Principles of Instructional Design, 5th Edition: Book Review

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Principles of Instructional
Design, 5th Edition
by Robert M. Gagne, Walter W. Wager, Katharine C. Golas, and John M. Keller
reviewed by James D. Russell

his book is a classic reborn—an update that has been a classic in our field since
it was first published in 1974. The current edition is dedicated to the memo-
ries of Robert M. Gagne and Leslie J. Briggs for their many contributions to
educational psychology and instructional systems design. It is the first new
edition in over a decade, but it was worth waiting for.

New to this edition are two chapters: one about online learning and another on technol-
ogy. All chapters have been rewritten and updated. I like the authors’ informal writing
style. A valuable feature of the book is its many tables and figures. The tables facilitate
learning for the novice and serve as excellent job aids for the experienced professional.

Rather than a step-by-step procedure, this book presents instructional design (ID) based
on learning principles—as the title states. The principles are supported by research. The
chapters have anywhere from 10 to more than 50 references. They include a combina-
tion of classic and current references. The book provides a solid base of research and
applications from the last several decades and provides insight into the future of ID.

The Book’s Content

Chapter 1. Introduction to Instructional Design

This first chapter provides the basics of the authors’ approach to designing instruction
and their assumptions about ID. They introduce four fundamental principles of human
learning that form the basis of instructional design. Gagne’s Conditions of Learning are
discussed along with the five general categories of learning outcomes (intellectual
skill, cognitive strategies, verbal information, motor skills, and attitudes) that are used
throughout the rest of the book. The chapter concludes with a rationale for ID.

Chapter 2. Designing Instructional Systems

The chapter provides an excellent introduction to instructional systems design and

how it relates to human performance technology. The authors use the Analysis-Design-
Development-Implementation-Evaluation (ADDIE) model to introduce ID—a good
choice because it is the basis of most ID models. The chapter concludes with an inter-
esting discussion of the use of models as a process versus a representation of the
process. Because most educational systems are social institutions, the authors discuss
the effects of politics on design decisions.

Chapter 3. The Outcomes of Instruction

Goals and objectives are related to the five categories or types of learning that were
introduced in Chapter 1. Outcomes lead to goals that are translated into capabilities
(knowledge, skills, and attitudes). The next step is objectives that lead to learning con-
ditions. Each type of learning is clearly described with examples; the chapter includes
samples of performance for each type of learning outcome.

44 • FEBRUARY 2005

Chapter 4. Varieties of Learning: Intellectual analysis in the chapter. The essential and supportive pre-
Skills and Strategies requisites for each of the five types of learning outcomes are
discussed and summarized in a table as well. The authors
Classification of content into types of learning is not an aca- introduce instructional curriculum maps that show the rela-
demic exercise, but there are different strategies and tionships among instructional objectives.
approaches for teaching different types of learning. The
chapter also presents internal and external conditions for Chapter 9. Designing Instructional Sequences
each type of learning. For example, tables that include
descriptions of each type of learning and the internal con- Various sequencing strategies are discussed: hierarchical,
ditions (internal to the learner or a state of mind) and exter- knowledge based, and spiral. Instructional curriculum
nal conditions (the learning environment and management maps—introduced in the previous chapter—are revisited
of the learning required to deliver it) are provided for intel- with four examples. The authors illustrate five levels of
lectual skills and cognitive strategies. objectives: enabling, specific performance objective, unit,
end-of-course, and lifelong. Knowledge-based sequencing is
Chapter 5. Varieties of Learning: Information, Attitudes, new to this edition and relates to software engineering,
and Motor Skills hypermedia design, and sequencing content for online
learning. The chapter includes references for further study
This chapter follows the format of the previous chapter, but about computer-based sequencing programs that select the
attention is devoted to the three remaining types of learn- next task for the learner based on a number of factors.
ing: information, attitudes, and motor skills. The authors
provide an interesting distinction among “data,” “informa- Chapter 10. The Events of Instruction
tion,” and “knowledge” and discuss the impact of the digi-
tal age on knowledge as it relates to learning. An extensive One of the most helpful principles for designing instruction
listing of guidelines for changing attitudes is included. The has long been, and continues to be, the events of instruction.
authors relate the importance of these types of learning to This chapter includes an informative discussion of the nine
higher-order learning. events of instruction based on learning principles. The events
are external to the learner and supplied by the teacher, text,
Chapter 6. The Learner or other media. All of the nine events are well explained
The learner should be the focus of all instruction and learn- with relevant examples. A table summarizes the function of
ing. Chapter 6 contains principles that support a learner-cen- events 3, 4, and 5 (stimulate recall of prior learning, present
tered approach to ID. The authors include an extensive stimulus material, provide learner guidance) for each of the
discussion of learner characteristics. Motivational factors are five domains of learning objectives. The authors discuss and
included, with an emphasis on Keller’s ARCS (Attention, demonstrate how the events of instruction can be used in les-
Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) model. In regard to son planning.
designing instruction for learner differences, the chapter dis-
Chapter 11. Technology—Affordances
cusses learners’ abilities and traits and how they affect learn-
ing. The chapter concludes with a very helpful table showing
An interesting chapter title! The authors define affordances
how different learner characteristics should influence ID.
as “the properties or functions of technology that extend our
learning and perceptual capabilities” (p. 208). They discuss
Chapter 7. Defining Performance Objectives
how technology, especially the Internet, is affecting learning
Chapter 7 provides reasons for defining objectives with and teaching. Learning in the Digital Age affects what peo-
appropriate considerations of constructivist concerns. The ple learn, how they learn, and where and when they learn.
authors’ position is fair and appropriately explained. They The authors remind the reader that the Internet is still sub-
rightly state “both approaches (constructivist and instruc- ject to the same design principles as traditional education
tivist) are means to ends, not ends in themselves” (p. 133). and training. Technology and its use should not be an end
The chapter explains and provides examples for how to in itself, but a means to an end. The chapter looks at future
write objectives that communicate. There are excellent learning technologies, integrative immersion technologies,
examples of the five-part objectives recommended by the virtual reality, and wireless computing.
authors. For each type of learning the authors recommend a
learned capability verb and an action verb. Chapter 12. Designing the Individual Lesson
Chapter 8. Analysis of a Learning Task
This chapter describes how to plan a lesson using the events
This chapter explores two analysis procedures: information- of instruction to guide the development of learning activi-
processing analysis and learning-task analysis. A new con- ties. The authors recommend several steps: classify objec-
cept to this edition of the book is “multiple integrated tives by learning outcomes, sequence objectives, include
objectives,” which was initially conceptualized by Gagne appropriate events of instruction, and then incorporate the
and Merrill. There are eight diagrams of different types of relevant conditions of learning. A table lists the most effec-

