Technical Supply Conditions For Threaded Steel Fasteners
Technical Supply Conditions For Threaded Steel Fasteners
Technical Supply Conditions For Threaded Steel Fasteners
lndian Standard
ICS 21.60:25.220.40
@ BIS 1996
Indian Standard
This Indian Standard (Part 11) which is identical with IS0 4042 : 1989 ‘Threaded components -
Electroplated coatings’, issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners
Accessories Sectional Committee (LM 14) and approval of the Light Mechanical Engineering Division
IS 1367 covering the technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners was initially published
in 1961. The standard was first revised in 1967 and a second revision was undertaken in the late
seventees when the work of lSO/TC 2 ‘Fasteners’ was taken into consideration of our National work
on Industrial Fasteners. The second revision of IS 1367 envisaged that the revised standard should
be brought out in several parts, each part covering a particular feature or property of the fasteners
which can be translated into the quality of the finished product covered‘by corresponding Indian
Standards Specification on threaded steel fasteners, Additionally, it was decided to align the Indian
Standards with the corresponding International Standards wherever feasible and where the domes-
tic considerations were not so intense as to have standard different from the IS0 standards. This
decision of the technical committee was taken with a view to upgrade the quality of the products in
line with the International Standards as also with the eye on the export of these fasteners. Some
parts of the standard have been revised third time which have been printed as dual number with the
corresponding IS0 standards and these are Part 3, Part 5 and Part 9 (published in two separate
Part 11 of IS 1367 which covers Electroplated coatings for the threaded steel fasteners has been
printed as dual number standard with IS0 4042 : 1989. However, some of the requirements,
especially those relating to the salt spray test and the acceptable quality of fasteners after the salt
spray test are being reviewed with respect to the local requirements.
Different parts covering various aspects of the threaded fasteners and their respective degree of
equivalence with International Standards are as under :
IS No. Title IS0 Standard and
Degree of
(Pan 3) : 1991 Mechanical properties and test methods for bolts, Identical to
screws and studs with full loadability (third IS0 898-l : 1988
(Part 4)‘) Mechanical properties and test methods for bolts, Does~not exist
screws and studs with reduced loadability
(second revision)
(Part 5) : 1980 Mechanical properties and test methods for set Technically
screws and similar threaded fasteners not under equivalent to
tensile stresses (second revision) IS0 898-5 : 1980
(Part 6) : 1994 Mechanical properties and test methods for nuts Identical to
with specified proof loads (third revision) IS0 898-2 : 1992
(Part 7) : 1980 Mechanical properties and test methods for nuts Does not exist
without specified proof loads (second revision)
(Pan 12) : 1981 Phosphate coatings on threaded fasteners Does not exist
(second revision)
(Part 13) : 1983 Hot-dip galvanized coatings on threaded fas- Does not exist
teners (second revision)
(Part 18) : 1979 Marking and mode of delivery (second revision) Does not exist
(Part 19)2) Axial load fatigue testing of bolts, screws and nuts IS0 3800 : 1993
(second revision) (Related standard)
In the adopted standard, certain terminology and conventions are not identical with those used in
the Indian Standards; attention is specially drawn to the following:
a) Comma (J has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards the current practice
is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.
b) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should
be read as ‘Indian Standard’.
In the adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian
Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their place
are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:
IS0 965-l : 1980 IS 4218 (Part 4) : 1976 IS0 metric screw threads : Technically
Part 4 Tolerancing system (first revision) equivalent
IS0 965-2 : 1980 IS 4218 (Part 6) : 1978 IS0 metric screw threads : Technically
Part 6 Limits of sizes for commercial bolts and equivalent
nuts (diameter range 1 to 52 mm) (first revision)
IS0 965-3 : 1980 IS 4218 (Part 5) : 1979 IS0 metriiscrew threads : Technically
Part 5 Tolerences (first revision) equivalent
IS0 1456 : 1968 IS 1068 : 1993 Electroplated coatings of nickel Technically
plus chromium and copper plus nickel plus equivalent
chromium on iron and steel (third revision)
IS0 1458 : 1988 IS 12393 : 1988 Electroplated coatings of nickel Technically
IS0 1502 : 1978 IS 2334 ; 1975 Gauging practice for IS0 metric Technically
screw threads (first revision) equivalent
IS0 2081 : 1986 IS 1573 : 1986 Electroplated coatings of zinc on Technically
iron and steel (second revision) equivalent
IS0 2082 : 1986 IS 1572 : 1986 Electroplated coatings of cadmium Technically
on iron and steel (second revision) equivalent
IS0 4520 : 1981 IS 9839 : 1981 Chromate conversion coatings on Technically
electroplated zinc and cadmium coatings equivalent
The concerned technical committee has reviewed the provision of IS0 2064 : 1980 and IS0 4519 :
1980 referred in this adopted standard and has decided that these Standards are acceptable for
use in conjunction with the adopted standard.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)‘. The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 1367 (Part 11 ) : 1996
IS 4042 : 1989
IS0 965-l : 1980, ISO generalpurpose metric screw threads - 3.4 batch average thickness : The mean of the average
Tolerances - Part f : Principles and basic data. thicknesses of the coating on all the components of a batch.
