Rectangular BasePlate Design

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The document provides design details of a base plate and anchor bolts for a column. Key dimensions, material properties, and load cases are given.

The base plate has a length of 700mm along the X-axis, a breadth of 900mm along the Z-axis, and a thickness of 63mm.

Grade Fe 410W structural steel is used for the column, with a yield strength of 250 MPa.

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Design of Base Plate & anchor bolts : BP-1

(Designed as per IS 800:2007 and IS 456:2000)

Force envelope from Staad:

(ref Staad file)
Node L/C Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kN-m My kN-m Mz kN-m
Max Fx 340 233 1DL+1 21.951 501.283 -16.757 -10.88 0.012 -0.158
Min Fx 341 238 1DL+1S-21.842 7.737 -53.103 -110.689 -0.013 0.187
Max Fy 340 241 1DL+1 9.838 858.089 68.386 86.599 0.01 -0.243
Min Fy 340 2046 1DL+1 -7.173 -630.185 -95.174 -111.924 -0.011 0.239
Max Fz 340 2041 1DL+ 9.196 638.207 195.921 220.828 0.01 0.573
Min Fz 340 246 1DL+1S -6.53 -410.304 -222.71 -246.153 -0.011 -0.577
Max Mx 340 2041 1DL+ 9.196 638.207 195.921 220.828 0.01 0.573
Min Mx 340 246 1DL+1S -6.53 -410.304 -222.71 -246.153 -0.011 -0.577
Max My 340 212 0.9DL+ 17.047 248.473 -78.537 -81.5 0.025 -4.107
Min My 341 201 1DL+1 -20.316 152.022 -30.183 -62.113 -0.032 4.907
Max Mz 340 2010 0.9D -18.583 -45.439 49.145 52.997 -0.032 5.541
Min Mz 341 2011 0.9D 15.318 -23.061 11.564 27.984 0.025 -4.686

(Note: The X and Z axis corresponds to Staad Global axis)

1.0 Column and Base plate dimensions :



staad axis


Note: the orientation of X and Z axis are same as Staad Global axis
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Material details :

Design Philosophy LSM

Grade of Concrete, fck = 25 N/mm²
Grade of Structural Steel Fe 410W A
Grade of Structural Steel, Fy = 250 N/mm²
Ultimate Strength of Structural Steel, Fu = 410 N/mm²
Maximum permissible stress in concrete (IS 456:2000 Cl:34.4 ) ( 0.6*25 ) = 15 N/mm²
Allowable stress in weld ( 410/√3*1.25 ) = 189 N/mm²

Column details :

Depth of column along X-axis, Ca = 200 mm

Width of column along Z-axis, Cb = 550 mm
Flange thickness, tf = 16 mm
Web thickness, tw = 10.2 mm
Base plate details :

Length of base plate along X-axis, L = 700 mm

Breath of base plate along Z-axis, B = 900 mm
Thickness of base plate, T = 63 mm
Depth of Pedestal along X-axis = 1100 mm
Width of Pedestal along Z-axis = 1200 mm

Gusset Plate

Thickness of the gusset plate = 25 mm

Maximum outstanding length of the gusset plate = 270 mm
Maximum height of the gusset plate = 350 mm
Minimum height of the gusset plate = 250 mm
Weld size between Column and Gusset Plate = 12 mm
Weld size between Gusset and Base Plate = 25 mm
No of gusset plate involved in the = 3 No's
transfer of forces from colum to gusset

Shear Key

Length of Shear key = 450 mm

Depth of Shear key = 125 mm
Plate thickness of Shear key = 20 mm
Weld size between Shear key and Base Plate = 16 mm
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Anchorage bolt (Ref: IS 5624-1993)

Grade = 4.6
Bolt Diameter, Do = 48 mm
No of bolts, N = 8 Nos
No of bolts resisting tension along Z-direction = 4 Nos
No of bolts resisting tension along X-direction = 4 Nos
Grout depth = 50 mm
Washer plate size, (LxBxD) (min req:bolt hole + 1")
Length and Breath of plate = 80 mm
Plate thickness = 10 mm
Anchorage Plate
Length and Breath of plate, a = 200 mm
Thickness of the plate, d = 10 mm


350 350







100 500 100

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2.0 Design Loads:

a) Max axial compressive force on column L/C: 241 1DL+1S(+Z)+0.3S(+Y)+0.3S(+X)+1T 858.089 kN

