Analysis of Trapping of Color Sequences of Multicolor Offset Printing

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Technical Issues International Design Journal, Vol.

1 Issue 1

Analysis of trapping of color sequences of multicolor offset printing

Dr. Abd El Rahman Ragab
Prof. Magdy Ezzat Abd El Kader
Printing, Publishing and Packaging Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University,

Ink trapping is defined as the amount of the second ink transferred on top of the first ink during
process color printing. It is estimated optically with the use of densities.
The problem of this paper was to compare quality of printed products of print attributes (Ink
Trapping) of multicolor litho-offset printing, as a limited specific condition study, in Egypt
market . It was found from the review of literature that color sequence of multicolor printing
process had differences on the quality issue. The density-based is defined as the ratio of the ‘wet-
on-wet’ ink trapping. Density-based ink trapping ratios are compared. The effect of ink sequence
and ink trapping ratio on overprint colors are examined.
color trapping, color printing sequence, process inks, multicolor offset printing, ink trapping ratio

Introduction believe that not only the results, but also the
After several years of market hesitation, litho- methodology is of interest to the engineers
offset multi color presses and scientists working with printing
have now become common. In today’s technology.
printing market, where tend to multi-color In our local printing market, there are no
objects, medium and long run, shorter make basic color sequence rule to print multi color
ready times and stability of quality are being (wet on wet) using process inks, which
demanded. provides a poor print quality.
It is important for customers of multi-color Therefore, the research question could be
press to be able to take into account the formulated as follows, “Does density-based
quality of the press, typically to be able to ink trapping correlate with each other?” . It is
make a trade-off between price and quality. assumed therefore that, if ink trapping can be
The total quality of a printing machine is, determined from ink density and their ink
however, a very complex entity, involving sequence, a designer or a printer may predict
technical aspects such as expected lifespan, the overprint colors of any two inks.
printing speed, accepted media, as well as Printing is about transferring ink from an
customer relation aspects such as service image carrier to substrate. At the printing nip,
agreements. the ink splits. A portion of the ink transfers to
In our study we have evaluated the color the substrate while the rest remains on the
image quality of one of commercially image carrier (Chung and Hsu 2008) p 67.
available multi- color litho-offset presses. We In the printing industry today, tradition and
have decided to publish the names of the the concept of printing as an ability are both
press and devices under test, also all still valid, though the concept of printing by
experimental conditions. However, we also the numbers and standardization is more
typical. In regard to offset ink sequence, it is
Technical Issues International Design Journal, Vol.1 Issue 1

commonplace to print CMY, as ISO estimated independently, hence, the density-

12647:2004 Graphic technology – Process based ink trapping assessment.
control for the production of half-tone color The purpose of this experimental research
separations, proof and production prints – was to identify the significant differences that
Part 1: Parameters and measurement methods exist in the measurable print attributes (or
defines printing process control parameters. characteristics) of different color sequences of
Today, it downplays the importance of ink multicolor (CMYK) offset printing. The ratio
trapping. Instead of specifying ink trapping, it of trapping is then calculated between density
opts for specifying colorimetric values of of the first and second color sequence and the
two-color overprints, i.e., (Y+M) red, (Y+C) trapping of overlap two colors in wet-on-wet
green, and (M+C) blue, directly (ISO 12647-1 ink transfer.
and part 2:2004 Graphic technology—
Process control for the production of halt-tone Research Objective
color separations, proof and production The research objective has been to achieve
prints-Part 2: Offset lithographic processes the best color sequence to print multi-color
(ISO 12647-2: 2004)
. However, the opinion of K (wet on wet) by using process inks, to gain
first or last is one of mixed conviction. There highest printing quality. The purpose of the
are some who favor K last while others say experimental study was to identify the
the opposite that wet ink trapping of offset significant differences that exist in the
printing creates lower contrast and D-max. measurable print attributes (or characteristics)
Who is right? Can there be one answer that of different color sequences of multicolor
fulfills the diverse needs of printers? Whether (CMYK) offset printing. The ratio of trapping
K first or last matters or not, it is important to is then calculated between density of the first
simply understand the effect of ink sequence and second color sequence and the trapping of
on color and image quality to allow for overlap two colors in wet-on-wet ink transfer.
repeatable and predictable results (Andersen 2008). The study results cannot be generalized as it
In recent years, this problem is growth with has been carried out in a limited number of
more imported inks from many sources Egyptian commercial printing-houses. This
sometimes from European countries and may be a considerable limitation looking at
others from far-east. It can be achieved in the broad spectrum of the printing industry in
most cases, the main theory of process inks Egypt.
sequence (KCMY) for four color printing Methodology
press or (CMYK) in one or two printing The authors uses an experimental approach
press. In this paper, it has been obvious that in with an analytical trend for collecting data
many cases in our country, there are many of about color sequence of using in printing
printing houses, which re-sequences the inks houses and then compare between them
on the printing press due to obtain the according to the printing quality and analysis
satisfied printing quality. the results.
Recent research shows that a spectral-based
ink trapping model can be used to predict spot Experimental Work
color overprint (Viggiano & Prakhya, 2008). Input data This paper examined the trap attribute
include spectral reflectance of two solids and according to different color sequences, by
the substrate. The problem is that there are used the fixed parameters, as follow;
two unknowns, ink trapping factor and the - The experiment was carried out in film-
overprint color, in one equation. Recognizing based workflow. The test form Digital
the dilemma, this research sets out to devise a Four Color Test target was output by
method whereby ink trapping factor is using Hahrlquene AM technology. Due

