Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems: Technological Forecasting and Social Change3
Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems: Technological Forecasting and Social Change3
Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems: Technological Forecasting and Social Change3
Professor Forrester has based this paper on his testimony for the Subcommittee on
Urban Growth of the Committee on Banking and Currency, U.S. House of Repre-
sentatives, on October 7, 1970. In view of the unusual significance of this work for
forecasting, the editors have asked, and received, permission of Professor Forrester to
reproduce it here. We believe most readers will agree that it is likely to have wide ranging
impact on research in this field.
The Editors
This paper addresses several issues of broad concern in the United States: population
trends; the quality of urban life; national policy for urban growth; and the unexpected,
ineffective, or detrimental results often generated by government programs in these
The nation exhibits a growing sense of futility as it repeatedly attacks deficiencies in
our social system while the symptoms continue to worsen. Legislation is debated and
passed with great promise and hope. But many programs prove to be ineffective.
Results often seem unrelated to those expected when the programs were planned. At
times programs cause exactly the reverse of desired results.
It is now possible to explain how such contrary results can happen. There are funda-
mental reasons why people misjudge the behavior of social systems. There are orderly
processes at work in the creation of human judgment and intuition that frequently lead
people to wrong decisions when faced with complex and highly interacting systems.
Until we come to a much better understanding of social systems, we should expect that
attempts to develop corrective programs will continue to disappoint us.
The purpose of this paper is to leave with its readers a sense of caution about con-
tinuing to depend on the same past approaches that have led to our present feeling of
frustration and to suggest an approach which can eventually lead to a better under-
standing of our social systems and thereby to more effective policies for guiding the
DR. JAY W. FORRESTERis Professor of Management at the Alfred P. Sloan School of Management,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dr. Forrester studied
electrical engineering at the University of Nebraska and Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
made outstanding contributions to digital computer technology in the Digital Computer and Lincoln
Laboratories at M.I.T. beforejoining the SIoan School of Management, where he has developed what
has become known as "industrial dynamics." In 1968 he received the Inventor of the Year Award from
George Washington University and in 1969 the Valdemar Poulsen Gold Medal from the Danish
Academy of Technical Sciences. His book hldustrial Dynamics received the Academy of Management
award in 1962, and his Urban Dynamics was chosen as best publication in 1969 by the Organization
Development Council.
(~) 1971 by Jay W. Forrester. t~) 1971 by the Alumni Association of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. This article is reprinted from Technology Review, 73 (January, 1971, No. 3).
feedback systems. In the long history of evolution it has not been necessary for man to
understand these systems until very recent historical times. Evolutionary processes have
not given us the mental skill needed to interpret properly the dynamic behavior of the
systems of which we have now become a part.
In addition, the social sciences have fallen into some mistaken "scientific" practices
which compound man's natural shortcomings. Computers are often being used for what
the computer does poorly and the human mind does well. At the same time the human
mind is being used for what the human mind does poorly and the computer does well.
Even worse, impossible tasks are attempted while achievable and important goals are
Until recently there has been no way to estimate the behavior of social systems
except by contemplation, discussion, argument, and guesswork. To point a way out of
our present dilemma about social systems, I will sketch an approach that combines the
strength of the human mind and the strength of today's computers. The approach is an
outgrowth of developments over the last forty years, in which much of the research has
been at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The concepts of feedback system
behavior apply sweepingly from physical systems through social systems. The ideas
were first developed and applied to engineering systems. They have now reached
practical usefulness in major aspects of our social systems.
I am speaking of what has come to be called industrial dynamics. The name is a
misnomer because the methods apply to complex systems regardless of the field in
which they are located. A more appropriate name would be system dynamics. In our
own work, applications have been made to corporate policy, to the dynamics of
diabetes as a medical system, to the growth and stagnation of an urban area, and most
recently to world dynamics representing the interactions of population, pollution,
industrialization, natural resources, and food. System dynamics, as an extension of the
earlier design of physical systems, has been under development at M.I.T. since 1956.
The approach is easy to understand but difficult to practice. Few people have a high
level of skill; but preliminary work is developing all over the world. Some European
countries and especially Japan have begun centers of education and research.
A Global Perspective
I have mentioned social organizations at the corporate level and then touched on
work which has been done on the dynamics of the city. Now we are beginning to
examine issues of even broader scope.
