Unit 1 1 Support Healthy Lifestyle

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Theme 1: Health and well-being

◆ Unit 1.1 Support healthy lifestyles for children through

the provision of food and nutrition

This unit provides the learner with the knowledge,

understanding and skills to support healthy
Good nutrition, or healthy eating, is important for
children under five to:
lifestyles for children.
● ensure that they get the right amount of energy
(calories) and nutrients needed when they are
Learning outcomes growing rapidly
By the end of this unit you will: ● ensure that they do not consume too much
energy (calories), which may lead to children
1 Understand the impact of food and nutrition on
children’s health and development. becoming overweight or obese
● encourage them to eat a wide variety of foods
2 Understand how food choices impact on
health and development during pre-pregnancy,
and develop good dietary habits to take with
pregnancy and breastfeeding. them into later childhood and adulthood.
3 Understand the nutritional needs of children. What does a healthy diet for very
4 Understand the impact of poor diet on children’s young children look like?
health and development. ● Plenty of choice and balance
5 Understand individuals’ dietary requirements and ● Lots of fruit and vegetables
preferences. ● Lots of starchy foods, bread, rice, potatoes, pasta
6 Be able to support healthy eating in your own ● Contains calcium and iron-rich foods – milk and
setting. dairy, and other sources of protein, such as meat,
fish, eggs, beans
● Regular healthy meals and snacks
The principles of healthy eating ● Low in salt and in added sugar.
A healthy diet consists of a wide variety of foods
to help the body to grow and to provide energy. It
must include enough of these nutrients (proteins, Check that you know which nutrients are needed for
fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibre) as a healthy diet, and explain what is meant by healthy
well as water to fuel and maintain the body’s vital eating.
functions. In a group, discuss what you think is meant by
healthy eating. What are the main features of a
healthy diet?
Key term
nutrients Nutrients are the essential components of
food which provide the individual with the necessary
requirements for bodily functions.

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AC 1.2 Evaluate national and local The Schools Fruit and Vegetable
initiatives which promote healthy Scheme (SFV)
eating It is recommended that children – like adults – eat
The Eat Better, Start Better programme at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every
day. Children aged between four and six who
This programme is run by The Children’s Food
attend a fully state-funded infant, primary or special
Trust and aims to help early years providers meet
school are entitled to receive a free piece of fruit or
children’s nutritional needs more consistently, and
vegetable each school day.
to help families with young children to develop
the cooking skills and confidence they need to
cook and eat more healthily. Their practical guide Feeding Young Imaginations
includes the government-backed Voluntary Food The Pre-School Learning Alliance’s campaign,
and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings Feeding Young Imaginations, supports parents and
in England, as well as advice on encouraging early years groups by providing information to
children to eat well, including managing fussy promote a balanced diet for under-fives.
eating and special dietary requirements.

1 medium apple 2 broccoli florets 2 halves of canned 1 handful of grapes


1 medium banana 3 heaped tablespoons orange juice 7 strawberries

of peas

medium 1glass
3 whole driedof Just Eat More 3 heaped 16 okra
apricots (fruit & veg) tablespoonsof cooked
kidney beans

Figure 1.1.1 ‘Just eat more’ portion poster for the NHS 5 A DAY programme

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Theme 1: Health and well-being

