第6章-Physical Basis of Yield Stress-F
第6章-Physical Basis of Yield Stress-F
第6章-Physical Basis of Yield Stress-F
Fuhao MO
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 186 8495 1007
1. Strength of a crystal
The strength of a perfect crystal
The force F vs the distance r
of the atoms:
If the stress applied to the material exceeds this maximum force per
bond, fracture is bound to occur.----------Ideal strength
1. Strength of a crystal
Ideal strength
1. Strength of a crystal
𝝈 𝟏 𝟏
𝑬 𝟏𝟓 𝟏𝟓
2. Dislocations in crystals
In Chapter 5, many engineering materials (e.g., metals) are made up of
crystals. A perfect crystal was an assembly of atoms packed together
in a regularly repeating pattern.
But crystals are not perfect.
Edge dislocation
The dislocation is a particular type of defect that has the effect of allowing
materials to yield at stress levels much less than ideal strength. 5
2. Dislocations in crystals
How an edge dislocation moves through a crystal.
“Carpet-ruck” analogy
2. Dislocations in crystals
A screw dislocation
4. Strengthening mechanism
How to increase the resistance to motion of a dislocation?
6. Precipitate and dispersion
Either approach distributes small, hard particles in the path of a
moving dislocation.
The stress 𝝉 has to push the dislocation
between the obstacles.
6. Precipitate and dispersion
The critical configuration is the semicircular one: here the force 𝝉𝒃𝑳 on
one segment is just balanced by the force 2T due to the line tension,
acting on either side of the bulge.
The dislocation escapes (and yielding occurs) when
Critical situation
7. Work-hardening
Work hardening, also known as strain hardening or cold working, is the
strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation.
1) Load to A point,
Working(strain) hardening
8. Dislocation yield strength
The dislocation yield strength
It is adequate to assume that the strengthening methods contribute in
an additive way to the strength.
9. Onset of yielding
The onset of yielding and the shear strength
A tensile stress applied to a piece of material
will create a shear stress at an angle to the
tensile stress.
9. Onset of yielding
10. Hardness test analysis
For hardness test,
10. Hardness test analysis
As we press a flat indenter into the material, shear takes place on the
45°planes of maximum shear stress, at a value of shear stress equal
to k.
Volume is conserved
during plastic flow, so
11. Plastic instability
This is the point of necking with
A stable neck
Due to the lining up of the polymer
chains in the neck along the
direction of the neck.
11. Plastic instability
Mild steel sometimes show both stable and unstable necks.
Like annealed steel.
Thank you!
Fuhao MO
Email:[email protected]
Tel: +86 186 8495 1007
Address: College of Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering
410082 Changsha, China