A Metamodel For Strategic Business
A Metamodel For Strategic Business
A Metamodel For Strategic Business
Paper #187
Leonel Plazaola, Enrique Silva Molina, Norman Vargas, Johnny Flores,
Mathias Ekstedt
Dept. of Industrial Information and Control Systems
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
{leonelp | enrique | normanv | mek101}@ics.kth.se, [email protected]
This paper proposes a metamodel based on J erry N. Luftmans strategic business and
information technology (IT) alignment assessment approach. It explains how this metamodel is
deduced and how it will perform such an assessment, showing conformity with the experts
parent approach. Since Enterprise Architecture (EA) has emerged as a feasible model-based
management tool for the systematic and holistic planning and decision-making of an enterprises
business and IT system operation and evolution, this paper also argues the metamodels
affiliation to EA as a guide or reference for identifying the relevant representations for specific
concerns, mitigating the expenses and drawbacks of the often larger modeling required to apply
the EA Frameworks.
Many contemporary companies possess a truly complex IT system not evolved through
careful and strategic planning; in large organizations several hundred interconnected systems
may be employed in which the size of each may vary from custom-made niche products to
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and the interconnections between them are
numerous and heterogeneous (J ohnson 2002) (Linthicum 2000). Moreover, the rapid evolution
of a enterprises business operations and changes driven by mergers, strategic alliances, global
partnership or dramatic economic pressures, among other reasons, demand immediate IT support
(Reich 2003).
From the IT system perspective we often see redundant data storage, implementation of
similar functions, and applications deployed on a wide variety of platforms using many different
technologies. (Lindstrom 2006) (Mc Govern 2003). From the business perspective the operation
and maintenance of the enterprises system is more expensive than it need be, leaving fewer
resources for creating extra value for the business. This includes a divided perception of the
meaning of the relationship to the enterprises IT organization: 46% consider it a necessary
Figure1. Strategic Alignment Model (SAM)
burden and 46% a close partnership and value provider, with the remaining 8% neutral (Dailey
The combination of non-planned IT system development and rapid changes in and evolution
of the business environment has made many enterprise IT systems inefficient and close to
chaotic. It is thus not surprising that the concern of strategic business and IT systems alignment
(hereafter shortened to alignment) is a major organization-wide issue that directly influences the
companys overall performance (Xia 2002). In this paper alignment will be interpreted as a
continuous conscious and coherent interrelation between all the companys components,
personnel, and IT systems contributing to its performance over time (Maes 2000). This definition
emphasizes the nature of alignment as evolutionary, covering different levels of organizational
hierarchy, ranging from strategic to operational issues and including the human factor.
This paper is part of an ongoing research project on strategic business and IT alignment in
the frame of Enterprise Architecture (EA) as a decision-making tool. Previous case studies
applying variants on Luftmans business and information technology (IT) alignment assessment
approach have been published (Ekstedt et al. 2005), another is currently developed, and further
works in this research line are presented.
Assessing strategic business and IT alignment
The most widespread and accepted conceptual model of alignment was proposed by
Henderson and Venkatraman (Henderson et al. 1993). This theoretical construct, also known as
the strategic alignment model (SAM), is graphically represented in Figure 1. The concept of
strategic alignment is based on two dimensions: (1) strategic fit between external focus, directed
towards the business environment, and internal focus, directed towards infrastructure and
processes and (2) functional integration between business and IT. Strategic fit refers to the
concordance between internal and external domains. Functional integration refers to
incorporation of the IT strategy into the business strategy, particularly integration of the internal
IT strategies into the internal organizational procedures and strategies. Altogether, the model
defines four domains that must be harmonized to achieve alignment (Marques et al. 2003)
(Ekstedt et al. 2005). The alignment models derived from it help us understand alignment from
the view of the involved components, such as Business Strategy, IT Strategy, Organizational
Infrastructure and IT Infrastructure, and their interdependencies. However, analyzing the
alignment among Business and IT requires a more detailed interpretation and definition than
presented in this model (Marques et al. 2003).
Basically, all later alignment models and consulting practices start from or refer to
Henderson and Venkatramans SAM (Maes et al. 2000). Several assessment frameworks and
process are developed from such foundations to indicate a representative value of alignment.