The Children’s Food Campaign ● babies aged under 12 months may instead receive
dried baby milk made up to 189ml (one-third of a
Sustain (the alliance for better food and farming)
launched the Children’s Food Campaign to improve
young people’s health and wellbeing through: Day care providers who have been approved to
supply milk under the scheme can be reimbursed
● good food and real food education in every
for the cost of the milk they supply.
● protecting children from junk food marketing Eat Smart, Play Smart
● clear food labelling that everyone, including
children, can understand. Eat Smart, Play Smart is a Food Standards Agency
teaching resource developed for primary school
Cool Milk teachers throughout the UK to use with children
aged five to seven years. Eat Smart, Play Smart
Cool Milk works in partnership with local
materials have been developed to:
authorities and early years groups to supply free
and subsidised school milk to children in pre- ● help children to understand the need for healthy
schools, nurseries and primary schools. Cool Milk diets and to choose appropriately from different
aims to make the provision of milk easier for food groups for their meals
schools, nurseries, local authorities and parents, ● encourage children to be more active in their
while promoting the important health benefits and home and school lives and to understand the
learning opportunities that school milk offers. benefits of being active in fun, energetic and
easy-to-follow ways.
The School Food Trust supports the NHS Change4life Activity
programme by ensuring that as many children as Find out about and evaluate local initiatives to
possible are eating healthy school food. All school promote healthy eating in your area. See, for
lunches must now meet nutrient-based standards to example, the information for Change4life in the
ensure that they provide children with the fuel they Useful Resources section on p 27.
need to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Change4life also
provides guidance and resources on the following:

● healthier breakfast clubs AC 1.3 Describe food and drink

● healthier tuck shops
● water provision
requirements in relation to current
● healthier vending machines frameworks
● healthier lunchboxes The statutory framework for the Early Years
● dining room environment Foundation Stage (EYFS) states the following:
● healthier cookery clubs.
● Where early years settings give children meals,
The Nursery Milk Scheme snacks and drinks, these must be healthy
The Nursery Milk Scheme enables: balanced and nutritious.
● Before a child is admitted to the setting, the
● children under five to receive free of charge provider must also obtain information about any
189 ml (one-third of a pint) of milk for every day special dietary requirements, preferences and
they attend approved day care facilities for two food allergies that the child has, and any special
hours or more. health requirements.

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● Fresh drinking water must be available and

accessible at all times. LO2 Understand how food
● Providers must record and act on information from choices impact on health
parents and carers about a child’s dietary needs. and development during pre-
● There must be an area which is adequately
equipped to provide healthy meals, snacks and pregnancy, pregnancy and
drinks for children as necessary. breastfeeding
● There must be suitable facilities for the hygienic
preparation of food for children, if necessary AC 2.1 Explain the impact on
including suitable sterilisation equipment for health and development of food
babies’ food. choices during pre-pregnancy,
● Providers must be confident that those responsible
pregnancy and breastfeeding
for preparing and handling food are competent
to do so. In group provision, all staff involved in Pre-conceptual diet
preparing and handling food must receive training Following a healthy balanced diet before a woman
in food hygiene. becomes pregnant will allow her to build up
reserves of the nutrients vital to the unborn baby in
Food requirements vary according to age, gender,
the first three months. Guidelines for a healthy
size, occupation or lifestyle, and climate. Different
pre-conceptual diet include:
foods contain different amounts of energy per unit
of weight; foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar ● Eat something from the four main food
have high energy values. groups every day (potato and cereals, fruit and
vegetables, milk and milk products and high
Food energy is traditionally measured in calories
protein foods).
(kcal) or kilojoules (kJ).
● Cut down on sugary foods and eat fresh foods
1 kcal = 4.2 kJ where possible.
● Avoid pre-packed foods and any foods which
1000 kJ = 1 MJ (mega joule) = 239 kcal carry the risk of salmonella or listeria – such as
soft or blue-veined cheeses, pate, liver and raw
An excess of calories will result in weight gain, as the meat.
surplus ‘energy’ is stored as fat; an insufficient intake ● Do not go on a slimming diet: follow your
of calories will result in weight loss, as the body has appetite and do not eat more than you need.
to draw on fat reserves to meet energy requirements. ● Vegetarian diets which include milk, fish, cheese
Babies and young children have relatively high and eggs provide the vital protein the baby
energy requirements in relation to their size. needs.
● Vegans should eat soya products and nuts and
The food and drink requirements for young
pulses to supply protein, and vitamin B12 may
children are discussed in LO.3 on pp 13–16.
need to be taken as a supplement.
Activity ● Folic acid tablets and a diet rich in folic acid
taken both pre-conceptually and in pregnancy
Read through the statutory framework requirements help the development of the brain and spinal
for food and eating. Does your setting comply with all cord, and also help to prevent defects such
the requirements? For example, is fresh drinking water
as spina bifida. Sources of folic acid include
available and accessible at all times?
broccoli, nuts and whole grain cereals.

