Simulado de Vespera AFA 17.06
Simulado de Vespera AFA 17.06
Simulado de Vespera AFA 17.06
3.The pronoun “it” in the fragment “and it contains 8. The word “unfortunate” in “unfortunate outcomes”
cancer-promoting properties” (2nd paragraph) refers (paragraph 8) can be replaced by
a) theatrical.
a) bean
b) mild.
b) chicken
c) tragic.
c) protein
d) smooth.
d) phytochemical content
4.“They promise to provide a method of weight loss 9. Which phrasal verb from the text means "to modify
that ‘fi ts within one’s lifestyle and preferences’, or adjust something"?
assuring potential members that there is ‘a lot of room
a) "come off"
for treats and extras’” (paragraph 5) the underlined
expression can be substituted for b) "give up"
a) much of c) "tweak"
c) lack of
d) plenty of 10.Considering the information in all the paragraph, in
“You become a nutritional expert who can navigate
through life” (paragraph 8), the underlined words
5.The word “mainstream” in “mainstream audience” means
(paragraph 6) is closest in meaning to
a) marginal. a) ability
b) familiar. b) permission
c) dominant.
c) request
d) stereotyped.
d) necessity
d) conforming to.
a) What is the problem with animal protein? 15. Direct speech: "I will start following the Nutritarian
diet," she said.
b) What do Weight Watchers promote?
The correct indirect speech for this question is:
c) What kind evidence do we have against Weight
Watchers? a) She said she will start following the Nutritarian diet.
d) What kinds of food do Weight watchers b) She said she would start following the Nutritarian
recommends? diet.
12.The author concludes that c) She said she starts following the Nutritarian diet.
a) people should buy his book in order to learn how to d) She said she started following the Nutritarian diet.
be healthy