'Ed Vamd Mìhmu - Hmamï - WŠV (Dúmnrr : ZM (Eh$-422 222
'Ed Vamd Mìhmu - Hmamï - WŠV (Dúmnrr : ZM (Eh$-422 222
'Ed Vamd Mìhmu - Hmamï - WŠV (Dúmnrr : ZM (Eh$-422 222
{ejUemó {dÚmemIm
embo` ì`dñWmnZ nX{dH$m {ejUH«$_ _m{hVrnwpñVH$m (P-10)
There are a number of open Universities in the country offering various degrees/diploma through
the mode of non-formal education. The Open Universities have been established in the country by
an Act of Parliament or State Legislature in accordance with the provisions contained in Section
2(f) of University Grants Commission Act, 1956. These universities are, therefore, empowered to
award degrees in terms of Section 22(1) of the UGC Act, 1956.
A circular was earlier issued vide UGC letter N.F.1-8/92(CPP) dated February, 1992 mentioning
that the Certificate, Diplomas and Degrees awarded by Indira Gandhi National Open University are to
be treated equivalent to the corresponding awards of the Universities in the country.
Attention is further invited to UGC circular No.F1-25/93(CPP-II) dated 28th July, 1993 (copy
enclosed) for recognition of degrees and diplomas as well as transfer of credit for courses successfully
completed by students between the two types of universities so that the mobility of students from Open
University stream to traditional Universities is ensured without any difficulty.
The UGC has specified the nomenclature of degrees under Section 22(3) of the UGC Act, 1956 to
ensure mandatory requirements viz. minimum essential academic inputs required for awarding such
degrees. A copy of Gazette Notification regarding specification of degrees issued vide No.1-52/97(CPP-
II) dated 31st January 2004 is enclosed. The details are also given in UGC Web site : www.ugc.ac.in
May, I therefore request you to treat the Degrees / Diploma / Certificates awarded by the Open
Universities in conformity with the UGC notification on Specification of Degrees as equivalent to
the corresponding awards of the traditional Universities in the country.
Yours faithfully
lr. AmZ§X `mXd
ì`dñWmnH$, J«§W[Z[_©Vr H|$Ð, `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï—> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ 422 222
© 2019, `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï—> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$
n àW_ àH$meZ : OwZ 2019
n AjaOwiUr … Amo_ H$m°åß`wQ>g,© Zm{eH$ - 422 007
n àH$meH$ : Hw$bg{Md, `ed§Vamd MìhmU _hmamï—> _wŠV {dÚmnrR>, Zm{eH$ 422 222