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Theme 1: Health and well-being

Key term Diet during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman hears about ‘eating for two’
spina bifida This occurs when the spinal canal in
but the best information available today suggests
the vertebral columns is not closed (although it may
be covered with skin). Individuals with spina bifida that this is not good advice. Research shows that
can have a wide range of physical disabilities. In the the quality (not quantity) of a baby’s nutrition
more severe forms the spinal cord bulges out of the before birth lays the foundation for good health
back, the legs and bladder may be paralysed, and in later life. Therefore, during pregnancy, women
obstruction to the fluid surrounding the brain causes
should eat a well-balanced diet. See the guidelines
in the box below.

Guidelines for a healthy diet in pregnancy

● Lean meat, fish, eggs, cheese, beans and lentils are ● Margarine or oily fish (e.g. tinned sardines) contain
all good sources of nutrients. Eat some every day. vitamin D to keep bones healthy.
● Starchy foods like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and ● Include plenty of fibre in the daily diet; this will
breakfast cereals should – with vegetables – form the prevent constipation, and help to keep the calorie
main part of any meal. intake down.
● Dairy products, like milk, cheese and yoghurt, ● Cut down on fat and fatty foods. Reducing fat has
are important as they contain calcium and other the effect of reducing energy intake; it is important
nutrients needed for the baby’s development. that these calories are replaced in the form of
carbohydrate. Fat should not be avoided completely,
● Citrus fruit, tomatoes, broccoli, blackcurrants and
however, as certain types are essential for body
potatoes are good sources of vitamin C, which is
functioning, as well as containing fat-soluble
needed to help the absorption of iron from non-meat
● Folic acid is a B vitamin, which is very important
● Cut down on sugar and sugary foods like sweets,
throughout pregnancy, but especially in the first
biscuits and cakes, and sugary drinks like cola.
12 weeks when the baby’s systems are being
● Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables that provide vitamins, formed. (Most doctors recommend that pregnant
minerals, and fibre. Eat them lightly cooked or raw. women take a folic acid supplement every day, as
more folic acid is required than is available from a
● Green, leafy vegetables, lean meat, dried fruit and
normal diet.)
nuts contain iron, which is important for preventing
anaemia. ● Department of Health advice is to eat according to
appetite, with only a small increase in energy intake
● Dairy products, fish with edible bones like sardines,
for the last three months of the pregnancy (200 kcal
bread, nuts and green vegetables are rich in calcium,
a day).
which is vital for making bones and teeth.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy Nutrition for mothers who breastfeed

During pregnancy, women should avoid certain their baby
foods. Sometimes this is because they cause If the mother is going to breastfeed her baby, she
problems such as food poisoning. At other times, should follow the principles for the healthy diet in
certain foods contain harmful bacteria and pregnancy. Both calcium and energy requirements
toxins which can cause serious problems for the increase dramatically when the woman is lactating,
unborn baby. and most women find that breastfeeding is also one

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Foods to avoid Reasons

● Soft and blue-veined cheese, such as Camembert, Listeria

Brie, stilton and chèvre, goat’s cheese High levels of the listeria bacteria are occasionally
● Pâté (any type, including liver pâté and vegetable found in prepared foods. Some ready-prepared meals
pâté) are not always heated at a high enough temperature to
● Prepared salads (such as potato salad and coleslaw) destroy the bacteria.
● Ready-prepared meals or reheated food, unless they
Listeriosis (infection with listeria bacteria) can cause
are piping hot all the way through
problems for the unborn child, such as:
● miscarriage
● stillbirth
● meningitis
● pneumonia.

