Samia Naz
Samia Naz
Samia Naz
Abstract-: Marketers have been using electronic tools for many tactics. Many digital technology receiving devices also
years, but the internet and other information technologies converged, such as the mobile phone with a digital camera and
created a flood of interesting and innovative ways to provide personal digital assistant(PDA). Convergence is an important
customer value. The more the Internet settles into mainstream theme for e- marketing.
business, the more it spawns innovation and more change.
Electronic marketing is the youngest of the membership growth
devices and has grown tremendously since mainstreaming a little E-marketing involves the following aspects-:
more than two decades ago. E-marketing is traditional marketing
using information technology but with some twists. The 1) Enabled by website, create virtual shops
marketing transformation results in new business models that 2) Create customer data bank
add customer value, build customer relationships, or increase 3) Provide for business-to- business exchange of data
company profitability. This in turn created a virtual market for 4) Contact customers by e-mail or fax
actual products globally. 5) Use business-to- business buying and selling
This paper focuses on the growth and the challenges in the 6) Defies all barriers of time and space
process of e- marketing.
International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation
Website: (ISSN: 2394-3394, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2016)
e-commerce growth in Asia’s second most populous nation. 3) 1981: Thomson Holidays UK is first business- to-
India’s e business industry is on the growth curve and business online shopping system to be installed.
experiencing a surge in growth. 4) 1996: India MART B2B market place established in
The Online Travel Industry is the biggest segment in e India.
business and is flourishing largely due to the Internet-savvy 5) 2007: Flipkart was established in India
urban population. The other segments, categorized under
online non-travel industry, include e-Tailing (online retail), Internet access and usage in India has grown rapidly in the
online classifieds and Digital Downloads (still in a blossoming past few years. Most of the usage has been in via e-mail and
stage). The online travel industry has some private companies information access( web surfing). Internet users in India were
such as Make my trip, Cleartrip and Yatra as well as a strong estimated to be 300 million in 2014. India has an internet user
government presence in terms of IRCTC, which is a base of about 250.2 million as of June 2014. The corporate
successful Indian Railways initiative. The online classifieds segment is expected to grow 40% over the next five years.
segment is broadly divided into three sectors; Jobs, Also, IDC ( projects growth from the current
Matrimonial and Real Estate. A description by the Internet and 4.4 million Internet subscribers to 37.5 million. According to
Mobile Association of India has exposed that India’s e- IDC, home and small business segments will drive the growth
business market is mounting at an average rate of 70 percent in the Internet user base. India is expected to be behind only
annually and has grown over 500 percent since 2007. The China in terms of total number of Internet users because these
current estimate of US$ 6.79 billion for year 2010 is way countries are highly populated and are embracing Internet
ahead of the market size in the year 2007 at $1.75 billion. technologies very rapidly. The penetration of e-commerce is
Apparently, more online users in India are willing to make low as compared to markets like United States and the United
purchases through the Internet. Overall e-commerce industry Kingdom. India’s e-commerce market was worth about $3.8
is on the edge to experience a high growth in the next couple billion in 2009, it went up to $12.6 billion in 2013. In 2013,
of years. The e-commerce market in India was largely the e-retail market was worth US $2.3 billion. About 70% of
dominated by the online travel industry with 80% market India’s e-commerce market is travel related. India has close to
share while electronic retail (E-Tailing) held second place 10 million online shoppers and is growing at an estimated
with 6.48% market share. 30% CAGR vis-a vis a global growth rate of 8-10%.
As per "India Goes Digital", a report by Avendus Capital, a
leading Indian Investment Bank specializing in digital media 5. GROWTH FACTORS
and technology sector, the Indian e-commerce market was
estimated at Rs 28,500 Crore ($6.3 billion) for the year 2011. About 20 per cent of India’s population lives in cities outside
Online travel constitutes a sizable portion (87%) of this market of metros. There are several pointers that suggest this large
today. Online travel market in India is expected to reach Rs group of city dwellers have significant purchasing power.
