Simulado de Vespera AFA 17.06

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Simulado AFA

Prof. Heitor • They, like most diet plans, attempt to appeal to a

Aulão de Véspera mainstream audience who eat a diet of primarily
WEIGHT WATCHERS FOCUSES ON WEIGHT, NOT processed foods and animal products. So they must
HEALTH allow members to continue the same eating pattern
that originally led them down the path to obesity (and
Following Weight Watchers is still not the healthy way also leads to diabetes, heart disease and cancer).
to lose weight and keep it off, despite their newest
point system, the “PointsPlus”, where fresh fruits and A healthy weight is almost impossible to maintain
most vegetables have a zero-point value, essentially without serious attention to smart nutrition,
meaning that they are unlimited. This is certainly a prevention of all defi ciencies, sufficient anti
positive step, and I applaud Weight Watchers for taking inflammatory super foods and the resulting elimination
it. They have tweaked their program a bit to make it of additions and cravings. Weight Watchers mostly
healthier. serves those who remain forever on the weight loss
merry-go-round, struggling with marginally effective
However, the Weight Watchers program is still far from recommendations and outcomes.
a health-promoting eating style. The “PointsPlus”
system encourages eating foods that produce greater The Nutritarian diet, as described in my book, The End
satiety – foods that are higher in fiber and protein of Dieting, is not focused on just weight loss; it is also
content are more favorably scored. High-fiber foods focused on optimizing health, promoting longevity, and
and high-protein foods are not nutritionally equivalent. winning the war on cancer. More importantly, once
For example, compare beans and grilled chicken. Beans you learn how to follow a Nutritarian diet, the weight
are phytochemical-rich, protein-adequate, healthful comes off dramatically and permanently and you never
food with anti-cancer properties and a low glycemic have to diet again. You become a nutritional expert
load. Grilled chicken may also induce satiety because it who can navigate through life knowing that you can
is very high in protein, but it has no phytochemical protect yourself from serious and/or unfortunate
content, and it contains cancer-promoting properties. outcomes such as dementia, heart attacks, strokes and
It is not a food that supports longevity and long-term cancer. The Nutritarian diet is for people who want
health. What’s more, chicken raises IGF-1 in the body, great health and freedom from medical dependency
a hormone associated with higher rates of breast and medical tragedies that eventually afflict almost all
cancer. The problem is that Weight Watchers promotes Americans.
animal protein as a favorable food to consume, in spite
Adapted from:
of the great quantity of evidence in recent years linking
high IGF-1 to premature aging and cancer.
weight-watchers- focuses-onweight-not-health Access
Weight Watchers’ guidelines for healthy eating are on April 26, 2017.
simply unhealthy and not supported by the most
1.The main purpose of the text is to
updated nutritional science. Here are some of their
recommendations: a) promote the Weight Watchers program on healthy-
eating styles.
• They recommend a miniscule fi ve total (half-cup)
daily servings of fruits and vegetables combined which b) present a range of formulas on how to lose weight.
is not nearly enough to achieve disease prevention.
c) show how the Weight Watchers diet works out for
• They promise to provide a method of weight loss that Americans.
“fits within one’s lifestyle and preferences”, assuring
potential members that there is “a lot of room for d) argue how the Weight Watchers program fails to
treats and extras.” To be inclusionary of everyone, they include nutritarian diets.
must give watered-down recommendations that are
too close to the disease-causing Standard American
Diet. Despite the changes to the points system that
promotes more whole foods, it is still a diet of calorie-
counting and controlled portions of mostly addictive,
processed foods.
2.The writer implies in paragraph 2 that
7.Mark the alternative that is grammatically correct.
a) Beans and grilled chicken are nutritionally
equivalent. a) Do everybody have to go on a diet?
b) Consuming a high proportion of animal protein is b) Is there any different kinds of diet?
damaging to our health.
c) Grilled chicken is higher in protein and lower in c) Do Weight Watchers teaches you how to be
calories compared to beans. healthier?

d) Weight Watchers advocates low-glycemic eating for d) Who needs to be healthier?

people who have a health condition

3.The pronoun “it” in the fragment “and it contains 8. The word “unfortunate” in “unfortunate outcomes”
cancer-promoting properties” (2nd paragraph) refers (paragraph 8) can be replaced by
a) theatrical.
a) bean
b) mild.
b) chicken
c) tragic.
c) protein
d) smooth.
d) phytochemical content

4.“They promise to provide a method of weight loss 9. Which phrasal verb from the text means "to modify
that ‘fi ts within one’s lifestyle and preferences’, or adjust something"?
assuring potential members that there is ‘a lot of room
a) "come off"
for treats and extras’” (paragraph 5) the underlined
expression can be substituted for b) "give up"
a) much of c) "tweak"

b) some of d) "cut down"

c) lack of
d) plenty of 10.Considering the information in all the paragraph, in
“You become a nutritional expert who can navigate
through life” (paragraph 8), the underlined words
5.The word “mainstream” in “mainstream audience” means
(paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to
a) marginal. a) ability

b) familiar. b) permission
c) dominant.
c) request
d) stereotyped.
d) necessity

11.Mark the correct question for the sentence below:

6.A synonym for “struggling with” (paragraph 7) is
The problem is that Weight Watchers promotes animal
a) fighting against. protein as a favorable food to consume, in spite of the
great quantity of evidence in recent years linking high
b) collaborating with.
IGF-1 to premature aging and cancer. (paragraph 2)
c) thinking together.

d) conforming to.
a) What is the problem with animal protein? 15. Direct speech: "I will start following the Nutritarian
diet," she said.
b) What do Weight Watchers promote?
The correct indirect speech for this question is:
c) What kind evidence do we have against Weight
Watchers? a) She said she will start following the Nutritarian diet.

d) What kinds of food do Weight watchers b) She said she would start following the Nutritarian
recommends? diet.

12.The author concludes that c) She said she starts following the Nutritarian diet.

a) people should buy his book in order to learn how to d) She said she started following the Nutritarian diet.
be healthy

b) focusing on being healthy is better than focusing on

being thin 16. According to the text. If someone wants to achieve
great health and freedom from medical dependency,
c) some TV shows present the reality about losing __________.
a) they must follow the Nutritarian diet.
d) learning how to be on a diet during your life is what
matters b) they should consider Weight Watchers' guidelines.

c) they have to rely on processed foods and animal

13.The sentence “fresh fruits and most vegetables have
a zero-point value” (paragraph 1) is similar in meaning d) they might benefit from calorie-counting and
to controlled portions.

a) all the vegetables and fruits have no value in the

point system

b) there isn’t any value in eating fruits or vegetables

c) If you eat fresh fruits or some vegetables, you won’t

add any points in their system

d) The only thing people in diet can eat is fruits or


14.the correct passive voice for the sentence below:

How is the Nutritarian diet described in the book "The
End of Dieting"?

a) "The Nutritarian diet is describing in the book 'The

End of Dieting'."

b) "The Nutritarian diet describes in the book 'The End

of Dieting'."

c) "The Nutritarian diet is described in the book 'The

End of Dieting'."

d) "The Nutritarian diet described in the book 'The End

of Dieting'."

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