Psychosocial Support: APRIL 15, 2016
Psychosocial Support: APRIL 15, 2016
Psychosocial Support: APRIL 15, 2016
Rather than being a stand-alone activity, psychosocial support programs should be integrated into wider
systems, wherever possible, such as existing community support mechanisms, formal and non-formal
school systems, social services and health services. Integrated services tend to reach more people and
are typically less stigmatizing. (WHO, 2007)
Psychosocial support addresses a person’s emotional, social, mental and spiritual needs – all essential
elements of positive human development.
Psychosocial support builds internal and external resources for children and their families to cope with
adversity. It supports families to provide for children’s physical, economic, educational, health and social
needs. Psychosocial support also helps build resilience in children.
All children need psychosocial support for their psychological and emotional wellbeing, as well as their
physical and mental development. Some children need additional, specific psychosocial support if they
have experienced extreme trauma or adversity or are not receiving necessary caregiver support.
Poverty, illness, conflict, neglect and abuse can all affect a child’s psychosocial wellbeing. As a result of
HIV and AIDS, children may experience multiple traumas such as the illness and death of parents,
violence and exploitation, stigma and discrimination, isolation and loneliness, and lack of adult support
and guidance.
Families and communities are best placed to provide psychosocial support to children. Interventions
should work through families to keep children in supportive and caring environments and to strengthen
families’ abilities to meet a range of children’s needs. Psychosocial support should not be a stand-alone
activity but part of comprehensive, integrated programming.
Effective psychosocial support builds on community resources and links families with existing systems of
community support such as early childhood development programs, school programs, kids clubs, safe
spaces for girls, peer support groups and health services. Psychosocial support can also be integrated
into existing programs for nutrition, HIV prevention, PMTCT, and care and treatment. Participation in
parent education groups, community caregiver and family support groups, peer and social support
activities and mentorship programs can help children, youth and families to strengthen coping
mechanisms and build resilience.
While most children are fairly resilient, when faced with extreme adversity and trauma, they and their
families need extra support. Extreme, prolonged ‘toxic stress’ may lead to anxiety or depression and can
have long-term, harmful effects on a child’s health and development. In cases of extreme stress or
adversity, children and families may benefit from family outreach programs such as home visits that
provide counseling services.