Coressponding moment about X-axis on column 86.599 kN-m
Coressponding moment about Z-axis on column -0.243 kN-m
b) Max axial tension force on column L/C: 2046 1DL+1S(-Z)+0.3S(-Y)+0.3S(-X)+1T -630.185 kN
Coressponding moment about X-axis on column -111.924 kN-m
Coressponding moment about Z-axis on column 0.239 kN-m
c) Max moment about X-axis on column L/C: 246 1DL+1S(-Z)+0.3S(-Y)+0.3S(-X)+1TL -246.153 kN-m
Coressponding moment about Z-axis on column -0.577 kN-m
Coressponding axial force on column -410.304 kN
d) Max moment about Z-axis on cloumn L/C: 2010 0.9DL+1WL(+X)(-IP)+1TL 5.541 kN-m
Coressponding moment about X-axis on column 52.997 kN-m
Coressponding axial force on column -45.439 kN
e) Max shear force on column L/C: 246 1DL+1S(-Z)+0.3S(-Y)+0.3S(-X)+1TL 222.71 kN
Coressponding axial force on column -410.304 kN

Base plate geometrical property :

Area of the base plate = 0.630 m²

Section modulus about Z-axis = 0.074 m³
Section modulus about X-axis = 0.095 m³

3.0 Base Pressure Calculation:

Base Pressure (p)  (P A)  (M Z )  (M Z )

z z x x

a) Max Axial Compressive force

Pmax =[(858.089/0.63)+(0.243/0.0735)+(86.599/0.0945)]/10³ 2.28 N/mm²
Pmin =[(858.089/0.63)-(0.243/0.0735)-(86.599/0.0945)]/10³ 0.44 N/mm²
b) Max Axial Tension force
Pmax =[(0.239/0.0735)+(111.924/0.0945)]/10³ 1.19 N/mm²
Pmin =[(-(0.239/0.0735)-(111.924/0.0945)]/10³ -1.19 N/mm²
c) Max moment about X-axis
Pmax =[(410.304/0.0735)+(0.577/0.0945)]/10³ 5.59 N/mm²
Pmin =[-(410.304/0.0735)-(0.577/0.0945)]/10³ -5.59 N/mm²
d) Max moment about Z-axis
Pmax =[(45.439/0.0735)+(52.997/0.0945)]/10³ 1.18 N/mm²
Pmin =[-(45.439/0.0735)-(52.997/0.0945)]/10³ -1.18 N/mm²

Maximum Base Pressure on concrete = 5.59 N/mm²

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Maximum permissible stress in concrete = 15 N/mm²


4.0 Design of Anchore Bolts:

4.1 Tension capacity of bolts

Utimate Tensile Strength of bolt = 400 N/mm²

Yield strength of bolt = 240 N/mm²
Nominal Dia of the bolt, d = 48 mm
Nominal Area of the bolt, Asb . = 1809.56 mm²
Net Tensile Stres Area of the Bolt, Anb ( π48²/4 ) = 1447.65 mm²
Embedment Length of bolt, hef = 400.00 mm
No of bolts resisting tension along Z-direction = 4 Nos
No of bolts resisting tension along X-direction = 4 Nos
a) Tensile Capacity of anchor bolts by yielding of Bolts :
Nominal Tension Capacity of the bolt (Cl:10.3.5)
at ultimate stress
0.9 fub An / γml = (0.9 x400x1809.56)/1.25*1000 416.92 kN
at yield stress
fyb Asb/ γmo = (240x1447.65)/1.10*1000 394.81 kN

Design Tension Capacity of the bolt, Tnb (394.81/1.25 ) 315.85 kN

b) Tensile Capacity of anchor bolts by Concrete Capacity Design :

(Ref : Recent developments in the design of anchor bolts N.Subramani 2000
200 July 2000 * The Indian Concrete Journal )

150 500 < 1.5*hef

x 100 500 200 < 600

z 100


Concrete cone failure load of a single anchor bolt, Nuo = 288.15 kN

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Actual projected area at the concrete surface, AN = 1470000 mm²
Projected area of one anchor at the concrete ( 9*400*400 )
surface unlimited by edge influences or neighbouring anchors, ANo = 1440000 mm²
Tuning factor to consider disturbance of the radial symmetric
stress distribution caused by an edge, y2 = 0.75
( 0.7+0.3*(100/1.5/L226 )
Tensile capacity of bolt ( 1470000/1440000*0.75*288.15 ) = 220.61 kN
Tensile capacity of bolt of cracked concrete, Nu ( 0.7*220.61 ) = 154.43 kN