● Raw or partially cooked eggs, such as home-made Salmonella

mayonnaise, and some mousses and sauces Salmonella is found in unpasteurised milk, raw eggs
● Unpasteurised milk (both goat’s and cow’s milks) and raw egg products, raw poultry and raw meat. Eggs
should only be eaten if they are cooked until both the
white and the yolk are solid. Salmonella food poisoning
could cause:
● miscarriage
● premature birth.

● Some types of fish, such as shark, swordfish and High levels of mercury
marlin, must be avoided altogether High levels of mercury can harm a baby’s developing
nervous system. Women should eat no more than two
tuna steaks a week (or four cans of tinned tuna). High
levels of mercury can cross the placenta and may cause
delayed development.
● Unwashed raw fruit and vegetables Toxoplasmosis
● Raw or undercooked meat Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite
● Unpasteurised goat’s milk or goat’s cheese found in cat faeces. It can also be present in raw or
undercooked meat, and in soil left on unwashed
fruit and vegetables. Although rare, the infection can
occasionally be passed to the unborn baby, which can
cause serious problems, such as:
● miscarriage
● stillbirth
● eye damage
● hydrocephalus.

● Liver and liver products (e.g. liver pâté) Too much vitamin A
Women should avoid eating liver and liver products such
as pâté and avoid taking supplements containing vitamin
A or fish liver oils (which contain high levels of vitamin
A). If high levels of vitamin A build up in the body it can
cause serious problems, including birth defects.
● Peanuts and foods that contain peanuts Peanut allergy
Avoiding foods like peanuts – and foods that contain
peanuts – may reduce the baby’s chances of developing
a potentially serious peanut allergy. This is especially
true if there is a history of allergies, such as hay fever or
asthma, in the family.

Table 1.1.1 Foods to avoid during pregnancy

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Theme 1: Health and well-being

of the most effective ways of regaining their pre- Activity

pregnancy weight. The mother should have at least
½ litre of milk and a pot of yoghurt or some cheese 1 Why is it important to eat a healthy diet before
conceiving a baby?
each day to satisfy her body’s need for extra calcium,
and should try to drink 1½ to 2 litres of water a 2 Why is folic acid an important part of the diet during
day. The Food Standards Agency recommends that
breastfeeding mothers take supplements containing 3 List five foods that should be avoided during
pregnancy – and explain the reasons why.
10 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin D each day.

LO3 Understand the nutritional needs of children

AC 3.1 Explain the nutritional value of the main food groups
Food groups Examples of food Main nutrients Recommended
included provided servings

Starchy foods Bread, potatoes, sweet Carbohydrate, fibre, B Four portions each day
potatoes, starchy root vitamins and iron
vegetables, pasta, Provide a portion as part
noodles, rice and other of each meal (breakfast,
grains, breakfast cereals lunch and tea) and
provide as part of at least
one snack each day

Fruit and vegetables Fresh, frozen, canned, Carotenes (a form of Five portions each day
dried and juiced fruit and vitamin A), vitamin C,
vegetables, and pulses zinc, iron, and fibre Provide a portion as
part of each main meal
(breakfast, lunch and tea)
with some snacks

Meat, fish, eggs, beans Meat, poultry, fish, Protein, iron, zinc, omega Two portions each day
and non-dairy sources of shellfish, eggs, meat 3 fatty acids, vitamins A
protein alternatives, pulses, nuts* and D Provide a portion as part
of lunch and tea

(Two to three portions for

vegetarian children)

Milk and dairy foods Milk, cheese, yoghurt, Protein, calcium, and Three portions each day
fromage frais, custard, vitamin A provided as part of meals,
puddings made from milk snacks and drinks

* Nuts: children under five should not be offered whole nuts as they may cause choking. Nut butters and ground or
chopped nuts in recipes are fine. However it is important to check if a child has a nut allergy before offering nuts.
See pp 21–22, for information on allergies.