IS0 965-3 : 1980, IS0 generalpurpose metric screw threads - 4 Dimensional requirements and gauging
Tolerances - Part 3 : Deviations for constructional threads.
4.1 Dimensional requirements before
IS0 1456 : 1988, Metallic coatings - Electrodeposited
coatings of nickel plus chromium and of copper plus nickel plus
chromium. Threaded components supplied for electroplating, except
thread rolling screws and certain types of tapping screws, shall
IS0 1458 : 1988, Metallic coating - Electrodeposited coatings
comply with the relevant international Standards before
of nickel.
coating, except where screw threads are specifically manufac-
IS0 1502 : 1978, IS0 general purpose metric screw threads - tured to allow the application of thicker coatings than are poss-
Gauging. ible on normal threads (see annex C).
IS0 2054 : 1980, Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Coating thicknesses are based on the tolerances for metric IS0
Definitions and conventions concerning the measurement of threads according to IS0 965 having the following tolerance
thickness. positions :
IS0 2081 : 1986, Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of g, f and e for external threads;
zinc on iron or steel. H and G for internal threads.
IS0 2082 : 1986, Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of The tolerance positions apply prior to application of the electro-
cadmium on iron or steel. plated coating.
IS 1367(Partll): 1996
1s 4042 : 1989
4.2 Dimensional requirements after electroplating 7 Protective value and service condition
After coating, IS0 metric screw threads shall be gauged accord-
ing to IS0 1502 with a GO-gauge of tolerance position h for The protective value and service life of an electroplated coating
external threads and H for internal threads. depends to a considerable extent on its thickness. In addition to
greater coating thickness, a chromate conversion treatment
Other product dimensions apply only before coating. can be specified for increased corrosion protection on zinc and
cadmium coatings.
The applicability of the recommended coatings to IS0 metric
threads is limited by the fundamental deviation of the threads For the purposes of ?his International Standard, degrees of
concerned and, hence, by the pitch and tolerance positions. severity of service conditions are defined as foll~ows.
The coating shall not cause the zero line to be exceeded in the
case of external threads; nor shall it fall below in the case of Very mild (0) : Exposure to indoor atmosphere and not sub-
internal threads. This means that for an internal thread of ject to condensation, wear or abrasion. Example: product
tolerance position H, a measurable coating thickness can only with temporary protective coatings.
be applied to the threads if the tolerance zone is not taken up to
the zero line. Mild (I) : Exposure to indoor atmosphere with rare conden-
sation and subject to minimum wear or abrasion. Examples:
buttons, wire goods.
5 Quality of coating
Moderate (2) : Exposure mostly to dry indoor atmospheres
The electroplated coating shall comply with the provisions of but subject to occasional condensation, wear, or abrasion.
the International Standard for the coating concerned in respect Examples: tools, zippers, drawer handles, machine parts.
of appearance, adhesion, ductility, corrosion resistance, etc.
Severe (3) : Exposure to condensation, perspiration, infre-
quent wetting by rain, and cleaners. Examples : tubular fur-
6 Hydrogen embrittlement relief niture, insect screens, window fittings, builder’s hardware,
washing-machine parts, bicycle parts.