54,800 Crore ($12.2 billion) in size by 2015. Indian e-tailing Consumer demand is rising rapidly even in small towns and
industry is estimated to grow to Rs 53,000 Crore ($11.8 cities. Talking about the potential of fast-moving consumer
billion) in 2015. goods (FMCG) sector, a 2012 Nielsen report says: “While
metros will remain a staple for marketers and increasing a
4. DEVELOPMENT AND SCOPE OF e-MARKETING rural footprint will be critical for volumes in the long run,
there is a growth opportunity that is vastly under-rated by
E-marketing has universal application. It penetrates all kinds many marketers today, which could emerge as a key growth
of business namely, agricultural, industrial, medical tourism, engine for the next 10 years. Individual or business involved
governance, education and so on. Some of the commonly used in e-commerce whether buyers or sellers rely on Internet-
applications of e- marketing are: Document automation, based technology in order to accomplish their transactions. E-
payment systems, content management, group buying ,online commerce is recognized for its ability to allow business to
banking, teleconferencing, electronic tickets which have communicate and to form transaction anytime and anyplace.
become common with large and small businesses alike. Whether an individual is in India or overseas, business can be
conducted through the internet. The power of e-commerce
4.1. The history of e-marketing can be traced back to allows geophysical barriers to disappear, making all
consumers and businesses on earth potential customers and
1) 1971 or 1972: The ARPANET is used to arrange a suppliers . Several factors have contributed to the growth of e
sale between students at the Stanford Artificial marketing in India. There is major change in the life style of
Intelligence Laboratory and the Massachusetts the upcoming middle class. Internet and 3G penetration
Institute of Technology, the earliest example of revolutionized the marketing scenario for both consumers and
commerce. the marketers. Rising standard of living has not only increased
2) 1979: Michael Aldrich demonstrates the first online the level of consumption but also the pattern and quality of
shopping system. consumption. Busy urban lifestyles, lack of time for shopping,
desire for variety and convenience and comfortable disposable
International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation
Website: (ISSN: 2394-3394, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2016)
income has changed the way . Some other factors helping the 7. BARRIERS TO GROWTH
online retail industry seeing good growth include smart
phones offering accessibility to online shopping, aspirations of While India’s Internet adoption rate has been projected to
tier II & III cities, women becoming more tech savvy, grow rapidly significant barriers limit the growth of future
evolving perception around branded products, impulsive adoption and e- business. A report conducted by Nasscom and
buying and logistical convenience. Boston Consulting group outlines the following barriers-:
6. FACTS ON INTERNET USAGE IN INDIA 1) PCs and other devices to access the Net for
individuals are less than 1%.
Overview Values 2) Telephone line penetration is limited to less than 3%
of the population.
Number of internet users in India 375m
3) Poor telecom and communication infrastructure for
Value of Indias biggest internet company Flipkart $2,500m reliable connectivity.
Active mobile internet users in India 303m 4) Internet connectivity is very slow and access costs
Gender distribution of internet users in India: are still very high.
71% 5) High legal and regulatory barriers.
6) Safeguards to protect privacy of personal and
Internet penetration in India business data are not in place.
7) Low penetration of credit cards.
Social Media Values
Active mobile social media penetration in India 9% 8. LEGAL ISSUES
Unique visitors to Facebook in India Legal issues of e-commerce in India are generally ignored by
e-commerce websites. Foreign companies and e-commerce
E-commerce Values portals would be required to register in India and comply with
Digital buyer penetration in India 37.3% Indian laws, as India is gearing up to regulate online business.
$14bn Efforts are being made to regulate marketing websites dealing
Annual retail e-commerce sales in India with various products online and violating laws of India .
Mobile Internet Values Enforcement directorate (ED) of India has already initiated
Forecasted mobile phone internet user penetration in legal actions against companies dealing with Bit coins in
India for 2018 India. Tax liability of foreign companies like Google, Face
Average number of mobile apps actively used in India 7.5 book, etc. is also under consideration in India. Myntra,
Flipkart and many more e-commerce websites are under
Number of monthly active WhatsApp users in India 70m
regulatory scanner of ED of India for violating Indian laws.
The case of US-based transport application provider UberInc .
is the latest example that can be cited. Similarly, illegal online
sales of prescribed drugs by illegal online pharmacies of India
are also under scrutiny of regulatory authorities of India In
India, the Information Technology Act 2000 governs the basic
applicability of e-commerce. Further, e-commerce laws and
regulations in India are also supplemented by different laws of
India as applicable to the field of e-commerce. For instance, e-
commerce relating to pharmaceuticals, healthcare, traveling,
etc. are governed by different laws though the information
technology act, 2000 prescribes some common requirements
for all these fields. The Competition Commission of India
(CCI) regulates anti competition and anti trade practices in e-
commerce fields in India.