Technical Issues International Design Journal, Vol.1 Issue 1

to excessive Tone Value Increase (TVI) § process cyan=9-11, and

during the platemaking process, the film § process black= 10-12.
output was adjusted to achieve linear - dampening solution (Sappi)
plates. o pH=4.8 – 5.2,
- Heidelberg GTO 4 colors printing o temperature= 12 c,
machine, as shown in figure (1), o conductivity value= 800 ɥs/cm,
- constant balance between ink and
water, pressure value and speed,
- one type of coated paper 170 gsm, the
paper size used was B4 ,
- the surrounding environmental
condition “22-25 c” ,
- designed test form, To carry out our
color image quality evaluation, we
first designed test target. the resolution
2540dpi, 175lpi, and the file format
PDF. The target shown in Figure 1
was specified using CMYK color
Figure 1: Offset printing machine – 1986 space. The targets contain several
graphical and pictorial elements which
- one specified type of cold set inks were used for our quality evaluation.
(True Ink, manufacture in China), - as shown in figure(2) and
o The tack value of ink (32c) according
to technical data sheet of used ink was,
§ process magenta = 10-12,
§ process yellow=9-11,

Figure 2: The CMYK test target designed for our study


Technical Issues International Design Journal, Vol.1 Issue 1

- Automated pressroom reflection without operator interference, and any

densitometer (DensiEye 700, which changes of printing parameters, another 100
include a polarization filter), as shown were printed, from which a total of 10 sheets
in figure 3. for each experiment were randomly selected
for the densitometric analysis. Only the
attributes of trapping used to compare the 24
different color sequences, as they were the
three attributes that measured patches made
up of trapping value.
Sample No. Sample No. Sample No. Sample No.
Color Color Color Color
sequence sequence sequence sequence

