Karaikudi Institute of Technology CE 6023 - INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2013)

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Department of Civil Engineering

Year / Sem: IV / VII Prepared by: S. Karpagamoorthy
Types of industries and industrial pollution – Characteristics of industrial wastes – Population equivalent –
Bioassay studies – effects of industrial effluents on streams, sewer, land, sewage treatment plants and human
health – Environmental legislations related to prevention and control of industrial effluents and hazardous
Part A
1. What are the primary sources of industrial pollution?
2. What is bioassay test?
3. What are the characteristics of industrial wastewater?
4. Enlist the strategies for the control of pollution.
5. List the outcome diseases occur due to industrial pollution.
6. Define population equivalent.
7. Write the effluent disposal standards for any four parameters.
8. What are the types of industrial wastewater?
9. What is hazardous waste? Give two examples.
10. Explain briefly any two environmental legislation.
Part B
1. Explain the various characteristics of industrial wastewater.
2. Explain the effect of industrial wastewater on streams and human health.
3. Explain the effect of industrial wastewater on sewer, treatment plant and land.
4. “Environmental legislations for regulating the industry pollutions is not compatible with the volume
and nature of pollutions”. Discuss.
5. Summarize the interaction of wastewater with ecosystem.
6. Explain how wastewater management is accomplished in India.
Waste management Approach – Waste Audit – Volume and strength reduction – Material and process
modifications – Recycle, reuse and byproduct recovery – Applications.
Part A
1. Define waste management approach.
2. What is byproduct recovery
3. Define reclamation of waste water.
4. Which is better- prevention of generation of wastewater or remediation of wastewater? Why?
5. How is awareness about minimizing the use of water created in industries?
6. Mention the responsibilities of waste audit firms in industry.
7. What are the challenges involved in waste audit?
8. What is the significance of clear production?
9. Write an example for byproduct recovery from industrial wastes.
10. What are the benefits in waste minimization technique?
Part B
1. Explain the process in waste audit.
2. Explain the various methods of volume reduction of wastes
3. Explain the various methods of strength reduction of wastes.
4. How is pollution prevention options evaluated? Explain the cost benefit analysis in detail.
5. Explain the waste management approaches in the recent technological developments.
6. Discuss the scope and functions of recycle and reuse management in pollution management.
Sources, Characteristics, waste treatment flow sheets for selected industries such as Textiles, Tanneries,
Pharmaceuticals, Electroplating industries, Dairy, Sugar, Paper, distilleries, Steel plants, Refineries,
fertilizer, thermal power plants – Wastewater reclamation concepts
Part A
1. Draw the wastewater treatment flow chart for the tannery industry.
2. Mention the characteristics of effluent from an oil refinery.
3. How can reduce water at source in a distillery?
4. Specify the hazards occur in electroplating industry.
5. How phosphorus hazardous to the human life?
6. List the characteristics of waste water from textile industries.
7. What are the issues related to disposal of cooling water from thermal power plant?
8. What is oil refinery process?
9. Define black liquor in distilleries.
10. What are the industries under red categories?
Part B
1. With the help of a flow diagram, explain the wastewater treatment of dairy industry.
2. With the help of flow sheet, show the sources of wastewater in textile industry. Explain the treatment
options available.
3. Explain the processes that can be adopted in a tannery for reduction in the usage of water. How can
water be reused in a tannery?
4. Elaborate in detail the pollution control process among various industries with illustrations.
5. With the help of flow diagram, explain the various sources, characteristics and treatment options for
wastes from paper and pulp industry.
6. Show the sugar manufacturing process flow diagram, mark the waste sources. Discuss the possible
resources recovery options and waste water treatment in a sugar mill.
Equalisation – Neutralisation – Removal of suspended and dissolved organic solids - Chemical oxidation –
Adsorption - Removal of dissolved inorganics – Combined treatment of industrial and municipal wastes –
Residue management – Dewatering – Disposal
Part A
1. What is flow equalization?
2. Define chemical oxidation.
3. What is the use of ion exchange process in industrial wastewater treatment?
4. Why should nitrogen and phosphorous be removed from waste water?
5. How is sludge disposed?
6. What is neutralization in pollution treatment?
7. Define residue management.
8. List the methods for residue management.
9. What is conditioning of sludge? State the different methods employed
10. Define adsorption process for wastewater treatment.
Part B
1. Explain the adsorption method for the removal of dissolved inorganics.
2. Explain the various methods of dewatering of sludge.
Hazardous wastes - Physico chemical treatment – solidification – incineration – Secure land fills

Part B
1. Explain the physical and chemical treatment available in hazardous waste management
Additional questions
1. What are the barriers of pollution prevention? Discuss the various strategies to address these.
2. Explain in detail the implementing and promoting pollution prevention program in industries.
3. Explain the wastewater treatment of electroplating industries wastewater.
4. Describe the origin, characteristics and treatment of pharmaceutical plant waste management.

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