Integrating The Enterprise Systems After A Merger: Managing The Change in A Manufacturing Company
Integrating The Enterprise Systems After A Merger: Managing The Change in A Manufacturing Company
Integrating The Enterprise Systems After A Merger: Managing The Change in A Manufacturing Company
Alaranta, Maria, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration AND Turku
Centre for Computer Science, TJT-TUCS, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, 20500 Turku, Finland,
[email protected]
The importance of the post-merger integration (PMI) is derived from the fact that the value creation
can only begin when the organizations begin to work towards the purpose of the acquisition. Besides
merger, another source of radical change in a company’s life cycle is the implementation of an
enterprise system (ES), such as ERP. Both mergers and acquisitions and enterprise systems
implementation miscarry frequently. In this paper we study the post-merger integration of the
enterprise systems (ES) by testing the Motwani et al. (2002) Framework for ERP Implementation that
is based on Business Process Change Theory in this context. We conclude that besides change
management, issues relevant to successful post-merger ES integration include: M&A factors, factors
related to company expertise & resources and factors related to software & vendor. Furthermore, an
important notion is that different units may require different managerial approaches or different
amounts of resources because of the possible differences in there IS capacities and readiness to
Keywords: post-merger integration, IS, M&A, Enterprise system
A merger or an acquisition (M&A)1 or – more precisely – the possible post-merger integration (PMI)
of the businesses is always about change. The post-merger integration is a gradual and interactive
process in which the individuals from two or more organisations learn to co-operate in the transfer of
strategic capabilities. The importance of the post-merger integration is derived from the fact that the
value creation can only begin when the organisations begin to work towards the purpose of the
acquisition. Besides this, faulty integration is a significant cause for merger failures. (Habeck et al.
2000; Haspeslagh – Jemison 1991; Shrivastava 1986) Furthermore, since the information systems (IS)
are of utmost importance in the operation of (large) business, a merger or acquisition may not succeed
if the information systems planning is inappropriate. Besides this, potential counter-synergies can be
concealed in information systems. (I/S Analyzer 1989; Franck 1990)
Another source for radical change is implementing an enterprise system2 that typically brings along a
significant change in the business processes (see e.g. Motwani et al. 2002; Davenport 1993, Clemmons
– Simon 2001 etc.) The integration of the enterprise systems in a post-merger situation faces
contradictory pressures. For example, the information systems personnel are expected to reconcile the
systems quickly but, on the other hand, incremental, strategy lead, and cautious ES implementation
projects are more likely to be successful (Stylianou et al. 1996; Motwani et al. 2002). Also, different
procedures and processes should be harmonised, and cultural clashes – e.g. power struggles over
whose system will be chosen – may arise.
On top of all the previously mentioned, both mergers and acquisitions and enterprise systems
implementation miscarry frequently. (See e.g. Shrivastava 1986; Thach – Nyman 2001; Motwani et al.
2002; Davenport 1998 etc.) All this makes post-merger integration of the enterprise systems both a
challenging task, and an interesting topic for academic studies. Consequently, several authors
recognise the importance of IT in the post-merger integration (See e.g. Franck 1990; I/S Analyzer
1989). Nevertheless, after reviewing the 567 M&A related articles published in 65 core journals in the
1990s, Parvinen concludes that “- -post-integration management - - enjoy[s] conspicuously little
attention” (Parvinen 2003). Consequently, the literature covering post-merger integration of the IS is
also scarce. We examined the titles of 567 articles on M&A reviewed by Parvinen (2003), and found
18 titles that had any reference to the post-merger integration phase. Out of these, 16 abstracts were
found, and only one of them (i.e. McKiernan – Merali 1995) contained the words “Information
Systems” or equivalent.
Our aim is to study what factors are relevant in post-merger integration of the enterprise systems. In
order to reach this aim, we present relevant literature and conduct a case study. Expected results of this
study include in-depth understanding of the factors behind the success or failure of post-merger
integration of the information systems.
The explanations for IS integration success vary. Political and power structure issues as well as
organisational and especially management IS maturity have been suggested as determinants of IS
integration success. On the other hand, technical integration difficulties have been blamed for the
failure in less IS dependent sectors. Besides these, in highly IS intensive firms, issues such as cultural
fit and integration management may determine the success of the IS integration and ultimately the
1 This study uses the term ‘mergers and acquisitions’ (M&As) to cover both mergers by consolidation and mergers by acquisition
2 In this study, the term enterprise system refers to any integrated, modular information system that covers several key functions of the company and is essential for running the business.