Assessment approaches as operationalized theory
Assessment approaches in general propose how a given phenomenon can be described by a
set of underlying components measurable in terms of certain properties. Typically, this
decomposition is used because it is easier to find empirical values for these properties compared
to the original phenomenon as a whole. The assessment approaches consist of a set of principles
and rules that combine the decomposed properties of the phenomenon, in order to perform
analyses. These approaches can be thought of as a hierarchical breakdown of concrete
phenomena that thus constitutes an operationalized theory of the original phenomenon under
Strategic Business and IT Alignment
In the field of strategic business and IT alignment, we find competing approaches (typically
labeled models or frameworks) describing the nature of the phenomenon alignment (Henderson
et al. 1993) (Maes et al. 2000) (Hackney et al. 2000) In this paper we adopt Luftmans strategic
business and IT alignment assessment approach (Luftman 2003a) (Luftman 2003a 2003b) as the
operationalized theory that correctly describes the complex phenomena alignment since it is
empirically well founded. It is based on a combination of twelve relationships between SAM
components and research results from previous studies on alignment inhibitors and enablers and
has been used in 60 global companies (Luftman 2003b). Some might, of course, argue against
considering his strategic business and IT alignment as truly representative approach, but that
discussion is not the subject of this paper.
Luftmans Strategic Business and IT Alignment Assessment approach
Luftmans strategic business and IT alignment assessment approach, from now on cited as
Luftmans alignment assessment approach, has been the subject of a benchmark studies jointly
sponsored by the Society for Information Management (SIM) (www.simnet.org) and The
Conference Board (www.conference-board.org) and has been applied in large and small
companies at all levels. The alignment allows one to measure how well the technical and
business organizations work together. It examines six dimensions, rating each on a scale of 1
(lowest) to 5 (highest). Luftman defines alignment by the six criteria shown in Table 1 (Luftman
For each criterion Luftman further defines several attributes, totaling thirty-eight for the six
criteria. An example of one criterion and its particular attributes is presented in Table 2:
The attributes constitute the lowest, hence the operationalized level of the theory. Luftman
bases the assessment on the concept of identifying the alignment level, hence each attribute is
measured or assessed on a Likert scale from one to five. The number of the attribute is derived
according to a set of conditions and properties, such as existence of organizational or information
entities, scope of such entities, use of communication conventions or protocols and so on. The
number derived follows a general meaning for all attributes: 1 means it does not fit the
organization, 2 means low-level fit, 3 is moderate fit, 4 indicates that it fits most of the
organization, and 5 describes a strong fit throughout the organization. The overall level of a
criterion is calculated as an average of all attributes, and the overall business and IT alignment
level is calculated as an average of the six criteria (Ekstedt et al. 2005).
Table 3. The set of conditions and properties to assess the attribute Understanding of
business by IT attribute (**)
Level Description
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Use of Casual Conversation and Meetings
Use of Newsletters, Reports, Group, e-mail
Use of Training, Departmental Meetings
Use of Formal Methods Sponsored by Senior Management.
Existence of Learning Monitoring Procedure for Effectiveness
Table 1. Luftmans criteria
Criteria The ability to.
Communications (*) Use a common and clear language between Business and IT
Competency/ Value
The measurements of the contribution of the IT organization
to the business strategy
Governance The degree to which the authority making IT decisions is
defined and shared among management
Partnership The relationship between the business and IT organization
and how each perceives the others contribution
Scope and
Systematically determine the impact of the new IT
investments on existing business processes
Skills Minimize the impact of changes that come with new IT
Table 2. The Communications criterion (*) and its pertaining attributes
Criterion Attributes
Communications Understanding of business by IT (**)
Understanding of IT by business
Inter/ intra organizational learning / education
Protocol rigidity
Knowledge Sharing
Liaison(s) effectiveness
Luftmans alignment assessment approach represented as Theory Diagram
The purpose of the proposed theory diagram is to illustrate important aspects of the
evaluation of Luftmans criteria. Firstly, it makes the operationalized theory explicit, facilitating
both critical examination and reuse. Secondly, it will be our basis for presenting and explaining
Luftmans metamodel in the next section.
Luftmans theory diagram is constructed by representing the above 6 criteria, all 38 attributes
and alignment level for each attribute expressed by its set of conditions and properties. Each
alignment level has a causal relationship to the corresponding attribute, while the attributes have
a composition relationship with their corresponding criterion. Our complete graphical
interpretation of Luftmans theory diagram can be found at www.BITA-EA-
Research.uni.edu.ni/plazaola/theorydiagrams/LuftmanTD.html. For space reasons, this paper
shows a partial representation of the Luftmans theory diagram using details from the selected
example, see Figure 2.