In July, 1970, we held a two-week international conference on world dynamics. It
was a meeting organized for the Club of Rome, a private group of about fifty individuals
drawn from many countries who have joined together to attempt a better understanding
of social systems at the world level. Their interest lies in the same problems of popu-
lation, resources, industrialization, pollution, and worldwide disparities of standard
of living on which many groups now focus. But the Club of Rome is devoted to taking
actions that will lead to a better understanding of world trends and to influencing world
leaders and governments. The July meeting at M.I.T. included the general theory and
behavior of complex systems and talks on the behavior of specific social systems
ranging from corporations through commodity markets to biological systems, drug
addiction in the community, and growth and decline of a city. Especially prepared for
this conference was a dynamic model of the interactions between world population,
industralization, depletion of natural resources, agriculture, and pollution. A detailed
discussion of this world system has now appeared in my book World Dynamics, and its
further development is the purpose of the "Project on the Predicament of Mankind"
being sponsored by the Club of Rome at M.I.T. for a year under the guidance of
Professor Dennis Meadows. The plan is to develop a research group of men from many
countries who will eventually base their continuing efforts in a neutral country such as
Switzerland. The immediate project will re-examine, verify, alter, and extend the
preliminary dynamic study of the world system and will relate it to the present worldwide
concern about trends in civilization. 2
The simple model of world interactions as thus far developed shows several different
alternative futures depending on whether population growth is eventually suppressed
by shortage of natural resources, by pollution, by crowding and consequent social
strife, or by insufficient food. Malthus dealt only with the latter, but it is possible for
civilization to encounter other controlling pressures before a food shortage occurs.
It is certain that resource shortage, pollution, crowding, food failure, or some other
equally powerful force will limit population and industrialization if persuasion and
psychological factors do not. Exponential growth cannot continue forever. Our
greatest immediate challenge is how we guide the transition from growth to equilibrium.
There are many possible mechanisms of growth suppression. That some one or combi-
nation will occur is inevitable. Unless we come to understand and to choose, the social
system by its internal processes will choose for us. The natural mechanisms for termi-
nating exponential growth appear to be the least desirable. Unless we understand and
begin to act soon, we may be overwhelmed by a social and economic system we have
created but can't control.
Figure 1 shows the structure that has been assumed) It interrelates the mutual
effects of population, capital investment, natural resources, pollution, and the fraction
of capital devoted to agriculture. These five system "levels" are shown in the rectangles.
Each level is caused to change by the rates of flow in and out, such as the birth rate and
death rate that increase and decrease population. As shown by the dotted lines, the five
system levels, through intermediate concepts shown at the circles, control the rates of
flow. As an example, the death rate at Symbol l0 depends on population P and the
" n o r m a l " lifetime as stated by death rate normal DRN. But death rate depends also on
2 The continuing project was made possible by financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation
(Stiftung-Volkswagenwerk) of West Germany.
3 All figures are taken from the manuscript for WorldDynamics by Jay W. Forrester, Wright-Allen
Press, 238 Main Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02142.
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Fig. 2. Basic world model behavior showing the mode in which industrialization and population arc
suppressed by falling natural resources.
o. ~ o c' = NRUN1
-~ . . . . ORIGINAL 1. ~ ~ :=(J
° ~ ° ~ : I . . . . . "" ''J . . . . . . . . . = : V ,0
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I I /
I ! / I
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-o o. ~.
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= PopulatioR . . .
~ . . . . .
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/° ,~ °/" , ~ /,, - -
. . . . . '
.-i . . . . .
• = ~ o Years =
Fig. 3. Pollution crisis precipitated by lower usage rate or" natural resources. I n ]970 natuJra] resource
usage is reduced 75 percent by more cft'cctJvc technology without affecting material standard of living.
occur, one can speculate on which sectors of the world population will suffer most. It
is quite possible that the more industrialized countries (which are the ones which have
caused such a disaster) would be the least able to survive such a disruption to environ-
ment and food supply. They might be the ones to take the brunt of the collapse.
Figure 3 shows how a technological success (reducing our dependence on natural
resources) can merely save us from one fate only to fall victim to something worse (a
pollution catastrophe). There is now developing throughout the world a strong under-
current of doubt about technology as the savior of mankind. There is a basis for such
doubt. Of course, the source of trouble is not technology as such but is instead the
management of the entire technological-political-economic-natural complex.