Table 1.1.2 Summary of the four food groups and the nutrients they provide

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Figure 1.1.2 The Eatwell Plate

A healthy diet for young children combines foods from AC 3.2 Use current government
each and all of the four food groups in Table 1.1.2.
guidance to identify the nutritional
Foods that are high in fat and sugar can be needs of babies until they are fully
included every day in addition to, but not instead weaned
of, the other food groups. Once the child is two
The nutritional needs of babies
years old, you can gradually lower the amount of
fat in their diet. Some foods will increase the levels The way in which babies are fed involves more than
of saturated or ‘bad’ fat in the diet. Cheap burgers, simply providing enough food to meet nutritional
crisps, chips, biscuits, cakes and fried foods are all requirements; for the newborn baby, sucking milk is
high in saturated fat. It can help to think of these a great source of pleasure and is also rewarding and
sorts of foods as ‘extras’ once the child has eaten enjoyable for the mother. The ideal food for babies
well from the four other main groups. to start life with is breast milk, and breastfeeding
should always be encouraged as the first choice in
Activity infant feeding; however, mothers should not be
made to feel guilty or inadequate if they choose not
Explain the nutritional value of the main food groups. to breastfeed their babies.
How does your setting ensure that all snacks and
meals are healthy and nutritious? Have a look at your Breastfeeding
setting’s food policy.
During pregnancy, the breasts produce colostrum,
a creamy, yellowish fluid, low in fat and sugar,

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Theme 1: Health and well-being

which is uniquely designed to feed the newborn high protein and salt content of cow’s milk, and it is
baby. Colostrum also has higher levels of antibodies likely to cause an adverse reaction. Soya-based milks
than mature milk and plays an important part in can be used if the baby develops an intolerance to
protecting the baby from infection. Mature milk is modified cow’s milks (this happens very rarely). For
present in the breasts from around the third day the first four to six months, the baby will be given
after birth. Hormonal changes in the mother’s infant formula milk as a substitute for breast milk; he
bloodstream cause the milk to be produced, and the or she may then progress to follow-on milk, which
sucking of the baby stimulates a steady supply. may be offered until the age of one year.

The advantages of breastfeeding Government guidelines state that as each baby

● Human breast milk provides food constituents in will have his or her own individual requirements, it
the correct balance for human growth. There is is best to let them feed on demand. Newborn babies
no trial and error to find the right formula to suit may take quite small volumes of infant formula milk
the baby. to start with, but by the end of the first week of life
● The milk is sterile and at the correct temperature; most babies will ask for approximately 150–200ml
there is no need for bottles and sterilising per kg per day (although this will vary from baby to
equipment. baby) until they are six months old.
● Breast milk initially provides the infant with
maternal antibodies and helps protect the
child from infection – e.g. against illnesses such
as diarrhoea, vomiting, chest, ear and urine
infections, eczema and nappy rash.
● The child is less likely to become overweight, as
overfeeding by concentrating the formula is not
possible, and the infant has more freedom of
choice as to how much milk he or she will suckle.
● Generally, breast milk is considered cheaper,
despite the extra calorific requirement of the
● Sometimes it is easier to promote mother-infant
bonding by breastfeeding, although this is
certainly not always the case. Figure 1.1.3 Bottle-feeding
● Some babies have an intolerance to the protein
in cow’s milk (which is the basis of formula milk).
Key term
The health visitor and National Childbirth Trust can
support mothers who are breast feeding, but it is colostrum Colostrum is the first ‘milk’ that the
important to remember that the decision to breast breasts produce, as a precursor to breast milk. It is
rich in fats, protein and antibodies, which protect
feed will depend on the choice of the mother and
the baby against infection and kick-start the
their individual circumstances. immune system. Colustrum is low in fat, and high in
carbohydrates, protein and antibodies to help keep
Bottle-feeding the new born baby healthy.
Commercially modified baby milks (formula milks)
must be used for bottle-feeding. Any other type Activity
of milk, such as cow’s milk or goat’s milk, will not
satisfy a baby’s nutritional needs, and should not Explain the nutritional needs of babies from birth to
be given to babies under one year of age. A young the end of the weaning process.
baby’s digestive system is unable to cope with the