Luftmans alignment assessment approach represented as a metamodel
The purpose of the metamodel based on Luftmans alignment assessment approach is to
propose a set of templates of artifacts from which to represent the relevant issues of a real
enterprises views for assessing alignment according to a procedure based in the instances,
artifacts found in the real world. This facilitates analysis and decision-making, using views on
the alignment concern, and serves as a clearer affiliation to Enterprise Architecture as further
explained. The conformity of the proposed metamodel with its parental experts approach is
addressed by deriving this metamodel straight and clearly correlated from the already existing
theory diagram of Luftmans alignment assessment approach presented in a previous article of
this research group.
Building the metamodel
A straightforward syntactic and semantic analysis was applied from Luftmans theory
diagram to develop the Metamodel. We started from the level of alignment at each attribute, set
of conditions and properties defined in Luftmans approach to assess the 5 possible alignments
levels of each attribute, see an example in table 3. We searched for academic and practitioners
references to interpret such conditions and properties for assessing each attribute in order to
Figure 2. Luftmans theory diagram
propose a set of artifacts (i.e. classes, enumerations, relationships, etc) that should be use as a
template for modeling, thus becoming the original Luftmans attributes and its level of alignment
as viewpoint components in the metamodel. See the corresponding interpreted template in
Figure 3 below.
In summary in the Luftmans theory diagram the criteria are viewpoints in the metamodel
and the attributes and levels of alignment assessment are viewpoint components in the
metamodel. Our proposed metamodel can be found at www.BITA-EA-
Research.uni.edu.ni/plazaola/metamodels/luftmanmetamodel.html, for space reasons in this
paper a partial representation of the metamodel is drafted and details are presented on the chosen
example, see Figure 4.
Since the set of artifacts has been deduced from the assessment conditions and properties
complying with the Luftmans original intended assessment analysis. Table 4 shows the
corresponding assessment procedure of the example used.
Figure 3. Artifacts of the viewpoint component Understanding of business by IT
Figure 4 Luftmans based metamodel
IF the instances Organizational Learning/Training Program has the attribute Learning/Training Type is
Casual conversation and meetings THEN Level 1: Withouth Process
IF the instances Organizational Learning/Training Program has the attribute Learning/Training Type is
Newsletters, reports, group, email THEN Level 2: Beginning the process. (Limited)
IF the instances Organizational Learning/Training Program has the attribute Learning/Training Type is
Departamental meeting THEN Level 3: Establishing process
IF the instances Organizational Learning/Training Program has the attribute Learning/Training Type is
Formal Methods (courses,seminars,workshops,etc.) THEN Level 4: Improved process
IF there are Learning/ Training Monitoring instances and gives inputs to the Organization
Learning/Training Program THEN Level 5: Optimal process
Table 4. Assessment procedure for the attribute Understanding of business by IT of the
criteria Communications of the Luftmans theory diagram.
Alignment assessment process using the metamodel
This metamodel is a further contribution to the benefits of the wide-enterprise assessment
approach published and applied in several case studies (Ekstedt et al. 2005). This approach puts
forward an alternative to tackle some lessons learned, suggesting less ambiguous data collection
processes and tools. We propose templates, set of artifacts for modeling, to build the view
components, instantiations of view point components with the correspondent assessed level of
alignment according to the inferences in Table 4.
In the assessment procedure proposed in this paper we kept the ample participation of
stakeholders, this assessment process contributes by increasing credibility, transparency and
common understanding of the data collected and results. Credibility in the data collection is
addressed by standardizing the set of data to be collected in terms of graphical and documented
templates of modeling artifacts, also enhancing standard measures of the same phenomena.
Transparency and common understanding is further achieved partly by articulating more detailed
and particularized theoretical assessment using graphical represented artifacts and partly because
the method is intended for case study-oriented application. Altogether it addresses the general
well-known problem related to business-IT alignment: lack of practical application of theory.
The method is an extension of the already deployed enterprise-wide assessment published in
Ekstedt et al. 2005.
Some steps have to be taken to do the assessment with this metamodel. The starting point is
the metamodel, and then we have the templates of artifacts defined by Luftmans alignment
assessment approach as explained in the previous section. It is thus necessary to continue as
follows: Data collection: The input is the artifacts found at the enterprise under analysis. The
modeler needs to identify the modeling artifacts at the enterprise at each viewpoint component,
converting them into instances of that component that became a view component. Analysis per
view component: The evaluation of the instantiated viewpoint component is then assessed by
the assessment procedure explained in Table 4. Overall analysis: The alignment level of a
viewpoint is calculated as an average of the aggregated viewpoint components (attributes), and
the overall alignment level in an enterprise is calculated as an average of the alignment levels of
the six viewpoints (criteria) according to the Luftmans approach, see Figure 5 for an example
showing the assessed model of an enterprise. Workshop: This step should follow the
assessment, but it should be performed by the company, applying its usual practice according to
its unique internal culture. It is important to perform this step to create acceptance of the
assessment result within the organization. Management and key company personnel whose work
is relevant for achieving better alignment and process or system owners or the like who are part
of the company culture should participate in the final workshop. The input into this step is the
instantiated and assessed metamodel resulting from the data analysis. The advantage of having a
workshop based on the companys own model is that tinkering in discussion can be minimized.