International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation
Website: (ISSN: 2394-3394, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2016)
opportunities for fraud. Although regulatory agencies are than Rs100 shipping charges is applicable which is
working hard to prevent fraud, enforcement is difficult in a annoying for the customer
networked world. 7. Fake websites: Fake websites of online purchase which
attract the customers with some great scheme but in real
9. CHALLENGES IN THE CONTEXT OF SKILLS that offers are actually not applicable.
8. Quality cannot be touched physically: Physically
We often hear from clients that the online marketing world is touching of goods is not possible through E-commerce
tough to navigate. They rely on us to provide guidance and so one cannot determine about the actual quality of the
clarity so they can make the best decisions for their business. product
In the online world, the speed of technology and adoption 9. Customer satisfaction: Customer are not satisfied due
presents unique challenges for businesses. Major challenge in to many reasons like fraud, shipping charges, network
the Indian online market is a lack of adaptive nature. Here problem, quality issues , logistics problems and etc.
people have not been easily adopted new medium, style and Customers are the king of the market and their
ways of doing business. satisfaction is a big concern for all the E-commerce
Driving engaging audience through email campaigns and business.
social media is again a challenge as most of the people in
India use social media just to post motivational quotes and to Internet communications know no geographical boundaries
share their moods and photos. Using these platforms for which is a major issue, whereas traditionally consumers are
business purpose is yet to be adopted by the Indian market. conditioned to territoriality. Different laws are applicable
There are very rare people carrying understanding of business under different jurisdictions. A number of questions which are
emails for promotions. vital to the legality of commerce in cyberspace continue to
Mentality of purchasing what we can see, touch and
experience - the traditional way. E-commerce is very 9.1. Some of the typical skill challenges in the Indian
challenging due to trust and awareness factor here. context are
E-commerce is rapidly increasing day by day but still there are
some challenges and problems for which the growth of E- 1. High illiteracy in India is a barrier to growth of e
commerce slow down at certain level. Following are some of marketing. Access to computers and computer education
the issues and problems: is a major challenge.
2. Lack of vocational education and training limits ‘ICT
1. Privacy and Security issues: Privacy –the control over Literacy’. Knowledge of web designing and techniques
one’s personal data – and security – the attempted access of product display and promotion is essential.
to data by unauthorized others are two problems for both 3. raining in English and other foreign languages to market
e-commerce consumers and sites alike. Without either, online in global markets is must.
consumers will not visit or shop at a site, nor can sites 4. 4.Training salesmen in communication skills and art of
function effectively without considering both. pursuation should be a continuous program because e-
2. Infrastructural problems: Infrastructure should be commerce doesn’t allow the user ‘to touch’ the
designed in such a way the delivery responses, problem merchandise before purchasing it.
solving order placement should be quick enough or else 5. There is dire need for laws and special jurisdictions to
the customer will be dissatisfied .E-commerce is highly address high levels of fraud in product quality, sale and
depended on infrastructure. actual delivery, and use of credit cards.
3. Ethical issues: Online piracy, Email spamming, web 6. 5.Many users still don’t trust the electronic methods of
spoofing are some of the ethical issues which come in paying. Software programs need to be developed which
the way of Growing E-commerce business prevent hacking, phishing and misuse of credit card
4. Cybercrime: Cybercrime is a threat to E-commerce. details.
E.g. Cyber stalking, Fraud and identity theft, Phishing 7. Unauthentic sites are a major risk. Software providing
scams Information warfare. security systems to prevent hacking of websites and
5. Not all bank payment gateways : Some of the websites stealing valuable data from systems is the need of the
whereas business sites shopping sites doesn’t offer the hour.
payment option for all the banks which is actually not
done because all customers have their accounts in E-commerce-: A survey carried out by the Internet research
different banks. arm of Taylor Nelson Sofres ranked India 33rd in the world in
6. Shipping charges: Many of the online website apply terms of e-commerce and online shopping. Only 2% of its
shipping charges on their sale for e.g.: In if Internet users shop online.
the customer have purchased the goods less than Rs 1000
International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation
Website: (ISSN: 2394-3394, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2016)
Profile of an Indian Internet User [6]. “Consumer E-commerce in India retrieved
The following is a representation of a typical Internet user in [7]. “Indian online retail market to cross Rs 88,000 crore by 2018” retrieved
India from
1) Users are young and predominantly male. [8].
2) Internet usage is restricted mainly to members of
middle class and above. [9]. "Indian Government Is Planning A Legislation Mandating Strict Cyber
3) Users are mainly educated, media-savvy urbanites Security Disclosure Norms In India". Centre Of Excellence For Cyber
who are willing to adopt to new technology. Security Research And Development In India (CECSRDI). Retrieved
4) Cyber cafes are popular gathering places among
[10]. "Cash On Delivery May Harm E-Commerce In India". E-Retailing
young, novice Indian Internet user. Laws And Regulations In India. 13 March 2012. Retrieved from
5) E-mail is by far the most popular online activity
among Indian users.
6) Indian users do not seem to show a preference of
local sites or foreign sites.
7) Site loyalty seems to depend mostly on ease of access
and richness of information.