Design Tension Capacity of the bolt = 154.43 kN

4.2 Maximum Tension in Bolt Calculation:

*Ref: Design of steel structures N.Subramani 13.12.3
Depth of Neutal Axis:

y = L/2+a-√{(L/2+a)²-[2(M+Na)/(0.45fckB)]} where,
a-lever arm of bolt from C.G of Base Plate

a) Max Axial Compressive force

Axial force, N = 858.089 kN

Moment about X axis, Mx = 86.599 kN-m
Moment about Z axis, Mz = -0.243 kN-m
Lever of bolt along X axis ( 450-100 ) = 250 mm
Lever of bolt along Z axis ( 450-100 ) = 350 mm
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along Z axis
900/2+350-√{(900/2+350)²-[2*(86.599*10^6+858.089*1000*350)/(0.45*25*700)]} = 63.98 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in X axis = 0.00 kN
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along X axis
700/2+250-√{(700/2+250)²-[2*(-0.243*10^6+858.089*1000*250)/(0.45*25*900)]} = 36.37 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in Z axis = 0.00 kN
Total Tension in a bolt = 0.00 kN

b) Max Axial Tension force

Axial force, N = -630.185 kN

Moment about X axis, Mx = -111.924 kN-m
Moment about Z axis, Mz = 0.239 kN-m
Lever of bolt along X axis = 250 mm
Lever of bolt along Z axis = 350 mm
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along Z axis
900/2+350-√{(900/2+350)²-[2*(-111.924*10^6+-630.185*1000*350)/(0.45*25*700)]} = 17.97 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in X axis = 141.49 kN
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along X axis
700/2+250-√{(700/2+250)²-[2*(0.239*10^6+-630.185*1000*250)/(0.45*25*900)]} = 0.04 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in Z axis = 0.40 kN
Total Tension in a bolt = 114.25 kN
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c) Max moment about X-axis

Axial force, N = -410.304 kN

Moment about X axis, Mx = -246.153 kN-m
Moment about Z axis, Mz = -0.577 kN-m
Lever of bolt along X axis = 250 mm
Lever of bolt along Z axis = 350 mm
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along Z axis
900/2+350-√{(900/2+350)²-[2*(-246.153*10^6+-410.304*1000*350)/(0.45*25*700)]} = 40.08 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in X axis = 315.60 kN
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along X axis
700/2+250-√{(700/2+250)²-[2*(-0.577*10^6+-410.304*1000*250)/(0.45*25*900)]} = 0.09 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in Z axis = 0.96 kN
Total Tension in a bolt = 130.43 kN

d) Max moment about Z-axis

Axial force, N = -45.439 kN

Moment about X axis, Mx = 52.997 kN-m
Moment about Z axis, Mz = 5.541 kN-m
Lever of bolt along X axis = 250 mm
Lever of bolt along Z axis = 350 mm
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along Z axis
900/2+350-√{(900/2+350)²-[2*(52.997*10^6+-45.439*1000*350)/(0.45*25*700)]} = 8.46 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in X axis = 66.60 kN
Depth of Neural axis from compresive edge of base plate, y along X axis
700/2+250-√{(700/2+250)²-[2*(5.541*10^6+-45.439*1000*250)/(0.45*25*900)]} = 0.91 mm
Tension in bolt due Moment in Z axis = 9.24 kN
Total Tension in a bolt = 24.64 kN

Maximum Total Tension in a bolt = 130.43 kN

4.3 Check for Maximum tension in Anchor bolt

Maximum Total Tension in a bolt = 130.43 kN

Design Tension Capacity of the bolt = 154.43 kN


4.4 Bond Strength of Anchor bolt

Maximum tension in the bolt = 130.43 kN

Bond Strength of bolt = 84.44601 kN
Anchorage Length Required 130.43*1000/(1.4*(PI()*48) = 617.80 mm
Anchorage Length Provided = 400.00 mm
Provide Bearing Washer Plate
Balance Tension force to be taken by the bearing washer = 45.98 kN
AllowableBearingpressureinconcrete = 15 N/mm²
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Requiredarea (45.98*1000/15) = 3065.43 mm²
TotalAreaRequired (3065.43+(PI()*48²/4) ) = 4874.987 mm²
Provide size of anchore bolt = 200 mm
Provided Area of Bearing Plate = 38190.44 mm²