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AC 3.3 Explain how to plan a If parents do choose to introduce solid foods before
26 weeks, they should consult their health visitor
weaning programme
or GP first. There are also some foods they should
The principles of weaning and avoid giving their baby. These include:
its importance to the baby’s
development ● foods containing gluten, which is in wheat, rye,
barley, oats
Weaning is the gradual introduction of solid food to ● eggs
the baby’s diet. The reasons for weaning are to: ● fish and shellfish
● meet the baby’s nutritional needs – from about
● liver
six months of age, milk alone will not satisfy
● citrus fruit juices
the baby’s increasing nutritional requirements,
● nuts and seeds.
especially for iron NB Babies under the age of one year should not
● satisfy increasing appetite be given honey because it is not pasteurised and
● develop new skills – for example, use of feeding can cause infant botulism – a rare but very serious
beaker, cup and cutlery illness, which occurs when Clostridium botulinum
● develop the chewing mechanism – the muscular or related bacteria produce toxins in the intestines
movement of the mouth and jaw also aids the of babies under one year old.
development of speech
● introduce new tastes and textures – this enables
the baby to join in family meals, thus promoting Stages of weaning
cognitive and social development. Every baby is different. Some enjoy trying new
tastes and textures, moving through weaning
When to start weaning quickly and easily, while others need a little more
Department of Health guidelines advise parents time to get used to new foods.
to wait until their baby is around six months’ old
before starting him or her on solid food. When the Stage 1 (around six months)
following three key signs are present together, it Give puréed vegetables, puréed fruit, baby rice and,
means that the baby is ready for solid food: finely, puréed dhal or lentils. Milk continues to be
the most important food.
1 The baby can stay in a sitting position while
holding his or her head steady. Stage 2 (about six to eight months)
2 The baby can coordinate his or her eyes, hands Increase variety; introduce puréed or minced meat,
and mouth – that is, look at food, grab it and put chicken, liver, fish, lentils and beans. Raw eggs
it in his or her mouth by him or herself. should not be used, but cooked egg yolk can be
3 The baby can swallow his or her food – if the baby introduced from six months, along with wheat-
is not ready, most of it will be pushed back out. based foods – for example, mashed Weetabix® and
Babies who are born prematurely should not be pieces of bread. Milk feeds decrease as more solids
introduced to solid foods just because they have rich in protein are offered.
reached a certain age or weight. They will need
Stage 3 (about nine to twelve months)
individual assessment before weaning.
Cows’ milk can safely be used at about 12 months,
Giving solids too early – often in the mistaken belief along with lumpier foods such as pasta, pieces of
that the baby might sleep through the night – places cooked meat, soft cooked beans, pieces of cheese
a strain on the baby’s immature digestive system. and a variety of breads. Additional fluids can be
It may also make the baby fat and increases the given – for example, water. Three regular meals
likelihood of developing allergies. should be taken, as well as drinks.

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Theme 1: Health and well-being

Methods of weaning young children have definite food preferences and

should never be forced to eat a particular food,
Some babies take to solid food very quickly; others
however much thought and effort has gone into
appear not to be interested at all. The baby’s
the preparation. Table 1.1.3 offers guidelines on
demands are a good guide for weaning – mealtimes
introducing new solids to babies.
should never become a battleground. Even very