Generations of enterprise systems include material requirements planning (MRP), MRP II, enterprise resource planning (ERP), ERP II, etc.
merger itself. Also, problems such as high IS employee turnover or collapse of morale of the IS
personnel have been quoted. (Merali – McKiernan 1993; McKiernan-Merali 1995; Weber et al. 1996;
Kubilus 1991)
Stylianou et al. (1996) provide a more comprehensive explanation for IS integration success, that is
developed further in Robbins et al. (1999). Robbins et al. (1999) found out that the factors critical for
achieving a positive outcome in post-merger integration of the IS are managerial in nature, and
moreover, largely controllable. They conclude that in order to integrate the information systems
successfully, a high quality merger as well as IS integration planning, positive support by executive
management, high-quality communication to the end-users, and a high level of end user involvement
in strategic IS decision making during the process are required. In addition to these, they recognised
the emphasis on IS standardisation as a positive factor. (See also: Stylianou et al. 1996)
On the other hand, as for strategies for successful ES implementation, Aladwani describes the past
research in this field as factors research, referring to identifying the factors or variables that are critical
for implementing an enterprise system successfully (Aladwani 2001) Examples of this branch of
literature include e.g. Ang et al. (1995), and Yen et al. (2002). Nah et al. (2001) review this branch of
literature, and identify eleven critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems: ERP
[ES] teamwork and composition, Change management program and culture, Top management support,
Business plan and vision, BPR and minimum customisation, Effective communication, Project
management, Software development, testing and troubleshooting, Monitoring and evaluation of
performance, Project champion, and Appropriate business and IT legacy systems.
Aladwani (2001) identifies three different strategies for enterprise systems implementation:
organisational strategies, technical strategies, and people-related strategies. Other authors advocating a
more holistic view include: e.g. Koch (2001) who views the enterprise system as a political
programmes for organisational change, and Motwani et al. (2002) who study the implementation of
the enterprise system in a business process change context. (See also e.g. Davenport 1993; Clemmons
– Simon 2001; Chan – Land 1999, Koch 2001, Taylor 1998).
Since ES implementation typically involves changing business processes, Motwani et al. (2002)
propose Business Process Change (BPC) theory for studying ERP implementation. When studying
BPC outcomes, both the environmental conditions for change and the ability of the organisation to
manage change should be considered (Motwani et al. 2002). In the framework, the change
environment consists of (1) strategic initiatives, (2) learning capacity, (3) cultural readiness, (4)
information technology leveragability and knowledge-sharing capacity, and (5) network relationships.
All these affect the outcome through ES implementation management that consists of (a) change
management and (b) process management. (Motwani et al. 2002; see also: Guha et al 1997)
Motwani et al.’s study reveals that
“- -an incremental, bureaucratic, strategy lead cautious implementation process backed with cultural
readiness, inter-organisational linkages (with the vendor) and careful change management are factors
that contribute to successful ERP implementations.” (Motwani et al. 2002, 94)
The factors presented in the framework by Motwani et al. (2002) and those presented in the factor
studies on ES implementation success overlap to a vast extent. This is especially true for the factors
that are managerial by nature. For example while Motwani et al (2002) talk about strategic initiatives,
e.g. Nah et al (2001) mention business plan and vision and Ang et al. (1995) uses the terms clear goals
and objectives (See e.g.: Chen 2001, Gupta 2000, and Aladwani 2001 for more). Similar plurality of
terms can be found in the issues related to Cultural Readiness, IT Leveragability and Knowledge-
sharing Capacity, Network Relationships, Change Management, and Process Management that all
have their counterparts with different names in the ES literature (see: Nah et al 2001, Ang et al 1995,
Yen et al 2002, Chen 2001, Gupta 2000, Aladwani 2001 etc.)
However, the literature also presents several factors that do not coincide with those presented in the
model by Motwani et al. (2002). Besides these, when it comes to integrating the ES after a merger, the
previously mentioned IS integration success factors must be considered. Also some of these coincide
with the factors mentioned in Motwani et al (2002). We classify the remaining factors into (1) Factors
related to software & vendor (including issues such as suitability of the software, quality of the
software & vendor, and ES complexity); (2) Factors related to company expertise & resources
(including issues such as organisational and management IS maturity, IT and ES expertise and
resources, and project management), and (3) M&A issues (including political and power structure
issues, cultural fit, and overall merger management)
The empirical evidence for this paper was collected as a longitudinal case study on the IS integration
in Company X, a manufacturing company that gained its current form through a joint venture of
Corporate Y and Corporate Z, in which Corporate Z’s factory became part of Company X. The
selected case is interesting in this context as Company X chose to pursue deep IS integration in order
to better co-ordinate the production capacity between the factories, and to enable better financial
reporting. Furthermore, most of the users had a significant change in either in the use process of the
enterprise system or in their work processes.