Figure 3 is a dramatic example of the general process discussed earlier wherein a
program aimed at one trouble symptom results in creating a new set of troubles in some
other part of the system. Here the success in alleviating a natural resource shortage
throws the system over into the mode of stopping population caused by industrialization
which has been freed from natural resource restraint. This process of a solution creating
a new problem has defeated many of our past governmental programs and will continue
to do so unless we devote more effort to understanding the dynamic behavior of our
social systems.
i i )
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, Pollution ~
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.J . . . . .
~ ~, ~, ~ o Years
Fig.4. In 1970 the rate of capital accumulation is increased 20 percent in an e f f o r t t o reverse the
beginning decline in quality o f l i f e . The pollution crisis occurs before natural resources are depicted.
i ~~ - '- -l
~ l ~ l ~:~n-av,elFent/:
{ J ........ i : ~ , ,
, Pollution@/
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=.l . . . . . .
o c) o o (=) o
. ~ ~ ~, e,l
,~ o
~- ,. .~ ,~ 7 ,~ Years ,~
Fig. 5. In 1970 the 20 percent increase in capital accumulation of Fig. 4 is retained and "normal" birth
rate is reduced 50 percent. Capital investment continues to grow until the pollution crisis develops.
After a~ initial decline, population is again pushed up by the rapid rise in quality of life that precedes
the collapse.
16 JAY W. F O R R E S T E R
things in the system change and also exert their effect on the actual system rates.) The
result shows interesting behavior. Quality of life surges upward for thirty years for the
reasons that are customarily asserted. Food-per-capita grows, material standard of
living rises, and crowding does not become as great. But the more affluent world
population continues to use natural resources and to accumulate capital plant at about
the same rate as in Fig. 4. Load on the environment is more closely related to industriali-
zation than to population, and the pollution crisis occurs at about the same point in
time as in Fig. 4.
Figure 5 shows that the 50 percent reduction in "normal" birth rate in 1970 was
sufficient to start a decline in total population. But the rising quality of life and the
reduction of pressures act to start the population curve upward again. This is especially
evident in other computer runs where the reduction in " n o r m a l " birth rate is not so
drastic. Serious questions are raised by this investigation about the effectiveness of
birth control as a means of controlling population. The secondary consequence of
starting a birth control program will be to increase the influences that raise birth rate
and reduce the apparent pressures that require population control. A birth control
program which would be effective, all other things being equal, may largely fail because
other things will not remain equal. Its very incipient success can set in motion forces to
defeat the program.
Figure 6 combines the reduced resource usage rate and the increased capital invest-
ment rate of Figs. 3 and 4. The result is to make the population collapse occur slightly
sooner and more severely. Based on the modified system of Fig. 6, Fig. 7 then examines
Q. ~ ~J c ~ ClGN1 NRUN1
PRESENT 60.A .25
m u~ ~u
. . . . ORIGINAL 50.A 1. °"
m ~ ~ o'z ~. =z
| i i
• . . . . . ! rJ l I i
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• + + , .
p. o o o # ,+° oO
~- -, ,~ ,~ ~, ,, Y e a r s ~,
F i g . 6. T h e 20 p e r c e n t increase o f c a p i t a l i n v e s t m e n t f r o m F i g . 4 a n d the 75 p e r c e n t r e d u c t i o n o f n a t u r a l
r e s o u r c e usage f r o m F i g . 3 are c o m b i n e d .
the result if technology finds ways to reduce the pollution generated by a given degre6
of industrialization. Here in Fig. 7, the pollution rate, other things being the same, is
reduced by 50 percent from that in Fig. 6. The result is to postpone the day of reckoning
by twenty years and to allow the world population to grow 25 percent greater before
the population collapse occurs. The "solution" of reduced pollution has, in effect,
caused more people to suffer the eventual consequences. Again we seethe dangers of
partial solutions. Actions at one point in a system that attempt to relieve one kind of
distress produce an unexpected result in some other part of the system. If the interactions
are not sufficiently understood, the consequences can be as bad as or worse than those
that led to the initial action.