4–6 months 6–8 months 9–12 months

You can give Puréed fruit A wider range of puréed An increasingly wide range of
or add fruits and vegetables foods with a variety of textures
Puréed veeetables
and flavours
Purées which include
Thin porridge made
chicken, fish and liver Cow’s milk
from oat or rice flakes or
Wheat-based foods, e.g. Pieces of cheese
cornmeal mashed Weetabix®
Fromage frais or yoghurt
Finely puréed dhal or lentils Egg yolk, well cooked
Pieces of fish
Small-sized beans such as
Soft cooked beans
aduki beans, cooked soft
Pieces of ripe banana
A variety of breads
Cooked rice
Pieces of meat from a casserole
Citrus fruits
Well-cooked egg white
Soft summer fruits
Almost anything that is
Pieces of bread
wholesome and that the child
can swallow
How Offer the food on the tip of a clean On a teaspoon On a spoon or as finger food
finger or on the tip of a clean (plastic
or horn) teaspoon
When A very tiny amount at first, during or At the end of a milk feed At established mealtimes
after a milk feed
Why The start of transition from milk to solids To introduce other foods To encourage full independence
when the child is hungry
Not yet Cow’s milk – or any except breast or Cow’s milk, except in Whole nuts
formula milk small quantities mixed
with other food
Citrus fruit
Chillies or chilli powder
Soft summer fruits
Fatty food
Egg whites
Wheat (cereals, flour, bread, etc.)
Nuts Salt Sugar
Fatty food
Spinach, swede, turnip, beetroot
Fatty food

Table 1.1.3 Introducing new solids to babies

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Guidelines for confidentiality

● Try to encourage a liking for savoury foods. ● Avoid giving sweet foods or drinks between meals.
● Only introduce one new food at a time. ● Never leave a baby alone when he or she is eating.
● Be patient if the baby does not take the food – feed ● Limit the use of commercially prepared foods – they
at the baby’s pace, not yours. are of poorer quality and will not allow the baby to
become used to home cooking.
● Do not add salt or sugar to feeds.
● Select foods approved by the baby’s parents or
● Make sure that food is at the right temperature.
primary carers.

The best baby food is home-made from simple Baby-led weaning

ingredients, with no sugar, salt or spices. Any Some parents use a technique for weaning their
leftovers can be frozen in ice cube trays. Puréed, babies called baby-led weaning. This involves letting
cooked vegetables, fruit and ground cereals such the baby select those items of food that can be
as rice are ideal to start weaning. Chewing usually held or grasped by the baby and taken to his or her
starts at around the age of six months, whether or mouth. Starter foods may include pieces of broccoli,
not the baby has teeth, and slightly coarser textures carrot or fruit cut into ‘chip’ shapes and offered to
can then be offered. The baby should be fed in a the baby on a tray. The use of bowls and weaning
bouncing cradle or high chair – not in the usual spoons is discouraged. The principles behind this
feeding position in the carer’s arms. way of feeding babies are that baby-led weaning:

Food can be puréed by: ● offers the baby the opportunity to discover what
other foods have to offer, as part of finding out
● rubbing it through a sieve using a large spoon
about the world around him or her
● mashing it with a fork (for soft foods such as
● utilises the baby’s desire to explore and
banana or cooked potato)
experiment, and to mimic the activities of
● using a mouli-sieve or hand-blender
● using an electric blender (useful for larger amounts).
● enables the transition to solid foods to take place
Finger foods as naturally as possible – by allowing the baby
Finger foods are any foods that can be given to a to set the pace of each meal, and maintaining an
baby to manage by him or herself. After weaning, emphasis on play and exploration rather than on
encourage the baby to chew – even if there are no eating.
teeth – by giving finger foods or foods that have a For more information, visit this website:
few lumps. Examples of finger foods include: http://babyledweaning.com
● wholemeal toast
● pitta bread Progress check 
● banana or peeled apple slices
Weaning is the gradual introduction of solid food to
● cubes of hard cheese – for example, Cheddar the baby’s diet.
● chapatti
Giving solids too early places a strain on the baby’s
● breadsticks immature digestive system.
● cooked carrots or green beans.
The Department of Health recommends that babies
Always stay near to the baby during feeding to be started on solid food at around six months.
make sure he or she does not choke, and to offer Babies usually start chewing food at around the age
encouragement. of six months, whether or not they have teeth.

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