Maximumleverarmofanchorplate (200/2-48/2 ) = 76 mm
Bearing Pressure on Washer Plate (45.98*1000/38190.44) = 1.20 N/mm²
maximum moment = 55.08577 Nmm
Required Thickness, √(5*3146.8*1.1/250) = 8.32 mm
Provide Thickness, t = 10 mm


4.5 Design of washer plate :

Maximum load on anchor bolt = 130.43 kN

Dia of the bolt = 48 mm
Dia of the hole = 51 mm
Length and Breath of the washer plate = 80 mm
Available contact area of washer plate = 4357.179 mm²
Maximum Base Pressure
under anchor plate = 29.93392 N/mm²
maximum lever arm = 14.5 mm
maximum moment = 3146.803 Nmm
Required Thick of the plate = 8.320437 mm
Plate Thickness provided = 10 mm


5.0 Design of Base Plate:

Maximum Base Pressure = 5.59 N/mm²

5.1 Calculation of Maximum Moment due to Base Pressure :

Moment = (Max Pressure x Momt Coeff x b²)
Shear = (Max Pressure x Shear Coeff x b)

b) Plate Supported on Two Edge :

(Ref: Moody's chart fig -27,Page 31)
Shorter span, a = 191.00 mm
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Longer span, b = 260.20 mm
191mm Shape Factor, a/b = 0.734 mm

Moment Coefficient = 0.191939

Shear Coefficient = 0.811647

Maximum Moment in two end supported plate 72622.51 Nmm/mm

Maximum Shear in two end supported plate 1180.233 N/mm

c) Plate Supported on Three Edge :

(Ref: Moody's chart fig -1,Page 7)

Shorter span, a = 225.00 mm

Longer span, b = 350.00 mm
Shape Factor, a/b = 0.643 mm

Moment Coefficient = 0.138686

450mm Shear Coefficient = 0.138686

Maximum Moment in three end supported plate 94942.57 Nmm/mm

Maximum Shear in three end supported plate 271.2645 N/mm

d) Due to tension in the bolt :

260mm Maximum Tension in the bolt = 130.43 kN

Maximum Lever arm of the bolt = 160.20 mm


Maximum Moment due to tension in bolt = 80301.61 Nmm/mm

Maximum Design Moment on the base plate, Mu = 94942.57 Nmm/mm

5.2 Check for Moment Capacity of Base Plate :

Thickness of Base Plate, t = 63 mm

Elastic Section Modulud of the base plate, Ze (1x63²/6) = 661.50 mm³
Yield capacity of steel, fy = 250 N/mm²

Moment Capacity of the Plate (1.2*250*661.5/1.10) = 180409 Nmm/mm

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6.0 Design of Gusset Plate: *Ref: Design of steel structures N.Subramani 13.12.2

Thickness of the gusset plate = 25 mm

Maximum outstand along X Direction (700/2) - (0.8*200/2) = = 270 mm
Maximum outstand along Z Direction (900/2) - (0.8*550/2) = = 230 mm
Maximum height of the gusset plate = 350 mm
Minimum height of the gusset plate = 250 mm
Average outstanding height = 300 mm
Elastic section modulus, Ze (25*300²/6) = 375000 mm³
Shear area, Av (25*300) = 7500 mm²

230 Gusset 1 Gusset 2

Two Edge Supported Three Edge Supported

2 300 300

230 270


2360.466 N/mm 1451.497 N/mm

(1180.23*2) (271.26+1180.23)

Maximum moment on gusset plate, Mu (2360.47*230²/2)/(10^6) = 62.43 kNm

Maximum shear on gusset plate, Vn (2360.47*230)/10³) = 542.91 kN

Maximum allowable outstand , (13.6ξt) (13.6*√(250/250)*25) = 340 mm

Shear capacity on gusset plate, Vd (7500*250/√3*1.1)/1000 = 1190.785 kN
Moment capacity of gusset plate, Mg (375000*250)/(1.1*10^6) = 85.22727 kNm


7.0 Design of Weld:

*Ref: Design of steel structures N.Subramani Example 13.7
7.1 Weld between Column and Gusset Plate :

