CE403 R1 - Construction Management

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Project Management

• What is Project Management?

CE403 – Construction • Project management is the practice of initiating,
planning, executing, controlling, and closing the
Management work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet
(Slides Set No.1) specific success criteria at the specified time.
• The primary challenge of project management is to
By achieve all of the project goals within the given
Dr. Pujitha B. G. Dissanayake
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Peradeniya
1 CE403 - Construction Management 2

Project Management Project Management

• Project Management is not new. Human beings landing on the moon

• It has been in use for hundreds of years. Commercial software applications
Portable devices to use the global positioning system
• Examples of project outcomes include:
Pyramids of Giza,
Placement of the International Space Station into
Olympic games Earth’s orbit.
Great Wall of China
Taj Mahal
Publication of a children’s book
Panama Canal
Development of commercial jet airplanes
Polio vaccine

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Project Management Project Management

• Project management has evolved over the past • Project management is accomplished through
several years from an activity in an organization to the appropriate application and integration of
a discipline in its own right. the project management processes identified
• Many professional bodies exist today to represent for the project.
project management as a discipline.
• According to “A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®
Guide), - Sixth Edition” (2017);
• Project management is the application of
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to
project activities to meet the project

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Project Management Process Groups Project Management

• Project Management is comprised of five Project
Management Process Groups.
1. Initiating Processes
2. Planning Processes
3. Executing Processes
4. Monitoring and Controlling Processes
5. Closing Processes

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Project Management Project Management

1. Initiating Processes 1. Initiating Processes
Steps for the project initiation phase may  Identifying project stakeholders – Figuring
include the following: out whom the project affects and what their
 Undertaking a feasibility study – Identifying needs may be
the primary problem your project will solve  Developing a business case – Using the
and whether your project will deliver a above criteria to compare the potential costs
solution to that problem and benefits
 Identifying scope – Defining the depth and  Develop a statement of work or project
breadth of the project initiation document, which may include
 Identifying deliverables – Defining the basic project life cycle flowcharts.
product or service to provide.

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Project Management Project Management

2. Planning Processes 2. Planning Processes
Steps for the project planning phase may  Gathering resources – Building your
include the following: functional team from internal and external
 Creating a project plan – Identifying the talent pools while making sure everyone has
project timeline, including the phases of the the necessary tools (software, hardware,
project, the tasks to be performed, and etc.) to complete their tasks.
possible constraints.  Anticipating risks and Constraints –
 Creating workflow documents and Identifying issues that may cause your
identifying key milestones. project to stall while planning to mitigate
 Estimating budget and creating a financial
those risks and maintain the project’s quality
plan – Using cost estimates to determine and timeline.
how much to spend on the project to get the  The planning phase is also where you bring
maximum return on investment. your team on board, usually with a project
kickoff meeting.
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Project Management Project Management

2. Planning Processes 3. Executing Processes
 It is important to have everything outlined Steps for the project execution phase may
and explained so that team members can include the following:
quickly get to work in the next phase.  Creating tasks and organizing workflows
– Assigning appropriate team members,
making sure team members are not
 Briefing team members on tasks –
Explaining tasks to team members,
providing necessary guidance on how they
should be completed and organizing
process-related training if necessary.

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Project Management Project Management

3. Executing Processes
4. Monitoring and Controlling Processes
 Communicating with team members, clients,
 Regularly measure and monitor progress
and upper management – Providing updates
to project stakeholders at all levels. and quality of work to ensure that team
members are meeting their time and quality
 If you have a properly documented process goals for tasks
already in place, executing the project will
 Managing budget – Monitor spending and
be much easier.
keep the project on track in terms of assets
and resources
 Identify variances from the project
management plan so that corrective action
can be taken when necessary to meet the
project objectives.

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Project Management Project Management

5. Closing Processes 5. Closing Processes
Steps for the project closure phase may include  Documenting project closure – Making sure
the following: that all aspects of the project are completed
 Formalizes the acceptance of the product or with no loose ends remaining and providing
service to bring the project or project phase reports to key stakeholders.
to an orderly end.  Conducting post-implementation reviews –
 Analyzing project performance – Conducting a final analysis of the project,
Determining whether the project's goals taking into account lessons learned for
were met. similar projects in the future.
 Analyzing team performance – Evaluating  Accounting for used and unused budget –
how team members performed, including Allocating remaining resources for future
whether they met their goals along with projects.
timeliness and quality of work.
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Project Management Project Management

Traditional Project Management Areas Traditional Project Management Areas
 Time Management – Making sure the
project is completed on time.
 Cost Management - Making sure the project
is completed within the budget.
 Quality Management - Making sure the
project is completed within the quality

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Project Management Project Management

Project Management Knowledge Areas (According to • Project Management is also comprised of nine
“A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Knowledge Areas.
Guide) - 6th Edition”)
1. Project Integration Management
- This includes activities needed to identify,
define, combine and coordinate various
processes and project management activities.
2. Project Scope Management
- This includes activities required to ensure that
the project includes all the work required, and
only the work required to complete the
project successfully.

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Project Management Project Management

• Project Management is also comprised of nine • Project Management is also comprised of nine
Knowledge Areas. (Cont.) Knowledge Areas. (Cont.)
3. Project Schedule Management 5. Project Quality Management
- This includes the activities required to - This includes all the activities of the
accomplish timely completion of the project. performing organization that determine
4. Project Cost Management quality policies, objectives and
- This includes the activities involved in responsibilities so that the project will satisfy
planning, estimating, budgeting and the needs for which it is undertaken.
controlling costs so that the project can be 6. Project Human Resources Management
completed within the approved budget. - This includes all the activities that organize
and manage the project team.

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Project Management Project Management

• Project Management is also comprised of nine • Project Management is also comprised of nine
Knowledge Areas. (Cont.) Knowledge Areas. (Cont.)
7. Project Communications Management 9. Project Procurement Management
- This includes the activities required to ensure - This includes the activities to purchase or
timely and appropriate generation, collection, acquire the products and services needed
distribution, storage, retrieval of project from outside the project team to perform the
information. work.
8. Project Risk Management 10. Project Stakeholder Management
- This includes the activities concerned with - This includes the activities to manage all the
conducting risk management planning, stakeholders of the project to make sure their
identification, analysis, responses, and objectives are satisfied.
monitoring and control on a project.

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