MCQ On Pressure Measurement

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Q1. …………. are integrating instruments?

1. Ammeters
2. Voltmeters
3. Wattmeters
4. Ampere-hour and Watt-hour meters

Ans. 4

Q2. Resistances can be measured with the help of a …………

1. Wattmeter
2. voltmeter
3. ammeter
4. ohmmeter and resistance bridge
5. all of the above

Ans. 4

Q3. ………….. instruments indicate the instantaneous value of the electrical quantity
being measured at the time at which it is being measured?

1. Absolute
2. Indicating
3. Recording
4. Integrating

Ans. 2

Q4. The use of ………….. instruments is merely confined within laboratories as

standardizing instruments.

1. absolute
2. indicating
3. recording
4. integrating
5. none of the above

Ans. 1

Q5. ………….. instruments measure the total quantity of electricity delivered at a

particular time.

1. absolute
2. indicating
3. recording
4. integrating
Ans. 4

Q6. According to application, instruments can be classified into ………. and ……….

1. switch board
2. portable
3. both 1 and 2
4. moving coil
5. moving iron
6. both 4 and 5

Ans. 3

Q7. The spring material used in a spring control device should have the following

1. should be non-magnetic
2. should have low-temperature co-efficient
3. should have low specific resistance
4. should not be subjected to fatigue
5. all of the above

Ans. 5

Q8. Which of the following properties a damping oil must possess?

1. must be a good insulator

2. should be non-evaporating
3. should not have corrosive action upon the metal of the vane
4. the viscosity of the oil should not change with the temperature
5. all of the above

Ans. 5

Q9. A …………. device prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the
latter to reach its final position quickly.

1. deflecting
2. controlling
3. damping
4. all of the above

Ans. 3

Q10. An induction meter can handle current upto ………….

1. 10 A
2. 30 A
3. 60 A
4. 100 A
Ans. 4

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