No of gusset plate involved in the transfer of forces = 3 No's

Maximum height of gusset plate connected to column section = 350 mm
Maximum leverarm of bolt along Z Direction (200+300+200)/1000 = 0.7 m
Maximum leverarm of bolt along X Direction = 0.5 m

a) Max axial compressive force on column = 858.089 kN

Coressponding moment about X-axis on column = 86.599 kN-m
Coressponding moment about Z-axis on column = -0.243 kN-m
Tension to be tranfered by the weld (858.089/3)+(86.599/0.7)+(0.243/0.5) = 410.2285 kN

b) Max axial tension force on column = -630.185 kN

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Coressponding moment about X-axis on column = -111.924 kN-m
Coressponding moment about Z-axis on column = 0.239 kN-m
Tension to be tranfered by the weld (630.185/3)+(111.924/0.7)+(0.239/0.5) = 370.4311 kN

c) Max moment about X-axis on column = -246.153 kN-m

Coressponding moment about Z-axis on column = -0.577 kN-m
Coressponding axial force on column = -410.304 kN
Tension to be tranfered by the weld (246.153/3)+(0.577/0.7)+(410.304/0.5) = 489.5691 kN

d) Max moment about Z-axis on cloumn = 5.541 kN-m

Coressponding moment about X-axis on column = 52.997 kN-m
Coressponding axial force on column = -45.439 kN
Tension to be tranfered by the weld (5.541/3)+(52.997/0.7)+(45.439/0.5) = 101.9383 kN

Maximum tension to be tranfered by the weld = 489.5691 kN

Weld size between Column and Base Plate = 12 mm

Effective throat thickness, te = 8.4 mm
Available length of weld ((350-2*12)*2*3) = 1956 mm
Allowable stress in weld = 189 N/mm

Strength of weld (1956*8.4*189.37/1000) = 3111.439 kN

Note : The weld is commonly designed to transfer all the forces from column to the base plate through gusset plates,
Maximum tension in flange= M/(D- t1)

7.2 Weld between Gusset and Base Plate :

Maximum shear on gusset plate to be transfered by weld = 542.91 kN

Weld size between Column and Gusset Plate = 25 mm
Effective throat thickness, te = 16 mm
Available length of weld (230-2*25)*2) = 360.00 mm
Allowable stress in weld = 189 N/mm
Strength of weld (360*16*189.37/1000) = 1090.776 kN

Column & Gusset Plate Connection Details

12mm weld
Note :
350 The weld between gusset and Base plate is designed
12mm weld to carry the maximum shear due max base pressure .
25mm weld

25mm weld

8.0 Design of Shear Key: *Ref: Design of steel structures N.Subramani 13.12.5
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Maximum Horizontal shear on Base Plate, Vu = 222.71 kN

Coressponding axial force on column = -410.304 kN
Coefficent of friction between steel, μ = 0.3
Frictional shear resistence of Base Plate, Vc = 0 kN

Design Shear to be resisted by shear key (222.71-0) = 222.71 kN

Maximum permissible stress in concrete = 15 N/mm²
Area of Shear key required, Areq (222.71*1000/15) = 14847.33 mm²
Length of Shear key provided = 450 mm
Depth required = 32.99407 mm
Depth of Shear key provided = 125 mm
Depth of Grout = 50 mm
Effective Bearing Depth (125-50) = 75 mm
Udl due to Shear force (222.71*1000/450) = 494.9111 N/mm
Design Cantilever moment, Mg (494.91*125²/2 ) = 3866493 Nmm
Plate thickness of Shear key = 20 mm
Section modulus of Shear key ((450*20³/12)+(20*((450-20)/2)³/12)*2)/(4 = 148569 mm³
Yield capacity of steel, fy = 250 N/mm²
Moment Capacity of plate (148568.52*250) = 3.7E+07 Nmm
Weld size between Shear key and Base Plate = 16 mm
Effective throat thickness, te = 11.2 mm
Available length of weld {(450-20)/2-(2*16)}*2 = 366 mm
Allowable stress in weld = 189.3709 N/mm
Strength of weld (11.2*366*189.37)/1000 = 776.2691 kN

Summary :
* All dimensions are in mm






Bolt detail :
8 Nos of M48dia bolt
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washer plate : 200x200x10THK

Weld between Base Plate

& Gusset Plate :
Weld between Column
& Gusset Plate :

Gusset Plate Detail:


Shear Key Detail:

Grout Depth:

Weld between Base Plate Length of anchor bolt


& Shear Key : from bottom of grout


Anchorage Plate Detail:


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