1- K C M Y 7- C K Y M 13- M C K Y 19- Y M K C
2- C K M Y 8- M C Y K 14- Y C M K 20- K C Y M
3- C M Y K 9- M C K Y 15- Y C K M 21- K M Y C
4- C Y M K 10- M K C Y 16- Y K C M 22- K M C Y
5- C M K Y 11- M K C Y 17- Y K M C 23- K Y M C
6- C Y K M 12- M Y C K 18- Y M C K 24- K Y M C
Figure 3: X- Rite DensiEye 700
We identify the ratio as ink trapping ratio Table 1: Experiments different color sequences
(ITR). The density-based ITR is defined as Ink trapping attributes that utilize screening
the ratio of the ‘wet-on-wet’ ink trapping. ink patches only were not compared, as one
Density-based ink trapping ratios are could expect similar results from different test
compared. The effect of ink sequence and ink samples of test form. The findings of this
trapping ratio on overprint colors are study represent specific printing or testing
examined, and measure the trapping attribute, conditions.
according to the Preucil equation: % Apparent After print finished, the test samples remain
trap (3). for eight hours to be completely dry, and
measure the trapping attributes for randomly
10 samples for different ٢٤ test samples, as
totally 240 different samples. The
measurement conditions according to ISO 5-3
Where: DOP = Density of 2-color overprint, (9)
, which samples should be at 23°C ± 2 and
minus paper density 50% RH ± 5, by used X-rite reflection
D1 = Density of 1st ink down, minus paper Densitometer, model DensiEye 700, after
density calibrated by standard certified sheet.
D2 = Density of 2nd ink down, minus paper
density Results
A pilot test was conducted to achieve the The study has examined whether the color
target ink density values (+/- 0.10) according impression for such a spatial color sequence
to ISO 12647-2 standards (ISO 12647-2: 2004). could be expressed using simple adjectives
During the experimental tests, 2400 sheets (or adverbs). Table (2) shows twenty four
were printed as a total for all experiments, possible color sequences in the three-
which are printed for 24 different color dimensional RGB trap. One (indirect) path is
sequences, as shown in table (1), each state selected randomly (as a complimentary colors
for 100 sheets. Once the density values were in Fig.2). The twenty four trap go round are
achieved according to the standard ink density obviously different.
(SID) values, the press was run continuously
Table 1: Experimental Results

Technical Issues International Design Journal, Vol.1 Issue 1

Sample Color Solid Solid Ink 20 KCYM C 2.09 M 1.39 87%

No. sequence color 1 Color 2 Trapping Y 0.73 M 1.46 98%
Value C 2.11 Y 0.74 82%
1 KCMY C 1.99 M 1.44 56% 21 KMYC M 1.64 C 2.40 78%
M 1.44 Y 1.76 64% M 1.45 Y 1.69 68%
Y 1.68 C 2.38 79%
C 1.99 Y 1.79 67% 22 KMCY M 1.47 C 2.72 80%
M 1.45 Y 1.48 75%
2 CKMY C 2.03 M 1.76 68%
C 2.64 Y 1.45 78%
M 1.66 Y 1.74 69%
23 KYMC M 1.54 C 2.24 77%
C 2.04 Y 1.73 68%
Y 1.55 M 1.15 92%
3 CMYK C 2.04 M 1.28 55%
Y 1.91 C 2.27 80%
M 1.41 Y 1.85 64%
24 KYMC M 1.99 C 2.65 79%
C 2.29 Y 1.90 70%
Y 1.79 M 1.49 90%
4 CYMK C 2.46 M 1.49 75%
Y 1.82 C 2.44 77%
Y 1.8 M 1.51 87%
C 2.41 Y 1.84 71% Therefore, one suitable color sequence for
5 CMKY C 2.41 M 1.49 56% which the subject has natural impressions is
M 1.49 Y 2.01 58%
C 2.42 Y 1.96 66%
selected, according to reference value (X-Rite.
6 CYKM C 2.53 M 1.45 75% , as shown in table (2).
Y 1.58 M 1.38 89% Table 2: standard value percent of trap (Status-T,
C 2.49 Y 1.60 75% calculated using the Preucil formula)
7 CKYM C 2.34 M 1.32 91% Red Green Blue
Y 1.66 M 1.51 84% Sheet Fed, Offset 70 80 75
C 2.35 Y 1.65 75%
8 MCYK M 1.47 C 2.42 79% To compare between all current experiments,
M 1.47 Y 1.49 73% we show in the next statically figures (Figure
C 2.36 Y 1.52 79% 4–11), which can be determined the best
9 MCKY M 1.72 C 2.26 86%
M 1.35 Y 1.77 64% results of sequence color print on wet-on-wet,
C 2.29 Y 1.77 72% by used four color printing press.
10 MKCY M 1.44 C 2.75 79%
M 1.44 Y 1.78 64%
C 2.71 Y 1.73 65% 80
11 MKCY M 1.40 C 2.29 90% 70
M 1.43 Y 1.72 74% 60
C 2.29 Y 1.69 92%
50 C&M
12 MYCK M 1.36 C 1.83 88%
M 1.72 Y 1.79 69% 40 M&Y