Threaded fasteners made from steel, heat-treated to property
class 10.9 and greater, case-hardened fasteners, and fasteners Very severe (4): Exposure to harsh conditions, or subject
with captive washers made from hardened steel shall be baked to frequent exposure to moisture, cleaners, and saline solu-
after electroplating but before~any chromating treatement for at tions, plus likely damage by denting, scratching, or abrasive
least the requisite tinle and temperature specified in annex A. wear. Examples: plumbing fixtures, electric pylon hard-
However, complete elimination of hydrogen embrittle-
ment cannot be guaranteed. If complete freedom from Guidance on deposit thickness (classification code) for elec-
embrittlement is required, then a different coating troplating on threaded components to withstand service condi-
method shall be used. tions 0 to 4 is given in table 1.
Classification code
Service Nickel + chromium
condition Cadmium” Zinc Nickel and
number copper + nickel + chromium
IS0 2082 IS0 2081 IS0 1458 IS0 1456
IS 1367(-Part11):1996
IS 4042:1989
Electroplated coatings applicable to threaded fasteners to meet Table 2 - Nominal coating thicknesses
service condition No. 4, and in many cases also No. 3, are not Thicknesses in micrometres
applicable to standard screw threads unless special procedures
are adopted (see annex C). Nominal
Effective coating thickness
coating Minimum local Batch average
thickness” thickness thickness
The electrodeposits used to provide protective coatings, name- min. max.
ly zinc, cadmium, nickel and chromium, vary in the manner in
3 3 3 5
which they corrode and in the degree of protection they pro-
5 5 4 6
vide in any particular corrosive environment, so the choice of a
8 8 7 10
particular coating for a protective application should be guided
10 10 9 12
whenever possible by experience. 12 12 11 15
15 15 14 18
20 20 ia 23
25 25 23 28
8 Applicability to wood -screws, self-tapping 30 30 27 35
The local and batch average thicknesses corresponding to the In the case of batch average thickness measurement and if the
nominal coating thicknesses recommended in the relevant threaded parts have nominal lengths I > 5d, smaller nominal
International Standards for electroplating are given in table 2. thicknesses as specified in table 2 shall be applied. See table 3.
Table 3 - Upper limits df nominal coating thickness
position G
Tolerance position 9
7 Tolerance position f Tolerance position e
mm w um w w-n wm w um um m w
0.2. + 17 3 -17 3 3 3 3
0.26 1; 1.2 + ia 3 -- la 3 3 3 3
0.3 1.4 + ia 3 -ia 3 3 3 3
0.35 1,6(1,8) + 19 3 - 19 -34 a 5 5
0.4 + 19 3 - 19 -34 a 5 5
0.45 :,5(2,2, +20 5 -20 -35 a 5 5
1 6f7) +26 5 -26 -40 10 10 -60 15 15 10
3’ 24f27)
-c 12
;! a-+-
15 12
20 20
4 36139)
+60 15 -60 15 15 1 - 75 15 15 12 - 95 20 20
4.5 42(45) +63 15 -63 15 15 12 10 -60 z 20 15 12 100 25 25
5 46f52) +71 15 -71 _::~~
15 ,G 12 1 10 -85 20 20 15 12 106 25 25
5.5 66!60) +75 15 -75 15 15 ’ 12 -90 20 20 15 15 -112 25 25
12 -95 20 15 15 - ii8 25 25
6 64 t60 20 -60
l_ ;r? 20 15 20
I) Information for coarse pitch threads is given for convenience only. The determining characteristic is the thread pitch.
3) Maximum values of nominal coating thickness if batch average thickness measurement is agreed.
UOTE - The additional deviations that can be applied to threads specially manufactured to accommodate thick coatings are given in table C.l
IS 13§7(Part11):1996
IS 4042 : 1989
10.3 Agreement on test method d) Preference, if any, for batch average thickness
measurement (see clause 10).
Unless otherwise specified, local thickness shall be measured.
e) Any requirement for selective electroplating or reduc-
NOTE - Most screws and bolts are electroplated in bulk in barrels and
tion of thread dimensions.
as a consequence the greatest coating thickness is always at both
extremitiesof the components. This effect is increased the longer the
screw or bolt is in relation to its diameter and tends to reduce the pitch
size that can accept the specified coating thickness.