Currently, the new information system is in use in four factories. The system supports the operations,
and clear benefits such as better control and co-ordination of resources between the factories have
been realized. However, software bugs still bother the end-users. Also, the implementation to one of
the factories had to be delayed because there are some critical software modules that will be used in
that factory only, and the quality of these modules is not sufficient yet. A longitudinal case study has
enabled in-depth understanding of this sometimes troublesome integration process.
The data for the study comes from four sources, and it was collected both during the pilot phase (the
system was implemented to one factory) and during the actual implementation (the system was
implemented to three more factories). Firstly, semi-structured interviews conducted with 11 subjects in
April 2003, and 6 subjects in May 2004. The interviewees adequately cover various actors and
management levels that were involved in the IS integration processes studied; including a
representative of the software vendor. Secondly, a small questionnaire directed to the end-users was
carried out in April 2003 and May 2004. This information was completed by observation, and internal
company reports. The data was gathered in a case study database and analyzed using pattern-matching.
Finally, complete case study reports after both rounds of data collection were reviewed by
representatives of both the case company and the software provider.
Company X chose to develop a tailored integrated system in order to gain strategic competitive
advantage. Due to the time required for programming new software from scratch, Company X could
start implementing the new system only 3 years after the merger took place. The new information
system consists of sales applications, manufacturing applications, inventory and supply applications,
cost accounting and financial reporting. Accounting functions such as accounts receivable and
payable, asset accounting, book-keeping, etc., as well as human resource management applications are
not run in the new, integrated system because Corporate Y administrates them centrally.
One year after the first installation and five months after the installation in the other factories, the
implementation seems to be somewhat troubled. The system is up and running and as one interviewee
put it “despite of all the trouble there has not been any order that we wouldn’t have been able to
deliver”. However, the end-users are highly dissatisfied with the system and its usage, and the
implementation in one factory was postponed because its critical nature, and Company X thought it is
too risky to implement buggy software there. Also, the budget has been exceeded by 10-15%.
Change Management
In their study, Motwani et al. (2002), compare two ES implementations, a successful one (Company
B), and another one (Company A), that had substantial problems. Companies A and B are separate
entities, and there is no industry restructuring involved in neither of the cases.
Table 1 summarises the research findings at Company X, and the approaches of companies A and B
presented in Motwani et al. (2002, 89).
Construct Company X (2003-2004) Motwani et al. 2002: Motwani et al. 2002:
Approach A: Approach B:
Stimuli Reactive Reactive Reactive
Strategic initiatives
Inter-organisational Mostly High (with vendor, customers, Low High (with vendor)
linkages and paper suppliers)
Cross-functional co- Low (ES implementation) Medium High
The literature review presented in this study concludes that the success factors suggested for post-
merger IS integration as well as those for ERP implementation coincide to a vast extent. Since post-
merger integration is a change process by nature, we test the Motwani et al (2002) framework ERP
implementation that is based on a BPC model in the PMI of ES context. The empirical findings of this
study show that even though the framework presented in Motwani et al. (2002) offers valuable insights
to the implementation of an enterprise system, it does not cover all the relevant aspects in post-merger
ES integration. Consequently, we suggest the framework presented in Table 2 for post-merger ES
Element Related Issues
Corporate Level Change Environment (1) M&A factors, (2) Factors related to company expertise &
resources (3) Factors related to software & vendor
Integration Level Change Environment (1) strategic initiatives, (2) learning capacity, (3) cultural readiness,
(4) information technology leveragability and knowledge-sharing
capacity, and (5) network relationships.
Post-merger ES integration Management (1) Change Management, (2) Process Management
Table 2. A framework for post-merger integration of the ES
The framework presented in Table 2 builds on the Motwani et al (2002) framework for ERP
implementation, by adding the constructs relevant to post-merger ES integration, i.e. M&A factors,
factors related to company expertise & resources and factors related to software & vendor. These
elements for the Corporate Level Change Environment, whereas the change environment Motwani et
al (2002) refer to, form the Integration Level Change Environment in the post-merger ES integration
context. Importance of good quality ES integration management – including formal implementation
project management – is emphasised. Furthermore, an important notion is that different units may
require different managerial approaches or different amounts of resources because of the possible
differences in there IS capacities and readiness to change.
Emphasising the importance of good quality ES integration management, and including the M&A
factors, the framework suggested is in accordance with the earlier work by e.g. Stylianou et al. 1996,
Robbins et al. 1999. Main differences include: providing a more detailed view to ES integration
management (based on the Motwani et al. 2002 framework), and noting the importance of company
expertise and resources, as well as the qualities of the software and the vendor.
Major limitations of this study stem from the fact that post-merger integration as a phenomenon is a
multifaceted set of highly complex processes, and on top of this, contextual by nature. Hence, it would
be interesting to repeat this study in different contexts (different industries, NGO´s, SME´s, etc.), and
carry out a multiple case study.
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