Furthermore, the importance of alignment, as well as clear findings of the opportunities for
actions that could and should be taken to increase it stand out (Ekstedt et al. 2005). This step,
however, is not dealt with in this paper and it is just one of the many alignment procedures a
company can practice for alignment.
Carefully assessing an organizations alignment is an important step in identifying the
specific actions needed to ensure that IT is used to enable or drive the business strategy
appropriately (Luftman 2003a). We stand behind the concept that the final alignment score is not
the most important output from the assessment, at least not when the assessment is being
performed for the first time in an organization. The score only becomes important for
comparison once the alignment assessment is incorporated into an organization as a regularly
repeated dynamic and systematic process (Ekstedt et al. 2005).
The metamodel affiliation to Enterprise Architecture
The discipline of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has emerged in order to understand and
manage the chaotic real world of enterprise systems. Because it has grown out of the need to take
a holistic approach to IT-system management, the discipline focuses on not only the technical
aspects but also the organizational context in which the IT systems operate. EA is thus both a
technical and organizational undertaking (Rood 1994).
EA is a model-based management and planning approach whose methods and models are
often presented in frameworks. Today ten or so well-known architectural frameworks exist for
managing enterprise-wide IT systems (Zachman 1987) (Dodaf 2003) (TOGAF 2002). These
frameworks propose that abstract models of the enterprise and its IT systems should constitute
the basis for analysis, design, decision-making, understanding and communication at the
enterprise level. Although the importance of good modeling is highlighted by the EA discipline,
the plethora of proposed models available is overwhelming, and it is rarely evident when and
Figure 5. Partial representation of Luftmans theory-based Metamodel instantiated
and assessed.
why a particular model is preferable over others. The main reason for this confusion is that
normally the link between a models contents and structure on the one hand and its purpose on
the other is unclear or not well limited (Popkin 1999) (J ohnson et al. 2004).
The metamodel presented in this paper has the artifacts to be used in clear correspondence
with an established experts approach of the specific concern of alignment. It is an expression of
an approach that has gained ground and been refined in thoughtful field applications. The set of
artifacts defined to be modeled from this metamodel is an aboveboard representation of the
experience gained in understanding the nature of the concern. These characteristics are clearly
affiliated with the promising EA discipline and its modeling frameworks. This metamodel can be
used as a guide for identifying the relevant representations, the attributes to be documented, the
relations that should be sought and the analysis procedures for a specific concern (Armour et al.
A strategic business and IT alignment assessment metamodel has been proposed using J erry
N. Luftmans alignment assessment approach as a reference. This approach is a research result in
the search to enhance the application of experts approach on real world cases. It is based on
expert experience, since they have been proven and refined over time their approach,
diminishing the risk of failure and the resources consumed in modeling a concern. The
knowledge and maturity already available in experts approaches can be properly reused for
more efficient attention to research and practical modeling issues. Unfortunately though, many
approaches are not always explicitly related to models, and limitations in their use can also be
addressed, assuring credibility, transparency, clear understanding of the purpose and application
and advantages. The affiliation of the metamodel to the EA discipline as a guide to identifying
the relevant representations for specific concerns has been shown, mitigating the expenses and
drawbacks of the often larger modeling undertaken to apply these frameworks.
Further works
A case study applying this metamodel for strategic business and IT alignment assessment is
ongoing. It has been designed to be performed in the same enterprise where other variants of
Luftmans alignment assessment approach have been applied, facilitating real feedback on the
benefits and drawbacks among those variants. Special attention will be devoted to such issues as
decision-support capabilities, cost/benefits and resource investments of such variants. A study is
prepared where the 140 artifacts composing the metamodel will be searched in well known EA
Frameworks in order to have some conclusions about how the business and IT alignment
assessment concern is supported by them.
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The authors are researchers at the Department of Industrial Information and Control Systems at
the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Leonel Plazaola, Enrique Silva, and
Norman Vargas are all Ph.D. students and Dr. Mathias Ekstedt is a senior researcher. J ohnny
Flores is a research assistant at the National University of Engineering, Nicaragua.