13 Designation
11 Sampling for thickness tests Fasteners shall be specified according to the appropriate
product standards. The code system given in annex D covers
Sampling for thickness measurement shall be carried out in ac- thespecification of surface treatments which shall be added to
cordance with the requirements of IS0 4519. the product designation.
Annex A
A.1 Components made from steel quenched and tempered to tensile strengths R, _$ 1 000 N/mm2 including property class 10.9
and above and/or hardnesses exceeding 320 HV will require baking after electroplating, to minimize the risk of hydrogen
For screws and bolts made from steels quenched and tempered to tensile strengths R, > 1 460 N/mm* and/or to hardnesses
exceeding 450 HV, special pretreatments avoiding the use of acid are necessary; only high-efficiency type electroplating solutions
sh,ould be used. In these circumstances the baking times shall be determined by experiment. There are therefore no baking times
giben in tables for screws and bolts with tensile strengths above grade 12.9.
The baking process shall be carried out as soon as possible and not later than 4 h after electroplating in accordance with table A. 1.
The duration of baking applies from when the parts have reached the minimum temperature.
Thread-forming screws 6
NOTE - Other conditions of duration and temperature may be specified and used if they have been shown to be effective for a part, but the bak-
ing temperature should not exceed the tempering temperature. Some types of steel are more susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement than others
and the baking conditions in the table may be inadequate in some circumstances. It is therefore advisable to determine the de-embrittlement con-
ditions for critical parts by experiment.
A.2 Products requiring coating thicknesses of 5 pm or greater and hydrogen embrittlement relief treatment may be electroplated in
two stages with an intermediate hydrogen embrittlement relief operation.
IS 1367(Part11):1996
IS 4042 : 1989
Annex B
B.l.l Procedure
Degrease the group of components in an organic solvent, dry thoroughly and weigh to an accuracy of 1 in 10 000; then totally
immerse the components in the requisite stripping solution and turn them over to allow free access to all surfaces. After the
effervescence has ceased, remove the samples, wash immediately in running water, and wipe with a soft cloth to remove any loose
deposits. Immerse in clean acetone, remove, dry thoroughly and reweigh.
B.1.2 Reagents
- antimony trioxide : 20 9
B.1.3 Calculations Calculate the group average thickness of coating, in micrometres, using the following formula :
K(mo - ml)
Thickness =
- for cadmium, K = 1 160, assuming a mass density of 8,6 g/cm3 for cadmium;
- for zinc, K = 1 410, assuming a mass density of 7,l g/cm3 for zinc. Calculate the sample average thickness from the following ratio :
8.2.1 Procedure
Degrease the group of components in an organic solvent, dry thoroughly and weigh to an accuracy of 1 in 10 000.
If the group of components has been chromium-plated, remove the chromium by immersing and stirring them in stripping solution A,
which dissolves the chromium in less than 2 min, after which time there should be no appreciable gassing. The components should be
removed without delay and rinsed in water, prior to stripping the nickel by the method given in either 6.2.1 .l or
‘I 0
IS 1367 (Part 11 ) : 1996
IS 4042 : 1989
Stripping solution B (see 8.2.2). maintained between 75 ‘V and 85 OC, will completely strip 7,5 urn of nickel in 30 min. provided the
components are turned over. The copper undercoat which is also stripped will be counted as if it were nickel, provided it does not
exceed 0,5 urn in thickness.
Stripping solution C (see 8.2.21, maintained between 180 OC and 190 “C, will completely strip 2,5 urn in about IO min. by the absence
of further gassing. Components are usually suspended in this solution on thin copper wire.
As soon as the nickel coating has completely dissolved, remove the components, wash well with water, wipe and dip in clean
acetone. Dry and reweigh as before.
8.2.2 Reagents
a) Stripping solution A
- antimony (III) oxide : 120 g/l
b) Stripping solution B
- sodium meta-nitrobenzene sulfonate 659
c) Stripping solution C
NOTE - It is dangerous for water to come in contact with the hot acid; water lost by evaporation should be replaced only when the solution has
Proprietary chemical stripping solutions for nickel may be used provided it~can be show negligible attack on the base metal (i.e. less
than 0,5 urn of base metal being removed).