Performance Improvement • Volume 44 • Number 2 45

tive learning conditions for the various types of lesson used it for advanced ID courses at Purdue and Florida State
objectives. The authors show an example instructional cur- Universities and would recommend it for similar uses.
riculum map and the objective versus timeline sequence for Professionals who have been introduced to the ID process can
a lesson with a description of the individual activities. use the book to expand their skills and understanding of the
process, as well as to expand their repertoire of techniques.
Chapter 13. Assessing Student Performance This book is one that uses a principles approach rather than
a cookbook approach; thus there is no model here. Yes, in a
Assessment can show whether instruction has met its objec- model-prevalent field, it is an excellent book—with no
tives. The authors use assessment as a measure of perfor- model. Principles of Instructional Design is an enduring work
mance evaluation—the collection and analysis of data for that has had a tremendous impact on instructional theory and
the purpose of making decisions. They describe several practices internationally. This fifth edition provides an
methods of assessment including authentic assessment and important update in terms of technology, but it still maintains
its relation to ID. Assessment rubrics are included with the strong educational foundations of our field.
examples. The various purposes of performance measures
are discussed along with procedures for developing objec- If I were to offer a suggestion for a sixth edition, I would rec-
tive-based assessment. They discuss the old but not well- ommend the inclusion of a glossary. A glossary would be
known concept of mastery, including how to determine helpful for beginners in the field because of the numerous
mastery criteria for each type of learning objective. technical terms used in the book. For the veteran, a glossary
would help because many terms in our field are frequently
Chapter 14. Group Learning Environments used differently by different individuals.

The nature of instruction should be determined by the size of That being said, I contend that all ID and performance
the group. Various sizes of groups are discussed: two person, improvement professionals would benefit from reading,
small (3-8 participants), and large (9 or more people). The contemplating, and applying the material in this founda-
authors present ways to incorporate the nine events of instruc- tional work, whether it is a person’s first look or a revisiting
tion into tutoring sessions, small groups, and large classes. of Principles of Instructional Design.
Techniques for using digital technologies in large-group
instruction are also discussed. The authors describe how learn- Reference
ing can be enhanced through the use of electronic classrooms. Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. (2004). Systematic design of
instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Chapter 15. Online Learning
Publisher Information
This new chapter explores the advantages and challenges of
ISBN: 0-534-58284-2
designing online learning. It discusses trends, technological
capabilities, and development strategies along with issues
Phone: 800-423-0563
to be considered when designing online instruction. Also
included is an informative discussion of the Internet and
factors to consider when planning for online learning. An
interesting section describes new capabilities designers may Author Bios
need to design and develop instruction and includes a list The late Robert Gagne is truly one of the founding fathers of our field. His
of required capabilities for designing online courses. principles and theories still are used widely today. Walter Wager was one of
the early coauthors of this text. He is currently the Coordinator of Instructional
Chapter 16. Evaluating Instruction Development Services at Florida State University. Katharine Golas, a student
of Gagne, is currently Vice President of Training, Simulation, and Performance
The highlights of this chapter are basic techniques for eval- at Southwest Research Institute. John Keller, Professor of Educational
uating ID products and procedures. Evaluation processes for Psychology and Learning Systems at Florida State, is best known for his
instructional materials and activities include expert review, research in motivation. The author team provides a diversity of backgrounds
developmental tryout, pilot test, and field trial. Variables and experiences that contribute well to the text.
and their effects that influence learning outcomes are
explored. Examples of evaluation studies are included to Reviewer Bio
illustrate the importance of controlling variables that might Jim Russell is Professor Emeritus of Educational Technology at Purdue
affect the outcomes of an instructional program. University. He continues to teach part-time and works for Purdue’s Center for
Instructional Excellence. During the spring semesters he teaches at Florida
Summary State University. He has been teaching ID courses at Purdue since 1976. He has
taught the course at Florida State University using a previous edition of the book
Possible audiences for this book include teachers, trainers, since 1998. Jim continues to coauthor textbooks titled Instructional Technology
and students of ID (particularly those in advanced courses). and Media for Learning (8th edition) and Instructional Technology for Teaching
The book could be used for a beginning ID course, but I have and Learning (2nd edition). He may be reached at [email protected].

46 • FEBRUARY 2005

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