Y 1.75 C 2.09 90% 30 C&Y

13 MCKY M 1.52 C 2.13 77% 20
M 1.56 Y 1.73 67%
C 2.19 Y 1.75 91%
14 YCMK C 2.63 M 1.49 57% 0
Y 1.63 M 1.50 89% test1 test2 test3 standard
Y 1.63 C 2.54 83% Figure 4: Compare standard result and test 1,2 and 3
15 YCKM C 2.29 M 1.52 79%
Y 1.69 M 1.53 85%
Y 2.10 C 2.16 83%
16 YKCM C 2.75 M 1.50 58%
Y 1.71 M 1.50 91%
Y 2.10 C 2.57 86%
17 YKMC M 1.48 C 2.06 87%
Y 1.49 M 1.44 90%
Y1.66 C 2.19 86%
18 YMCK M 1.50 C 2.03 85%
Y 1.80 Y 1.98 95%
Y 1.80 C 2.04 88%
19 YMKC M 1.50 C 2.08 85%
Y 1.74 M 1.51 90% Figure 5: Compare between standard result and test 4,5 and 6
Y 1.79 C 2.08 90%

Technical Issues International Design Journal, Vol.1 Issue 1

Figure 9: Compare between standard result and test 16,17 and 18

Figure 6: Compare between standard result and test 7,8 and 9

Figure 10: Compare between standard result and test 19,20 and 21

Figure 7: Compare between standard result and test 10,11 and 12

Figure 11: Compare between standard result and test 22,23 and 24

The main reason for carrying out such a
study on density-based ink trapping is to
be provide the knowledge and know how
on the ability to predict overprint colors in
Figure 8: Compare between standard result and test 13,14 and 15 wet-on-wet printing. The Preucil formula
ink trapping formula requires optical

Technical Issues International Design Journal, Vol.1 Issue 1

measurement of printed samples, prints —Part 1: Parameters and measurement

including the measurement of the methods.
overprint, in order to compute ink 7- ISO 2846-1: 2006, Graphic technology —
trapping. Colour and transparency of ink sets for four-
A series of ink transfer experiments using colour-printing —Part 1: Sheet-fed and heat-
set web offset lithographic printing.
inks of known tacks were carried out in 8- ISO 12647-2: 2004, Graphic technology —
this paper. We found that density ink Process control for the production of half-tone
trapping is relative to the tack difference colour separations, proof and production
between the first-down ink (high) and the prints —Part 2: Offset lithographic processes.
second-down ink (low). 9- ISO 5-3:2009 Photography and graphic
According to previous conclusions, the technology -- Density measurements -- Part 3:
findings of this research comparing color Spectral conditions.
sequences lead to the conclusion that
KMCY or KMYC color sequences
provides best trapping than other different
sequences. This provides similar hue of
color in the detail of printed images, as
noticed by visual inspection.
Therefore, The authors are convinced that
further studies are to be carried to
investigate both, density ink trapping
convergence for more inks of the same
tacks on uncoated paper and
development of a spectral-based ink
overprint model to predict the color of the
overprint solid by treating ink trapping
value as a constant.

1- Robert Chung and Fred Hsu, A Study of Ink
Trapping and Ink Trapping Ratio, Test
Targets, Rochester Institute of technology,
2- Evan Andersen, Effect of Ink Sequence on
Offset & Digital Printing, Test Targets,
Rochester Institute of technology, 2008.
3- X-Rite. 2010, A Guide to Understanding
Graphic Arts Densitometry, X-Rite. 2010
4- Robert Chung, Fred Hsu, Daniel Clark, and
Khalid Husain, Weight-based Ink Trapping
Assessment, TAGA, 2009.
5- Viggiano, J.A. S. and Prakhya, S. H, Pre-
diction of Overprint Spectra Using Trapping
Models: A Feasibility Study, TAGA 2008 (a
student technical journal), pp. 113-133.
6- ISO 12647-1 (2004). Graphic technology —
Process control for the production of half-tone
colour separations, proof and production


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