~There are no utopias in our social systems. There appear to be no sustainable modes
of behavior that are free of pressures and stresses. But there are many possible modes
and some are more desirable than others. Usually, the more attractive kinds of behavior
in our social systems seem to be possible only if we have a good understanding of the
system dynamics and are willing to endure the self-discipline and pressures that must
accompany the desirable mode. The world system of Fig. l can exhibit modes that are
more hopeful than the crises of Fig. 2 through 7. But to develop the more promising
modes will require restraint and dedication to a long-range future that man may not be
capable of sustaining.
Figure 8 shows the world system if several policy changes are adopted together in the
year 1970. Population is stabilized. Quality of life rises about 50 percent. Pollution
. .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
! Natural , , ~ i ~ ~
'resources , g P ~ ' I '
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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_J . . . .
o o o o o o o°
= ,~ .. ~ ~ ~ Years
Fig. 7. Increased capital investment rate and reduced natural resource usage from Fig. 6 are retained.
In addition in 1970 the " n o r m a l " rate of pollution generation is reduced 50 percent. The effect of
pollution control is to allow population to grow 25 percent further and to delay the pollution crisis by
20 years.
remains at about the 1970 level. Would such a world be accepted? It implies an end to
population and economic growth.
In Fig. 8 the normal rate of capital accumulation is reduced 40 percent from its
previous value. The "normal" birth rate is reduced 50 percent from its earlier value.
The "normal" pollution generation is reduced 50 percent from the value before 1970.
The "normal" rate of food production is reduced 20 percent from its previous value.
(These changes in "normal" values are the changes for a specific set of system conditions.
Actual system rates continue to be affected by the varying conditions of the system.)
But reduction in investment rate and reduction in agricultural emphasis are counter-
intuitive and not likely to be discovered or accepted without extensive system studies
and years of argument--perhaps more years than are available. The changes in pollution
generation and natural resource usage may be easier to understand and to achieve. The
severe reduction in worldwide birth rate is the most doubtful. Even if technical and
biological methods existed, the improved condition of the world might remove the
incentive for sustaining the birth reduction emphasis and discipline.
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A New Frontier
It is now possible to take hypotheses about the separate parts of a social system, to
combine them in a computer model, and to learn the consequences. The hypotheses
may at first be no more correct than the ones we are using in our intuitive thinking. But
the process of computer modeling and model testing requires these hypotheses to be
stated more explicitly. The model comes out of the hazy realm of the mental model into
an unambiguous model or statement to which all have access. Assumptions can then be
checked against all available information and can be rapidly improved. The great
uncertainty with mental models is the inability to anticipate the consequences of
interactions between the parts of a system. This uncertainty is totally eliminated in
computer models. Given a stated set of assumptions, the computer traces the resulting
consequences without doubt or error. This is a powerful procedure for clarifying
issues. It is not easy. Results will not be immediate.
We are on the threshold of a great new era in human pioneering. In the past there
have been periods characterized by geographical exploration. Other periods have dealt
with the formation of national governments. At other times the focus was on the
creation of great literature. Most recently we have been through the pioneering frontier
of science and technology. But science and technology are now a routine part of our
life. Science is no longer a frontier. The process of scientific discovery is orderly and
I suggest that the next frontier for human endeavor is to pioneer a better under-
standing of the nature of our social systems. The means are visible. The task will be no
easier than the development of science and technology. For the next thirty years we can
expect rapid advance in understanding the complex dynamics of our social systems. To
do so will require research, the development of teaching methods and materials, and the
creation of appropriate educational programs. The research results of today will in
one or two decades find their way into the secondary schools just as concepts of basic
physics moved from research to general education over the past three decades.
What we do today fundamentally affects our future two or three decades hence. I f
we follow intuition, the trends of the past will continue into deepening difficulty. If we
set up research and educational programs, which are now possible but which have not
yet been developed, we can expect a far sounder basis for action.
Suggested Readings
Jay W. Forrester, h~dustrial Dynamics. Cambridge, Mass. : The M.I.T. Press, 1961.
Jay W. Forrester, Pr#lciples of Systems. Cambridge, Mass. (238 Main St.): Wright-Allen Press, 1968.
Jay W. Forrester, Urban Dynamics. Cambridge, Mass. : The M.I.T. Press, 1969.
Jay W. Forrester, Worm Dynamics. Cambridge, Mass. (238 Main St.): Wright-Allen Press, 1971.
Dennis L. Meadows, Dynamics of Commodity Production Cycles. Cambridge, Mass. (238 Main St.):
Wright-Allen Press, 1970.