8.2.3 Calculations
B.2.3.1 Calculate the group average thickness of coating, in micrometres, using the following formula : Calculate the sample average thickness from the following ratio :
IS 1367 (Part 11 ) : 1996
IS 4042 : 1989
Annex C
When, in order to provide improved corrosion resistance, it is required to deposit coatings thicker than those that appear in table 3, or
alternatively, when it is required to apply coatings to components of pitches smaller than appear in table 3, it is necessary to manufac-
ture threads to special limits and tolerances.
The minimum pitch limits of applicability in table 3 can be lowered if for any particular thread the normal tolerance is restricted at the
maximum metal limits. This provides a greater fundamental deviation or, in the case of tolerance position H, it provides a deviation
which does not otherwise exist. Alternatively, the whole tolerance zone can be displaced to provide a greater fundamental deviation.
The minimum fundamental deviation required for particular pitches and deposit thicknesses are given in table C. 1.
Table C.l - Minimum fundamental deviation required to accommodate coatings too thick to be applied
to standard threads - Metric threads
3 12 12 15 18
5 20 20 25 30
8 32 32 40 48
10 40 40 50 60
-12 48 46 60 72
15 60 60 75 90
20 80 80 100 120
25 100 100 125 150
30 120 120 150 180
1 If the tolerance class already has a basic deviation (for example, G, g, for e), that deviation is deducted from the relevant deviation in table C. f
to give the minimum additional basic deviation.
2 Since the modifications for the thicker deposits may significantly reduce the thread engagement, their application shall be agreed between
manufacturer and purchaser.
Where a thick deposit is required on a portion of the fastener, for example the heads of bolts or blind nuts, it is often possible to use
the procedure of selective electroplating. In such cases the thickness of the deposits applied to the different areas of the fastener shall
be specified.
IS 1367 (Part 11 ) : 1996
IS 4042 : 1989
Annex D
Coating metal
w--sVmbolq(p Element
I Designation
Zn Zinc
Cd’) Cadmium
cu Cooper
CuZn Brass
Ni b 1 Nickel I E
Ni b Cr r Nickel-chromium
CuNi b Copper-nickel
CuNi b Cr r Copper-nickel-chromium2’
Sn Tin J
__~ -
CuSn Copper-tin K
AB Silver L
CuAg Copper-silver N
IS 1367(Patt11):1996
IS 4042 : 1989
Coating thickness
0 -
3 -
2+ 3 I 2
I 20 I 8 + 12 I 6
I 25 I 10 + 15 I 7
I- 30
10 12
4+ + 18
6 8
Passivation by chromate treatment” : Designation
typical colour symbol I
no colour 1 A 1
bluish to bluish iridescent2) 8
yellowish gleaming to yellow-brown, iridescent C
olive-drab to olive-brown I D I
no colour I E I
bluish to bluish iridescent2’ F
t yellowish gleaming to yellow-brown, iridescent G
olive-drab to olive-brown I H I
no colour I J I
bluish to bluish iridescent2’ K
yellowish gleaming to yellow-brown, iridescent L
) olive-drab to olive-brown 1 M 1
High-bright no colour I N I
Optional like B, C or D P
IS 1367(Part11):1996
IS 4042 : 1989
Designation of a hexagon head bolt IS0 4014-Ml0 x 60-8.8 with electroplated zinc coating (A from table D.l) having a minimum
coating-thickness of 5 pm (2 from table 0.2) and brightness condition “bright”, being chromated yellow iridescent (L from table 0.3) :
1 If no minimum coating thickness is explicitly required, then the~symbol0 of the coating thickness according to table D.2 should be indicated in the
code number - for example AOP - so that the code number contains complete specifications. Symbol “0” applies correspondingly to threaded com-
ponents below Ml ,6 or other very small products.
2 If other treatments are required, for example greased or oiled, this should be agreed upon. If applicable, this treatment may be added to the
designation as clear text.
IS 1367(Part11):1996
IS 4042:1969
Annex E
IS.0 261 : 1973, ISO~general purpose metric screw threads - General plan.
IS0 262 : 1973, IS0 general purpose metric screw threads - Selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts.
IS0 696-l : 1966, Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 1 : Bolts, screws and studs.
Bureau ofIndian Standards
BIS is ~a statutory institution established under the Bureau ~ffndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and-attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the !atest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. IX 14 ( 0347 ).
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