential customers who might spend big money during
vacation (especially on their hotel and allied services they provide like cruises, made to order
food etc.). She gathered data of last one year and ran a linear regression. Relevant SPSS
output is reproduced alongside. The model tries to predict the maximum expenditure
traveller would make during his/her stay with hotel while on vacation. It is based on
feedback given on 1-10 point scale regarding his/her travel attitude, and importance given to
travelling. Other independent variables include house-hold size, and the age of head of
household. Based on above details answer the following questions: (5+5=10 marks)
Model Summary
R Adjusted R
Model R Square Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .630 .397 .315 1.163
a. Predictors: (Constant), Travel Attitude, Vacation Importance, HH Size, HH Head Age
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 43.685 12 43.685 32.320 .000a
Residual 324.401 240 1.352
Total 368.087 252
a. Predictors: (Constant), Travel Attitude, Vacation Importance, HH Size, HH Head Age
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
a) Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 24.392 8.504 2.868 .008
HH Size -12.075 6.772 -.784 -7.353 .000
Vacation 2.302 .734 3.134 .002
Travel Attitude 11.200 1.523 .857 1.783 .076
HH Head Age -2.046 .937 -.213 -2.184 .038
a. Dependent Variable: Max. Expenditure
a) Which independent variable has maximum impact on max. expenditure? Explain on
what basis you arrived at the conclusion?
b) Choose any four different statistic encircled in above tables and give their